Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 9 Apr 1908, p. 2

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IUIU `IL D \IQrscvuuc- '00o' am, 99990000000? ' ` :75 a5 `~15! V ,, ,_ f,.---.'.- y..uyy\.1,":I`aVClyIl' Dfett. [_ Those who receiv;`d" _th_e' hightst rco11d11t l2nzirl ar_e.:--Lizije Camer- I on, . Howard, C`2irsc_m, 3 Ear1`~Ca:'son,i ; -Fanny," `Stone, LLuc'i1leGos!'ing , Eves] I3?11g G_ar'sm1, _,`LiiZI- 'M`cNiI, L `Ezfiaief wrigh. '<\.\ alt's: Wallw xuwn reel Abcreep. ` . Double dyvenlmg. 6 rooms`, perton Stqoet. ' _ - Vacant not. 1 of an acre, on Street. Apply to - \ II` M 1\}l(\M _ ..-`uw- C I 3| VIII`: V Dwelling 1 rooms). stable, driv house. sheds and nearly 1 of acre ofjand in garden and lawn: Corner of Peel and Wellington Streets, Barrie DwelIing-6 rooms. stable and` shed. Large locon Peel `Street. d_wenling.`6 roomsvideach. on Clap- Street. " lot. "acre, Ion Penetanguishene mt ., V u'_. M. MoN'1"s0M13R'Y, Ha ....I'.. E Jr: 'CVI`l1`Ta1p;')'elV, EI:1sSie- Cameron, Jean `Hickling, -"and Dora C_ha\p_pe1. equal, Er;1ie _,VV_rig}3t. ? `II.-- Ea`rlv -CaAr s'o"n, Fann'y* Stone, Mabel Stone,` :May` . CdmBel'l, G_eor~ f gie. _McDona1d, Andrew 5.Wallwin. ` I :1 I.-4-Wa`-lter" Wa1l'1i'i n, ;` Maggie B1`et_t, '.F_1jan`kie A Chatppel,-`_Evel'yh-. Brett. . 'm'.....'. .;.a..-* -_-_-=__v-:14 `r `r f f I I Sold by Grocers and Storekeeper: in 1-11). and -lb_'l['ins. WESLEY &.CFIEW. PROPRIETORS Iueam `A delicious drink and a sustaining o . i Fragrant. nutritious and economical. This excellent Cocoa maintains the system in robust health, and enables it to resist V winter : extreme cold. 4 LA) 011000010 has weathered the` nan-L cial storms and panics for and through good times and bad "times it has "stead- ily gained strength until its depositors are to-day pro- tected by a surplus fund` of over ' ' Nine umnons of Dollars, % above all its`1iabi1ities to the public. 42! f Upon the strength of this record you are invited to become a_ depositor in the institution. ' Savings Bank Accounts opened and interest allow- ed thereon 4 times a year at highest _current rates. BARRIE AND ALLANDALE BRANCHES. THE NORTHERN ADVANCE H. B. HENWOUD. WALL PAPER Borders same price as Sidewall. SCOTT'S Bookstore BARRIE. You cannot gossibly have a better om thug j 50 YEARS New Designs Artistic Effects MANAGER. `means our SUBSCRIPTION. :1 new Ammm in Advanme Q'No new name will be addedtothesub arlption List until the money is paid. Subscribers now in arrears for three months and over vn"l1 be charged $1.50 per annum. fl` ejc}vxei1`1?_.4; n I 9 V Bargie. STEWART & STEWART,` BAR- . risters, Solicitors, Notaries Public, and Conveyancers. Money to loan \ in any 5 per cent. Oice, 13 Owen street, Barrie. H. D. Stew- art, L.L.D., D. M. `Stewart. W. AULT, BA-R-RISTER, SOLICI- .,... `D-.-...on.- Nnfarv Crmvevancer. L-ENNOX, _ CO-VVAN 8:`. BROWN, Barristers, `Solicitors for obtaining probate -of. wills,. guardianship and administration, and general Solici- tors, Notaries, Conveyancers, etc. Ofces, Hinds block, No.6 Dunlop street, Barrie. Money to loan at 4% and 5 per cent. Branch oices at Creemore and Alliston. 'Haugh- ton Len~no:c,DAlex. Cowan, G. E. J. T!