Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 23 Apr 1908, p. 2

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I. B. HENWOOD. SCOTT S Bookstore BARRIE. 50 YEARS New Designs Artistic Effects MANAGER. Sr. II.--Carmeeta. Sfig- . Tyndale, .A S " ,. to It. II--_1?a: ...._.__.____._.___.____.._ STEWART C82 STEWART, BAR~ risters, Solicitors, Notaries sPub1ic, gmd `Conveyancers. Money to loan In any sums at 5 per cent. Ofce, 13 Owen street, Barrie. H. D. Stew- art, L.L.D., D. M. Stewart. 'Z':}}.'l-i5I} '}'&'{r5Zii' Junction, `Georgetown and r`!-Iaminon. North. "zoo a.m.--For Oriia, North Bay and Son. ' , W. AULT, `BARRISTER, SOLICI- -tor, Proctor, Notary, Conveyancer, etc. Special attention in drawing and probating wills, obtaining let- ters of administration and guardian- Aship, collecting accounts, etc. Of- C--c Dace Hint-Ir Rnfflt, Moev to LENNOX, COWAN is; Bmowu, Barristers, Solicitors for obtaining probate of wills, guardianship and administration, and general Solici- tors, Notaries, Conveyancers, etc. Oices, Hinds block, No.6 Dunlop street, Barije. Money to loan at .1} -..A - ..._ Ana` no-annh nmnn G. A. RADENHURST, Barristcf, -123.-- 17-.---- D..LI:- 1.- (\ STRATHY & ESTEN, BARRIS- ters, Solicitors in High Court: of Justice, Notaries Public, Convey- ancers. Offices over the Bank of Toronto, Barrie. Moneyin sums of $2,000 and upwards, to loan at 5 per cent. H. H. Strathy, K.C., G. H. Estcn. EwsoNcz CRESWICKE, BAR-| ._--A.-__ 9 - :_:A.__. .1 LL- Cup.-1;-an DONALD ROSS, L.L.B.. BARRI'S- ter, Solicitor, etc. 'Bank of Toron- to Building, Barrie. -Money to loan. H.T. ARNALL, M.D.-,C.M., ' OFFIC 1.. 'Dn4-I......`lI .- 1.15-1. AI1......l..I.. f\.. DR. A. T. LITTLE, late of Churchill. Ont. Oice and residence John St., near corner Elizabeth. Phone 213. I IUIIUY OX3ZVl VIII In It rwiuuvv j-u-v wv 7.25 a.m.--`For .Cardwe1l Junction, Georgetown '-and Hamilton. -- _.. , __ `I3. I`. .._I_...-I1 T--..-A.!-.. IDR. J. A. c. EVANS, MEMBER OF College of Physicians and Surg- eons, Ont. Graduate of Medical Faculty of Toronto University. As- sociate-Coroner of County of Sim- coe. Office and residence, William Street, Allandale, Telephone 3022. Telephone connection with Holly, Painswick and Stroud. DR.. J. CURRIE SMITH. OF- C-.. 4...! --... .I-..-- {`..Il2-... - `DR. ROBERT S. B-ROAD,`PH.YSI- n:v\o| 'cII-lvA:l\o| at-- C.xA..:- -- T`--- DR. MORTIMER LYON, 31 Carl- inn Q} Tnonnbn `at; A` 'l3-_AI-1--- L.R.C`-.P. an s. Edinburgh; M.F.P. & s. Giasgow ---SURGEON-- Havingpenu years Post Graduate work in British ospitals and havin served as Clinical Assistant in Golden Square ar. Throat 8: Nose Ilos'pita.l, London- Royal London Ophthalmic ospital (Moorelds) ; for a. term as-Resident Surgeon in Royal London 0 hthalmic Hospital; Bristol Eye Hospital, Bristo ; and Birmingham Eye Hos ital. Birmingham ;former Member of British phthalmological Society. OFFICE-78 DUNLOP STREET. BARBIE. `Phone 51. . P. O. Box. 96. ANYQUANTITY OF MONEY TO loan at 4% and 5 per cent. Easy terms of re-paymeqt: Lennox, DR. W. A. ROSS, PHYSICIAN, Surgeon, etc., L.R.C.S., Edin., L.R. C.P., London. Offices and night residence, Brown s Block, Dunlop street, Barrie. Telephone, 77. $70,000 :1 .-AA --pc vvvvv % u.oo 'a:n3.-For Orillia, Graven- hurst and North Bay. `V- .,AI, K- , SITCCI, .D8l'l_:_lC. Luuncy to IUGII at 4% and 5 per cent. Branch ofces at Creemorc and Allistqn. -Haugh- ton Len-no1:rc,.nAlex._Cowan, G. E. I. `I3 .._--_._ T I I1 l\J'\ DLVLLUAQL, 'aJ||nau..n, Solicitor, Notary Publi &c. Of- ce--Ist oor -Bank of Toronto Building. Money to loan at low- est rates. IJLVV-DKJAV (X \4.l\l.