`Mrs. R. (Balton, Toronto,_ spet Easer Snuday -with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Comartm. A Mr`./Fre(-1m'C<')marti'n is spending the Easter holidays with his brother, Mr. F. Comartin, Toronto. ' ' `If :_M.r. ad Davidson, Edenvale, spent Easter Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Davidson. -Irv-`I -- . ,,,, _.__- ..--_- .-.-u. as. Avauunluw-.; \ Mr. Bert Dawe, who has been visiting his sister, Mrs. A. Middle-' brook. returned to Strongville last {week. ' T I _ '-Mr. M. Berthelotte, who is taking! a military course at C. School, To-l ronto, spent Sunday with his sister,` i Mrs. Jno.`Desjardine. ] I _ . _-- _-__,... _...~. ; {Surely oyr Ga_me Warden _must be g away on has holxdays or else careless. Game laws are not very well adher- Lred to in. this vicinity. A hint to, offenders. Mrs. Thos. `Lockhart en- tertained their many friends to 9. `social evening last Monday. _ The rlight fantastic was tripped until the wee sma ours, when everybody re- turned home, expressing an appre- ciation of the hospitality of the host } and hostess. `Mr.-fend 1 X :-'11-o1;l(;f . 'I'\;3;\.risited ! [friends here during Easter week. : 1-1.`. 11... near. - mg. i5 Giffen spent the Easter vacauon with her parents an Toron- to. A ' ` _ - v --~-v.- ---- -.v-`-'1-0`-n xM_iss_ Annie Williams of Toronto lis vxsitmg her parents here. I il'_,, I V",l"C`CQICCUVI`OI.' _ ` V . --successful `season is looked; foxy : ` b .311. lovers of the, game_ V are a"_skc`d` ":'.::BIv.c zthb stub theny: cordia_l`.,A".'s i1p- ` " h9.:~gnmba, viI,i,l1$'%I>tctisiIjI;on. 6'4 1%.: . mna, `-' "M.iss Alice Palmer. of-g Tofont<.> i spent .. the - -week-gnd_ . nude; the par- ! `-._"`_`1-.`%".`Aif: 7.; T Msrs. Jas.' and Jno. Moir visited Collingwood friends last week, _,--u _--_ ,..- ----_.. ....-.. I . -- I ;1a;"g;..:atest. We are making an unusually large showi Nets, for this season and would draw yourgwtenti 11 w J} 9n to the C} We invite your inspection -J re thllhouse cleani we have just what you want. Lace Curtains` fromj SUNNIDALE commas. r:.. A.....:; 1xr:n:-...- -: rn, SKRJEANT 81 SMITH, A. R. `M . Lav.}e ';}i}xci`{ail cnrcxmnizs REORGANIZE. (F\ble n%::l`ha1creasing'demand these days for Linoleums and oor Oil Cloth; I . r prides `wil ear comparison and our patterns are all new and attractive. BRENTWOOD, troub to show goods." `-9? TR-` ,zm i`? : THE STORE OF..SATISFACTION. Barrie `spent the week-end with her! sister, Mrs. G. M. Moir. . ' | `ll -r\ v:1;'I'i-.=:s<;s"V(_3ai1')r2V1i-t7hV `arid J McDonald I of Collingwood spent Easter vaca- tion with Miss -L. A. Gibson. disposed of Mrs. J Brown was elect- ied to the chair, and the debate Re- The regular monthly meeting of the Women s Institute was held at the home of Mrs. Magee on Wed- nesday last with a fair attendance of the members and a number of visi- tors. After the regular business was solved that women have done more for women than have men was then taken u_p. The airmative side was supported by Mesdames M. Kaiser, J. A. Moir, T. H. Risebrough and `Misses -M. McLean and E. Larmon, while Miss Edyth Thompson, Mrs. Magee, Miss L. 