I` & STEW-Ann. Vendor B solicitors. 3811' 12 nwaxr at , Illdofa UllUl.U| .130wo;rst,1 Cr . aigvale P.0.' '13Xa31E,%coUNTY FOFSIMCOE, ONTARIO, SEPTEMBER 19, 1907. V Aldermen Cline, Evans, Strange ~`andWatt, were absentees at Mqnday ' evening's `regular meeting of [the Town Council. The sessi o_n'. was short and unimportant.` A close, sticky = atmoshearej 's`e'ry`e'cl "to . .r.e,II1ind I-11.1. inn.-gs !-ma.-a'4}Ia-4 can-nrnAr urn: vol hardly gone. V . ._ , Supt.` T iin wrotein answer to the Clerk s letter of Aug. 10 that plans for buildings, had; not [yet been fully decided upon._ If: Shops wereerected `at Barrie (Allandale), `it `was estimat- ed that from 200 to 300 additional [men would be employed. It 1- I ,II_1 _LL_..L!_.. es us t6: Gbl`\o'_l. : aLtLauq);3y.` ray: vv _,_a_v_oo'oO_-oj- the me1_nbers`that summer was yet hardly ` ` ' riionn 0 _ _, ._ `L1 uouv-nA_ vv war v---r J -- Rev. McLe6;l' calied attention to `the unsafe V condition of bridge. lover town difch into his yard. deg: I the open- ` stgte of the street alongsxde 1115 water i pxpe, _on_Wors1ey 'S_t__.. - . F, 1 _.,-__-_.... r-1") _v--,. ,'-'-----a. -_-..-V . . -A coup_leoVf requests for trimming or removmg shade trees were pre- sented and subsequently allowed. _ Ald. Coey presented a largely `signed "requisition urging the Mayor V to (call. a. -public meeting to consider the Dyment-Leslie propositions. ,. [Ail T\_L-._A. Iv:I~w tiiahlu-rwsvr .` On motion, Beardsley-Taylor, the Board `of Works was orderedgto grade !Wors1`ey St. from :PoiniEz to Berczy E at a cost not exceeding $6. V - `C, II same are L protected. IIIUIQ _The by-lgw re cement sidevfralks w1ll_ be rev__1sed so `as-_.to prevent al- lowmg teams tomcross walks unless \Ju|. nnvn. vnnyvvyp---3 Yv- 11' `ll ,, , __ LI_ 4 us.-no-V any rgvqvv-v-. 'On_ motion, Boys-McM9rran,, the cement crossing on gast side of Bay- eld St; across Sophia St.,was_.order- _-ed, to be constmdted at once. vs. uv -v v-_-----v-v__-, -- ` On_ "motion, 'Roberts6n-Jdalel-csoh, re- `_SC1VCd that the east side _of (apper- ` ton Sf.` do `not"'get cement sndewalk, bdt be gravelled instead. Grading, gravelling and lling in on'west side will be reported on by Board of VVorks. L -A, `To GRANT EXCLUSIVE FRAN- V 2 CHISE. ` George J. Atkinson, special agent for Semi-ready Tailoring, will be in town in a few days for the purpose of discussing the granting of an ex- clusives agency for these high-class garments. ~ . `IA A .1 ' _ 1,` _ .11 41;. .,_,,_ f-1I "Mons : by-n ...v-.-u Mr. Atkinson has all `the new fall styles in fabrics with him, and it is the purpose of the SemT-ready Com- pany to further extend their business \ iiythis distrigt. \ an. 1 I`! In /\ 1' v\ jThe Semi-ready Special Order De-, partment has helped to place this modern tailoring-~ in its". prem1er_ poi sition. With the cloth gamples and ` the fashion plate the agent can take ordersifor suitsto be made from special measure, The saving is'ap- preciable. V VALUABLE mo- M:-nfrv FOR sAu-:. lhzive l{ee;ti ititrAu<`:Vted co dipose of the -following parcels of valuabla. real estate, in ,n`d near .t'_h;e. Town of Orillia. A . l-A lar ttrnxue Vhduuaia on the. hcorner of Laclie 'o;ud,Brz'sm:' `atrets. [2-A six toomerl frame house on mnt street, Lot. No 10. O 1- I`! n In-.- L-It -..__ I-....'-_ -1... ..--....