CROSSLAND'S CLIMAX Conan CURE will give you relief quickly. . Price 25 cents. Made only by ` - vvoo D Hard and son. sawed and spun ' wn;.m3IkiGo. Drugglet. - - Ban Choice Manitoba. and Family Low prices. Best values at IMMUNS 8 GUY. All kinds. Best quality. HATS AND FIJHS. a9G-$T9R TY}_.'\\'} In_tu thn premises of the under-} Syn):- Lm .. (fun. IN, Innistil. on or about 9` "-t`IW'Inh<-I`. 1007. one red heifer and one lhlllotted :slm,~r' Owner can have same by prov- ..g W01-rtv {incl Km vinu uvnnnann LVII .I.`I' A M ' & 3.1 1'4 VV (LIV I o Vendor's solicitors. 13 Owen st . Bgrr-e. 7. t > _ ` -: THE INTERESTS OI-HBARRIE, THE COUNTY OF . SIMCOE AND THE DOMINION OF I100 Nrqrirs 2own:ns+ rnnwrnnv s* .-`"" am. Barrie. Hotel. B_ARIIE, COUNTY OF S.IMCOE, ONTARIO, NOVEMB`ER 25, 1907. _ , `Dotted l,)wn'c-I` Eln i1:1`a\'e'L-r;1.e mg Wop:-rI_\' nnvl paging expenses. WILLIAM H.1tm:LI.. Iiully I . u. 47-49p 1.... J. JA.I-`'.:.`.'mBuauIJ'rie. Ont. &>r-- COUNTY or Simeon} Noce is hereby 'ven 10 W11`: that the County an Gen- eral Sessions of the Peace and Countv Court in and for the County of Sxmcoe will be held in the Court House. in the Town of Barrie. on TUESDAY. THE 10th DAY OF DECEMBER uf I n nInnb {In #311: nlfnunnnnn AC tmklnk 8.30 a. m.-Holy Communion in which the Bro-_ the:-hood of St. Andrew and all other church societies are expected to Dartici ate. 11 a. m.-Mornin'g Prayer and Sermon by ev. Canon Reiner. . 3 p. m.--Baptismal and Children's Service in . the Church. 7 p. :11 ----Evening Prayer and Sermon by the: Vmm-_ 3 Fellow. Cgulors ` Present` Mr. W. A_ A. Boy's%With a Handsome I . Souvei1ir. ' ` A {Before s_e_par'atingh `on . Saturday -mdrning the -County. Councillors _ma`g1e Warden Boys therecipient of `a `gold watch` and chain, as a souven- ir and as a slight` tribute to the ef- `ci.ent..mann1e'r-' in Which` he had` pre-` sided over theirdeliberations, Reeve 'Jupp of Orillia did". the honors in'a neat speech. The Warden replied fee1ingly,;thlanking' the -membe_rs and craving theiro indulgence for any errors of , omission or commission during the year}: He had enjoyed the work, he said, while in_.the chair, and his term of office would long be remembered by him as_ one of the bright spots in his municipal 11fe._ 1 u maun 1 . '1 nus wtn un 1 U1-'uv.'u1sMmstc NEXT. at 1 o clock in the afternoon. of which a.1lJustices. Coroners, Constables. Gaolers and others are requested to take notice and attend and to do and pexform all duties that should appertmn to them. ' W. M. HARVEY. QL.._3D lVL.u.~.6- II` Qiunnnn ' n 1 2 wil.1;)'3-r;1v()Vs't-.l:i'gh1y , = appreciated by your husband or gentleman friend. Sold by all dealers. Manufactured by 5- non we-nu n-gr-vg `iv unvwvuuvvvnu NOTVCF. is hereb given pursuant to the Revised Statutes 0 Ontario 1897. Chap 129, section 38. and amending acts that all person s and others havin claims against the tate of the said James rie deceased. who die on or about the 19th day of May. 1906. are r uired to send by post prepaid or to deliver t Messrs. Stewart 8: Stewart. of the said Town of Ban-ie Solicitors for the Administratrix of the eel _ James Pirie. deceased. on or before the 7th day. 'ol.'- December. 1907. e their christian a a sur- names. addresses and. descriptions and e`fuil ` i more ' 1 their claims properly Verified 2:: the secugity. it any, held by tnem. . nQOI\ nnvvrnllilliiln Il!'