--__-.. `I G. A. RADENHUR ST, -Barrister, Solicitor, Notary` Public, &c. Of- ce---1st oor Bank of Toronto Building. Money to loan at low- -_L anbnn -NIEI`. !'_G 1 1gy_voNc :5; CRESWICKE, BAR- - - :_:L4..4-n 1`: `kn C111-\|-Q91-`Q STRATHY & ESTEN, BAR-RIS-I ters, Solicitors in High 'Court- of Justice, Notaries Public, Convey- ancers. Oices over the Bank of Toronto, Barrie. Money in sums of $2,000 and upwards, to loan at 5 per cent. H. H. Strathy, K.C., G. H. Esten. .Barric fCitizens Band,` having ceas- ed to be a.` multtary orgamzatnon, has ,dgcide`d to remain izyexistence pro- vnded -the Town ;Counci1_;.~makc--the` -usual annual.grant of $3o_o,-and` an application `has been put him} for -that gin:-pose. "1-`he -Band's-, Se ctary, J; Hobley, has draw.n the} attention V of the Council to -the`? fact*th_a;` the: , present location \ofth_e ,.band.rs_t,anfd is ` u_n'qtisffac'tdry" to. av larg.e..$nti_x`1]3r of CINZCHS, and he ,-5;ug%g'esti0n:., that it be 'ch<:'mged~t'o.,therF.0st Ofce T M11, E. G. -R 'ddi.ttf ha`s "re- ;}sjg;1`dfth'e -leadcthix of-the }. V DONALD ROSS, L.L.B., BARRIE- L-.. C._1I-ZA.-_ -4... Dawn`) A: Tnpnn, $70,000 F0-R INVESTMENT 0N QOOII f`I'PP}1|'\lf` Ql`IIIi;`-up -4. ANY QUANTITY OF MONEY TO loan at 4% and 5` per cent. Easy terms of re-payment. Lennox, Cowan & Brown, `Solicitors, Barris- ters, etc. . UNW _ IN, MURPHY 8: ESTEN,ON-A tario Land `Surveyors, Engineers, etc. Established 1852. Ofce, Med- ical Building, S.E. corner Rich- ,mond' and Bay Streets, Toronto. Telephone, Main, 1336. Instruc- , tions left with Strathy & Esten, Solicitors, Bank-of Toronto Build- ing, Barrie, willbe promptly at- tended, to. r ' L.R.C.P. &: S. Edinburgh; M.F. P. 8: S. Glasgow ---SURGEON--- I Bristol Eye Hospital, Bristo Having spent 4 years Post Graduate work in British Hospitals and having served as Clinical Assistant in Golden Square Ear. Throat & Nose Hospital, London; Royal London Ophthalmic Hospital (Moorelds) ; for a term as Resident Surgeon in Royal London Ofhthalmic Hospital; :and Birmingham Eye Ho ital, Birmingh _ _ :3 am :fo1-mer Member of; British phthalmological Society. OFFICE--78 DUNLOP STREET, BARRIE. `Phone 51. P. 0. Box. 96. H.T. ARNALL, :M.D.-,'C.M., OFFICE in Bothwell s block, Allandale. On the premises at night. D_Ic{. W. A. ROSS, PHYSICIAIE, L- T D (" C CA2 DR. A-ROBERT s. BR-OAD, PHYSI- cian, `Surgeon, etc. Specialty-Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Oice and !, residence, cor, Elizabeth and Brad- } ford Sts. (Dyment Gore.) `Phone } 105. Box 456. JI_-+-:~s-z-+4-1-:~:-a-+-:-+4-:-+~:~e--:--;~:-4:--:-9: |DR. MORTIMER LYON, 3: Carl- ton St., Toronto, late of Brooklyn, l (N.Y.,) Eye and Ear Hospital, will be at 67 Owen St., Barrie, every Saturday. Diseases Eye, Ear I Nose and Throat. Consultation hoprs II a.m. to 5 p.m., and by ap- pomtment. I DR. J. A. C. EVANS, MEMBER OF] Panama .-.3 DL---2-1-_- A---' f`- DR. A. T. LITTLE, late of Churchill. Ont. Oice and residence John St., , near corner Elizabeth. Phone 213. DR. J. CURRIE SMIT-H. OF- {ice and residence, Collier street, Barrie. Phonc 61. V. AU, -D1'\'l.