- l\` Hume noun: Uu Drnuu auuuu, uuu nu :.v. v M. B. 3.Tvm half-acre lor.s'on_tbe corner of ` J at-vi_a and Mvvtchedahh s"tre;~;ta.' I AM Auso 1Ns'rr.UcnDro SnL_L: land, on which there is a summer . hotel. several (tame cottages, u la.rge_paviion, and other buildings, A 1 ,m_2__ -__- ....n .l I-The otegmer Idqy.' '2 Strawberry le`- - Illyllrls V Ionnvnuuoawu Any r_euonableoll'at for any`, .0: all, of thgse ptope_i'._cio.s will be submitted. l _,`-Fo_'r5ter_nxs qpply up? Ci Iii ' Iowa couucIL. 1 Ofoes hi let with~vau!t. the oioes now'oc.- '. A. Rad nhurat. Rarnntenover the ADDIYUO ' o& pi`?i:3yet5."sia`aea.3.:1a::iz.;r7.zae.av Bnk_ or Commexfce. j Apply to gt _ A. W. WILKINSON. GRAND ormu House` -s-rA::a jwmmx-+4 % .s;?rEggg3d toj 28:13.` \%il`0M &NW3K5.A\ *5: .:='-3:13.;-.;, ::::: r...-t~.: -I n 0 0 ` N_:w_ Pt .V.na"p;3?;uus eac evening. _!lo ~ A 'MiI9- bowewsn Age. nuns `mi in I f`v.`:fQ`_mA~Y`"-'--Y L _,,,3~.. .` %`? "`?~*.Y*-* .,...*;u..2f.Fo:,=*;.;1'.1s5w""-"[ ..8atur(_l,# ybswnn Baowxnvp Tm: ,` v 7 " CLA1ix s LAND AGENCY. `Prion: -118. _ box 725, Omp1.I_A. 'lIC lI\ .;`;l".leEIl~V& 1 -rnuu-_- u, -. _ Action and Tone Regulator} Pianos A'1wsyion;.Hund_ For Sa. e ` xv.- s7- 1y . ` 36:JOEN.s'1`REE1`, BARRIE. ._ """"50la_D 51 9-_---' .iiF?Ii=n Bgbok 4 . __-..;__ -:-_--------j-n % namuss MW351339~ :=l"%3-' tness ad ....- Danmluuno _ omccs1'o urt- . sr-i> 3* % _.-_".._1'.' _s - HOUSE Mr. and Mrs.,W. -C'oVultAhard `end son Harold have returned from a. trip to Whitby,`Oshawa and Port `.Hope. . - Mr, Arthur Hall and wife of Chi- cago are spending part of their honey- moon here the guestsrof Mrs. M, E. Gray, Dunlop St. will ndl x---J, .._-- , - ; Miss -Maggie C. Morrison, who has `been staying with her sister, Mrs. Craig, has gone to Toronto to attend the Normal School, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Tin, aftgr a `stay of several months Wlth relatwes `here, left on Saturday for their home in Vancouver, B.C. Mrs. Robt. J. Sprott will receive on Thursday afternoon and evening, Sept. 26th,` at the residence of `her `parents, 32 James St. *` 1 _r| I4..- v--7', UV j Miss G.`A. Fraser, formerly of \Sarjeant and Smith's,-left on Monday for Helena, Montana, where she in- tends making her home. .3.- : was in Town for a few hours on_Fri- Lieut. R. Henderson of Chicagol glay, en ronte to K_ir_Igston. where he Intends takmg a mllttary course. -`Mrs. Austin of Whi`tby and Mrs. Lirgcoln of St. Catha.rine$..wh0 have been guests of Dr, and Mrs. Patter`- son, have, returned to their respect- ive homes. - ' V 1VIr.- `D. McK. 4VFo1_-';-ester,: B.A., LL.B., who is practiding law with Mr. Donald Ross, wasvin Toronto on Friday, where he was sv_vorn in `at Osgoode` Hall as a Solicitor of` the Supreme Court of Judicature for On- tario by -Chief Justice 'Muloc}<, `and presented with the silver medal which he won in the nal examinations at the` Law choo1. ' " V1` ' ` Mr. John Rogerson had a trip to. `Montreal and Quebec. last week at . the invitation of the Allan Line for ` which he is agent. The.voyage from {Montreal cast "was made her `Str; Victoria and a most erijoyable time was spent. 9 Take your fgris_ting .and_ `chopping toJWi1kinson s M11 _Choppmg., very -.I_':.-' no.` -.A.- fan "I1vnI'l'9`1A r`. 14?! 911!` The Fall Assizes opened here on lMonday afternoon before Mr. Justice * Maybee. Following"is the docket:' I. Ontario Bark `Co. vs. Alex.Smith. 