IATIIIIE AND AW0M_AN 8AWQK\ e. E7Txu`rczT: " g Nature and a woman s work com.- bined have produced the grandest remedy for woman s ills that World has ever known. - ` In the good old-fashioned days 0 our_ grandmothers "L they relied upon the roots `and herbs of the eld to cure disease and mitigate suffering. ; - -__ iirgn-$3.11 ` ULLLU \LI.Dvuuv svacun ...-....o..-- .___ _ The Indians on our Western Plains to-day can produce roots and herbs for every ailment, and cure diseases that baie the most skilled physicians who have spent years in the study of drugs. From the roots and herbs of the `eld Lydia E. Pinkham more than thirty years ago gave to the women of the world a remedy for their pe- culiar more potent and e;c"a- cious than any eombinatxen of drugs. Lydia . Pin`kh_am s `T Ve , table - Comgoundis nowreoo ' asthe _.L._;. _-_..1 -..............in `km 1rhih ilh|_ 11113`. J. Lunnuyuao I was .1. at nuerer from femnle $.11-o \1'b1:`,i had` tgosae dreadful, an own; in an nring 1:: mon _ 1'-ioda I suhmd so I had toy to heal \ doetored for along time hi: the "doc- toi"s treatmet. foiled tohelpime. My husband sw Lydia. Pihkha.n\ s Vega-. table Compound and got u ~bot.t1e for me.` _I_-oomm;enoed;i`t,s and , Ur-` 1-1;. L-OI-nu .1 `rant rm soon Jen. pen ,. ; `nvpu .... ..,. ,-- until _I wya well and an entizjeltyl d-Ear ent. woman; I also foundthat gdia. E. Pinkha.m s Vetsble` Cougpdun `-made `childbirth mac euier for me. I would eeommend Vcgdtsblo` Com ' d ' yr 1.01.-Vneliee-3331: )C cpaI_'geu LU Lucu. ;\. ropnattons. A further zessary, will be appro- Committee cqmposed of 'r' and Councnllor Simp- _OI quy-uu u; u-.,......, ngman P. O.,'for rc- Vlack and Edenvale aassed for payment. $7ooo_.oo w_as set apart anent repaur of roads under the Good Roads County Engineer was A-so-n`11`1r pygnqfne |:...rg:m.a 1 n 159 ~ THE xonrannw j ADVANCE . others asked Brown, -Holly; Wml. 'Coburn. Flos---Hy. 'O Ne1l, Inc. Richard- son, Frank Brazille, H. Gill, S. Gard- ner, D. W. Andrew, D. Btfckley, Ias. Dillon, Alex, `Speers Jno. Lillycrap, D.` McA1-thur, Del. ennett. . Innisl-'-T.-M. Stewart, T;G. Allan, (_3h,a- _. M`c._Carkey, L. Wel?b,`4 Thos. FOR ONE YEAR FROM DATE, for `Wm, Beaton. "1n}I{s`sii-l-'r.-is/1. Chas. . L. Webb,` Cook. - . ` ` IMedonte-}_as._ Walker, R`. `Moon, Geo. Graham, Jas. 'McFar1ane, Wal- ker `Barr, Andrew Walker, Hy. Hea- slip, ~.David Miller, -R. Archer, Abra- ham Craig, Jas. Hamilton, Harvey Sibbald, Jno.` punn, Jas. Rankin, `i ? II_'._._2__.. Yours | Nottawasaga- -Hy ,.-Mo'rr_ison,., ,Jno. 'Currie, H; McDermott, Wm. Ander- VV Ill. DIIGLUII. ` " son, H. Carmichael Chas. Joyce; - McNaul1, Percy `i"eatherstone,' . Steele, M. McDermid,- Thos. Allan, Geo; Spearin. '9 B \7-|_-.. KY ("o-niunu-`air `l\J CU.. Dpcauu. .01-i1lia-J. S.,Nelson, N. Calverley, Jno. Robinson, ` Jos. Paisley, Jas. Kean, -J no. Ley. __ _ . ' L` ` ' " -9 "' `I ... W cw -- on have f close at E | W.` Kitchen. .[\c'd._||, ,1 IIU. 1.4; u ` Matchedash :"'-- W A Q m. Duinfod, VV. Lxncucu. ~ . Oro--Wm. Gough, Hy; Gilchrist, Thos._E.A Ross, Jas. Coates, R. Rog, Jno. Smith, Ed. Ratclie, Isaac Hart, 1435. Cockburn,'Duncan Morti- .s.on, ;P. Gillespie, Thos.` H`, Young, _1bh;;- .Joh`n_ston, ;J__ohn Langman. ?_ _ `v.g.;-: nu. .?'n...a.`....'..*: .1':\.n`n.;'.... .UUI.. Juuuuuvu, _,v.... _..