Savings FB[a41n%k Accounts `THE HER n SQUARE opmm co in. delightful opgra. -l . - . v - - - - D - u - - - w r - -- Prices: 25. 35, 53:, 15c.| ApPLIcA'ric)NS WILL BE:RE- ZEIVED 31: THE UNDER$IGN- 31) UP TO rgponjop ` A JANUA_,V _30th ins _'t. V` _ FOR _1"'rIoN of * - A" 5 "F? IN THE. MATTER or the Estate of ISAAC` SPRING Senior. late `of the Township of Innisl. inthe County of Simooe. Retired Farmer. deceased. V NOTICE is hereby given ursuant to 11.9.0. 1897, Chapter 129. `Section. . that all creditors and persons having any claims against the es- tate of the said Isaac Sprinz.S .. deceased, who died on or about the 24th day of December, 1907, are required on or before the 8th day of February. 1908. to /send by'post repaid. or to deliver to Stewart 8: Stewart, 0 said Town of V Barrie. Solicitors for the `executors of the will of the said Isaac Spring. Sr.. deceased,their christian and surnames. addresses. descriptions and full particulars of their claims. properly verified. and of the securities (if any he (1 by them, E. noNN_1 NOTICE TO cmtnrrons VUFIIIUI them. A RYTI '"X'D 'rAKm'No' after said last men- tioned date. the said executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among tho nnt-tin: nntitln that-ntn hnvincr rnonmd nnlv CIIBUTIDIHO E116 E588!!! OI (.118 88:10. LICUUIBUQ amung the parties entitled thereto. having r d only to those claims of which the shell t en have notice. and said executors wi 1 not_be liable for the assets 01-an part thereof so distributed to any person of w ose claim notice shall not have been received at the time of such distribution A 4-so--.-no A -g-u - 4-nu--a-c . -`nu STEWAT 8c si'EwAR'r, 13 Owen Street, Rarrie. Solicitors for Executors. , Dated at Barrie this 6th day of J anmu-y,` 1908. | -vvu- -vvv-v v- on- -..-a v -..v v- `a... -----..----an 1VWFBuLIuaE.l MADAME COCHRANE of To ronto has opened a studio for Voice Culture at MRS. DEVINE S, To~ [ronto St., Barrie, and will bethere every Thursday from 4 p.m. till 4 p.m. Friday; Madame Cochrane is a pupil of the famous Signor Garcia and Professor" Fred Walker,London, England, and of Madame Divivier of`Paris. VOICES TESTED Fm~:1~:.i Wogulf, ,IIlU_ *`UBb' D\(IU_ V}: ulcu. 1 In` `feply to the. question. "What help .#4$Tiifv1':+cotint:`y he; saM1`V.,`1.,1nt they ` .shoq!d';.;shu of: then: houses = =`38'89'it?.ti;__:.!!T9i.Y `V ?`d;&. 7. Idoniestic FARMERS I ....-..... _ -llI'tionu_l; }_'f{l`hjoT~;(3v(vernor-Cjeneta_l__. Grey, Amgntly heiore the-.in8lI8uta.l :;lu!Ich'eqn of the Women : Canadian `lub, Ildntreal, at `which Lady Drum- .~ and . presided. V highly recommended the work done b tho~_1,nen s,Gana- zdian Clubs throng out the Dominion. Go-ope;-avo union was necessary for the attainment of national betterment, and Clubs` made for use be~..t.axen up In Dinar cxuua. - No two peopl, Lord` .Groy- said, *w'e'r'e,' '01-e 1n,`need :of elch other than the ".I!`;'n,h . Enlih . ' The blend- mg ofthe` qnallifies of each apgtt, 91 an" ~ ~ =~1_. ;. n~.'...::* ._.a...=.~..n...`.a.a vvwngq. 0mce...- to let with vamt, the omces nowj oc cupied by G. A. Radenhux-st.,over the Bank of Commerce. Apply to ' .1 A Ilr I17?!` 1'7f\YGl\\Y .t.1ona1.-moI ~pany`s9.u~ _. . . He hoped the exunpjg wou1.d_.800!I bemtakn. p in other c2tx_es- ' 17.. a.... .. 