Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 6 Feb 1908, p. 2

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do I` l\l1IVJ Us-vv ---- - v MAKER or PORTRAITS 3 H.T. ARNALL, =M.D.-,C.M., O`1FFI~%E| 2,- tI-A.`I.---..11 n `-Q`/snip A`1I'I`I1I`fl1Q DR. A . T. LITTLE, late of Churchill. Ont. Oice and residence John St., I near corner Elizabeth. Phone 213. DR. J. CUR_`IE SMITH. OF- C-.. ...a,l Pninar cl-rank JDR. w. A. ROSS, PHYSICIAN, `Surgeon, etc-, L.R..C.S., Edin., L.-R. C.P., London. Offices and night residence, Brown s Block, Dunlop street, Barrie. Telephone, 77. Having spent 4 years Post Graduate work in British Hospitals and having served as Clinical Assistant in Golden Square Ear. Throat 8:. Nose Hospital, London: Royal London Ophthalmic Hospital (Moorelds) ; for a term as Resident Surgeon in Royal London 0 bthalmic Hospital; Bristol Eye Hos ital, Brlsto ; and Birmingham Eye Hos ital, B rmingham ; former Member of British phthalmological Society. 0FFICE--78 DUNLOP STREET, BARBIE. Plione 51. P. 0. Box, 96. DR_.'ROcBERT s. BRQAD, HYSI-I 1.7.... -._-_.. -A._ -:..'L- BR. J. A. c. EVAN._S, MEMBER OF " at `D's-ca-:4-unann `mung. C-.. L.R.C.P. & s. Edinburgh; M.F.R_. 3; s. Glasgow --SURG'EON-e-- DR. MORTIMER LYON, 31 cm- L-.. CL Fl`A_n-LA `-LA A: Bglutddutu $70,000 FOR INVESTMENT ON good freehold security at lowest rate of interest. No principal money required until end of the term: Strathy, Solicitor, etc., . Barrie. _ nuns-u vo- -av-no U 1-erwxinnum via; jfcivanoe I ANY QUANTITY OF MONEY .-TO loan at 41/2 and 5 per cent. Easy terms of re-payment. Lennox, Cowan & Brown-, `Solicitors, Barris- '-ters, etc. ` T_H'E .BALL PLANING -MILL ` -Company. Carpentering, building, andzmanufacturing of doors, sashes, . blinds, -mouldings, etc. Planing of all kii1ds__don'e pgomptly and satis- fact.orily.- ` Hot bl ast._ ` drying kiln. V District: `Agency fox` - graind `lum- b'er.' 'Fa`.ct'ory, Bayeld street, Bar- rie. Rodgers .& Gallic, successors to Gpo. Ball. - ANIEL % G. BEGGS, `ARCHITECT A `ind (,;i_.\_ril}'3{ngijnee1_':_ Ojce, over TH`O,S. KENNEDY, AR'CHIT'ECT. Oi_'ce,. Ontario Block,_ Dunlap St. ' V. AULLT, BARRI-STER. SOLICI- tor, Proctor, Notary, Coflveyancer, etc. Special attention in (lrawing and probati_ng wills, ~obtain1ng let- ters of admmistration and: guardian- ship, collecting accounts, etc. Of- t:...... D... Id.-ml: Harrie, Monev to UNWIN, MURPHY & ESTEN, ON- Land "Surveyors, Engmeers, etc. Established 1852. Oce,-Med- ical Building, S.E. corner Rich- mond ;and.Bay Streets, Toronto. ' Telephone, Main, ; I336. Instruc- ' tion left with Strathy & -Esten, 'Sol_i'cit6rs, Bank of Toronto Build- ing, Barrie, will be promptly at- tended to. - LUII .l4(.l|'JIvA, 4 Brown, ` LWDUlV Oi \4I\.L14DV-V .l.\J.l\.I.'4, LIA LL\ ristcrs, Solicitors of the Supreme Court of Judicature of Ontario, Proctors, Notaries, Conveyancers, etc. Money to loan. Oice, Ross Block, Barrie. C. E. Hewson,K.C. A U L1 r`aAIuIv:nllD ucxs, uauu.;. V. .a.. H. Creswick The as-sociation, which is actively engaged in working for `the propos- ed legislation, has compiled some startling tables, showing the great destruction of '-life during :the -.past five years as a result of collisions, derailments and other accidents. In nearly every case :the greats sacrice of lives was due almost wilmolly to the fact that the wooden coaches either werecra-shed into splinters or caught fire after the wreck. Steel cars, it is claimed, would have pre- vented the loss of -life. GJUI AAAA 5.6 ` est rates. 