--u_..- Sitnnidale. - W?! 3twn.- btincan` Northern Advance ..;-AFOR---'- %paper, this offer is UN- PARALLELED. % EBL25 AND McIntyre, Jno. Black, D. Buie,_ wm.l Watson, Jos. Spiker, Fred. Fog1e,! Reuben Rogers, Jas. Prosser, Jr., J. 'Lough1in, Wm. Clark, J. Duff, W. Mumbcrson. -- .c- L 0 q ' A `A__L_ A Tay--R, 'M.cor-mick,` A. Arpha, A.` H. Vent, Ed. McLaughlin, Jas.` -Webb, R. J. Quantrell, W. J. Beelby, Jas. Robinson, ` H. -McC1ung, Jas. vE,1Iiott. '" Tnnqcnncnfk ....._ R. r.,u1ott. Tecumseth -- Jno. Dmwoodie, R. `Mitchell, Jo. D. Readman, Jno. Caldwell, Frank Wilcox, Jno. `Skelly, Jos. Milligan, Alex. Craig, Thos. Agnew. ' - - 1' Ir "r\........u- -\Kl m D5.-_ ngxlcw. _ _ Tiny-J. T. Duquette, `Wm. Par- ?ent, Oliver Pilou, A. Roebuck, Jas. l I.-- 1.. Cut, \Juv \- . Cane, J r., I l\nBI\@I\I `Lane, Jl'., __ Tossorontno-.--B. McBride, Thos. Latimer, VV. -J. Brett, 'll-_I1.. A-Lkqcr .l.a'd.l.uu.c1, vv. `J. an... *Vespra -- Jas. Marlin, Arthur ;Brown, Wm. Caston, .. Samuel Alex- ander, Chas. Wattie, Albert Orch- ard, `Thus. Livingstone, Jas. Graham, -]no_ Pratt, Geo. Wilson. 1:1 - .' I`--.2II3g...`\.g, (`Inn-nae UK ; TOPgb }I1\~'..\HOD8l so, and. by j acqlllrel ` ess of 8. 'JllU. I-Inns, uwv. West Gwi11i;r'1i>:11:)-I`. - Clarence VWood, -Wm. Coulson, Ed. Knee- shaw, -Robt. Wood, B. Stoddart, vHy. S/toddart.. < j . _ . T In the absence of Chairman Pot- ter who 7had gone to Berlin -during _ he recess, and "was unable to reach toithestotm, Cuncillqr jaginzixig. Lawson `presented a report -wecom- mending the purchase of 30 maps of the _County. b ` I Cei1ricilIersiCot`f'<".`y land Vair hadiia imotiqnr referrecl to the Roads and ,Bridg`es.\`Comm1ttee- to consider the advisability of granting $2000.00 to the Town of Barrie for the purpose oi improving certain roads in that towri...and...Cou1\cillors Scatilon and Wood. had a similar motion passed fI_ord$3oo.oo -for `the Village of Brad- or . ~ . ` P . .1 rs 0. `VI 3- `By a.` vote of 2,`; to Is the Council ildecided not to make the Kirkpatrick Bridge. a `County structure. The vote; -..stood: Yeas: Barton, Bell Richard, Bell Robt-, Brown, Clark, Coffey, Go att, Leach, Moore, Mc- Conkey, -McDermott, Picotte, Scan- Ian, Toner, Vair, I5. Nays: Ball, Caldwell, Copeland, Cramp, Cunn- ingham, Dundas, Goodeve, Grose, -Harvey, Jardine, Jackel, Law, Law- son, -Mitchell J. H._, Mitchell J. J.. .Mathews, McLean, Pearson, Simp- son, Stafford, Shaw, Wood, Wood- row, 23. ; Chairman Jardine recommended payment of the f5llowing accounts: Sarjeant & Co., for contract coal, $126.63; F. A. Hoar, Hardware, $5.- I an: nncI~n11 De-ne f`f\7Pf1 l"I5\Il`Q 11?! D c 158- ,,,.,.-... This committee took kindly to Councillor Coey s suggestion as to the removal of the "shoot-the-chute" sidewalk from the Registry Oice to the Court House and reported in` favor of having that done. A new cement walk will be placed from the front of the Court House and com nected with the walk on Worsley Street as soon as the weather per- mits. Chairman Jardine was em- powered to supervise the work. which will be done, as far as pos- sible, with prison labor, with the expection of the top coat which,may require the services of a practical mechanic. ` Councillor Garden was authorized to obtain estimates as to cost of heating the County Buildings from one heating plant to be located about the centre of the county grounds. This information will be presented at the June Session. .. ' . ,_1l..._.._.