Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 23 Jan 1908, p. 6

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DVIUII DI}! I UV`, DUUILID just returned `from the bush, the rapidly developing `district of New Ontario, where the mosquito is to be. met by the _million in full vigor, and is `one s constant assailant troxn early morn till dewy eve. The writer was recently. engagedtor some weeks in telegraph construction `work from Englehart all along the line to MeDougall's Chutes, sixty- ve miles or so on the Temiskaming and Northern Ontario Railway, and can therefore personally vouch for the latter part of Webster -s definition, it the words and human beings are `Inserted. after `animals." A_._-_, I, 1 L_.-,__.__J ALI- ` IJ-I(7lJIlg CDIIWI bf}-ICILII IJIJIIKIQEJIIEA It isdiicult to get people to realize `N from mere description the intense con- tinual,irritation caused by these in-. sect pests. and for some the danger of iblood poisoning that sets in. We; heard-`of prospectors being obliged to` l.eave their claims, as they were being 1 driven mad by- the ies hovering around them in black clouds all day i long, and biting till the blood ran down their faces in streams. My Scotch friend` and I suffered a good deal at rst at Englehart, and our attempt to ` bathe one evening in the White River there, was a miserable asco. We had to content ourselves with trying" to wash in a pail of water, but by the time we had our faces soaped, could not see the top of the pail for black \ ies, and emerging from our endeavor _very little, if any, cleaner than we were before. Washing` is ata decided discount under such circumstances. 'r"\n rnnnnuu.:I-A as` #1.}. .....'_A. -1 ?Pss s that Swarm X um.` 3... `of '1 N_ort_hoIjn Ontario. I . . Webstl- s English Dictionafy-denes l Mosquito as a small dipterous sting`- ; in; insect of several species._ haying .3 3 sharp pointed proboscis, by wlnch It ipnnctnnes the" skin of ammals. and ` ..__.I__ LI. -:._ 'LI-_.`I DD .1'*f'2`.:;i,*o;.:*;`= `" W 4 - ' description, snough doubtlea scienti.ca1ly correct, seems tame to Juana` `Q-Ia` nnlucn-`A4. `kn `II ` (BU: [all]. we uuu utupptsu Uu nu azcwp. ; ' Some of us fixed up an arrahgement ; iabove our heads made out of` a rec- i tangular piece of iron wire, about four 3 feet by three, with cheesecloth sewn on to it, and let this hang over us, but even this was insufficient to keep them out entirely, `and. a few general- \ lye managed to creep in under the folds. to be discovered next morning on the inside top of the net. in a ,bloated condition, proving that they had enjoyed a prosperous night. Or- dinary y netting is quite useless. I have actually watched mosquitoes alizhton * e outside of this, and care- fitilly walk through a double thickness` 0 it. `-During the daytime it is almost im possible to work without keeping one ;-. ` face. neck and arms copiously smear- ed with y oil or carbolic ointment` ~ which can be bought at any store ;north, but the effects of this. though `instantly efficacious, soon pass off on u a hot day, and has constantly to be i renewed to" get any continued relief. "`L4\ l'\`(\l\`r -- A u 9 n 1 I v l|III'v\ known n`r_ :1: IIJBUITI CITE GIJILI-IClDo ' `-Anyone who has" not traversed this district would hardly believe the ac- t tual conditions that exist, as regards j the mosquito, and their able `and in- ` defatigable companion. the _ black y. x In our camp