Borsehoeing . 1-?rc;pr1otor. BARRIE,~COUN'1TY or nSIMCOE, ONTARIO. `MAY 12:; 190$, % .nu:msmroas- % ` NOTICE TO cnznrrons 1 IN THE MATTER at the Esme of SAMUEL MILLER. late of the Townshiip ot. Innisl. In than Dnnntv nf Simona, Rat v-mi `l1`.nirmtar_ v-.4 av voav nuuwsuvv \Il `VA; I.v.|. in the County otgsimcoe, Re red Farmer, Deceased. Notice is-hereby given pursuant to R 8.0. 1897. Chapter .129. and Amending ` Acts. that all persons having claims a alnst the estate of samuel Miller. late of the ownship of Innis- l. in the County of Simcoe, deceased. who `died on or about the 21st day of December. ` 1907, are re uired to send by post prepaid, or to deliver to t e undersigned. solicitors for the administrators of the said estate. onor before the 28rd day of May. 1908. their names, address- esand descriptions and afull statement of the particulars of their claims and the nature of the :1: it . ldb n .dul t'ed.- K`}.a z'i...:f"3t.3-:i....5.i.`3m.a..._ytir ism ad- iaILL1s`Iff.`1te`5r" `the .Town"shi Iun"ifxJ'? ' security any. held by them. duly certied. - And that, after the said (late. the said ad- ministrators will proceed to distribute the assets of the said estate among the parties entitled tnereto. having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice. as v-nnniuum-I nl-ant-A an 4-I-no nah-I nvniniufwnltnr UIIIIIIIB 0|; WHICH EH8 Sllull BB6]! IIIIVB llUD1I.7C_p 35 re uired above. and the said administrators w lnot be liable for the said assets. or for any part thereof. to any person or persons of whose claim or claims notice shall not have been re- ceived at the time or such distribution. ~ Dated at Barrie this 28th day of April. 1908. LENNOX. COWAN 8: BROWN. . it ` Ont-. ' I 18-20 I ` Solicitors for Administrators. | @ ELLIOTT % l D . PURSUANT to instructions received by me I from the Executor of the Estate of the late` Mrs. James Kerr, I willon Tuesday. the 2nd (in. of June. 1908. beginning at the hour of one o'c ock in the afternoon, on the premises, No. 78 Mulcaster St.. Barrie. offer for sale her late residence. namelymumbcr 78, Mulcaster Street, Barrie. and otherwise known as arts of lots 21 and 22, on the West side of Mu caster Street and Lot Number 29. on the East side of Peel Street, all in the said town. according to lan 78. together with the goods and chattels o the deceased Upon this . property there is a. one-storey, frame and plastered dwelling, with stone foundation. size 2l'x30, and kitchen. 10x21. also frame woodshed. The contents con- sist of the usual household e ects,V all in good order and condition. Terms of sale. for the effects will be cash, and for the real estate. `the purchaser may have the privil e of paying either cash or one half cash and t e balance on mortgage for three or five years at 6 per cent. The conditions of sale will be made known at time of sale. l ur A 'I.I ..t\\YvIl`\f \cI.lI|C UL a-'.uc. W. A. McCONKEY. Auctioneer. I Barrie. 25th April,~1Q0_8. rn.1ur-nx1'- 9. nnunwrntrw Pr9v9r..f!.i!?9i!i'!!'** TORONTO. ONT. Tms Sermon IS No'rn:nrAR AND NEAR roa um summon mnucnxou GIVEN T0 was STUDENTS and for the remarkable nvinnnaa n {in nvvununfoa nn`lD00 nnnn STUDENTS anu ror me remurxuuu: success of its graduates. College open the entire year. egin now. OUR TRAINI_Gi `WILL MAKE YOU INDEPENDENT. Write to-dav for catalogue. 19-22 ye given that the sitting of the l` Notice is h b ' n for the Municipality _of Court of Rev Innisl will be h Cookstown, '1` day, May 26th, 1908 ay, May 27th, 1908 `, May 28th, 1908 anddetermine the and omissions in All persons are requested ace.