,_- ---y uuububb This provides the local im- the building *. by making it a section to 9 Council for ..i.,...- - or :1 """ 'I SJ arone, sand 2 a surplus 'es for. last :y t_he'_,graht 1- ,',.'.,......`..".A.I . pro-' A1. .. ? night and the-chilling period before` -4 xmpaired. `But, as the second giaybreak left will and strength little, . clay wore on, the effects, ofmthe blazmg sun on bare heed,` the constant glare from water which now t_fbo1-med one began to tell; The strain was made more intense when a ,-Lake Superior freighter passed. almost within " hailt .without*~anyone aboard : seeing the signal-`fof. distress which.-caljledv for _ relie..:-When the second night came` ,,on;h`o pe~see;ned,_ton almost, 0 out in . . theydaykness;andf.-`then.,\ ;eol_l;<:w1::tg;,..the. -h,<;a_tr of be?-e ._ dle of The Gap, .i far behind to - merging with theehorizon - north, and the Manitoulin `port equal- l "lye distant. -- .-.-..s..u Luc ooat was heel- ed over, the foresail filled with water, ;`and the craft ` was overturned. The accident occurred in the mid- the east, 011 The nearest point Lonely Island, and the accident oc-` curred at the wrong end of that well named isle to give hope of assist-K arise from -the lighthouse [There was only `_whic_h`-help might be expected A---` a passing lake steamer. 0 an upturned boat ' waves which roll in un- broken course '2f or a hundred -miles. Besides,` th_e.business4 in hand is al-* to demand the con- of those incliarge. of Still the days `n; nt\ni-n---- with French River` Killarney ` the` passed without loss" a [could be released `the boat heel-` 7 over, lled `and H19 r-I-95+ ma ------` ' The craft was heavily laden, and the voyageur s only companion was sky fair. A favoring breeze was blowing steadily and Wabb thought he might with safety tie down the lforesheet. Scarcely had this been `done when a suddenepu came from years ago. Wabb had been for some time in partnership in a store lo-I cated near the mouth of Frenchi River. When it nally became mani- fest that the River was not to be made a lake port of the C. P. R.,i IWabb and his partner decided to remove their stockand business to Providence Bay, on the south shore of Manitoulin Island. This involved la trip of some seventy-ve miles `across the most exposed stretch of {Georgian Bay, and the upper end of Lake Huron. There were no steam-l ers on that particular route, andtthe only craft availabe for making the journey was the open sail-boat own- edyby the partners. 'The partner (Johnston) was already established in the new` location, when ~Wabb, putting the balance of the stock `in the boat, one -Monday morning, set jhis course for the west, It The incident occurred nearly thirty I uvulal ~.Th"b$Z1ies of his son wgre plac ----v.. --nv' Death and Wabb were not strang- ers. For three long days and long- er nights the man and the grim -reaper were_ face to face, while the former `clung with unyieldinw courage to the keel of an upturned sail-boat on the wind-swept waters of Geor- V gian Bay. In The Advance of a fortnight ago iwas recorded the death of Samuel VA. ~Wabb of French River. Ma sroav or GEORGIAN] BAY. V | some ormsa OFFERINGS : : 35.00 to :3 oo skim .......... ..s3 97 I 25c Towels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16c $6 50 Blwketal. . 6 25 " . 6.00 " L-Ill` No .IIet.`tr.imIned or Vnntrimmcd; willb certie ovenfrom the next week's selling. Come if you have 5 um for ishing We lane on the ;eb'es. No trouble 1: unto _ or the hats and you'll protfa greatly. They must and will go .3 one The wise slip earlv. 'V 3` , ,.