we had three men who ` had" lived in South Africa. and one for seven years in Australia, and we 1 met a man who had resided both in -India and South Africa, and they all * agreed that they had never seen these pests in such syvarms, nor so virulent. Here again, Canada leads the world. A` uudauk` `damn `|A\`t\hA `A "Z? i'1 g?'t{{xl'`S`e7o}`32t3npi:`"o gnall tufrn, ; in, we had to light a mu ge of wet leaves and wood in s a pail, and let this smoulder forsome time in the tent to drive out our un- * desirable . companions; then, `when a this was effected-we in the meantime being stung by the mosquitoes hover- l ing about outside--we all entered and fastened up the aps of the tent as secufely as possible, and the residue of smoke hanging above our heads `as p we `lay or sat up on our straw mat 1 ttesses and blankets, seemed sufficient n to keep out further intruders, at any 1 rate till we had dropped off to sleep. -._- -8 --.. 52...... nun nun nos-n'\nnvI1AnO l %TI{E ios uua1"o A manna. Fil'lin8'_. I1_.LI_ ~--;~__ - - The Carnegie Hero Commission awarded medals and prizes to sixteen personsyesterday. `Among those re- warded _ are three Canadians. 1uagu_I}7iiY mm j T _ . . . . . - - . a A A A Quick Retort. tennessee bred two great orator: in the olden days--Andrew Johnson. a Democrat, once president of the Unit- ed States. and Gustavus A. Henry. a .Wh.iz.A known as the `Eagle0rator or the South." They. ran against each _other for `governor, and when a` long ' at`. joint had reached its the Whigs in nudlence, spoken with the 5 D9 3 in his . tglgne "L." .1.-an ',~l\._.u ,.'. Q`; .51 `hlnnaly ` 11...`: LI. - ..-.-- vu-w `wt Q q uv qcuu In um. ILIIIOIIE .nor`b_lood onh1s,boak. `Quick as a jna%ahL Hen]:-y was on his tet,'.saymg. .'.l`he American angle: is 2; prong! bird ~' ";:`7;_',`4,.,(`.;[r,'(@,_`\;'y;`~.';;_jT;',.$",'..'.*I4-?-'.;,:: . , F;-2-+-2-+a:-~:--z-+4-+o:-:-s-4-s--:~+-1-s-:--:~:-4~:-+ :~:~-:+--:--:-+++s-z-~:-:--2.-e.-;--z-5-1:-.: '" 1 $+$H+M+%%%++M++N++Wc4~ . ~}"*'i' >mMm +mw'mww~w+M+++ 9 6`: oz; Jr have all tho appliance: for the care of funeral: in transit through town and `surrounding country: Houses and Wogqono; Morgue and BurialP&r10rs. In. tetmento `mall cemeteries. or shipment: to all parts of the world. Work of underqukeu promptly and proverlv cared for. PHON E 32_ Two Nationalists from Cork, sup-| porters of -Wm. O Brien, were eject-[ ed from a meeting of the directors; fgf the United Irish League at Dub-` in. Barrieilndertakingfstablishmenl Great Clubbing Offer `H Soadiof plindid `Tomato * T are given away fre- - Until Jan. 1st, 1909, for._,' %G.7G. SMITH 8 C0,. -IE Northern `Advance news of the country (daily) forvONE YEAR at the price named. VVhile this extraordinary offer is available to Advance subscribers old and new, it applies only to new.]World subscribers. Send along your order_ EAR LY. news of the County (weekly) and the general Coliier and Clapperton ~Stx-eets (ADMITTEDL Y BARRIES A LEADING PAPER) J.\\. V. J o \In Llll\Db\pI \ll LVLIIIILI VG]. A new oil gusher, owingat the rate of I2u.O0O barrels a day, has been discovered in the Baku region. Tho Tnrnnfn `Dn....A AC (`And-an` ALWAYS30PEN. asfnausuzu 1370 ; ingftowrite for our New 1908 Catal which is one of the most Complete T T We want everybody interested in garden_ 8!Ie, Seed 'cata1ogues ublished. To each in ` 'will inclu e absolutely free a paqclg; Z? seedof our splendid new tomato, Can ada. Pride," or if preferred a package of 0: wonderful Canadian Gem Turnip 0 Santa Rosa Po pies. Writeto-day an name your choice, SFEDLSI . F.R EH %%T;HuR'sDAY,T%% JANUARY 23rd, Hunter Seed Co., Ltd L '-93_`!9#* Ont ' You get the local 01' a:a:."