'McMurray,-Miss L.. Raymer and Mrs. A. B. Rose upheldl the negativeside of the question. Some very excellent papers spiced with amusement were read, followed by a keen discussion on both sides. After careful consideration of the points by the critic, Miss 1L. Moir, the victory was awarded to the affir- mative side by one point. i It is our sad duty to chronicle the `sudden death of ,Mrs. Andrew Ran- ,sier, on Friday last. The deceased, `who was 71 years of age, had` `retired on Thursday evening in herl iusual health and when her grand-l [daughter arose in the morning shel gfoun"H that she had passed away inl ;her sleep without a struggle. Besides} her husband; she leaves two sons, George of Cleveland, Sam of VVash- lington, and three daughters, Mrs. lBurns `of Gore Bay, Mrs. Montgom-l ery of Nottawa, .MI'S. Brack o Dunt-I room, and her grand daughter,` Miss Winnie Burns, who had always livedi with her, to mourn the loss of a- kind and` affectionate wife and moth-i .... "I"L,. I . . _ . ._...1 __-_- --- If- _.I- nun; an--u a.|L\.\.|.Iuua|.C VVIIC auu IHULH` `er. The funeral was on Monday, service being held at the house by Rev. L. McLean of Churchill, anold and intimate friend of the fami1y,_as- *sisted by -Rev, R. C. McDermid of istayner, after which interment tookl place in Duntroon `cemetery. Much `sympathy is felt "for the family in `their irreparable loss. ; Boys Knickers, in all shades of Tweeds and Worsteds, sizes 29 to 33. Regular 85c to 1.25. Sale Price 754: and 95c - --~----- I , Dr. Majors of Whitevale is visit-' ling Dr. Sloan. I Mr. L. Carter spent Sunday at Bethesdaf. A Horse and Cattle Food. ir u othe beautiful Arabian 33$: 2.00 pair. CHURCHILL. {re th%hoxjse cleaning is` Devl 1n 8! March nson _'AI`IV-IUARSDAY,` APRIL 23; Mr. B. Bernrose spent thc `:~.\.1-ml,--5 with fnends here. Dr. L. Sloan was in Turtxmo on ibusiness on Saturday. Mr. R. Malcomsqn of Barrie wag ,home for Good Fr1day_ Mrs. Willson visited in Barrie Good Fnday. -Mr. John Boyes, ]r., wa< ronto last week with`. two car: stock. vv uvnut Si}: stand. Mr. Norman R. Sloan of {he GT. R, staff at Barrie spent Sunday at his home here. Messrs. Hooey and .-\H>rcc':`~.t are now doing. business in Mr. .\I"-ores .-CIA ..4......l "Miss McCuaig spent_ the Easter holidays in Toronto, Wlth .1 brother from VS/innipeg. `Mr. and .\Irs. R. Emrmwrvn of Oakville and Mrs. Thos. 1. Trucman of Midland spen the 1mTi1;~.;:~ with Mrs. H. Sloan. Ypung Men s 3-piece dark color Imported or `Canadian Tweed Suits, single or double breasted sacque style, with long trousers, sizes 84 to 37. Reg. 7.50. . Kala pa-inc 5 On Mrs. J..Ho11ingsworth spam: the holidays at the home of h=.r i:::`n.er, Mr. R. Matthews. i The high esteem in which .\!r. and Mrs. S. W. Moore are held i`;L'."< was shown in a quiet way during tile ms: week. On Monday evening Ii`,s}' were entertained by the memht-r~ mi the Woman's Ins-itute at the Tk"i`i{'nCC of Mrs. R. VV. Sloan. On \\'u .r.es- day evening the VV.F..\I.S. tn:tmin- ed them at the residence of t`m- Rev.` Mrs. L. McLean, and Moore with a handsome and on Friday the Young i`c`~p`.c'S Guild of the Presbyterian Church pI'SL`liIk`\i it_vmnai, presented Mrs. Moore with :1 1r~`~0c'.