Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 23 Jan 1908, p. 4

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l A Band Concert was held in the rink here on V Wednesday evening, but ow1ng_ probably to the storm there was not a large attendance. A sxmiliar affair is to be held on Fri- day, Jan. 24th. Q Rev. G, I. 'Craw exchanged pulpits {with Rev. L. McLean of Churchill `last Sabbath. The latter conducted anniversary services in connection with Ivy Presbyterian Church. Mrs. James Simpson is visiting her son, Rev. J. D. Simpson, in Mid- land. Miss Maud Simpson is teach- `ing Mt. Pleasant school this year. _. hite Bath Tovgels, size "0.v.48, regular 30 value, on sale . . . . . . . . .` . . . . . . . . . .214; rLace Curtains Reduced 10PeI Cent.Discount 25 pi V es of Cotton Lace, in IVa1enc1. nne and Torchon, on dize iannelette Blank- "lue at $1.25, on . ; . . . . . . . . . . . . .113 Lace at 5:. 150, yard En'adiarg? Table Linen, 70 in widgregular price 45, on s ` `yards for [$3 In his inaugural address to the members of the Council, Mayor Ben-I fnumber of questions touched upon should aord an ample bill of fare nett has shown a live spirit,` and the from which to select sufcient food "to supply the Town s needs. Pretty `soup to nuts. To be sure, it is not contemplated to wnestle at once with all of the subjects presented, but they constitute the pressing problems of to-day, and if this year s Council is able to pull off only some of the .-proposed reforms it will have deser- ved well of the citizens, and will moreover have done what many of its predecessors failed to do, i.c., "nearly everything. is therefrom! I1 justified the condence reposed in ; no-`A 1------` - ' . I0 doz. Fine Corset Covers and `Drawers, trimmed with tucks and embroidery. On sale ..4.'] Flannlett} ankets 1 % \_ New Lace Curtains just to :25 doz. Damask and Huck wels at less - than old price, h ................ . .12., Bath Towels 21 Tabling. 5 yards ft;- 2' D13 . Corset Covers xen Towels, 12 hton Lennox, M. P., ad- constituents in Beeton 17th inst., at the annual South VSimcoe Censerl . Lo ,| art? francs 1...`... .,VV % 47 - _-._--..v uuuaxaocu IICOUIIIJLIIJIJS UHH KUH lparticulars of their claims. pro ex-l) V<`TW'd- and of the secnx-ities(if any) he d by thqm. A AND TAKE NOTICE. that after sand 13;! mentioned date. the said Adtmmstrumr wll} groceed to distribute the assets of the 531 eceased among the partles entuled tlm`-vto. havin regard only to those claims of _w,lnv-I he shall t en have notice, and said adxmm.-lmtor willnot be liable for the assets or an)` 3'1"` thereotso distribntal to any person of_ xx .3038 claim noticeshall no . have been reCe1x'\`(A at the time of such distribution. STEWART & STEWART. 13 Owen Street. llarf-sf . :I;)gted at Barrie this 14th day of January. 1-`V5 IN THE MATTER of the estate of C}l.-\P.- LOTTE AGNES HAMBLY. late of the Town of Barrie. in the Cuunty of Simcoc, Married Vvoman. deceased. NOTICE is h reby given pursuant to 1: >10 1897, Chapter] , section 38, that all creditors and persons having any claims against the estate of the said Charlotte Agnes HIunh1_\`. deceased. who died on or about the ~r2m1 day of November. 1907. are required on or before the 14th day of February. 1908. to 8Cn(ll1_\` post Prepaid. or to deliver to Stewart & Strwurl. of said Town of Barrie, Solicitors for tho Arl- ministrator of the estate-of the said (`inn-lune Agnes Hnmbly. deceased. their Chrisnun und surnames. addresses. descriptions and full erly securities (if them. NQTICE. that after lvnnnt-in-....`l .`l_4_ Friday last was a red letter i;i_\' in connection with the A.O.U.