Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 26 Dec 1907, p. 2

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- -' T ` T A delicious drink and a sustaining food. Fragrant, nutritious and economical. This excellent Cocoa maintains the system in robust health, and enables it to resist winter : extreme cold. L ll uvs uavnu uuu IIIVL C than TWICE AS MUCH DRUNKENNESS, m the prohibition states` .of America, as. in the states . _ under license. % Local. Option; in your town wi11,subst1tute make-be - elieve morality ffcire the _ 4 , manning sew?`-5'-'='t; l` Option is the hysteria A_ of the. folk who would govern communities by the emotions instead of by the reason. These pretend that the by-law ` will check the abuse of It alcohol. ' IS a pretence for statis- tics show beyond chal- lenge that there is more i liquor a sold, ._ and more V 4.1. .-..amnn'n1:1 111 11774-111 local Option ls % Hypocrisy illf YWCG` gnunity, tucohonnrao 1355 onduess, ,.s39.009.200. 00 29.901.240.00 gsingns. I THOS. KENNEDY, ARCHITECT. Oice, O:xgtatio_Block, Dunlop St. ' eral postal `business, -Zduge ' in part to Rural mail delivery began in the. United States in 1897, Mr. Armstrong said, with 83 carriers and an expendi- ture of less than `$15,000. In 1907 nearly 38,000 carriers were engaged, and the cost was nearly $27,000,000. Notwithstanding this enormous in- crease "in the cost of rural delivery, the total postal decit in the United States was actually less in 1907 than in I897-standing at $6,692,000 in the latter year, as compared with $11,411,- 000 in the former. Part of this show- ing is due to the fact that the num- ber of post olces has been largely reduced since rural delivery came_ in- to effect. The number of post-oices S -in the United States in 1901 was 77, - ooo. .-Had the normal increase con- tinued until last year 90,000 would be in _existence to-day, while as a matter A of factthere-were only 65,6o0 in 1906, T the` date of the lastuavailable returns. The reduction in the number of post? o`ices,_ the saving .by_5the abol_ition of _ stage `routes, .-and, the ,_i`ncrea_,se _i1i ,;g,n- the rural delivery system, . have cau`s- __ ~:ed...a._reduction`of well on to: one-half; =1 `injthe decit on 'tli'e_ -entire, service.` [.;' 1$m:t*.J BEGGS, ARCHITECT and (`Jun `l:`m...'..-.;.. na:-- THE BALL PLANING MILL Company. -Carpentering, building, and:manufacturing of doors, sashes, blinds, mouldings, etc. Planing of 3 all` kinds done promptly and satis- factorily. `Hot blast drying kiln. District Agency f r grained lum- .ber."_ Factory, Ba ' eld `street, Bar- = rie. Rodgers '8: Gallic, successors , 'to Geo. Ball, _ ST_EWARL'_I`3" & `STEWART, `BAR- I-:A......- \T..4.....Z.a.- D1\1;n $70,000 FOR INVESTMENT ON good freehold security at lowest rate of interest. No principal F money required until end of the term: `H. H. Strathy, Solicitor, etc., Barnc. Having spent 4 years Post Graduate work in British Hospitals and having served as Clinical Assistant in Golden Square Bar, Throat & Nose Hospital, London Royal London Ophthalmic Hospital (Moorelds) ; for a. term as Resident Surgeon in Royal London 0 hthalmic Hospital; Bristol Eye Hospital, Bristo : and Birmingham Eye H08()itaT, Birmingham : former Member of British phthalmologxcal Society. OFFICE-78 DUNLOP STREET, BARBIE. Phone- 51. P. O. Box. 96. :T UN.WIN. MURPHY & ESTEN, ON- `tario Land 'gl`lI'v9\rnc-c `l.T.....:........