` several complaints of err `the Assessment Roll for having business at the said to attend at the aametime an By order of the Court. \_ n _`l' n L. .4 Rn J: H I , Clerk of the said 'cipa1ity. Thornton. May 11th. 1908. . __ _ 2021 _,,, ; rlvol eExeuto_rs' Sale of Vdluable` , T% wnv Prdperty inthg Town of attic; iqzthe County of _ on said lands two good comm ~' 7 In ipul-suan of the powers iveeted in them ` there will be 0 cred for sale by ublic auction It onald, at-th Queen's Hotel. in the Town of, art-ie.on sat twelveo clock no Auctioneer. the to owing valuable town pro- perty namely: ~ . ` - i PARCEL 0NIn-The_ onth thirt -two feet nine inches otlot Number our. on t e West side of Bsyeld.-`street. in . Town or Barrie; and being that part of said t occuied by the two stores thereon, and the d In t e rear thereof, together with a right 0 er over the South nine feet of lot numbe three on the West side of Bayeld Street. an 1th a ri ht of way ten feet wide over the t ten eet of the Northerly` thirty-two feet e t inches of said lot number four. There in be erected 11%. the 13th day of J une. at - Y _ nmmn. 'l`wn'--Lot N umben ur. on the West by the execute of the estate 0 the late John ~ Joseph Rogersdisquire, ` - PARCEL Two-LotNumbes said lands two good comm Ions stores. West side of .Ba.ytield Street. save H Southerl ,thirt.y-two feet. nine ' subject owevex-' to a. right of ay over the ~ `nranfn Westerly ten feet thereof, togethe, ith a right or we `in common with others` o nine eat of said lot number three the gear. side of Bayeld Street. There is nn hem! lands azood two-at I paying from $35 to 100 oer month by V ` attending t e popular W. J `ELL'|OTT PRINCIPAL. CORNER YONGE AND ALEXANDER Hrs. 3'1'&" B`"' "t't"eYd"tr"eE'tL""1`h'oTr V_c1;._t_o..-hg It 1 "erected on hese lands agood tyyo-nth _;;.g1. Ina hmna. ' ' erecwu uu lauuau Auuuu ngvvu .3... ..-: 1113 house. _: said land will oeregl torlsaloi-1 unnnrv 5610. Luna v reserve bid. warm: nf S1 :-;EXECUTOR'S SALE 5810. ISBN. W111 DO QIIBIUII u` `BIl_I7" u Irv - ~ Terms of S516 can`? of a use money-.0: the dawn ' " A in thirty do.y_a.~'t;her'ea.tter..:. , - \l:`;.`)r turthatg t_`ur1ns.a'nd:psrticnlarn sppl ' - S'l`EW2\R'l` usmwgm , . . _ 1 g . A Executnrs Solicito - - ` 13 Owen Street 8 e. nt. t Bu-r1e,t.his 12th day or Hay. 1908. _ , . _ - > = . ` .- ` 25. Rev. Dr. Moore of Ottawa gave a very instructive address injfthe Town Hall on Wednesday" evening of last week, the.'subject being The. Pre- tv_e,11_t,i0n of Consumption. - His ,Wor- ship the Mayor `presided. ~Dr. Moore rdealt. e'x_hau_stive1y with _the question i and showed the necessity _for local measures to" combat the white scour- n ge.;- Dr._ Little, 'M._H.~O., Dr.` Wells, r-(and .; se.yeral-"of. the drgesndent clergy- . 1 "m__en?'a1so `spoke. A*`c70mr_nittee. was , named`-for':..,th I>\1riI> forinng at ' .1oea;1_` organ;z aKion.._ as"-follows : R. -i ;I.y/Bhrgwnek, iR_.,e.,v -J1. = . V` *Re'.v`,`_ Fr Finnfe'gan,'~ 5}/Qief I\nicipality of Innismj i:I.LIo1'r >n :oun'r or Revision \ AND APPEAL. Ottawa. gave` .`,L_--_L3-... o.AArnn` ;fI"fI T0\U .1.u.u. gqvu. I-lEWSON`& CRESWICKE, Solicitors for Executor. B3 , nvlio a-vs--, -,-- 1908 LIS 1908 the in 8. persons arevrequested metime ace. R.` erk th `Roselle Knottyt the Grand to- `night, in Alice-Sit-by-the-F1re, I _ l'__,;_-_.I L- ,, -For satisfaction in grocefies, try S. St. rru - 1,,,,-,_ '___,_:____ Ag 4AA- blag jauu. Aazvua ,_ If you want your business to `ad- yvance, advertise in The Advgnce. 