-. ' and Mr. Moore with a gold i~Ci\'Ct. suitably engraved. Tea \x';i~ ~`cr\' in the basement of the church. after which a very pleasant cm-'n.it1;. W33 spent. ucamso AUCTIONEER, JIIIDHURS T, ONT. Farm and Stock Sales handled at very reasonable rates. [ADC _Iurtains and Curtain g when the demand is - k 17111 5 We aP166 3 ...a............- % tweec*1; ,1;5et;"t` :3:1tvs, t<'>`1v;`-'bu Et"<>.1'1~, s;o"q"_11'e 33 to 37. Reg.41O.00 . - .,:'1 Young Men s Dark West of England Worsted Suits, single or double breasted, sizes 33 to 37. Reg. 14.00. . s Sale Price 12.00 Young .Men s and Men s Suitis, made from the finest imported Worsteds, verynatty cut, up-to-date in every way. Reg. 15.09. -__ -.`. `Young Men's 3-piece Suits, made .1. `AI-An` AI-I`-A Q f\1O `_1'\`1++I'\`1 {+++++++++e+++++++++ Miss .M. Ball is visiting at her home at Jarratt s . "'r'- 1 , ,4._,_.--J 1_.._.- gm " vmw I Mr. VVV'i'1ford {7ir}$o1drige of Barriei visited friends.here on Sunday. W I 3+-M--!-1-"---3--4'!-H-P%!'i4+*'+'! HOLLY. `lI\llll\r uh Juneau-av -- Mr. Tom Wiley has returned hoine P" from New Ontario. V --- -_- an o , `.5 v u \r\A Anavnong-v --v-- _-_ .._ `Mr. Arthur: Dyer visit(;;iW"f;'iends| in Toronto during the Easter holi- days. ' V 7 IV, ,,,,I_ ,1! -1 A`I1.....I..1.. \a|.tJvo `Mrs. Jas. Campbell of Allandale spent a couple of days last week with friends_here. Mr. Melville Stuart and sisters 1Vex-nice and Meda of Aurora spent ithe holidays with. their aunt, Mrs. `Herb Lougheed. ` Mrs. w. R. Dickson was_in Phelp-` ston on Monday. . --ca I .I I` F!` T` I, ; hlI\IlD v o .--v--- ` Mr. `Will co'12'o the G. T. R. de- pot is visiting in Toronto. It` It , 11,, . 1'I-._..!, __2- 3 3. "`x1\7Ir...-agcvli , 'L"I'a.`1-'k_s 7 V<)'f-"}'3arrie visitd Mr, and Mrs. J. Ferguson last wee Mr. H. M. Tiiu of `Orangevillee spent the holidays with his parents on the 8th line. A V ;`"'1'VIi-s:.s 1;I a;$;-`=D;).:'1n7el-l$z of Barrie vis- iited in Colwell on Good Friday. J 1:. _ 7 II__.I__ v-: -n_____-_ A a.nd son,-' Lindsay, of +Tox-onto are the guests of Miss IS./Iaud Cloughley. " Ligli '1~.";nI{7EI7an, :I`;x"c>xito,V pent the holiday with their brothers ., ere. . - --w'l\-rIi;.;>I\'/i(i'1;g:_1-3-r a2';n&s'nIi{{tast: er holidays at her home in Barrie. - "3' on I'!'1I t, uugc ` _ _V - _Miss Evie Coe of Rochester i-s vxsiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Coe. . E Miss Martin of the States visited there recently. 3 . 1 .I,,; II,, II!II_,_ --w-- --vv--vvpa. Sorry to report that Mrs. Miller, 61:, is on the sick %l1st. no 1`: I! 'P\ 1' _and_ Mrs. J.` f.Dickinson iris- lited friends in Barrie at- Easter. and Mrs. T. Maguire of Mid- liand visited at A. Spring`s over Sun- ay. _ ' ' '1`-heiimmigration question is evi-` dently, very much in the lime light just now. The criminal foreign ele- ment being landed on our shores has been the subject of unfavorable re`- ? -,__ _ Mrs. A. _Rowat is seriously ill at tune of wnting. _ - - 4; ing at hishome here. . - 150: q o ` .1` Comming of Toronto is holidajr; -v-v-J vuw wvv '3 J: vvbclivhr I\r\aIunIul I Miss -Richardson of Ct-os;- . 3" me ~herc.+-`i land is. spending `her hcligiayg at .h,_x`. }'3M;.;s f-x-*:Vg;;;"R'cv};a;1':dsox1. is s,m% ting the holidays in Torontp, - ' __j'1t,,_4~ . nun. Ii" "" " I 'i4.";x_{d Myst. Ru:hET3r Thorns? `bury vnsxted atJ.vJ. White s recently.