2. Ellison vs. ~Col1ingwo'od Ship -` `building Co. A - ' _ ` . 3. Barrett vs. Perth Mutual. w 4. `Lougheed Vvs.-_ - Collingood. Ship`-' building Co. -_--"-._ ..'.A.2-..`l-- an an, UIl\LI5I '\Iv ; The first case, `an action for an ac.- %count, was referred. to the Deputy.- ;Regtisftrar. The second case, a dam- 'l age _suit. was p"ostp0.13ed.? ' `D'URBIN.-'.-A't7l5iarvrieV, ox; Sept,` 9th,. 1997, to . M`_r.. and Mrs. Jos. G. -Du:-+ C` :iA- `A bi?!" . S=t::...`. ;-?`.\11`3'.3?r:. _ ` - ..~ - $gJ'.__-h(-n. J. ` 13* `_ th L Nome of th.tvPF5*1..P3.9F!`%?:.93:WS` IO YV1lKlHSOn'S JV.|.l|I`.: 'pn9pp1l15`c,vc1y :1a.'y,~ 5c, peg 190 .1bs.,-~we1ghefd- In and mt; Satisfaction guaranteed. - A Assxzg co};IR?r.;% jjn FAm]tERs I noun. `IIVAL W ml aaaaaaaa any -. -. ._._--- ; .--On sale at Hunter Bro s. 7 610th- ing Store, 30 pairs Men s Tweed Pants, worth $2.75, for $1.98. I`- _L.__..- ..-s out'\Qcv -lll'd.I..|Co I Go to Wilkinson's for all kinds of dry Hard and Soft Wood, also Slabs, sawed and split and len` ht you wish, and sold per cord, no ox loads. _ LL- `L....L ...-.J 1rf\CC| an nnuu vv v- 7-- Y-., 9, , Mad_ame A. on _Coct1r_a:ne is now` `a.cce_pt1ng pupils m voxce culture, smgmg, etc. Concert engagements -made. _.__-__ q n Q `I I,!.._I_ _ auu Buns yvs vvou, nv. ---- .--_--- __ --You are worth thetbest, and you ;can get the best plums in the best lled baskets from VV. J. Justice, Blake Street. I` P 1 .3,` ,4 ___1:_ .Dld.l\C uI..1\.\.|.. . Collingwood s re-ghting appli- l ances. have been reported "on as de- plorable, unsatisfactory and inei- cient. A paid brigade is advocated. __-n. ._ L._--L --Ann bA\AA|.. -- r-__ _--a._ ,, -When at Barrie `Fair treat your- self to a, new tailored Skirt or a pair of made-to-measure Corsets.= Orders taken at 13 Ross St., Barrie. . n--- 7 `D......2...| `IJ.l\\l.I (Oh La &\rhIr arc. ---~- 7-. --On Sale at :Hur}ter Bros. 25 Men's Serge Sunts, worth $10, for Ls?-9$~.. ,._ __s 13-; r*-....a. -8 1D,.-"Au- , Barrie, ` `i /-VV- ` At the voters list Court of IRevis- ion on.hdonday bene ]udge.Afdagh L the list of` appeals as handed in was iallowed with the exception of dupli- cate names. Over 500 names were added. --Giant Tripiets -- Currency," -."Bobs and Stag Chewing Tobac- cos, in big plugs. Quality always the same, T'he Gingerbread Man, the daint- .iest morsel from a musical stand- point, now playing at the Princess Theatre, Toronto, has been booked for the Grand Opera House here on the evening` of Oct. 21st. ---- -.- , `L eIn_response to a rehuisition, a pub- lic meeting has been called by the Mayor for Friday evening, Sept. 27th, at8 p.m., in the Town `Hall, for the :purpose of discussing the Dyment- Leslie industrial propositions. : And Orillia Grits opine that W. H., Jnoth roller skating rink in Midland. 3 will require to get his skates on` I James -Brockett Tudhope in the Com- ; mons, handicap, soon at hand. mighty _quick if he is to distance one i Says the'News-Letter:--Mr, H." Bennett, M.P., is building a. mam- ` --Rubber -Hot Water Bags and Fountain Syringes, good_and fresh, from $1.00 -to $2.50, at Cross1and's drug -store.- ' ` .