14': 1.1.111 fhfnv. nid- % NOTICE. Elegant costumol. Sh ' ' - andreffectl. Plan at Roberts:-m a Drug Store. {I-sday. January 23rd. ' TOWN B A12R1E % HJCJI -3-4p l scenery. DUB. 3-5 Cbuncil, for I908 Gets on; ~ Standing Committees % Named-% M The `wise - .men `of Barrie, they will formulate he;-`laws and minister "to her `municipal `wants, had their 3 first or . inaugural meeting for the y_,'ear on... -Mo.nda.yv.a.m`or'_ning. . L It,_wa.s.' I_I ' .o cIbck a. m. when the members` Strode` into `the Council` Chamber`, each wearing thesmile of. condence that comes "from a popular endorse- ment'at the polls. ~ _ ~ 4 E .A.fter_the usual preliminaries, con- 1S1St1n_g of subscribing to and making the declaration of office, the Striking Committee to nominate the `standing commitees -was appointed, This com-.. - mittee was composed `of the `three reeves and the senior alderman from each ward, with Mr. A. C.- Garden as -Chai'rm'a-n. ' ` ' V e In order to_ aordv the Striking` Committee an `opportunity of com- kpleting their. labors; Council ad- i journed until the evening. ' -. __ _ ,-; 'lK-_-A .. J"""`"`-5 '---'-- ---v '-v---- - \ On resuming at 7.30 p. m., Mayor Bennett took the chair and .de_-hvered the inaugural address, athe'ful1 text ;of which appears in another column. .. The Mayor was heartily applauded at its conclusion. - = can now vv--'----.,__ A number of communications were presented, read zgndv referred -to thelr respective commlttees. ' A 1-\ 1 , , 1. ,-A15._Lf_._ P_', var, um. I p. m. 1 I ! % A. application for rthe office of Asses$or; - Niel -G. `Beggs, Inspector oi iPlumbing, reported on the condition yof sewer` on Worsle St., from op- ipOSitC the Baptist - hutch to Owen St. The sewer was described to be in a. bad condition, being blocked with clay, sand, nd sewage. `It was advised that the w and relaid. ` -~v V- --__'_-v_ hole be taken up anon`. - w---- up- Chairman Garden; t_epor ted the :'standing committees ifs follows`: Stand1n' g. Cornrmh `ies. Finance and Assessment--Beards- ley (Chairman), Vair,'; Evans, Ness,- Bothwell, Gartett.- fl 1.T_f,. lt"L_f` Markets and Parks-j-Vait (Chair- ;man), Ness, Garrett, Thompson, jjamieson, Garden. T` 1 15,1` 1'- 1;_-_. /f"L_Z._ uman), Coe.-y," Little Warnica, Gar- ----vuv--, w.--. -v._. Fire and Po1ice-Jackson (Chair-| den. _...- . .. .. :4`. - \ ugublic Wot-ks-Coey (Chain-man),` Warnica, Ness, Bothwell, Stap1eton,! Thompson, Evans. I (` ,..,_ (`L_`I-l \ VV.2.1tev1*:i.i-g-Tl`1;m::1't1d Sewers--Staple-I yton (Chairman), Jamieson, Little,` |Ga.rrett, Craig. 1-an .- M . `f__ Ness, Beardsley, Coffey. "`! """C I Transportation, Education and_ In-' digent--Craig (Chairman), 'L1ttle, ,,j ` Press, Advertising, Reception and lIndustries--Evans(Chairman), Jamie-5 son, Vair, Warnica, Thompson, Gar-I den, Jackson. . l ' P """" `V I Ald, Beardsiey reported the elec-1 txon .expenses_ to be $75.50 and an: jorder for then` payment was made. } Messrs, F. M. Montgomery, H. G." ;Robertson and ,Geo. Vickers were. [appointed as members of the Board [of Health. FARM OF 200 ACRES FOR `SALE T Deputy Vair inquired `.about thei ,heating of the {downstairs part of _the` market building and drew attenttoni [to the need of imptf9yement- ' - Clerk Donnell will communicate Vwith Messrs. Lennox and `McCarthy, ;M.P. s, re Trent Valley Canal an ithe Nottawasaga route. - I It YT` "'b."L}Ii'ZvZ2 }}.