- W. AULT, BA-RRISTER, SOLICI- 4..... 13-.-...c.-... `M noon-u Fnnxyntrannnr L.R.C.'P. 8c S. Edinburgh; M.F.P. &. S. Glasgow ' ` ---SURGEON-- DR. J. A. c. EVANS, MEMBER opi % annm RAILWAY GUIDE. LENNOX, .COV_V!AN ,&` BROWN, Barristers, `Solicitors for obtaining probate of wills, guardianship and administration, and` general Solici- tors, Notaries, `Conveyancers, etc. , Oices, Hinds block, No.6 Dunlop street, Barrie. Money to loan .at 4`./2 and 5 per cent. Branch ofces at Creemore and Alliston.. -Ha ugh- ton Lerrnox, Alex. Cowan, G. E. J. Brown, L.L.B. " G. A. RADENHURST, -Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, &c. Of- ce--Ist oor Bank of Toronto . Building. Money to loan at low- est rates. lDR. -ROBERT S. BROAD, PHYSI- 1 cian, `Surgeon, etc. Specialty--Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Ofce and residence, cor, Elizabeth and Brad- ford Sts. (Dyment Gore.) `Phone 105. Box 456. DR. MORTIMER LYON, 31 Carl- ton St., Toronto, late of Brooklyn, (N.Y.,) Eye and Ear Hospital, will be at 67 Owen St., Barrie, every Saturday. Diseases Eye, Ear Nose and Throat. Consultation hours II a.m. to` 5 p.m., and by ap- pointment. STRATHY & ESTEN, BARRIS-I ters, `Solicitors in High `Court of Justice, Notaries Public, Convey- ancers.. Ofces over the Bank of Toronto, Barrie. Money in sums of $2,000 and upwards, to loan at 5 per cent. H. H. Strathy, K.C., G. H. Esten. % 7*DR. J. CUR'IE SMIT-H. 01%} - n n u A a an 00-nn DR. W. A-. ROSS, PHYSICIAN, `Surgeon, etc-, L.R.C.S., Edin., L.:R. C.P., London. Offices and night residence, Brown s Block, Dunlop street, Barrie. Telephone, 77. DONALD ROSS, L.L.B.; BARRI'S- 4.... CA1:-:L;-.._ AL- .Dno~1n A: l`n..n. H.T. ARNALL, `M..D.:,C.M., 'O. .FFICE-I \ in Bothwe11 s block, Allandale. On \ the premises at night. I:I"1;3_WSOI`\T-& CRESWICIE, .BA1i-' \ - risters, `Solicitors of the` Supreme "Court of Judicature of Ontario, Proctors, Notaries, Conveyance:-s, % etc. Money ,to loan. Oice, Ross V Block, Barrie. C. E. Hewson,K.C. A. E. H. Creswicke. W "" lI lI III-I-Iv w-v --v- v vr H'No new name will be addedtothesub crlption List until the money is paid. Subscribers now in arrears for three months and over will be charged $1.50 per annum. 1141.: go DDUUD, and Civil Enginer. `Bosanko Block. T of Plumbing. Eye. Ear. Nose 6 Th;-oart, 111 ;AV, Au.\Jl\I:'fl.1 N UN tario Land `Surveyors, Engineers, etc. Established 1852. Oice,-Med- ical Building, S.E. corner Rich- mond and Bay Streets, Toronto. Telephone, Main, 1336. Instruc- tions-l_eft with Strathy V & Esten, - olicitors, Bank of Toronto Build- ing,` Barrie, will be`"promptly at- tended to. ` .I.nvvru\;: cc 9:4.-b.vvn.:.\;. . . 2 *: rxsters, Sohcztors, Notarxes Publxc, vand Conveyance:-s. Moey to loan in-~axty"sums'_ `at 5 pt}: cent. -Ofce, 13 Owen street, Barrie. H. D. Stew- art, L.L,"D., D. M. `Stewart. IL` L V9111` 1. loan at 4% terms of 1 Cowan & B1 ters, etc. V. ILKJLAL JA"LJ.