5.). wt}. L\\oJLI\IA\JU, \ll\I\yvn ....- .~The midsummer `session of the` County Council will open here on Tuesday next. ' ` -`Miss D_anard,_tacher of piano, will .. ... mlop St., on Thursday -and Friday 0 each "week. --a c -I\ , II `I'}',_ _LL vv gun`. To-night--Thursday, Roselle Knott in Bax-rie s famous comedy drama, Alice-Sit-by-the-Fire, at the Grand Opera House. _ - r- 11- ,, Ch___--A. `l'-A.I...~.I:.-L f"I{q'-adr- KIRVI G 'J.&\J|.ca\.-o Collier Street Methodist Church has its educational anniversary on Sabbath next. Rev. E. N. Baker, D. D., of Toronto, will be associated with the pastor, and `will preac morning and evening. ~ V e-Some handsome Tapestry, B_rus- se - T _ sizes. _ Act` n ` Se[3 See them` at Dougall Bros. . slbv unnwana up :w.._._- _-_, All The Advance news is not on ;the front page. Read the paper ;through and keep yourself informed. -.____1__ . . . . . A an i yvnnuv-5-- -.--- -V. V` The London comedy success, .Charley s Aunt, with the original Aunt Etienne Girardot and a strong company will be the attrac- tion at the Grand `Opera House on Saturday evening, May 23rd. - T5----_-.1-.. 1...... nk.-uudv 4-nan, bJl.L\AL\.LotJ \ov ya.-D, ---...J -U~ _, Assessor Brownlee has about com- pleted his field work, and expects to, nish-the roll in another couple of weeks. This is not much later `than last year. notwithstanding -the new. method of taking the lots consecut- ively. ` A . , 1I121I_:_--..!_ lg- .11 1931-141: n` I I IVC|,_yu ` Go to Wilkinson : for all kinds 0." dry Igigrgl and Soft `Wood, also Slabs, sawed " - - ' ` wish, {and sold per cord. not box loads. I 1 -,1, L`-___ 1..-; /\ KEV- ---Garden seeds, while th-e BIJLIQ .115 v -v-__ . 'y"1;s't_, .2 . _ 11za- UCLII. QL. i A rally of the A.O.U.W. members of" the various Lodges in the Barrie District will be held in the Foresters 'H:a ll, Dunlop St.,i on Wednesday, [May 20th. The meeting will be ad- tdressed by Grand Lodge Oicers. v------ ..... .:...s 1...: `LHCDDCU. Uy \.JluAn.; ;4vu v v.------. I A re in the house occupied by Ed. Gray on Owen. St. caused"con- siderable damage on Sunday morn- ing. There wa_s a strong wind pre- vailing, but the brigade fortunately kept the blaze from spreading to the {adjoining residences. I , - I .1, i.._`- `J i There will` be ameeting of the committee, appointed toorganize an association for the prevention of con- sumption. held in the `Council Cham- ber to-morrow night (Friday), at 8 o clock. A full attendance` is re- quested up 7 As. announced 1as_t_ week, Mr. J_as. Arnold of Town '15 the retummg ofce_r~f0r Centre Simcoe. Theeoth- A - _ A -...L.~un-`Ln no-n o `K,nf 01TlCI' ~10! pcuuc ouuuuc. J. uc unn- er Simcoe appointments are: West -Mr. Jno. Mackay, Creemore; East --Mr. J. H. Hammond, O_ri_11ia; South -Mr. Wm. McDermott, Beeton, Sweet Peas, Nasturtiums, Gladoli and Dahlias, in great variety and at special prices, are now being oered at Bothwell s. A -V-A silver medal elocutionary con- test and musicale will be held in the Con _ tional Church to-night, (Thursday , th, .at 8 p. m; This is something u l. ' tainment and is well worth. p _ ing. Tickets 25c. `Rev.-"*_-D. Ock1eyA, ..L-.:aov|'a1-I" ' ' I115. -A-V--' chairman; V >00! in_e. ` -. 's1;gnsJ1n Wall; Paper a I `THVoMP$;sT .`_LaE:;`i%1NGs. '"' ' " ' ' - , "The annual m_eeting?f_c"sr'; th:-.A.??