issue or MEDIAEVAL LDNBDN nu IJLU JJILIIIEII LII. UUJII. _ The researches of the Coi'riere delln Sera have veried the ipsissimi verbs of the boast made in the lastscentnry by the Italian patriot, Ubaldino Per- uzzi, then mayor of Florence, at, a banquet he gave in honor of the them. lord mayor of London during the hat ter s sojourn in Florence. The and cient Florentine merchants, Peruzz? and Baldi, lent such a sum to Eng- lish sovereigns, exclaimed Signo: Ubaldino Peruzzi, as to-day, per. haps. not crown treasures themselves \ would suice to pay. TBA Int-A rnncvruu n`utuA|'o L... AL- -1 I - - -- vocvn \nAJ\IIDAl\I\Jl\/\J Ill lOll\J lllyg \'3 ages. . The sum of 1,000,q00,000f. ($200,000,- 000) does not represent the real total advanced by the merchant brothers.` Simon and Bindo Peruzzi, but in- cludes interest calculated in respect! of the 600 odd years that have passed since the rst loan. amounting to 60.- 000,000 lire ($12,000,000), was advanc- ed to Edward I in 1200. One.of the priginal bills of exchange is preserved In the British Mu.seum. researches nf than nni'rim~n dlln I. IV! 61106. The' Marchese Vicenzo Peruzzi, the present "head of the` house, is now away in London-for his marriage with a Miss Betty Cox, the daughter of a deceased magistrate: The other mem-' bers of the, family profess to know nothing about the revived demand for restitution, but on learning the par- ticulars remarked that though ac- cording to British law the recovery of `both capital and interest was now. barred, yet debts of this kind i-n the case of royal families remain debts of honor uncanceled by the lapse of f-LUDR Palymoritfof Bo VDe-` mIan ded-4600 Years Interest.` V Reports recently revived that the representatives of the ancient Florenc- tine family of Peruzzi intend pressing r their claim upon the English royal family for the liquidation of immense loans made to the first three Kings Edward have led the Corriere della Sera to institute special inquiries in Florence. IIVL- ' It 1 rvo - 'I?:ueLAun's KING A{~m-:B1 on. `Art? of VII ---.._ * ~---v-v -v ---- `van: uu VI LLIC ' iinglercikero prompclv and robeflyrcaredifor. [DHON E 82 Work of 1 %X OOOOOOOOOOOOOO0OOOog: G. s.'Mh1W1`%i%1mes' I Barrie AUnfI_eAr`t_al_(_i[1gAEslabIishmen __,_ y+_h~`;` \~\\ OO 0OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooo, \ 42n_A;,Ae-n|;|% . 2- n- - ... . W have all the appliances for the care of funerals in transit througl surrounding country: Hearses am} Waggons; Morgue and Burial Pa 'l{ermeqts~ in all cemeteries. or shipments to all parts of the Worl tiqderoskers properly cared for. PHONE 32_ vi. style, without service-- .of wear , Hr--- ---.ruy uuuvva . Cecil R. Elliott and Albert `Hop- kins of Toronto `were committed for trial on a charge of conspiring to de-! fraud the Anglo-American Insurance. Company. Prog ress Brand Clothing Look for Hm I nhnl +5.4 a..._:c-_ _- paying more for clothes than they are worth ? What s the use of What s the use of ' Be sure you 1` -have a horse that you can't work - veterina can't cure of Kendnlrs pnvin Cure. ' V KBNDALIJS. _ United States-- ve used it and raved xt. - RAVP.LERS' Rn I have been using Kendall's Spnvin Ind Always nd I! ate and sure." 01 - tun- Q 3.- A1 Tvogen on a t f - Bruise,get Kendnlrs Spavin Cure. If ygfxogn 0 a 5 Spvin-or any Soft emtions--tm-oughou HUBERT p, M 117.34.- KS3. 5. horse, get Kendall is ST P'E`I-v DCC. Cure for the 135: I , !Ca Dada and the .lRAVP'.LER8' REST, P.E.I,, I " the find T 81. I bottle-6 for 95. Write for a copy of our great book Tx_'catisc On The Horse." 1: : a mine of information for farmers and horsemen. wl3o_ want to keep their stock in prime condition. Mailed free. 25 look for the Label that typies progress. Collier and Clapperton Streets ALWAYS IOPEN. mi. 3. J. KENDALL co., N luosuuno nus. - Vtnuonr. U.s.A. L --.. ~-.--n to 'ft(e_e;11 days i uvunnn, vv an DUIILCIIUCU ' 7lfheMc%;:'Sema;n;s Friend "- C 3. Te. ESTABLISHED 1 870 vlsland City Pat n ts THURSDAY, De/ar/men/. . -9-. unvu 1d Parlors, world. W0: ll -.-v vIvo|u\vlllV\IIlL- 111 UUICIII. lood, the second baseman of the Toronto `ball team, was sentenced, -4,. 