; of- T1?"- 1g the Grand Jury at in the trial of John David the murder of Wm. Cur- 'ustice Meredith used'these ' well 1'_CCt__ the :ment of the thinking e_le- he ' Canadiaarg. people : ania made a .m_:w stward..trip, domg one mmute. less t :uu.u \.\.u. of biturinous coal by a. landslide at __.-. Page Eight.) IMMIGRANTS. the steamer ard as dead Lch, the sur- in a coma- 18th. A, _-_...n rec- ; the than . 337 IV. ' L L I I I, ! inial = Gbf`:rii1"rnnts'tr`ii"i1ivil1 ~ reaoubiei `their Aeorfs `to -keep `out this class. Under the present law, the -Govern_- ment. has an arrangement -with the steamship companies whereby unde- sirable immigrants can be deported at the `expense of the. country, but this method has its obstacles, and -_ somevbetter means must be devised if we are .to` prevent the` inux of such classes into" this country. Inn`:- -.._._ - '--v- ----- w--,--_ J - "1he"rst fstep to,be "taken is to cut `off the commissions to` immigration solicitors. The tide of `population 18 `tiirned Canadaward, and, henceforth. our gravest concern will be not how` to secure immigrants, but how to exclude undesirables. `Steamship and other -bonused `agencies are liable to attract a large proportion of the frothy, shiftless, ne er-do-well ele- ment. Our day for bomising immi-T igtation is past. Quality, not quanti- ty', should be the watchwofd hence- ..._... .4 u I. , auuux.` forward. iDist~ri;tw News} 'M'IDLAND.--Having failed. in his attempt to have the'_ local option by- law passed by the Town of Midland quashed on technical grounds, J. B. `Mackenzie will move on behalf of n ur- four iorrner licenseholders of Mid- land for a declaration that the lic- ense commissioners must consider their applications for a renewal on" their merits, basing the application 'Al 1jI_.._I'_ ,9.` nnnn II snow; ovv, clown-coo: ---7 ..r`._~-~-- 3on the contention that Midland s local option by-law never` became operative. Three courts," Chief Just- ice Mulock s,' the divisional, the court of appeal, have sustained the Midland. by.-.1aw. A , 44 - oq'o|4nuuo4\QI\ A - _ _ _ . . . _ --;` &VLl\IIGII\.I IJJ `IIID II o . , ` COLL1NGWOOD.-As announced in the annual report, the Northern Navigation Company of Ontario, ar- ranged early this year for. another steamship for service on Lakes Hur- on and Superior. The details have since been settled and the contract for construction executed. The ves- sel will be a single screw package p freight and passenger steamer 5,oooo gross tons and a displacement of 6,500 tons. Her speed, when ful- ly loaded, will be I7 miles an hour, and 21 miles an hour witl an ordin- ary freight load. The dimensions arc: length over all 365 ft.; length between perpendiculars, 341 ft.; breadth, moulded, 50 ft.; depth, ; `moulded to main deck 18.6 ft.; depth, 2 moulded to awning deck, 35 ft.; dep- 5 th, water ballast tank in freight hold, off Ell, YVIIVBI I-I lnuuuvu -vvu--- 4 ft.; depth, water h;ll;s_t9t.nk ih engine room, 5.9 ft. The classifica- tion of the steamer will be the high- est of the Great Lakes Register.- Enterprise, ORILLIA.-The ice on the lake is still solid, being strong enough early in the week to carry team and- sleighs. The average date on which the lake is free from ice is about April 20th. It will be. at least two weeks later this year. A by-law for several thousand dol- lars for waterworks purposes will `shortly be submitted to the ratepay- ers. The expenditure will. include the extension of the 12-inch . main to Lake Couchiching for re protection purposes, the construction of an en- largedreceiving basin at the pump- ing station, rebuilding of the stand- pipe, extension of waterworks sys- tem inlwest ward, and a coupleof thousand dollars at Fitton s stream for further developing and conserv- ing of the water supply.