Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 26 Dec 1907, p. 8

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} Mrsivw. 1. Hunt and family of To- :-`onto were Xmas visitors at `Mr. D. !McMillan s, `Cumberland St. v-- J Vrvon uv Su'pt.ii'1i`_iin has received an extend- ed leave of absence. The duties of the position will be discharged by Asst. Supt. Lynch. Mrs. R. Hubbert, `Bradford St., .l1ad the misfortune recently to fall, break- ing her thigh bone. ` some fteen years. `,,.,. rn-no . gsucu uauuiuua UI I.cCLULall5II1. ow the tide has turned. The emo- `tional wave has receded, and left but a dark and poisonous deposit of indii- fcrence behind. We are reminded `by its pitiable plight of what Lord Ch'estereld- once said of a man who diedin debt: At any rate, it show- ed: that the party had credit at one time or another. 'l`I_ _ . n Sparks and Mis_s dyf<:?sit`rsre_. H. ;oro;}to `were hol1- vgfcm - K . ~. .- ; ghlxn of B, m sp~'.fx'395ii*,W}thj?:his dauui 1.: hubgushene G` with her M-1'53 Nil:-s. Wm. Carter` of Appleate, -Mich. is visiting? Mrs. N. Wheeler, Penetang St. -5 T L ' -Mr. and Mrs. Tomato are ho] J. Edwards -. 7 Mr; and Mrs. `Geo, Franklin of Pete :-borp `are visiting -Mrs. C. %W. ._Brqwn.,, , . Mi`. Frank 5. Graham of Chicago is visiting his mother at Courtviewe His Worship the Mayor and` Mrs.` `.Bem_1ett- were in Aurora for `Christ-' ` mas. - 4` . Miss VAda` Otton is spending the! holidays with friends in Napanee. I {z _ ___f.J- -u--vu I wwritf` 3 T ooogoooooooaouooouuoooo $',.CL_ERIC.AL `ATTACK `Upon TOTAL ABSTINENCE. A Mrs. C. Palk and Miss Gladys are visiting friends in North Bay. I `spa 1 vvVVV7V .."... Socielyhnd People OOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Two small nieces" of the groom, Misses Bertha Taylor and Freda VVilson of Toronto were ower-girls. Rev. Canon Murphy ofciated. The happy couple left" on the evening` train for Toronto, the bride travell- ing in a navy blue chion broadcloth Isuit with hat: to match. \ SARJEANT We thank the people of Barrie and surrounding country for the liberal patronage given the New Fur and Cloth- ino` Store and wish one and all b . A Happy and Prosperous New Year. Irs. _Suther1and nsteele of ihohday visitors at Mr. s .` ' " ' Miss Mabel tM_cManus, _ age nine. wishes to thank her many friends who rallied to her; support in Vick- fr7 Vdting Contest, `enabling he` .jt0,[8t_$e.I1d p_i?i'ze 6011. And wishes %' ` lI"3"; NewI_._Ye`ar. . lMILLER--At Lefroy, cm smmmg. Dec. 21st, 1907, `Samuel Miller, aged J 68 years. R~O`SKELLY--At Painswick. on Dec. 16th, I907, Mrs. Mary Roskclly. aged 83 years. . BARKER--At Newmarket, on Dec- ` 20th, 1907,, Pearl May, beloved wxfc of Mr. Robt. H.:Barker, aged 27 years. Interment at Edgar 0" Monday. YOUNG_--At Craigvale, on D60 23rd, I907, Alice R. Maneer, belov- ed wife of Mr. George Young aged 33 years. FOR'D.s-At- Victoria, B.C.. on Dec- Ith, .1907. Amy Cross, beloved .;wife_of- G. R. Ford, formerly Of .Barr1e. - j Mr. Archie Cundle of Butte, .\1 and Mr. Ardagh =Cu`ndIe of Grxjrit Falls are spending a month with their mother here. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. A. Grcg'0r_v 01' Winnipeg are staying with_thc lat- ter s parents, Mr. and .