1. .l. . J'11\LV (11414, '1V1.lJ0',\.LV.l.., '1. ;\.u.4 in.BothweIl s block, Allanif. 0 the premises at night. Eye; Ear. Nose Throat, II.\. J- \/LI1\1\J.J.4 QAILLLLJ. ce _and residence, Collier stxtt, Barne. Phone 61. "1\. '1\LllJ1'J.l\J. Q. JJLVLIILLJ, LLLLLJJ. cian, `Surgeon, etc. SpeciaIty-Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Office and residence, cor, Elizabeth and Brad- ford Sts. (Dyment Gore.) `Phone 105. Box 456. IL\o 1'}-\II\J-'.I.$VLl.Jl\ J-lL\./-L`, J8 \/Kill` ton St., Toronto, late of Brooklyn, (N-Y.,) Eye and Ear Hospital, will be` at 67 Owen St., Barrie, every Saturday. Diseases Eye, Ear Nose and Throat; Coifsultation hoprs II a.m. to 5 p.m., and by ap- pomtment. ram. J. II. \.n 1.'4VrL.LVsJ, J.V.L1.faJ.VL.IJ.l`4I.\ \J1` `Coll ge of Physicians and Surg- eons, Ont. Graduate of Medical Faculty of Toronto University. As- sociate-Coroner of Coutytgof Sim- coe. O"1ce and residevncg7-,:Wil1iam Street, Allandale; Telephf6ne 3oa. Telephone connection withnllolly, Painswick and Stroud. " ' l.LJaLJ LI. JJl`4\J'l.l `and Civil Engin Bosanko Block. of Plumbing.- Dr. J. ARTHUR ROSS. A Mivnznrnsn my It further states that in the 19, years since the interstate commission began the collection of facts about accidents, nearly 6,000 passengers and over 48,000 employees, besides nearly 90,000 other persons, have been killed on American railways, and nearly 1,000,000 more have been crippled. In 1905, it was twice as dangerous to travel on ii railway train or to work for a railway com- pany of the United States as it was in 1895. It is only accidents which are reported to the commission which are included in these statistics. The` fact that a large number of railway companies do not report accidents is demonstrated by the ning .re4 ` cently of one of: the largest .r_ailw.ay? \ companies for `failure to report over ,200 accidents, ' ~ ` " ' ` .- C0llCCUIl'g aCUUUllLa, wax... \/ Ross block, Barne. Money 0 MANUFACT-UbRERS. . MONEY TO LOAN. PHYSICIANS. sunvnvogg ARC:-Irrzjcjrs. FINANCIAL. __.LiEGAL. .`.--4, 4l.I\\JL&.l-I.l_'4\uL tineer. Ofce, I. Town Inspector P1JTMAN--;si>I:Rs._;Ac mg Col-` licr St. V Methodi$t 1 ~arsoVn `g`e, Bar- , tie, on Jan. 23rd, 1_9o8, by;'Rv. Dr. - H -Ockley, Alfred Putman -to-- Salrah- `Spcers; both; "of Egbert ;--;4_...__ ._A _ _ The Northern Advam Ban-ie. - Ont. Tue Anvmvos: 1s proven to have largest circulation of any paper in the (30 N` Town. bag; It has by far the largest subscript!` I recei ts. _ Th latter fact demonstrates the qua] its patrons. It you have any 8.dV'eX'tiSing {73 I lace it with the paper that reach 11 0 got afraid to pay the price. es. E I eIla Advertisements are charged according epaee-l8 lines agate measure make .,- V 38 inch insertion ; 5 cents per line for each su Le ai Notices Auctio S 1 , A etc.