~: r`:'f'i'test's 'ofL_Mr. A. B-. Thompson, "date" for.jCen_tre `Simc`oe,'ate now being; arrariggd, ' These meetings :.will be the candi-, -.`datef`gnd by,atA least tw'o.ot{_1'er ci1;13`3`:5.l`er,','s;5::ii<"gafs., -A paitial list` _nf;1th-*e plunges.`-and; dates. is..a' {Q1- ;Ws= s._ = I . May 41 Anten Mills. .45.- ""i`-M-e.'eti1 ag_s :6 be held. in fag in- - the % Liberal -_Conen}'a.`t1ive V ca.ndi- ` ....._,.-- J, _- 22---N;wLo9w`_e1L` _' " % = ;; _lKfay; 26.---1vLg: i $'7.,-:;:e'-.1B1'-ex1tu`zood.: 2 1 May .18-A--A.r`1 ten f'~May`-:'1f'9--.-C.raighurst. "May M2o--Allenwood. . ?May;"2I--Al1anda1A.. A " 7 _.._...II'. >er! frspring . Llegant. de- . .29: . .29c ;,.I9c -V '7'.1CC-_ the "zit tion of officers, etc., of the Barrie Lib.~'Con. Association takes place to- morrow night (Friday), in the hall over the oices. of `-McCarthy, Boys .& Murchison, at 8 o 1ock. Mr. A. B. Thompson will be present. A full attendance is urged. Til I P!` , 'at`-5c lb. It will please you`:`S"w Reynolds, Grocer- V Our.big clubbing offer (Advance and Weekly Mail, one year for $1.25) lane knnn av-4-any-`AA in M91; on!-11 11`! IIU VV ccnxy LVLGII, UIIC JLGI l.\Jl. \Pl&D, Cl hasv_been extended to ay' 3Qth, by speclalarrangement. Don t mlss the opportunity. 1`I-_.__f, Z- -_-_-_ L- I._,,_ __ 2._`____ Vrrwn --..---_, . `Barrie is sure to have an inter- mediate,lacrosse team this ypar in 4.1.- I` `I A -CL... in .......-....\...-l .241. IIICUICLC , ICCIUDDC LCGIII. LIUB yCd.l Ill the C. L. A. `She is grouped with Bradford, Newmarket and `eWest To- ronto. `The schedule must be fin- ished on or before July 21st.` In the junior series, Aurora, Newmarket, Bradford and Barrie will play to- gether. ` I17- 1,` __ -u__ r~'rr4 n ___L : _"i7-\./o-iik on the G." T. R. Depot is. about to_commence_ A temporary siding has been 1aid.down, and a couple of passengez` coaches will do duty while the station premises are being renovated. This projected jim- provement is a. portion of the pro- gram mapped out in the agreement between the Town and the Company. `-Lune _- --__ _ ....__, -_- T-:-'-'Openmf;)r-t'h-e `season. Li;t'1eTI;a1;e1 Sum er Resort. Boats for hire. ' V soft drinks, ice cream, etc. Miss Law- rence. tf l William Earl McLean, eldest son of Mr: `and Mrs. W. C. McLean, Charlotte'St, died on Monday, May 11th, in his'28thv year, after a long illness. The funeral which took place` yesterday afternoon to Union cemetery was largely attended. Rev. Ja_m_es Chapman was the officiating mmxster. den"8?` ower see , great variety "and excellent quality, at Bothwell s. -When you want your carpets c_lea et them done by W. No- land s new ' rocess. It is the best yet. Try 1. p,` c_or. Charlotte and Collier `Sts., Bar- me. e V I "The Crusaders,-a. cantata-was _admirably'_ performed on Tuesday evening in St. Andrew's, Church, under the direction oi Mr. Justin Ed- wards, before a large and apprecia- tive audience. The soloists were Mrs, Laidman and Miss .Hewson_ and` Messrs. F. Bemrose, E. Whitebread and C- King. Misses Isabel Scott and May Dougall and -Mr J. A. MacLaren appeared inva. trio. _MI:. W. R. Mar- shall of Toronto was organ soloist. l Iv! Janus; vs _-a_. :Mr. W. C. Needham has been ap- pointed commissioner of the C.A.A. U. for Barrie district- He is em- powered to receive appplications for registration and to issue temporary certicates as well as renewals. Pre- sent holders of certicates are re- minded_ that these must. be renewed! `from year to _year. It will be quite: ...a...-...-....n.-..~.. 