.A? \Y{|"l`Tl"`l` Oh `ns- B; `Barrie, Nov; 26, 1907. ALA!) the thiI'1H 0wn_-r -211 Hill puyin: Allandult-. ?C119!9.|3M.f!1?;Ias.!=:n4| 146-.48 Hull IIIIU BUSH-Illll 9 II. Inu ,-snug nu; sun... _ -' AND FURTHER TJAKE NOTICE thht after said last mentioned date the adminiatratrix will proceed to distribute the assets of the estate amongthe parties entitled thereto hav-` ing an! only to those` claims` of which she ehelliet enhave notice. Dated at Barrie this of November, 1". ' ' . . . ` .1 * - _S1'l:W-ART}: STIBWART. V. . ;S.olioitou'torthe _AdmlniItrstrix.m * ' 18 0wen1_Stree_t._eBu'rie,Onte. I p. m --nvexu Vxcar. ! E SE yrs Fmm. Mendelssohn Pianos.{ MADAME -COCH-RANE of Toron-I to has opened a studio for Voice Culture at M.R'S. DEVINE S, Toron- _to St.`, Barrie, and will be there every Thursd`ay`_from 4 p.m. till` 4vp".th`. Fri- day. .. Madame Cochrane is a pupil of the famous Signor Garcia and `Pro-. fes.sor VFred'Wa1ker , London, Eng- land, and . of Madame Diviv.i`er of [Paxjis._ d e Norm: To cmmons] n THE ESTATE` or James Pfrie. me oz` the Town `of Barrie. in the County of Slmcoe. Railroad Employee, deceased. - ~ . . Avtutnotivn .1- |_-._-|_._ ._2_.__ .._-_-.--..L 4'. 41.- ...`;.*':':*'=;'I4'.*::I;`*I...*".:1'`*=' :2 V = . W , n , 0 ,_ ` { 3. ~.9QAB "no"`." ac D VOILE cuuumz. LADIES ! : F R E_'.3__B_R..Q_ K 5! I \ `VV,V4_A>TCH IfoR WARDEN. 37.1,- j 36J(). HN7S7TREI l'3`A-1{RIE GRANITE WANTED voices TESTED FREE- 1:;V7V47~ V % T A `RE-OPENING sznvrces suumw, or-zcemaan 137. FIRST-CLASS L p._ o'conmz:.L. Proprietor- ovp. CITY MARKET ' ' me Pnmctss 31'. uunpeg First-class Accommodation. Remodel- led and RefurnishedThroughout. Vvanted 5000 tons of Grnite Bould. ere. loaded on cars between Hawke~ stone and Barrie. Highest prices paid. . - (\ A \7I\ 0- T\V"I1.`I`\lV`f\Yf`I T 1'IlI'I1I1IY\ . X1) ac DREDGING. LIMITED.` ucwnon mm | I rtlcuhum u Iriui It--`ill Action and Tone Reguiacor. Pizpnqs Always on Hand For Sale nn TI\II\T r\rI'Ir\l'.!IwvII `cs .1` % nppgav:`r9V LOAN -'J Toronto. .1 -Pl-AN-6 `id NE 37 nub... ......I 7|`... `D......!... .... -- sou) BY -- a III: Ilruuuvuig ;'sheri' Cbunty pt Simcoe. When` selecting .your Chris tm as Gifts don't overlook the fact that ,8. nice box of T ` ALL WELCOME. `In nu?" `WW gnton LCDBOX, BLT. "ies tha. (luring the session of Parliament wilhudgimon to bein in daily communi- M1 ms oxce, be at is ofoe in Barrie `HQ dutnn - LA CREMA cu<;Ans_ _ cg dt6_Wilkinso:,1 s' for all kinds` as! `dry Hard and Soft Wood, -also SIabs,i sawed and _QI\I;1' nii `I94-nu: coo:-L -any Anusu auu `BULK. VVUUU, -also 1aDs, sawed and splxt any length `you wish, ,and sold per cord, not ox loads. 1 . -i;hVo;o`graph novelties for Christ- mas excel anything heretofore shownv at Jackson s Studio. -Limerick now on, the last and -greatest, $800.00 in cash premiums -given away with Lipton s unequalled teas. Full line at Bothwell s. ~The regular meeting of the W. C. T. U. will be held in the parlorsl I above the public library on Monday afternoon, Dec. 2nd, at 3 o'clock. A {large attendance requested. Fancy table fruits--Malaga Grapes,l Forida Oranges and Grapefruit, Ja-: maica and California Oranges, New` Figs, Dates, Raisins, Etc. At Both- awel s. I Many in this vicinity M11 regret` dtoehear of the sudden death in Cal- -Sloan, formerly! of Painswick, but gairy on _Nov- 13 th of 'Mrs. Fred. James -of Gladys, Alta; Deceased was the only.