\\'.. when ithey held their annual meeting inmhe Temperance Hall. The brethren from Cookstovsgn attended. After the hmi ness of the evening, iI`lC1udinj.: the election of oicers, there was an en- joyable oyster supper follow:-I by the usual speeches and songs. `NOTICE 'io cnEn1T61i 'with no avail. Fine 4-ply Fingering`, equa} to Baldwin s Beehive, regular IOC skein, 4 for . . . . . . . ..25c 3000 yards White Shaker, English make, very special, at 9 1-2:: 4 Skeins Fingering 25c Men's Underwear at Sacrice Prices All wool Shirts and Drawers, regular 50c quality, at. . .35`; Fine Mocha and undrcssrgd Kid Gloves, regular $1.25 an] $1.50 quailty,on sale Thursdav 93 T ' V ' """"'"'"""VVV"VVVVVVVVVVVVVVm.. V i Impressions and After-thoughts AAAAAAAAQLQQLA hadgm 11 at cut prices, and about pairs of soiled Cup tains a ` rice. Cre Wge at 53c - IO_O ya 5 of cream all wool soap runk Serge, rcgu- lar 7 5:; quality, on sale. . .53c Cashmere Hose 21c 10 doz. sample Cashmere Hose, regular 30c and 35, On sale per panr . . . . . . ..2{c .rrHU1;~sDAY, % JANUARY I2 l-2 White Shaker % 9 1-2 Kfd Gloves 98 O09 agi MOOOOOOOOOOOOOKXXOO OOOOOOOOOOOOCOIO 'QOO`OOOOOO : 3--. ---u dVLIn, LV1` |0rangev1lle `have. been spending a week with the latter s' father, J. G: Dickinson.` g V ' - Miss Hartlib of Hurori -County. has heen engaged to teach the- Gibs_on_ Public School for 1908.`; We. extend our welcome t_o:~:Mis`s Hjai-._tlib, 3` = u-roman _Albert _Blow.'frdm the North West us spending a couple of months Awnth his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm];- Blow.` -Rev. Mr.` and" Orangeville `have. 1: ~ I o VVe shall not at this juncture at- ` tempt a discussion of the various 3 matters contained in the address. 1 Many of these have already been I I I taken up in the columns of this pap- er. Doubtless, we shall have further to say about them later on, as the year advances. There is one thing, however, calling for more than a passing notice, and that is the sug- gestion`to employ some competent person to make appeals on behalf of the corporation against all unfair as- sessments. Equalization of. assess- ment is` a vastly important subject, here as elsewhere, and it would "seem to be the logical sequence of the move initiated last year, in printing the roll, to have an ofcial appointed by the" Town to be known. as the Prosecutor of Appeals, whose busi- ness it` would be tostudy the roll, make comparisons of the gures,- have an ear for complaints, enter ap- peals against inequalities and prose- cute them ` vigorously before the Court of Revision.` Such an official could save his salary` many times over, and be a real revenue producer way we should reap the full benet derivable from a publication of the - assessment - returns. " I E forvthe Town. The suggestion cer- ; tainly `looks good: to us, as in this 4 l I I I I ,(____ sins, '_,Misses Bella Cumming Mamxe %John_ston.` ' ' " Miss Minnie Archer _of _ Barrie spent a week with `her sxster, Mrs. Geo. Bell. ' ! money. , -._._..... ._..u.auau5c' IS VISIUHS ister, Mrs, (Dr.)_ Gowland -'a_.t} ALLENWO .;l;: McI,'ean P911 cnnnzlio... . ?THE NTQMIERN ADVANCE ma ,,v.,_, ~ Two-rinks of our local curlers in- tend going to . Orillia Bonspiel this week. . , . _A ,.1\;(iss Edith Wiglsqn has gone for an extenqed vasxt-Ito *M`aple_ and __ I ,_ 1 Sunday at his home here. _ _____-.--w Mrs. J. Coulitex-`of ParryAf'Sound is visiting friends here- `-Mr/. W. B. Sloan of Barrie spent , '|] _-. 1' dJ;s`. Jr." `pf Calgary, Alta., is visiting his ather, Mr. Jas. -SI1_an.x _ j I j " ' Lakeview Lodge, l\lo, 229, A.O.U. i~ W., held their regular meeting on Friday evening, 17th inst., when the following members were -duly install- ed into office by D. D._(}. `M. T. Mc- Knight of Cookstown; 'M. W., .1215. Patterson; P. `M. W., Robt. Little; Foreman, J. Allingham; Guide, R . J. Hill; Recorder, George Henry; Fin- ancier, James Boake; Treas., Matt. McKenzie; I. W., R." Cunningham; O. W., J. McKnight. Bro. T. 