--For Quality and Quantity ask` i your dealer for the new big plugs of 1 Bobs, Stag and "Currency Chew- ixrg Tobbacos. _. Brigadier Bond, who previous to his position as Editor of the War Cry, edited the Social Gazette, an Army publication which deals with `the social problems of a great city, will on Sunday afternoon deliver an interesting lec_ture on London's Bed- less 10,000." His experience as a tramp` among the `tramps, trying to `win theirysouls for the Master, will be well worth hearing. Allaare wel- come. ' ' f ' ` Mr. John. Aldous, after a long i1l- . .ness, died at his home at the corner ` 1 of Peel and James Sts. early Tuesday` morning in his 76th year. The fun- ` eral takes place in Georgetown`, his former home, to-day. The remains go from here on the 7.25 train` and the arrangements` there will be under the direction of.the;A..O. U. A s_er- v_1_ce,.was. held on Wednesday evening 'cc_mdt_1cted_ by Rev. Dr. McLeod. A widow rand. several sons. and daugh- ters sni:_\_m_1e,'Mrs._ A. H. Goodall and ~..Ethel;*~Aldoust of Town being` A liter deceased. 9 - V .11? n':les;jiVair- has` entirely re- dgvhis Mary `St. mansion (which ` of *the;_ handsomest, best ' `1 $1.00 PER ANNUM up Aovmc: M nI_u_aLI_ col-nu rnvnclma seems to be able to combine success-` fully the business of the counting % house with other duties, and many of ` the details of the work are due to his iuntiring supervision. The improve- ments have been put on at a cost of about $6,000. vv unpu. axvvaya appccua l.U LIIC i1VCI"` gage Exhibition sight-seer. ooooooodoooooooooooooooooo After an absence of four years, during which he has toured Western `Canada and a portion of the United States, Tom Marks and his company appeared again in |Galt yesterday, says the Reformer of Sept. 3. The -company supporting .him is an ex- ceptionally strong one, and the crowded houses at both matinee and evening performances were immense- `ly pleased with the productions. The evening offering, `That Irish Board- er, was well staged, and the company acquitted itself Wlth credit. The above company will ll a. ~week s engagement at the Grand |.Opera House, Barrie, opening Mon `day , Sept. 23, in That Irish Board~ A quiet event took place at Christ Church, Ivy, on Wednesday, `Sept. Ilth, when Mr. Geo. A. Arnold and Miss Ethel M. Carpenter were united in the holy bonds of matrimony. Al- though the hour was not publicly an- nounced a few kind friends assembled to witness the ceremony which was performed by the bride s brother, the Rev, W. F. Carpenter. The bride was attired in a blue `broadcloth travel- ling suit with hat to match, and car- ried a white Prayer Book. Several pretty presentswere received from some of her intimate friends. After the wedding breakfast, which was served at the Rectory, ..Mr. and Mrs. Arnold left _for Toronto, Hamilton _and other points. A cat-bxoat race will be sailed on Saturday afternoon next, Sept. 21st, l beginning at 2 o'clock. All the cat.- boats in use by summer residents around the bay will be entered, and Mr. Car1ey s eet also is available. Mr. `Stewart Houston of Toronto has V oered to donate a silver cup, and there will be a-small sweepstakes. Particulars can be obtained from J. Carley at his boat house. The course will be from Carley/ 3 to- Minnett s Point, then to Fisher- \man s Point, then to Allandale wharf ) and back to Car1ey s wharf twice. A numberof Ban-ie s most expert sail~ ors will enter, and it` will,` be a glimpse _of old times to see a sailing race on the bay named after that famous sea.