-daugher ofvMr. Robert who fofseveral years has resided in the West. . . U 7 v---- v --- -nAv `av-nvIbIl\p\r. -If smoke and waAntbthe` best, call for La Crema -Cigar me, or Unique 5c." N < `EAUIIR I . 'AN'l`ED for 1908. for S. S. No. *5, flsszt, ('ul1nIy Sy_n._'oc. D_uties_begin_ first Iran]. -Rev. A. _H. Rantoh will address a mass m_eet1ng on` the temperance Eguestion 1n the Opera House` at .1. p.m. shqrp, next Sunday, Dec. Ist. All are Invited. --When you have a cough, there is no easier way of relieving it than by using Crossland s Climax Cough [Cure. Price 25 a bottle. Advance correspondents are re- minded that the great clubbing offer of this paper and the Weekly Mall holds good until further notice. Send along your orders. Mrs. Martha Craig, widow of the late Arthur Craig, (County Treasur- er), died in the R. V. Hospital yes-` terday morning, following an opera- tion for goitre. An extended notice' will appear in next week s issue. I V -Byva misprint in the bills an- 'nouneing~ Vickers Voting Contest, it is made to _read open to girls of II years and under_ and should be I3 yefars and'under.. Friends of the [little ladies will pleaseAtak___e"note.' The Model School examinations begin on'Tuesday, Dec. 10th. - If you wargt ypur business to ad- vance, advertxse m The `Advance. Tl` 4 -'--Speial offer of $2.70 worth ofl .Sanitol toilet preparations for $1.00! ' at Cro.sland s Drug Stor, e./ . ' ` ' I ? I" I` 1': I < " _._ _'-... you-,v.' . C. S. Perry, who won the Press -Trophy race here in 1905, is with the Royal Canadian Regiment at Hali- fax. He expects to revisit` Barrie shortly. Services in Vespra Parish will be held as follows: Sunday, Dec., Ist, Midhurst. St. Paul s, II a.m.; Vespra, .Christ Church, 3 p, m.; St. Pete'r s, Minesing, 10.30 a. m.; Ferndale "School School House, 7 p. m. ' -J. Frank Jackson is using the Aristo Electric Lamp for making photographs after dark. The results compare favorably with daylight. Sittings given in the evening by ap- ipointment. ' u .-n\'1'r.`u for 1908. for S. S. No. 1 }`::a`.s`:1, Simcoc. Duties begin rst geek in .lumuu'_\`. Male preferred, holding rat or svuunxl class certicate. Minimum Illary 34:..;_u.. [ ---Cihi1dren like Crossland's Emu1-i sion of Pure Norwegian Cod Liver` iOi1. Nicely `avored, easy to take. 1 Made in 50c and $1.00 sizes. -Don t-Aforget to drop in at the Daughters of the Empire Bazaar for some refreshments and a box of home made candy, on Friday,_.Dec. 6th. Two doors East of Queen s Hotel. |Admission free. ' " showed The Advance a home-grown `potato which measured 18% inches! round lengthwise and 10 inches` around crosswise, weighing 11/; lbs. This is a pretty good sample of the genus tuber. ll Mr. Silby-Cook of -Big Bay Iiointi Chief King on `Saturday at thei mm-ket seized a bag of potatoes [which was ten pounds short in ,weight. The offender was caution- ed, but in future the Chief will insist: fthat every bag of tubers weigh }ninety pounds. 