-gFirat inseiztion loncentaes er n1]i`I1l?.'emeeu` su_ nentinsert1on5cents per inc. ' 3 R ng notices, 10 cents per line for insertion `of the same matter. All imr?1Ss` 5 lines, of this character, charged as 5 H `* Obituarv Poetry 5c per line. W Prefex'1-ed positions for local ad\'cmu xnentsin the paper will be sold at an mlvgnu of one-thirgl on shove retes, and on no ozhu account will Speclal positions be iziwn. Tm` -rule will be strictly carried out. CONTRACT CHANGES. Advertisers will please bear in mind that notice of intention to charfige 8.d\`(`I`liS('lllnu ` mustbe handed into theo cc not laud-r um Saturday at 10 o'clock, and the copy for am change mustbe in THE ADVAN(.`l. office no; later than 12 o'clock noon on Monday in any week, otherwise the advex-tis_er s announr-emem may not be made public until the week follow. inn- mg!` changes of Advertisements 8.I]O\\'0d 9,, year. If more are required, composition ram will be charged. Advertiser: wili nnf. hp, sillnwn tn nan H-...:. W111 De cnargea._ . Advertisers W111 not be allowed to use thgi, space for advertlsing anything outside meg, gown regular business. Should they do M transient rates will be charged for such ad ` vex-t.isements.. gnu; m. o `av---._--...-- _... . ...---_..........-. - Condensed advertisements on first page sum; as wants of all kinds, lost and found, proyen, for sale or to rent, specic articles, etc..e'.c must be accompanied with the cash, and vn be inserted--rst insertion 2 cents per wm each subsequent insertion 1 cent per won names,addresses and gures counted as words), ut a reduction of one cent per word will bg made when the number of insertions of same matter exceed four ....vv.- -v cuts for advertisements must in en; care be mounted on solid menu bane: cRoKTER-P1NN.-l.Iuk V}'3:ar:rie,. o o V `Ian, 29t-h, 1908, by` Rev; J; F. Ock-` cy, D.D.*,- Hmfy Thomas Croker to _f_Editrh` . .im1,;A both ;o,,f~ Toronto, ' V < __-'1." L ,;.s` .' -z-1-5-H-1-+4-I-1-I-+-I-I-1-+-1-1-oi-1-1-++~z-++ I have now 9. large stock of first class (`GAL on hand of all sizes. PHONE 250, or drop us 8, Postal if yo would like something good in a loaf of on | Machine mane :- Bake:-`s, Cream, Twist. Vien- na Sandwich, Fruit-Loaf. at 5c. Brown or genuine Home Made Bread. INsunAt'uc:-A"c._:NT. CONVEYANCER, arc. FIRE AND PLATE/GLASS INSURANCE Private Funds to loan on first mort- Clllres. Corresnondonce solicited. ADVERTISING RATESE ;goAL_ & wooo '_ ..._-... - `an: up Also HARD and SOFT WOOD. and . be pleased to receive your orders for same \\1;ix.'h will have Prompt and Careful Attention. ngg --:_..-.._-_- ZTCTI T-CtDjT-CUT-C Coal and Wood Merchant. Corner Bmdxord and Elizabeth Sts. Phone 158. I--1-+-1-!-vi-I-1-+-I-I-++~!-!-i--3--1-4:4--9-:4-++; BARRIE RAILWAY GUIDE. CAKES. PASTRY. CREAM PUFFS, Fresh Daily. _ Order your weddin . . . _ 3 1 tt ns ,?`,L,,5``~ 3* *h, rxzh; plat`: 3 %1e maa, "'a",.Jb. Pnn! Department .WQrk,A 9f" this ciass of A` 1 W` samples 0! 