..:?"'"...... "1 V -e. I used it for ...c.-- 34.01:-kins! one an onto! thousands- ltnnn-uu-. 1:... m('3eV<;;'Ee "W." Aiie", `1;d_:P:f ."f_ N.B., committed suicide at_Frederic- ton by shooting himslf in the head.| Randy and Qllt far I '1.~I-H--M-+-1 1.-`d r`. `You H 1 you a wee would try. have tn 1' he rc;xH_v `.`W11}` gundly. Mr. M. Y. McLean, Liberal, and` Mr. Henry Horton, Conservative, `were nominated at_ Hensall for the Parliamentary vacancy in South Hu- ron. `ivrt-S-I-++-x-+1 vvg NIRSOHH` must u-H eroncs n speak. new in 1} know, 01 Masunk hcur~1lnj smith!" 3--du11 111 the back Aml th Clark 111 I A1iCi1L \\;L sort m 911 My brcathlc say?" grum;,_\-. n\ _1 imnds aml Or per me? "But thing? ` The Cabinet crisis at Tokio is due entirely to disagreements on ques- tions connected with the budget. The emigration problem played no. part in it. But, 8I'1 i\`(: `1 (In! nu was mkzn prised at And I n was w'~r_v to nlztkx` th(`Il, ha i( the .~1H_\` there (he (1e 'W1dt- l\\IA though Stamn she ;i;;;: h ad answcr. also were hurt. Conductor Beacon was probably fatally injured in an accident to a` Grand Valley car near Paris. Thei motorman and several passengers u _ W? F.. star Smi "WW 4 \1Zl.\<~n the CM world. ".`\m1 be (IL-Mr ibis dear .~'\1x well. bu a man a dozen his hm trifying, si('-cs, I ed. that once} about it` sand, of ``It s KLUVV ll BIPUII llllllo The proposal to cut off forty hotel licenses in Toronto was referred to the City Council. Thu Ld`:ooeI- IJnno`\u-Lno:a... P`-..`-L AI th L` things tlon." sej ;`1vr;-dl Afmu h ml ];m;_'11L| `\\'h `Ha `.\_lv `r';You .n t I IIl\v \./IL wu.`\v`lI The First Bresbyterian ChurchV London, Ont., has extended a call Rev. J. G. Inkster of Mo1}treal.- A O-1r\uI . .-.3! .......L.... n..-_-..... -1. A.` 1: gas ~r.'3b `On .-\n\ `won. yu-\.] B? -H1LlI1 `.111 U1] U1. .l.\CllU1i|u WCIC uurucu. . Fire on the Quebec -Citadel endan- gered one of the powder magazines. Several earthquake shocks` were felt in the Island of Hayti yesterday. Albert MrcQuilton was killed near Campbellford by a `large rock rolling down upon him. TL- nnnnn an` 4... ....L ..E ....L-- I.......1 vn-v nu-U DEVI IV\Ill\ 1~`r"e}'c'1 defeate-(Ii a detachmeot -of Arabs after a ten-hour ght in Morocco. A moving-picture theatre at .'St. Catharines was burned from the ex- plosion of the machine, and Lorne McDermot.t, the operator, ma) , be fatally injured. There was a small panic among`the spectators - Y'\?1\ A uv n - no - * 1~*RTi`i:A'i?, EKE." T731. A deputation of unemployed in Toronto asked the` city for work. 'l`l_- T.`,,,,- I +++5w++++-w++++++++++++++++++-a++++++++~&+-$+++go+++i-5441 The -Maple Leaf `Flour Mills `at Kenora were burned. 11:..- _.. .L- r\___|_-_ r~:.-_i_: -44-- 3} in. mm, % % LAIRD, -Genanl .i L H`;-IRELAND, .8upo_rhtoIIdont oi; `-Q4`: An - Business may be of the Bank; Accounts !1.d;d,eposits??; made or withdrawn is paid itoiouta-of-town ` . j '1 I i hunches throughout jandjn the United states and jEnz1an : ;I`_hve"_I'z'1pa11ese budget for the yearl I , " I THURSDAY, JAN. mm . ` :goLt9`e9 [shows 73"` d`e%cit ,Idf . 1,ne'ar`1`y . _The _Leaf `Flour $5;2?:999-;_ % % ' IN Whr; sweetsf? %lose__ sweetness- `ani "`f;substantials, - ' thei} `ha 1'jxi'1-there ate % always. 