5 . l -The Ladies of the Social and `Working Guild of Trinity Church iwill hold a sale of useful and fancyl ?a ftic1es, suitable for Christmas gifts, in the Parish Hall, on the afternoon: }_ and evening of Thursday, December} 'I2th. Everyone cordially invited. i Toronto Daily World and ~The Advance until Jan. Ist, 1909; for lcnly $2.50. To those seeking anl up-to-date daily this is our best clubbing offer. Remember, the bal- ,_apce of thi year is-thrbwn in. f v\ You simply can t afford to do; with- out The_ Northern Advance. It con- tains a vast amount of newsy in- formation and as an advertising med- ium is uncxcelled in the Co_unty.tTry it `fin conjunction with the Weekly- Mail. Both papegs until the end of :`. t'.7$`e;t?.-"" i --For Quality and Quantity ask: your dealer for the new big plugs of "Bobs, "Stag and "Currency Chew- in-g Tobbacos. ` , In addition to. those whose names .6ye ,x`.i::giye!' in -'this~paper`-as suc`c_essful : -De pa:tmental7 and` ' ; `%r;si.t:.rMr:r%xaminans..A.::: held 1t -'--Giant -Triplets -- Currency,. Bobs and Stag Chewing Tobac- cos, in big plugs. Qualityalways the same, { W .;.rou.:1\\'u.; High St. in: :oooooyoog _ zonouoooouonouooooh: HERE IN BARBIE OANADI -OUR CRITERION. ---:2-9- There will be-plenty of players a- vailable. Archie Burton,'Cecil Jory,Alf. Sevigny,Tom 'McMillan,Frank Le Roy, Barney Boyd and, Sib Rowe are all in "town `and should be able to go fast thi5"*yea.r.,_Then,therc are severalnew ; bloods in sight}, `so {that __ no difflzulty ougt `to ar.i',s_e4-"-it_1,">'e'sec:"11:_"i"r_1 g Km g-st-`class .J9h.n%y.`_..By1f3`entli,iis. ,. . I Arthur Monkman, son of Mr.l George Monkman, was operated up- on for appendicitis on Tuesday morn-i ing at the R. V. Hospital, and up to time of going to press is reported as doing well. This is Mr. Monk- man s second attack of this disease. 9 , E The _outlook for a successful' hoekeyseason here is of the bright-I est, and now that the Barrie Juniors have "been" admitted to the -0.. H. A. I there promises to be a big revival lof the popular winter game. - !' At a meetmg held on Thursday inight the following officers were elected .-Hon'.-.Pres.,. W. R. Tifn; I-Ion. Vgice-Pres`>,' H. "E. aBrown1ee; President, H. Jory; Vice-Pres., D. Bolton; Manager, Jno. Dyment; Sec.-- "I;j`s`., F. -C. Lett. . I VV'hile cleaning a mangle in the` Barrie `Steam Laundry on Tuesday! morning, Mrs. Kreitz, wife of the; proprietor, caught her arm in the! rollers. `The arm was badly bruised; and somewhat lacerated, but under} surgical treatment the wounds are? progressing favorably. -( FAR)! 1-`oz: H. ('mm~ Sh-m..I I, i A mock trial was the leading feat-i ure of Monday night s meeting of? _the Epworth League of Collier; `|Street Methodist Church, and it, proved to be most interesting. All`, those who took part acquitted them- selves well. While the jury was out,` Miss Constance Drury sang a solo very sweetly. I I . , . Another of Barnes gioneers pas- r ised to rest at her late idence, Na- !pier St., on Saturday morning, Nov.I '23rd, in the person of Mrs. William: H. Haight in her 77:11 year. Shel had been ill for some time and her- Ideath was not unexpected. An agedl husband survives, also four sons and; two daughters, William, in the West;? Thomas, Chicago; Horace, Toronto;l Frank D., Town; Mrs. L. Allen,! `Granada, Minn.., and Mrs. Beatty,`, l I ! I 1 u l Toronto, all of whom except William; and Mrs.