Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 23 Jan 1908, p. 1

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-I_=gTZ N3 1"L'INEnT , _- A In--- 'D......I..s... 67T1cE. THE FURRIER. --- SOLD BY --- ' - ' ' - if U U 13. 0' om'.u.. Proprlt0r~ _-_... --4-an--Q ' Ci ! 0. E.\DO'NNELL. {CE 10 cu. onmr A l`-- TI-IE INTERESTS `OF BARBIE, THE COUNTY OF SIMCOE AND THE DOMINION OF `CANADA OUR CRITERION. `frown CLERK ARR1E,coUN'rY or SIMuU()E,ON"1T`%_A_RI0. JANUARY 23 ,19'os, :1 rker was -1 AN 1) '1`; tioned da: distribute the panic to those c notice. an the asset: any DGPSO been rece E13710: fro cnztirrons. IN THE MATTER 011' THE `ESTATE or V RICHARD smrrn CUNDLE. late. ofithe ._ . Town of Barrie. Esquire, _I_4 _-y____ ______.__.. ._ 11 5 1| -`Y LUVIII us. A-Ilnonavy -uu-,_u-now, orvvvuyy... NOTICE is hereby g.iven.pu1-s,uant to R. S..U 1397. Chapter 129. Sect1on_38. that allcx-editors and others having any claims a inst the estate of the said late Richard Sm! Cundle. who died on or about the 161.11 day of December, IW7. are required on or before the 15th day at February, 1908. to send b post prepaid. or otherwise deliver to G. A. adenhurstu-Barrie. solicitor for the executrix of _the said deceased. their Christian and surnames, addresses, des- crl tions. and fullparticularevot theinclalms, an of the securities (if an) held by them. AND FUR'1`H_ER HDTI Eris hereby given. that after the said last mentioned date. the said executrix will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having rd. 0 y to V those claims of which she shall t en`have notice; and said ..........._:- ...:u .....o I-an InhIn Imp u: agents: nr thereto. having rd. only to mose cuuxns 9: s_hnll en`have executrix w_1ll not be llable for the assets. or . nun`! ......4> ohnnnnl an .Hnt|-ihntn_ tn anv nex-son lexecumx wm not ne name 101' mu uuacua. U1. - any gart thereof, so distributed, to any person of w ose claim notice shall nqt have been re- ceived at the timeof such distnbution. ` Dated this 10th day of January. 1908.. V G. A. RADENHURST. Barrie. '3-4 6-6 Sollci_tor for Executrix. NOTICE To CREDITORS R _s._o. 1397, cusp. 129. Creditors of the Estate of Emma Roskelly. late of the Township of lnnisl, in the County of Simcoe. Spinster. who died on or about the twentg-ninth day of March. AD. 1902 are re- quire to send particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 1st day of Febru- ary. 1908. after which date the administrators Will proceed` to distribute the assets of the estate among the. parties entitled thereto, and will not beliable for. the said assets to any person whose claim shall not have been received at the time of distribution. LENNOX. COWAN Gt BROWN. Barrie. Solicitors for the Administrators `l\..I:.~..l Ill 14!}: Raw nf Iannnntr IQIR R 2. , . solicitors tor tne Aammxsn-aLors_ Dated the 14th day pt Janunfy. 1008. 3 5 |No'r1cE TO cnnnnrons t. pressed- ther bind I IN THE MATTER or the Estate of ISAAC` ; SPRING. Senior. late of the Townshi of Innisl. in the County of Simcoe. Ret ed. Farmer. deceased. NOTICE is hereby giverggmrsuant to R.S.O. 1897. Chapter 129, Section .that all creditors and persons having any claims against. the es- mm nf the said Isaac Snrimz.Sr.. deceased. who and having any claims against. uie es- tate of the said Isaac Sprin.Sr.. deceased. died on or about the 24th day of December. 1907, are required on or before the 8th day of February. 1908. to send by post repaid. or to deliver to Stewart 8: Stewart. 0 said Town of Barrie. Solicitors for the executors of the will of the said Isaac Spring. Sr...deceased, their christian and surnames. addresses, descriptions . and full particulars of their claims. ;il;o?erly veried, . and or the securities (it any e d by them. AN D TAKE N0'I`ICE.that after said last men- date, the said executors will proceed to- distribute the assets of the said deceased among parties entitled thereto. having 1- ard only ciainis of which the shall t en have nnoznn and mm nvnnntnu-ca sin` I not he liiahla fnr me parues enuueu. cneretu. msvlug r uru mu and said executors w` 1 not be liable for assets or any part thereof so distributed to person of whose claim notice shall not have been received at the time of such distribution. STEWART 8: STEWART, 13 Owen Street, Rarrie. Solicitors for Executors. Dated at Barrie this 6th day of J snuary, 19:8. 