`nJVV.l.\.al\L'4, J)_IA\" risters, Solicitors of the Supreme Court of udicature of Ontario, Proctors, otaries, Conveyancers, etc. Money to loan. Oice, `Ross Block, Barrie. C. E. Hewson,K.C. A. E. H. Creswicke. I Company. Carpen-tcring, bui anwmanufacturing of doors, s.- blinds, mouldings, `etc. Planin all kinds done promptlly and factorily. Hot blast Vrying District Agenc for grained ber. `Factory, at eld street, rie. `Rodgers 8; allie, succc to Geo. Ball. .. LUII .I.4Cll`ll\lJ\,. 43: Brown, L.L.B. 4 lL\L1l 11.414 'xu..JJ0`,\u.1u.., \Jul.' .1.` Kkalla "iz`1.Bothwell s, block, Allanda c. On the premises `at night. Eye. Ear. N6; Throat, .v_vv.LA1, JVLIJIVITIX & E5 1`EN,ON- tario Land Surveyors, `Engineers, etc. Established 1852. Ofcc, Med- ical Bnildin , S.E. corner Rich- mond and ay_ S Telephone, Main, 1336. tions left with -Strathy & Esten, Solicitors, Ban_k of Toronto Build- ing, Barrie, will be promptly at- tended to. iinlau no--up uvvu - ---J- -4"Ori117ta, North Bay Ind poims West. 8.05 'p:m.-For Orlia. to.3s 'a'.~m.--For Pcnetang. xo.4s a.m.--For "`Staynv.-r, Calling- wood `anti Meaford. 3-4o 'p'.m.--'For Stayner, Calling- wood'an'd Meaford. 7.5o'p:m.---For Penetang. 8:00 -"p.'m.-For -`Sitayner, Coiling- Vmod"a'n Meaford. *Tr:ro p.m.-For North Bay. (Co- `bah '*_Spex:ial.) R, I, , r;\. AVL\lJ.\.l..lA'1.|.'al\ uxuxv, 51 parl- ton St., Toronto, late of Brooklyn, (N.Y.,) Eye and Ear Hospital, will be at 67 Owen St., Barrie, every Saturday. Diseases Eye, Ear Nose arid Throat. Consultation hours 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., and by ap- pointment. T V \ 'L\\.l.IJJJI.\J- L). .IJ1\\Jl`L.L/, 1.11.1101` ", Surgeon, etc. Specialty-Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Office and residence, cor, Elizabeth and Brad- ford Sts. (Dyment Gore.) `Phone 105. Box 456. v;\. . J. \a\J'l\L\J..l'4 u)Au..|. 1.311. K11" ce and residence, Collier street, Barrie. Phone 61. Dr. J. ARTHUR` ROSS. Anvmrrrsz m COuccturg ICCUBMBS, how. \I Ross block, Barnc. Money t.o MANUFACTURERS. __ BALL . PLANING MILL MONEY TO LOAN. TERI! NF 3 OKv 31 nor Ammm an. Advance 'll'Ne new name will be eddedtothel aunties mat until the money 1 paid. Ruben`:-lbern now In urreu-s for three months` and over will be charged $1.50 per annnm. .._..__....-.__.__.._..--__..... SURVEYORS. PHYSICIANS. LEGAL. \ ;v.:.nnuNU MILL building, :turin2 of door: .1... 1556 U1 UUUTS, 1gs,~etc. Planing of prompt? gnd sg_is- I\1a -6 ----- ~ mm. ulylng Kiln. grained lum- ygqld Bar- 3 111e, successors er. ` Ofce, over Inspector ARCH_I'FECT. _:k, Dqnlop_ St. THE NORTHERN ADVANCE 1| 8 `P330 48 Oolu-II Nowupupor. Qnbltlhod from the 011106. 1% Dunlop Street. Bank. in the County of Simone. the Pro- wlnoe of Ontario. Canada. every Thursday Moraine. by WIILIY G. CREW, PHOPRIITORB THURSDAY, APRIL 23, ADVERTISING mm The No_nhern Advag '1` Vin. A I thee `it `has. also by far the largest 3 race '1` latter fact demonstrate: the its patrons. If you have any advemggilxtu plnod it with the paper ghat reaches th Ito not afraid to psyuthe pnce. `~' neg .;::,`.'.".. u.:::..::'.:e::`:,*ss..esc~u... All VUIIIIZIIIEI II are cnarg ! space-V18 lines agate measure o d { ';i`-ngI.V"",,4,;"!_`}:ihI:s lmviutixs Ace. T . nae. o 7.. 5 - P'l3l .De>artmcnt ~ _ 9' tbs: class of ,1-samples of *.,.. In befpn ' -V'_a. 1 I ~ Pnntult mu` 19 lea, Amunemqh Auction 3%, ., Nogioes on 1; can 5 WI Le8g.