\'L\.l`>J.l.J'aL\, bJ\/.l-lA\ro tor, Proctor, Notary, Conveyancer, etc. Special attention in drawing` and probating wil_1s, obtaining let- ters of admignistratxon and; guardian- s_hiP.. collectmg accounts, etc, Of- ces, Ross block, `Barrie. Money to 1t\no\ lI\r\pQ, loan. uuaallnu `DIOC of Plumbing. - B_EG_GS, ngmeexz. Bosanko `Block. ' ofPlumbin2. |.Ull Lacuuuzs, 43: Brown, L.L.B- 1D_VV-DULV 0!. LI.\A.'-ovv:.u;x;.., JJL&\ risters, Solicitors of the Supreme Court of Judicature of__ ,_Ontario, Proctors, Notaries, Conveyancers, etc. Money to loan. Ofce, Ross Block, Barrie. C. E. Hewson,K.~C. A. E. H. Creswicke. ' E 0! Local Interest 3} `+4-t-~z-+++-1--a-roe--M--x-4-+4--1-1-oz--1-+~:--1-++ Mr. %J.. .C_ Morgan of Deseronto was in Town on Thursday last. be :-. _ Fa,ctory,_ ,Baye_Id s/trect, Bar- rie. Rodgers .& Gallxe, `successors V to Geo. Ba1l. Eye. Ear, Nose 6 Throat, an \Ina\Qa--a- est rates. '\JlV[1L4.IJ 1\\JQsJ, 1.4..L4..IJ., JJ1LJ.\J.\.r.1-J ter, Solicitor, etc. Bank of Toron- to Building, Barrie. Money to loan. `Surgeon, etc-, L.R.C.S., Edin., L.vR. C.P., London. Ofces and night residence, Brown s Block, Dunlop ,street, Barrie. Telephone, 77. -...\. J. u. \. .u.vnn.:, LVLDLVLDLK U1` College of Physicians and Surg- eons, Ont. Graduate of Medical Faculty of Toronto University. As- sociate-Coroner of County of Sim- coe. Office and residence, William Street, Allandale, Telephone 3oa. Telephone connection with Holly, Painswick and Stroud. ,..,..nn.; ;. \J.L\ 11V V DDLLVILIV 1 good freehold security at lowest rate of` interest. No principal money required until end of the term; H. H. Strathy, Solicitor, etc., Barrie. - I-\AI Illa J Barrie. Dr. J. ARTHUR ROSS. In -the local division court, .there were `entered last year 548 suits, the claims aggregating $18,710.02 in val- ue. 'LI`..he clerk's return of emolu- ments showed $123445. and the :bai- 1i s teturn, $_45.L.97. Over twenty- `ve per cent of fhhc suits were for` sums -not exceeding. $10 in value. - i `gt rI\ 1 %--2--- MONEY TO LOAN. __.___.______.__.._____.__. ARCHITECTS. SURVEYOEEE. PHYSICIANS. FINANCIAL. LEGAL. D, cialty--Eye, 1 and re.) I, E St., es Consultation : 1\7f1__2__E)~i'5 | ADVERTISING OF THE ,1ne_ No_nhem Advanm` - Tau: Anvnrcs IS prov t largest circulation of any papecr; 13, t"e 0` T`R"'a.s also b tar th In em"? mi`? "ken t yt 8 rm` Bubscn r so emonstrat t its patrons. If you have any af1sx.`el:g9i;f`hty` place it with the paper that reaches thntto ` not afraid to pay the price. '3 Deon` Advertiqementa are charged co spaoe-13 111168 agate measure make mi! Ole inch Mr. C. G. Strange has resigned the position of turnkey at the jail. Pend- ing a permanent appointment, Mr. Joseph Somerville is attending to the dunes. TRANSIENT ADVERTISING, Legal Notices. Auction Sales, A etc.-Fix-at insertion 10 cents er !?i`:1:m0Iq on uentinsertlon5centa per ine_ ' Be in: notices. 10 cents nor n..- . -"0|"der "' % * ~- ' .0 ; . -:3 d)~r'a`1`;"-t fth:'~-'."`3d`n8 invitations IoIi;";p`.31,1t. place. he ~ mt-`E _Department ,.f_,_1lS `class of .8t`__samp1es. of_ 9'9-'9-us before ` Printing THURSDAY, APRIL gth, an Re 5 lines, of this chractqr, charg Obituarv Poetry be per hne. uenb xmseruun 0 cents line_ in; notices, _cents per line insertion : 5 COMB Der lme for each sub insertion of the same matter. All in, ms Cd 135 W hen T a'Prefe1-red positions for 100 ments in the paper will be sold ata1,,,.m:1`['1"ha of one-third on above rates, and (m. nonnbt account will special positions he ;_r1\A,.n mu rule will be strictly carried out. ' ml CONTRACT cnnzczs. Advertisers will please bear in miml notice of intention to change a(1\r-Him-A M mustbe handed into the office not lzitlfnm Saturday at 10 o'clock, and the (~r.;.'; for M change must be in THE ADVAI\'(`1.' omC3u later than 12 o'clock noon on hloxuam i,e` week. otherwise the advertiser's aIxx:r.1;},,.