'CIA....... J---J ' ' chances with any other Clothing when without good looks? What s the through town and lurial Pam-a Y. E-M-+;:--:~++-M yO11 C811 get --..- V... 1l\-I516. "I`l1Veexoe"rts employed by the Tor- onto Board of Trade have reported in favor of a viaduet scheme as a $01- ution of the waterfront problem. rp;___ 111- _ .1 .1 81 imp] W , _, ,,_ --.. _---. . I The Temiskaming & Nox_'the,rn~' Ontario Railway will be completedl by the end of the present season to the two hundred po_st. L ' "Fl- , , - . _ j _. __v_._-.--_- _' -y-- -guano Mrs. Margaret -Hawes, of Tofonto, . who had strangledhetself, was found -`dead on. the oor of her home b)!_hr four-year-old son. - * The Sunshine is a good, all roundhu'nace. Burns, withequal f'acility,eitb`ercoalor wood. Coke, too, ifyou prefer it. - And so perfect*is,,nibustionL 1' of the Sunshine that it extracts A every unit of heat from _the_TfuelA.1 T IITL_4)_ Ig. 3.. AL. _. 7"WhaR?;`ie?z's.'Tn22su"?1}:&.as"`3` worth sifting. ' - a_ `:5. Sunshine consumes less % Perfctgrstem 9? it Events of the Week L { '2*-%--H---i-~-3-4-'!~i~N-`I-H-`i-'!'!~I'+4-+4+?+!-*+V4i-4*-4;f-'3-9 THURSDAY, JUNE ':':\7th.A 'terxfitory in Carolina. Uvnitefl State: `I K . _ , `IA 3 --4-2'~'~"!"M--!-%"%f~+-H-4-d6~'+44'4-%%%;;!?4'44~F+49~;! J DAVILV-U3 EAHK DEPARTMENT 91 Deposits of $1 and upwafds received go ._-interest allowed at cufrent rates and paid quarterly. The deposltot`, is `subject to no delay whatever in the pvithdrawal of the whole-or `any portion of the deposit. _ _. A ` BARRIE BRANCH -- 1 g.__ -_;?_ Branche throughout Canada, and in tlie United States and Enland BURN.S_C OAL on wool: gain omen. 'l'0R ON'l`Q A GENERAL BANKING .BUs1NEss ='rRANsNAc'rEDI `SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT ru RNACI: into moonshining coumsacuu, mp Fairness PAPERADISOOUNTEHD at In- --o-nuuurc vv luv Fun If ybhr Vd6,I1el'f "not handle this `most l'..'_.'...-- :45- . .I:___A. "L- A --_.___-.-- ---va-orb:--I-\ll`h)o Order your wedding invitations early and at the right place. The Advance Job Printing Department makes a specialty of this. class of work. All the. latest samples of stationery. "Call and. see us before ordering. Advance Job Printing" department. voxi pay for `heati-ng the in;ide-e-. not the outside-'-of . your house when you buy .the SunIb_.ine. . A `.-J- Josetaia E. Costin pleaded guilty at Montreal to charges of defrauding `the Mutual Life of Canada. It is -said be forged the names of doctors, priests and even undertakers,to death certificates- damper: prevent the escape of the hot air up the chimney--compels it to cqme out through the registers. . V tenants bill for Ireland has been introduced in the British House of Commons. `Several persons have been struck by lightning and killed in New York and district. ' ..__ W--- ...-v \.J--nus-u LJLGI-DD. I The Hague Conference yesterday d}sc.ussed the bombardment of unde- fepded towns. ---. `to In uvlaablllvll. There is talk of a. new treaty` be- tween Japan and` the United States. 'I"L , TI "` !. - - v_-. a sauna LSIILVLL I Frontenac `County Council has dc.- icided to purchase the'Perth road,and nthus free the County of toll roads. i The wife and four children of W. I . Armstrong of Arnprior were burn- ed to death in a re that destroyed the laundry over which they lived. . . "rt... -.-..__ -: xvi _,.-._-_-J \I v v: vv lll\plI LAID IIVCU. The status of New Zealand is to be _raised to that of a dominion. rI`.I _ _--- . ...v 1115:.) uungavu. Henry Garrison was killed in the machinery of an oil well at Osborne. West Huron Conservatives nomi- `nated their present member, Mr. E. N. Lewis, for the `Commons. l A young Englishman named Witt, lreman on the G. T. R., was run over `llat Brockville and killed. I"\ . _. .._, Y-,-v\I" \JI nub}. "' _ The operating department of the Grand Trunk is calling attention to ,the need of train crews having suf- `cient rest after one trip before the go out on another, ' ' rI\ The` n'1;in' builciing of the gas `works at Belleville was burned. U______ U _ . f`__ United States railmakexy-s offer a -perfect rail for $33 a ton. Wreck- causing rails cost $28.. ' | 'm_- n - 1* ` The report of [the Minister of` L nds, Forests and nMincs` shows that the total collections from all ser- vices was $2,266,387.84. `_ 0' rp`___ _____,,.', l _-_. _.