8:9` qs t_)ef_or BRWN 8 BAKERY T-HsU-RDAY, FEB. em , 1903. MAKES YOUR SKIN LIKE VELVET Hss a marvellous effect. on rough: skin. One or two applications. will remove the roughness, and by ~ its occasional use the skin acquires j the smoothness and softness of 84 baby's. 1 Glycedonin is not sticky. and: gloves any be worn afew moments. after usingiit. ' I- `A- Dfuggilt, "we ask mu T0 usifti to meet the ever increas- I ing demand. Hm I GMUURTE UF HST We could have placed twice as man y WHY G0 T0 TUHUNTU. UR When you have better class at home. --- -or--- "Dai1y i landing Sunday. sum run nun naunsnmz and see what. we of- I for. Compare our fees, whathodo and general results. fall lermBegih%`bt. 3rd. EXCELSIOR BUSI- NESS _ cou,EGE. WEDDING INVITATIONS. -',.. V-.... v-.-\..-u- --u;gun-u ,9HF.EM,N }"l7A'. __.3 `I7 COMMERCIAL CONTRACT RAT I-I9` MONKMANS GLYCEDOXIA. GEO. MONKMAN. CONDENSED ADVERTIBEM ENTS. . TRANSIENT ADVERTISING. savanna I In Price 15c and 25c. Delightful after shaving. STEEL PASSENGER `CARS. ."B.A.:Ez1a::E:;. & |1Wk.`1 Mo.'l3 Mo.;6 Mo. 1 Y, OF THE Barrie. '.Knight `n; -was t1n- 7110011, Ex I'll-J.I.4Au; M/illiznn .\l nger >L'II'1'r Of its l)L`~1 p1aC UH .\ denly. 1"!) health, but with .~I.'u'I'H b!'eakf;1\t \ ed p{';u*v1 L1 his Chan` .1 Willizxxxx \ from (f11n pa1'CI1l> 11H years zagn. Miss I211, whidl IINI (1('\`- seth, W11:-M over 11:-.11` : integrity the r('.~}u'.` knew hm the (`hurv is S111`\'1\v sons nu-1 maim xw` Ctmr L x` x` _\' LUVV11 auu &4unu.nnyvnu a.m.-For Orillia, North Bay YA\A B021 1 4 1 C08 ;\z the <` &ftCI`1`.t attenyl; .1,_ , .ALLIST( - \I l?!I1I _, _` `I\ukJL\ `gull th: "1'-";`[1F.' ` Septcm 1 u VD-.11 C1.` 'uLJuAI .v..- Seed Sh 'Y`I KJVVLI . .. Th&' V 110011 \ I Town U ts \ was :1 portum Spczzkn` inclmixa f` `C011 n r: then- to`.-.`n.~ adf1x'I1 ablc I` 35011 \'. (til at pr(>I:<`\ douln. tht In l`n-nus or Sunscnu-now. and tlon SCT\. ' tallgx of (:2 no \`. THE F _ORILL Are L244 -abu anr T\ Ltkx. bow iV<: Inllt` iI`l`1' Sibm: {rum Vlllllt`. tracu 1 l VV`/||`|, bC ('I`.L thy \_\ .th{: Iv from, \ CI".'ZlIL`( Nyuzninin. But 'thQm.~ tion g C0n.s 1.s that and il pENq Arc devclx genu- mg 0 On ti nd t it) 0 an rauwjcly unca. See the big clubbing offer, Advance and `Weekly Mail, on page .3. This- offer does not apply to those who now take the -Weekly Mail, but Ad- vance subscribers both new and old are eligible. ~ -' I 1 rm... n......:.. 1-inlze elrinnprl hv` W, eligible. r The Barrie rinks skipped by W. E. Toddand Jas. Patterson were.un~ successful in the District Cupf prim- aries at Newmarket last-week. They won in the first draw against Rich- mond Hill, but fell down in the sec- gndi Collingwood qualied for the na s. V ` __. .. . . . .4 -n-L1, On Friday evening last] the Bible Class of the Baptist Church were en- tertained at the home of Mrs. '=Mor-- rison,~ McDonald St., where an en- joyable time was spent. The mem- bers took occasion to present their teacher; , Mr. W. J. Justice, with a handsome easy chair accompanied by an address. . -p v 111 I ard assisted the groom. The residence of Mr. James Wal-i ton, Vespra, was the scene of a pretty wedding on. Jan. 22nd, the oc- casion being the marriage of Miss Bertha F. -Howardto r. Chas. E. Hunt of Tecumseth, son of. Mr. Isaac Hunt, formerly of Barrie. Rev. P. M. Peacock of Angus tied the knot." `Miss Harriet A. Hunt was bridesmaid, while Mr. E. How- 1 1 A pretty wedding took place on Wednesday, Jan. 26th, at the resi- dence of Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Cleave, Nottawa, when their daughter, Grace, was married to - Mr. Fred. Partridge of High River, Alta. =Rev. L. Mc- Lean of -Churchill officiated. The bride was attended` by her.sister,Miss. Annie,.and her cousin, `Miss Mar-i garet McLean, and the~ groom by` Mr. William Montgomery and Mr. Robert Cleave. - Mr. and Mrs, Part- ridge left for Chicaga .and Minne- apolis `and will go thence to their home in High River. p-V --- -__ .._-=-- ..