-ligpoantea M. H; O, for 1908. ' - 1 . , P._,_ \/ Aw: A !-r\Ju ` _The C_lerk was instructed to fur- msh a last of all persons in arrears for taxes. V - Complaints having been made asli to the inefficiency of the work of ;snow-ploughing, it was decided that `the.A1dermen of the different wards should exercise the supervision of same. ' I Ald. Thompson raised the question` iof some one taking the responsibili-=. }ty of seeing that the snow plowing iwas satisfactorily done. I .1 I".Lf_f " -_- ' Reeve Garden -sulggested the Chief! iof Police, but the matter was .left in_!_ Lthe hands of the aldermen for each, ` I iward. ~ -_ . . . . . . .. I W -V1'3A;eL=*1rci1lti;y]}i;1:< i` a query con- cernmg- the renumbering of the h'ot_1_ses. . g. A1d- Jackson said the matter` had never been _dea_l,h with, although re4 ferred to the committee last year. Barrie and Orillia engaged in the rst round of the annual cup com- petition on Tuesday,` but the 1oc' nished down both at home and` abroad. Scores. _:-- ' ' ARM FOR SALE-Being Part of North :}ofl Lots 16 and 17. Con. 11. Innisl. 68 acres more or less. well improved and good buildings. Terms easy. Apply to J. PR5. `. Stroudgo lo g A BIrrci._ f F `McNive n` F-. McPhefsjp1i, ` . . : H : Geo. Hogg F Toogood, . skip . . . . .. . skip .. ..._I_5 W. M. Harvey, G, Thompson, 1 " - skip skip, ....;12 J, _Grasett, Dr. H_arvie', _* Ts .p ..':..'.19 ._ skip ..:".;I3' A. G. Ha.-bbzck `L T. Mann, sh. }~ Skip s`kip;..; ..-.1512. "C-ouncil :;clvjour:V`17(=./xii; 3.50 p, `m. Barrie Fall of the Flag. Orillia Ahead anarirgt Round." BARBIE-ORILLIA cup.- Inquiries. ARM FOR quarter Lot 14. Concession 10. Innisl. 50 acres. near Stroud. In good state of cultivation. frame house. frame burn and "orchard, well watered. Possession March 1st. Apply to DONALD ROSS, solicitor. Barrie. tf _ (_)r`i1li" L If you want yo_mjbusii1css__tcr ad- Vance, advert1se zvn The Advanqe, ---`-Your cold` will soondisappear if you s 1and s ' Climax Coug1 -cure. Price 25. 1-: : "i33ni2"{vZ1I5;d Ngwmarkgt in an ; exhibi_tior_1 hockey game on` Tuesday `night at Crystal, Rink to the tune of r17 to I. 0-11 9' ' . ,,,.I ,,_ ; "reliable fists "at g_reat`:ly re-' * uced" "p& hfsl `E.`..'..r -Q3 In I-ruucv. 'BV-arrie juniors play Collingwdodn to-night (Thursday) in the '0. H, A. series. The `game _ takes place in Collingwood. ` Go to wnkinsonw tor an kinds of `dry also Slabs, ' sawed` an 3' st ' , and sold not con}. not 1: loadg. 1 . uuuwu y: u. . Fu_'r `Sig. e Darrxe ruuuc .I..I.ul"_u._y .DUi1| LI LU]. the. year 1908 is as follows: C. H. ' Bosanko, Rev. Dean Egan, A. Hag, Ar F. _Hunter, D . A. Mackay, b. Matt, I, F, Smith, J. D. Mi}1igz`1, T. % T. Young. . --I you. ufaiit a..Fur-lined Jacket, ' 566 the / s we are show- ing at our - earmg a. , nt E & King. ` ' 9 I PEI ?f4L-._ 4-- Chap 129, that a 1 cm itors of the estate _of ry Roskelly. late of the Township of Inma- l, widow. deceased. are required on or before the first day of February. 