`Allen were in attendance| at the funeral which took place on Tuesday afternoon to Union ceme-l tery. Mrs. Dixon of Toronto is an: only surviving sister. Rev. Wm.l Hipkin, pastor of the Congregationall Church of which deceased was a? member, officiated at the services, I i Mr. Alexander Gunn, of Toronto. formerly of Barrie, brother of Judge; |Gunn of Ottawa, died `Sunday after-t |r.oon at St. Michael's Hospital. The; ideceased was taken in an unconscious} condition to the hospital on the; Tuesday evening previous, suffering; from acute Bright s disease. He re-f covered consciousness again, and ap-; peared to be much improved in his: condition, and Judge -Gunn, who was; summoned from Ottawa`, returned on] the midnight train on `Saturday. The: patient suffered a relapse, however,i Sunday morning. and died later in! "the day. The deceased, who was an: iaccountant. leaves a wife and two? `daughters. He was thirty-six years`. [of age. i i The remains of`the late William; Johnston Marshall, whose death was; announced in last week s issue, ar-I ..:....A LA... A- \xr..,1._..-,1-_- ...-__:..-4 (5|lll\I|a|lI\.\\la All 1115!. VVCCA B ISDUC, d,l'l rived here on Wednesday morning,` Nov. 20th, and were taken to the` home of Mr. C. E. Partridge. Oweni St. Rev. Wm. Thornley conducted! `the service` on Thursday afternoon, after which intermenttook place in; Union cemetery. Eight fellow police; ,constables came up from Toronto to: `attend the funeral, and these acted as? pallbearers, viz.: Messrs, Armstrong, Grant, Hunt, Bogart, 'Southern,j Young, Wilson and Taylor. A wid-1 Iowed mother, two brothers and threei `sisters, A. C. Marshall, London; A., i]. 'Marshal1, North Bay;. Mrs. `S. iDean, Gibson; Miss Maude, Guelph; ,:`md Miss Marian of_Town, besides` 'his wife, are left tomourn his loss.` Rev. J. J. Redditt oiciated at the! l I I .' house. service in Toronto on, Tues- Iday evening. , I i ' III We %53?sh:: Prof. Shortt to-mo_1-row night in Town Hall on lmmlgration Au- spxces Canadian "Club. Prof. 'Shortt s reputation as a speaker and as an economlst should ensure a large at- tendance. All welcome. \ There are at present sixteen prison-I `ers in the jail. The offences are as} follows :-Vagrancy, 4; theft, 6; in-I sane, 2; horse stealing, I; non-sup-I port, I; illegal sale of liquor, 1; as- sault, I. I -\..... .... uu.--s, .|4Uu5C, LVU, U3, 1. L}. O.F., are :-_I. P. G., Wm. McLarty;i N. G.; A. Lowe; V. G., E. Gray Rec. Sec., L}. M. G. `Smith; Fin. Sec., `IE. \`/. Burton; Treas., Geo. Vickers, `Z. I`......a..... 1'T-._I__,,. r` n 50117 IPHONE 259. 'Mr. St.` Clair R. Ross was on Monday evemng .presented with a handsome travelling companion by the upils of the Excelsior Business College. Mr. Ross is leaving for vOril1ia. The officers elected for ensuing term in Barrie Lodge, No. 63, I. 0. (IF 2?!) -__TD(`1 XXT... 7\.l'-T ..4L_,.l i `been granted certicates :---Ella Gil- christ, Junior Teachers ; Wm. Cook, do.; George E. Roe, do.; Clara Rod- gers, -Junior Matriculation. BARRIE WILL BE s'rRoNG. nurton; 1reas., ueo. V1ckers,{ Trustee, Herbert G. Robert-l fl Mr; A. C. Garden announces his Pcandidature for the Reevesh-.ip. Mr. Gardenhas served two terms in the Town Council, and one in the County Council. His work in connec~ t'_ion with good e roads and county property, and as a member of the industrial committee, shotrlt-I` com- -mend him favorably to the electors l of Barrie.` _ - \/-7\.u.| LL Ll\)\.l.3\Jlly .LLlI\}lll.