},, insert` 990- it line. n 5 cw per ne uentilgtgglg: 10 ';rpch's uwerdog gin`. ..g:?n:r charged O85 ;gset`1:f this 0 5111*" line. Poem 5 W obiW"' `\ M'Preferrod positions for local advmh. ntain the paper will be 5 Id t (`scone-third on above rates?an:1 3"` mm twin is! ti b `n" "' :313`:mbest'r1p?xy c imed3z. e `"`' `"4 CONTRACT CHANG 17.8. Advertisers wfill please bear in mind um notice of intentxon to chan e advertisemm muetbe handed mto the 0 cc not later am Saturday at 10 o'clock, and the copy {gum change mnstbe m THE ADVANCE. amen later than 12 o'clock noon _on Monday 13 week. otherwise the advert1s_er`s announcemm guy not be made public until the week tong, 3; _ ~vvv< i changes of Advertisements allow . . . dpq year. If more are r.-.quu-ed. composmon M will be charged. Advetrtiu:-is wlftllmrlzltt be :}l)l_owed to Isetheh 1' ve an m 0 us (331336 0 business. iboud u I 8 mm _ they do u transient rates W111 be charged for such vertisementa. --r_.._...__ ....-.uu_u-nnna, Condensed advertisements on rstpage [nu as wants otall lands, lost and found, pmpem for sale orto rent, 5 ecic articles. etc.,e mustbe accomnanie with the cash, and - be inserted--rst _1neertion 2 cents per Wm each subsequent msertion 1 cent per wed nememaddresses and gures counted as word ut a. reduction of one cent per word will 5. made when the number or insertions ohm. matter exceed four yj M1-..-aud mg; J: V$.x;`i3V;icirk were ggwn from North Bay for the holi- J . '. up v- 4 . -- onto {or advertisements must In cm can be mounted on sand menu bum --:7&CwJ - `tn tuulvi Dwelling 1 rooms). stable. dri ~ house. sheds and nearlyii of acre of land in garden and lawn! Corner of Peel and Wellington Streets. Barrie Dwel1ing-8 rooms, stable and shed. Large loton Peel Street. Double dwelling. 6 rooms in each. on (`lap- perton Street. Vacant lot. ofan acre, on Penetanguishene Street. Apply to F. M. MONTGOMERY. 42tf l~J..-...'n `--v-n vvl AUUUUIIGCDCQ 30uC1t8d- Omco. Bank or -r to B 11:11 . Owen street. Bsrr9:.!(1`nnt. u M fH %+++H+ INSURVARCE AGENT. CONVEYANCER, ETC. FIRE AND PLATE GLASS INSURANOI ` Private Funds to loan on nrst mort- i-i'!"!-'ll"!-'1--l-+'!"l'-3"!`-i--!--I-+4-6-++-i-+++ BROWN S BRKERY ADVERTISING Prisoners Geo. Niblock, Joe Mc- Donald :an,Andrew `Rutherford were removed from the jail to the Central `Prison last -week. Mr. Walter ._Urry was in Toronto last week attending a convention of the Retail Bicycle Dealers. They were gueats of the Dunlop Tire Co. and the Canada -Motor and `CycleCo. Lindsay is -starting a third news- paper. It is the Free Press, and it will be published daily as well as weekly. Mr. J. McNaulty will be the editor. ' - `PHONE 250, or drop us a I`osIa1if_vou. V0111!` Ira an:-nnn.:..... ..._- Fall :.`..;.'e;.':g..';'s';.`,.% am. EXCELSI R nus!- NEs_s . QQLLEGE. rt 90!! war an 10 Innb'ri"ftW|3 ELSEWHEE? Wm better close If home. `SEMI FOR OUR HANDSDME Clll ""` " `" ' ' 9 for. Compare our fees, methods and gents! Item!- , nn 4- - ` ` 7 wusx over increaa. NUT] GRADUATE 0F MST TERI |DlE. " `" placed twice umnni H39 3 marvellous eecc on rough: akin. One or two applications will remove the roughness, and by its ocizaional use the skin acquires` the nnoothneu and softness of 3: baby's. 1 Glycedonia in not sticky. and: gloves may be worn A few momenu. afoer nuingit. : Drug8i- MAKES YOUR SKIN LIKE VELVET 42tf WEDDING INVITATIONS. Barrie. unaua O;UlllG PIHCC else 3.110 the ood -the edntor with beautiful thoughts and resolutions of -respect and cards of Ath_anks. ' - } v MONKMADPS GLYCEDONIA. OOIIIRCIAL CONTRACT GEO. MON KMAN. CONDENSED ADVERTISEMENTS, -._..-.I -j--__L1____ __ -_ l:iv(..`.e 15c and 25c. Delightful after ahavincz. 