Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 23 Jan 1908, p. 5

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to R S.O l creditors gainst the s Hambly. e 22nd day or before nd by post Stewart, 1' the Ad- ` Charlotte istian and and full veried. y Lnem. said last rator~ will the said (1 thereto. which he inistrator any art ` of_ w ose cexved at iTORS % and Uf- at) LRT. ` Barrie . nnhnv 10 l`HUR'SD_AY. *J`AN.UAiY% 23:3; A Grafld Clearing of a Great Stock & OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOQQOOOOOO ` We will knock `;down`prjces'.to t;l1,%eL %l,oAwest% notch. Enorm6us -redutidns again to be made. ' No" Jreserfve` but everythipgj Apt your own prick; J. C. IRWIN. %Barrie_. .:*::i:::`:r:::::::: Great Sacrice the balance of hiis.Imm.:ense Stpck of r day in ., when g in the en from the busi ding the .~ 4-. -- nos GeneralDr%ysGood:$. Mews an}: Boys? Clothinvg, Ladies and.ChiIdren'slCoats. Skirts and Bloiises, Boots, Shoes, `Rubbers. % The season for s'el1_ing Heavy Winter Goods-is right upon us, and as we ara. heavily stocked with Cold Weather Goods, we will sell them RIGHT NOW. As this is our last winter in'business, `it~is absolutely imperative that we close out every dollars worth of winter goods during this month and next. Practically your own price upon all heavy lines, as no reasonableoffer will be refused. The report spread by interested parties thai we are not going out of business untrue, and we posi- tively assert that we are going altogether out of business. There s no nonsense about it, simply plain business. We will not be here next; year to sell the goods, so no matter what the loss, W everything must be cleared NOW. Our loss is your gain. It is not now a matter of prot but simply the necessity for turning the goods into cash as quickly as possible. We will not haggle about prices, so now is the time to make your money do double duty. slaughtered. See Hand Bins for SELLING OUT `PRICES. Th T i iMake. no `mistake a ancl don't liemialed by interested e 1' g o parties. We are positively going -out of husineaa_anl this stock musfandawillihe sold, 7 We are forced to diapoaeof the winter `goods now in their season and will not fellow prices to "stand in the way,` I i Bargains for every member of the ,t'aIn'ily._ Make out your list at We once" i and eounefwhile; theatoekfiisygtinbrokenn V . _ Railway fares naidon$25.00 pareela7'u`p to '40 miles. 1 This Great. Going-Out-of-Bu sin_e,ss Sale which opened dry $33,oOo`%wrt1s*f Gomsyttohe _ % , is _s1ju.L on A % AND CONTINIIES DAY BY nu uNr1L EvEnY~noLLAx*s ` % won'm&%1s_soLn.% Come before too late, and secure youlr share. CHAR- Le of the of Simcoe. % A VVl\irlwind of Bargains; Down ! Down! Gothe Prices. Hundreds of llnes to _be THE NQ'RTH:ER\T.ADVANCE lA|ex;;_;B_r9&_!n|%e;l " UUUKU El Lambs Hogs. select. . . medium lnrnv-|r\'lI\r\v\ unis: 555 3} 8c The Council-elect for the Town-. ship` of Oro for I908, namely F.` H; Ball, Reeve; W. R. McLean, Deputy; and Jas. H. Cockburn, Alex. Mc- Arthur and G. `S. Robertson, Coun-' cillors, met on Jan. 13th, as requxred by. statute, and having made and subscribed to declaration. of quali- cation and of oice were duly. or-I I ganized. 4 \' ` I .. . . -.. _ _l The Reeve took the chair and ad-i dressed the Council`. in a few well` .chosen words of welcome. He out- lined the work of the`year,, so far as, known, and said that care must be exercised in everything, as the amount at the disposal of Council was much smaller than last year. Other mem- bers also spoke, briey. . ` 1. I 1 I A at. p ' On motion` of Robertson and Cock-! burn, R. 0. Bell was re-appointed Auditor. < ~ T _ _ _,-. A ' Robert Robertson, Tp. Auditor for some 14 years, wroie resigning the position. On motion of McLean and Robertson, resi nation, acee.pted'" and regret expresseg at the loss of such an efcient officer. ' On motion of .McLean_and Mg:-bi Arthur, J. A.. Boadway was" appoint-I ed the other Auditor. - Sfwli/I_'cArthur and Cock- burn, Geo; B. Jamieson, M. D., was amxnted Meidigal Health Ofcer for ! _ On motion of 'McArthur and Mc- Lean, J_a_1mes "-H. Cockburn` was ap.- pointed a member of Local Board of He2_11th for 3` years. - n -11- .n V n In mo_tion of"CocVV1burn and Mc- . Arthur, .Geo_. S. Robertson Twas_ap- pointed Samtary Inspector for 19:18. t ....._-_.._J ..---r-_-- -v.. -7v_- On` motion of'- Robertson and Cockburn, Mrs.