--v-av an. .n.\.II\Jll|.\lu `The Imperial Board of Trade. of. London, England, will appoint nine commercial correspondents in` Can- ada._ v - | -v_-.v--.-v.- n-or l.\Jl\JlllVJ. . "BecaI'1s`e she had been reprimanded, Mary Kinsman, thirteen years of age, attempted suicide in Toronto. d -7!` territory Carolina. United States revenue officers xilledthree men and captured twenty-three, - FRIDAY, JUNE 23:11.` I The American `Chemical Society Eopenedl its "convention in. Toronto.` T\-__.. ' ` Pai'i-up .capita1. $10,000,000 Rest, - - 5,000,000 Total Assets, - n3,ooo;ooos WEDDING IIIIVITATIONS. "H J GnA'sI-:1'1`.%Ma.nager U<;ti:;;zv_e-iV<->-::. Pure 8. gs-nnusum near __ vv--- Y-vo- _The British Commons by an over- whelming vote favored restriction of the power of the Lords. During a raid es of hooks have been_ so cut that no one would think diamonds were concealed between them. Other ; smugglers have `gone so fax-`as to in- ict serious cutupon themselves and stu _ valuable stones into these wounds. . . - it - unvuun, "V1011 Q0, . The Kairs are coixstantly devising new modes of smuggling. They will load their pipe bowl with small dia- \ tnonds under 9. layer of tobacco and vggorously pu smoke to divert sus- plclon. v....-- -n- - - an an 11 51.11516 uuy. . But even the waste earth 1s not `yet done with. This is specially treated lest tallow and machinery alike should 1 have overlooked anything of value. That the precaution. is worth while is seen from the fact ,that diamonds worth $1,400,000 were recovered from these tailings last year. A London syndicate contracts to take `the entire output of the mines; and alllcutting is done in the Contin- ent of Europe, chiey in Amsterdam and Antwerpa The stones vary enor- mously in quality and fetch in the rough from $1.50 to $200, 3. carat. , ~ There is very little leakage, consid- `ing the stupendous scale on `which e diamond mining is done. One 'year, however, a negro sorter was found to have swa1lowed..$3,700 of stones, but a colleague broke this re- cord by swallowing 348 carats of dia- monds, worth $5,300. ~ . . Kars_are constantly devising gxgauuu cuuee cup VmTa1.1ey are taken tron ; `here to the general oioes of the monopoly and 1 sorted according to value and size. f Stones worth $200,000 have been wash- ed in a single day. Rut Anna Hug Inna`A .....4.L .:_ _-4 _.-A unvua UL all 501115. Th disintegration process is helped by harrowing with steam plows; and all such ground as remains obdurate goes into the crushing machine. The washing gear is- a marvel of ingenu- ity; and as the dirt and gravel pass down its plane the diamonds are ar- rested by a tallowy coating._ This fat is then scraped off and meltedin a caldron, in whose bottom the dia- monds are found like precious grounds in a gigantic coee cup. 9 OI? QPQ `nan-in LA-._ 1-. LL - I I uuvv lI"UCU`lr'o ; Pitstic hoards of Spanish doubloona ' rep not the only. buried `weal one my with spade pick; says `he London Chronieln- A: u-`--A-I-' .......- gauuuu rum: in mm tunnels, patiently drilling with ham- mer and chisel. - Marked Off In Squares. Great stretches of ground known as the oors are marked off like tennis courts to receive the precious ore; for _.`. v__ won air, rain and sun do the work of dis- l integration as no costly machinery could do it. One mine alone has ve miles of dumping oors. Upon their smooth surface is spread the blue clay tothe depth of a foot, and after several months it crumbles and re- leases the indestructible crystals with- ` in, such as diamonds, garnets, olivines and other stones of lesser value usual- ly found associated with the most pre- cious of all gems. ' Tho I`:a;U\`nnn:n`:.`_ _.._---_ 2.. I. _1A. 1 . e _ I Mr. Alex. Fraser of Toronto was} re-elected Grand Chief qf the Sons ofi Scotland at Niayra Falls yesterday.` 101111 T.ev(`nvIcr on an-...l....