9.; ` -' I Mwwwooowwwwoooow ;c:3ossI...A1 D S 3 g - '3a..:;e`.;,.m.,. _ 3 `Mill . nossuuo, Druzg1st.Barne ` oooooooooooooooooooooooooo 1 Church bf England: UIIIIWUU I TIUTUITII TTIIiIfZT 8.3:; a.. m.-Holy Communion. . 11 a. m.-- Morning Prayer and Sermon by Vicar. 3 p. m.-Sunday School and Young People's Classes. 1 7 p. In -ls`.vensong and Sermon. . _ Bishop Reeve will preach at both services. Sxxrs No`r1cI-: TO _CREDlTORS` ` I. In he Matter of the Estate of MARY M A N .TINDALL, late of ,T ship of Oro, in the County` of Simcoe, Widow, deceased. No 'ce is hereby given, pursuant`? to see ion 38, Chapter 129, Revisedlsc `Statute of Ontario, 1897, and amend-{T ments ereto, that all creditors andlg others h ving claims against the est-"'1` D late of ry Ann Tindall, late of the Township of Oro,-in the County of._ Simcoe, idow, deceased, who diedl on or abo t the 30th day of Nove- mber, in tl year 1907, are required. to send by 0st, prepaid, or deliver ti to Joseph C dwell.of~ the village of ,` Crown Hill, the Countyiof Sim- !` . coe, Farmer, t e executor of the est- 1` ate of the sai deceased, on or be- fore the 15th d of Bebruary, I908, 1 a statement of eir names and ad- dresses, and `the full particulars and J details of their lajms, respectively, a and of thewsecurit 5, if any, held by c` .. them. - ` ( , Andnotice is he eby further givent that after the las mentioned date`: the, said Executor will proceed tolt -distribute the assets of the `said de~l; ceased amongst the ersons, entitled thereto, having regar . only to the 1 claims of v_vhich"notic` has.been giv- ,1 en as above required, and the said 1 Executor _will_ not be iable forthe 4 said `assetfs, of any pa thereof, to any -person ' or person s of whose iclaimsW'notic`e ,shall not b ve been re- c`.eive_ d by `him at theti f of" such distribution. ~' j. W _` - McCarthy, BoysA& M huon, _ , Solicitors-`for said _ ecutor. 1' Dated. at ~'B.arri.e" this 21 day of! . _ , . L _ ,_ `.'-.0 Iron and` SUNDAY, JTIVGAHV 26m. h_1_jv_a|N|1'v cHunc_H `sat-ivlcss f1'_I__ l`I____.____-_. LEICKI GB JJ1 January, Tn'hute to R. V. Hospital. Mr, Willis Spring of` Allenwood 1 wntes: I have lived most_of my- life in this"-and other rural districts A and have_ "shared with my fellow citi- zens thaytoo `common horror of pub ` lie" ho'sp`1tal.s'.' A `few -weks` ago I ' was compelled A by fate to`._tak'e* my _: .litle"`_son to `the ._Roya.l_Victoria, H65- . p:t,al,*"_Bai'rie,-3 , All` `my preconceived 'l1 as_-:;._xye_:e rev'e,rse_t_l. ;N_`o;hing could. 1 ._e_:`_;(-'.g(}_T th fca'r'e,, `ltl- 1f!.*. Hand` _gtten-, .: l , " ` W1.fe_.i%F! by 1 , uni an .(, my tl7]il".l_,' `aaqs yuu -; s Avaluabls: ~4pap9t~ 'AL~7vAY's' nlYDI'.1 APPRECIATED. ALL WELCOME. 1 `See J. C. Irwin s ad; on page .5. Whirlwind of ' Bargains. V . . x "(':_c_>`l-1{x'1'g_;a-\r:3o?d_ v{1`7T{$i;1 4 pouligy show on Jan. 28, '29, 30 and. 31. 77L `II ' \rIIIlI land`s--Risk 10c and 25c. Thefe is` noVtruth' in` th i-umor that Rev. W. B. Heeney will accept '3. call to Brooklyn, -N.Y. T . ---'--- v-- J""" -"7 -7! \J" ""`-- -1-" `V If you-`wargt your busine s to a.d~: ivance, advgrtnse in The ,Advance. _ `-`fr, '7 ,`.'> ' ." 4,`, I I " 5.?" '1:;'ip-_`t;3":.[-;1(_`l-i a,: -1-ailled `for te- night at the Grand, has been cancel led owing tb bad business. If r!` 1" - nun Mr.H'IV`71`1)osv.v was iri Tofon to last _week, 'atter_1ding ~the_ conven- tion _of the jOntar1o Assoc1atio'n of Anchxtects. ` Reeve Garden and Ex.