- dog, Admiral Kempenfeldt. - GOOD PERi`0RMANCE. This store sells Clothing on the square. .We furnish our trons with Clothing that will do its (in and never came I disappointment. We mnnre the best Clothing thIt_ C110 .011 The Square We neoure the Clothimi that Ieoun `sheet Mnnuhoturers nowhow to p uce--Clothing. that : absolutely ri " t. V3. price it to sell at the lowest mar- gin possible. allowing ourselves a. living nrnt. ' . __ ARNOLD-CARPENTER. SUI Dtluuuu, uuvvvu-a v-........ .. _... ._,, prot. While human hands may fail and hu- stand - man heads may blunder-we `ready to make any wrong right. or cor- rect any error that may occur. We want your patronage -to-dsy. to- `, , next mo th (1 t - `j '$3a"?iYu1o= unwefxl-o 1':`.':u. :'i..' `HA slug A anvor to win and hold it `wait it as 10 as we are In nuumosa. we alnll en savor to win and hold is ~by_ Selling Clothing oaths "SQUARE. I `tie haw a large amount of Pl;ihVate`"1l11Y.1i:~S5' :3 enat4 1.3 - ntones R00d fY'll1kl1!;lr[\]t(`Y.frQI7xI)l(;r Cg/f('.(`.AH.'l`fIY. & I Huuisa snos.,JLm. mm cxmnmag. ngntuxz. SAILING RACE. BARRIE BRANCH `W, D. M21}TON. Manager. .__,,, ._., _. ,- __... ~-__..__. _.___,w 7 AI\"l`EH~-A smart young girl to assist with house work. no washing. Apply MRS. F. A. LF.'l"l`. Toronto Street. ` _ tf AI\"l`EI)-A1exander. Wealthey and othpr good full Apples us soon as ready, W111 my highest Inarkct price. Une good heavy spring team wagon. suitable ford:-awing upples, for sale cheap. .... Y A MIIN: V A T!) Street. N IIUUSL` \VUl`I\. nu vvuauuns BALED HAY G. STRAW WANTED Mons of 1`st-class Hay and Straw wanted. Send lowest cash price to JA5. CHEESMAN. Coal and Wood Mc-x-chant, Corner Bradford 8: Elizabeth 2-Insets. `Phone 158. 38-3813 First class wood hoop Apple Bhrrels in an) quantil_\'upI014UU. for early dehvery. A D13 M. \x, (;0sSLh\'G at bewrey s Buil ing. opposite West Ward School, Bradford 5 rear.` Come at once to secure supply. 3539! ~_,_____%___ O 7 __ \ ESTABLISHED 186': This bank has a - '- _ ounded upon more 1':>utatic,n_ score_ years of progrestn two creasmg-expanding__bec-O In. stronger and more perm tnipg _ the time. `Went an No other bank _ . .` . `offers greater f:cfii1:.er3t1 ank customers in every $3 to its ness. Merchams F e f busi; Jealers. Callie n..y,,"',.8"`"8- G:-a|._ tIrSear:i,n Corporations ' `lithe. QS accotunts m \ 3-Y be opened with a deposi or more. Interest f $I.oo Pald 4 nvuu at 1) unu J) p!:l`L'!:llL Uu LIID uwv glad farm mortgages. McCAR'l`HY. E UR()HIS().\'. uunlop Street. Barrie. 5:- lii; Offers will be received -by the undersignml, for the p\1rL'11u.~'v. either separately or together. _the purca-l.~s of land hereinafter described.` 112.: 'P.mv'1. LT} . N t! thirty` acresfof the Em na'1rur lot u.ulrr hirty' (30) in -the Eighth 13)Concvssinn of the '1`ownshiDf0f VeBPmv 1 the County of Fimcoe. 'l`1..\..- , L`, _-*. 1--.! n 4-inn:-I ...-.uuIu1l) U1 "`lUUc' I dga, 00d , , these 130 in There urv mm! to D` .0 frame dwe orchurthu UH`, und 3 ' ds We 1 and la house. good burn und Smbe wuterod. ' bet ,. ~ t 10` "" Parwm. II. 1110 East ha` 0 - he _ `l 1 ncessxon 0 . Eleven (IH in szud Light .0 to T0\\'n.s'hin m` \'o-~"""` "uICTPQ_ The half of ixumber lm" i W1 Eighth gs) Concession of the Tu}\'1\shipo|' Vt-5pfu_ ION ls saiti to be a good soft wood bush on these lllllda. F0I'l(`1'nIa'zm `iurtherparticulara apply to STEWART &. STEWART. Vendor's-Solicitors}. ' 13 Owen St.. Barrie. I Dated August 3rd. 1907- So lend at 4} und 5 per cent on me securxw "1 ood morng ages. URCH max` I In nl nn St.r9.et._ Barrie. Heinlzman & Co. Piano And it merits the highest praise. ;0MuoooouuoooOO_O_gO:`1 in ovar- 1 a taxed to anticipate n ; delay. ( ew York, u, is fully 1 is season : ` help and I Apple Barrels For Saie. Iiiw % X13} ?iEMENTs. uuomr. SIRE; .