1. ' M 00NEY S PERFECTION; CREAM %soDAsV as :- pmcs} 1-ammo` Events of the` Week } BAR Fm: BJARANc%H;%% \ 32 C L}- BANKING . ;;:i New! Vof t0 715Ea.upcapita1, s1o,ooq,ooo Rest; V ~-,- - s- _5,000,000`_; Total Assets, `, - H_3,0.0s0s00V0f; Mr_s. Louise McLure, who married 111 Canada. two years -drowned herself in a bathtub in .York. George Chamber-s, found gui1tyof a series of` highway .robb_'eries, was sentenced` iit'r- Toronto to`; imprison"- ment for; life._ " _An expldsioh in- -moving pitut{e machine at In`gerol dama` ed the _theatre- building "by; re` an caused a small p`anic amqftg` the .'audience., 'I\..;...: -A. A 4 L , , ,, " An Ohio man has offered to sub- lstitute himself for Thaw and be ex- ecuted if necessary on condition that $3,000,000 is paid his family. 4 I IV I France has `decided to assume a position of norma1'neutr'al'ity in the war between the two rival Moroccan Sultans.` ' A ' I I South Ontario Ccmservatiyes te- nominated Mr. Peter Christie '~for' the Commons and Mr. Charles Calder- for [the Legislature. V ' I An 1 u. - The Government has passed an order in Council abolishing the coa}st- ing privileges .enjoyed'._L by forergn vessels after this year. - . - 1x1:n:_,__ ruin - I ` Hi -' -' ` ' with John E. Redmond in reuniting` V: -W `and Timbthy Healy have promnsed to co-operate the Irish Nationalist forces.` __ 7Ce`t1_e;';l :S't:c;;sse1 has appa1;e`d _to thc_ Czar against - discrnmpnatnpn agamst him on the jpar`t`of. the court- martia_.l which,i_s trying him.` ".7 It I A..,, E. Noble was charged _in the Police Cotgrt, Toronto, with ring 'from-a Mauser rie at his" mother `and sister. _ " ' ` " I I The steel plant` at- Sault Ste. Marie has beeneshut down, owing to short-T -age of pig iron. Repairs ,will keep _a large force of hands at work. ' Another cut in eastbound rates has| been made by the Cunard Company and by the International Mercantile Marine. - I | The mail stage` from Little Cur- rent` for Manitoulin A -Island points went through the ice. The passen- gers and mail were saved, buthorses |and stage were lost. SATURDAY, ]AN.18th. "M;-. John -Charlton is` seriously ill. Thre_e girls lost their lives` in a fac- itory` re at Scranton, Pa. 'VI`V}; of Hayti is pre- paring .to bombard the towns held by the Insurgents. _ = V II` vs .. .- ` 4 .. -...u`-. yusuu a.,u|_\)|L5 SIIC ~llI"-I|C_1l\Vv, District Attorne y1Jerome_`h_a_s mov ed to have the ,A public_ and pre' cluded ._from the ;Thaw_ trial .dug the recital of Mr's.~Eve1y'n_*Tlgaw's life story. ' . _. .n.'` .|..'. '_`_' The -Council of the Cangdian. Man- ufacturers Association wzll -oppose the proposed insurance-act',_ to :be `submitted ~_to the-, .H_ous,e of ,~`-`Com-_ "%i%:"f!1eLGrar1d ~717_rt.mI<% sand - Caniadiw} ~`Pa;c1c * ,R=3~va:vs*% -were V Tf; it.Iai1t3f` ion fa . `cramin`al1.'%`ic;Harg_e"v 3'. !`:iSi!_1g'.;fj';j_i'!~`E;4"(7)i~:, `thy;-:le 8.;th,.