-Ald. -Rob-` ertson were among those who at- tended the South 'Simcoe Conserva- `tive Convention on Friday last. : The citizens are reminded not to throw ashes on the sidewalks or streets, otherwise they render them- selves liable ,to prosecution. The authorities will take care of the ashes at the proper time. ' G to Wi1kinson s for all kinds of 's::ve` split any eni W gut; and sold per. cord, not 0:: loads. Ix art, L MANAGER -Morgan s Goitre Ointment , `for thick y |rby-Wm. Crossland, t 6 . .. _ `I!;A_A ..-_ > $8oo.oo Limerick. The Lipton peo- ple are having one more Limerick, this ]elli_es-the nest made. Full assortme ' . B9thwell s. ' -Orillia curling bonspiel is now on. At time of going to press, two of the three Barrie rinks were still in the running, Hogg and McNiven. Mea.-| ford, Collingwoodt Churchill, Barrie and Orillia are represented. `Messrs. Haughton Lennox, M. P., and A. E. H. Creswicke are the members of the local bar whose names appear among the newly ` created K. `C. s |'""" 77 "7 Don't fail to see the big hockey match at Crystal Rink to-inorrow night (Friday). Orillia vs. Barrie. Watch Johnny Dyment s braves trim the claws of the Cbuchiching Tigers.` Frank Yeigh in his Travel Talks . at Grand Opera House,,Frida.y even- ing, Jan. 24th. Auspices of Cana-` adian Club, Mr. Justin B. Edwards will sing a patriotic solo during int- ermission. augc, agvgrtgsc _1u ;nc_nuya1L;;c. . --'For happed hands apply Cross- ....v..Lu;t..;. u......n .r~...;..... .n..:-.. J. Carruthers of Utopia gave The Advance `a call on Satur- day. Mr. Carruthers has just re- turned from the construction camps of the C. O. Ry. His headquarters were at Maynooth, Hastings Co, Ii DI`: " fmgnto s;;1;%*%w;;m :;u{"The Advance until Jan. 1st, I909, fox . only $2.50. To those seeking. an up-to-date daily this is our best clubbing offer. 1' Fish!" Fish! We have for this` |wee1_< a full stock _o Fresh Trout, `L`I 4`l.- ._ II--1- down bc.~hfA ' you or n. tn think t. en one of t Hotm,-I` r ` he went. ll (logger. Ii gist, -Barrie. -A bottle of Morg'an s Restorative Tonic will purify the blood, streng- then the nerves, and give you a heal- thy appetite:""P1Pieu:%ga_uv-A Made only by Wm. Crosslan ` -rx . I up 1-\ up etc! and Haddock, also smoked arid `salt sh in abundance, at Bothwe1l s. nun- LLEIIEKE ET LLEIIIIIS, XlI -i lv,`B arrie District L. O, L.'has e1ect`.. `ed these ofcers: W. D. M.-C. .Horsel_d,`Barrie; D.AD. M.-E,' All- (sop, Minesing; D. Chap.-J. Lamont,` grory Hill; R. s;-_-w. J, Buchanan, iB:1rrie' F. S.-`S. J.`Gil1, Midhur_st; Tteas.-\ V, T. H. Gilroy, Tory H111; D.- of C.-R. "Buchanan, Barrie; Lect. *-J. Dixon, Minesing. ' l l You simply can t afford to do with- _out The Northern Advance. It con- tains a vast amount of newsy in- formation and as an advertising med- ium is unexcelled in the County. Try it in conjunction with the Weekly Mail. Botli papers until the end of 1908 for $1.2 . ` n u. v /.1 at" "I" -'- `r-"'u' . On Thursday night, Jan. .16th,..Mrs.i: Joseph Rolland of Sophia St. died`? after a lingering illness. She was a 3 daughter of the late D. Coffey of 4 Orillia Township. The .remains were |_taken on_ Friday` morning to her |mother s at Orillia, 'whence interment] =took,place on. `Saturday. She leaves "la husband, but no children. The de- L ceasedghad a cheerful, plasanr dis- : position, and her death is lamented -by the circle of her acquaintances. 1 She was-,a_ member of. S, Mary s -R.`; c. Church. a ` ..1 `an ..n gull 4: all ` Rev. Geo. L . Collins, M:id1and;|_ 'Szi1ors Missionary 9, preached onla Sunday morning last in the Allandale ( Presbyterian Church, and in_ St. An`-' t drew s Church in the evening. In, the'afternoon he `addressed the Bap-`I3 tist S; S. In speaking, he placed be-{4 fore his hearers many interesting de-1.1 tails of his work on board" ship`; among those who man the vessels on ; the great lakes. He referred tincid-`- entally to the- loan library, ave-dolqj larbill being suicientto instal. a_.