2.4.335; RATES. Landry, who was gured upon fax a 3rd baseman for the Barrie nine isthe coming season, has; accepted a -position in Peterboro, and left Town Monday. He` will play with one `oI.;theclubs,9 that place. _ `$1 " tenyaxzp sq} I`s:.e,.inc!:'.a:`ge ' ,. " .201.-<:` ' - ' V I Barrie. ll]: Barrie. . . \ '1` her ki gected-- M+++v.:,1 of Bradford has been sta3ring.with her daughter, Mrs. Mal-. comson, for a few days. "|(_ , 1 `II `I? up n -. `tlllux. _ South 0 mated Mr. -`the Legisla 775: _ West VI c ed Mr. G Legxslaturc The Uni Hampshire bratxon at The L) indugc- t Torumu ed to vmt `tion mi :1 the Humb continuc 1 seas mzul Benn:-I age, I-CH -- :.. led: V fam- ily of Toronto spent a few days this `week with -Miss Cross, Owen St\ .lI'_. L `I1 1` c . u... - The Sin at M;1tL:'.\ with a n Two Km: Weft: 5C`.'L Thieves I :.~ I In spit ROOS(`\'c1t new butt prescmati to .'mth.; than two During damugcs ice Sir \ the jury see thc injury. was re and {ht William, ment.~ I) `(tidal (:I1t1r<' 4; l\Ll va_(1cd V bngzmds A \\K ll` `the (:11): bourg, ` Mr. and % Mrs. E. Donnell spent Good' Friday in Cookstown, -9 `V n of del Mr; Hunter and children apentuthe Easter holidays in Toron- -Mr. A. B. Thomps<')n, M-P.P., at- tended the Barrie Horse Show on 1`.hurs;d_ay. _i<`-1"ee: ;)'fv \7\;!r`1'11.'x.1.>e.g"\a.nd: _.Mvr. Marshall Freek of Guelph are hcilidaying at their old home. here. `Misses Kathleen and Mayrrle Powell atte1_1ded "the Crescent Club Ball `in Culmgwcxod on -Monday, evening. 5-.. * ""v' I Wm. Jarvis, the Orillia horse-thief, was sentenced by Judge Ardagh to twq and a half years in Kingston yomtentiary. Jvuo JUU VVUIIX `U 1` an out-of-tow-n printer and tlgeni come and ask the newspaper for free rates for the churchl notices. Get` your lodge stationeay and "letter- heads some place else and then flood the erlitnr man. 1.-.....::..: ..a_---_L.- ("Miss Mary Forysth of Toronto `visited. friends here for a few days during the week. m.'ilIV;.maftn"1"I\/Er;."i-I;-lie; Morden -of` Hamilton were Easter visitors of Mr. and M`:-s.D. D. `McLean, Rev: Dr. McLeod conducted anni- versary`-senvices in the Elmvale. Pres- byterian Church on Easter Sunday. CI 9 A westerni -exchange ironically hands out this -bit of advice: Send your job work to 11 job oice an nlif-fI;-f(\\l7. 1\o:an6g- n---' `-L ---' muuun: RAILWAY aumn. -`-`i3:TL'I;y'i`r-aziuding Sunday. of Local Interest Bare, where Miestpn will. go into the upholstermg business on his own account. cMr. -Meston is a. good mechanic; and in a town of seven or eight thousand. ,should be `able to pick up a lucrative trade in his line. In him Elora loses an honest, in- dustrious citizen and Barrie gains one.-Elora Express. -rs .: _,,!`__ _L \aI_-vu -up ----r.. V- The_.Collingwood'_ Enterprise ob-i w `serves: The general election for the Legislative Assembly will likely be held in the course of the next few weeks. In "(West Simcoe the Liberals will in` all probability `pay Mr. iDuff, the sitting member; the compliment of being returned b ac- clamation. There is no possi ility of a change of -Government, and as the riding is hopelessly Conservative it is felt by many of. the leaders of the party that it would only be a waste of energy and money to put up a contest. The Liberals recognize that Mr. Du has endeavored tolook after the interests of all classes ir- respective of party, during his term in the Legislature. ; - A wedding was solemnized in Chalmers `Church, South River, on Wednesday morning, April 15th., at 10 o clock,` by the Rev. Mr. Thom, when Miss Charlotte Maude Christ- ian, daughter of Mr. W. T. Christian, of South River, was married to Mr. Alexander Bell, son of Mr..and Mrs. Angus