-News-Let- ter. 9 .1, T.`__L CZ......\.\ LCI. At the meeting of the East Simcoe Agricultural Society on Saturday af- - lternoon the Directors were empow- ered to_ mortgage the `property for $7_,0oo, in order to provide funds for wiping off the present indebtedness, and for erecting a new h'all. A committee of the Directors was ap- pointed to. secure plans`, and ascer- tain on what terms the money could be secured, and to report at a meet- ing of the Board on the .25th. It was decided not to take up the crop competition suggested by the De- partment this year, as it was felt that the Board had on its hands all p it could handle for the present.- I__:_ UV Ila ` Pac nu ket. Northern Advance and Daily Mail ..$ Northern Advance and Weekly Mail ._ . . . . . . . . . .. Northern Advance and News outside of Barrie Northern Advanceand xFarm- er s Advocate Nortlrern Advance` and Weekly Sun . . . . . . . . . Northern Advance and Family 7 Herald and =Weekly Star (Montreal) .._.`. .. l Northern Advanceand Toron- ' ` to. Saturday Nxght` . . . . ' Northern Advance and Orange Sentinel i - f Tr ' A delicious drink and in sustaining food. ._ Fragrant, nutritious and economical; This excellent Cocoa maintains the system in robust Vllelltll, and enables it to resist .` vwlnter s extreme cold. ltd. CLUBBING RATES. Tm: N.ORTHERN ADVANCE and I '97 ~ % . . 4-++-::-2--:-3:-2--:~+z:--:-I--I--sv-r::-:--2-+-3-4-3 | } `Let eyeglasses lie in alcohol for a -`frame a fme,came1 s-hair brush will _ lift the dust from the edges and make, them look like new. --`Iii--`vi-.--v--A avv-- ----~ --~--- . i 3Dof not `give your `canary bird `sweets. It is said to develop an asthmatic tendency, and, as with the human voice, after sugar is eaten, few moments, then polish with sham- ois. If the glasses are set into! gold the notes lose their liquid purity, be- coming rough and eventually shrill.` If. you have scorched your milk, quickly remove the vessel from the. fire and stand it in a bowl of coldf water. `Put in .a. pinch of. salt.` will be found the burnt taste has al--1 most if not entirely disappeared. -.I DIIVQL ll IIVD vulva. vs; \.---v-.;;`- v--- -_ e `A teaspoonful of brown; sugar: ad- `ded to a pint of paste -will help to secure preserve jars. ' _ -24.-.. _'. ..- AA.--gas In sewing it is often more conven- ient to use a. ruler instead of a..t_ape line. Keep one in your machine drawer, together with a paper weight, which is very convenient to keep the work from sliding. `z I ,____,-._ `L_.....I ...... An ouwwr your v`v_-_ __ -__, , Make your ironing_boa_1jdU cove : on the principle of a. pillow-case, mak- ing it very tight to avoid wrinkling. .... -. _--_:.::.... -..: ..... 1 65 2 `Q5 II. no v vs; --5--- v- .. When steaming puclcllltlgtlaf anuyl lkind in individual molds, use jelly {tumblers with tight tin covers. You -can tell. when the`. puddings are done without removing the covers. To make savory hash, boil pota- ttoes with the skins on the day be- ?ore using. When the meat is boil- ed, save some of the stock and put in` when meat and potatoes are mix- IIC ; ed. V\l Metal teapots, if disused for some time, give a musty avor to the tea ywhen next used. - This may be pre- vented by placing a; lump of sugar in the teapot before putting it away.