Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 30 Apr 1908, p. 2

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Manager. yean . ----_-___`--_____-- S. -I`_EWART 8: `STEWART, BAR.` ---.-..- Cnlh-it-nrA_ Notarxes Public, . --., .__ _.,_ W.. AULT, B;A*R:RI-STER. - SOLICI- ior, Proctor, Notary, Conveyanccr, etc. Special attcntion in glrawing and probating wills, obtaining let- ters of admimstration and guardian- ship, collecting accounts, ctc. Of- fices, Ross block, Barrie. Money to: loan. LENNOX, COWAN & BROWN. `I1 - ___1-A. .._4n A1`;-;ft\fE `f G. A. RADENHURST, -Barrister`, f`_If-!A-... ` Duuknti Ry)! n`- HEWSON 8: CRESWICKE, BAR risters, Solicitors of the Supreme Court of Judicature of Ontario, Proctors, Notaries, Con eyancers, etc. Money to loan. 0 cc, Ross lflogk, Barrie. C. E. Hewson,K.~C. `LT f`.. .... .Z..I,- STRATHY & ESTEN, BARRIS- `ters, Solicitors in High Court of Justice, Notaries Public, Convey- ancers. Oices over the Bank of Toronto, Barrie. Money in sums of $2,000 and upwards, to loan at 5 per cent. H. H. Strathy, K.-C., G. H. Esten. DONALD ROSS, L.L.B., ' BARRI S- ter, Solicitor, etc. ;B`an'k of Toron- to Building, Barrie. Moneyto loan- ! H._T. ARNALL, M.D.-,C.M., o*1=F1~c .._ 1).-.L`l..---..11 .. L1..-l- A11....A..`l.. f'\.. The Provincial Libera `seems to be in a conditior able as panicky. One by ,9_?PC_JSiti0n Eanllidates are DR. I. CUREIIE SMIT-H. OF- _ . . . . . .. r`.;n:.... ........-.. DR. W. A. ROSS, PHYSICIAN, `Surgeon, etc-, L.R.C.S., Edin., L.R. C.P., London. Ofces.and night residence, Brown s Block, Dunlop street, Barrie. Telephone, 77. DR_. ROCBERT S. BROAD, PHYSI- A noun .4. C.....-I..`I4.-- `['.`_- DR. MORTIMER LYON, 3: Carl- l\91 Ct "`r\cI1-.01`;-\ 11.`; A` D_A-x`-1_-.. DR. J. A. c. EVANS, MEMBER o l.-.11..-..- A: 'D1.....:-:-.... -...I L-Au- L.R.C.P. 8:. S. Edinburgh; M.F;P. 8: S. Glasgow ' ----SURGEON--- Having spent-1 years Post Graduate work inl British Hospitals and having serv'cd as Clinical Assistant in Golden Square Ear. Throat 8:, Nose gospiml, London- Royal London Ophthalmic ospital (Mooreids); for a. term as Resident Surgeon in Royal London Orhtbalmic Hospital; Bristol Eye Hospital, Bristo :and Birmingham Eye Hospital, Bu-mingham : former Member of British, Ophthalmological Society. 0FFICE--78 DUNLOP STREET, BARBIE. Phone 54. P. O. Box. 96. $70,000 F0-R INVESTMENT ON good freehold security at lowest rate of interest. No principal money required until end of the .term. H-. H. Strathy, Solicitor, etc., Barrie. and Conveyancers. ~Mox_1ey to loan in any sums at 5 1391- cent. Office, 13 Owen street,_ Barne. H. D. Stew- art, LL.D., D.` M. Stewart. 9 ANY QUANTITY OFMONEY. TO loan, at 41/2 and 5 per cent. Easy terms of re-payment. Lennox, Cowan & Brown, `Solicitors, Barris- ters, etc. . ` . - Trains leave Barrie for the under- Inentioned places as follows :- UNWIN, MURPHY & ESTEN; ON- tario Land `Surveyors, Engineers, etc. Established-1852. Oice, Med- ical Building, corner "Rich- mond and Bay Streets,` Toronto. Telephone, .Main, 1336. `Instruc- tions lefttwithstrathy ,& Esten, Solicitors, Bank of Toronto Build- ing, Barrie, will be promptly at- tended to. >` -. ~ V THE BALL PLANING MILL Company. -Carpentering, building, andxmanufacturing of doors, sashes, bli_nds,..mo1_1ld,i,ngS.. etc. `Planing of all kindskdone prompt? and satis- factorily. H_ot blast V rying kiln. District * Agency. for grained lum- . ber. Factory, , Bayeldxstreet,-_ Bar- rie. Rodgers & Gallic, sucess,ors to Go; `Ball; ` ' - ` -ENNUK, L'L}'.VV'J`1.lV E uavvvv u, Barristers, `Solicitors for obtaining probate of wills, guardianship and administration, and general Solici- tors, Notaries, Con-veyancers, etc. Oices, Hinds block, No.6 Dunlop s,treet, Barrie. Mone to loan at -4% and 5 per cent. ranch offices at-Creernore and Alliston. ~Hangh- ton Lcunox, A1-ex. Cowan, G. E. I. "5--_--.. `I T D I. A. KIIIJILLVIIUROL, Jaulanavwn, Solicitor, Notary Public, &c. Of- ce---1st oor Bank of Toronto Building. Money to loan at low- est rates. A - ' NIEL. G.` BEGGS,' ARCHITECT .. and `Civil? Engineer. Oi mos. KENNED A`RCHIT~ECT,. ,` Ofce. _0lnta._;-Viol Block, Du'n1o'p St. IIJUII Latauuvn, ru Brown, L.L.B. Cllllbo \4u la uxvung u A. E. H. Creswick Lu llL\L`LJ.4 IV-lol/"\JgJsVLo, \JuL'J.'.l\.I1'4 Lin Bothwell ? block, Allandale. 0 the premises at night. DR. A. T. LITTLE, late of Churchill. Ont. Oce and residence John St., near corner Elizabeth. Phone 213. "4.2o a.m.--For Newman-ket, To- ronto. Montreal and points East. ~ _ ' If'-L-IL &\o Jo \.4LJL\L\L.I'4 ~J1VLL J-'11- ce and residence, Collier Barrie. Phon'c 61. vL\. L\\.IJ.PLJL\-L 5.) JJL\\/1 LJJ, 1. LL 1. J1 cian, `Surgeon, etc. Specialty--Eye, .Ear, Nose and Throat. Ofce and residence, cor, Elizabeth and Brad- ford Sts. (Dyment Gore.) `Phone 105. Box 456. ' _u1._\J;\;..Lu;J`l.\ L11. KJAV, OI want- '23:: St., Toronto, late of Brooklyn, (NY.,) Eye and Ear Hospital, will be at 67 Owen St., Barrie, every Saturday. Diseases Eye, Ear Nose and Throat. Consultation hours II a.m. to -5 p.m., and by ap- pointrnent. Eye. Ear. Nose 5 Throat, L\- J. In. p. LQVIXLVD, LVLILLVLDEK \J1' College of Physicians and Surg- eons, Ont. Graduate of Medical Faculty of Toronto University. As- sociate-Coroner of County of Sim- coe. Oice and residence, William Street, Allandale, Telephone 3oa. Telephone connection with Holly, Painswick and Stroud. '|u\-I Ill. 14 Barrie. and _Civi1 : Enir. "U Bosankd Block. Town ` (1; p`III'!`I1`\:I-I no uvaanxnu DIUC qf` Plumbing. Dr. J. ARTHUR 1205?. MAN_uFAc'rURERs.` UIIIIIUI LVAvIn|\.u| cons`: run... .---v. *5.45 a.m.-For Toronto. (Cobalt Special.) ' , , 1'3- _ \Y-___...-_I..L Anon- APVERTISE IN MONEY TO LOAN: PHYSICIANS. sunvmrong. "ARCHITECTS. EINANCIAL. LEGAL. u:\.\;, U V Cl Inspector street, I THURSDAY, APRIL` 30, WVVICIII 8.00 a.m.-For Newmarket, Auro- Ia and Toronto. T 9.35 a.-m.--For Allandale. *I.oo p.m.-For Newmarkct, Au- tora and Toronto. `V O I 'I`_ ADVERTISING m ' OF THE The Northern % Advanca Ta: Aovmwa 1s prov, l_i`u-gent circulation otany pg,;"," own. It has also by far the largest at ' rannintng LI nip can: In; LGE but: llrgest subscri ' reoei ta. Th latter fact demonstx-an 1 its patrons. If you have any aiefgsgg-ht,` place it with the paper that reaches th n. h ~:::*=-**,.;.:.:mh N ` Va 2: * name---)3 lines nzatggafn-136.3. .'.'."dinn L cnafed ` `I9 |Il9w rl-"c A07` meo8" max `538 1: 1" aP` ccordi! e one i: Len! Notioes. Auction Sales, A - =~-`:!.:.:'&.:;.,:::::5* ::" s'"i'i`5"e 11 W Gen ' ' ins notices. 10 cenmpe:.r...i";_ . M "neam int noticed, 1b"nts er" insertion ; 5 cents per line Insertion of the same matter. A 6 mm, of this character, on Obitnarv Poetry be per line. B`?!-efex-red positi 1 menu in the paper wifrnge (;(l).l(11(z)g(;al,,nud'n5l| of one-third on al_>ove ru_tes, and on no om ::1:`::'a,`:*:`.,:::z::;`c::,:2s2:s* m CONTRACT cnum E8. Advertisers will please bear i ' notice of intention to change &dnv(-T1112`? t mustbe handed into the office not mJ ` Saturday at 10 o'clock. and the cup; for M change must be in THE AI)VA.