SUNNIDALE CORNERS. CROWN HILL. ANGUS. :1,` , \Jl 11113 . $1.1`? st` Gauki 1astA%s::Ii`=ske. cHt'IRcHILL. Hooper, Mabel Hurst, D 11 :~`--'* " 9 U it ms at Echo Bay. `the _Quee'rr `Cjty is biiying 13ot;:_.. market. ' j` went to Toronto Impressions and After-thoughts is. narlj Paiziting" of Lindsay her parents Mathews, re- : has ' . .Cou1ter; J Richard- Mr. James Iveson and his daugh- J ters, Mrs. E. Giles and Miss Jaimie Iof Toronto, spent Thanksgiving day with friends _here. They left on Friday to visit in Midland, _ The Nimrods of this \ departed for the chase up of Muskoka and Parry S _ sequently, there are a few ' ows left behind. fe behind. Mr. James terg: Jannie n A-A-`* ' -_` Sound, Con~ w~grass w1d- I Mfssrs, R. E. and B0; are attending college ywere home for a few dz \r Fancy Mohair DreSs%Goods, pure wool, neat patterns,_ regunar 7-5c, for. .390 1 guests of M arence Davis of Toronto were 1 oronto I 5, Miss Hodgert and the 1'. Fred Arnold last week. _ ..----. I Mr. Allen of Churchill-is building cement abutments for a new bridge at the river.- I q - ix-Ir."'i'1'e}1'1 from Mr. Wn in this week. .'Jl"h~e-brangemen of this place at-I tended service at the English `Church last Sunday. Quite a number from_ here tookin the sports in Barrie on Thanksgiv- ing Day, I .u..z.: uu.\.::, auu H1155 f\l`l(lC1'SOI1 spent the holidays at their respective homes_ llHooooooooooooooooooooooooo Miss Steele and Miss Anderson manf 1-I-up hnliAr..... -4. 4.1.-:_ _--+ -- ggodooooooooooo Fancy Tweed Lsyitixjggs, the nicest` of-A -' colorings and best designs, extra good quality, all from 44 to 52 inches widegi regular $1.00 and $1.25 per yardiior A lot of Tweed Coats in semi- % tted and loose back, nearly` all this season s garments, regular value ' 10.00 to 12. 50, on sale Friday at 8,75 garmenfs, 10 pieces of New \\'ra;>pcr- ettes, in good patterns. rc-gu lar price 15c, on sale rridav 12-5 0 morning at . . . . . . . . . . ooooooooouooooooooooooooooo066676:ohodoooooo Sarjeant 5 Smith Beautiful Venetian a n d Tweed Dress Goods, in the very best colorings, regular 60c ` goods, at . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 at 49c Pair. in White and Black orily,_in sizes 5% to 7 %, regular value 50c to 1.00, to clear at. . .49c 1 REAL KID GLOVES Qoobooooooooooooooooooooooooogggggomg 0.0 .0 Zj A C b-j L2 :C9j:| L ___ , OF THIS` WFQEK WE PLACE ON SALE - r- v-- v `pi-Ill} up big surpluses V at SALE OF LADIES ` COATS Saneant wiEnii}n s ma mun ITI rs SNAP IN DRESS - GOODS .17.) Llbll IId3 3 Wm. Speers, and will move; eel: ' CRAIGHURST. On Friday Morning J I % I \un village have `P n `_],,,,___:Ij 90000900000000! QOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOO Q: DIRECT IMPORTE RS u aauvxa WHU In Toronto `IE ~ ~, ---no uuunnnu WALDING. KINNAN 5.` .\Iu<\'x.\'. Wholesale Druggisxs. Toledo. 0. H811 ! Cstnrrh C " t k-. ` I '1.V[` `"8 directly upon 312:0 153001;! (!lI;1(Imn(;1r2'Ll":)`us 6111` face: of the system. Testimonials sent P7100750 per bottle. Sold hyall IirH88i"5- mnbuo II_III_ 'l!I-_,u cw-u p _ .....c:An 1-. .1. Lnnn r. I A \ U.. H'W "' We the undersigned hm \'<'- knm{'n 1` hi-I7`; Cheney for the last la : _vmI`~'-.F-W1 1""`{mm Perfectly honorable in all hu.~xn<-ss rx'M'15` mm and nanciallv able to carry om m1."0b 133' made by his rm. any 538.86 of Catarrh that (';u:x.<-' Hall 8 Catarrh Cure. in - ...._ . . _ _ _. _ I We Offer One Hundrml l)uHuI`.~' I i ' The imps must Imw: in 3 on the night uf the 31% I for the cyclmu.