(.1l gnay not be made public until the \m,k fem` mg. - 10 nhnnonn nf At`l`nl`f;cnrrsr.n0r. .n W111 De cnargca. Advertisers will not be allowed 1., space for advertising anything (,,;_. own regular business. Should tn. transient rates will be charged for vertisements. . IHK. 12 changes of Advertisements :11}: yepr. If more are required, compo.-;t wxll be charged. Advertismrn will nnt `hr. nnm.-mt . INSUR/RFUCE AGENT. CONVEYANCER, ETC. FIRE AND PLATE GLASS INSURANCE"unds to loan on rs: morr gages. Correspondence solicited. Office. Bank of Toronto Building. OW Street. Ba.rr'e. Ont. vvr __-...._- ...... - .......u...ur..\ ;_~_ Condensed adv_ertisements on rm pagggm as wantsot all kmde, lost and founr`_, mm for sale or to rent, specic arm-1<~.~;, at 6., mustbe accomoanied with thcrzxslz. and be inserted-x-st jnsertion 2 -ems ,.s._- W each subsequent Insertion I cum. I:(-r WM (names,addresses and figures Counted :1 5 won but a. reduction ot one cent per Word V.-Q1 made when the number of insertions arm. matter exceed four i MAKES YOUR sxm g g LIKE VELVET :1 J. Ilf\'H'IIllA\Y D DI nnY\l`\\'Yn The spring meeting of the 'Simcoe Beekeepers Association will `be held in ubbe Council Chamber here on Sat- urday, April 18th;, at one o clock, p. :m. Mr. R. F. Holtermann of Brantford will give an address on -How to increase the average yield of honey per colony. .;. 77 -v t I have now a. large stock of rsz on hand of all sizes. `\_, rv.v\-\ - can for advertisements must in em one be mounted on uolld metal bug. -P-1-l"l'i-l'i"!"l-!"l'i"i"l--P!--9!--H-+++++ A v-- ._.-.-u- VA sail Dll4CG- Also HARD and SOFT wont). ; pleased to receive your orders: for : will have Prompt and Careful Ath- JIUIIICI \Jl'BII\. na Sandwich, Fruit-Loaf. at 5c. Brown or genuine Home Made Bread. CAKES. PASTRY. CREAM PUFFS, Fresh Daily. ADVERTISING vuuwu vain-on-swlvlnl Coal and food Merchant ("0:`n'r 1* I and Elizabeth Sts. Phone 1.1:. , . ,.,. . ., `gu, ur urup 115:1 I would like something good in 49 Machine muae :- Baken- s, Cr4_amLTv_vit, Vign- T `F 'I'4"I"!""i'3"!"'+"!' "i"'"-4-1!-'i'"""|"i v~ "'*- A western exchange ironically hands out this bit of advice: Send: your job work to a job oice or to an out-of-town printer and then come and ask the newspaper for free rates for the churchs notices. Get} your lodge stationery and letter- heads some place else and then ood the editor with beautiful thouglitsi andresolutiopns of respect and cards of thanks. ' . BBDWWS BQKERY 'PHONE 250, rnnl `:`V/5 -_-_..-. Fall Ie{:h"'gih"Ept. am. -EXCELSiOR BUSI- NESS COLLEGE. Sin run nun nmnsumr and see wham we of- fer. Compare our ma, methods and general results. - 7 we ASK vuumTu?t to meet. the ever I!IW ' I ing demand. not A cmum or lAS_T mm nus; We placed twice as many wnrcn TD Inmmm. 