\.'L\1g.JL.I.4J.\, J\lJd'l-\.lJ- D tor, Proctor, Notary, Conveyancer, etc. Special attention in drawing `and probating wills, obtaining let- ters of administration and: guardian- ship, collectin-g accounts, etc. Of- ces, Ross block, Barrie. Money to loan. I1.\. J. 4;. \J- uvnavo, LVLILLVLDILIX \JI." Coll ge of Physicians and Surg- eons, Ont. Graduate of Medical Faculty of Toronto University. As- sociate-Coroner of County of Sim- coe. Ofce and residence, William Street, Allandale, Telephone 303. Telephone connection with Holly, Painswick and Stroud. )R. A. T. LITTLE, late of Churchill. Ont. Ofce and residence John St., near corner Elizabeth. Phone 213. L\ JO \- \ l\L\J.L.J hI'.L'J-ELI-Ln ce and residence, Collier street, Barrie. Phone 61. - l\J1Vl'lL.4l..l 1\\J>JLJ, .I4.L4-1.1., .1J4n.L\L\IL~: ter, Solicitor, etc. Bank 0 Toron- to Building, Barrie. Money to loan. During the past few months Mr. Armstrong of East Lambton has de- voted a good deal of time to a study of the rural mail delivery system in the United States. In the course of his enquiry he visited Washington, where he obtained full reports on the cost and working of the system and its eect on farm conditions in the neighboring States. The results of this enquiry were placed before Par- liament in a speech delivered by the member for East Lambton on the 6th and 9th. ' "DI-.3. ARTHUR ROSS. JADVER'r1sE' IN `MANUFACTUR/ERS. MONEY , TO LOAN. 9 r vn \a\vAIIu. o'f' - rggayment. Lennox, Brown, `Solicitors, Barris- IQ. Ancnzrncjrs. sURvEYoR'._ PHYSICIANS. FINANCIAL. TLEGAL, 6 W) p.111.`-'1' U1 mama; n-u , wod and Meaford. _ "`u.1o p.m.-For North Bay. halt Special.) `Daily including Sunday. 5.5.1. L \JL' AVLK/IVE and 5 per cent. 0-n_l\nuoo~nA..l. 4 ll-\'\.I.l..lL L J-Ia\a .I. 9 Er. Ofce, over Town Inspector THURSDAY, DEC. 26:11, IJos. KREITZ The Northern Adv am Tue ADVANCE 1s proven to 1 . largest circulation or -' "9 th Tgvg. 18 h f 335 Puller In the Count`, as a 0 th ,. . r"1".izi tslhta t it :11` 8 largest sb8Won I I0 emonstmt u its patrons. If you have any af1:'er)t(;b?::altV 0! Place it with the paper that reaches meg do not straid to pay the price. Deotle Advertisements .te charged accord` space-13 lines agate measure make 0.9 fggh to *1 Elizabeth St. |The Barrie Steam Laundry I have now a large stock of rs: ` on hand of all sizes. :1 rv.-..` -~----------- "'2.oo a.m.--For Orillia, North Bay and Soo. n.oo a.m.--For Orillia, Graven- hurst and North Bay. V *4 p.m.-.For Orillia, North Bay and points West. ' . 8.05 p.m.-For Orillia. 10.35 a.m.--For Penetang. 10.45 a.m.-For Stayner, Co11ing- wood and Meaford. 3.40 p.m.-For Stayner, Collins- wood and Meaford. V , L TUTTI T.Ujj'IWIFIII Coal and Wood Merchant Corm-r Bradford and. Elizabeth Sts. Phone 153. Browrfs Bakery -._ ..--. . `gun unuvou A180 EIARD and SOFT VVOOI). and shall be pleased to receive your orders for S: .1m- which will have Prompt and Careful Am-ntiun. FOR BREAD CAKES OF ALL KINDS ju uuuunaeruon 0 cents per line. . ning notices, 10 _cents per lin insertion ; 5 cents per lme for each 24` Insertion of tlge same matter. All in Mines, of this character, charged I Obituarv Poetry be per line. `T EPI-eferred osit' . menu in the papgr wgngefggldlgttal ndvertisg of one-third on above rates and uh Magoo account will special positions be 2 ! 