--. It is not often that a man is priv- ileged to read his own obituary. A paragraph, which appeared in the Toronto dailies and afterwards went the rounds of the outside county press, told a rather gruesome tale of poor old James McLean having been found frozen to death in the Dyment foundry premises. James is, how-A ever, very much alive, and is today getting his three squares in the House of Refuge and wondering what foolish -mortals some folks be. He thinks it was the other fellow who went in to sleep and had the dream. , w..- -..--- 1 An interesting service will take place in the `S. A. Hall on Collier St. on Sunday, Feb. 9th. The Lea- gue of Mercy will be organized. This work embraces visiting hospi- -tals, jails, the poor and needy, etc. Mrs. N. B. Johnston, who a few years ago organized it in every city from the Atlantic to the Pacic,will conduct the service and give an ad- `dress on the work, As Mrs. Johns- ton has visited hospitals, prisons and other public institutions in all the Canadian cities and in various Am- erican and English cities, some in- teresting facts may be expected. The pubcllic are cordially invited to at- ten . Trains leave Barrie for the under- Inentioned places as follows :- South. *4.2o a.m.--For Newmarket, To- ronto. Montreal and points East. `$.45 a.m.-For Toronto. (Cobalt Special.) 4 8.00 a.m.-For Newmarket, Auro- ra and Toronto. ' 9.35 a.m.-For Allandale. *1.oo p.m.--F0r Newmarket, Au- rota and Toronto. H L.-s_-L ~ rr... Mr. A. C. Garden presided at the! meeting of the Barrie Conservative Association on Thursday night. Messrs. Duff and Thompson, M.P. P. s, delivered short addresses, as did also Mr. Richard Bell of Utopia and others. Arrangements were made to hold a monster smoker in the Grand Opera House on the evening of March 6th. The principal speak- ers for the occasion will be Mr. J. G. H. Bergeron, M. P., Mr. R. R- Garney., M.P.P., Mr. -Haughton Len- nox, M.P., `Mr. T. Herbert Lennox, M.P.P., Major Currie, Capt. Thomp- son, M.P.P., and Mr. J. S. Du , Mg P.P. =I;t is expected to be a red-let- ter day in the history of local Con- servatism. The Canadian Magazine for Feb- ruary is more than ever distinctly Canadian. It starts off with an illus- trated article by Frank Yeigh.~ en- titled The Cariboo Trail, and some of the other most important contri- butions are:--The vWashington' _of the North, by M. 0. Scott, illustra- ted, being an account of the"work done by the Ottawa Improvement Commission to beautify `the Capital; "The Last `Letters of Wolfe and ,F.EB1iuJARY CANADIAN MAGA- zmm. When you tell ya tloctot about the Ind gtute in your mouth, loeejof up time to: bt'.eoklut,,end frequent heads": es. and . uy You are bilio_ue.A T ' `Bu llhic wg.',- 1 .!