\`(`J~.ompm' later than 12 o'clock noon on Mondav {S W Week. otherwise the advertiser's annoxfncemw guy not be made public until the week 1on3}. E . changes of Advertisements allowedw 3;vei1r.beI`h1`I`1l required, com position mg Advnrfinnnl wiil nnt `ha .nm....,1 .- _, W11] 08 CHI-l'g8(l.. ""` Advertisers wl `not. be allowed to usetheu space for ndvertlgmg anything outside mm own regular busmess. should they do transient rates will be charged for such`? vertiscments. . &%C' __-V.._., .... . ..... ..uv.u-r..'\ 1.3, Condensed advertisements on first pagemc` as wants of all kinti,-. lost and found, prawn for sale orto rent, 5 ecic articles, ct, gm must be accompanie with the czush, and win` he insertcd-rst insertion 2 cents per mm each subsequent insertion 1 cent per worq (namemsddresses and gures counted as word. but .a. reduction or one cent per word will 5, made when the number of insertions cram, matter exceed four MAKES YOUR SKIN 3; LIKE VELVET J. unxnzu A\1Q nl \'r~t.`nn\*rn V91 6\rD\J IV I` IQlI\D oavuov - 5.25 p.rn.-For Carc-1-v;e`:1-1" Junction, Georgetown and Hamilton. North. "2.oo a.m.--For Orillia, North Bay `and Soc. 1 can. 3 Gnu [or advertisements must In em case be mounted on solid metal ham -l'P'I'!"!'!!"l!"!`!"P+'l'-if-I--!~+-i~-++++-H D U Dwelling 1 rooms). stable, drive h01lSt`.Shf,`d! and nearlyti M acre of land in garden and lawn: Corner of Peel and Wellington Streets Barrie Dwelling-6 rooms. stable and shed. Large loton Peel Street. I1nn1-{In Rn-n|I:.... 1! _...._... :_ ._ ,L r> \ nu... 1+-t--5-1--t--1-x--3-1-:-1--1--z-s--1--1--:..:-4-+++++; PUIWUH DLICBL. Vacant lot. } of an acre, on Penct.~m3;ui.hene Street. Apply to F. M. MONTGO.\III!\'. H-H-I-ha `ADVERTISING IULULI V6151 DLFCCI. Double dwelling. 61-ooms in each, on (`lap- perton Street. Vnnnnt `AI 3 nf on nnvln 4\r\ I)nn..o.n~..-niJ\avm vpy-|oN:'2so, or drop us 11 I`o.-tnl KY0 would like something good in :1 km` of our Machine ms.(1e:- Bake:-'3, Cream. Twist. Vien- na Sandwich, Fruit-Loaf. 0* 5c. Brown or genuine Home Made Bread. CAKES. PASTRY. CREAM PUFFS, Fresh Daily. nNsunAu3c:vA`c;':'ni-r1. CONVEYANCER. arc. man AND PLATE cuss msuzuncl P1-tvnto Funds to loan on nret mo` 18806. Cor:-esoondonce solicited. Office. Bank of `iioronto Buildinc. 0* street. Ban;-0. Ont. KI`? IJ\I\lO n.oo a.m.-For Orillia, Graven- hurst and North Bay. \Y__;!_ 15--- BROWN 8 BAKERY vv nu.JaJ;.aI,\l 1.51 v L Ltn as -v - ....0rdr_ vim .w.ddin3 rnvit=*`$,`.`, .3::a'r.l1y_;-:~. a_"n_1i!.-i at the might vlacc-' en. .A1ira x,1c3:7,iJok' Ptlnting Dcpafm 0; _ `F this C1395 1 . 1 . saxnv egeism ` u Prin9; Barrie Property For Sale. THOS____S`lyI%I"l?H Has a marvellous eect on rough Ikin. One or two applications will remove the roughness, and by its occasional use the skin acquire: the smoothness and softness of at baby's. Glycedonia is not sticky. m.d* gloves may be wotn a few moment: 9 after using in. $ Druggiat, 42:! 'wusx vnu TO HELP usA'f to meet. the ever increas- I ing demand. HOT I ISRIIIIMTE UF LAST TEB lllli. ``' ````` " placed twice um!!! win so Iumnuum, an minute? when better clr so if home. %.`.!`.! .`.f!1B W. "..3.9.' !.`. vunuv I II]! UUII llllllvvv---- cIc!!uB.:.::`?c':'.;..r;:::u::e::; ~'_u_mhodn and general reiulta. 'F&|IL Ienn Bogus Sept. 3rd- VEEXOELSI R BUSI- _ NESS; COLLEGE. Barrie. CV15 Gnu Lvlvaoovo 5.20 p.m.