|` a box of .18 books. "The work is care` E ried on imder the auspices `of men _ Upper Canada Religious` '_Tract and : Book Society. . I T A . V3 -.,. -\ Io T. The annua} meeting'_of the Barrie _ and Town Improve-; Horticultural _m`cnt `Society took place on Thurs- day. The newly elected officers are: Pres.--J, H. B.ennet_t;;.-Ist Vice--Geo. *1 Vickcrs; 2nd Vice--J. M. Bbthwellg. ; Sec.-Tre as---H._ .B.A 5-Myers; Directors .-5 -'Wat_c r : Patterson _._' `Ind; Stapleton, c A4 .. . JI- A"-I Hoar; Pgtegr 1,G.lfen `ie;'W.7$-.b.j.Bdt1tW1l."Inc. ~ c ' ` `;:.Bcro;w;s:cs;;F.; Henm BARBIE 9 \JI.\IJh7- N `ream. Price Lava, wish, QENTRAL and the Societyvis starting out again V with excellent prospects. There will Likely" be two shows held this year, one in June-'or. July and the other in Sept. or Oct. i :9ooou`ooooooooou_ V '1 `A `Miss Thornley is visiting her. cou- sin, Mrs; A. -K, Birks, London. ;Miss Mae Bricknell of Torono is wsitigxg her aunt, ' Mrs. T. Rogers, Mary St. 1 -c- 1~ I~,,_ ,r_,,4 `r.~n,._ 1`1,a._s~_ ;~VeVtVt1Zr'1v1'ed to } Vancouvey. ` I A-:-!1; i.i'ss~ "Lilian tang", St., is visiting T1 15 'I.d.u5, , ;'Mrs. H. B. Myers has returned from a month s stay in Toronto -and Oshawa. _ _ .._-. - f\ _Mrs,_ C. P._ White, Owen $1., is} ivxsttmg her snster ,Mr_s. C. `v\-'. Brad- iley, Creemore. ' - ` uxr 1'1 `IYI,fL _ f`_|[:_,______A,_,1 :Mr. K. C. G. Dreyer, late o-fAChat-l ham, formerly of Orillia, has accept- \ed 3 position with H. H. Otton 3: 'Son, and is residing on Bavm-.l-.1 St. 3TTLE. vvvvun, Vinny":-vw-- -v- Mrs. F. Middleton of Toronto has` returned home after a week s stay with friends in Town. ' aw), \JA\a\aon-vow Mrs, w. H. White of Collingwood is visiting her sister, Mrs. G. R. iWood, Clapperton St. 15..-111 . ,r 7!` _ _ . _ L- I-___ `Miss L.` Rie1ly-_ :1-`or mtto has re- turned home after a few days visit with Mrs. C. Kelcey. t r `I The engagement is announced of. Miss Agnes Smith of Utopia, to Mr. A. Hoag of -Stayner. The wedding will take place on Wednesday, Feb. '5th, in St. Mary s `Church, Barrie. ` `Mr. and Mrs. Morrison Parsons! Bridgeland left on Monday for their` home in -Calgary, after spending a [few days here with the 1atter"'s par- `ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Perkins. 1-;_- _ _ _ L -_ Rev. Harold G. King, late rector`: of St.`]ames Church, Gravenhurst, has been appointed rector of St. Paul s Church, Fort` William. Rev. Mr. King, who is a son of Mr. Davidl King, formerly of Barrie, but now` of Vancouver, was born here. He passed through the public schools and took a course at. the-;.B. C. I., prior to entering Divinity. His . many friends will read with interest i of his `success in the work of the` ' ministry. _ I The annual business meeting of` the Children s Aid Society was heldgh in the Council Chamber" Jan. I4th,'C I908. The following oicers weret elected 11- c President--H. H. Strathy, K. C. 1st Vice-Pres.---Rev. Dr, McLeod. .; 2nd Vice-Pres.- Rev- Dr. VVitten.l; 3rd Vice Pres.--`Mr. J. K. Ross. - Treasurer-Mrs. M. Burton, , Hon. `So1icitors-Dona1d Ross, (3.`. W. Plaxton. '. Executive Oicer---Chief King. ; Visitor-Mrs. T. McKee. ` Secretary--Rev. James Chapman- : The local Society meets at 4.30 p. [m. every second Tuesday of every , second month, in the Council Cham-l , ber. The Society is -anxious to nd` I good homes for bright little boys.` _ Applications may be made at any L time in person or by letter to Rev. ._ James Chapman, the Secretary of the Society. ~ L , 4 _ _.. 1.1_....;. Lug} I-llh LJ\J\nl\-IpJ . During the past year there has`! "been a steady advance in the work} `and the Society is making itself felt -- A .-L_A.q.s `AAC-Ar :01 and U16 DOCICL) la lHdl\lH5_ uacu .\.u. :35 a strong factor in befriending the ; neglected and unfortunate young of` the Town. Over 30 children have received special attention. 5 were made wards of the Society, 3 have been transferred from the places where they were living and are now settled in good respectable homes. The ve children, made wards of the Society, also are in comfortable . homes and all are doing well. , i ....