0 nsswum M. better elm` home. Has -a marvellous effect on rough1 akin. One or two applications will remove the roughness, and by its occasional use the skin `rl the smoothness and softness of a baby's. E Glycedonia is not sticky. z-.:d4 gloves may be worn a few rnon.<.-nzu after using it. 1 vs. ._ -- Dmggisty `WEDD}Nd INVITATIONS. The local curlers enjoyed the somewhat "unusual luxury of an April game last week. On Thursday and Friday the ice at the rink was in first-class playing condition. pAL__ & {wooo Barrie. - .-...,.. uuu \_l1lCL|ll .un-.. Tins. cegsmgji nun` \l.`4\n.J Il.__r.L - - cornnmcur. cox-nucw nngg, MONKMAN S GLYCEDONIA. GEO. MONKMAN. coxox-mszn ADVERTISEMI-:.\"J'.~`, ___-.I -.)-..__4.:_-_. . P1"iU(.:e 15c and 250. Delightful after shaving. B.A2E21f?:E2E}: ), or drop us a 1'` \:--\r- ._...A - . The Board of License Commission- ers for Centre Simcoe will meet on Easter Monday, and decide upon the applications for license for the year 1908-09. There are no new applica- tions, the number now standing at 19.,- n .o .m- Barrie. ':zx~.~ VOAL I 1159 {he Side HIM`: '1;x'a~'.`ford Mrs T0.u.chCtt.c of Fond du Lac, Wis., mother of Messrs. Alex. and Alfred Toughette of Town, died at her home on '1`hu.rsday, March;26th, aged 82 `years. 'M1f. Alex. Touchemtei reached Fond du Lac in time for the_ .funeral, which took place on March rsntl. 33-~:--a-~:~-{ .3: 4.""`| PM itrxxlcs `ll V :-.. The quctu Suppu comfo :11`ll}\{`i (Hing J'ohn_1Campbe11., ('.Lac'n1an -of Tor-' {-fbn_to, av dsigner'Ta.` d in v_ex'1tori~:j;o_f gas`-. --l.fi1Ig;;_e-;g;g_1gins,-, _,b.r.ought _- _g11';;;. ac`ti.9;nv2 #9: V git % ;t~io;fj = ofr~. .*=%13~e?":ri=.s. tee : i H _ \`J3.S out t and s `f\`.`c 1 for fr Loga Ana (0 be mcm ]ic York tary 3DDa Olitllq `sir the I mcntu Y1 Ln 8 Pugs 48 (`alumni Newspaper. Pubiinhed from the otoe, 123 Duniop Street. Battle. in the County of Simooe. the Pro- vince of Ontario. Canada, every Thursday Mominz. by the part the Ne rnatt repo on_ _Ca1 Au Xior ` R up] Ch Akh uvh k null with TBZARRIE RAILWAY GUIDE. I4: and ` brow .-._nu `Can My $2000 for` breach._ of contract `in con- nection` with supplying certain /en-i gines. `Judge ~MacMahon has given judgment in favor of McLachlan, de- of a certain mortgage security nd to $200 as provided in the agreement. The defendants` are to pay McLach`- lan the costs ofgthe action. nu . C Aclaringhe is entitled to the discharge` anon. ---v v---_ --v ---_ `At the Barrie.','House Saturday" afternoon, Messrs; E. A. Little and i Dan Quinlan, President and Secre- tary, respectively. of the Barrie Cly- desdale Association, were presented by their fellow members with an ad- dress and a friendship pin each, `as a mark of appreciation of faithful servicesextending over seven years. Mr. G. H. -Davis, Essa, took the chair for the occasion, Mr. J. `Coxworth, Essa, read the address, _and Mr. Geo. Leslie, Innisl, made the presentation. Both recipients acknowledged the gifts in suitable terms. The As- sociation is disbanding after a most successful business career; ' `D. D. G. M. Bethune -at Corinthian ? V "Lodge. - Ayelfs Pull ,.ure liver pulls. They act `directly on .the' liver, make more bile secreted. This is why they are so valu-. able in constipation, biligusness, dye-~ re :13, sick-headac_hc_.