\l, }lVIr.<. Honor, Toronto; Mrs. Ed- _=munds, New York. Mrs. Hambly's imother died last January. The re- latives who attended the funeral {were Dr. VV. H. Hodson and wife. 1Lockport; Rev. J. M, Hodson, New ;York; Dr. J. VV_ Hodson, Youngs- ltown; Mrs. Oscar H. Hodson, Miss }'Hambly and Mr. Ed. Hambly, T0- gronto, and Mrs. Fawcett of the S00. Mr. Abraham Bryan of Staples. sMinn., is staying with his sister, |Mrs. (Dr.) Patterson. nu H1115 all UIJLIGLIUII IUI EQILIVC. , Few knew of Mrs. I-Iari=1bly s ab- gsence from home or ofzx%!= illness. :'When she left on Nov. ntgx, she had 'no idea that it would be an operative case, but went away simply to be ltreated for the growth. However. her medical attendant advised the use of the knife, and the first mes- `sage received was to the effect that lit had been successful. But on Fri- day morning another message came, lsaying that her heart was weaker ;and that Mr. Hambly should come at `once. "He hastened on the first train, ibut she died before he reached Lock- jport. The remains arrived here. on :Saturday evening on the 8 train. A ishort house service was held by her ;pastor, Rev. Dr. Ockley, on Sunday evening, interment taking place in ,the family plot `at Drayton, Mrs. lHambly's former home, on Monday. l ; Deceased was an ardent worker in `Collier `St. Methodist Church. Two `small children, Joe and Erma, are left `motherless. Four brothers and two sisters survive. These are :-Rev. J. `M. Hodson, D. D., New York; Dr. lVV. H. Hodson , Lockport, N.Y., at whose home Mrs. Hambly died; Dr. :1. W, Hodson. Youngstown, Ohio; "Mr. Oscar H. Hodson, Toronto; Hrs. Ewere Hodson`and' vyjfe. T The Canadian s Favorite. Many salesmen tell you theirs. is just as good. I ; Take your gristing and chopping *to W'll s Mill. Chopping every = day, . per 100 lbs.,` weighed in and out. Satisfaction guaranteed. 1UI'Ofl[O IS stay- ing D. C. Murchison, John Mr. and Mrs. Evans of Port Hope `are guests of Mr. and Mrs, T. W. Lennox, Mary St. The Rev. Canon Tremayne of Mimico is the guest of M}. and Mrs. Robert Esten Fletcher this week. Miss Olive Fletcher, [Bradford St.. was a week-end visitor In Newmark- et with her sister, Mrs. E. G. Hunter. I 1 Mr. Frank Rogers left on Monday ifor Ottawa to resume his sessional ;work. This is his twenty seventh iyear of service, during which time `he has seen six different Adminis- vtrations. i The people of Barrie were shocked [on Friday evening, when the news ;came over the wires that Lottie IHodson, beloved wife of Mr. John 'R. Hambly, hardware merchant, had `passed away in Lockport. N. Y., fol- `lowing an operation for re. T.`-_,, l_,,_ r it 71 Miss Nellie Rogersovn l1as~bce_n spending a fortnight ip\Bramptof1.v` ` _Miss Jessie McLean is visiting friends in Toronto. _Miss Clara `Spry has returned from I\ewboro. Miss Christie of Orillia is the `guest of Mrs. O. H, Lyon. Owen St. l Mr. I. C. Brokovski and wife of `Coldwater are in Town for a iew days. -Mrs. James Henderson of!T0rm1to formerly of Town is spending a few weeks here. ' ' Mr. Stewart VVitten of Brighton, Eng.. but recently from Northern Alberta. is visiting his brother, Rev. Dr. Witten. , Noooooooooooooo I: A Mr. Bertram Smith, late of The Advance staff. left this week to as- sume a position in the job depart- Vment of the Brandon Sun. Society and People. % - . _ 5, oououooooqonuoouougo {$1.00 Pemiuuum ugv ADVANCE emau: coPltll'u7t.ctIl1'8 Mrs. (Dr.) Ball of Toronto is stay- IE MTS, D F \/[In-r~ha'cnn YA`- mark them} 38 Uompetmon. nunuy remember.