--,-t up vans. Juan... .9 v . _ _ . _ _. In company with his colleagues Chairman jardine submitted to a short connment in the gaol, for the purpose of ascertaining its condition. They report it clean and orderly and twenty persons stopping there at the urgent invitation of the authori- -(ties; they were sentenced for the `following improprieties: Assault 1. Fraud 1, Trespass I, Theft 3. Selling liquor unlawfully 2. Drunk and dis- orderly 5. Rape I, Vagrants 6. Good Roads Statement. The below statement shows the lnancial situation of the various [municipalities wiith reference to the lGO0d Roads system on February \ 5th, 1908. (`nadir Oxmrrlrnft ..... ; Ava, l\. ;..u\,.. vale Bridge lnnisl Medonte V *.\/1atcl1edas.h' . Nottawasaga Oro Ori11_ia Town- ship . . . . Sunnidale lTecumscth .. . Tiny Tay Tossorontio Vespra .. I V\/`est Gwi11im- has \-..-.._. bury Barrie . . . . Bradford . `Orillia, town_ Alliston Tottenham Beeton Creernore . . Collingwood Midland Penetang Stayner `Al- \-f..T\n.- 1"CIlcL'd.ug . . . . . ., `hi ... ... ml Mr. =.\1cDermott of Flos took ex- ception to the equalization now in `force claiming that since it was made -..-.. .-....1.. nurn1Ir11CI'!Il`I(`f`Q hngl Clalmlllg LUclL DIHLL IL nu.) AIAu\.|~ In Illilny ClI`CLln1StZlI1CCS had rarisen aecting the relative valuesoi town and rural property. He sug- gested that a special committee be appointed to consider the question: he claiming that no council could properly estimate the value of pro- iperty in any particular township. He had recently been through Matche- dash, which was supposed to be the poorest in the County but he had seen some. very ne farms there; he had also visited Nottawasaga which was the highest assessed Township in the County and had seen some very inferior properties there. His motion that the matter be referred to a special committee was carried. Finance. A grant of $25.00 was made to each of the different Farmer's Insti- tutes, viz :--North, South, East, : West and Centre. The Warden` and Treasurer were empowered to borrow the sum of ' $70,000, to meet the current expedi- ' ture of the County until. such time as the taxes are collected from the several -Municipalities. Roads and Bridges. .A sum of $300.00 granted in .November, I907, to the Township of Nottawasaga, re` Deviation River Road, was deducted from the Good Road appropriation of that Town- -`I.2.. J.UJ, 1.-. xx. .,._,. ll , I _Douga1l Bros., one dozen chants, (ll, Lxunuvvunw Id have f. e 3': many _. s\h`iP- nauw-ay 3 sun vu........ \ } Regarding C. P. R. crossing in Township of Tecumseth, between Lots 5 and 6, `Corn. 9., Councillor Mc- Dermott was empowered to corres- pond with, C.P.R. oicials having charge of this part of work, and re- quest them to properly grade the crossing, to make, same. safe for travel. The committee appointed by the Warden to look into the matter regarding the -History of the County of Simcoe, was` composed of Coun- Icillors, -Clark, Garden, Potter, Pi- . cotte; Lgtwson and Scanlon. , '.("....A.`.'