*of 1 amen; [I~T":i:n m. ial. ' V Frz_mce 'comp_1aihs_that Japan_ is not_ tr_<-atmg hex: faxrly 1n the distrtbqtion or her `forex_gn,orders for war mater- At a meeting of ofcialsp o'f'the In-' dependet Order of Foresters itewa's decided to oppose the proposed new. rinsurance act. * |"" ""' ""' "_" . `I ' ' g _Trustee Levee gave notice` of mo- Ition at the meeting of the Toronto `Board of Education that Roman Ca-. holic teachers `in the public school be requested to resign, and th_at in future no teachers of that faith be employed. ` - - Mr, Hawthornthwaite introduced a [motion in the Britis3;'iCo1umbia1 Leg- vislature to, impeach T:,Lieutenant-Gov- iernor Dunsmuir foridisallowiiig the Natal act without` the advice of his Ministers. Th_`~'.e`Speaker would not laccept the resolution. runtnn Hon. Clord Sifton `suggested in the House of Commons that the Gov- ernment take steps to assist. western farmers to secure a supply of .seed| grain. The suggestion was. concur- red in by both sides, and Hon., Frank Oliver stated the Government had been considering the matter for some time-- . ' ~\ - Thovt business was had was statedl by the retiring Chaxrman of the tan- ners section of the Toronto Board. of Trade. - Arge}n.5h1e wv&}i1"'h;2CT16,ob3,Eoo bushelsof wheat available for expQ1`t this `year. . 5 ' l Six men were injured. in` an ex-I plosion `at Thompson & Egan s camp north of Hawk. - = - i.0rne-UMcD'ermott., .th_ boy_ who was burned in`-the mov1ng'p1cture explosion at St.'Cafharines, is dead. Z`._;';;d;1tx;?;FaEsT;:;;f:<;;{ri'ck township,` aged sixt_y-ve' ye_ars, commxtted sui- cide by Jumping mm a well. 4 ",, T _ T\ I` ` i`h' G'.I5 "i:{{12' 15ac'i:{"1xas em- ployed a couple of B landscape experts to lay out Prmce Rupert. i{*orti{ 6nt2.}iSijaie{a.1" nogninated iMr. W. J. Kester for the Legxslature. Conductor J." A. McDougall was crushed to -deathrat Coleridge, A1t_a_. The V Ottawa fGove1-nnment has? caB1ed to VToki'o,,`;";a'cc'ptVing Iapaxfs gssu:_ance_s -in, regattd ~to ` restricting xmrmgratxon. " ` - `II 1 1'7 ti 1 . I . C "MI"i;'.". Cla-rk_e_ was- elected` President of_ the-"'_TToro`nto Board of Trade by acc_1amat,ion.. 0 :-v 1 on- .-%- T "ii J GnAsETr.jiM.nageg :Mr. Justice Riddell reserved judg- ment upon a motion to comm__it the, editor of the Toronto World for; contempt of court. I -- .. ..| nsn susxn:n* mow Is, ,1: vovo U--_ nvvu-won`-9 .`-_q own?`- 45:7 3 xageuiclug 31311,". Ql1ick"K1s'un'-, " doubtedly; derived by suggestion from -the quackinz ot'1; _ The quack doctor `has IV"-always. substituted volu-. ` bility for knowledge... Qxi;_cker" and quacking -cheat" were sixteenth cen- . tury_w.o_r,ds.-_ Qnack" in *its_T_prea'ent `sense is certainly as "old as 1696; when `it was included in the `earliest of our slangkiictionaries. The original word ' was quacksalver." a traveling empiric K who quacked about his salves, and; according to `Henley and Farmer. the dramatist Wylierly first shortened this l, word to quack." e . The full term, quack doctor. is found hgat least as early as 1710, when these -words were used as a title to the Earl _ot.-R`ocheste_r`s mountebank speech on `Tower mu. This witty and proigate nobleman (he is always called witty and proigate) took it into his head to disappear from his friends and appear " to` the mob on Tower hill as `a quack doctor. The speech he made on that occasion has been preserved. and it shows that quack oratory has gained nothing since. _. `- ` I4. I. ._-A. _II __..l_1_l_I- 1.. AL--- ,.Ina_, 0ntur>'- V `A 3 .T_h3 original and dacquired. meanings ' of an old` word havgbeen elem}- vedup in thejaw courts; When i1uacE ~. had its turn, Sir Edward; Clarke. who was probably quoting a dictionary. de- . ned the word as aboastful p1tend- T)... 4... .......u...`.1 ..I.n n n...'.`..1.n 4. an, g; 15r:iaj1'ra. B:;:io ihd-.% sagumu.