` , 3 competition closes Saturday. December 213 at 10 Judging will take place onday; 0- ember .81-d. & - We are oerin a cash prize of $9.00, 1.00 and 500 to t e three pu ils attend- ng any public school and un er 14 years of e. who will send to our oice on or fore December 21st, the ten best reasons why he or she should trade at our Clothin and Men's Fumishingstore. Barrie. C dren wishin to compete for these prizes will sen their names to us at once and we will be pleased to enter them upon our Rx-ize competing ugt. The names of an by the rize-winners will be pub `in the,` ri-ie, Elmvale and Cookstown Wh d i y `reasons the n33o$'$ ]l`l{ll.!(I)?3rY Bros. Limited. Be e s leadingclothiema 1`.`.?.. . f..`...?.`3? if .?n.'.! .?.Ei1?.``a "..`xo...` P8880118 V611 3 .e:r`gl1bern'8i'3.u wnen In S959 lazy try . 6 1 Crosslandis \.ittle Liver 5'1" bottle fur '.!:'>L'. J " K WM. CROSSLAND. DP% 9`' 331%. 0 \ ooooooOO09" ` L, H:untg1__aBLros. "Prize Gompeiiiion" r_. T 33 C T 3 _j 1- V- Limiti '.`B_vu-rle o Ciothion A SAD DEATH. FARMERS ! HEINT7.;\IAN & co. PIANOS. LOCAL WAREROOMS: HEINTZMAN &. so. P I A N 08 mam: BRANCH W. D. MORTON. Manager` savings Bank Accounts] Sept. 10: 1:. Goon mm; wAN'I`El)` $16.00. Ap- ply at .-s 1. muc E OFFICE. was i-._. .. Sm; Y 12 1 . Rnynml 1 [N13-\1 Fm: m~:.\'T- I. ,. J-it (l|.:H'l:-v- no _Should be opened at this time of year. $1.00 is enough to start with, but the more y(_)u can put in the better. There 1s_ nothmg that gives such a genumesense of se- wmy as a bank account in an old Reliable Bank like the Union Bank of Canada. Interest paid ;, ...l,l...l tn I`\r;Tlt`;1\')` A firnnn .. Wilr. A. F. QARRETT But wise people insist upon the; A.\"I`El)-Wm-king House Keeper or Gen| oral Servant. CANON REINER. 48-48;) I /jj . OL Lw. No.48 WHOLE No. sacs), EV w:su:v a. cm-:w. Paopm-ron.T . ;_ _ j NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. [A .\"r El) lflul u-.. P- Hau ghton Lennox} ~ - v v V V V V V V Y V V V V V V V V V ` mun OPEM nous: || aoo mawrs at the V . MADISON squmm V THEATRI}. ' ;"Nnw `, _ . ,.~.- " of CANADA. ` ESTABLISHED 1353. TOTAL ASSETS EXCEED 1...: l\l'\l'\ t\:\:\'> ]|[\ \l| \VLIlllb\Lb| Llll-\vI\yD\. `added to priricipal 4 times a. our Liver 0 rJ'u` Bounces that during ta hewm, in addition I Men with I N the following dates 3 Saturd . ti ,14th< Saturtlitixii, mi? 18th 0 331/.Obo}oOb* nu: plr:llHul:.3 UL LHU luluer-4 Lm (`uu. 12, Innisl, on or about NM or svpL., 1907. one red Cow. h.-m- snnm on provin ownershi vxp:-11:503. W . LEV SRIGLE . 46-48 I A. W. FLETCHER. :`_:cn:Lary, Tlxornton P.O., Ont. .\ once a. cook gmd honsemaid. A s`. Apply MRS. DYMEN'l`it10 . ._~iAL} quarter Lot ~s'1m H). Inn1sl._50 y.cres.near` M11 state of cultwatlon. frame 1'.u'u and orchard. well watered. f 217"}: In Jnnllv on nnuar n If }<).\'_'I`--Parts Lots 28 and South -1- or Lot Number 29. Con. 11. fl` ` Druscnt occupied by Joseph 1.~ is I]. dn.~zirn,hh=. fsu-m nn- nnn. _"' Ulliisclll: uunupusu. uy JU5Cp n. dosnrable farm. and pos- nul for fall work at once. For !-. 2.. nn\IA1_n unaa When it gets lazy try Y _, -..-us.