--A-For Newmarket, To- ronto, Montreal and points East. I` - _ J,___n 1'_-...A:.... '%AV% V11>hDm(`s INv}rAT1oNS. connu:ncuL coxrrxucr xu-mg, MONKMAN'S GLYCEDONIA. GEO. MONKMAN. CONDENSED ADVERTISEM ENTS. _____| -j..-._;:.,_..- .7, TRAIBIINT ADVERTISING. Prize 15c and 25. Delightful after shaving. B .A.RBIE. /n to 5 9'? int 0; 9-3 paper h . n2'c`3 sntml lstrates th. ..... IUICLV, Av1UlItJ\:ua Innaso `av .... - ----_. 7.25 a.m.---For Cardwell Junction, Georgetown and Hamilton. f`, __1,__-II 1 --..-L"2-... o, I93~ Barrie. Ml; Barrie. I -llways 1 01' pe show in ciatica l THE NORTHERN ADVANCE [4--M-~2~~:-~:~l k-UK: Somc ing U` dru_'.,r ~t MIL . cdntn Sir C()I't3F- Algr) John .\ the LL` Armuri Dzxvi Tornm `Ptrmtux the: '17:; .~; WESLEY & CREW, PROPRIETORS Tin: rf:S(f11<'1 ct Hrc . \s>.uci RUSSC1 lnr\ .u in-the Cho.-\\'i1 1101 C M (d ...-..\ .\ who: t7,l1\:f.I year sylm ; .. front the Russ T14 61:7; -ne:v- ;1eme Yadge the Sub arlption List until the money is paid. Subscribers now in arrears for three months and over will be charged $1.50 per annum. .\i;t_s.., Li (1 . *.`1d.:4 Liberal `party condition describ- by one the `OPP0Siti01? quitting "iiie `eld. Here is a partial} list 2 Harcourt, Monck; Milne, E. Lamb- ton; MacMil1an, -Glengarry; "Hys1op,' F. (Huron; `Cameron, W. Huron; Mc- _Coig, W. Kent; `Currie, Prince Ed- ward; Rathubun, E. Hastings; Mc- Dougall, Ottawa; Preston, S. Brant. If this procession continues, Mr. Alexander G. MacKay will not have .-.....- _. ~.._.........., I '61 -per Anmzm in Advance 4-- `_.`_ a corporal s bys. Il`I'II I '_ An 8 Page 48 Column Newspaper. Published from the office, 128 Dunlop Street, Barrie. in the County of Simcoe, the Pro- vince of Ontario. Canada, every Thursday Mominz, by .44..- "What is the reason, the people : are asking, for the Liberal stam-; pede? Most men will tell you it is the certain defeat that will be meted 1 out to MacKay the coming election. But there are not a few who attri- ` bute the side-stepping, of the rank and le to MacKay s leadership. He is not measuring up, they say, to the `estimates formed of him. Be this as it may, the Grit campaign is a dis- piriting one. The lot of the Oppo- sition member is never very happy. Particularly is this true of Ontario Liberals. For 30 odd years they en-' joyed the sweets of oice. Now, they have to be content with the view from the Speaker s left. It's a. sad experience. ' L ment horses. Mr. Frank Nelson, sporting editor of the Globe, was up from Toronto on `Thursday looking over the Dy- .........g..;..;.....;..;..g..;..p;..g..;..;.` .;.....;..;.4..;..;..;..;..;." i Mr. C; Horseld has entered the partnershp of )Walsh `& Horseld; soda water manufacturers, "replacing Mr. Jas. Walsh in the business. Lieut. H. D. Black has been pro- moted to the-' captaincy of `C. Com- pany, 35th Regt; Harry` is busy re- ceiving the ccmgratulatxons. of his friends. ~ ' - . . -36 con.- There wili be a `meeting to-'xV1ight A`(T.hursd1y) in` the -Bank of com- merce chambers for the purpose of completing the organization of an {aquatic club. ..'1`ho`sg interested `will kindly note. , 7)` `_,;_',,I_ LAZ,I-__ 4_t-__..-- a II: -I-IIC CVIUCIIUC U1 I-`4J5'VV GIUCKI lfiaham consumed the whole of*Fri- V. day. It will'likely be. some time`be- fare a finding `is made. V " ,__I_ i,_,, Th; tiiirkpatrick bridge. [reference was resumed on Friday and vconclud-' `_efcl ` on ' Saturday before Judge Ard- The` evidence of Ex-Warden . . . g . _ _ n . - cacao` LL`. --o`gA`A' A\`x Du: THE LIBERAL` STAMPEDE. .A Joe, Garvin's `many `friends ' here Q `?gt,,ci"e'-_Lp1`ascd see shgm 5` win: j `she ;1:!.Ic<:.ker-> - championship aim I the. V re c e_I.1't `T.