\Irs. S. D}- ment; Mr. Wm. Jerrett of San Fraxlciscn. who has been visiting at Mr. .~\. Cunningham's and Mr. M. \\'chl>'.~`. has gone to Cleveland to spend thc Christmas holidays with his daughter. Mr. and Mrs.[ Clifford I-1_v1_:1H'1 little son of St. Thomas were .\m:x~. visitors at Mr. Fred .\Iarr's. TFIURSDAY. DEC. 26th, sualaar. 3*? the .- kept . - hows p;ctu_t=_ 5 . CLOTHING ab FURNISHINGS, Etc. MEN'S AND BOYS ' ,~.l_.n.I;y.. .pl U_V. -;W,Ul'lC3.' exaqe Act.` in` Barrie` should is! 3iil?i;31$r~A_.j1Ai,fdi*cfed. A ` H_1ot1 :;kfe`.epers (,:bTe"<=.Qi1.1'I5Vel_1ed to_lnve~ up to.the *-f_.f1h, law, and,` if. -they do not .6;,:'sh.ou.ld. be driven ou_t'.of the ,1. ;`i?i;C>7f'wait;j`for thnee years_mq're and % gig` ghjcrf places test Local Optxon be- 01` `,`_,p;,; :a,Anc_l Barrie ._n_eeds -all the busi- ,.s'she has `It is `sf beid plan ' t6 "ap horses` `when crossing- a eam. ' j;,;a1iIf's's"'vv -without compunction: Bet-' W__._;'_ gain` introducing cqnditions "g}_q 1_3:ir~' tow the Scott Act. Tunes are }:_t_ j'g'_..:guiet;r,T the money market is . "CARD on THANKS. Orillia % E. w.cooL1:Y DIED. in K; . 4 "1 _ u 'O - _ i`:bge"tem15rance.. igfajceok. of the 'di'1c`ulty of _ ' "s the V;-`majority is` very large. ' ` , h5:._,they prove worthlress. A-` ' 14z`;`:~I :....*......-. :.. n...._.- -u.---u V :7 I334. arbitrary`-1a'ws -of this kind, A 1."! y_r-: 1% `rl)=` 53$?-.}=sx _ ` -=.Res1;>ectfu1l.$r, A. `(Signed) ; W. ALLEN. ;,AND I?'5W9 ; A T ,,,`_._..-., -- -vvv A-Llnllnlsclo _ Cases have come, beforeethe Te- ronto Assocxated Charxties of late vyhere immigrants were oifered posi- tlons and refused to take them un- less more money was forthcoming. I } - 1 V GOOD50 acre term withins or smilesot Barrie. Buudings not essential. ` T 10 to 40 acre market garden or well culti- *_ vswd mun, within 8 or '4 miles `of Battle. A 100 sere term. within 19 miles of Barrie. V Ehsve good cash `ctgzfstomers for this kind x pt prppettiem. saw A linal dividend ofA4% cents on the dollar was declared on Saturday by the liquidators of the Atlas Loan` Company _of `St. Thoinas. -.'...-v.n -BoVyIe.o.f Toroto has `been eleted a memberof the Anth- ropology and Ethnology Society of Italy. \ . ` ' Toronto hotelkeepers have agreed to advance rates so cents a day. `| ..L.. n--- ,r 1Ir v -.-__v +7-C7? V w A A Uh! lb \J(Jc John4Ross of West_on `died of `in- jurie received -by betng thrown out of 1115 cutter. - Evmpfs qr Tl-IE WEEK Fred.wI-)'e'r_1i)y, a farmer of Fair- bank, was held up_ at the point ofa` revolver and robbed, . . in the city. l AC 333;` N- ~ I Ministers and temperance workers assert that they are unable to `ac- count for the rejection of the -law. I: seemed to have worked in a sat- isfactory manner, though the trav- elling public complained that no hotel accommodation was available ,, 1,, .__ _x__, .1 , { Ill Ell` `such , Of 403 ballots cast, sixty-seven per cent. were opposed to local option. Sixty per cent. had to be registered against the law to bring the saloon back} j The wiping. out of local option in` the Neepawa district, experi- ence of more than twenty years, is declared in the West to be a blow to prohibition that will practically. de- stroy for all time the law in Western Canada; - IO.- 11. 12. I3. 14. I5. 