1908. to send to the undersigxxctl full particulars of them claims. y0TICE is hereby 'ven ursuant to a. -and further take notice that after such date the executor will distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto havmg I`c;:al'd only to claims of which he shall have received notice. - STRATHY 85 ESTES. 2-1 solicitors for Executor. uuu BULB UUI hurling Irv- svusnfro ! , M_is_s Olive, Nggar. won the `ladies skatxng contest at the `roller rmk on `Friday night. Theprize was a ve- ; dollar gold `piece. Eight ladies com- peted.` ` 5-A good thing to keep in the Ln:-n* $} n;nf_ inent, A Two sizes, IOC a.nd 25c- Barrie Public Library Board for -1.1.- --A-._ vnad :1` no `r\"tv.C o F` I-I . $333.33 "Limerick. The Lipton peo- havin one more Limerick, ILCVJII VIE` Ill!-III; aloaoas awn, ::!l_`1isT tune on 1.1` est made. Full assortment of avors at Bothwelrs. - ' | - _Mr, Jnq. Rogerson, .Treasurer of R. V. Hospital, acknowledges these donations :-Dr. McCarthy, $5.00; A Friend, $5.00; Mrs. R. McKee, $5.00; Harry Palk, $3.00; Mrs. W. Pearson, $2.00; C. J. Forbes, $10.00; l Mrs_ F. "M. Watt, $5.00. ` ff` 1 -.---_ _. ..._. ._.__, `v,__, _ The American Tobacco Trophy,l `now held by Barrie curlers, will be competed for here to-morrow. Bar- rie and Meaford are down to play at 9. a. m-, and Collingwood and Allis- ton at 2 p. m. In the evening the winners play off. There are four rinks a side. -If you feel that you need build- ing a bottle of Morgan s Restora- tive ' 0 I ,e_,_,only [by Wm. `Crossland. Price 50c and `$1.00 a bottle. Fish! Fish! We have for this` week W stock of Fresh Trout,, ;Ha!ibut_!`__ __ _ ' A ts Mack:` V - 1W7a7c i erel and Haddock, also s salt sh_ in abundance, at Bothwell. s. The next attraction at the Grand. Opera House is the Herald Square Opera Co. on Thursday evening, Jan. 23rd;, in the charming opera, j"A Trip to India, which has had a lsuccessful run this season. The at- [traction is playing `at popular prices, land should draw at large `house. Toronto Daily Worid and The Advance until Jan. 1st, 1999, for: only $2.50. '_1"o th_ose seekmg an. up-to-date danly thls is our best. % clubbing offer. Court North Star, No. 6826, A.Q.F. , `spent a very pleasant time on Friday, ; levening. Officers for the year were * `installed by Bro. Arch. Bidwell, D. : C. R., as follows :--P. C. R.--N. McEachern; C. R.--A. B._ Hug_hson;l, S. C. R.-G. Reid; 8. VV.--Wm- Budd; J. W.-A. E. Bidwell; S; B.- lo. Smith; J. B.--N. West; `Set.--M.. P, Du; T.r_eas.--R. Bidwell;. Trus- tees-P. Glennie, H. E. Reid, Arch- Bidwell; Auditors-Dr. Smith, T..i Nash, J. F. Appleby; Med.~OEcer--' Dr. Smith; Organist-J. F.. Kppleby, After installation a short program; was` carried out. This Court will! ..endeavor to make -1908 a. banner . 1' year. rqu rm-wt -w-vv-u- -- --._.._- 1 mutch`ed..x.eam of colts. coming 2 cars old. both by Gany " . Draught 00 t. rising 2 year old. by "Cameron ng mare, sorrel. 