`P?`?!39 01.mGt"` `Mg; 5-1iO,WS~`;,,[ *..h}` ` ' : ' `I - ,`'E: "Rania RAILWAY GUIDE. FRANK mcxson MAKER OF PORTRAITS Of Local Interest TERMS ow Sunscnrrrlox. "g;;;a`;; a;;'o1a` 1w- ""The death ' o'c.cn1:1;cd on _eVV;e`&nes-' day,J\:pr_il. gznd, 2a the residence. of Va her son-in-"law, Mr. James. Vair, c Mary St., of ,Mrs. M. A. "Robinson, widow of the late Orlando Robinson, aged 72 years. Deceased had resid- 2 ed in Barrie fort 38 years, having been ` borninear Bolton svillage. For. some 1 4years Mrs. Robinson had been acon- 1 rmed invalid, the iresult of a para1y- _] tic stroke. Two daughters survive: Mrs.` Jas. Vair and M-rs. O'Neill, of - Chicago, who was mnable to be pro!- sent at the funeral, `which took place on Friday afternon to Umon ceme- . ' tery, -Rev. Dr. `McLeod oiciating. Mr. Robinson died in 189' . R. G. Mc-Craw, one bf the pioneers of Sirnooe County, passed away at his home in Craigvale Friday even- ing, after a short illness, He was` born in Edinburgh, Scotland, Feb. I, 1837; came to -Canada in 1856, and shortly after entered into business in Innisl Township as merchant tail-4` ' -.. -...1 :.. .94. enffla in Crairrvale. i':l0W!1Snlp as IIIFILIIGIIL Sail . or, and m 1864 settled In Cra1gvale.| In, addition to his business as mer- chant: tailor, etc.,he occupied the posi- tion of postmaster a Craigvale for about forty years. He -was married in 1865 to Eliza Jane Sutherland of Cookstown who survives He leav- es six sons and two daughters-John of New London, Conn.; Robert G. of Lindsay, Thomas G. of Buffalo, George G. of Niagara" Falls, -O'nt.; D. Frederick of Toronto, Maurice ,_; 17.1.... .; knmn anrl Mrs. T311185 D. r'reder1cx or .l.U1uu|.u, ...........- and Edna at home, and Mrs. James Johnston of Thornton. He was a Liberal and a Mason. ` - - , J 11.... .-.--u--.0554` :15 LIDCIEII allu E1 1VJ.aa\Iu. A pretty wedding occurred in St. Thomas church, xMorden,. on Tues- day, April 2Ist, when W. S.-Drewry Canada expects that every" man} will do his duty. This was the new rendering of an old message that struck the keynote of Canon Cody s splendid address on Thursday even- ing before the St. George s Society, the Sons of England and the Cana- dian :Club at their union banquet at the Queen s. It was in response to the toast The Empire and the Flag. The Toronto _visitor, who was the guest of the Canadian Club, occupied high ground throughout the entire address, and had the sympathy and close attention of the audience from start to finish. It was truly an inspiring speech that left an unmis- takable impress, and the pity is that more did `not hear it. 0 --j----_V _,, V MASTERLY Annnzss av REV. CANON conv AT THE UNION BANQUET. T.hursday s was the 23rd annual dinner of the `St, George s Society. About one hundred sat down, Rev. Dr. Witten presiding. Dr.- Palling and~ Mr. Geo. Raikes were in the vice-chairs. The Citizens Band played national and patriotic airs lbefore and during the course of the banquet. There was a liberal dis- play of bunting, though the decora- tions were perhaps not so lavish as} in former years. Both .menu and toast list had been carefully arrang- 'lllUlL uxu ll\Jb anwvu. -.. 1 5`-50% ed, t CH; Dr. Witten, in the c`airman s .3.