1- "0 039 rule will be strictly carried out. H` `` 1111: CONTRACT CIIANGEEI, Advertisers will I - - notice of intention It oeacB}?art1:a:1r:,.n3l-M "M must be handed into the office not "TN.mem` Saturday at 10 o'clock, and the (-4; .:-Mr um change must be in THE AD\'A\`(`I+ 3` later than 12 o'clock noon on A ` M(I` . M - Week. otherwxse the advertiser's a(x'.'rl1((].?;}x.(~1ern"" em t . . ` . I $132 11:! be made pubhc untxl thc m-ck Iollow. 1. c anges of Advertisements ;11' . year. It more are required, comp ` `Wed D6! will be charged. "\'m" W9 Advertisers will run 1... ..n-.... .3 . .,.,.v........-..... ..u v nu: Anna: K`..\ 1.`. Condensed su?vex-tisements on first page such as wants of all kinds, lost and found, progeny for sale or to rent, specic article-s. cI('..(_-tc must be accompanied with the cash, and wiu be inserted-rst insertion 2 cents pm` wow each subsequent insertion 1 com per wow (names,addres8e3 and gures counted as wordu` but 8. reduction of one cent y'>r \\'(;I`(2 will be made when the number of insertions or sauna mutter exceed four *1"!-l"I'i!4'4-*1-`I-++-i'4+!-4*?-!~!-++++4-+ MAKES Younskirli LIKE VELVET MKTU ll AKTVQ f\'l \7fIY`V\r\\'1 . 3-t-1--I-I--3-t-I-4-1-1--1-3--1--1-~s-+-1-4-4-+++++; NESLEY G. CREW, PROPHIETORS <;oAL_ 3` WOOD 12 changes Advergiscments nllovved yqar. requxred, composition rages ch_8.rgcd._ Advernsers Will not be allowctl tousetheu space for advertlging anything ouI.~`i(le the}; own regular but-nness. should lh(-V do so ltranpienn rates will be charged for `such M1 verusements. (mu for advertisements must In nu- eue be mounted on solid metal bnuen THVOS. '5'V'JT"" NSVERTISING RATE3 A-n -___ TRADE MARK! Demons Anyon Cot-vvnucams as "3433! I sketch and dencri uon mu! ethbr II E: Iloottaln V `"3" Oblnion free w Ola - `I nrobnbl .. -onnaeu : a'n .'`.': :tI:'z`3`oo`3>'x"x 3.``ga?'. men lantn f" `0110! for necnring mom 9" t ton in M 8 . - e%_a_...::':.:., `* '* - A AA A A`: A. IVVIVIIIIIIV J Iluvu lVvv-v- A hlndlomolyllluutntod weekly Largest 0* ` O ::..*-", ...:,'.:.e.z.:.12r'.s:.. 23:92}: .,$::` .3.s`r: IIIIIJII I1 Uuruol u urmi .-` u'.'3x :3."i"'soid by uni naasaeaz [I &o_31aegauay.ew 9 . nun. nmm, ms Ir er. wuhmmolh 9' : 4 ix.-;:.:;:.: -was. four months. 81. 80 dbynllne"9d IIII n A- ---_ . , AIM MONKMAN S GLYCEDOXIA. Has a marvellous effect on rough: skin. One or two applications. will remove the roughness, and by ` its occasional use the skin a<'q`.liI'el I the smoothness and softness of a. baby's. ` Glycedonia. is not sticky. and: gloves may be worn a few moments 1 after using it. D..:.... 1.-:.. ._.I n:. -'.._v TOIRO Druggist. IONIC Q0330. VII-IIOIII cnurge. in but: Scientic Hmerican. I L-.. 4.... -u_ AI`_._.L-_A_L ..-..I.1o Lnfllelt is under new and efficient Manam- ment. Our staff of employees has been increased by experienced hands and we are now prepared to do that class wo, and givt` 3'0 ntisfaction. ' Call. write or BI-Il\hI hlfl RE FIIJUIBOIIOII. U B. I 1. PHONE. NO. 55. -- \/--.v;un4n;n\unn-... Tli. "i-IE:MA_n` ......l I`l7_-J ~nt,, 1 Barrie. GEO. MONKMAN. COHHERCIAL CONTRACT R ATES. coxnnxszn .mvr~:m1sr:w:.