9 years old. A ply to L. . G- LEY. Lot 7. Con. 12, Innis. or Allandale P.O. 3.4 n . v You simply can t afford to do with-: out The Northern Advance. It con- [tains a vast` amount of newsy in-, ,' formation and as an advertising med-[ |ium- is unexcelled in the County. Try it in conjunction` with the VVeek1y Mail. Bothpapers until the end of 1908 for $1.25. , I ) The Ontario Life Underwriters i Association met here on Monday ini annual session. -H. E. Jory, F. T.i Grafton and W. `J. Hickey were` elected President, Vice-Presidenti and - Treasurer respectively. The. proceedings terminatedby a. banquet; ,ii'1"'th'e` `ev'en`in"g held at the Queen s. Messrs, H. C. Cox and,W. S. Milne of Toronto .wVereV;;.. among `those, who [delivered addresses. ~ ' E -"Mr. Frank Yeigh oi To:-onto,.thei iwellpknown _lecturer and magazincn wi"iter,, will` give one of his. popular` :travelr-. talks ' in `the Grand` Opera. House oli Friday evehing, Jan. 24th,` nude: the: auspic_e`s of the .Canadian Club. R The l,ecturo- is on The Cam` '_ .1; `-1 "l"`.`. .`l..'.."~-...i'e.A Imill Inn"-~nrn `Lino. .. LDC [CCCLIIC la uu Luc `Van ada. of To-da'y arid-will be` profusely illustrated byv stereopticon- views. -Mr. Yei`h has avracy, entertaining :_style an ' draws freely upon a large fund of bersonal. experiences. He "Should" be ., greeted . by a, `-`bumpe-r -audience. - _:S_ee advt, L, 0111 Monday evening Bar;-ie_ Lodge, No. ,6 I>.0.0.F.`_insta11ed' oicers -. ' ' asf'fol!ows`-:--P-. G.--- :r_ jLowe; siioivi-Yea` in:io'ui,.m `l Au vAuc2 5 .?` ` ` suiou: coo-in nu cgmg. ' 4 ; vfsiting in` Coldwater. ;.Wfj fi11,.-%-'IIQvii1'0n-`TI,1eSdi}3t.i ._`; 5-M`i;s"GVrac`e.:Otton. of. H'a.t'I:i1t o ."isj` , r ~--Miss Mary Craig, Bnaia. .st.,l':`}=;, `Mr. W. H. Hewson. of. P spending a few days withffr.iends in}; Town. ` .. ' ~ `T A `Miss M, Morr1'son_ has returned tow i:Toronto after s1_).endmg_. a. few weeks {here with her sxster. ' - Miss Iean" Fachnie Mos Collitig; wood is visiti_ng_ .her. ;,. Miss: Hazel Marshall, Worsley St- 11!-'P'.' VV UDL. Angus P. U. 'W'AN1`ED-llan and wife. without family. man to tend horgqs and cow and do gen- eral out-door work. arid `writes-$0.. era! }x!rJ)11rs`cvs'ork. Apply to GEO. RAIKE , $3 - . D Mrs. Ellis, Dulop 'St., has 1-.eVturn~ led from a pleasant stay of. several `weeks in Allegheny, Pa. "iMr.' Cecil Jory leaves on `Mor_1c_lay i for Winnipeg to assume a- posatgon i1_fthe offices of the Confgderatxon ~ 1e. ' ' ` To the Liquor License... Holders of Barrie. i Dear Sirs :--It is the desire. of every earnest resident of the Town that you live up to the requirements of your franchise. `Some have been doing this, others are continual transgressors. The latter are known. to us and the general public. - The pledge has gone forth. that the hotel men of the Town will insist upon all keeping the law.. A. man. Lwhose only consideration is- to sel- shly grab money under. any. and all conditions, without regard for hum- anity, law, or common decency, is man in name. only, and unt: to ad- Iminister a public trust,, ; We the undersigned,. your local `iexecutive, have been in. conieremce during the past week.with. the Gev~ ernment in Toronto- The): appprow 0d of our plans to urge and. compel the trade of Barrie to keep the law and keep hotel, and have proffered us all the assistance we: may need. along this line. There will be: no persecution, but remember, Gentlemen, you. have had la fair warning. It*s up to- each of iyou now to choose your course. The decks- are cleared` for action, and re- member there will be no qiiarter given or taken with those who con- tinue.