` 111-- A -Is us.-:,~_,,c , FERGUSONVALE. ALLENWOOD. COLWELL. YOUTHS SUITS I , , ' lCongratu1at1ons to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stone on the arrival of a son ,on April 6th. .` BONUSES FOR 1MM1.GRAN'rs.i Regular 6.75 Suits for . John .Stokes of Toronto was home i over Sunday. I -Miss Sadie Day of Bu:-k s Falls visited Mrs. Scott recently. Gleason intends moving into T. Coffey s house this week. - 'E;l."f\}\;i1"sorV1V fiat `T laist Ffiday to `spend a few days in Toronto. i `Y 11` 1`! ,. ,1` VI" Miss Nellie Binnie of Toronto vis- lited her parents here over Easter. cur 119-: 4- Wm. Wilson of Grenfel visited friends here 'last Fri- Naz; J vv A id. Knapp `over Sunday Wm. Wilson: end Mrs. Garvin of Midhurst and Miss Pearl Garrett of Barrie visited recently with friends here. N Priest left on Tuesday to visit Oshawa friends. _ Mr. W, Standen paid .a ying visit to Minesirig friends jast week. to . `D Miss Rose Collins iwith Barrie friends. beer of'To:'Tc>IT1t.o-spent the holxday at his home here.` __i-_ mail: in more than one of our sup- erior courts. There is little doubt that the bonus evil is at the bottom of` a great deal of the trouble. Can- ada is apparexltly; the only import? ant country in the world that buys immigrants, vv 1' I`, ,- ,A `A 1__L 'T_I\:I`rs:_u'I-I:e-x;;ir.son of Hamilton spent the holidays with Mr. ,and_ Mrs. `Joseph: BoVnn_ey., : A 1 . * H so:ry to riport tfit Mr. Orchard is` very poorly again. : 31;." "7\)\;,"'-F." i{$n1L1"`"o"'i`oron:o `spent Sunday with his parents here. l .-Miss W. MacLeod of Gravenhurst {is holidaying` with Minesing friends. [rae w1~\}I.iss:s_V-;;n1;:il"3?_'1;$}3;aE; sp_ent the holiday season with their |mother here. . The Union Easter".-service held in the Methodist Church .on' Sunday morning waseably conducted by the pastor, Rev. J. V-A. Petch, and not- withstanding the gloomy morning it was` well attended. Miss Jean Quinlan of Coldwater is visiting at her home here, ` ' """."" "" " I [ -W. Joh_nston has `returned .to the! `Queen C1ty._ after `spending a few! days at his home here. ` welialivjgwett of Torointo was an -Easter guest of Mrs. .Wm. Part-. ridge, - ` ' ,1-up 1-cl V and Mrs. Johxiston are visiting their daughter, AMrs..Sawtel1, in To ronto. ` . -_ _-- ~__.-.- - # I ._ ------J._, at 'Mort_on s` Park. _Linklater is visitipg at her home inx*God,erich and Mass Morton ;." , -_--..--va- -.---_. In the House of Commons last week, Mr, Monk .(-Conservative) mov- ed a resolution calling .for the aboli- tion of the iniquitous bounty system. He was able to show by way of comparison -that the .United States Government not only gives no boun- ty, but obliges immigrants .to,pay for the privilege of becoming settlers at sogmuch per head. The head tax began at $1 and has been gradually increased 'to $4--a sum suiciently large enough to meet all expenses in connection with the .department of immigration. When it is considered that Uncle ~S:am_ has no longer .free land for settlers, the absurdity of Canada s position is greatly accent- uated. Then, again, as 'Mr.. Monk` pointed out, the bonus, primarily -.in- tended for farm `laborers, his extend- ed to all classes, even to those who ought not to be admitted at all.