--.._ -r .1 ..... van. yxvncu uuo U1 U18 Hlua plaster of neilghbor Du ToitKs_ hut the famous Star of Africa, which"sold fpr $56,000. That was the beginning". the dia- mond mines which to-day e"m';'il"oy 15;- 000, Kairs and 4,000 Europeans. nit P1111 `fl flaknn nun `----~--`- ` u: V96 501115. {`His children used to play in the sand with -bright pebbles for marbles. Neighbor Schalk Van Neikirk saw one of the stones, took it from-the little ones with the remark that it might be valuable, and the following year it : was on show at the Universal Exposi- tion of Paris as a magnicent dia- ` m'ond of twenty-one carats. Two years later old Van Neikirk himself picked out of the mud plaster neighbor `Du 'I`ni. a land .41.... 4:............ ' JIIIIL 151- um puvuuuzs uzebal. ' On t e other hand, Butgher Jacobs l off-sad led "on a. hundred acres of dia- _monds, and his little claim to-day contains an absolute monopoly in ` it-pese gems. `I .I':.. ..l..'l.J...... --_-.1 47 - aassuwuu L ILJU. 4 One of them, says a. writer ill The ` World To-day", settled on a patch of gold forty miles in extent which has ` since become the famous Band and yields a. hundred million dollars every year in. the precious metal. n `kn ACLA-n `..._.J 'l1____._I__-A, `I I The story of the Kimberley diamond mines began two generationis ago. when two bandsof Boer immigrants ed out. of A Cape Colony to -escape n British mle. `l\_- .2 ;L.__ .. . _- Origin ,0? Famoljls I Rand-Beers Es- taping From-British Rule - New Yield; Enormpus Wealth Every Year--',A Geological Puddin3--Lit- tle Leakage by .Th.eft--Negro Swal- __lowe $3.700 Worth 9f Gems. w:InnsAMounsesxess How `mesa sfom-:s ARE TAKEN A FROM-V KIMBERLEY MINES. ` The"I:c_>i1`d-c:n & 'Southwes'tern Rail-I way has settled with Mrs. Walter` Barwick for 10,000 for the death of` her husband, killed in an accident onl last Dominion Day. ~ ' I L`:_,_ A2,! 1 ` ` } THE 1oRTEi:NADvANcE 1- Ill} 11$} 1 1 bluei : .`I_', uuuquswull U51 arrived at the had embarked, in been taken ed atch Fire (;iva1.1`112:g:: `of $15,000 wood. __,__ -- -..........uyuuu were me next owners. Escaping the great re in London it e a. temporary prison for malig- nants`. In 1672 it was 9. Presbyterian ` ouse. min no other country, says one news- aper, could suchua. be al- nIIrAJ' 4.; 1-11 '_'_A - uunc: UL uwuoester, In 1463. After Richard became King the hall became the residence of the Lord Mayor of London. Catharine of Ara- gon entertained there on the occasion of her marriage with Prince Arthur in 1516. In 1523 the hall belonged` to Sir Thomas More. Sir John Spen- ncer owned it during: m;-..1...n.- .a...._ a.aUL1\lULl. Crosby Hall, which is in a fine state of preservation, with the original roof, is now an eating house. It was originally built for Sir John Crosby. The Duke of Gloucester purchased it i from Sir John s widow. In the coun- 1 cil chamber of the hall the crown was offered to Richard Crookback, the Duke of Gloucester, in 1483. Affnr .D`:n}|nIul Inna`-..- T :--- 1` nuo yuu.;ua.acu_ Lul: 01,000, IIIUSB of enormous valuetb-day, sxtuated it is in the very heart of the city London. f1__-L__` 1-1 11 1 - . . . A Crosby Hall Is. In Danger of Being Pulled Down. Crosby Hall, one of the most inter- esting of.mediaeva.1 London, is new in danger of being pulled down so that the site can be used for bank l and oice buildings. Strong eorts ` are being made to arouse public sen- timent to rescue it from the house wreckers, but the freehold, consist- ing of 6,300 square feet, which in 1523 was purchased for $1,035, must` be nnnrvnnuqn .nI.-..LL .1--- Iv\lll.l\.l DUILJUC LU pity. The lord mayor, struck by the al lusion, later signified -to`Sig;1ori, Pm- uzzi and Baldi that a concession coulr` be granted them to ornament thei' family crest with the English royal arms. Signor Baldi accepted the offer. as visitors to Florence may see by noting the family tree in the private chapel belonging to the Baldis in the Basilica of Santa Croce. ThepPeruz7is. however, declined _ the quasi-bribe. though the prestige of their house had sadly waned meanwhile, owing to` faithless debtors. _ Chif dJ'ustice Mulock ned Mr. P.- McMichae1 of Toronto$25o and `costs in connection with the plumbers sup- plies combine