4-n hang a Inna] r-nrn-i IIUIU. yCdl LU __yc 1|. nu; v\. H... a convenience to have a local com- missioner, and Mr, Needham is well qualied to perform the duties. 1'` I, III 1----.. .. .-1..-- F`: :-asp-no-L An \iIAI}LIll\u\l Ir\I yup: Anna... 7-. --- Barrie will have a day of sport on May 25th. Two baseball matches (morning and afternoon) are the main- attraction. In addition a pro- `gram of athletic events will be car- County. ried out, consisting of I00 yards run, 220 yds. run, 440 yds. run (boys 16 and under), 880 yds. run, 5-mile race and I-mile relay race. A foot- ball tournament completes the bill, which should draw a large crowd. The athletic meeting? is under the C. A.A.U. sanction and is open to the `II? 1 ,, 1, _.._I 'I`L.-.....I_-- 'K"..--| '\lIJIlI-J . On Wednesday and Thursday, May 27th and 28th, the annual meeting of the Barrie District Methodists will be held. It will convene in. the -Col- _lier StreetiMethodis.t `Church here. The ministerial session begins on W edpesday, at 2 'p.m, ,and the gen- eral session on Thursday at 10 a.m. The Barrie District comprises the following charges :---Barrie, Orillia, A Midland, ' i Penetanguishene, Elmvale, ` and Rama Mission. Minesing. Angus, Dalston, 'Hil_lsda1e, Coldwater,` I_-Iawkestone, Victoria Harbor, Warrnmster, Severn Bridge -1.. -r_I.., 1')-..` xquu I.\a|:Aa ;v:. nnnnnn -. . | One day'recentlyI.Mr. John Bar-.1 rand `had a. lively experience. with 3'. ' horned owl. It. was a` dark, dull: morning, and as Mr. Barrand was", proceeding a.1ong.tCollie`r St. he was . startled by his owlship swooping- down suddenly and landing on his. shoulder. A battle ensued in which - `the birds came out second best, not,_ however, before he had put up a game! ght. The owl proved to be one of the nest specimens .-of his class ever seen in these parts. "He is now in` the possession of Dr..'Smith, and looks none the worse for his en- counter. _ ` ' - .1 `_ _ _p ` K-\)\lIlL\.l. _ The frontstreet was the` scene of an exciting run-away on `Monday af- ternoon. V Mr. Dyment s grey team ` was opposite Vair s when the tongue dropped, and the horses becoming startled dashed off. They collided at Ross Block with 'Mr. B. W. Smith s' buggy, which was standing close to the kerb, demolishing the rear end. .Disengaging themselves. ,they continued their mad career easterly until` opposite `CaldweI1 s' |where they struck a hav-rack, com- ipletely stripping one side of same. ' Here they were brought to a halt by ; onejof the animals falling; The t driver and his assistant _were thrown -font on the first ._mix-11P. and both ifsefverely .br't1ised'and_ cut. As the street was more or-~1ess;crowded at ' the time,` the `marvel is that nobody `was ,_`!"=t a William John" Hetherinszton. alias Bates. appeared before Judge Ardacgh on-Tuesdav morning, charged with ;hq;'_se `stgalinii (referred' to in last. . 39 . 59 f lack T55}. Succumbs After a `Short Illness--A`_n Interesting Personality. ' $1.00 PER ANNUM m Aovmcz OIIIOIJ COPIIIFIVI cunts Profound: regret is felt for the death `of Dr. J. L. G. ,McCarthy, which sad event `occurred early Mon- day evening. Dr, :McCarthy s mal- ady was known to be incurable, but few were prepared for so sudden a. `termination of his illness. .Only about f_our weeks ago, he was put- suing his usual avocation, apparently in good health. By a strange coin- -cidence he died, on the tenth. anni- versary of the death of his brother, the late D A1ton McCarthy. whose name is