-,th:xt fulln- ed gates from their hing; ed them in high plzww` them among tL*1c'})]1m' \` have not been fnum`. buildings were nmxx-.1 1: tion, the seat of e of the places that ml-r There was an (`II1L'1`j.It`H\ _\' the school board an .\I- . Z, . _ . V191:-- A.,. "' -'\.-lI\I\Jl lJ\.`dll| (VII _\l"l\ ing t0 clear a\\';1_\' Ihc ch}: We notice that thcrc V big potato storit-5 in cm `season. Even tllc m<>~`I potato growers in thi< very little of their cru-1 However. we .<:m' tlm-c feet in form of thv 15:1 variety at Mr. :\l'nT.'th.'1n1 days ago. that \\'ci_'hwl ; half. """ "W Pct uuvuu. DUAU In an H! U5E~""" Take Hall's Family Pills for . 0n. _ ____-:1 English Flannelette CHEAPER 'ru.x.\' 1i\'1iI\` /6 offer this week 20 pf<;cL< "of English Flannclcttc my quality sold at 15c Ia~: sca- son, on Friday. . . .12 [-2c OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO muzss goons '5 III 4 12 only Beautiful ItI.'1t<, all portraying the latest ideas in Millinery. These Iim. are worth from 5.0) 1 rug, and will be shown fur the first time on Irida_v morn? ing, when they "won saic at...... .. ....,'5ASn MILLINERY OFFER EXTRAORDINARY _T';;IUR$pAY, NOV". Wrapperette at 9c u w-u\,. I-V. J. CHENEY .\' (`O.. How's This? 7th. l.'o\\`arvi for M` Hired olvdo 0. all .\lany Pubhc 1 v1mda- \ U63)`. &vr=ach __ Vjm'-. The Nort'I1,;S,hore_ Trappers ante busy_a`t present. . , ,- _ Mf.:,RiCh3Yd`.~Wh3..bG'31T Thi5f.`;3t11df ties at the .B.C.I._ thisfwek. 3: AA ... -|'\- ren of the township, on some period qf-British history. It has since been arranged that the lecture course will be opened by the Rev; D12 McLeod, Barrie,` in`Guthrie church,.on ,Wed- nesday, zoth inst, at 8 p.r'_n.', The sub- _ject,of Dr.` McLeod s lecture --:Will;'be ' music. Scottish Song. There will be` a Pro8ramx`ne offvocal .ng1..instxut;tental` The -Packet faults`; Barrie for ob- serving Thanksgiving. by sports and an opera. (She gets no credit for public~worship'.) W_e_~ui>pose -Or_il-A -'lia sn ideatis to go to~church, return `home and gorge `-yours`elf -with tur- key and cranberry, and then sit down and. assume a_. melancholy [aspect for `the nest of the day.` Poor Qtillia! . I _ ,--_... ..... uaau. ulc nan: UI current for power purposes. And this in- crement should be a growing one. 3 The Advance would suggest that a canvas be made, by the department, ' of the commercial section of` the 7 town to see just what additional` L business theboard can hope to se- ' cure by an all-day service of lighti * with the concomitant gadvantage of I furnishing electric current for such minor industries as would choose to utilize it in preference to gas or steam. Mr. Beecroft has given out a vaulable `idea as to the feasibility of ` pumping the town s water supply by means of electricity and thus arrang- ing for a part of the load for the day run. .This would be a good start for disposing of `a considerable quantity of the power necessary to keep the plant going. economically as a day concern. _ . .- V Very probably, the all-day service might not pay at the outset,`but_it is not too much to expect,for the rea- sons stated by us in our article, that a considerable increment would re- sult to income derived from the use` of extra light and the sale of current, `'0? C\I'\IIva-o A- - A ,__-- .. ----.-- u--v saunas Ill IIDVI Ury UVOF4 i I I I ` O I I O O O I I IIUCCCIUCOOICII Men : plain Grey Shesnd Woo} Shirts and Men's heavy ribbed Shirts and Drawers, re Men's Dari single breasted styi for............ I u e C O I u o e e e e u o n e o e I u a o o ` Men's Fancy Worsted and Dark Tweed Suite, lat $9.00 and $10.00, for . . . . . . . . . . . .. Men : plein Black or Dark Tweed Overcoats, good Italian linkage, at- ' o I I I e I O e o I J o I O :0 Men : extra ne Black or Dark Grey Overco Boyu 2-piece Suits, in am Tvieedn, 29 to 32, an . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..s275 Boys heavy Dark Overooats. with storm cqllar, 24 to `28, for . . . . . . . .33 75 Boyl heavy Dark or Black Oveicoatg, with velvec coH_a_r._g4 to 3-2. at Norfolk style, sizes 92 to 28. at $2 25; Tvieedu,f Q9 tn R9 or Ladies and Children's Hosea-Extra heavy ribbed Wool Hose, regular? 35, for. . . .. . . 25 Ladies Ribbed Cashmer-eV Hose`, "worth 40c pair, ` _.for....-'L... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 . . . . . . . . . H25: Ladles extra heavy Ribbed Cashmere Hosc,'T re u- b lar 50c, fdr 40c, or` 2 pair for . . . . . . . . . .7 c Ladies' Hos worth` % % Hosu-znv Ladies hea~ % V In.- Ladies Dark` Tweed. Chats, "ne % stfapping and velve_t collars . L3: ,, , _ -- 7- ._-._-. ya; a-._: was A _l.. .WCCU ; boats, very stylish, _at _ % % _ 84.00, $4.25, $4.51: a. 95.0: 3y yards 'lon g 1Fnd gdod `widthcurtains, :cgula1f $1325, ,for .- . . . . . . . . . . .850 3 yards lohg andextra `wide, regular. $2.00, `for. .;. . .' . . . . . . .` . 3|.`-O -- -- v c jj Miss, 3"-dn Girls. Dark T.weed;Coats IYQPII `Iv1:n`\ an UNDERWEAR _u, .p,.gu to me gogq. it was `agreed t 0 apply .$s'*as a prize for the best `?'*pP=" * *'*%p;29b1*s5*!91p9hi1!!:p W Messrs." W. Wilso and P$u_-r of Qrenfel called on ifindsl he_re last ' j Mfrs. Culford \_r'isitd'last week .wi_t h _ger v.sister,s Mrs. `Don'aldv Jacobs of am'c._ . .. , 4. _M.essrs. Knapp and Partridge o Barrie spent t,h_e,h__o1ida_y with Ed. Wilsbng , _, M.d;3ssi'.' Wilsonf.-lndt "Parr :df"Gj1:',f_ Vl' cal_lgd_, on:'.__'frie9 V s_ _ he,I`reV V % A LACE _CURTAI; ..---._ ""5. 1\;ju.lVC5 nege. _ Miss Maggie __M.uir left last ' week to spend the w1nte`r>i_nf.`C_Ieve_la_nd. , F;-`edv `Herring ofq" Brrxfe, ~ `spezit Thanksgiving Day with Ed; Knapp." ._ "Mrs. Peacock has been spending .91 week with relatives -near -Cooks-. gown. ed this -week: .Ja.' ` 111-- 1" ' ' . -_ Jvu-no-9 a very enjoyable evening at the home of Mr. -Herbert Holden on Thursday night. ` . . . ~ Mr. Carman Price, _section fore- man, left. for. Bolton on Saturdayyto move `his family. here._ .'Mr. ` Berry of Palgrave ha's_charge of the section in the; meantnne. ` , , . - - . . nu n&A`o Mr; Will Jones of Falding paid us a visit last `Saturday. *Mr. gnd Mxjs, Shanks of. Toronto are visxting fnends "here at present. Mr. William Trinkwon has `gone to Muskoka to hunt thenimble deer. Douglass Bros. nished their sea- son's threshing here last week at Maple `Grove Far_m. . I ' A numbe_rWof young `people spent enjoyable evening home of Mr. Holden Thursdav ll i\di's's' Annie Middleton called on friends here on Thanksgiving Day land was accompanied back to Toron- to by her little nephew, Alvin Mid- dleton. V . ,_ .. uuu V auo1CKl. Nurse Hamlin returne `on Saturday after spendi. nursing Miss Lily Cur. we are pleased to know `slowly. If` FERGUSON VALE. 'Miss'Clara Smith of Toronto is visiting her parents here. Miss Ella O Neil returned home on Friday from Crossland. -Miss Agnes Richardson of Dalston _is holidaying at her home here. Miss Eliza Van~Sick]e of Elmvale spent Thanksgiving Day with her brother, Fred Van`Sickle. , . . . .. ............'1UU single breaded atvle. regu' , 25:0: mean Overcoats. latest styles and verv . . . . . . ..