-to-violate the laws. of this Pro~ vincea-. It will. be a. ght. to a. nish. '.We-all know who will win. . _ Yours Respectfully, (Signed) \1.V.. E. ALLEN, - D,> VVF. LeROY, graced by the presence of the D. D. G.',M., Mr. A. W. Rixon, P. G.; of ,Me.afor.d.. A number. o. condidates had the initiatory degree conferred ?upon them, the work earning-the warm commendation of" the distin. guished visitor. At the banquet which followed P. G. M_cLarty pre- sided. About 75 sat down. There was the usual toast list, interspersed with speech and song.-; the assembly b.real<`ing up at a late hour. The installation of oicers of Sig net Chapter No. 34.. G. R. C., took place on Tuesday evening, R. Ex. Comp. W. J. Sutherland was install~ ing master, being assis-t;ed by R. Ex. Comp- W, J. Hallett, and Ex. Comps. I J. C. Irwin, J. Shrubsole and w. .Johnston. The following. are the - oicers for 1908 :--,-R E. Comp. W.J. . Sutherland, I, P. Z.; E. Comp. Alex. - Cowan, Z.; E. Comp. F. W. Otton. .. H.; -Comp. F. T. Grafton, J.; R. E. . Comp-. 'W. J. H-allett, S. E.; Comp. J. -' H. Neelands, S. N.; R. E. Comp. Geo. Monkman, Treas.; Comp. R. J. Li Spmtt, P, 5.; Comp. H. H. Burns, S. H S.; Comp. M. Webb, J. `S.; Comp. J- r Cline, 3rd Veil; Comp. Jas. Roberts, 2nd Veil; Com-p~. W. Webb, Ist Veil; _,Comp. C. W. Carley. Jan.; Comps. _` F. N. Warren, Alex. Milne, Stewards; `Comp. W. H. Hewson, Stand B.; :'Comp. W_ C. Gilchrist, Sword B.; R. E. Comps. S. V/Vesley, Geo. Monk- man, Trus.: E. Comps. G. G. Smith, Wesley Cline, Ex.Com.;E.- Comps. J. `Shrubsole,, H. E. Jory, Ben. Com.: Comps. R. R. Raikes, J. C.,Irw1n, J. ' F. Palling, Ex`m. Bd.; Comps. Thos. l.Beecv`3ft, F. M. Montgomery, And. r I MoRDEN--FRE.K--At the Church of the'Messiah, Toronto, on Jan. 1st, 1908, by Rev. R. A. Sims, daughter of Mr. Wm. Margaret, Freek, Barrie, to Harley Morden _ of :1-Ia.milton._ GREAT qveneont s1E~ We hiwe about 100 Overcoats lett. seer A _ announces that during the session of Parliamen he will. in addition to beiniin daily communi cation with his orllce, be at is office in Barrie -on the following dates : 0 . Saturday. the 14th of December, 1907. Saturday, the 18111 of January, 1908. T Saturday. the 1s_t of February, 1908. Saturday. the 15th of Februur . 1908. Saturday. the 7th of March. 1 . Saturday. the 21st of March. 1908. Saturday. the 4th of April. 1908. _ _ Saturauy. the 18th of April. 1908. He will also be at his oice during the Christ- Ixnnn nnd nthxr var-ntinnn 48-ff lxte date, we do not I ran nuwvll,-IN Q'VA T ,ulMn~ um, limiied 3: % T`M-?' OPEN .. LET.T.ER.. MARRIED. `*7-T9?` ~~ . Mr. Haughton Lennox, M.P- K113 W111 U159 U6 El: ll_l5 UIJJ mas and other vacatxona. COLT AND MARE FOR SALE. , ,1! `AIL- -'._-!__. _-.__... `IA GRAND o1>::1u%%V~ noqgssii ` & Fiiflay. January Should be opened" at this time of year. -$1.00 is enough to start.with, but the more you can put m the better. There i__ nothing that gives such a. genume sense of se- curity as a bank account in an 1 old Reliable Bank like the Union Bank of Canada. Interest paid or added to principal 4 times". a year. ~ ` lunuttudd Iooture. L._At%:1n` Csntdlin Q1. .. M -pa1ons...1o'c, ya; _Pl`s'n;openI`_s`b , i .`< - ' V _ Jl_|||`__'g?