` A. Bell wasTre-ap- pointed caretaker qf Town Hall at same s_a1ary,`$25. . ~~ - 40:; motion. of-_,M cArtl1r and Me Lean; H"; P. `Men-ickwasr _made,col- lector ~for 19t')8*~at, same salary, $116. `I! `I A . V\i1&1.11c}{}'n:;T {zL1e"a}3',?1ict}s}iJ for oic_e' of Ass_sor, 1908.; ` ' all` egvu-- by Coclcbui-nq, seconded. by -McArfln'1r, that E. D. ;Thomas ~be Assessofr._ The Reeve decared M,r; McArthur duly-appointed. ' , n- .......4:.... .1: .n"..:_.........._T -;..a r~`.-1- `-that he sold balane oftrees on" '- .1`;'59.`.ll3Af- E ' The Dominion` Sewer _Pipe Co.,` Swansea, "wrote, Are, sewer pipe} etc. On motion of V McLean and Robertson, Clerk will write for price list from-them ` also from- rms in Barrie-and Orilia._ `. V I - {Councillor " .M cAl!'thu-r ~ r'epor`t*e . Ridge Road, ~Con.. _9,_toi J~a.m_es :.F1-as- er for $1.50, 'he,1to..jc1ear uppgand 'M>21 b5} ii:EtSn,"e}.{aed -by -McLean, that_Mr. McA1-thujr be ap- \ gointed. * ' ~ g 1';-u . On motion Vo'f;RobertsonT and Cock- burn, 'th'.QriI1ia .Times was given the printing. contract for 1908, at $100. ` A T - , um o.v.' `-`~ 4- --.. g 'A'rth;1_r, accounts , to"_ the $54. 8I vyerq o'1'de;'edA.'.;>,ai<},_' : dn"xIJtiox{ of Robertson ` `and,-Mic: amount `of : kw`. ._ '9i~;.;~'- 19 '- common rough _' ;Co`uniI-didred Vto, :r4i1`eetT 6:1 ._112`th '- Eehrugry.;a"; ;o~fa.-Tm.-j`: "4:- - . :...`..iig .4- .'_...*_ Live Stoclg `Markets. ORO COUNCIL. - PARRY SOUND.-The blasting in` the C.- P. R. station yard is approach-i irrg completion; Three lines of track: "are now laid and when the rock blast- ing now in progress is completed there will be room for two addition- al switches. 'The C.P.R. t_.rac'k is be-I ing got in shape for passenger andl freight service on the opening of spring. Ballasting is still in pro- gress and the temporary trestle worki o__n the eastern approach of the via-` duct on Westgarth s hill is being `filled in. =Work on the new station is approaching` completion. The roadway from Waubeek street to the A-b:.6:z-seq :0 "\13;Q`I(f xuwirinrinri ,4\Tr\rf1n .v-o~.-u-J ..-- station is I Star. ORILLIA.-'-Tliere will be no re- count of the local option vote. This `was decided on Monday when Mr. Haverson, of Toronto, who is look- 'ing after the hotelmen's interests,. was in town. After getting a des-I cription of therejeced ballots from the scrutineers he" did not think any-. lthing was to be gained by a recount.! `Asked as to his opinion of the some- what primitive ballot box used in ithe south ward, he did not think it) would in any way affect the legality` of the, by-law. In fact the only ap- ' b3ldIo ' l "'ba1`ent flaw in the vote appears to be} in the fact that there were over 400 voters" in two subdivisions, and if the matter. is brought before the .courts it will probably be on this 1 circ.umstance.-News-Letter. z I `_ MEAFORD.-`-Mayor Horsley is ` of the opini`o n~`_ ,that the assessment ` should `be in" the-' -hands of 9. `Com- ,_ missioner, appointed by by-1aw. This ,Tm".l"@f.E_it1ent7 would `do away with all . di sa'gjfeDlnents- and would be properly 1. dm_1e.V' tAn"assessor"wou1d have his t positioliayear `affer. year and ,would 7-`always have his; eyes open for all .`*n`cW,fhouses `andppropertiwes liable to .. if "!`tia`8_d taxatiori; "".,)L_.__.L_A:-__ -34-) _-_-i;;.- LI... 'NEWMARKET.-There was con- siderable excitement here on Satur- day`. Word was received that Mrs. McMullen of Oshawa, formerly of Queen street, East Gwillimbury, had died and an order was made out to 'have' the grave prepared. In the af- ternoon the order was countermand-, ed. It appears that the deceased had been ill and to all appearances had died. -The body was laid out in the usual way and when some friends -........- in on nag; L1-no 9-ovn-1;nc {'1-In nlnfh LII: u3lldl way auu vVu\...u. aunxnx. |lJ\-Jsua came in to see the remains the cloth was removed from the face. Instead of_bemg paleand Vdeathlik-e it was quzte ushed. Doctors were called 3. . nun! r\-1\r|I\1c9`\naI" I-I-an "\t'\f`17 auva HIIILC uuaucu. .LlLlL.L'\IlD vvwlc wuaawu in and pronounced the body alive. `She lived in this way till Monday,' but never regained consciousness, and finally 1ife.was pronounced extin- ...L TL.` awnsvvutuno-no qua:-A `\rn|1rr1'Ii- fn uuu uuauy Inc was pauuuu--\.\-u \.ALu|" ct. The remains were brought- to Newmarket on Wednesday and in- terred in the?` cemetery.-Express- ` HeArald. Eve 1;; gov; I--\p| OWEN SOUND.