- A 'L`_ _`__ , _' A---.__.. ..----..- _--_..- --.I E" -M{-.' and Mrs. Ed'."Hi1l of ' 1'oronto spent Eastertide with `Mr. and _!Mrs- `Geo: H. Hi1l. - `; _.. __---v W.e are to sg.=:;-1'\,4r. Allah Partridge out- fter has long "illness- '|:1__ r-,0-` 1- 9 run THE NORTHERN ADVANCE - .v- V. In from the best imported coat, long trousers, sizes ANTEN MILLS. Sale Price , 13.50 CROWN HILL, Ssle Prie 3.65 Sale Price 8.50 v-.--7 u-vv r- -' ._-----_.._._. _... ._._._. Although` many reasons were cad-. duced "for abandoning the bonus sys- tem and adopting more stringent res gulations in regard to immigration, nMr. Monk's motion fell down before the Grit majority. Thus direct. issue has been joined between the Govern- ment and the Opposition on this `momentous question. Sale Price 5.00 MINESING. of Allandale visited. with his grandfathei, A spent Sunday 4.00 4.95 5.65 [Toronto spent the holidays with Mr. and `Mrs. John Luck. up two` ` `Mrs. McGil1 of Lotus .;was the` guest of her father and -mother, Mn! Eand Mrs. Thos. Luck, during the` `holidays. | -Z V tury conducted the` service in the Methodist `Church on] Sunday afternoon, in the absence of Rev. -R. S. Fralick, who is ill, at present. - lMis; Marion Drury of Barrie and` Miss Constance of Whitby Ladies College are visiting their brother, s. s. No. 7, ESSA. Easter Examinations. Sr. V. C1ass.-Josie Donnelly-487. * `Jr. V. AC1ass.-Lawrence Jennett- 648, Maggie Kettyle-646, Georgie ` Donnel1y--634, Edith Coxworth- _485, Edna Arnold-465, Carol Len- [ nox-4I3. . uvv .- . - .. IV. '(:1ass.-Mabe1 Loug.heed-505, Bertha Pearson-493, Irene Hatto.n.-e 480, Clarence -McQuay--465, Lee Banting-44o, Roy Wi1son-4I7, Ha- zel Lennox---41I, B, McLean--37I. rx 2: v Seeler spent last week, the guest of his sister, Mrs. Coulter, b Glencairn. . 3 `. Mr. Jno. Campbell is holidaying` with friends in "Hamilton. 1 Mr. Chas. McCarthy, J1-., spent} Easter with Toronto friends. `Miss A. Barclay visited Miss Mamie Campbell on Good Friday. 1\.!:..... 1\_,,_ r-,,1 Mrs. M._wi)umond visited her` daughter, Mrs. P. Daley, Barrie, on Good Friday. .--.--- --- vvv -----.r- 1 Miss Dora Gauley visited her aunt,` Mrs. Walter Cairns, Orillia, on Good Friday. Mr. Geo. Warner was the guest of his uncle, Mr. Chas. `Warner, on- Easter 'Sunday. ` Mr: V1;/Ii_t:[;lV1`e'llJ W8} Barrie` spent the Easter holidays with his` parents, Mr. and.`Mrs. McBride. 'II._ `Fl Miss Margaret McLegn_ of Toron- 131:0 spent over `Sunday -wyth hgr moth; An enthusiastic meeting of cricket- ers was held at the Barrie `Hotel on Wednesday evening, April 15th, when the club re-organized and elected the following oicers :-- - ' A Hon. Pres.--J. Rogerson. :Hon. Vice-Pre__s.---W A. Boys. I-"res.--Geo. Raikes. " _1st Vice-Pres.--`Dr. Pailing. _ and Vice-'Pres.-Dr Little. ' Sec,--VHarry_ Wyles- ` _Trcas.--_-F. Harrison. , *-Capt.`-T-3. T. Banting. V _. is ; ..`;'Umptrey.and Cqa`ch--Cpt- Bird. 4 ~.~iSdcti9n` Committeee-D. R. -Mu`:-'-. Wtenzs A t ` 'Iig;;:Wylcs._. frayne, ii Bnnting V `.-l_'i.I _'__- _'_- !-"> I`. -1; -)l"v-"5, .3`-'