inseparable. from the legal and political history of this country. `ll 1` .1 -Dr. McCarthy s demise removes a conspicuous `gure. Born in Ireland 63 years ago, he came to Barrie with his parents when quite young, and lived" and grew up in the place; His father, the late D Alton `McCar- thy, Sr., was an attorney-at-law. The Doctor became closely identied with the Town s leading interests. For some years he sat on the Council Board. His connection with the 35th Regt. dated back to 1880, and only ` last year he retired with the rank of . Lieut.-C'ol. He saw active service in '_ the second.Ri_el Rebellion. Dr. Mc- ' Carthy took a prominent part in con- nection with the organization of the West Riding of Simcoe Agricultural - Joint `Stock `Co., in 1885, being its I first president,_ a position he occupi- ed until" his death. As a curler he 5 was enthusiastic, and never lost an 5 opportuni't v to follow his favorite I pastime. In religion he was an An- - glican, being an Ex-Warden of 5 Trinity Church. He was a member 'of the St. George s Society. and was - actively connected with the I.O.~O.F. In every relation of life his high t character and quiet gcniality won him lasting respect `and friendship. S In him the medical profession loses _ a bright and shining light. ;_ The deceased is survived by Mrs. ,MoCarthy, and a family of three -_ sons and two daughters. These are Mr. Leighton G. McCarthy, .\I. P.. and Mr: Frank Mc`Carthy, Toronto, `S Mr. William A. `Mcv*Carth_v, of the 3' South African Constabulary, Mrs. "Ill:/Iontague-I.eeds, Alberta, and Mrs. 1' `X7 l`ZC(2.-. `fr\O1t\l`\11IYIV` p F Tnrirrn !eat_h Calls ' Dr. McCarthy J.V1UllLa.guC-L.CCua, [\1u\,1|.a, uuu J.v.|Ia. iF. W. Tifn. Vancouver, B.C. Judge McCarthy of Orangeville is a broth- 61'. 4 4 .- K Arrangements have been made for the funeral to-day at 11.30 am. It will be of' 3. strfctfy private charact- er. Interment takes place in Union Cemetery. unnv; unnvyy--ad . to Wilkmsons . ~ day, '5c per 100 lbs., weighed in an out. . 69 There was a short session of the Board of Educatiion on Monday `night. Trustees Palling and G. G. Smith were absent, . p A . 0 ` 51513-91: vv \..v --.rv-.--, i J. Dickey, caretaker of Central School, asked for an mcrease m sal- |....-.. ..._,. `Miss Hogg s acceptance of the position of" Kindergarten Director was read.. vv can I \.u.n\4.. The Barrie Mini_sterial Agsociation put In. a. commnmcatxon wxth refer- ence to re escapes on the schools. `IN 1"` I I`, ,,,,,; | The Property and Supply Commit- tee was authorized to call for tend- lers f'o1'.~ owers; for East and West `Ward Schools. ` av`-rv- -- '79: `f0 an sayuvw-an Anumer: of; itccounts were passed 1'` payment. PI` , _ , _ _ -4 w:1`}`1 t:J'-_l-`-g"e-1-s.ui"e1~* i'ep'or'ted receipt of $5oo.,~.tu1.tJon.`f:e:es 13.01., and $5, non- resident fees Central School. -_G., R.. wow was .S{{5{xied -exa- mmer_ for _. the` approaclung Entrance Examanatzfon- ` The School Management Commit-I tee reported having engaged Miss Hogg` as Kindergarten `Director at a. salary of $450 per annum, and hav- ing` purchased the necessary equip- ment -for' the Kindergarten room. The room. opened with an attend- anceof 25 pupils, and there are now ' 31' on the roll. ' lptesented by Mr. J. R." Cotter. Mr. `Alex. Cowan defended the pri- soner, whose line of defence `was that he "simply acted under in- ..strtretions from his mother. .The [Judge apparently took no stock in }the prisoner's story, remarking that It. -...