Bell, New Lowell. The bride, who was given away by her father, was gowned in cream silk eolienne and veil, and carried a shower boq- uet of Bride roses. Her sister, Mild- red, attended, wearing dotted Swiss over pale blue .silk,and carrying pink roses. Mr. R. J. Baker was grooms- man- Mr. and Mrs. Bell left on the noon train, for Peterboro , Toronto, Buffalo and other points. They will reside in South River. CVIIOQ `ICUOIICI `-DIVUIUO I After a season of pleasant music and conversation, the Superintendent of the S. S. in a neat little speech explained ;the object of the impromp- tu gathering, and gave a cheerful and ,pleasing report of the condition and prospects of the Sunday School; together with the credit du_e to `Miss Torrance for her energetic efforts therein, Following some further and well timed remarks, he called on Mr. A. W. Fletcher to read the following address, to which Miss Torrance, who was taken wholly surprise, very feelingly replied, and expressed an wardent hope, that, altho 'divided by many long miles, the same earnest desire ,for Bible study would still animate them in their respective homes, and, after thanking the class 1 for the beautiful clock and still. more Lheautiiul motive which .actuated the - pleasant surprise, hoped they would, :as a class, enjoy very. many seasons of pleasure and prot studying God s Word atogether. Dear Friend---`We have called to- spend.a parting hour on the -eve of your leaving our midst, leav- ing the scenes of your home, your childhood, your girlhood, your sev- cering of the associations `with many `warm friends, your ending of attend- rancehere, at the sacredrservices of your b.eloved church, your breaking of those hallowed ties that have so -lovingly bound us as students in our Bible Class, where as our teacher you have earnestly endeavoured to .izn.par.t .a better acquaintance `._witihl sacred truths as pertaining to the Kingdom o God. Your aid in study- ing these precepts has stimulated xeach .and.all, making for better citi- zenship here in .this life--the place. of .pr.obation--and also your upright and consistent example to consecrate more -.0! our energy and time in the Master s service, as tting prepara- tion .for the` higher and nobler work of the unending and glorious life to cmnme. if . o , can -A pleasing event occurred -at the residence of Mr. A. -Torrance on the evening of Saturday, nth inst., when the Ladies Bible Class of St. Jude s Church Sunday School waited on Miss Torrance to spend a. parting hour and present her. with a ham -E some parlour clock. ; . [ A3643- II anncnn l'\` alnnnnoa -nuns...` .IJlIIVe Therefore, dear sister, whilst we are ;exce_eding_1y sorry to lose from our number a `good citizen of the community, an energetic and inde- fatigable worker in the Church and Sruxmy School, .3 tried and trusty friend, whose judgment, always ternpered with charity and love, whose wise counsel, ever drawn from a well stored mind, rendered your opinion -reliable and Oportune, we yet rejoice to know that no un- toward or calamitous event * in the harmony of your domestic surround- ings has created .a necessity for this momentous change, but simply a lay- ing aside of ;the maidenly duties in your beloved .home among your friends and 'l<`insfol_k here, `to .take up the -still greater. and;ander responsibilities -,-of wiiely duty in .an- i Doctors prescribe very little, if any, alcohol these days. They prefer strong males and altera- tlves. This : in all in keeping with modern medical science; It explains` why . Aver : Sar- saparillaia now made entirely free from alcohol.