-- ' J Millinery 6: a Song. Our annual clear up of _ Dreu Muslin: includes _son_1g very pretty effects in colored Muslim. `They sell regular at from 15 to 35. . ' ` The bodies King Carlos and were placed in the Portu- guese Pantheon on Saturday. ' Sevnfnnn kn`-L` ` ' - _ * ' Be ;l>1;atia1.a`;nd us 5fliftlfbresight+fAntiipate_ your waits a `V co fHfsg;Bargain G;'vi:\ Event. ;There are some noble example; of price economies. Pric s sek heir brmer level art: [Wednesc'la_y, `the 19th. . _ . ` A - v.uv 5 00 3.50 The WhiteQatnivaIis Still on At ickers Ban-gain's in Muslim Va7Ie:_o no 1-: V173 ,_ __- rv-us W53 d, :0 he keeper. my one source from might +- Prices You know the Want _-......- aux LU LIUUCY` ich and the` C.P.R. line to Owen Sound have been reopened. Russia will despatch 60,000 fully- cquiped troops to the Turko-Persian frontier to overawe Turkey. .>Th'p hnrliao at 'rr:_, rw \The Wine Shoq The W'iao Shop Egrlv. -_-`-vwv\r\l d_ xer. But the keel at, "even with `the 5 of a man show- exceedingly small which hundred as: in |---"-'- aiid will Wednesday%,4February 19th. lg 1 y %On Sale 9c` 1\1`1LL1Smny-2 '\M1LI}m1:nY: MILLINERY 2L ....-., vvucu 1 saw mm at la climb of twenty feet": of a lumber pile was sui `nerves quivering and to limbs to tremble, Had a less powerful frame, ax steel in the temper of ti Death : would have won e and day of the struggle a _of_` uwatersg and the '_only, ,the==luiferins* ndt%fdet'*3n A dfwould have "a`nrastlessboat_ with led _Au_p",O,_ ,oxne'lone1y, Th 7` C}'1:;u1`(-l the 1 ,1, _ .v-owl VVIICJI waning from the resg he shook like one wz even while his bent ft this support given by: sailors. A magnicen reasserted itself, _ but .|._,q.,,.. ...L-._. T V ` ' _ -___.........-u constitution Itself, three years late:-_, when I saw him Byn'g Inlet, ;_a climb of tvyenty feet" up the side ,------5 ILIIJIIICIIL3 restored in part the failing strength. Still, when the morning of the lastt to Island and North Shore ports, came in sight Wabb was too weak to even raise a hand in hail. Hap- pily, however, his boat lay almost directly. in the course of the `steam- er and strong hands soon lifted the limp form from its precarious sup- port, -and tender care did all that .was possible to overcome` the effects produced by seventy-four long hours of exposure and fasting. '-When Wabb entered his boat a French River `he. stood s_ix feet in ....... naavlb uu.cuSt Stfange forms began to on _the water and In the 4 a-tnme the rpan_ feared he 4.... ..II, 115? ..,. vvucll, _as m1ac1ay_ approachedi Wabb perceived that his dog, which: till then had been a source of c_heer,l was going mad. The loneliness, .hunger, and alternate glowing heati and well-nigh freezing cold, which` the man had borne with fortitude,i proved too much for the animal. To the danger of death by drowning or starvation was added the more immi- nent danger of destruction by _ a beast in which _all the ' savage in-" The strugglepver the unnatural. strength to which it had given rise `subsided, while the heat of the noon- day sun was -more intense than ever. for when, as `R,-Ikk ......--3 , --- v r us: Dbl CCI, suxclde 111 New York. Mr. James Bryce, the B bassadur at Washington, Ottawa on the 15th inst. The Grand Trunk line ich and H15 (`D15 " 1 from $1 37 up to 8'2 00, va ~ in sizes-3'2, 34, 36 and 33 ure. _ `I V.VAe haieV 60* `1'}=;'.!i;e"s_ -A W its `W3 ":38 left fromlau suon'a`oelIi ran ng 3 We've come splendid snepfin Table ;.:inens. Look an the prices. 50c Bleached and Unbleached. .37c 05c Bleached and Unbleached, for 47c 75c Bleached and Unbleached. for 540. 85c Bleached and Unbleached, for 590 $1.00 Bleached and Unblenched, `Au '7`) - Whit Waia.t_ `argain. V IJIVCBII for..... ._, ....uu: a gale. '1`h_ree when landed at Manito- In `hi -I fcnisinn -`--A give:-1_ By. two ha!- a yatcu U11 stalwart cent constitution fin-on The Wise About Linens vas r nich in-" been aroused by suffer- latelv an nor um- _n- I, ' _ , _ _--we cull The Gamey block at Gore Bay was gutted by re. Fire destroyed George Jasperson s tobacco factory at Kingsville. There are over 120,000 persons out of employment in New York. l Edward C. Brooks, who lost his! forttme on Wall street, committed, suiclde in I It - ( .u-nuv\.