- A few -minutes rest lying down in a darkened room, with closed eyes and thinking of nothing, will bright- en. up a woman who has been hard at it during the morning hours with- out a. break. a -4 - -_--..A -5 cf, i I l u ,uuL '4 Utcanu sWhen the smell of frying pervades 1 the house-.,. examine~ the outside and bottom of the frying-pan, and you will probably nd. that it is covered with burnt fat, which smells directly it is at all hot. To remoxe rust on nickel, cover spot with mutton tallow and allow_ it Am .-o....A in, Run d2v then rub w1th 5 Spot wlm THUCIUII l.'dllUW auu. auuvv u. to stand for ve days, then rub wit nely powdered rotten stone. Wash off with strong ammonia water and then with clear water. ----4 .......n [got 111.`: vv--.- _..__..- i Turn your colander over eggs or hominy or anything that spatters while cooking. They will not steam and will brown nicely and will not y out and burn you. You can raise the handle a little to turn. To prevent the heel plates of 1 children's -shoes wearing and cutting through their rubbers, glue in pieces of felt or thick annel in the heels where the wear comes, and the rub- bers will last threetimes as long. To all suffering from ringworm- --4A--.... Llano nninnc 75 - ows open. Take little strong . _ fee chilled, add sugar, Whlp stiff. . Pour in mould, pack in snow and . salt or ice for several hours. 3 as much as possible in the open air, Kl%l.ha v from rub the part with vinegar that onions have been pickeled in. It has never failed to cure the worst cases, but the part must be rubbed with it sev- eral times a day. The avor of the onions kills the germ. A simple dessert and a most excel- lent one is made with one cup rich cream, one cup sugar, one-half cup coee; have cream and cof- To obtain a. good complexion,` live and sleep with your bedroom w'ind- meat, and plenty of milk, fresh fruit and vege- tables. To sweep without dust ying about, take roller from carpet sweep- wash or rinse well, shake out ....+...-n fn eweener. If am- ___..LAan mm AND nemmntas er, wash or rmsc Wcu, s......- \It-w water, return to sweeper. moma 1s used m the water 1t 15 bet- iter for faded carpets or rugs. ,_1.1 .. 1......-.-.. I-.qnA_ ter Ior Iaucu uanyus \Jl ...c,_. To remove rust, add a large hand-l ful of grated horseradish to one gal-l lon of buttermilk, let remain in milkl from twelve to twenty-four hours, rubbing occasionally, then wash out in `clean water. Ill \.A\-sans v- u-.'.. One and a half yards of white oil- cloth placed on the table, over cloth if wished, will give a good surface for cutting out dresses, etc. A good place also for the children to play with their paints. When making raised bread at night, after it is kneaded, mould biscuit and place in a pan tightly covered, giving them room at the topto rise-. In the morning they will be ready toebake for breakfast. To prevent your kid gloves from getting stiff and) hard if removed from the hands moist and warm, foldv them up as they were when new in tissue paper and lay under a heavy. book for some hours. ' The one ame in a gas plate` may `be used for a. twofold purpose. While heating the `water for your. `coffee you --- -.-ion uynnr nnfnfnes nr toast ncaung Int; waucn IUI _yuu.._.v....., 4-.. can crrsp your: potatoes or toast your bread by placing the pan dir- ectly under the ame. _ . `V D-v ncufitf ectly under me name. -By cutting old potatoes into small V balls, allowing them to soak for three `or four hours in cold water, then boiling in cold salted water and; serv- ing with 'cream sauce, a good substi- tute for- new potatoes is obtained. Spots on silver will generally dis- appear after two or three .1 applica- tions of plate powder` and ammonia water made `into a stiff paste and` al- lowed to dry on. Thegfe is no rea- ---A'L-` .