>!_,.3'ho '4",.._.;L=,*;,_'5'? ' ' ~ `-"-:;!!!1`:?" vo'.. LVH. No.3 * w#i6JL: No. a.a1i;; " WESLEYacnl:Vl..Pv;onu'r6wo. I OF CANADA. ESTABLISHED 1865. % HEAD on-'uc+:,'auE,a;c. . :39 BRANCHES IN CANADA. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Dana` V-[oT1?tTf d9r|a9!! ANNUAL MEETING OFFICES TO LET Ch: 't`1'1'a ::i'l'>;e:`;bf' _ . -' .uvo 35.1115; -v A. VV. WILKINSON. 18808 . Jun. T6110: HID, R. Z : FLETCHER. Secretary. \.._._...___ :&NTED--'I`wo snan of He_avy Mare Colts- W Address BOX 30, Thornton. * Mare. ,} mum 3-3p arrie Horti- nent Societ Pl; I ire Hall at d to attend. Myers, secretary. G rie A icul- uncil ham- 22nd. 1908,-`at ecretary. DR :res cleared. nwood. etc , ram -10 x 100. never -tailing h corner of u and n`-unit.` 3 Fill. U] 51,9 % nooouououuooowhoc | :OOOOOOOOOOCOfOOOOOOOOOOO Ro9a!!9!I s~ 0 VU'1'1Ul!1_ 18 nereny glV6Il U135 U118 Anuuxu 1. Meeting of the Shareholders of the Barrie 'l`enning.Compan&` (Limited). will take place at the ofce of the Comnunly Bradford Street. in the Town of Barrie. on UESDAY, the 215: day of JAN UARY. 1908. at 3 o'clock p.m . for the purpose of receiving the report of the Directors for the past year. electing Directors of the said Compun for the ensuing ear and transacting such ot er business of t 6 Com- pany as may be expedient. ' 11-. .__:l_._ -1 LL- 1'I-_...I V V"OTICE is hereby given that the Annual % Meeting \'l`nnnino Dnmnnnv lI3Inifo1H 117! Malta nlnnn lllendalssohn Pianos} Lot 19, Con. 1, Sunnldale. 1'35 acres `balance bush.. elm. maple. basswood, etc, dwelling, 7 roomed frame house, barn lean-to stable, 30x36, good well. never-failin stream (Mud Rlver) runs through 0 farm. soil is 16;) acres of clay loam and about 40 of sand loam. a youn bearing orchard. 16 acres of fall wheat, and a 1 fall ploughlu done. It not sold by the 1st. of March. 1908. opto- erty will be leased fora term of years. Reason or selling, the ropzietor is going to the North West. Apply \ M. GOLLAN. on the farm. or Anzrns P, H 51.9 We have a. large amount of Private Funds to lend at 4} and 5 per cent othe seouritgof ood farm mortgages. MoCA THY, BOY & . URCHISON Dunlap street. Barrie. All kinds. Beat qynlity. . ' F R E_P_.i3;_99 K 31 1-amirv `cnuncn-I 's:rivIAc:s` 8.83 9.. m.--Ho1 Communion. .. _ T . .. _ 11 `n m _llmu-n nu Drnvnr `nnnrnlnn hv VIQ1 8.33 In.--uol Uommuulon .v , 11 `a. m.-Mo1'n 3 Prayer antlsermonb Viclflw 3 p. (191;-sstgndgy School `Yp.un8- eoplbfg Uutsses. ` { 1 . 1 p m.-Ev'ensong_ and Sermon by Vi_c;ax-. , Snfwrs Fiunc. . '. Am. A-.\Y": x)com rerun; you 1...-a -vu v-r- - By order of the B08?!`-5. ` n(`l____j\ BARRIE BRANCH J W. D. MORTON. Manager 135991?! Makes Pale People Rosy; riii Ilvju Ac-tic;n and Tone Regula-t'or. ` Pianos Always _on Band For Sa!e. 37-ly 36 JOHN STREET, BARBIE A lack of color in the face is sure . evidence of a. lack of iron in the blood. . It has been hard heretofore to supply , the deficiency. as the ordinar .pr_epars- . tions of iron discolor the tee `and de- .. range digestion. cousin constipation. . ` These objections have en overcome 4 in our a|.ooo AND uanva PILLS The iron is in a form ready to page in- ' A to the blood. Does good right from the ` start, makes rich red blood and gives ` energy and vitality. . ` 1 r-uas A-W-`!!.'