$l0.00, $12.00 and $15.00 Drawers. re-gulnr 60c, {or We -a, regular 99c, for . . . . . . . . . ..67c Lts, neatly trimr n1dAwit`h :olla'rs'. $7.80 and $lo.OO HOBART. STATION. style. that 'c'onducte last year. Among the. At a xneetingwecently held, of Oro Public Lectures Committee, in Goth- tie chtirch, it was .decidedito go for- ward duiing the coming winter with . a course of blic-"lectures similar to gentlemen outside `the township who were mentioned as likely to take part , in_the-_,cogrsc _were Prof. .Hume-.CnI . . vvo wvg VIIVJV 's, made with xlveta collar and . and87.50 ___L_ I . ' collhr. 24 . . . . ..$450 and'$4'. ' extra regular ..'.....' reaular $6 50 and};-5'(): Q; PA lin returned to Barrie fter spending two weeks` Cummjng, vgho| I knrli ;C If\1\-r\----- THE NORTHERN . a;.bvA.~1m L rvyuz, I6ll . $6. 95. 87.5 ,,_ vv nL\l . $1 is Improving \ . view. . 3 : 000000000000000000000000900000000000 000000000 0000 Regarding the question of inaug- thebend of each nancial year. urating an all-day service electric light station, Mr. has expressed himself, in his private capacity, with commendable and characteristic frankness, and his let- ter, which we had pleasure in pub- lishing last week, was `one that would, we are sure, be read by` the citizens generally with great inter- est. There are, however,'io`ne or two points on which we do not see quite eye to eye with him. For example, Mr. Beecroft argues, if we under- stand him aright, that-the-consent of the present light users should be ,a condition precedent to the establish- ment of an all-day service. It seems to us that the first question for the commissioners to answer is, can the change be made to pay. They are the menwith the inside informa- tion; they are the men in authority and have full power to do whatever the situation demands. It is up to them, therefore, to show the people the wisdom or un-wisdom of the pro- position from a business point of Again, Mr. Beecroft thinks that the suggested move would de- -lay lower rates which are now in sight. But the people, are, more concerned with the e`icien- cy and convenience of this public utility, which thus far has been oper- ated so successfully by .present_a_nd past boards. `They are more inter- ested, within certain`- limitations of course, with what they get by way of service than with seeing the com- missioners roll up big sur`pluses"at at,the Beecroft ,plant economically we take it, the rest hf +8.; A... #301!!! expect,for sons stated use` current for in- one.` be section additional V by good . s # .*- * . Barrie ob- serving Thanksgiving. sports and opera.- noeredit public - vworship.) . m We gistippose -Oril-4 :lia s._ idea A V gorge`T.yours'elf-?!"with tur- is to return cranberry, and then and. a. -mela-ncholy-{aspect 13--- n - xkisit . Rolgert Hannah of Tbronto is yisitingyfrxends here- 2 * I Mr. HarryI Ra_n_kin" Tdf Cooksfomfn 1VI;.qJvohn Garbuft is 'b'usy" the new store. . T - -' ' I {T Mr. Jas. Gilpin s house gompleted. _ _,...,........ 1.1;}: up we Lakes and a visit with` her, parents Mrs, Klink of A the `City `spent the Thanksgiving holidays with her. father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. John Perry. ` f ` . ` ,_ _..v . avast] llldlcl. Mr. James Iirnold and Mi`, J. Mc- ` Gill of Toronto visited Mr..A. T. Arnold Thanksgiving and took ad- vantage of the day for a partridge and rabbit hunt. Mr. Archie Bruce of Toronto -spent Thanksgiving pwith his family. Monday was a busy day in town. A number of hogs were brought in ; for shipment. ' ' `Mr. W. `J. Gau_ley reports good ` success in collecting the taxes. _ Mr. and Mrs._ .'Scott of Ayr were I guests oftheir daughter,_ `Mrs, Burk- holder, durin'g,the holiday, ` V '_ Miss Pearl ..