|. GL 1V1alIO- rescumg steamer. [one with. the palsy, 5 form rested on[ lve hv fuvn -4--'~-V` ` T_______. _ We will give one fun of Coal with any Good Cgheegkefeter Qold during the month 0! F el:)%1-tiary. Our grices izfe $35.00, $42700 for ;f` Double Heaters. o.go\.g3.oo for Pa.-no} Cooks. AR's HARDWARE STORE iuon i oel|i I It .-, I158 mea ` --- v n.\lI-\.IIn\Ill' '00-Oloocooo-ooono73c ads its /ercome' nty-four i astina ' - __---o ow DUI I cause _the {ad there been e, and less ne the courage, on ere the sec-. . A... 41... -_-- -A EVENTS or 'I`!_-IE WEEK; = ."r`."`.`.`.A.Fnataa cons`d b t `:,`, ."*zh*` [beIongea` ff z`c5`3.`2- *. a9S01n v9!t;;`ac999nt of being platform ` -- '~ bfjlack of gami, etc., were approximetely $63. 000, and of this amount Cobalt pro` dtgced $42,000 approximately, or two- .th1rds4of the entire receipts of the , ...._.{...., ycu. I1.-Un the latest tifnecard `gotten out by the T. & X. O',_RailWay Commission, Cobalt is .not' mentioned as one of the stations on fthe. line. Trains are described as leaving North .Bay and 2-Englehart: at certain hours, arriving ht Haileybtxry and Lis_keard at certin times and without any "mention of "Cobalt whatever.` The `freight receipts from all stations on the line last month, including Englehart,Liskeard, Hail- eybury, Cobalt, Latchford, Tema- gami, etc., were approximately $63. _.--..,, nun LHC year OI 7 Per Gem. Interest. You may share in the prospa of the West by taking out :1 p( with the Great West Life. For ticulars see the District Agent, I . A II! I------*'` - c The reasons. I. Their low premuim rates. 2. The remarkably large pr->rI:~ paid on endowments n1aturx'1; durmg the year. . 3. Their excellent investmex::~. which once more have }3l(.'l(l _'<`l an average for the year 01 w vcr '1 n n - - ; Avl I ;done FGRBAT WBSTLIFE i The largest business ever {tn the Domxmon m any year `Life Insurance Company is t 'ord of the lgrgest inanada Y. P. `S. C. E. of the Presbyterian Church were entertained by the Ep- worth League of Burton Ave. Meth- odist Church on Monday evening. Mrs. L. McMillan is handling the Standard patterns, and she also has a ne range of ginghams, muslins, KERS I , 250 Art Sateena. I 2&c Whine Lawn . Cobalt, `Feb. See our new printa. No `better cloths sold and the patterns just What you are looking for. Our customers are delighted with the assortment. OUR SPECIAL MULL AT 10c. and STANDARD EVGLISH at 1254 Light and Dark Colors. x"""" 7"IJ I2 l:vely~`Js' 32 and 34 on T at: f our best styles forwlnter. all. Twe being in sizes 8:: regularly 3; 15.00. ThIsi3&a $11.50, $12.00 . great snap to be placed l\ A Q , I 'nHURsDAY, FEBRUARY COBALT S GRIEVANCE. lirgains ?adies' Coats `In I___-I_ I .. ynunuub year 'XCL`I 1 1,ooo,ooo nnnnn he Mr. Alex. Watt has tendered his resignation as contractor for the] snow ploughing in this ward. | The Wise Shop Early. "bl; i at $6.00 Prints - -untavll`3l V g 13-unlop St., Barrio. you have any . * must will en,-ry fr. LA1bii2lN I-`I19-1.-\.. C`. IN the -v-; VVIILLXEI in by any Iompany the rec- `Mrs. Latimer has returned to her home after a short visit with Mrs. Alex. 'Ness, Sr, V le Vprospcmy poiztjv fe. pm`- A rrn .13c .130 Wt"itt\,'I1 L ! V Singer 1;l)L balam dwelli lean-ta atrcun farm. All ..v 5.- gi.crn:.~s If not germ" run! an! (F91 .---, ~.. 1 Mrs. Allan Cassels and Miss Wragge of Toronto were visitors at the Rectory last week. . OL. [U] 31: West. Khgll cv1\E)'i' Bank you pus` dra tm per tiCL I ll()[ June payi sold. -annu he xx C8.Yi( out 5-Sp -- emer1;b<(:AxV-N t'I'1<':m'High Tea in Trinity uren J day, F eb_ 18th, at 6 p.m. I `J u (.1 March 22nd and 23rd are the dates set for the opening of the new organ in Burton Ave. Methodist Church. I `V 'w\ T1}; i."."