`-1-. dress, referred to the objects and aims of the societies, under whose auspices the social gathering was being held. Before resuming_ his seat he eulogized Messrs. VV. Taylor and G. F. Morton, the retiring sec- retaries, for their faithful work. 3 After Commander Whish had sung `in good voice The battle and the breeze, Very Rev. Dean Egan rose to propose the toast Empire and Flag, which followed the toast to the King. He said he was proud to belong to the great empire of Great- -.. n..:...:.. 1:1... c;.- Tnhn Mm-dnn-l DClO`g IO Int: grcul. cnupuc us uu. r er Britain. Like Sir John Macdon- ald, a British subject he was born, and a British subject he would die. Britain was the chief gua1'am->r of the world s peace. The loyalty of her subjects had ever been based on justice. As Catholics, they enjoyed liberties here that they did not have -.. Ll... TT..:LAA C4-ad-Ac pr`- f1q; fpg_ IIUCIUCD IICIC Llldlj LIICJ Lllu, ll\.lD Inuit in tho United States. For this rea- son, If for no other, they would al- ways oppose annexation; "r\,- A....-11 1...... :....,.....A .141. 4-1..-! VVIIJ9 Vyyv v V u u - - y - u w - . V - -. ' Dr. Arnall here favored with the gong It s' only a soiled bit of bunt- mg. Le 1"- -4- f_.-1-- --_..`.. _..-..I-..n.I ...,. Rev, Canon Cody was received with applause, as he came to. his feet to respond. :He referred to the Ipleasing combination that had prompted a union dinner, and thought that an ardent loyalty to the old land and the old ag were here betokened; Canon Cody then gave a short historical sketch of St. Geor e, the patron saint of England- St. eorge was always represented as trampling the dragon under foot. This meant the victory of right over iniquity, the_ triumph of goodness, faithfulness "and. loyalty over the |not needed IAlco/zol Aye`:-'3 Sursiparilla ls ` not 1 strong drink, As.n ,ow made, there ls not a drop of alcohol In it. - It is a non-alcoholic tonic and ulteralve. Ask your own doctor about your taking this medicine" lot thin, -impure blood. o ,Pol*lo`w his every, 1-19 Every Maxpectcd to Do His Duty. of Winnipe , son :23 '?~:.;L. -Drewry, . and Miss ~(eor'gina V-Locke, daughter of Judge __L_ockey of Morden, `former- ly of Barrie,jwere.. married. -Dr. Young of Winnipeg was best man," and Miss Ruby Brown of Moi-den - was bridesmaid. Rev. A. S.` Wiley, pastor of St. Thomas church, per.-- - formed the ceremony, assisted , by ' Rev. William` AWalton. . The church I was `beautifullydecorated and there 5 was a. full choral` service. Attend- ance. was by invitation. After the ser- vice forty guests sat down to a. wed- ding breakfast at the -residence of Judge Locke; ~ In the `afternoon the young couple left for New Orleans and other southern cities of the United States. The bride was one of the most popular young ladies of `Morden. The groom_ is `a prominent young business man of Winnipeg, n.....:. `-19: heen on-mined with young .D11SlneSS man U1 Vvuuupc5_ Barrie has been grouped with `Bradford. Alliston, iMeaf-ord, 'Clarks- 'burg, Stayner and Cdllingwood in the junior C.L.A. lacrosse series, and '-with Colingwood, Stayner, Meaford `and Clarksburg 1n the `intermediate --r-- 1:... .....1..._.. m-m-+pr interest `Kala.rKSDul'g III IJIC ulL\..