\"r.-. ..-......I -_J---_4_-_-,, . wfI"r`iv<.:e 15c and 25. Delightful after shaving. THE NORTHERN ADVANCE --No1`1cE- or mm 333: i fl `haw Phone 250 Class (_`O.`. Barrie. hi` {`\ v'.l`rains leave Barrie for the undet- Inentioned places as follows :_-- A v-v With` haps mind. migh lath)! D-ll) G-nu. ..v- . . I ta and Toronto. 9.35 a.m.--For Allandale. _ *I.oo p.m.-For Newmarket, Au- rora and Toronto. ~ 5.20 p.m.-For Newmarket, To- tonto, Montreal and points East. 7.25 a.m.--For Ca:-dwell Junction, Georgetown and Hamilton. 525 p.m. _ Georgetown and Harmlton. -For Cardwell Junction, that electr admix ier per) 111? serva umbn mcnt last] A! \ I 3.1 gm pcupl serva who] ` and have qucs .-LL I tim t`. `woul Cons const ,_--. with pronl fornx his I scopq cons: nece Vario frul rubbc "$.45 21 Special.) #1 nor Ammm in Advance ,_ _.___uu 1.... ...I.1n.1Qn~l>'haR'I1h An 8 Fiat ; 48 column Newspaper. Published from the omce, 123 Dunlop Street, Barrie. in tha County of Simcoe, the Pro- ytnce of Ontario. Canada, every Thursday Morning, by 7-S0 p.m.--F RURAL MAIL DELIVERY. 0 a.m.--For Newmarkef, ' To- Montreal and points East. 5__a.m.--For Toronto. (Cobalt TERMS or Sunscnnvrxox. -For Iianetang. -For Stayner, Coiling- `t---...I -For Newmarket, Auro- North. _ "or Bay South. (Co. ,, ,, ,_.. -- _- --..-- -usunculc 33%. ` It is ti 1 I11: th . ti . ` d...mMmm'm" .53.: 1.::..`:'o:s:: ,2 ; A few afplieations will convince that in has l wonderfu medical virtue and intrinsic merit. ' It-iunaderin , A good honest cana- Dorriceone box Fifty cents. or ve boxes Two :?;anr'3men ' '. ij 1 ,1:-ta . e Barbers Itch T`. is an abooiute Roses, Tetter, Sea dcutan .n.auv\AaI.0Il.lL certa ""`:`" es, Blackheads Read, It: 3 an eous y and success! match! 4. ,<;uu::1.' _ . in cute for Eczema, Acne GCBIGSA and tacial blemishes. ully tested L116 j C ana.dia.n tteripe. I3 nlointa vfioc _... 1.; c-1-..-.. ~ To -Sr. III.--M. :Otton,'R. Gordon, R Graham, M. Smith, L. Harris, B. Ness, A. White, K. Kennedy, J. Dickey, E. Aiken, -G. Ness, I3. Elli- ott, B. Ingram, A. Reid, H.-Hunter, C, Wilson, G. Morrison,,,R. Richard- son, 'S- Higgs. , ' `TY? a.-.. _ ___ T10` Jr. 'IIaI..--4Cli'ord Warner, A. `Corbett, W; Miller, L. Thompson, R. Burton, J. Noland, G. Willis, -W. Stephens, `I, Burgess, I'M. Jahes, E. Walker. . _ % ' | To Sr. II.--+F. `Manuel, 0. Glennie, H. Owens, H. Jones, N. DeHart, D. Butler, J. Rodgers. , To Jr. II.'-.--A. -Elliott, A. Fraser, ;M. Love, G, Livingstone, E. "Smith- erman, J. Snider, D. McLaren, J. `Sheppard, R. Sibbald, J. Plaxton, J. ove, C. Stone D. Walsh, IG. Fisher, lDougall, R. Fowler, V. -Strange, D. ;Sarjeant, Raynor, E. Butler, E. jRobertson, M. Harris, R. Walsh. To `Sr. I.-C. ,-Harris, Knight, ambly, L. Barwick, G. Braden, R. F. Berry,` M. Brown, D. Beatty,.L." `To Jr. IV.