..I an-I3:-nu-'nnrI n, Saturday` cotte, Lawson arm acamuu. L "Council adjourned on Saturday day mg`:-ning til! May. 19th, when the `County jE`.4n'g-itx%_c_e1-_ sM_ Report will be - resented: :ifor%="`ec_ p'rn.sxde,r=;ttion.. ' lioads am; Bridges. County P1'0f>1"5Y- Railwavyst and Canals. 1 3 _ _. 1"` I) D - t\I'l'\CI .$ V263" 686 Credit Overdraft 321 98 30 25 10.17 mind Ivlhannu 92 I3 I02 90 153 38 253 91 Z34 I97 3-3 47 ' 57 30 24 2:4 ml 77 3 71 ml $I252o 98 and shall_b0 same winch ontion. I081 70 12 97 229 84 57 83 58 33 IKERY uni, up-In vv 8 per W0 YIQ1` wn 130$! 1u|Ul' or 9 J 0`l0e`l`|o`j, any in uncemoa . eel: follow, {KIN 'Ex7s" b"`*"i-~;..._ t, Vien-7 Loaf, at e Home 333313` yllltlilllj er sen: Llater 6 v Inn 5..-; Postal if you loaf of our; at In 070! ml bung `I.-ky. and _u1omentI Iclassv COAL '_ Lt. ve of- aour tau, ` TSIA. :%s:m_; increas- iiI_ DREAM Barrie. .1531: I--!-I--5'1".` *1 1,3 .'1`I-IURSDAY, FEBRUARY MIDLAND.---Friday last marked :1 mile stone in the history of Mid.- 1and, The occasion was the formal opening of the new. Manly Street Public School Building by_ Hon. Dr. Pync, Minister of Education. The Board had put forth a. special effort to make this day one of deep inter` est and prot to the citizens. About 4 __ cl..- R/finial-or xune (l';\lBt1 fi CSI anu pruul. LU LHC \.II.u.\.ua. Lsuuuvl .3 p.m. the Minister was driven to` the school where the formal open- ing took place. In the evening a. public meeting was held in the Opear House at which Dr. Pyne and others delivered addresses, '11! ORILLIA.--Local railway oicialsi :10; have learned that work is to be com-' menced this Spring on the proposed _ 5 double tr_ack of the Midland line be- In tween Tiin and Port Hope. Rumors t81 of this G.T.R. extension have been DY` rife for some time, but it is now be- Of lieved that the work is to be under- bl! taken at once. The G.T.R. new ele- W vators are at Tiftin, and Port Hope`bei is the nearest point on the main line FC to the seaboard. With the G.T.R.,iP1l C.P.R. and C.N.O. all getting busy, ho there will evidently be no little stir he in Orillia the coming summer from W a railway construction standpoint, . . I: `BRADFORD.--In the village of 0,- Bradford on Jan. 29th, their was a w; social event of more than usual im-[gt portance, it being the occasion_of'in the sixtieth anniversary of the marri- th age of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dutcher. to Among those privileged to be pres- p, cm from a distance were: Dr. -Mc- 4: Kenzie, of Toronto, brother of `Mrs. e2 Dutcher, and Mrs. McKenzie; Mr. S. and Mrs. A. D. Carley, of King; `M-r. es and Mrs. R_ H. -Everest and Master fc Elwood, of Preston Springs; Mr. f( and Mrs. J. H. Precious, of Hamil- ft ton; Miss Edna Sutherland, of Pres- N ton Springs; Mr. and Mrs. W. Cor- it ley, of King; Mr. and Mrs. W. h Grose, Mr. Matthew Cooper, .Mr. g Joseph Cooper and `Miss Emma, and C. Messrs. Frank and Bert and Misses 1( Ella and Emily Dutcher, all of Thornton. Thirty grand-children many of whom were present on this} glad anniversary day, and a number ii of great-grand-children also took ti part in these rejoicings. Four of 1: Mrs. Dutcher s family, three broth-it ers and one sister, still survive and c were represented in the person ofl Dr, B. E. McKenzie of Toronto. The a others living at a considerable dis_t- l ance were not able to be present. c None of Mr. Dutcher s own family : were able to be present to offer con- 1 gratulations After dinner an ad- 1 dress was read by Mr. A. D. : Carley, and before -Mnggarley sat` down Mrs. Everist pre nted her mother with a purse. of gold as a slight token of regard and as a com- memoration of the occasion. The afternoon was spent in pleasant social intercourse, all the friends be- ing aggreably impressed by the cheerful evidence of good spirits and good health manifested by both Mr. and Mrs. Dutcher. Mr. Dutcher was born in. 1825, in York "County, and at` the age of 23 claimed for his bride, Isabella McKenzie, of the `same Simcoe county and District. WA LL PA ; 0 --:1` ` I _ (Contmued from Page. Two.) at was returned for correctxon. `Mr. Jack of `S. S. No. 8, Innisl, explained some of the difculties which had arisen 1ate1y_ in their school and it was decided to ask. Inspector McKee to attend and fur- thcr enlighten them upon the situa- tion, Mr. McKee appeared later and` gave an explanation of the situation` from his standpoint; in consequence of this the clerk will commtfxnicatne with the secretaries of. the dierent -A-- -5 n-rIn1l10` \II ll .1 Iran`: 7... wit}; `the secrve-tariesnof. diFf_er_ent sections for the` purpose Of Sammg ` P .3-.- , 1 `UV F750 20 ('0 `HI All \J\a\..Ll\JII_) 1\Il information. Qovunwv '- ' ' nu As a result of his intervievving council last week in connectionrwith . the J ` l having religious services for the 4] benet of the inmates, _Rev. . G. `t Dreycr has agreed to visit the ouse 8 one afternoon each week and to l continue the Sunday services once a month; he also agreesto resp 0|n1t0 the call of the Governor at any. time % his services may..be required for , the spiritual benefit. of the iI1m8t5- The County has undertaken to` gl;a_nt~`h1`} $75.00 as a small remuneration} ;f0t ` the above attention- Finance. Chairman Moore ordered payment of an account of $2.15 to..,~vBu. Telephone Company. h the town of Alliston 1for:._th_e:lexat.-..- mination of two insane pattents_...- A grant of $80.00 was made"to .A - .q ' Stiuadron of the.V_N1Iissassa_}g'a;_2:If4I $25.00 was granted tc")t"A'e`a"cl't' V Midland and Collingwood _1 0I1,r,`1.I -9) . and $20500 tO_ uquauluu Ul. we .*'* """""'"` $25.00 granted 110 each 0 . Midland and Coll1nS'Wd , .Pu1.t-ry, Associations. n - d ` By-Law 869' of the, dd:9.nd Midland not bemg .970?` was repealed, ,-Midland s `debenf. Ti 00. Collin 994's for 5 Alliston s"%w , ~ ted ' .7111?! .|;:VV* the Co y cafried. V , .ir V All new dsigns: % 3BorJi- 1idFGi`iing3s. all sold by the Roll and at%th.e ssin price, at COUNTY ' COUNCIL. FUaN1'r`ui1:'ANn GARPETQSTORIE WHAT THE EXCHANGES SAY. House of `Refuge. any NEw`LmE us place. Seven years later thgy mov- -A on I... 'I"numcl-n nf Tnrncl and Ill\J `V _ Placc. DCVCIL JCGI5. IGIA-1 Lu? led to the Townshnp of Inmsl. and \there remained for 30 years, all the time engaging in farmmg. The last twenty-three years have been spent 2.. AXIAL-4 (`_uyHrnI-un-v and .'Rr:Irfnrr], ILWCIII) -ulfce ycana uavc uuuu qyyuu. in -West Gwilimbury and -Bradford. `About seven years ago they retired ifrom a vigorous farm life.to spend }the evening of their days in our imigst._ -Mr. and Mrs, Detcher ha.d I -1 -. _L:`4:nn undo Is: than `IIHUSE. 