`.c nl-`nub ac I-n-nn one #11:: Inn:-en. |I.|lC yllauucla as-.11 , Iulnnulnlnns gnu. it `was about as lame as the horse- was when found. He imposed a sen- tence of six months in: the Central` Prison. | We have the foltowin sale th 3 week 60 pair Men`? iiiu}e""6irem1is, worth 75 to 8 g,`for= . . . . . ..$: 49 too Men : Soft ` , worth 85c to $1.00, _ . . . . . . . . . . . 75- :5 Megs Cra ette Coats, worth $5.00 to '60. for ..._. 3 75 25 `Men : ` >\Coats~ and Vest_s,w' S .00,-`for 398 on-us Once ` ' _ ncnovunr nv 59`! llCII `IIQOADQJQVD urvau, worth 15 {hr . . . . .; . . . . . .. 30 Men's 8 ge Suits, worth - $1 , for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,00 Swo/aters, worth" soc I-as .A`l\u ` .. z93"s T `eri"S'I1'r1.r1:r;i"_ij`x..1i'- erwe . orth 35c to 5oc, for so pair s_' OvVe1-ans, worth - Q-Q-__ C &\ll o o o o u o q I I 3`-' ;M%&:3`;:k,v;1*-{eagg lines will not last. "1i%"`-? 3`??'-9`4#*9'?-9`- `BOARD OF` EDUCATION. I77: 5 . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . 0) tn Tweed -Smts, worth goo o 3:21.50, for . . . 90 A iqk, these`1in__,es _wjlI_gg;)t ast.L ESII-\DI.I a . . _ _ _ __ Head Office -% `- ' 4 .158 Branches in cgttks ..______._i, u--: our istmg and chopping ..n.-\.. A coma-in hor MAY BARGAINS *!,*_=*'_ `E9?- FARMERS ! o o o o \ n o - lunter Br__qs.P"""`: win mi a week;-~~ Blue Qvmtfg, I g,`vfor%.,....;$- 1: .% . .. IO A95 95 ;ce`uuuu5--. - , , ___________ 0 I.E'1`-1h-ick house on Wm-sley St. 8 rooms. nicl'1_\' d.-comted. Modern conven- x.,....m_ Fire-place and 1;r119>e;_ Poasespion ' `U 1.-comted. {%I1CL:)UIn;i ` furnace. Possession May Apply DOUGALL BROS. lb- v~\.....--/ , -.. - _- n u `OK lH`lI\'l'-~~bCt'0Ilu nuur lll uruvvu \auuuuI_ Block, Dunlap 51.. Barrie. at present occu- pied by Dr. u. A. Ross,_ and suitable for law- yers`. pl1yx5iL'iuns' or d9nt1st.' oices. or for fam- )|_\'(I\\'cHiI1g. Possessxqn can be given on 1st of July next. Ownt-1' wnll make reasonable re- pairs or i1np1'u\'-xxlents to the premises. For terms and purtiuulars uppy to ROOM `$0, HOME LIFE BUILDING. Toronto. 19-21 OR S.\I.F. Rowanhurst. residence of the lute;\'. Dymcnt at Barrie. Solid brick dwelling. fourteon rooms. path. open piumb- im:.czc.. gas and water throughout.` furnace. ne cclluI'i11g, nultries. store rooms and every convcniem-c. a su ne stubling, conservatories. Splendid mu.-r fuumain in front, of dwellin . vegetable garden. fruit and shade trees Mig t rentto suilul)l.~s tenant. For terms apply to .\Ili:`. N. m'.\I}~l.\"1', 257 Rusholme Road, Tnhnnlu I Toromo. A. IVGII -own: cnvcuc --:----w--, ---_- -, '\nnoun<,-cs that during the session of Parliamen he will, in addition to being in daily communi- cation with his omuc, be at his otce in Barrie on the following dates : Sunmluy, the `3:m1 of May, 1908. He will also he at his ottice during the Easter -and 01 her muutioxls. _ Mr. Haughton Lennox, M.P..- -; __ -3 I1-_I1-_.;A_f. h--_ & If no one of our 138 Branch , is within easy reach of ybu deg yon!` banking by mail. . De_ P05 ma) be made, cash `with; drawn, or any other busines transacted in this way wit: perfect safety. Write for par. ticulars. $ 1 .00 is sufficient to open a Savings Account, on which interest will be aid ayear. P 4 Wes Robinson House, Maminouth Park,_ Lake Simcoe. Big Bay Point, Barrie P. 0., Ont. an A ,-_I_!_.. Fishing, plearmre grounds. Good cooking and ammdam-c. Terms on application; )0 on. I`: 1? VIII} f\l\\Y I)-an $5152; ::._--------~~ , 0Y WAN I`ED-to learn the ri ti 5 3 ness. Apply THIS OFFICE!.) "` "3 '1 TRINITY CHURCH SUNDAY, MAYT171-n $30 a.m.