-..1_ ....,...,, I` }|1L'1llLD Gnu 951:. um`. uv--.. could_ be done in _broadening and in-I creasmg the `S0c1ety s usefulness ii` the ' County were thoroughly `organi- The Secretary feels .rnor.e-:7 zed_ and the Secretary had more. `tim_e to give_to the work._ Und_er lprcsent condinons the work 15 prm icipally conned to the Town. | 1 CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY. - Although not altogether unexpect-`Q ed, death _came rather suddenly to: |Mr. John` Lynn on Thursday last at lhis late residence, ~10 Worsley "St- Deceased was born in` 1834 nearw -(Sharon, but when only; nine_ years of 4 ? age the family moved " to` Cherry P Creek.: For many years he livedon `- the ,6th '.Con,, Innisl, but eventually,` E returned to Cherry"? Creek. " In 19o1l `.v'!M`1-..' Lynn retired from farming. Last; ,`aA1$ril he moved to`Tor onto-, but came` '_{-to Barrie in September. In religionnl llhe-;_,was'a..Methodist and in politics a l l__ staunch -Lib,eral.`. -.He.1eav`es a widow, Tfonmerlyf .r Miss Katherine 'I_`yrer, a "`;lsis te1-~ of_Mr, E. T. .Tyre'r, also one Eldaughter; Mrs. ~- J. `E. Miscampbell of .'eChurchil1,; and four sons, Fred in l1he-'Wes1gl,I- `ilton; .in Toronto, "Dr, J. 12-ner:`l_....1 - .a;.:..;."..' at I"h:.-anin In!-er- Ime West, 1v11u.uu,.un .u.nuuu.v, uu J. and .Harriso`n' of Chicago. Inter- ment took, place in..Ebenzer .Ceme- tery njear` Bradford on \Saturday. Rev; Dr. ...A.O'ckIey conducted ., the house. service; Messrs. G.* Ball, H. A H; Otton, '1`-. ]ohnston,~B.;7Lawrence,. B;j`*Simmone`gnd,4R. Au. Stephens *a.e`e;_d.;;_as` p_Ia11heare`ts..-. - ~- * ._ ` -`T. . Jsting | to"?%ikiuso*%; -day,*5 +5gQ_g% I630;-"1l.)`s`.`,` .ut* INNISFIL PIONEER.. ' Death of John Lynn. E 'Cravvjord, Ellen! in Midland and Pene- FARHERS I ting mid _choppi!ig ' T` opprnz, ievery W. ,_ _ ` !!1""%nd; known Aeiis Eitension for Bildini Shcpse. = I.-?i;fteen_ _bf1t_ of _th.e, sixteen `niet11be_r's1 of_`"'Cot`i`x1c1l were 1'11 then: appointed ` pIaces~a`t Monday z_1ight s meeting. Reeve Garden s~ chaxr alone` being vacant, L . 'r...|.__ 1ur-n_:.1- _,_,:-,u, M--. v u\.a.-Au._ _John*McBride, weigh-mastr, ap- plied for rebate owing to Town Hall being rented for a roller rink. T A5.-'.-Lam... l ..(`n..4.l.`-. LI` 1) ---..-;.- Ilkllla l\.llI\v\l L\JI (L IUIIQL LIIIIK. -Leighton McCarthy, M. P., wrote that he would be pleased to notify Council of the. date xed for the Minister of Railways to heat.`-'the de- putation re Notta_wasaga route of` Trent Valley Canal. l vT_Inutv`vu6-Inca 1 Anna`, D as:-`up::-cur` ' J.l\aIIIv `V 511%, \.4GllGlr -Haughton Lennox,,M. P., advised that the engineer's report on the Nottawasaga route was not yet avail~ able, but was- expected to be shortly. `cncvnso-rt` A: fkn rnornknnfo n CLIIV `IUD VVQJ \pl\y\a\.oU\r\.I. Io\J' IJD JIILII LIJ. `Several of the merchants led a request to have street vendors lic- [enses increased. `IA ll7,.__, ,___,I ___l? .A'_,, {$1.00 PERI `A-mauui. IN ADVANCE` IIHGLI BQDIII Illll IEIIITI \nIIC\vJ LII\.pI \rXD\r\J R. M, Watson made application for the position of. Assessor; iI"I..I.-.3 f\: `DAN..- Vin ...-..-.n....-.3 -,... L\I` UIl\ y\I9l`UlLIlI KIIII L \aJD\-v\\3\J I `Chief of Police- King reported con- victions for 1907 as follows: Drunks Railway Act . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..59 Theft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..28 By-laws Vagrancy .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..I6 Assault . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..II Threatening, etc . . . . . . . - . . . Trespass .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1 Housebreaking Disorderlies Insane .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Fraud .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. _ Cruelty to animals . . . . . . . .. Bigamy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Manslaughte . . .. . . . . . . . ... . . . . .. Non-support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * Health Act .