` ' For One : `Own! Comfoet. fault the sting or_ poverty or small means is gfo_ne~ whenone keeps house for on_e'.s_ own. comfort and,'not.7for the -conunent or a one : _ neighbors. I V gig:/`own V . _ _ u yvuug VSIIU HOUR: .; `f"Your cook is telling that your`hns- band g`ets_,a very small 'sa'lary.','; _ V L 1' .35 ;`fWe Just t_ell_ h9r ,thn3:-.Ito keep `lger .,Yrb.x,z'1i; delalianslfihx. it 9n.e..'.' ,.~ , f ._ = "'~_'I:t.;l-liking what? demanded Sill!-i man_.__to whong thelden .01` Willieboy' tplnklng was, somewhat dlsc3ncertin'g. .5 "T-h`ut= in Adam's case it must have been; a V real ,re-legit .to change` _c1othes'," sum fWtllieboy._ .The cures I have done are as in- credible as innumerablea IcuredPrester J ohn s godmother of a stupendous dolor ln her os sacrum. which had like to cost the good lady the perditlon or her phuckle bone. I cur'd the Empressot Boolmapo of a crajnp she got in her tongue by" eating pork and butter d parsnips. I cur'd an alderman of Grand Cairo oi'.a scarlet. burning. rag- ing fever, of which he dy'd.'\ I cur'd the Emperor of Morocco. who lay sev- enyears sick of the plague. VIcur d; him in forty-two minutes so that he danc'd the serabrand. ipap and Som- erset to the admiration of his whole court. For my pains. he presented the with 6.000 Hungarian ducats and a Turkish cymeter. Verbum sat sapienti. No. cure, no money." I .I...-I..L _-..._ -..---I_ __I.-LL__ an I-- Representatives of Canadian_ Clubs` met at Ottawa and heartily endorsed Earl Grey's plan for establishing a national park on the Plains of Abra- ham. - vwhere He would Have Shone., Cardinal Mezzofanti, who died in 1849. at tbeage of seventy-ve years. knewland could speak more than fifty languages. And he knew them thor- oughly. "He could entertain his English friends f with specimens of_ Yorkshire dialect and _his_ French or German vis- itors with the lpatoisgof their respec- tive countries, _`fWhut a ne job he coulq_ have had as "a univerghl interpret- er shot_1"._ld_he have lived in the times `of the towr of Ba _hei!" was pne of, 3Lord Byron's `caustic, .reumrks.-Arg_o- A "Slant. -v up-vac &3}I:St very uilm whether Sir Ed- ward Clarke was `right in saying that the word quack . was revived by Carlyle after it had died out; S6 use- =fful`a word is not likely to have been Fllfopped. though in` Carlyle's vocabu- lary of denunciation it.certainI'y took -onga new importance. It-was from a court of law. by the way. that Carlyle obtained the word gig. which, with| ferocious glee. he never ceased to use} asa symbol of smug respectability. The trial of Thurtell at Hertford as- sizes for the murder of Mr. Weare pl'0 _duced the following dialogue: ` I l6I`l'7I...L ._-..L He was always a most respectable person." . Whatdo you mean" by respectable!" He kept a gig. ` Carlyle s sardonic humor seized on this, and ever after when he was storming at respectabilities glad unreal- lties gigs" were `not far from V his mind; He even applied the word gig- manity" A to those classes of society which held the glg" ldeal.-John O London in London Tatler. 2, ' The Arab s"Pride of `Blood. \ Of the Arab s pride a traveler writes: _ He is proud of his own blood and of his 'mare s blood for its own sake. He will show you a broken down little crock and inform you, with perfect truth. that she is of the besthlood in .