'Mc- Knight was congratulated "for the ef- Acient manner in which -he `conduct ed` the installation; `Quite a. large number `_ofj- visiting brethren from Cookstown were! present and. took part in the ceremony `Short ad- dresses were made,jby, the newly in- stalled oicers?:an,d' by some of, the visiting vbretl,iren,'. after which .. the members of Lakeview Lodge treated the visitors to an oyster supper` in the`,hall,,where everyone seemed to dozjustice, to the bivalves. A very sociable hour was spent` together and `all . `went A home feeling` assured that they f~_had= had a pleasant and prot- ab1'e"eve`nin"g. V , l . 1 , > A .,g. fr` ..--- I: won up--I.~uI\r\D (.6 JIII\v I19] 3`. A social in connction with Christ Church will be held in the Orange Hall`! on Wednesday evemng,` Jan. 29t . `z1\V/Irj--l'3_'z.'1v.i_ci-`-Gauley attended the sale of horses at Cookstown last Saturday and purchased a fine horse. A _-,f1 ,, - v V - - . . u v - a wv Avyuabu II] it, and earned a reputation for wide-awakeness to everything that pertains to the general welfare of the `community. The Mayor has 5 handicapped in its endeavors by con- '.`siderations of nance, and that the `people are to expect only such civic improvements as can be made with- .pointed out that the Council may be, A:--out materially increasing the burden `of taxation. While it is imperative to follow the lines of economy at all \ times, we are certain that the maj- i -_ority of the rate-payers will not ob- ` `ject to a reasonably moderate expen; . diture, provided they see` that the . Town `is getting full value for the `A Our Band is going foattend a concert In New Lowell on Jan. 31st. Mr. Upper of Washington, U. S., is_visiting his sister, Mrs. Barber of this place 4 Th; members of Christ Church ha_v purchased a new organ from Mr. Thos, Jennett. ,__ r_---..... aa\yA\vn Miss Carperit_er has returned home after a short visit in Toronto. f\ _ 1'\ A l Miss `Hope -Willoughby and her sister deserve much praise for the splendid success attained in their Autograph Quilt in aid of the fund of the Sick Children s Hospital, To- ronto. It has just been completed with about 190 names, with a nice sum of'$2o.oo collected. Miss Will- oughby Vpurpofss presenting the quilt and money to the committee of said hospital at`once. `_She wishes to thank I all hose w_ho assisted in any way in % helping along` the noble cause. Mr. Samuel >1\/Iva-le-y' of Barrie gavel us a call last week. ` I _ Mrs: T. Martin of Bradford is vis- \1ting her parents here. .- -.. \rau\u\ll\-III. UIJLUUIDC. - =- I `Mr. L. F. `White of Baxter is mov- ing to the old Tebo Farm in Sunni- dale this week. We are pleased to have Mr. and Mrs. White as neigh- bors again, they being very popular when living here a few years ago. Mr. Robt. Elliott has received a letter from his son, Rob, who has just arrived "at Vgrmillion, Alta., feeling ne after his journey. 'He reports only two inches of snow in that nlama and A .... ..4.1.:.... 1.---- Auyulta uxuy l.WU 1ncne_s OI snow_ m that place and everythmg boommg.1 Rob has bought a splendxd property` I in Vermjllion and we wish him every success. ' ' _-- - nuvvv \au:Ja- The service last Sunday evening `at the Methodist Church was directed to young men. The -Rev. Mr, Pea- cock gave an excellent discourse. 1"__ 1' T` 1170 0. - Mr. Jas. `Strib1e1l trapped a large lynxk on his farm up Pine River last wee . ` \ fthe Misses Thurlow, FHERGUSONVALE.` ` Mrs, W. Gowanlock of Uhtho 'is. visitihg relatives here. . ' _ ' Mrs. F. Field" spent Saturday `with .'l`I;_ 1! Smith and daughfer of Bond! Head were guests of Dr. and Mrs. West fora few days. " .