-Walkinshaw of the 1 County ,Town spent Saturday to .Monday `at her home here. ' |Messrs. Brown and . McC'riin- . monhof,Creemore were visitors at the .l_atter s home over Sunday- ` 4 1 1 4 . g H I The Methodist ~Chjurch`..has a splen-i i Eiid owingwell at. a depth of, 200 1 get...` V. V V ._ . Mrs._Peacoc_l_< is home again after 3 _a delightfulztrip up the `Lakes aiida : _her..,.parents at Bav, . ' Mr. T. A. Fosfer- toes for the foreign TM - r-;--~ A -- 0900000! Impres 3 `o< Jr. I-I.-Edna Brown, Gladys Col- bourne, Hazel Hurst, Ernest Hooper, Harry Hall, Willie Richardson. Pt. II.--Maurice Carley, Dorothy `Sr. I.-Willie Carr, Patricia Black- more, Stella Bell, George Hooper. Jr. I--.Birdie Warnica, Norwood Carley, Willie Lyons, Wallace Cam~' ex-on. CFVOI1, ;uu L1UUyCl, LVIHUCI Livllfive ghannon, Dorothy Blackmore. Elsie Richardson, Warnica, Lennox, Davey, Edward Mabel Harry Jr. III..+Ida ; Li1lie Shannon, PAINSWICK. School report for October. IV.--Rachel _Nixon, Allan 1 Howard Warmca, Arthur F son, Clifford Leonard. '1'-Iv _---..v. u A.4\y\JA.IG.l Q. 's}. 'III.--Fred `Hall, Dora Hooper, VWilso_n Wright, Frank Hall, Burton \Narn1ca. A meeting of the Bible Society will I 1 . . `be held In the Methodist Church Nov. 13th. _ Miss May Robson has accepted a position in Saginaw, _Michigan, and `leaves for that city this week. - "Miss Alice Hill last week. - .....a nu. a.v:vnA|.U `I619! VVCCl\o Death entered the home of Mr. and_ Mrs. M. Kaiser on Wednesday of last week andxclaimed as his victim their only daughter, Eleanor May, aged 3 `years. Although a sufferer from asthma, her death was most un- expected as she had been ill. only a few hours. The funeral took place" on Friday, Rev. J. J. Wheatley con- ducting.the services after which in- terment took place in'Stayn'er ceme- tery. Messrs. Jas. McMurray, Jas. Buie, Gordon Moir and Herb Young were pall bearers. We extend deep sympathy to- the heart broken par- ents in their great sorrow, v sons`; (.55 \l&IbJll\-In I Rose accompanied by his father, Mr. `W. Rose of_ Stayner, vis- ited friends in Toronto last week; `I`\ 1 0120 PUBLIC Lncrqnss. ,_ .....-.-_,u not v4.Lu. J\Jll\vD- `Mrfs.MHarry Burkholder of Toronto spent the Thanksgiving holiday with friends here and at Stayner. `A;l'_.A1'I'n "` Miss Lefty Parks of Cookstown spent the holidays at Mrs, Jones . ' `LI ..- TT_.__ 1': 1 c u 4 I Mrs. Hollingsworth spent the holiday with . here. `Her sister, Miss Math turned to Lindsay with her. I :Mr. and Mrs. D. Rogerson, Mr. and "Miss Reive, Mr. H. Allan and Miss. VVi1son attended the Ha1lpwe en dance in Cookstown. ` ` ---- --v v cvlana naawanua Jl\vI\ro ' Bert Mclyherson of Swift"Cuxj- rent, 'Sask., formerly of this place, 15 engaggd with Mr. `S. W. Moore for the wmte_r months.` ' ` was up from Tor- onto on Thanksgiving Day. ' Miss Mary Robinson of `Beamsville `is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Moore. Messrs. A. and R. Malcomson of Barrie spent Thanksgiving Day here. Mrs. Trueman of Midland, Mrs. High of Maple and Mrs. Wright of .Markham are visiting friends here. _ l .1,f_. `D--. If rn - - b his gone to Mus- koka deer hunting. * ' ~ `II , `I 111 r\ - I -` Mr. and Mrs. H. `C. Wilson spient `Sunday in Barrie, T in u.. A ` I : Wm. .Lafrani`e,w who has been home from Barry s Bay nursing a lame arm, the result` of a run-over,'spent part of last week in Penetang. ` ' `