}{:'or the R. V. Hospital met on Tuesday at Mrs. Jos. Day s, Bradford St. | Mr. D. Small was called to rHami`l- ton last week, owing to the illness of his father. Mrs.MV_\}. Cannon went to Guelph last Saturday to attend the funeral of her father. ._-_ any \tEl|ll-Klll, `lJVIissmI\/I-.'=1ry'I<:t`1'rlongAleft on Tues- day to visit her sister in Port `Hur- O ` -.-.... ......,.m, to unuulcu to net ; ro_om with a severe attack of bron- chxtis. At the R.V.H. on Thursday, Feb. 6, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Buckle. . .- vvsn Dllli VV\v\rI\,o , J. `Paul was in Toronto for a few days last week. ' __ Miss Clubine of Toronto is stay- mg with Mrs. R. H; Cannon. 112.. If uovn ""J "'3 Mr. Geo. Lowe spent a. few dav in Collingwood this week. f)___ A v. 1' -1-; ya` IQ :ooooooouboeuououoouuuonoeg Mr. Randolph Brunton haspreturn- etc.. See these before `buying else- ed to Cleveland. - - where. Mr. VV. McKernan is up from '1o-f' A party of little folks` called quite ,ronto for a few days, i .. unexpectedly -upon their . fsiends, Miss M. Lofms of Tomnto hag Driscilla and Cathyrne Poacher, on been holidaying here. ._ Friday evening last and spent a. few `I I` `1l'\I1PG. lino-up v\`1auna\A-L`-.. Mrs. Murphy is conned to her `$0111 uri-1 cnurnaon ..LA... -1- _ G|earingWinte`_r J 81 AKlNW: MONDAY, FEB. Ioth. Continuedfrom Page 6. _ --wt st. H; 10% price. ` ----vs. nil-Ill-bu` efal at Nf6nt?ea1,`is dead that the Toronto Board Commissioners ` had re- denied by a member of u-ll Jcuuulgs ad. large audiences at Mon- ikinp and 44-. A-----~ mms or No mom BARRlE'S > RAILWAY QUARTER, British Am- I, will visit to Godar- Coats`, {These will be sold at bcknce .to`get 3 good fur-linedcoat at a PHONE 25. `committed ". suicid `shooting hnmself, The Canadiah `Pacic Railway is preparing to mine/coal at Hosmer. Louis -Birk, ' a Hamilton news- boy, was ned forty dollars for sell- ing papers, on Sunday. L W. E. Raymo, an insurance agent, et at. AWa,te1-loo by ...----, o'dHIJu l3`ao ' The ' death` occured, at Davisville of Rev. Newton -Hall, pastoreof the Methodist `Church/. ' ' A - vuul bl! ' ['.i`-}'1":"Ea,nadiai1l;acic to mine , coal `I -_-1/ _...- .-AI.nG\ul\\? badly burned in trying to save them. In a quarrel with his son Alfrgd Holdsworth shot the young man In ~ L WEDNESDAY, FE B. mu.% % % Pl! nnA`JL|\v LALIIIIUCIV Company s storefthegpostoice, and damaged the King Edward Hotel. _'.l_`he C.P.R. had declared the usual dividends for the half-year,vand has placed large orders for steel rails -with the S00 and Dominion [Steel Companies. The Minister of Lands and Mines introduced a bill. in the Legislature to confer on bona de settlers the rights .to minerals on lands for which they have received` patents. `MTG I Olilvu-:nn-A T7 ' uu:Aa.uuI'a nau, the 11 Company's store, the E ,___- I'VIr__"I'7;e.cIeriek M. Cc knoyvn iii the Cobalt re minmg expert and eng found dead in his room : ..---._ vu_ Ottawa will tax the salaries of civil servants this year, wh'l'ch will make a difference of $20,000 in the` city revenue. s ' I Joseph Lehmann of Preston was [frozen to death while walking from Guelph to visit his wife, a distance [of nine miles Proceedings were members of the To lcil who voted fnr t taken to unseat ronto City Coun- 1.., x:,..,..n- -_ .-.A ...-.a._u mu zgsrge aucnences treal nn Erskme and the American Presbytenan Churches.- - A Wabash train was derailed near Del-hi owing to a broken rail. Two sleepers` fell on their side `and "went down an embankment, but the [pas- gengers escaped without serious in- Jury.. J r T ' The Globe`_ _ bia Govern- cla_use exe_mpt- - the e exclusion ` ut,-;Gov_eArr,ior ed" vemin ` ,may resign rather than {put -into _ef- feet `the order of the :C1ty COUIICIL Two indictments. for _grand lar- ceny were returned qgamst C. W. Morse by a grand Jury at New 1York. I , ,,`. _.__-.