~ I"L- _-_--? , _ _ -_-=7... '--. The Dairy-Co. have -made many improvements inthe barns of.-Kin- noul Park, since they.._became pro- prietors. They _have laid cement oors, built new stalls, erected a tank` and a silo. They have also in- stalled a gasolineengine for working a dynamo. The barns are to be lighted. by electricity.._ The engine will be "used for driving straw-cub tcrs, _pumping, etc. Mr. Geo. Bell IS engineer. Mr. Ketehen, the manager, has been a busy man for `months past, Luann! :\..au_yL:11a.u puurcn w_a.s 11610 on the I4th inst The treasurer, Mr. J. A} Bell, presented his nancial re- port as audited, showing balance in treasury after paying all liabilities. The Board of Managers elected are -: J. A. Bell, Wm. Thomas, J. B, Ket-I chen, Harry `Lawrence and Robt- Macharn. The auditors are J. rB.l Ketchen and Angus Bell. - 1 Parkho_tie of B51-rier is`st1y- ing for a while with her daughter, Mrs. E. Partridge. L `If- 4.. " ' Eva Huddlstone-returned to. Barrie last week. - I_-Ierb Rix re- turned from `a ;v1_sit With friends at Jarrattfs and Onlha last week.` " A brach of tn Farmer s Bank has been opened in Bell s Block. Mr. Buchanan is manager. ` * rL_ AA___VV g .c .._ - v w ----.----- .- --ouaunqbvn . :-the annuai meeting of Mary Kxrk Presbyterian Church` was held nn Han 1191. 1..-; "FL- 4. _______ -_ 1:, -----`-uul can .155. A-nova. L\\.I|l9\lll D. ' ` ` . 'Mfs. Wi1l_ Rix and litfle `boy of Jarratt s` visxted_ Mrs, Thos. Rix re cently. - K. . - -1-. u c - - V./We Vere~_;`>le-a`s'ed. to hear that Mis ` Eva Partrxdgehhas recovered from her illness and returned to her home here. j . T A . - H- _.-......-.a g uul IUW. .-The Box social `held here on F'ris day evening in aid of the I.O.F; was "a .decide,di, success., ..The proceeds amounted to'$9o.2o. . _ ` ` ' ;~Miss IN11ieT Clarke .3; % `Hi11sdale is spending a short time with Mrs. I-It.` Partridge. 7 I ' -._- ./ >'ILfr. Milleyvof Louis spent Stgnday at Mr, Thos. Robspn s.- ' ` 'I`!`C Ir`- ...I. a. u; wafuyo ' . ` , ` . k . I. . V=Mrs. `Fred Hnckhng of Flos 1s v15- iting `Mrs: `W; Peacock. L vMiss Hope ister deem-v- mm-I-. ......:..- :-_ KILLYLEAGH. .CI-IURCI-'I.ILL \. NEW `LOWELL. Aneua Mr. fqfm ,.A Arthur Or;-ock bias rented Ahii for ;_a tgrm o_f_ _years' .to. Mr. :13. `- 'Rxchard Jennett"a nd is. going ;`West" `in the SP1-i ,. -_ _I_,, - _`.--.-3 Adancing `party, was held, at t_heA residence. of Mr. and VMrs, Geo. Gijpin last. W'e,dnesdayV . _ J.a.`ck . `'estra ~provided tjh % At` Home g`. Bee'ton"on_Friday eyeb- _-, .. ..........n..: no nupuvcllllg. Mr. E. L. Grey and the Misses ay and Bella Stewart attended an inst.` 1 .. --.- ...... uuwubo .J~`.-1\"Ir. Fred. Simpson" is preparig `for th_e West where he, inteqds mak- 1ng_ his home near 'MoOsomm `t\ -1---; Ll.,- `I ` ` ` __,_ __-_ V-.-` nail}! 'AvJ.UUDUllllll_, `Glad :3 report that Mr. Alex. Cul- bert who has been` ill with a compli- cation of diseases is recovering. 1M! F T (1---- -...I 41 `.01 ._---..-- ..a\.uua nu .lJd.lIIC- M}. w._ J._ McLean has been con: nd to his house this week with la grippe. ' 'Mr. Clarksn of Midland visited` his, s_on-in-law, Rev. Craw, a few days last week. ' " "Mr. and Mrs-.` Jas, Arnold; Barrie, are visiting their daughtexj, Mrs. W. J.jfCa_x'r_.__ ink; \ r\1 \/fx".'"Wesley Corbett has. gon on the `road as a_ knight of thegrip. `We wish him success.- ,II` V` Mr, Willio Fletcher ..has returned. to `S. P. -S.', Toronto. John Grose has thebrick A" drawn for his new house. ' o- Miss _ __E}la- 'S.prou1e_' ha's. _ret'urneVd from vxsxtmg fnends In Barxjze. .-I`- `I7 `I `I " ` YYYYY -rs % Mucli syiiipathy" is 4exte.n< ied to Mr; ts, -Lennox `of Ivy in'V the death _-"Off V` '3.