--Holy C0mlnl!l1i9!`9. ` --Morninn: . `V of London's; _4 % -" Queen of Instruments. .!` - Prince of Pianos. - Noblest Roman of A111 . -- At the Top. .i - Excels any piano I have ever used.--Albani. . (Made by Ye Olde Firing ol llclnlzman & Co.. Limited) - V\'u1:.\' '11c,\\'xg:L1.1.\'v. VVEST BE SURE. AND STOP A'l"l`HE ' P. o'comu;LL. Pr0I>!'}`5 ; V '3 ow. crry MARKET w`nn'vpg'-'; I46 PRINCESS 31'. _ l_ lirst-class Accommodation. R6303 . led und liefumished Thl'01`18hm" - '_ havc :- J`lA`ll 593 MA R Kjg_r"FiE21::.L v-Tn u. VIII-I\Il_`If `gm :lPhonea.1- Oice. Yud andijmofj { I A.w.wILKIN ` Phonon na:-_ v__.| --A `'.~ A. F. GA1iRE'rT. people describe the ' LAND FOR SALE} MONEY ro LOAN. my % Choice Mauithn an d it Low prices. But yluQ; *g; All kinds. am qualify. Solze Agent 3 vunvun V. 1 cnzw. Pnornntfdns. ` I-lulu vuv J A1\ I}:`:. VAIR. wHou:}Nc. 'rf9e}- PlOfIll'l ORI. A . .~ h:QOOOQObO9000QOQ: V THE BEST IS ram _(:x11a:A15x-:_s'1"?` 9996699ooo669ooooooQg Neck Pneces In tI\. newest designs ' Simmons AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA [|' vouk. 390009090094 MINK, rm;s1AN%* LAMB and %sAnu: MADAME COCHRANE of Toronto.;haa opened a studio for Voids Gmture as` MRS. DEVINIVS, Toronto 8: , Borne, _aud;will"be there every Tueldayfrom 5 p.m.- till 5 p. m. Wednesday, .comr`nenciog Sept 17th. Mad- ame Cochrano is o pupit of the famous j`S`._g nor Garcia and Professor Fred Walker; Lon-_ don," England,` and Madame =Div'1vier "ct Paris. ` - * . `. `ARMS FOR SALE SELL-100 acres south innisl, a about`: acres of ore particulnrsupply to also 50 acres. `south of the bar .V ORR HENRY" men; A E.`{T-+KA.'1'tu5n. halt Lot 20. Con.V9, tiauartcr 1-91: 24. Con. tter bemg bush. Craisxval iottavateg-uliza` proeI_:r_unin.scroas same, For` throe . with stone stable - under tire last mention barn and stgneptnble uolning the first ment- ionedbu'n.*-A , There in a.x_-at-clue hard wood bush. 35 acres in extent,9m_ui(1 landfalso good otchu-d of two acres. lands well wateredwlth, both hardnnd 1 ` '.lT8lI`:';.b0" .763 tprmiund ugther __ `cum: "my ' In th newest designs We have 5 lrinda. whole or powder- P ed. They are fresh and of nest avor. We guarantee their purity. Pn_E.snvA7nv:s -- , An no-1- -_ Q..II..-`I3n will `prove susoessful on use such spices. preservatives an sealing ma.- terials as we can turnish. -' Tfithiuvrsuuwu-up ` Eit)-er Benzoate of soda or V Salioio ` Acid is harmless `when the pure article. such as we sell. is used in right quan- -H91: BUUII ' tity. [Robertsolfsi ________________ on ROYCE 50 1 DOOR EAST OF BARBIE HOTEL. voices 37 41 wMf6ii'6iJAND. D t| I " ' V. y./avr Rubers, % 5: Doz. F72;/I -Garlzh: `A Canning Efforts Blind srom-:. IHIGK NECK - Morgan's Goitre Ointment is a certain cure for thick neck. and does not stain. PRICE 250. - A __:;::C 4'LII\ .e!<=s `ti-I:!..` iN`r:`nts1'.s= as nance." 1-H: coumiv. or since: mo TI-IE common or cgmoa oua cmrsmou.