-o. `Margaret Riach, relict of the late mes Riach, died rather suddenly at her home near here on Sunday even- ing. Although deceased had not en- ioyed good health for several weeks, her illness did not, take` a serious turn until Saturday. Mrs. Riach} I was born in Scotland nearly 63 years ago. For some time the family had lived on .the 7th line, Vespra, but since the death of Mr. Riach in 1904 they had resided on the old Morton Farm. `She leaves three sons, Will, James and John, also two dau hters, Margaret and Nellie. The funeral took place yesterday to Union ceme- tery. Rev. W, A. Amos ofciated at the Serviope turn . 1.\CV. \ Services. ;v;\.oa1J. .lJl.Ugg A_n_derton was accompamst. `I. _. -_ _.v.... v. \.a- r Owing to, last _week s storm all trains were cancelled as they reach- ed here. On some branches .work. was in progress day and night, while on others there was practically noth- ing doing, There were 3 crews snow bound on the Penetang branch and several others at different points on I the. Northern division. .--J r uuuuuu 5:55 . It took five teams to get Mr. H. Thu:-elow's sleigh load of meat from Fergusonvale through the snow drifts to Mr. C. W. iPoucher s last Friday. Ordinarily Mr. Thur-low _comes down in 2 hours but this time it took nearer 8. Amparty hours very pleasantly. TL 4.--}- CH, - Jennings dressed two audiem treat! in Erskine th Churches. _- A `lIf_I, I - (LII biiawn t`o pigzces-.in_ dynam1te_ at `the- .y.fs,.f,.`fac_t_ot:y Z _a_;_. _ :1 ageht, at Spun St_e."Mr- 'agam, owing `to a men: - " ` `Mr. McKeown, in moving the reply to the `speech from the throne, that the.re,will probably baa surplus} .o_f,$50o,ooo 'o'vr expnditures last Y.ea`r.% [He D9i1iti7..Q!1t-`thiit, .b.:;~rutal j:~,sch obls " has; .h9nA`V}.`i_?$5l; , --._.......... u. gr_ouna hog animals` are said to hav that county. ' 1 Several petitions have` presented" for _ the repe three-f hs clause in the 1 Act: ` . . ` ' :_-_....., \.v\.._Il I1` .110` 8. purruance of his occupation, wxll not disqualify him. Applications for" or promise of a Government job is to be made a corrupt practice. It is alf so to bcmade a corrupt act to sup- ply conveyances, which are ordinar- ily used. for hire, for the carrying'of legislation dealing with this matter, The chief object in the law is to Lmake the Ontario election legisla- _ t_ion' correspond with _that of the Dpminion and to provide the same machinery for elections in both cas- es. The language of the Act has been made as simple as possible._ The Dominion secret ballot has been i adopted without change or modi-` cation, the pollvbook as formerly used has been abolished, and for a substitute the polling list_ is extract- ed from a certied copy of the re- vised voters list; this last is to be! nal, and the person whose namel. reserves. The temporary absence of .; a voter from home,- even if not `a purruance of occupation, will _not -him. :Appl1cat1ons for or p1_'Omis'e of `a. IS be made corrupt Dractice, 15;. -1- A measure of especial importance to farmers is already in the statute book of the Province. for the application of provement principle to of rural telephone lines possibleifor people in township for the creation of a telephone service and to have the cos t of same made a charge on the property of the peti- tioners. It is now proposed to so amend this Act as to allow munici- possible to easily nance the build- ing of rural lines. all over Ontario. 1 The great shipbuildixig. syndicate of Sir James Laing & Sons, with yards at Sunderland and Deptford has suspended. ' If cups.-. ter how large the amount or what! theinterests involved, if both part- ies concerned agree, and that the Imperial and Dominion -Government ;be communicated with, in order to ;secure concurrent action in so far gas what is proposed requires the as- sent of authorities outside the Leg- islature. Jurisdiction on all questions; no J...