-If the efforts of] W. P. Telford, 'M.P., are successful; Owen Soundiwill soon be in poses-| sion of one of the n st dry docks oh the great lakes. he need for a dry dock is _constantly felt by the large. shipping interests here. It is the thing lacking in "making the bar `ford is endeavoring to form a syn-' .bor equipnienb .c'omplet_e. !Mr. Tel-| dicate to take hold _of the proposi- tion, `and first is; making an effort to interest Canadian "capital. H_e~will probably take `a trip to the Old Country to place` the proposition be- fore eslaipbuilding rms on` the Clyde, _ in. the-jhope o..get~ting one of these rms,` to take. 4; ) the A scheme.--Su. a---: a 3/42.: . ITICQICCIQFKI IGAGLIVJIL ` _,~. V. A` d` utation waited upon the| T'9wn__ ouncil on `Monday evening, .;vv;1th.-a` view `to getting assistance for providing _amp_sement /`gnddaccom .0- da t,iga,t1,;ffo;rA"the"d`6.regates `to the igh ', ;`ig`Qf'-`1he- Independent Order`of fiiid 9-: :,. Mebifordv; ..-.ea'r1ly..'in ;_Augus_tV.--e` '5; thei: `convention to be_ Giw,}<>%on.;++ Matters ._ap+ %__%; su;elj;Mcpm._ng= vii F` . ,1 II VV G-I-I|J\u\.l\ DLI \a\uL I-Kl lll\ being widened.---North} - to a focus as far as the dealings be- tween the town and the Collingwood Furniture Co. are concerned. `Some weeks ago the Finance Committee received authority to have the soli- lcitor take the necessary proceedings ito protect the town, and this week a. writ has been issued on behalf of _the Corporation claiming $25,575, the amount due on the mortgage held by ithe town. `I . I I`! I i ~-A said accident by which a _boy ,named Ernest Lee met his death by !drowning occurred on Saturday at- lternoon about four o clock. With a .number of companions the unfortun- |ate boy was skating when he ran on to thin ice and broke through. He was some distance out from the Meat 'Co. s wharf in deep water. Norman lBest, a playmate, immediately went [to his assistance and also broke `through and would undoubtedly have shared the fate of Lee had not time- ly assistance reached him. Lee struggled for some time, but was soon overcome by the cold water and sank. Twenty-ve minutes af- Jter, Mr. P, Neville and Mr. J. .\lcGin- -inis recovered the body, but life was " extinct.-Bulletin. `\`3"TSf"\ I 371` VI`! I` |\y(\Llll\ol.-' jJ\ulll\LlIl PEN TANG.---The Council at its last meeting resolved That after carefully considering the generous offer of $10,000 made by Mr. Car- inegie towards erecting a free Public Library in our town, and_after the proposition and explanations made by the Library Board, this Council do accept the terms as contained in Mr. Carnegie`s letter to the Chair- man of the Public Library Board, namely, the maintenance of the Lib- rary at a cost not to exceed $1000 a year, and that the Mayor and Educa- ion Committee of this Council be a Special Committee to act with the Free Public Library Board in the selection and purchase of a suitable risite for the Public Library. \.f.. L`_,`-l D......_nfL 1-..,.l..,... I`: FA.` I DILC IKJI LIIV J. LILIIIL LAAIIIQIJ. 3 Mr. Fred. Beacroft, brother of Cap- tain-_ Frank -Beacrott, had a strenuous .experience in CopeIand s mill on l\Nednesday, which might have cost him his life. He went down to the basement of the mill for a brush and lin reaching over the shaft his cloth- 'ing accidentally caught, and with llightning speed he was whirled lround the swiftly-revolving shaft. His clothing was almost entirely stripped from him, even to his shoes, and thrown against the stone wall. Strange to say, he escaped with a gfew bruises, a strained ankle and abrasions on the back, but no bones were broken. He has very little con-- ception of how it occurred, but he grasped a near-by post to which he clung till he was freed from the clothing. He wore a slightly heavier coat that morning, the strength of `which made it more diicult to free himself. The noise of the machinery prevented his shouts being heard, but he was able to crawl out himself. -He was absent scarcely more than ve minutes, and was not missed. Mr. Beacroft is progressing favorab- ly, though very sore and sti from his experience. It was a close call. |--Picayune. I Property For Sale. Dwellin 1 rooms). stab e, drive house. sheds gnllnear of acre otlan :11 garden and lawns _ of Peel and Wellington Streets. Barrie. goot:_ns. stable and shed. Large lIWeu1lI(-o gvuulu, uuuuw uuu auuu. uurgc |_ lotaoneel Street. Dauble dwelling, Grooms in each. on Clap- HS. 31'-

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