-.... aka nrnvrlnnlfl `I1 3 Vel`V L strong solgtion. IOWCU Lu ux_y uu. -....:- ..- __- son to use the ammoma m a very TD -3110` an .t\ strong soumuu. _ If soup is to be good it: must never get cold in the saucepan, but should be strained off directlyj it is su"1- ciently cooked.- Save the bones till you see if the soup is strong `enough, If. not- remove the fat and boil again next day. . . _ . , . ` To fill small bottle, take toothpick j or sharpened match; ~moistcn;n1ay _a,cros.s {tops -of t bo`ttIe td is-~ in; 1' `hold ' `in r placer `with forenger ? i andi vziood ` V FOR ONE YEAR FROM DATE, for % J above offer ex- pi:e4s _APRIL 30th; so hurry jA..91'd9r,%5-A " 5 ~ J `trio. ----~FOR---- B|.25 AND hie. . and.` F380 1 ERY AM anoo. \ Many m `thouilt; t;11:`e amen 1' a th - Pied: en` `11V%eS_.4 `TE 5 k eir idn lected-exec:}1"f1q:::i1.:g1I>)a(.1ly 3.1113 fin the back , _ Rheugigg `hiPs~.. ~Sc1at1caeve1-ywintlsm and .t W33 1i 1q9 a eas the WM 4,,1_,,,.H..;.+4.++++++e-4-++++++t+++++a+++++r+-:s++++++++4~+ Events of the W ck V 4 1 I 1 1 4 1 THURSDAY APR_IL lath _ build _two thousand-foot 3 Quiet for the White `Star -Line. _-Harland and Wolff of Belfast win steamers Vesselmen `trade on the IVMA. The Dominion Government has induced the British 'auth'orities to continue the subsidy to the over- seas mail service, T01'(.JI1I0 ratepayers are to be ask- ` - ~~~ ab-uanrv-\ `Ar fhtl t`('\frl1(',- uuuu ....... ed to vote $712,000 for the construc- txon of a sc;1-wal1 from Sunnyside to the I-lumber. nu. .......- Bennct .-\. Qua, fourteen years of age, fell beneath a King street trail- er in Toronto and. was instantly kil-` led. n.\.. The stables of the -Mattawa. Hotel litM:1II(i\\'1t were destroyed by re, with :1 number of other buildings. Two tr;tmp.~ in one of the buildings were . burned. ' In spite of the request of President R00. fur rtppropriations for four new b;1ttlc.~`hips. the House of Re- prcscntutm-s at Washington refused to 21UIi1riZ(: the building of more than Iwn. ` During the hearing of 3. Suit f0!` damugcs at Woodstock. Chief Just- :-,. C: . \\`.'1.'..... `-\l..ln..l. An:-inrl that. E.ldI[li.lgC ill VV U(JUDLULl\. \J||.|\-l Juan ` ICC Sir \\ x'f!iznn Mulock decided thatl the jury -`}wL11(l go to Ingersoll to see the mucllinc which caused `the` ` ' Ix v . J!` _ kn` I1)` [WALL PAPER! injury. (m was n,- t`; and {hr we William. an- mcm.~ -1` u`. A A I\ u..I:m vaded I :-r.~1:1 br1g;1nd.<. It i~ Ud`C(`; I tntiru An\|n_\ lit! the c:ap.~`i'/.ix1g H bsmrg, S`.`.`<'4lL'l1. D"6itg_a!_1_ _ _9_s- 881 an item Term java I at I\\'<~11t). |gmLuANT V -,_;\anrlf' This is the big, new C3? of stove polish that 15 delighting so man 3 h`_15` keepers, cooks and malds. It shines quick as a Wink` And the shine stay. bright and black. t t burn off, no matter 110W hot the re gets. It is always ready 501` ~ ]ust as good for GI8t_5o" Stove-pipes and. `Iron , work, as it is for StQY,.5__-;_,-,,;g, Not only the b5"e;, X Lfolish, but the moSt;tf; , 01' the money. g V_ `V at I ., FRIDAY, APRIL 17th. 7----- A11 new designs. Border and .Geilings.~all sold by the Roll and at `the same price. at .~_\x IHIICIIHIC \VIlll;l1 hauauu vuv the return tnp a bullet -.1 through the car window. uccupzmts, including Sir ~.-.-re showered with frag-I ugrz/mrro Q FURNlT`U-RE AND CARPET sjronn APRIL` 23; 1wr~'<>x1s 7 vu-fV4 all troubwlwe: and women were_ dopmed tlm punitive force has in-i m pursuit of Kurdxshl mt the C.P.R. has de- upcn shops over the I.