-.auu.uuu UH all questions; b< -Goa in 1:15 What in n-n--~--` ` nal in all cases save where consti- tutional questionsparise, where the construction or applications of the Dominion law, are involved or wherel action is between a resident of On- tario and one living outside the Hrovince. The right of appeal to the Privy Council is to be limited to ca_ses in which large amounts are involved, or important questions of. great interest arise. It is also pro- posed that provisron be made to so. regulate examinations preliminary to ent to such examinations; that thel 'county and district courts shall have ;Jl.1l`lSdlCtlOn no mat. `ter hOW larap flan A % A - - `-` ` ' ' V . Another measure of great import- ance was introduced to the House in the form of resolutions presented" by Hon. Mr. Foy. These are a prelude to legislation which is intended to greatly reduce the cost of litigation in the Province. What is proposed is that there should be but one Ap-. ;peal Court for the _Province and that W... vvnul Luc uevvg poucy which Hon. `W. I. Hanna is evolving in connec- tion. with our penal and charitable `institutions. `Mr. -Hannamade the important announcement , recently that the Mercer Reformatory is without inmates, the women who were formerly being detained there as prisoners having been distributed into private homes, where they are being transformed into useful mem- jbCI'S of the community.` ; ....... any yL\.acuI.al.lUll UI U16 !`p0I`t Of- a special committee of- the Assembly on prison labor. This report ..re- commends` that the -Central Prison property be disposed of and: that a farm of four or ve hundred acres within reasonable distance of To- ronto be purchased; that a new pri- son be erected on_,the same, and that the institutions be_ known` as the Provincial Reformatory of Ontario; it is recommended that the indust- ries carried on be so arranged of mechanical taste and` manual dexter~ ity of the, inmates; that a system of technical education he introduced as soon as possible; that schools be established; that calisthenics and military exercises be'introduced and farm operations carried on. `One of t the most important recommend- ations is that the stripped suit be * `substituted for ordinary clothing of a uniform style, and that the dark `cells be abandoned. 4 I i I l the most important session "The last -session of the Legxslature opened `in Toron week. .Th1s- promises to be Ontaro in many ye .f'\.... .: .0 - ars. . present to last by far held in ","" '", ---Mu} JVGID.` . '?"`F 0f `ht? '1_n0St .i_mportant incid-I en s m connectxon wxth the opening was the presentgtion of the report of. SDec1al (`_(')n`IrrnH-an n +1.- A-.......L1__ vv s--u_yI ` %uI-.o1Tdon -.Co1inty Coi1 nc.i_1 wi H `bably run cars for women only ;mg the rush houx-s.(. __ v-u-. A report of License signed was the board. vanoaonvln T`l(1vV1"ee'-ofhcials V` 0;. the V Big Six, `ai New York branch of the - Intemat-. ional Typographical ;Un_ion, were fined $250 each and'sent twenty days fon disobcyxng an in~ - junctxon. `to jail for` GeLLo?rg?e1...'Me'1-ediyth, th vtern `Eng- lish _no\ze1ist_and poet,'is 80 years; `of `age to-day. V . - ' ` an -- ' ' `i?o;';3'r vErbi'glish suragists_ were ar- rested whnle making a Vraxd on the House of Commons. ` fan "The of .Pa`;eIn6uo-A .\......-_! IN THE LEGISLATURE. le inion ne "and re- ers name`! appear has no `vote, thus my with the tendered ballot. :hise is to be extended to ther than those living in absence [ ntvnot :" " V` 1n .uaVC 31 repeal of the" local _optio_n ,,, _ vhf vv --uusy \4UulICll m servxce e of Vt}_1e property ns 3 A09` 9: 1-n all.-.... -----' ` .........u., uuuuuu. Wl p_!'0- cars, women dur- 1:}! hnurc . _,,,.,- .....-euuuu UH aaturaay. Seventeen bombs connected by electric wires were found in the pal- ace of the Russian Emperor. ' The steamer Eagle Point, which broke her shaft in mid-Atlantic, is twelve days overdue at Philadelphia. Major Alanson W.. Edwards, until a couple of years ago United States I Consul-General Montreal,`is