|-.!`!N_`~.=`.9!`!7 TIC CCI C ii Phone :3. . 0111:. Ya}; IT-o;_:n FIRST-CLASS on`-. 313:; `;A';:':5n7r"'-"'-:7'7'- ~ `L alga: runners; 2 `@3993 1 . . A _. . _ The annual meeting te $51-rie icul-' ' tural Society `will be held in the Council `ber, Barrie, on Wednesday". Jan. 22nd.1908,-`at .1 n m. R. . . I4`LE l`CHl1.`R. .v `T VVOOI) IMMHNS WY. `Hard and `Sofia. Sawed and Split suunnv. _.m_NuTI5B%v 1,91-ai."j 1oo PILLS 25 CENTS`. Ali furs noyv oti hand at your own prices`, foolish to quote gures. We can. do you one better than? the lowest. V _ New Spring Hats just to hand. Choic Mauigb. and Family Low prices. value) at NOTICE. MONEY TO LOAN.` I I111`. nuuuou AV1UU|lll UI. IJJC Jaunlua LIIIIBI clllturulana Town xmprovement will be held on Thursdav. Janunr 16th, 190 at the Police Court Chambers at at S p.m. All members are requested J. H. BENNE'I"l`. H. B. President. Secretary. 9.9 ~ m- 1 Door: EAST or BARBIE noun. an; +a~aT _.--_ -_.I II`--- `I)......|-;... "P. O'c_OlltLLv"P!'0PY1.0.!'- ..._... A--.--anus.-n*' C.-n . -- n \l AJVI-A L Zgigneda W G. H. ESTEN. Sam-e1 ----SOLD BY --- --ONLY AT- `rm: I'N'r:nes'rs_ ,6!` aAan|:`, 1'H: cbsmrv or` smcoe: mo Tl-IE common or cmaba` oun `cm"r:moN. F 1. IIILV , Secretary. -1AImII~:.;* OF` SIMCOE, ONTARIO, 1JANU_ARY 16, 1905. {ion has Tow}: IN Tm : MATTE or Tam ESTATE orb" RICHARD 8 TH CUNDLE. late ot the . Town ot_Bu-rie. Esquire. Deceased. r N O'l`1 Q_E is hereby given pursue. nt'to` R-. S. U 1897. Ch: 1-.129. rsect on 38, that all creditors and othe aving any claims _ net the estate or the said te Richard Smx Cundle. who died on or a ' ut the lbth day of.December, `Ill?! altar vmnul nn nr hnfnrn the; 15th (18.1 Of solicitor for the ex ` ~_ ' which she shall `ut"the i of. December, 1907, are .g on or before the 15th day of February. 908. " .~ send b .Dost prepaid. or otherwise delive `V .- G. A. adenhurst. Barrie. an of the securities i ~ . AND FURTHER O is hereby given, that after the said lastme u` ,_-ned date. the said executrix will proceed to. -V. ibute the assets of the said deceased among 2 on executrix will not be liable for any art thereof, `so distributed .-to =3; 0! w ose claim notice shall not havi ` eeived at the time of such distribution. `-3.; Dated this 10th day-of January. 1908. `E3, . G. A- RADENHURS1`. Barrie. ` ~ 3-4 6-6 ~ solicitor for Executrix. ' R s.o.1s97, cusp. 129. Creditors "of the Estate of Emma Roskelly.. lateof the. o wnship otlnnisl, in the County of Simcoe, Sp 2 . who died` on or about the twent -ninth d .- March. AJ). 1902. are re- quire to send pa are of their claims to the undersigned on or be . - the 1st day_ot_ Febru- ary. 1908. after which (. .-. the administrators will proceed to distribute _ -. assets or the estate among the parties entitl ereto, and will not beiiable for the said as ' to any. person whose claim shall n_ot have 3 received at the time of distribution. LENNOX. cowim" 8: BROW 7 rrie. Solicitors for the Ad inis I'\..5..A 01-... 1401. Ann 1;! Innunrv `I \R A NOTICE TO cnnntroltsi DOHCIEUKS I01` L110 11 Dated the 14th day or January, I GRAND ovum nous: Tun: Annual Meeting of the Barrie Hom- xntn Inn ham nn 'l`}nn-adnv Janna!-v `lth. I90 .