-wife, who died at,th,e-'home of her; mother; >I4:.nn_o:, " v~Centrf, 3`; _A__ 15. . jci __ The annual meeting of Innisli District L.vO. L, was held in the Orange Hall here on the 14th inst. Considerable business of importance was transacted after which the fol- lowing oicers were elected for en- suing year :-W. District Master, Bro. B. Averill; W.gDep. District Master,` A. Willoughby; District Chap., -W. Brown; District Rec. Sec.,l W. -B, Sloan; District Fin..Sec., T. Tomlinson; District Treas., T.` W. R. Arnold; District D. of C. , J.W. Reid; District Lect., H. M. Mathers; 2nd District Lect.,- J. -Crossley. After short addresses by the officers elect. the meeting adjourned. `J, , _ v--vv V. ulsinlpllls \.\IlI\-\ul E3: Death has been busy in `our midst t_his last week. -On Wednesday, the` 15th, Mr. James Miscampbell one of our oldest settlers was called away. He was in his seventy-third year and had spent most of his life here. A son and a daughter both of `Churchill survive him. Interment took place in the English Church cemetery here. On Thursday word was received here of the death at Barrie of Mr. John Lynn,` one of Mr. -Miscamp- bell s nearest neighbors and a man about the same age. The ,funeral; took place on"Saturday to Ebenezer cemetery. v;nu\u|L1lJU\rllo `Skating is booming here this win- ter. The managers, Messrs. 'E. H. and W. B. Sloan, have made arrange-I ments with the Stroud Brass Band} to give a series of skating concerts.` `l`\.._;.\_ 0.-- L ' `Messrs. J. F. Sloan and W. H. McCarthy of Toronto and Mr. Geo. High of Maple were up for the fun- eral of the late Mr, Miscampbell. I lC1...4I....._ 2.. L_--.., White Coun/terpanes, large size, good patterns, on sale __ special.A...e . . . . . . . . . . ..89 V Handkerchiefs Ie each 20 doz. Children s White Handkerchiefs, on sa1ehurs- day morning at_ each. . ] l8c*Muslin at 12`! c `There is 0 tion this Janna It is apparent in ( ing indenably dainty in all. the Whitewear which we; offer for yo_ur inpec- I 500 yards of print, 36 inches wide, guaganteed fast colors. 15 value, on sale at...,..]0 White Dotted Swiss us- lin, ne dot, special purch , for sale at . . . . . . . . . . [2 1.. Blankets Reduced. Fin 11 Wool Blankets all at sale ices; Very special,` on sale at . . . . : ; Q.` 50 Japan Silk. 41:. `I50 yards of 27-inch Japan Silk, black or white, Lyons nish . . . . . . . . . . . ..'.....4-Ic WWhite Quilts 59` f Embtoidgry at 9c. 450 yards` of fine Swiss Em- broidery,_ assqrtedl. widths, worth up to zoc ya`rd, at. .94-, _ ,,_--. -v.'--1. `1J;_\ rlllIUK;, 1:105" Centre. 4 _'1_,`M4i'ss. Phyis Kerr "returedi to her-' hgxgnc `m L__angmgn. aftgr a two -weeks I 2 - !m`-'=telatIvs;=-:het-..;:Sh _xed__~by he`: two " *1` T _ Great indcements are gffeged to al1"the ladiesof argi; and vicin to purchase dainty Whitewear, Fine New E'mbr91Qer1es and_ALa Chonce I-abhn , Cottons and Sheetings, etc, at exceedingly. low prices.:3f1Weg1ve a partial l1st.o Barga1_s that. I on sal this week. 1-Honnfron. Print at 10c SARJEANT 5 S] i JMr.- Haughton `dressed his `last Friday, `meeting of vatives. Every man irrespective of his political color has a right to feel proud of the representative of South` Simcoe in the_- House of Commons. I Our sympathy goes out to Mr. James Lennox, Ivy, through the loss he has sustained by the death of his lwife in- the prime of life. Deceased had been visiting friends at Elmvale when she took sick and all that medical skill could do was done, but I A public school meeting of t_he rate-payersof School Section Nos. 6, I5 and 16, Essa will be held in the school room of No. 6, Essa, Satur- day next for the purpose of consid~ ering the advisability of building a [new union school. . BEAUTIFUL WHITEWEAR

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