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. "Jail breaking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Escape .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. "Vi/ages > 4- 4 4 3 3 Arson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..2 2 2 I I I I I I I VVCBVD uqou u----.--....-.-....-..-- l During the year: 121 of His Mgij; esty s hoboes recexved the hospitalxty lof the lock-up. f\.._.2-a xv; Luc Iu.n uy.Queris.. Ald. Lxttle wanted to know the lat- iest phase of the -G. T. R. matter. , _L-;__J LL_L L`_- _._._..- lrlvuvu wry -w- -._.._.- Lot 19, Con. 1. Sunnidale. 125 acres cleared, balance bush. elm. maple. basswood. etc , dwelling, 7 roomed frame house, barn 40 x 100. lean-to stable, 30x86, good well, never failing stream (Mad River) runs through corner of farm. soil is 164) acres of clay loam and about 40 of sand loam. a. youn bearmg orchard. 16 acres of fall wheat, and a lfall ploughln done. Ltnot sold by the 1st of March. 1908. t epro- rty will be leased fora term of years. Reason or selling, the Q]:-opxietor is oing to the North West. Ap8ly V M; GOLLA . on'the 1arm.or Angus` P. . 51-9 ,--- ,,....-.. .,. -.... -. - _-. ` The Mayor stated that the agree- ment had just. been returned-A to the Town with a request. to have the time for the erection of the shops extended one year. No substantial reason had been assigned for this re- `quest. `Int: Ana G.T; B. WANTS 'T|ME.-, i Huh. Motions. \ `Beardsley--Bothwe1l-'_That steps `be taken to have Barrle placed in. I the free de1iv_ery_postaL system. .f-`_..:~ 1......-..nn,\.-. TL ac!-;rhn0-Q: Iuuc LICK; u\.uv\.n_y yu.-.u.uL a, ..u.\,.... tCra.ig-Jamieso'n- That. estimate.-:. `.be secured for the repair of the drain ion John and Sophia. Streets. \r..:_ run- TL.-. 4-L. 11nnf;nrr;n Ull JUIAIL Qllu guys:-(L :4:-n\.\.v..a Vair Little-That the heating in the market hall be improved at 3. cost not exceeding $3.- 1 $1.51.. ("AaA.. Tlanf (`nnc1>n}-`ls: LUDI. HUI. \;4\\.L\.LLu|5 ya.- Litt1e-CoFfey-- That Constable "Sweeney s salary be the same as Constable Lamtgie's. Referred. I r--1r-_- ur .... .. TL. .1. DJ.-.. "\Ull3L1._UIC Laa.lllU1L. D. I.\\..l.\,A I \.u. Coey--Warnica-That. the Fire and Police. Committee. consider the advisability of instructing the police to assist Inpector: Du. in enforcing th,L_.icen_s.e Act- 4.-- 'I"L-A. -,\.~..\` O`t\ LIIC 14I\,Cll3.\} L Lus. Vair-Evans-That csamplaints re snow-plowing be made; to Ald. [War- nica in \Vard I, Ald. Ness in Ward 2. Ald. Bothwell in VVard 3, A1d_ SEa~ `pleton. in Ward, 4, Ald.. Thompson; in lWard 5,. Ald.. Evans in Ward 6. I 2La.I,. 'l`l-mr 4 cln;(~r}1 hr-> gvvaru a,.n1u.. 1;./aux: nu. Vvalu u. Little--Evans--Tha.t. a sleigh be grovided for the re brigade in VV`1rd. `U. A motion by Aid. Jackson to dis- pense with the services of N. St. Onge as curator of the re alarm lsystem and appoint W . Graham. in his stead was referred to the Fire and Police Committee. The mover explained that a saving of $50 a year would thus be. effected. Ald. Beard- sley thought to pass the motion fwould be: rather abrupt. If the: man had failed` in his; duty, he should be notied" of it and? given another. chance. A1'(f. Jamieson submitted that Driver Graham. was not an electrician, and iiin` any` case had` plenty of other work {to do. Aid. Jackson gave "Contin- ued` absence from Town as the rea- son- for the irrotzon. --.Z_.__ Tidnszs WANTED J. E. Kersw_:1_1_& Co. will be at the Clarkson ouse -~-....,.,. ON sA'1`URD1'r-~)ui.x__';` to purchase all kind of good work-h5'f"8Ba. Hor- ses must be in good condition. 4.4;) You not have to make a pur~ chase to brain one. We will begin our `Spring gains on Jamxary 24th, by giving to ur customers -our en- tire stock of sample` books of ,Wal;l Papers. T e are what the "ladies like. One. bo, only to each customer; Free for th 'sking. Ask quick, they will not last ng. E -Out-of-town customers n have l JOHNSTON & WARREN, The `Experien'ced' Wail Paper and I one saved by dropping; a p V card. Paint Men. 7 TE!