16. ` I7. 18. 2o. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. ;nYn:i4inAh~-M vow? .--_-4 an u ;.t::. 13; 5..'.l}p. 4 Theystand`inlg'ol_t'l'le rst 25 upto 6 .p.m., Monday, Dec. 23rd v.-- . I; MADELENE FRANCIS. -2. MABEL McMANUS.? 3. _ EVELYN BOAG. 2 4. Katie Brown . -. . . . . . . Barrie 5. Marjorie Johnson . Allandale 6. Mary Ross . . L . . . . . Guthrie 7. Bessie N ess . . . . . . . . . . Barrie 8. Alice White . . . . . . Barrie 9. Mar uerite Carley . . . . Barrie Ida napp . . .~ . . . . . . . . . Barrie- II. -Loas Ness.....` . . . . . ..Barrie Marion L. Patterson . . . . Barrie Eliza Jones. . . . . . . . . . . Utopia Dorothy Boys . . . . . . . . . Barrie Mabel Cheesman . . . . Barrie Helen Laidlaw. . ..` . . . . Barrie I 7. Mary Stone. .- . . . . . . Phelpston Laura B. Mathews . . . . Barrie 19. Alice Nash. . . . .. .- . . . . . . Barrie Blossom McKnight Thornton F lossie Touchette . . . . . . Barrie Beatrice Collins . . . . . . -. . Barrie Grace Mason . . . . . . . . . . Barrie Itcila Dougall . . . . . . . . . Barrie Leola McDonald . . . . . . Barrie i i The -threepriee_dollies we been delivered `to the three winners, and, as the standing of. the next 22 Candidates is very close, there promises to be an exciting time for the 6 Consolation prizes, which are on view at this store; i i LOCAL opnon WIPED There. are 273 names on the list and as a consolation prize;`6 more dolls willibc` given the 6 little girls with the highest standing on Mon- day, 30th inst. ` Voting` continues until 6 o ciock on that day. V . ~ 1Mi*BEL%IMANUS%d;gts secoml EVELYN BQAG `is "favored with " The Voting ?Cor'1test inaugurated by, us w_i_ll he .`lc'mg`~+_rih;mbered as; the m ot_ " "eatljiqgg-. contest `that has ever.`_1,ta`.l r1 place] in th_ history` of this "store. L It h`iaS'srved its purpose fromjan {advertising point of view, andalso added Lhristmas Cheer-_to the hearts of ` three little girls, be- -sides giving enjoyment to scores who `joined in the" race. `so cheerfully played their part = to .'We`eohgratuiat;e the wihners, and thank the patrons of this store who- make it `such a success. .4.` :'MADELENE. `FRANCIS; `Qinner. n("Ll.L..`-....a. __.:..- .1_n-V . _ rnw my du1nb1e1ui1d1ng1oea.5.,- gmgggg "1V:'"x'xse. V wag": ii:gd. , u Luautu, Lu-uay I.H.CYC 15 H0, thmg as local optxon -1n force of the lakes m Canada. Men who avoid alcohol need excite.- ment of some sort or another. This, no doubt, accounts for the noisy nonsense they are so apt to indulge in. I notice that the National Brit- ish Women's Tem_perance Associa- tion has just been `holding its four- teenth annual council at Leeds. One _speaker said that the twin evils of V drink and gambling.must (notice the imperative) be killed at the same` time. `Now everybody who knows anything about, the ' subject knows perfectly well that drink and gamb- ling `are, to at great extent, comple- `mentary; as one wanes the other waxes. Dr. Arthur -Shadwell says in his"usefn1 hnnlz D-inb 1`nm-nu MONDAY, DEC. 23r_d. Continued from Page Three. to-day ther_e is no, .. Guthrie . I .. . . Barrie I . 0.0 '\I Barrie` OUT. ' -Mrs.-..MacNic o1 of Mimi-! co arch holiday visitors at Mr.` G. Pouches? K; A . V, . _ ,, . V of__ Butte, AMon_t.