'lV1f. uuu LVLID, J.Juu.u\.n uuu a family of 12 children, but of this number only 4 are living to-day, viz; Mrs. A. D, Carley, of King; Mrs. R. H. Everist, of Preston Springs; "Mr. J. A. Dutther, of West Gwillimbury, and Miss Minnie who is still at ` home.-`Witness, in the village of Schomberg is the talk of the countryside. It is on the property of W. J.`Harris, proprietor St. George s hotel, and is a tri- bute to that gentleman's patience as well as an opportunity for him to `become a benefactor'to the village. For two years `Mr. Harris has been lplugging away to get a well. Big holes were bored wjthout result, but had the idea that a good ow of water could be found. He secured lthe services of.an experienced well- digger. After sinking to the extra- ordinary depth of 246 feet a gusher was struck, and it is certainly a real lgusher. Mr; Harris put in a two- 'inch pipe, and the water rushed through with a force that sends it present it is coming` at the rate of 1 SCHO.MBERG.-A wonderful weu`fg to a height of over thirty feet. At , ' 450 barrels a day, and is being turn- , - ed into a nearby creek, but the - Schomberg people are talking of i - establishing a waterworks system, -' for the supply is more than sufficient . - for the whole village, as_ well as to p - furnish excellent fire protection. ' Mr. Harris is seriously contemplat- - ing building a small reservoir on a - hill behind his premises, thereby guaranteeing an abundance of ex- 1 cellent water for everybody in the 3 locality. n THORNT-ON.~--Robert `McKinley, sla laborer of 48 years of age, who r` lived on lot 15, Con. 7, Essa, met a k tragic death on Tuesday morning of pi last week, when he succumbed to ex- ;.l posure on the road within half-a-mile Alnt 1-me nurn h(\fT1P posure [He TOBU Wluuu uau cruun. of his own home. McKinley, whose home is about 4 miles east of here, accompanied by his 15-year old son, had been in the village on Monday evening and left for home on foot about 11 o'clock, as the road was heavy the unfortunate man and his son made slow progress. About 2 ~~ '1`--Karl-u wane-nincr within made SIOW progress. nw... - ;a.m. on Tuesday morning, within half a mile of home the father he- came -exhausted an lay down on the road, The boy securd some straw and tried to make his father comfortable while he went home for help. When he returned with his elder brother nearly an hour later the father was in a semi-conscious condition with his feet, nose and ears frozen. He was carriedtinto a shanty close at hand and neighbors `were summoned, but he succumbed about an hour later. He is survived by a wife and seven children. 'dUUl-ll. an n \deb'ts of those [less than 25 pt |sessment rolls. sessmem ruua. . , $10.00 was granted to the _Prisonl ;Women s~ Rescue ;and Ch11dren s, work _of the Salvanon Army. Cha_1rman. M0_or_e s comrmttee re- .-....... Hm salar- xChairx.na'n:~1\II~c;_6re _committee 1 `ported agamst Increasing the sa1ar- ` hes at present of the M-atrons of the {House of Refuge and the Gaol. i Ex-Warden Jupp Appointed. _Theappointment of a `County En- gmeer was (gone of the liveliest issues of the Sessnon. Th-ree names were placed in_nommat1on, viz., Mr. Geo. D Campbell, formerly v Reeve `of Oro, `Mr. Philip McLeod. an ex -reeve f the same Township and R. .. Jupp, for -many years Ori1lia s ght- ing representative, in the .Coun ty_ {Parliament Mr; ]upp?s name was -the first to go before the -Couneilyin a report from the -Roac},s_and Bndges Qommittcae. ' ' V ' . ` V` ' -- --1 \]'nTnan llowed ~ man 13%" t use xgaide they do n or suohad , Messrs. McDermott and McLean ` `presented an amendment that the name of Mr. Philip McLeod be- iri- serted.