` ruvvuilii I_I` VIZ? IINGLI COPIII PIVI CINTI AITL VVATCI On `at.urday,l`ebmary lst.a.t 8 o'clock. we will commence our 3111 Every article in o {nature will poutive. 1! be included in this big 10 days Sale Look for hand bills and posters next week also rm-ther newspaper announ- an-non? nu- u-vv v-- - f;`i'5ia"t"i"s.~ fen. claringgsale __ _.xn ....`i.8Hnn_ WGUI. an cement._ Qnnninl cement. _ ' L S ii] music will be urovided and Wu ..w' cerlning do qveryghlni in our pow- ~ ertomake iajjthc G EA `EST SALE ever heldin Barrie. A Let notliing kbe you away from this -sgle. Th `hour set. the dates you . WW, Se Feb'y 8 o'clock, to odnoad . Feb'y mm. at 6 o'clock. Jviu~Ifn%999;; `V uusuvv` III avian; croduce S11\_'crcioCYf' nd commission. Address '1' H SILVERCLOTH 00., Toronto. Ont. ""'%"5"-ixaaae . _.25 Exverioncnd salesmen `Wanted. _ABSOLUTELY FREE. Em '?-*?` FARM OF 200 ACRES FOR SALE 4---,` Offices to let with vault. the offices now oc cupied by G. A. Ra.denhurst.Barr1ster.over the Bank of Commerce. Apply to A 117 IIYTT 1rI'\Yur\\T FARM FOR SALE--Northeast quarter Lot 14. Concession 10. Innisl. 60 acres. near Stroud. In good state of cultivation. frame house. frame burn and orchard. well watered. Possession Marah lst. Apply to DONALD ROSS, Solicitor. Barrie. t! | `I'VE! '*"t' Ivlr-Iuu- vwvwu -~-_.-- 1 matched team of colts. coming 2 ears old. both by "(}u.nymede." 1 Draught 00 t. rising 2 year old. by '*()a.meron Royal." and one driving mare, sorrel. 9 years old. Apply to L. C. Sl{IG- LEY. Lot 7. Con. 1'2. Innisl. or Allandale P.0. 3-4p ANTEI)--Two span of Heavy Mare Colts `rising one year old. Price mustberi ht` Lddress BOX 30. Thornton. p isu nxu an Ru?! 'I`nv\r`n or CANADA: ESTABLISHED fees. 3 % HEAD OFFICE. QUEBEC. `. 9 BRANCHES IN CANADA, sh a new - he e Direct: 111nm ALV .V L: nu xumnxuwu un. 111134 ----uugu GAS COMPA Y. LIMITED, Will be held in the omccs of the Company. Music Hall Block, Barrie, on Saturday, the 15th day of Febrnary.19o8,attho _ur of two o'clock. n'.m.. -for the purpose of recs {he annual report, election of Directors. and suh*ot.1_;9r business as may be legally transacted. ` JOHN N. HOBLEY. ' VOL Lvul. No. 4 WHLE.No.-58143 wssuv 5 cncw. Pnornuuonc. - 9' iavmgs Bank`Accounls COLT AND MARE won SALE. _._..x__ n _........ l\`l` {F112 AN\*UAL MEETING of THE BARBIE COMPANY. _-2.. um nmmm nf um (.nmnanv. Music Hall -Should be opened. at this time of year. $1.00 is enough to start with, but the more you can put-in the better. There is_ nothing that gives such a genume sense of se- curity as a bank account in an old Reliable Bank like the Union` Bank of Can-ad.a._'Interest paid or added to prmcnpal 4 times a illlu IIl`ll4'U`*4{'uUl\. Tenders td`stg;e w] roller or ice pu accepted Further p: from the Secretary. OTICE is hereby given ursuent to R. S. 0.. Chap 129, that all ere itors of the estate of Mary Roskclly. late of the Township of Innis- l, widow. (lee-cased. are required on or before the rst day of February, 1908. to send to the undersigned full particulars of their claims. and further take notice that after such date the executor will distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto havmg regard onl 'to claims of which he shall hnvn rnr-pi V1-(1 not 0.0.. ' - year. West Ridivg of Simcoe Agritgm Stock C0. ,_ __A ,,_ small "bl e ear. .1! ollowed through? er exam!!! ild cattgjg udup! ed. ear mag e nil,| :h$}$_l 1: nehga tr %sk4n>~:a! of `fltdff. nuvmg I'c):{u;'t1 uxu ' Lu have rqce1\'cd not ce. nnvru IIlIllUll|IUU Luau uutung vuu DB4 u vnu vn - --.__--_ he will. in addition to beinii daily Efnnnuni cation with his odice. be at is olce in Barrie -on the following dates : . Saturday, the 1st of February. 1908. Saturday. the 15th of February, 1908. Saturday. the 7th of March. 1908. Saturday. the 21st of March. 1908. Saturday. the 4th of A ril. 1908. Saturday. the 18th of pril. 1908. .11.. ...;n I-.. 