__the Jazirah: _he -will also show a ne stallion oi` his own and tell you he is a `gdlsh, or underbred animal, and there -`is no doubt it is the bad thoroughbred he_ admires and prefers to the nest made cross breed? As regards his shaykh and tribal leader. he discrimi- nates in an equal degree between the clever warrior, astute diplomatist and goodliusiness man of low extraction and the shaykh- of high lineage, who may be a` miserable epileptlcal crea- ture. and always to the disadvantage of the low born man. l .V , - ` VA N__cw Leaf. . --rve Just been thinking." said wu- arebo'y`. ' , AAIIIL l_'I_n__ A. __ I, _ . -. . - - .----- -. It 1sp3?Ji printable in these polite" pages, "but the following passage will -.n`ew_ its character: , V 1 ---'- v-v av:-vvv snag ululvbuvo VVhat sort or person vvas Lin VVeare?" . ADVANCE * Iasfwoan QUAcK." xuopuvuxuu Ill LIIC uanu ICEIUII. The Toronto Board of Control took steps to protect human lxfo at dangerous railway crossings. 1`/`Ara I n1r:r`nv1nn A` . 1.1 ...-.... TLnu:o,L~ I rearing .th o Cool: maul- I..` A._iIl__ AI A VI and nmltiply indenitely.` . wvxov uuuu. one IllUUq_|l1Ia0. . As the country is cleared and settled, doubtless these pests will gradually die out,` but at present the moist na- ture of, the land enables them to eiist ' ICIIUVVCLI DU ECU all, UUIIIIJII I.A\}\L I 'wlL\vLo The black" y swarm here also in myriads, crawling all over and under one s clothes, and biting ferociously One of our party, a Scotchman, who had lived in Durban. South Africa for four years, was so terribly bitten on the, legs that they swelled to more than double their usual size, and he at one time seriously, contemplated having to give up his job, and return south, eventually, however, getting them right again with carbolic oint- ment. and careful bandaging. T6 3.-. J3%n..It An and w\1\4\'\`r\ L... ......I:.... uxuuuuuv uuucl auuu U1lUu.lu3l.l111CU$. `The mosquito, at the point of at- tack, bores through the epidermis, or outer skin,`mjecting a. minute quan- tity of formic acid to thin down the blood, ; the diluted mixture being drawn {out through the proboscis, by the insect working its body as though it were a pump. If disturbed, how- ever, the injected acid remaining causes great i};ritatiopn, and raises small bumps which take some little time to disappear. ,If you allow them free use of your body, the subsequent irritation is slight-,--but who can reflect in this way whilst being devoum-d. TBA Klan]: H11 (in 541". `A41.-.- L----l Could You Believe Him? % A young fellow was` being tried for en oenee in the criminal court the other do . He had for his attorney one of t e younger members of the her. One of the witnesses against him was notvery prepoaeeesing in his ap- ' __ (:9. but his testinxony was quite g.. In his argument to the jury the yonng attorney was clainning that this mtneee Wage, not : worthy of -_-belief. He then andnpointed to he he tliensm-.'.e ._-i 'n ..~__,,~I;_' _ 4} -`..!a- Lu nun nay vvuuau uuuxg UUVUUDEG. The blac y on the other hand seems to take a small piece of esh right out, causing the` blood to oiv `freely, although at the time you r_ feel nothing of the bite, but the annoy- ance of the swarms of them around` you constantly, ~and the tickling.'sen- sation, make ' their attacks almost worse than the mosquito. An `Jib nnnnfpn n n.`I.'... -...`l ..-A'L!, ! \.la.ll6\'-IKILID IGIIVVCJ LI U3I.II5DI ' I _ Mgre 'evidt_2nce of vHarry Thaw s' 1rratnQnal_act1ons was broughtout at the trial In New york yeserday o 11? All \l"I\`l\ A `V 0

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