` Ask` your doetor. Follow his advice. ` N of a % drop 5>f/1100/201 ' .i`;>mIVIiss M. Torrance: J. mun JACKSON MAKER OF PORTRAITS LQAAAAAAAAA LLLLLLQ TI-IORNTON. otheiysphere of labour that will fall to your lot in your new home be- yond the connes of the border, `when we feel assured that your `arm- ; ability, strong womanly magnetism and ever present Christain hearing will soon win and secure-an abiding place in-the esteem and friendship of those amongst whom you are soon | going to sojourn. I ,___ L- , And whether your time may be }fully occupied or no, we still crave `a green spot -in your _memory, and we in turn, for our part, will always cherish fond recollections of our pleasant and jsroiitable seasons to- gether. Indeed, as we assemble in the `sanctuary for the exercises of Bible Class and publc worship, on the Glorious Easter Day, our kind- liest thoughts will frequently be `waf- you and your loving consort, and as, in mind s eye, we look fond- ly in on that Divine Institution, the celebration of which will be call- will make you one forever, each and ing, forth the Holy Words that all will utter a silent heartfelt pray- er that you will be abundanty blest `in the life and love of each other. ""u;sp}ou1e w. A. Jami `Mae Stewartl Mary McC: Cora B. Grey Losa -Hill Emily Teague Sophia Asa Belle M. Stewart Eliza Adam Sadie Wallace Mae Fletch lM aude Fletcher Ethel Eastc Thornton, April 10th, 1908. ; In conclusion, dear sister, we ask `your acceptance of this humble memento from your Bible Class, hop- ing it will, when you look upon it, to know the hour, remind you of your co-workers in the `.'.Master s Vineyard here in Thornton. Hop- ing that your contemplated journey will be accomplished with "pleasure and safety, we now bid you a loving Ipfarewell. __-_--- --J vs. V Jr. to St. IV.-T-a-Robert Redfern, Pearl Tyndale, Milton Brown, `Mary -Buvngly, Eddie Hullbergj Hn1fy_, He;-. entered into a .vei'y fvrank, heart to heart` talk with his `deputation. He - quoted from L the judgment 'of- Justice Britton to prove` {that the decision was based on the ._circumstances surrounding the pass- mg of the by-laws. ` `(AI ,1 4,? r-- v_-- -a --vv Abolish the b:-1.1- `banners had `been carried and other things done _to indicate that,the people were. vot- ing on pr.o,hibitio_n,gnot license. J`FI|l---- ` A HOLLY rum.-1c scnbor. RE- DDVCC -Cjtibv 3 " 'X'xrca Fowrrurra 2 oooooooooooooooooooooooooo er of merit. V T Names `bf successful` pupils in ord- ."S`.I-\;.:-"H d.ALd' * ? Broivn; Alfregwlger. nfewsy Clara `I- '17 . Q on." q- '- , _. -- Jr-, IV.-4-Lue HO, kii1sbn, }Lm;y..:Blaxham Stanley Align; V * Mr. Hanna to Collingwood Deputa- ' . ~ tion. -_- wuq ru va--nrnuayrll, IIVI. uyuuac. -Those interested in the passing of the `by-law, said Mr.` Hanna, acted with indiscretion, having; `regard to `the _fqct t_hat they knew there was to i be 11t1ga.t1on. - " Owing to the indiscretion of those interested in the `passing of the by- law, it is clear it would be utter folly to put up one ._dollar to carry. the case any farther.?_ A rnu- p u g V . . vvatson, nector Lamont, J. Birme, iK.`C., Revs Henry Irvine, of CQ1lin`g- wood, Rev. Dr. Chown, -Rev. Dr. Shearer, Toronto. . . `flue .fo1Iovipg vccotvmts were ord- cred' 133.1-d : ' ' A. lieid; ref). grader and 200 ft. plank, $4.25; `Municipal World, 6 cop- dies Public Health Manual, 5.33; H. Graham, cedar. for culvert, $3.00; W. J. McLean, rep. plough, $2.75; David Gauley, hauling bandiron for shery bridge, $3.00; Thos. Muir, rep. cul- vert and road way on 5th Con. line, $3.50; John Gauley, chopping brush on road way, $2.00; Walter Smith, removing old bridge at shery, $23.