-3 2 aturday. the 14th of December. 1907.` 8a`.1'dns', the or January. 1908. Saturday. the 1st of February. 1906- 5 t``d9~3'. the 15th of Februar . 1908- Wday. u 7 1; m h. 1 8. gziurdny, :83 2:33)! Naffoh. 1908. sngfday, the 4th of AX!!! 1908. ._ - new.'0*w- the 18th or pril. 1908- - A M` and also be at his came during other vacations. V T A i l `I nh vuu!t, the 031065 now oc mdcnhurst. Harmstenover the WC. Apply to A \l' llvvv vvrsvrunmv --,..l:n; vu X. w. WILKINSON. | the premises of the under! (`Inn 1') Ynniul An nu nirxnnfi PROP. 1 uuul 1 la}. zI1'x'1u-. -rmao TWsucctssrdL,i suson WALTER No LAWR3NCE. ' K A Presents the Laughing Sucoesj oV'1"wo Oontments A_Fu-on %PW`??`?IT_?V`T`9?;~V`4%3TY V LII WU1'K EL UI|l'-U. I DONALD ROSS. Qnlini tnvu nnnniu ...u.u I` \JlL :3 -D (`on-w~.-410) Stroud. In Lrumi ousc. frumv In-urn Possession .\I.-:2-Ah 055. h'0li<'im!`. H -__ u u nru . W (:1 I W u.LUl'UU.. Apply to DON Atlil) . % I IULV 111.111 RUDD. Solicitor. Barrie. ~10-tt Box I 78. Offers will be received b the undersigned North West quarter of lot six and the South half of lot seven, all 1n the 12th Concession of the Township of Innisl in the County of` Simcoe, contelnln 200 acres. more or less. commonly calledt e The Miller Farm" and situate about 4 miles from Bame. Land is clay : loam. There is said to be erected on said lands 1: good commodious two-storey buck dwellin house. also three barns 60x34, 45x30 and 50x , with stone stable under the last mentioned barn and stone stable a.dJoining the first ment- ioned barn. Thown an n u-at-_nlnm: hnwl wand bush. 35 Acres ` for the purchase of the Sout East quarter and 1 ionea barn. There is a rst-class hard wood bush. 35 acres ` in extent.on said land also good orchard of two acres. Lands well watered with both hard and soft water. also creek tuning across same. ...Q___ .5 .._.. 4:... `IF... DULU VVGDUI-g IIAUU UIUVIB L mun:-3 - v - v u v u - . - - V. Possession can be ven at any time. For terms and further par culars apply to _ STEWART 8c STEWART. Vnndm-'5: snlinitnrn. !Dated Sept. 12th 1907, 1-`on SALE vALyAsL1: ; V FARM PROPER'l`Y.] -on vs. gum Hot Water Bottles, Sick Room Goods. Nursery Supplies, Syringes. etc. come her9_f9r them. You ll nd our 3 . come here for them. prices no higher than you would have to pay elsewhere and are insured fault- less goods. Robertson's ` V ' X 30oooooooooooooooooooooooo :OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO: "I -WlUUI1III-wv-- Phone :3. oaice, Yard and Mill. John St; a l I FLOUR WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER bovcns _A_.W.\I_\_L`!(|NSON'S __.| _...a null I..|... Go "ran: BEST IS THE CHEAPEST" Don't delay in your madeto-ordr Ladies FureLinad Coats cud fancy. Fun for=Xmaa. We accept ONLY to many order: as we can nish with credit; to ourselves and satisfaction to our customers. UCH rubber goods are in the market and we have them. The reason so many poor rubber goods are sold is because dealers will not pay . the rice for the good kind. We are will rig to sacrifice a part of our prots to a good cause. " The increasing demand we are hav- ing for rubber goods proves to us that the public . appreciates the superior quality of our goods. When you need 322,500.00 worth of mm :5 be told V at Make:- s Cosy. T ` One Dot')-r'i`:;st_of the-3` Rubber Goods Without Faults