|un\.u-um`. senes. But unless greater mterest `is manifested than now appears, there will be little doing this year 1n` local lacrosse gcircles. _ `A ---A-4---on Avnhatv `.1f1Ca.11v local lacrosse ;cu'cIes. A western exchange "ironicallyi hands out this bit `of advice: Send your job work to a` job oice or to an rout-of-town printer and then come and ask th-e newspaper `for free rates for the church `notices. Get your lodge stationery and letter- heatlssome place else and't11en `ood the editor with beautiful thoughts and resolutions of respect and cards of thaafks. lfoizees of evil. By a. peculiar coin-, cidence, -the 23rd day of April had: been the birth-day of William Shake- speare also, the poet of all time, he who had handed down to the world that ne description of England im- mortalized in these words: This royal throne of Kings, this sceptred isle. This Earth of Majesty. this seat of Mars, This other Eden. derni-paradise ; This fortress. built by nature for herself. Asainst infection and the hand of war: This happy breed of men, this little world ; "-=~ --A-~---- ---A -..o :._ .1... ..:1-.... -..... n Au-lax: Ollll.-VJ wavy`. vn nouv-:1 --.v ---w-' -- _-__ This precious stone set in the silver sea. ` `D:n'Incu Canon Cody then came to` speak of Canadian inspirations and ideals. First and foremost of these was our connection with- the. Motherland and the empire. We, too, are of the blood." The -speaker paid `an elo- quent tribute to the U. E. Loyalists. Theirs was an aristocracy, he said, of high spirit and fervent patriotism. British connection was a guarantee of peace. Four hundred millions of the world s people owed allegiance to King Edward. The British Empire {was not an empire of war and con- quest. It did not live by the sword, differing in this respect from. the Roman empire. Local self govern- ment had _eve{ywh_ere bee_n develop- ed. The elhpire had not been the` work of `imperial design. It had` simply grown to what it was to-day- Colonization, Canon Cody thought,i was largely the result of individual enterprise. The career of Cecil Rhodes in South Africa was instan- ced as proof of this. -Continental Europe differed from England, in that England had proted by her mistakes in regard to colonial ex- tension, while the former had not. The colonial empire of Spain, Hol- land and Portugal, for example, had declined.- Britain s -colonial policy was first bad, then apathetic. Now we see it at its" height of develop- - ment. VVe could. not get" away from : the fact tha the future of the Moth- T erland was bound up in the prosper- ity of her over-seas dominions. Further, there was the inspiration _ that arose from our own class. The _ ne, adventurous spirit of the old voyageurs was vividly portrayed by ~ thespealcer. Then there was the story of the U. E. L. s. The war of ' 1812 had cemented us tog.ether-Eng- lish. French and Indians. The .up- building. of this great country served to provide many patriotic models. To the "`Fathers_ of. Confederation we owed a tremendous debt. "Men of `deep: vision they certainly were. Canon Cody believed that the Pacic in this century would be the centre `of the world. -Formerly, it was the Mediterranean, and afterwards the Atlantic. `In this new sphere Cana- da was bound to play an` important part. Before Leaving this point, the speaker made touching "reference to the pioneers of -Old Ontario, the men-[who had` carvedhomes outof L`. -:.--A_ -._j 1-21 LL- l;'--_.J-A..'.-_.-`-1 utc Wullu. runlucxxy, IL was I-ll Ul V and the `this sphere 'Cana- was play an` important Before Leaving reference men `who carved'homes out of the forest and laid the foundation of British ideals. V ~ . Another inspiration to us was the view of our own. inheritance.- !Can- adawas. a country for. 