-A. Sewry, L. Hunter, A. Leightn, R. Bolton, C, Brown- lee, O. Ockley, V. Richardson, C. Mullen, `M. Ness. - James -McQ'uain, a, young man, dropped in from Collingwood on Thursday and proceeded to provide for a cold, cruel winter by purloin- ing an $18 fur overcoat from the -front of R. A. Stephens store. The coat was missed late in the after- noon, and the police were notied. In the evening Mr. `Stephens located the stolen garment at the Welling-r ton Hotel where it had been bought at a discount of 66 per cent; by the hostler, but the thief had taken leave. Policeman" Sweeney, however, got on the trail of the stranger, and on Fri- day morning apprehended him in the sitting room of ;Wright s Hotel,` Sixth Ward. He was. haled before Radenhurst, P.M., pleaded guilty and was sentenced to 3 mos. in the Cent- ral- It appears that :McQuain on grabbing the coat made his way up the stairs at the side of the premises and hastened through to the rear} es-. caping by az lane. When: captured, he had spent all the money but a dollar and a half. a ` ' 'The following pupils will be plac- ed in the classes indicated, on the re-opening of the schools: . fl` (` 717 `hr run - K _ _._.._ .. - ...-..vv.... . ' To Sr. -IV.--.M. Tooke, Emmerson Walker, E. Willis, P. Patterson, N. Hook, M. Leece, E. Somers, L. Mor- Iren, M. White. V. Richardson, I. iPlaxton; W. `McMillan, F. Knight, `A. Wood, M. .McDermid. i 1'`? " "Locomotive Engineer W'm. .Brown of Detroit, who was so severely in- jured in a boiler explosion near Pontiac, Mich., on Dec. 10th, is the brother-in-law of Mr. Arthur Postle of :Churchil l, `Mrs. Brown having formerly been Miss gSadie Postle. The boiler was blown 20 feet into the air and was driven forwardofeet before landing, but Brown miracul- ously escaped instanfdeath. He_ is "progressing favorably. `I I'\' _ _. _-,_ ..---_ ._- r..-_ --_- v--. - J<;eDunn is thinking of . starting in the `St. -Catharines Marathon on New Year s Day. The distance is ten miles. Joe has done little or no training since capturing the Barrie Press Trophy, but is condent of catching a place` among theprize winners. A `T me` "ii;-,{c'h1}$gs `Qiii he1}ir1}E} annual ball .in the Town `Hall on New Year's Eye. The "patronesses are Mesdames Grasett, Lount, Wells, 'Pallin'g, M: `Burton, f. L. Burton and Crease. The fuiaral ,of the late ,Richard' Cundle took place on` Friday after- noon to Union cemetery. There wa's a large attendance, Rev. B. Hee- ney 'ofciatir':g."-Messrs. A. E. `H- Creswicke, V E. A. ICu', Richard Daly, -W. A. Pae, A. 'W. :W"i1kinson and A. C. Garden acted as pall-bearers. _ Q At midnight on Wednesday Joseph H. Moss, 3, car repairer, met his death in Allandale yard through be- ing struck by an engine. `He was about to board another train when run down. The unfortunate young_ man, who was only 24 years of age, was taken to the R. V. Hospital but ` lived only a few hours. He resided on Cumberland St. and leaves a -widow and two children. No: inquest was deemed necessary. .1 , guy. --. yg_ as new BEFORE AND AFTER TREATMENT: Promotion Examinations. CENTRAL sCHooL. 1 Further, any. empldyee over fty `years of age,'afte11Vften. ?years of :s_e*rvice, _ i_,`,. disc}xargedVf*`withbut- fcaxgse, 7;at<-an ti _e"1J 1'~e3i,?I\'<>1j31s-;}A't,o:.bfeaching:the ,%*'s:;.. 1i:.z.=.s%T `hf *8 `V; ``:'e1!