` Those voting Yea on the amendment were Bell .Robt., Brown, Caldwell, .-CopelanId,`." Cunningham, Goodeve, Harvey, Mattheyvs, Mit- chell J. H., McDermott and Mc- Lean. As V there were 30 nays the amendment was lost. ` .` An'effort was then made by Mesv srs, Ba1l,and.jGoodeve to have Mr.. . George. Campbell appointed; the ' supp _ortersof this motion were Ball, , Barton, fCoey, Goodeve and. Pier- ' Edri. _./. son, Q Ifhe report naming Mr. Jupp as County Engineer at $1000.00, per year was; carried. The newly ap- .point_ed Vnfficial `-remained town throughout,` the_ .ses'si9n actji_1g.`in,'an municipalities _being per cent. of their As-_ ...\1h~ - Jioads and .Bric1.g_eQ" u -.-Ao\t`OYID?\f that MO0l'_e'S -CUl1lll1lLLbI. Ax. mst :nt"'of "M-atrons Refuge rden `Jiupp mintment --* - .-- . 1 1 [core and." G_00d_".' f to ' conf_r. `-wvth >;8`' V . `-v.-:...'.;..-.- A61-.~_JTln#.'.'. ex-in %a's to `bx-pairing` rth_ bridge; 6p -2_ oos1te_ Lot `5, between Duerin an<;1;_ . Simcoe. . u 2 no \r-;.I_-_A__ -"...Ir ht. 9 USP . 4 lIIIUVU 0 ' ` Councillors Simpson, Matthewa7nl1 `A Caldwell were empowered to have the McKinnon bridge" over the Not"- tawas_aga River, on town_ l1`r1e,..jo'$f; Sunmdale "and Vespra repaired. Tins. `is the bridge which was damaged on. the ,6th of last October. , Ac r~_.-__:1 4 KIJIC ULII \-ll IGr9\- \lbtvIlvno p , `V Chairman Simpson and Councilf-'. lots" Cope1and,a_.nd..McDermott were} empowered to employ an engineer -5 to prepare plans and make estimates ._ of a steel "bridbgre with concrete abut- . -ments over ottawasaga. `River at Yen Vlack between F105 and .Sunni'-: ; dale. *- `Chairman Simpson nd -'.Couni1 -" lo'rs Goodeve and Brown `were -ap_-; `pointed a committee toyconfet with .. -nm:+.n F1-nrn nnFFenin Countv t0 polntea a Cuxnuuucc LU ;\.uu-.,. u.... a comittee from Duerin County to; look in to_ the matter of-. a bridge ap-` posite_ Lot" 14 Adjala,a hd,.Mona; and , over the Nottawa River 'ai1'd to re-4 port thereon at the June` Session. _ : _ The Engineer s report for .I_9o7 having been omitted from the Re-- port of the November session, it will appear in the minutes of this, ses- ncnru I you brid sun. `for a grant to repatr, . DUN. James Gauley and.03_ and straighten the SI town line, `from Sunnid_ west to Mad River Br: -~-ozmm n? ma; he Gauley and.U3_O[[ltl'b a.aL\\.u. for stump, grade Sunnidale-Essa line, Sunnidale Road on Bridge on east, some portions of this highway being i iin a'very bad condition. This Com- ` mittee recommended that the matter be left to the representaives of the municipalities concerned. County Road Supervisors. -x A by-law passed appointing the following as County Road Super- visors: . _ A_`l2-I.. 1' '1` Kellv- Thos. Hamil- lton, Thos. Ryan, J1-., irisors 2 7 Adjala-]. T. Kelly, Hamil- John Irwin, Geo. Sodden. Essa--VVm. Kernan, Richard Parr, Thos. Whiteside, John Nicol, 'Jtio. Cochrane, Campbell, A. Lewis, Thos. Fisher,` Wm. Beelby. Hy. Bi 3-age Snell (1 pro , ls. et,c..pgg!