'Canpn_'Cody here -dilated upon the Domimon s natural resources, in worth working . In answer to the question What! is Canada s destiny? -Canon `Cody made itplain that thd- chief thin to do was to discharge our present If we did this, our destiny would take care of itself. The empire would re- main a fellowship of free peoples, bound closely. lHow closely no one `could foretell. There would be one crown--the crown of freedom, just-l ice and righteousness. It -behooved us to hand "down unimpaired the grand` heritage received from` our honored `forefathers. ' uty. ' Another 9VW""&'th`? own `.95 anh g .S t(l_ 113".` for. `Canon `Cody upon gm ? dew` Dominion resources, in " ,f" forest an_d.eld, mine and main. 011- Mr. W. tario, he thougth,_;would always re- humorous 5. ;.n*ain the banner province. Kipling I want. whe had .'called`ns_ Our Lady of" the _ The rem. Snows. -V-But this _was `our greatest was short` glor'y.'=The` northern zone bred _a working. u; hardy and'pro'v1dent rac`e.~=We should Rev W B` not," however`, he -anxious to grow d'M-1'- too `rapidly. The undesirable ele: `:,-mar; "$3 tnenl: should beexcluded. ' . A . recounting l'l`,,lle-`plendid' opportunity now .be- fore us `afforded stillanother inspir- la_tion.VTl1is was" a` crucial pe'r_iod. We were a nation in the _making. `We, could not remain passnve. No power on ea:-t_h could hold us back. '_W;ht a devotxon. it should call for! : . , V .,. R Some. of the dangers` Ato W11-lth 1,:;1e,.eesSt Canada is subject were. n_ext alluded Garden to. '1`hef;w,er.e man dragons which ed `and {be new St_._GeLor-ge ad to.k_i_1l.` -We to be , l1&d.:the' danger` of-.:`rr1aterialxjt1c stanl fexampk -iilaricls. :Ihen...::t.heg< sfoqdi: the` da,`nj-j . .. _,rh Wc,e_ THE NORTHERN ADVANCE - ..-.-. Richard 11, and labor had to be faced. "Elector-I al corruption and extreme _partizan- ship were other lions in the path of progress. There is too much talk and not enough business in` parlia- ment, observed the" speaker, Don't try to be smart. Be honest `and keep your pledged `word was his partxnginjunction on this head. W. A; Boys followed in a songventitlegi I want what when I.wan.t 1t. A temainder of -`the short, -the vanous under a .1;igid ti: DA`! D manna: -sunaunn , -- .._-_ -the various speakers a time limit. Rev. W, B. Heeney proposed Naval and Military Forces, -affording the oicers present an opportunity of recounting the glories of_the men who have fought for the red, white and blue. The toast was coupled` with the names of Commander Whish, R.N., -Capt. Bird, Col.O B'rien. Major Burton. and " Capt. A.. -B. Thompson.`-M.P.P.A G. G. Smith then sang, `after which ~'_M'r. Geo. Raikes proposed Barrie and her Tnterests. Mavor -Bennett, `Reeve `Garden -and ex-Mayor Boys respond-. ed, and showed `cause.-why. Barrie was ,to be reclconedwitlr- :tfas%'=a.`-practical ` '>s3!1?'P1e of man ` l9?! tavern-~s The Bank CVC LLIC l\ll'l g .. and "Auld ej __ tx3ninate`d'_ ,on;e`Y _of the V Toronto . Old enough and strong enough to afford absolute protection for your earn- ings.` Barrie 8: Allandale Bram`-`nos H. B. HENWOOD. Savings ~Accounts opened and- Interest al-A lowed 4 times a WALL PAPER Borders same price as Sidewall. SCOTT S Bookstore BARRIE. OF New Designs Artistic Effects Imwonvokarab 1855. `Save the Kingi , gnd_ :'_*A`u1d` .'uVr-in' `OBI-ininali-` 3. A_-.` 4: ,.;c*-. T -.. % J`. Jackson PORTRAITS AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

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