`g@P1V-e~i' x- at The company, however, has made a provision that," irrespective "of. rate of pay or` service, the minimum-"a1-' lowance to be. paid under the c'ir- <;ums`tance_s will be $200 per anuum,, gnd thisgwithout "any r co'unterbala_nc - mg ,max1mum._0.-A` - L IAIIIVVA Dub VII 55:19 \,\Jau;All\-Ill-n T Thus, if a man' has served, say, thirty years, receiving an average of $1,000 per annum ($83.33 per month on the pay rolls of the company) for the last ten years during his term of service.--he would be enutitled to one `per cent." of $1,000--$`I.0,e which, cal- culated on. the thirty years service, would mean $309 per, annum, equal to $25 pet month- ; The pension system for its em-i ployees, approved at the last annual meeting of the Grand Trunk,Railway Company, will go into eect with the New Year, and will _`apply to every one of the 35,000 odd employees of the company, from the rgeneral-mam ager down to the humblest section man; _ The rules require absolutely. the `retirement from active service" of every oicer or employee when `at- -taining, the age of 65, and, if he has entered the service before "the age of 50 years, and has servged for a period of 15 years, or more, he is enti't1ed with the `approval of. the pension fundcommittee to an annuity of, one per cent. of the highest average an- nual salary paid for ten continuous ` years, for each year of uninterrupted _ employment, the basis of calculatio being the same as that practicall universal on. this continent. ' T6 N0. .2.-Florence Maize. Every Employee to Retire at Age of Sixty-Five Yea.r"s.e To III.-.-Ire1;e-Dalley, Oliver Tietz. I From `Sr. III. to Jr. IV.--V. Cline, F; Robinson,` R. Nogar. G. Wis-eman, M. Burton, L. Quantz, `R. `Poucher, `I. Allward, -H, Brownlee, 0. Ganag-| her, E. Hayward, 'M. Irving, R. Vain! To-Jr, IV.-~B axter Anderson, Fan-' my Thompson, Elliott Coles. -I--rv "To Sr.-II'I.I--Euph`emvia An-deTrson,: Herbert Thompson, Orval Metcalf. on--r From Jr. II. to Sr. II.--C. Wreg-I gett, L. Thompson, N. -Goodson, C. Howard, F. Webb, M. Hill, G. Hors- eld, D. Meeking, R. `Stewart, J. Steele, `M. Reid. From Sr. II. to Jr. III.--VioIet Pullbrook, Winnifred Aikenhead, Ot- to Craig, Walter "Cooper, Allan Mac- Nabb, Mervyn Metcalf, `Willie Len- nox, Muriel Greenwood. l From Jr. III. to 51'. III.-M. Thompson, H. 'Sweeney, P. Garratt, S. -Smith, H. McKnight, V. English, H, Meeking, W. Griffiths, T. Foster, R. Carson. V [From Jr. IV; to Sr. IV;-N. Marr,; N; Martin, J. McLarty, E. Thomp- son, J. Livingstone, L. Goodson, E. ' /I Leonard Langfeld, Reta ;Hart,eGrant From Part II. to Jr. II.-Kather- ine Lett, Beatrice Peacock, Clar- ence Dyment, .Wanda Bowman,` Kaireen Brownlee, Harold Cooper,- McLarty, Beatrice Collins, Irene Summers, Dorothy -Myers, Joe ;Hunt, Roy Bogardis, Margaret Wilson, Arthur` Robiinson, Elda 'McN'abb, Audrey Firman, Harold -Smith, Vera Rolling, Eddie `Chown, George Salt- er, Herbie Anderson, Vera Edwards.| -Pearsall, Laurabelle Mathews, Bessie From Part I to Part II.---Louise ,Gray, Arthur Ellis, Bessie Fleming, Russell McQuarry, `Alfred Chown, Bertha Barkley, Oscar Deegan, Jos. Foster, Daisy Freestone, Hazel Hardy, George Mclndless, Gladys Kilgour, Beatrice Freestone, John Humphries, Hazel Prince, Eva `Eng- lish, :Wi1fred -White, Ida Dempster, George Soule, Albert- -Goodson. | M, Leigh, M. " N531: H. Miller, E.