- ;Ask your,doctor_ I _ e knows a,be:te;lajx'a_tiv_ee1_ajll. f: .7. *`*'*'**'!*!r?*!'- T .) `. . 4. > . l r . \. - .' . r A. u \\ .r` 2- < .\. I wont nu . ` `V 4,-_ , .;/ Q \\~\ - 9/ G g ,- :1. FRANK JACKSON MAKER OF PORTRAITS AQQQ LLAAALA `The function at Corinthian Lodge 1N0. 96,` A.F. and tA..M., on Thursday `evening last was as member put it a little better than the previous best in our history. It was the of- cial visit of R. W. Bro. J. `W. Beth- une of Stayner, D.D.G._M. for `Geor- gian District. >At the preliminary meeting, -first and second degrees were conferred upon` a number of candidates. Sub- sequently, the degree work was fur- ther exemplied by W. Bro. R. G. Manuel and the officers of the,Lodge, and the whole was such as to merit the warm_a_1pprobation of the distin- gurshed VlSltOl'. s - y The banquet after the close of the "Lodge was a conspicuous. success, and furnished an excellent medium for the interchange of -many bright and witty sayings, the feast of rea- son and ow of soul being well evi- denced in the responses to the several toasts. W. Bro, R. G- Manuel pre- sided. `R. W. Bro. Bethune made a felicitous speech to the toast Grand Lodge of Canada, and received very hearty applause from the assembly. Visiting Brethren was responded to by Rev. Bro. Sturgeon, Angus, Bro. Green, Stroud, -Bro. Ambach, Allandale, and Bro, Sherwood, Mon- treal. Jolly songs were sung by Capt. Whish, W. Leonard, G. Monk- man and Geo. Laurence. Homer Heard favored with a recitation, while Jas. Patterson gave his inimit- able story, John Ritchie. It was an early hour when the gathering dispersed. O'1cers-R. G. Manuel, W. -M.; Philip Love, I.P.M.; J. C. Irwin, P. M.; Jas. Shrubsole, Donald Ross, 5.` Wesley, R. E. Fletcher, Alex. Cow an, G. G. Smith .-Geo. Monkman, P. M s.; W. Johnston, 'S.W-; Fred Snea- th, J.W.; Alfred 'Wilkes, Secy.; F.W. Otton, S.D.; W. Cline, J.-D.; J. Little, S.S.; Walter Urry, ].S.; F. Redditt, I.G.; Wm. Taylor, Tyler. .LIu.IJc\JIAVJ~ Jn -I1` \r\rILll\JD, J. IJVJu,`LLuJ>I Brown, Jno. Neill, C. H Ambach, Geo. Sherwood, `S. C. `Walker, J. -S. Brunton, S. Maneer, Jos. Pullan, R. J. Sturgeon R. S. Burton, Meaford Webb, Amos Train, Robt. Ball, A. S. Jamieson, R. J. Sprott, A. E. Staple- ton, Fred ~`Marr,.Walter Leonard, J. S. Leonard, Robert Ferrier, W. J. Martin, Albert W Whish,_ Vivian B. Simmons, W. J. Hallett, F, T. Graf- ton, F. E. Lord, G."Falloweld, Wal- ter Witten, S. J. Fisher, `W. J. Suth- erland, Jas. Patterson, A. W. Green, R. H. Bowman, J. W. McWaters and G. B. McLean, - ~Brethren-A. J. Crumb, Wm. Wil- blis, A, s. Redditt, Lemuel Little, w. Graves, R. Pulford, J. Culbert, Geo. McMillan, Geo. E. Webb, W. Rid- dell, J. Mingay A. R. McDonald, E. R. Wainwright, J. H. Swan, A. W. Bell, W. D. Bothwell, R. -King, W. C. Andrew, W. B. Webb, W. D. Mac- Laren. A. C, Brown, M. P. Duff, 13.`. H. Clark, W_. B. Tiken, J. Du_nne1t\$,( \l7 f` ....4l.- 1.? T ,.....-... T \4-la. 1`, V ' \II\\ulI, J; lJ|r_|lIII\-LL, W. C. Curti'S, gill]. Lower, J. N. Hobley, Geo. Laurence, J. A, Mac- ;Laren. ` ' I Visiting Brethren- J.W- Bethune, D.D.G.M.;J. H. Neelands, P.M.;H.T. 'D..n.....-. T...-. RT.-.111 f` L`! A.~.l.....L School report for March: } Sr. IV.