[, Vis *_ar:,_s_.1.31:ngL; .l,_,1_,'3:;1<[..parents, Mr.` __`a:ndi vvaACa_. JJ1. I'\l LlH.lI' 'Dr|3.(1Weu. In hlS useful book, Drmk, Temper- ance and Legislation, The sober nations in the South of Europe are lerce and incorrigible gamblers; and in our own country, as intemperance has declined, betting has become. in- creasinglylprevalent among the work- mg classes. \v %;1\VI_;s',"`,S't1jinget" of ' Port Dovefi ris staying`f=V~ with `he: vsister, !Mrs."%`EJ` Hill, .%`?P11?`??}*?**F%`_%5%*s%%5 V ,., ..-._... a , l -William Early s :young child w,l_1Q.has been seriously in is much im1:g1v'o\`rec__z)_A _ ' L . V v '1{4} . R.'_ .Orawford or 'Chap1eau is `spending the` holidays with" his fam- _ils"~hr._e. -` " A - *...-.... 1.. glad Mrs. John Logue and Mrs`; DeWitt `visited in Toronto last wee . % ' _ . V Mt. Bro-wn of Sfsoud is staying with: his daughter, Mrs. J. S- Brun- `. V . L Mrs; Pearce is 'entert1ining .h=er sisterand brother-inilaw from To- rcnt_o._- - \ - " ` 1`\JIIrs.Z `x:z'ttt"s:;_>V with `her parents 1n. East "goronto. Mr. and Mrs. `- Fred. Norman were recent visitors in Toronto. ' A` :_ Mr.:vH`a1verson of? Michigan is`a't Mr. I. Pu1'la'n s.V - Mr, James Patton of `Saskatoon is` `a guest "at `Aid. TMcM.or'ran s._ ` ' vuv ?llCl [JGICLIF3 Ill-l.'4dIp J-UIUIILU. On Th`1.'u`sday, Dec.` 19th, a. son .td -Mr. andMrs. W. J_. Patterson. 1-; The 713lilble, with its Cana of Galilee .incident, has always been an` incon- venience to the teetotal enthusiast. I-Ie prefers to appeal to judges and magistrates, who say severe things about the trade now and again. He forgets, as Mr. Crosland reminds us, that these legal gentlemen are con- noisseurs of port and old brandy to a man! V Ms;f%LL.":'j%'1=6{1ci{er and`1vis. J. T.` _Clark visite'd in_Toro:_1t~o last week. Mr. 3n&7"7`Mr."Ii Riddell spent Xmas in Tqttenhanj. Mr, W. Little of Toronto_ was an over-Sunday visitor here. V ' 'Mrs(.i G. Sbearin is visiting her par- ents in Collingwood. ' -go. Mr. vvf "I3T1V{"is holidaying with his parents in Ottawa. - I ` " "'"""' ... .| Mr. Gallagher is vxsmng h1s mother in Stratford. = Miss \Vilson is holidaying in Lind-I say. Mr. Weldon Lawr`is home from Newmarket. ' Mrs. G. Whitebread of Toronto is visiting here. ' . Mr, Fred. Dollery. has been visit- ing -in Toronto. - Mrs. W, Little of Torbnto is visit- ing her_ parents. ' ` I cur rs 3096900ooooooooooooooooooog ytrenichant terms with the total ab- ;~s't3fnence movement. -He says :-`-The j;ri$e_and progress of the total abstin- :- fence movement is one of the most ..melancholy illustrations of arrested -.1, '-idfevel0pment in our time . If started f1}`.V'\'vith pure `zeal, lofty aims, earnest ~`.';*a!_1d well-meaning leaders. For a ` `time it worked wonders. Temperance qsocieties sprang up likemushrooms. :._...Father Mathew made converts by the million. He made teetotalers at the rate of over 2,000 per day. "In .1839 he is said to have taken 30,000 `ifpledges in one day at Clonmel, and .. from I00,000 to 150,000 in two `days `at Limerick. We may be sceptical or credulous, but these belong to the ,.great traditions` of teetotalisrn. "KTA.