%;_* % when he-sees you:-.'cot'Ied'tou e h ' II A . `;`..`zL uvisgwe Colds on t/zeC/zest Ask your doctor the medical name tor a cold on the. chest. He will say, Bro n c hitis. Ask him if it is ever serious. Lastly. ask him if be pre- scribes; Aver : Cherry Peca- nmnv physician; `total for;-thisydieeue. Keep; -in close , . with `Y0_|_lf ' `W0 DIIIIII`. < ~ w-:`s`.;;.".T....` `. I!-on maa; ., ' -;._. Q- IIUUICB IubJJ\.l QV\ll I magic}: *4 p.m.--For"Ori1lia, North Bay and points West. 8.05 p.m.--For `Orillia. 10.35 a.m.-For Penetang. 10.45 a.m.-For Stayner, Co1ling- wood and Meaford. 3-40 p.m.--For Stayner, Calling- wood and Meaford. 7.50 p.m.-For Penetang. 8.00 p.m.-For Sitayner, Coiling- wood and Meaford. *u.1o p.m.-For North Bay. (Co- balt Special.) I" I [ . . iMontcalm by H. V. Ross; an out- line of the Canadian Immigration Policy by W. S. Wallace; f`The Art of St. Thomas Smith by R. Holmes, with reproductions- of some of . Mr. Smith s pictures;_ The Trade. into the North by Aubrey Fullerton, illustrated, and an article entitled The Canadian Flag, by John :S. Ewart, K.C., of Ottawa. At the weekly practice shoot, Wednesday, Jan. 29th, `these scores were made:- . " 4 Io clay- birds at 16 yds. rise, un- kno_wn angles:-Wm. Crossland 9, M. Shanacy 8, Chas, Lqwer 6, R. Wolf- enden 6, Harold -Knowles 5, H. Wat- kins 5, Ed. Williams 6, Ern. Wil- liams 5. $3055 shoot, is clay known angles- Ed. Williams, at I9 yds_ M. Shanacy, at 19 yds. .. W. Crossland, at 19 yds. K R. Wolfenden, at 17 yds. EW. Urry, at 17 yds. ( `H. Watkins, at 16 yds. .. C. Lower, at 16 yds. H, Knowles, at 16 yds. A. Crumb, at 16 yds. R. Moore, at 16 yds. Orillia curlers won the nal in Group 3 (Ontario Tankard) by de-A feating Collingwood, 28 to 18. It was a pretty contest, small ends be- ing the feature. Both Orillia rinks. were lip as the score shows:- Orillia. _ L. Lairallee T J. . E. A. Wakeeld F. _Ii:. Toogood `C; A.` _Main & n J I` iilalll skip . . H. Holcrof E. Hinds F. Stewart G. Gra_mt It. was pretty much Barrie in the junior hockey game here on Thurs- day night when the locals and Col- lingwood fought forythe district hon- ors. Barrie started `in with one goal to the bad, but soon set the minds of its supporters easy as the game progressed-. It was merely a suc- cession of goals, point after point being notched in rapid order. At intermission the score stood 8 to 1 against the visitors, In the second half Collingwood picked up some but could not stay Barrie s winningi hand, the whistle blowing to thel tune` of 16 to 5. Barrie was without! the services of Boyd and Meeking,% who were on the casualty list. Wag- ; horne refereed. Line-up:-- 1-)-______ r1_,1 1r-1n- - 7' -- J Bets Collingwood by Majorify of Ten Goals on` Round. I IEJTB auu Luauuuv. 5.20 p.m.-For Newmarket, To- ronto, Montreal and points East. 7.25 a.m.--For ~Cardwell Junction, Georgetown and Harnilton. 5.25 p.m.-For Cardwell Junction, Georgetown and Hamilton. ' KIA!