--Rach|el Nixon, Howard *Warnica, Arthur Richardson, Cliord ` Leonard. l Sr III.-Jean Mitchell, Ida Hooper, lBurton Wamica, Leslie Brown, Dor- othy Blackmore, Elsie Richardson, Mabel Hurst. T - ` Trains leave` Barrie for the under- Inentioned places as follows :- J`r_.-"I-\;;--Fred. Hall, Wilson Wright, Frank Hall, Dora Hooper, Kenneth Mackay, Bessxe MacGowan. ' -I-vv -- |A. Doctofs Meciicihe Without Aloholl |`L_3`f|`o, ll`: IA 35: Builder" IA Blood l3urier; |A Great Alteragive I-4160/201 [Wit/zoutM ggggggg gvgyulul was u--up rv-gov-r -v-v~-v- `$.45 a.m.-For Tdronto. (Cobalt_ Special.) 1: _ _ , ,,_ -rs-.. \Y-__-...--I.-A Au-A` , A PLEASANT . ' VISIT. . s -Snug: rag Toic Those Present. PAINSWICK. garilla ' ~ WithoutAlcohol| We pub1uh_g_g5_formu1u Without Alcohol] Without Alcohbl Vithouf Alcoholl "'4.2o a.m.-Fc`>':'.-'i\-fcwmarket, To- tonto. Montreal and points East. ll"-I_-IA_ Without Alcolioil Hvvo bum: alohoi (rumour modulus Vvooo uz-316` you in am our vdootog` ` D Jr. III.`-T-Edward Warnica, James` Davey, `Gladys Lennox,` `Mabel War- n_ica, John'Warnica., Angus Mackay. _--`--, d ----_ _.__ 11.%-H5ny'*`"sm},Tk jnoofy .Wic'e, Ernest Hooper, `H'azeIuHurst, Gladys Colbourne, Edna `Brown, Harry Hall, Willie Richardson, Lillie Hayes, Andrew =Mc-Gowa.n. ` 1IY'II' ,. 1.--i;_t." Ii.-;"I\-/I`a1'l`1ri-<':-e`v' Willie` Carr, Dorothy Vaughan, George Hooper, Patricia Blackmoref `Cr 7- ` 5-.},' 'i:-%-{I'i}'cii: \}-S/"a":-Vriili `iNorwoodl Carley. A V" I ' The recent nancial panic in the United States, and the tightness of money in `Canada, have brought out i som very important information, At onetime only shrewd bankers understood the meaning _of Liquid Assets. To-`day, every business man knows,` or should know, what is meant by it. When trading is OD? tirnistic, any piece of paper with I Bromise To Pay written is `considered a fair exchangefor com- modities; any hole in the ground he- comes a gold mine; farms are _laid out in town lots; cloth is turned. into `garments and these nd ready huyers who .do not stop to investigate their intrinsic value. The buyers of all these only look at the possible pro- ts. WIIBICI 0 I 8.00 a.m.-For Newmarket, Auro- }: and Toronto. 9.35 a.m.--For Allaodale. *x.oo p.m.-For Newmarket, Au- s. ;s. No. 5, vEs}>RA. Li _Honor ro1l'for Ma'ch,: 7 b ' "Sr."'IV.-=-Evely n Cirgin; McNe_il{ ._ % ACztm .Cax-son," Leola. ` 1\_ IcDona_Id[,. .But one day the awakening comes. And why? Condence abused. The banker must have legal tender-gold; The mine must show a pay streak. The town lots must have a reality. The clothing in the store must have value---intrinsic value.. `Canadian bankers have savedthe situation by having legal tender on hand. All reliable clothiers use the same pre- caution by having in stock liquid assets-that is, a known and reliable 4 make of clothing. At a time when public confidence is shaken, indiffer- ent merchandise (bought because it looked as well as currency, or be~ cause the -maker marked it high`. in price and sold it at 20 per cent. dis- count) will not be accepted by the public for legal tender. It is at such times that the prestige of reliable goods gets full justice. . -`__- .A A _ `V V . >1 1 Jr. 'I_V. --`Lu'cille `Gossiing, Imozhas Vlallwng.-,,_~_; . _ .