- Zeihr, K. Aiken, B. Brown, H. 'Coult- er, W.` Jacobs, V. Russell H. Saund- ers, C. Shaw, B. -`Stephens, M. Wil- son. SUCCESSFUL PUPILSVOF I WEST WARD SCHOOL. Departmental` examination results: 9-: -. Tiseank or Toronto -3 J 1' gem arm: TORONTO : $EI TEMBE.R 3'0, `I907. TotlV Liabilities, - '.5u_|-plus`, L - g 5 %L 9,102,032.00` OVER NINEMILLIONSAOF DOLLARS BARRIVE and ALLA1InAT1}i-S1'i1iANcHEs G, T. RAPENSION FUND. EAST `WARD scHooL. `One of the; chief aims of the Director s of this institu- tion has been to provide the greatest security possible for the `protection of Depositors. Savings Accounts opened and highest current` rates of interest allowed at wan. NORTHERN ADVANCE In Order of ` Merit. GEO. '12. wool), Prirncipal. uuu J. IUVIUCIIL 'I3UClCly, WHICH I! been for many years In operation. ' It is anticipated that the pension scheme will form an admirable ad- junct, to the company s Insurance and Provident -Society, whic_h has I19!-In `r rnonur Ivan-n .... -...._..A.--.. ' While the Grand Trunk establish- |d a number of years ago what is known as the. 'Superannuation and Provident Fund Association, which is still in existence, its membership is limited to the oicial and clerical staff throughout its lines in Canada only, whereas the new fundwill ap- ply to employees on all lines of the present system, and, as before stated, `to all classes of employees. The su- perannuation fund `will continue in operation with the registered mem- bership as of -Dec. 31, 1907, but will be_'closed against the admission of` Iany new members after that date. It anticipated pension innnf I-A +153; ...-.............9.- 'I'_-_-._- The benets to the `fund will ap- ply also to worthy employees who may have been injured -in the service of the company, or who have suffered the loss of faculties which render them` incapable of self-support, such employees having served the comp- any the minimum period of fteen years---wheth-er tthe age limit has [been attained or not. be contributed entirely by the comp- any. The shareholders voted $200,- 000 towards it at the last annual meeting , and it is estimated that the company will have to supplement this by some $70,000 or $75,000 a year. 1 The fund will be administered by a board chosen by the company from among its oicial staff (them- {selves possible beneciaries), which ,board will be known as the pension `committee, whose decisions will be nal in all matters pertaining to the administration of the fund. {Give Me a Trial Order} }-new ra_l_Ij stone-| .JoHN""Aso Sqaayflald Sf.,"Barrle`. WHOLESALE 5 RETAIL ---DEALER IN-- BANANAS, %a_nd all. Kinds_ gf Fresk prgif; , ALSO FRESH CANnn:sL TOBACCO and CIGARS. You, cannot ssibly luv: u better ocoa than. " si by Facets and Storckeepe in 1-lb. and.)-lb Tins. ' . mad.` " ~'_"""' ""' What a rural deliveryiservicqmeans Afleevgfgfpmonswilt c to the farmer. was well stated` in a .'ghmd:idl ae 31 . letter _ reeeived by -Mr, Armstrong _1:-om a_ farmer .npw,living in.Michx'- P9`1'-W- . T ' 'ga in _;-Michigan tl1'Ai,$slf.a. 1n1er `

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