-OI-I IAHE NORTHERN ADVANCE -even then the permission of the Min-. ...,. , | There are now {our classes of cer- ticates, vviz., first-class certicates, second-class,` third-class and district. The holder of the last __kind. may teach only in certain schools and istcr of Education must in "every case i be obtained,` and_ may l>___e` asked for onlyfwhen there is a scarcity of teachers. `T.hird-c1ass certicates are granted. "only after'_ an tteda_nce at a_ model school; sccon -class, _aftr an; attendance at t a_ Norman. school and rst-class only `after an atte'n`d -` ance of on _ ` Education -`in connection. with the K5 `Universities o.'1`-oronto and Que.en s1.& A third-cla;ss;_.'is `valid `for ~three yea,rf;'!' a- second-c'lass~< or. a rst-class'.'for lis. e,wte'rm' at the `Faculty of A 'rthird-ela`ss'r- may! be: renewed *f_o;"f` ta 1 period of > not` n"1o"r er,than thi.'ee_?-yeairg; '- --the Ilossesscn-..;r`pass,i;t1_g. the~ .:'m9gle_l;_'. sc11 .1, examin na9.s:.;1q;t,>the flfart I ~*31L11..'.t1..C.>;11.' aw x 4 " ?$1.9h .3aza1n .01`-~ bx.:rg:; l B(a(11v'ri e'----(_3;)`a1_l; point, Smith; cover-point, Croghan; left, wizgg, Rowe; right wing, F.Horseld;9 centre, S.Horseld; rover, B.T_homp-A son. , A I .;Mr,. Isaac Day, Public School In; -spector, writes as fol1ows:- `CA OIICIIQ-luv A3` 4.1.. ;.--_L, ,- ' -' oycut-U1, wutca as I0llOWSZ-- `So many of the teachers a of the rural schools, and so many of the trusteies appear- to be unaware of the. various kinds of certicates and of the names applied to them` that I _wish you would publish the follow- If!!!` ` Collingwood - Goal, Stephens; point, Vanzant; cover point, Camer- on; rover, =Ho11ingshead; centre, Bau- master; right wing, Patterson; left wing, Herbert. ' | 9: --- ..-_v- `Barrie looks to be a pretty lively] bunch this year, and should be knocking hard at the door" when` the bell rings for the nals.` ooanesomaonsri Youwill Not Open a Savings Bank Account The Bank of Toronto Gallic" J U: \/Dingo:-, nvvo ygu .---_, and Soo. II.oo a.m.-For Orillia, Graven- hurst and North Bay. '1? `I, 15-"- TEACHERS CER'1`_IFICATES. :._.__ ORILLIA BY TEN SHOTS. BARRIE WINS DISTRICT. BEAVER GUN CLUB; ' will take care bf it for you and give you interest on your Deposits 4 times a year at highest current rates. _._ .-T and determine to save your money` regularly. -Collningwood . T, C. Brown 1 H. Nettleton `C . Noble W. E_. Vernon _ .15 Skip .. are not suiientv to obtain results. |T%AT 0 N ca: An 8 Page 48 column Nowupnpor. Published from the oice, 123 Dunlap Street. Bu-rle. in tha County of Slmooe. the Pro- vince of (Ontario. Canada. every Thursday Morning. by WESLEY & CREW, PROPHIETORS unless `you : ciecide to birds, un- There is no such thing as a non- professional II. class or rst-class certicates. Teachers often apply for schools saying they hold such certi- cates. What such teachers mean is that in each case the applicanti has a teacher s certicate either senior or junior, but the possession of such certicate does not qualify such pos- sessor to teach. No one may teach until he has a junior or senior teach- er s certicate and has attended some one of the three kinds of profession- al schools, i.e., a model school or a normal school or the school at the university for teachers._ A teacher with a junior tcacher s certicate who has attended a model school has only a III. class. Sold in Barrie by Wm. Cros.s`land, H G. Robertson, Geo. Monkman, DI H. MacLaren and F. B. Smith, ;AlIandale, Druggists. ` afplicationnvill convince that is _ha.e wonderfu medical virtue and intrinsic ment. Itiamadeincanada. Agoodhonestcanm ndin tion. Pgiceonehoxriftycentsmr ve home: Two Dollars. \ - lhlledtonnyuddiessonteceiptof ce. 1 Sold and recommended by an Drug- gistsincuuda Pamphlet in; to any address. sold by the soie prop:-up Tllo Teturlno chemical . 