- -Holy Communion. T 11 a. m.--.\Iorning Prayer and Sermon. -`J p.m.-Sunduy School. 7p.n1.~-Evensong and Sermon. ' The Vicar will preach at both services- Church of England -:___-.-._.- ------ 1o1{ I{E1\"l`-~Se-0x_)(i oox`_ in Brown Central i m,.,.L. llnnlnn .sx__ Barne. at. present UUIIQD llI3tllDl Ill \livIliIv \ Simcoe. n 3 is hereby given that Henry G. r the m'L-`Hi.-sci-3 HOUSE. Barrie. to Ju :{1(`lhI.lml sum :u_)p1icut1 mi f: n1ve*11m,; If['(he Boa m?""1`.';";`.n "0 .0 held in on , vn .. .. own _'as the Clarklon oodwin. of Toronto. in be considered License Gong- -Iva-vecsors has m e application tor. Isfer is tavern ..11oenso. .$6.9O . .5259 .. 1.3.9 Barrie, May 11th, 1908. :I.r?V;I~iA~13-\.IE1TISEMENTS. V V lgx 91 ha 0 Bayve seized : . Stallion. '3," Mrs old. heavy dmug tngaw. Norman. B . 11 W Leoeaw L Dertxwiu be" u in ..i .': Stglllon. R?yl;_ _ L's"e'"{s}}ET3TEI'"m 1.. SEATS Fumt. -.____, j as CANADA. BL|$HED1365. ESLA ` (`Van stylishg SUMMER RESORT BARRIE BRANCH D. MORTON. Manager . :1 I ' Ba ' for the summer two t..5vn1!ilu:`un)rniR})\r=.d. Annlvat this of- .t Shzuxty t:_Iay [or we summer LWO , well furmshed. Apply at t-1.sA<,)f- vu nay`: vvvvvvv -v H. JORDON. Prop. unucauacuvn |_5__ ' ua mos. burg` License Inspec (Ill ALL WELCOME. wt-non: No. 3865), PIOPRIITOII. 9 4 . >2 ._-, )-'3, I1 uuu 18-20 noqooo9ooooooooooooooooo41 ADeligl\t to the Taste} L 1 noon EAST or BARBIE HOTEL [ qooooogoooooooooooooooqooo LVOIBE 0l|LTllRE.l MADAME COCHRANE of To- ron_to has opened a studio for Voice cl` [Cu VV Gll\\pl,J.avIf\.-v--, England, and of Madame Divivier bf Paris; VOICES TESTED FREE. J.V.L1\..). .|J`4 V `.15; 5; _ V l ronto,St., Barrie, and will be,the're every Thursday from 4pm. ti1l-4 .. .. 1:..:.:.... 1\/lg.-lamp Cnrthrahe is `route studio for Voice Culurg at DEVINE S, T_o~ --A ---J .111 kg 4`-kn:-A Luursuay uuua 5.. ti . n a a . u . u -7 "pm. Friday. Madame Cochrane is a pupil of the famou Signor Garcia and `Professor Fred Waiker,London, - --J Al` `K.-u.Jno-\nA ml1;\7;Pf $ I. 00 +w++o+ 6 * occugied by G. A. x Ohm AVWm. Grassland, `,3.`,:%j', 99O+O90OO+o ` orrlczs TO LET ` Olces to let with vault. the olcec formerly : Rgdenhurst. Barrister. over um nf commerce. App_l]__t9_'___ SIMMIJNS ' `1:a:mU'c'rURI;R or Bugg_i es, Carriages. Wagons. T Sleighsjnd Cutters. 1 `cw Pmnsomn S33-tnumtnn PAID 'l STRICT Flilcuun Au ATTENTION PAID TO is every piece of chocolate and every : bonbon in abox of our delicious cone ` fections. These are the nest,_purest ` and daintiest sweets procurable. We ` endeavor to supply our trade with not ` only the best confectioner .but the best ` at its best. As warm west er approacm 4 es we shall receive our candies at even i more frequent intervals so as to insure ` this perfect condition. In fancy packages, `25c% ' to $2.00. Bulk, 60 a pound. Soda Fount nd Palm Room New Open. Robe rtson`s Nobby FuVr-F%`elt % -SOFT HATS (Browne and Blacks) Regular $I.50|anl ; $1.75 Value- . The atter. Warn '_l`RAv1u.mxa. V AND STOP Y M `' ND Efrur 511:1- AR-K E 1- H o 'r?: ML% QHOICE or L; I-iiluctu or '- -----.r .- 01!" 5013133! ` irni8hed'!hr91?8.. nt- ` molatum. Rained ` Io :-4`l_ COUNIHLI 8`-vr ----- - - mnxwr. `V * *' any 31'. w`._`9.3- ~ ~-- ---1-M--v `R-model- " 1-H: m1'5n:s'rs drv BARRIE; "11-I: counrrv or smco: AND THE common or cnmuu oun canennou. - 1 . I _ .7 7 u_I.uuu.uAun-.1. at-uu........ 3l'06. 0 w. \~_'`. KyINsoN.