< were drowned by (L steamer at Goten- oun `NEW LINE Is _Iv//zrmd %mthe;,co.;:ana to do them any real, lasting good until they tried V .nq_.._ -- I 'T7;`l;1Zflk Pacic -Company I has let the contract for a two million [bushel elevator. at Fort William. , P 35`p;3``a`31ii'e%`{{12'%' .,._..;" .:.{1 .`;`"" ggew stronger-the1r genegal health 1kd,up-and befqre they PILLS cured then: -- V ghuery will cfreggnl `me this 0.: gum n ee at lnoney refunded. e In an 0' soc. 3 box-6 for $2.5o. m in: I tannin AA ............ _, i `Mr. `A. Du I (;o;`g:c.;,,' 1;'$.1"wx'_i's-t;;1;, of -Chesley, who was arresteq on_ a. theft charge, was honorably discharged. rn....-_;.. ....A , \ull.Il 5; W99 Jlvolvnuuw-J ------..-u-_. The University of `Toronto and federated colleges have contributed $570 to the Quebec battleelds Afund. -City Engineer Rust estimates the cost of the proposed tunnel under the western channel in Toronto. at $626,000. ' .`--.- l`-..An- A nvfslifltf vv-vrv--- Mrs. Evelyn Gordon, 3., young married woman of Winnipeg, poi- soned herself after a quarrel with her husband. I` (I 4_,'_ _ `|`__ ll U3 uauu. L Capt. Harbottle, Collector` of In- land Revenue at Edmonton, is miss- ing, and there is a shortage of $7,000 in his accounts. ,2u:__ L..-I....I._-I opzhl IIOIII 1 d by ` uim} O! I 1 There are twelve million bushels of grain at Fort William, and lake lcharters have been made for less [than four million bushels. A4 -.. LI... abnananr Luau Avon nu-...v-- ...._- A Dutch_womai1 on the Statendam threw overboard ;the body of a child `which, lgeon believes, was only K tose condition. | SATURDAY, APRIL 1 to I0 CIUSII LIII; VVl\J\r-yr---- -_ Mr, Charles March, 0 Toronto, the well-known labor leader, died at. \ Montreal. * - ----..n....1 ant` hasten nearly killed. T.q]erow `was with a fence-rail nearly Kxueu. The law_ requiring pleasure craft to carry llghts. in Toronto harbor [will be strictly enforced. _ -1: LIA-n;nn|1Q anal Cl iu__ the central comp-sum. ...--. wxll return to work on Monday. 1 The French defeated a force `Berbers and Arabslat Tolzaza H Algeria, losing 28 killed in the b -tle. V __.. `I ,;...Z.. ov|n(`A 51 new I V--. -- -v- v av. gooav. " Iou: nnuqco.. wmmpm. mu. "UC. The Mauretaniav made; 0rd in her westward.tnp long route in minut | ve days. ` `` LL. :4-cunt` hv TIVC uay 3. The bulletin issued by Sir Henry V Campbell-Bannerman s l physicians < yesterday. tells that the former l 1Prem1e`r as becoming weaker. ' `Richard Street was. taken to the i iGeneral Hospital, Toronto, _with two `bullet wounds, received while resist- 'jing arrest at Oakville. ~ ' Mr. M. B. AMorrison,. Conservative member for West Hastings, has been appointed by the -Government Sher- iff of Hastings county. * ` _ ' The Point Edward ferryboat was seizedin Port Huron on a charge of_ taking pforeignezrs. into l the "_Sta_te.s_,_and Captain Glass was pl Japan is rushing troops to Corea 3 crush the wxdespread revolt there. H L .: Tnrnnfn V Seized. i % taking "Sta_1:e, . m 3311, -UNDEVSIIVZABLE Add:-es`sin:g Grand` Jury at Brampton 1` f iT_earse for o ' ' D `words, which every r_eect_;the sober judgment of thinking ele- ment` of the `people: ' _' ` `on. at pre- The immigration questi of the greatest im- sent is a matter people of this cou_n- atry There seems to be a- unanimity ' ion that the people such as (1 into this country ' d will A` are of ' ' . not blend well with the people of " .A The _g.oorsjsh'ould be "p `this; country) _ ' " ' "gist theggi-introduction of_. am F"l|-L'5 (Continueci. on assau_lted and beaten 2.-rail at: Niagara Falls and I3, I Y _cwe1ve L 117111;...-nr near` `aha CW ulshenc