090 Windsor. Ontario. J`-gi` _, I cup `- - an sbmlute eerta'in`cure for Eczema, Acne Rosea, Tetter, `m les. Blackheads. Rin rm. Barbers` Itch Seal Head, Itching Piles, lcers, Sores. and all cutaneous and facial blemishes. Has been thoroughly and successfully tested l In hundreds of so called incurable eases. Itis entirelv unlzn nun nth-p on-.........ol.... nu uuusu cua ul au caucu lncuranle G509. . ;t is entire_ly unlike an other pr ration. zdxxgge or omtment that been sol or pre- V ;!';*Io (nevrv txatrne vtill adtlui-tothesub artption List until the money is paid. Subscribers now in arrears for thre months and over will be charged $1.50 per annum. I WALL PAPER hgsttakejz hblvci gfmy " The guy it makes lighter, - Atcaier, xgver-grained I Bisuitb Tand- 9==7~ bu 't: `used I " gut` `I '9 Bakma P s. .- Ge 1' 965 W437 `SM. *"5=`P?.A`?#?91i**ii@#s f`,1._ _ Borders same price as Sidewall. Bookstore BARRIE. SCOTT S New Designs THE NORTHERN ADVANCE Artistic Effects send to: on: Am. `"3 l..1.'- ` In t]. V9-#91: STEWART T & STEWART, BAR~ risters, `Solicitors, Notaries Public, "and Conveyancers. Money to loan in` any isums at 5 p<;r,..cent. Oice, I ` I-3 Owen1sti'ee_t, Bame. `H. D. Stew- art, `L.L.D., D, -M. `Stewart. LENNOX, COW'AN 5; BROWN, Barristers, `Solicitors `for obtaining probate" of_wills, guardianship and A admmistratxon, and general So11c1- tors, Notaries, Conveyancers, etc; 'O'1ce_s, Hinds block, No.6 Dunlop street, B_arrie. Money to loan at 4% and 5 per cent. Branch oices at Creemore and Alliston. -Haugh- ton Len~no,DAlex. Cowan, G. E. J. T5-Au-.. T G. A. RADENI-1UR'ST, -Barrister, `Solicitor, Notary Public, &c. `Of- ce---Ist oor Bank of Toronto Building-A Money to loan at low- -_L 1-1`:-st! E SON & CRESWICKE, BAR: . _ 2.21.... .1 `kg QI1\1-A0140 STRATHY & ESTEN, BARRIS- .ters, "Solicitors in High -Court of Justice, Notaries Public, Convey- ` -ancers. Oices over the Bank of Toronto, Barrie. Money in sums of $2,000 and upwards, to loan at 5 per cent. H. H. Strathy, K.-C., G. H. Esten. ' DONALD `ROSS, L.L.B., BARRI'S- ter, Solicltor, etc. Bank of Toron- to Building, Barrie. Money` to loan. The Travellers Protective Associ- ation of the United States is supple- menting its active campaign for a passenger fare of two cents a mile by another for steel passenger cars. Backed by more than half a million travelling salesmen, -there `will, with- __iii',a week, he introduced into Con- gress z_a'~ bill, _which, if passed, will compel all the railways of the United . States to replace their preseiit wood- en passenger equipment with fire- proof steel coaches. It is desired that the railways retir-e '10 per cent. - -of the wooden cars each year for -the next ten years.

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