- . Northern Advance and Daily Mail .... .. Northern Advance` and Weekly Mail . . . . . . . . . . . . Northern Advance and News outside of Barrie . . . Northern Advance and `Farm- er s Advocate Sun .. Northern Advance `and Weekly A Northern Advance. `and. * - Herald and Weekly Star; (Montreal) ; .. .~. . . ' .2 Northern Advance arid3"I'7oron:.-IA" - _to Saturday Night .1... Northern Advance 'and _ _C)range' Sentinel The buying public will not accept for their legal tender clothing that ;somebody chooses to say is worth so much. They will have nothing but what they know to be a; standard of intrinsic .value. That is liquid as- sets in a clothing store. Progress Brand Clothing repres- ents intrinsic value. Retailers who buy Progress Brand Clothing have 3. liquid asset which will be accept- ed by the public everywhere in re- turn for their legal tender. Sr. III.-Arthur tWi1de,Roy Beard- sal], Jesse Bidwell, Albert Garrett. v-rv '-"Jr. III.--Marion spoord, Mabel Barrett, Maud Barrett, Charlie `Wil- lliams, Edith Barnes. . S. S. No. 15, ORO. ' \ l School report for March . f V. Class.-Mary McEachren, Au- gbrey Bertram, DeWitt Partridge. `I17 I` `luU\l Valli.` A V: avvvv Ionian u-vv, up.- ryra and Toronto. 5.20 p.m.--For Newmarket, To- ronto, Montreal and points East. 7.25 a.m.--For Cardwell Junction, Georgetown and Hamilton. 5.25 _p.m.-For Cardwell Junction, Georgetown and Hamilton. North. *2.oo a.m.-For Orilljia, North Bay and Soo. -. 3 Inna on ram, Walter Wilson. 1}. '111.-Ed n;*%~&Ehi{ra{,* 'E&nI{ iin- Honor roll for March of S. `S. No. 6, Vcspra : ' Q-..2-.. 1)--.. .Sr. IV.---Evc1-ett Coutts, Wallace Coutts, Daisy Coutts, Robbie Rus- sell, Wilfred Orok, Vida Gill, David lshcpherd, Walter Wagd. -w-yo - _ -_ 1 III .--V\7/T'll?i>c HC;imcron, Lulla` VGill, Pearl Russell." Dan Reilley, VMartha Spence, Forbes Coutts, Max Coutts, Edna Barrett, Elbridge Spen- y Sr:'Ii-.:;i1:ia""`f:Z Ellen *Benton, Ed, Murphy, Stanley Dunn. ) I. Vernon Hall, Teacher. ; Junior Room. [ Jr. `II.-Mabel Wattie*, -Mary )Cochrane, Lila Murphy, Viola Mur- phy; Lorne Poole, Aaron `Barrett. ! T Edwards*, Clarence :Doran, Wineld Andross, Herbert ' Grien, Islay Gill. K 1 7. - Eva Ford, Lulu Partridge, Annie Bert- ram. s. II.-.-Fred LeFeuvre, Tommy! Gravestone, Fred Bennett. Jr. II.-Jno. Beardsall, Vietor `Church. I Pt. II.--VVa11ace Beardsall. I. C1ass.--Ewart Emms, Milford ` Bertram. Average attendance 18. T H. M. Rainey, Teacher. ` T }. iL;I;Z'11don ' 1{4' Monteith. FJ'x:.-dIV-.--`%-Leola. -Mackay. v-cu`. uurvvu 11.00 a.m.-For Orillia, Graven- lwrst and North Bay. ' rs 01! \Y,,.I 'l'I, LIQUID ASSETS. mm; NORTHERN4 ADVANCE CLUBBING RATES. r'n Advanc_e and If A: Msqtrathdee, Teacher`. Senior Room. MIDHURST. Camgfon, ."I41`."<) ,igi_r.z`1;-`('J _.! IcDonaM';~ v 1` Vi:'~'m~ I .'.u,\3,\_'_d Y1} ' .:V;i<::_tor , 2:` _5 1,65 yuan`. --V. - --J. .W`;'; p.m.-For--Orillia, North Bay and points West. 8.05 p.m.--For Orillia. 10.35 a.m.---For Penetang. 10.45 a.m.\for Stayn-er, C0lling- wood and Meaford. 3.40 p.m.-For Stayner, Calling- wood. and Meaford. 7.50 p.m.--For Penetang. 8.00 pm.-For Sltayner, `Coiling- wood and Meaford. *11.Io p.m.-For North Bay. (C07 halt Special.) `Daily including Sunday.

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