1... ..o 1.3. nlnxi Anwinathn Christ- TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received by the undersigned IF to noon of Saturday, Februar 15th, 1908. for I. I riyiieges in connection wit the Buildings in Ru`&'e~. ;ack. _ whether the rink W111 be for 3 No tender necessarily p more may be obtained `fun:-n O M n Qnni-nfnrw IANTEI) IMMEDI\TELY-A bright fe. "mob. entativn in ever district to '.....z..,... Salarv BARRIE BRANCH 7. D. MORTON. Manager A lllnutrhufl le%n|-.c,d ' K I - ' `. ,.p_. ._.]'.'e{__`__r :,;:'_,=5'U __-V `. flab open: 5% Rohrt80n'!`.Dtl`3.,P `4 ~ JahnaI{y . - 1 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. AGRAND opERAHOU-i5% A Ffihv. 1.31mi! 3.9`!- 4 ` cAuAnA-oni'tha`-whxt % Wundarlands. -' -*,n 1. .: `vi -Q`:-* ` -_';.n .A_- -..|".:_'4'L AC 2-4 A omen! it cherry, will i(r:1Lo.' 11119 p 5;... . 1 9` . F 7 . 41; _'_trust funds far 'n`veAstme`t'"I_t V :%rs=m? ram suunnax x uxvnngp-H . ,v A '_ la:-g'e -amo'untA or, `-..:3!3d secmity of real .es_ta_1te at 6 - cup: K... " :3-.~' ` OFFICES TO LET uvlliyvuuuu-_-_. . . wall bttho -mbjulqt of xvuu `Allyn us; A. W. WILKINSON. S'l"RATHY 8: ESTEN. Solicitors tor Pxecutor. i'ns"si`c ied{ T ` . JOHN N. HOBLEY. Secretary. ,Mr. Haughton Lennox, M.P. announces that during the session ofv Parliamen bein in communi 7 l908._ ~ `He will also be at his office during the Christ- mas and other vacations. _ 48-tt __: `MMMwAA 3 A Q : _A'_v _ __- *"'~u1.`.`?., .E.EE;.. D 15 lb` cretary. 1 jnh ury . Joint I. 0990ooooooooooooogoooooooc% - O .` :4 . 0 . -.0 9 E25 ' - 1 noon EAST or BARBIE HOTEL _ 7 0690090ooooooooooooooooooo ,|lendels`A_I_|I_I_I Pianos. FR E_p i;=IRoo Ks! n: jIIQI2R rEiJE s out of: l_\'ew E1131 We have. a large amount of Private Funds to ' lend at 4} and 5 per cent on the security of. onnrl fsn-n1 rnnrtzrmres. MGCARTHY. BOYS & W B LIHIVU It .ll.I.l'U uuluuuu In. L Lnvabo s uuuu vv god farm mor ages. McCAR'l`HY, 8: URCHISON unlop Street. Barrie. _ Arew4Imnsnm; was From Our ,'I2 ISABELLA l."U2L auatwa n. - $6.55 ulnr $10.50. Sale Price..... ISABELLA FOX EMPIRE MUFFS. Regular $7.50. Sale Price.. $5.50 3 RUSSIAN MINK nmow TIES. Regular $8.00. Sale Px-ice..$5 50 RUSSIAN MINK EMPIRE MUFFS. Regular $6 75. Sale Prlce.. $4.60 1%.-uwnuv I-uA\1'V"?|I\'lI' t\`I'.1l'lIlIIt\ LL--1. _AI_1 gig Fur Sale ar:ic'r'it}izi}iEL"'Ze,1.E'i~-rs"a 1.317: at $21.50, during the sale $ I 4.75 T ALASKA SABLE SETTS. Regular price $31.50. Sale Pric:_g;.$18_T0O A A" Fox SCARFSH " ..`..9l .'&`.`:..f gm pm.,.....s. Our entire stock of Furg M`s'r be clear- `ed out during the next 60 days re- - gut-dlese of cost. - New `Spring Hate V Arriving b'Detly_ Simmons mu forwzx imn smoot. make and ti r:).~<+,-, l'm`h8 Tickle;-Haks and F: APPLICATIONS WILL BE RE- kcmvmn BY THE UNDERSIGN- {ED UP TO NOON or A4 Il'|I`$ Ilvjwu, Ac:ion nnd Tone Regulator. Pianos Always on Band For Sale. `:57-ly 86 JOHN STREET, BARBIE. Bronehiil Lolengqs F'0l; :1-IEVTCEVI; 0} ARR1E% Fonxgs, * ___ - NBIGE cununm FIRST-CLA`SS MADAME COCHRANE of To! ronto has opened a %studio_for `Voice Culture at.-MRS`. DEVINE S,' To-' ronto -St., .__Barrie, and;,will be there every ;_ Thu_rsd`az'\ "from V 4., p.m.. -till 4 . with :1 SM] ng the upu he nicked ol r. The in order thl ork he cop! `s tally boa] Ives bra'nd0! L`%_A\ on and --u--_ A s s _%Ij=_:_%_=_.s&sC5`t-'~2 ,t:VCly L._III.'|'Iauny ` l.|\.1`|I.a of rennin. mu -7 p.m. Friday. Madame Cochrane is wpupil.%of-thefamous_-Signor Garcia . and Professor Frefd Walki`Londoh,. En1ans:d.%:.;md`:*;oi+:*1~a t :4%Divivier 19% , . 4 JANUARY 30th inst. FOR THE POSITION or -jjjjF WHEN Tmvnnntsa Was? 31: Son`: AND STOP AT was ` _ F. U'UUnnI.I.I.v - ...,......v.. ' or! our nnnxlrr - ~"i'- I-nmcn's_ 31'-. w_P.3 . First-class Accommodation. ` Remodel- led and-Returnlshed_ThroIIRhout. ` For all 4 irritations of the throatan . air sssages which are so comma at t is season our M A Rmii ':""r'i-%-'|- L `._ _-Lgnngncn I "nnI|II`n-QIIIU. will be tomid an eectiveremedy. `I gely vpluable to speakers ` v_nom:v TO LOAN.

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