-. LL- LZ_I_ I--- 1 An;;EnglishT Free Church minister,` fywriting` the other week to the Man-A 1,';4:h"est'er ` Daily Dispatch, deals in O oooooooogoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Mr. R. McMillan has returned from! Hamilton. .. , | THEBUSY SIXTH FINE DRY GOODS MILLINERY MANTLES %Ba@rrie GEO. vncxmzs ITEMS or NOTE RROM BARRIE S RAILWAY QUARTER. 3:: of. Butte; Mm, 4- 5 IA `how? %.wds1ins i Ace : wen; ~Mi.` JaudiI*%%%Mr `mi .TA`~`--?.9-v`1"`.5'--`:""-`A`_"`. -F".r `=9a;~ `.34.. .hoq_1e.jqf.-,the;.,b " ` Mm _ V j ses -.u u ucuu. uusulat; iuu: Ul; I116. The fact is, teetotalism is a faulty i_d:ea1.~ I-f offers no natural, or rea- sonable, or scientic iprinciple of `conduct. It breeds moral priggish- fgness-; it warps education; it _destroys 2:in.nocent gaiety; it is a futile, cow- ardly` "policy of life. The child is :\ta'-:1Ygl`t in the Band of Hope to fear what. `he ought to be taught to con- Vtr`o\1._ "Surely the aim of education is to inspire courage and self- control. Teetotalism knows nothing of heroic resistance. It wins the battle by running away. Retreat or perish is its motto. No wonder the tee- 'totaler_ keeps the book that coun- background. sels moderation and valor in the on u _ _ _A., B. ., was the_. preacher in the , wt 1:: new. 1.. .11.. L, `snore, M. e'vening.` The day __s` c_ontributi o`ns were-fty.,per..cen_1:; .m d_'v'anc of last ..5`=1`r, " - ' -. - .'~.,..` -A. . ...._ _.` All the members of the I. O. F_.' are requested to attend the meeting to-night (Thursday). when there will be the annual election of officers. The funeral of the late I. H. Moss took place on Tuesday afternoon from Burton Ave. Methodist Church, where Rev. A. J. Paul conducted a service, to Union cemetery. A very successful 5. .S. `entertain- ment and Xmas. Tree was held last ; Frxday` evening `in Burton Ave. Meth- odist Sunday School. There were two . trees, one -for.t.h=e' children of the S. 8.; and the other for the "Fred Vxctor ~Mi'ssion,~ Toronto. e_ Proceeds about ? ' $3 ,, A Rev. Dr. `Galbraith of .Toronto preached in Burton Ave. . M.etl_nodist Chm'c_h last . j Sunday _-morningg the. . occasion of .th*e" jMissip narfy ;a.nTniv e_'r- ` liaryawlgle `Rev. T. .E. `Shore, .. ...`..-n.- __'-_;L.;_ - ___-..-J - nnw . VM1-s. _I.VB:"z1\/IcDonalciv;avas fhel re-q cipient of a beautiful Bible by the members of her Bible Class "of Bur- ton Ave. Methodist Church. ' ` .. Mssrs. Percy Morrison of Bud- b_ury and Will `Morrison of Victoria Universny, Toronto, are rspending the Xmas. holidays here. `IWA Y `I'\ it v` - . -..__ vvu %\II\avVDVIr\vlo ` `Congratulations to Mr. Norman E. Dollery, who was married on Christ- mas Days to .Miss Jessie Collins, Henry St. I _ -.___ V. n\.I\.n `Jun Mr, Rosvear '1-eturneini from Coburg on Saturday and has resum- ed his work at Coldwater. (`Q `l'\Iissi '1;'I-ingay of Niagara Falls, N. Y., is holidaying at her. home on Sanford `St- ~Miss Mina Ross is home _from Peterboro for the Xmas vacation. f, II? Ir 77 - Iusnnu U1 GUULIICI . The explanation of this singular reverse of fortune is very simple. eV\/`hat began as a faith became a fanaticism; what started free ended in servitude; simple zeal took the form .of self-righteousness, and .a warm, impulsive sent:iment`froze in- to a hard. dogmatic rule of life. rpl-an Cast :1! 4.....A.-L-l__-- , 1-

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