- n Essa Council met at Ivy pursuant ito adjournment on Monday, 13th ?April. All members present. Reeve }in the chair, . ' Tnins leave Barrie for the under- Inentioned places as follows :- A number of communications were presented, read a_nd referred to then- respect1_ve_ commlttees. % g MV=VBanting--.Miller-That the Rem and Mr. Miller inspect all the roads north of 15 side road, and that the Deputy Reeve, Mr. Erwin and Mr. Banting inspect 15 side road and all roads south, both committees to report at next meeting of `Council. (`I I % "1514; ieriKai}is'}'J'c:& zZ{v}e to the "Inpector of Asylums for in- formation regarding the Township inmates. ) , V` the By-law .to nish the revision. appointing the Clerk and the Treas- urer be confirmed, and that the By- laws of the Township be taken up and revised clause by clause. `After working for some time in revising the By-laws, the Reeve, the Clerk and the Treasurer were appointed ! w'VI`he Cotincil iagijofurned t meet at lThornton on -Monday, 18th May, at I 10 o'clock. ; This was the frank reply made by Hon. W.. J. Hanna last week to the Collingwood deputation which asked the` Government to appeal the deci- sion quashing the -$2,500 license by- flaur ' if The ldeputation inluded May_or Watson, Hector Lamont, J. Birme, KIT` Dot! I-Inorvuv Tc-uv:aA I\` .f';\1I2..`... g uuuntca. Dundas-- -Erwin--That no bills be paid for work, unless ordered by \some member of the Council, except ?in case of emergency, and` that all bills for opening roads and shovel- lling snow must be sworn to before `a commissioner or J. P. before being -considered by this -Council. . 3 :I)`(tttt<`1;s-V-i-;l: >::t2n/ting-:-1-Z"1`hat.the Clerk {be instructed to commumcate with Mrs. Thompson in reference to pur- `chase of_ gravel pit, Lot 20, Con. II. THE NORTHERN ADVANCE urwvv "'4.2o a.m.--For :1-ewmarket, To- Ionto. Montreni -and points E:-st. `$.45 a.m.-For Toronto. `(Cobalt Special.) - to __ , 4.- vs_._ \V-,:__.-_I-.n A.--- FOLLY. TO APPEAL. ESSA COUNCIL. '1. sCOXWORTH, Clerk. Jamieson McCartney Asaph Adams Fletcher Easton a\._y , 14; vcy 51'. Pt. II. Jr. son, Stanley Craw Lynuale, V Amy 5rigley.- I~I.--Mat Hoskin- ford. Jr. Pt. 1 II. to'_ St. Pt. II;-`-Reggie 1% "sI 'I.*:o 1:. Pt. Irecniarord Tay- lor, Elmer Djer,`,El'sie_Tyndalg, :` ._ `Jr. 1. to St; I,--Sadi`e.G.ivens,_Jol1_n4 Lxcll, .ert__ __Srigley', Chprhg , 7I'108ki!!_ _ . It _:__.. 3":,.::`./ff ~`~.a ; Jr. III. a; Sr. III.-`-Nellie ' Kexi, ` Fred Kell. L . . I 3 Sr. II. to Jr. III.--Charlie B1ox- ham, Floyde Dyer.- . " ' ft . . , n -- IL. THE BANK has weathered the nan-_ cial storms and panics for "8`.;t1-";.m.-Fior Ndvmarket, Auro- :a and Toronto. 9.35 a.m.-For Allandale. `Loo p.m.--`For Newmarket, Au- tora and Tomato. nfTORON'[ and through good times and bad times it has stead- ily gained strength until its depositors are to-day pro- tected by a surplus fund of over_ V V Nlno Mllllons of Dollars * above all its liabilities to the public. A Upon the strength of this record you are invited to become a depositor in the institution. Savings Bank Accounts opened and interest allow- ed thereon 4 times a year at highest Current rates. BARRIE AND ALLANDALE BRANCHES WALL PAPER in 3 leather food as well uthebleckeetendquleko eltpoliehmnde. Honest dealers give it - A vhenukedfor. Borders same price as Sidewall. snof. pousu -IZ XII? 3 3O &IIU&I 5.20 p.m.--For Newmlrket, To- ronto, Montreal and points East. rt- _ ;____;II 7--.. _L2-..

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