NOTICE. The Hatter I Phone 87 and 33. NOTICE. TH: m1':R:s1's,_.or aAnan:.- `rm: comrrv or smco: mo `rm: common or 3343313; COUNTY 01:` SIMCOE, ONTARIO, JUNE 13; 1997. lor- nttle zoth . Kindergarten Classes Reco.'mmen_de -Supp1ementary Readers _ _ Needed +Mr. Philip Love Appoin`tedlTrus- tee.' .- . ' - T L - The vacancy onl` the Board of Ed-, ucation caused by.the_ resignationofl Mr. J. J. Gibsonwas lled on Mort- day evening when the Board elected a successor in ,.the person of Mr. Philip -Love; ` Mr L'ove received ve votes `on.~-the rst and only Ballot taken, and was duly declared elected by `Chairman Pa1ling.'_ " ' ` A- ! Inspector Mills report 'of inspel:-lat ltion of Barrie Public Schools was presented and read. All buildings th were-reported satisfactory save W. ar Ward School and Central :_ `Scliool. _ In the former the -basen1`e_nft"jrfeeds at repairing also the roof, in_the'-`latter. the roof leaksbadly and, unless `at- at tended to, damage to the walls must result. New single desks should be provided. fini room 4 of Central School, and some of theblackboards need replacing by slate. The attend- ance in the primary rooms was com- " mented upon. No teacher could gdo ` justice to 65 or 70 children. He had recommended the half-day system . for the lower divisions of-these class- es, and such recommendation was now being carried out,` but it was doubtless unsatisfactory to many `parents. .He advised the Board to , I visit Kindergarten schools with a view to establishing classes in -Cen- tral and Burton Ave. Schools. Ad- mission could be limited to children of is years and it might be left op- P tional whether to enter the Kinder- ~ garten or the primary rooms. In-Cen- E; tral School the seats are reported as ;. being too high for the children s feet E to -reach the floor, and rests are re: ( E_ ,<:1 hffhel oigiganizatioifi gt 3. t e so 00 s, -t e cassi_ cation 0 t e pupils- and the general discipline are E rated as i good, while the relations 1 between teachers and pupils are as good as I have seen in any school. The Inspector added that the teach- i .g. ers are earnest, hard working and 3: capable. He recommended that the ` ,3, school year be divided into two] terms of ve months with promo- E tions at the end of each. Books for supplementary reading are J sadly I needed. Reference in this respect :3; was made to New York and Massa- 4. chusetts. I regard these books as -1- the greatest need of your schools, `i said the Inspector, Pupils grew tired 3 poring over again and again the 1 same passages. 1N_sPEc1foR :M1LLs' RE1>oR'r: The 'lady teachers put in a request` that the maximum salary be increas- ed to $500, such increase to begin in September. . Iv --w._---__-V V- All vacancies on teaching staff oc- curring at the end of the present term will be lled by Management Committee. - A. W. Wilkinson s tender _f_or coal was accepted, soft `coal at $4.73 an`d hard coal at $6.70 per ton. , 19,, , _L uunu vvian vuv Yv-lw I--_ --_-. Tnders for walks and grading at Burton Ave. School will be invited and West -Ward School will be re- `paired. rn 1, ,r A_'.A 2--.. ..I 4.1.... .-.1.4 ~yIlll v\- The sale of the iron of seats at $22 was reported. `The dates of _ _the term examina- tnons an the vanous schoqls were xed as June 21, 24, 25, 26, 27 and 28. -AA-4--L-J --- is a hort and see luswu. no Jun- _-, -7, __,, -, , , James Marlin was appointed ex- ammer at the next ensumg Entrance Examination. - .a 1` 1R 1- p__ L`__ JJAGIIIIIIG blv--o Estimates for the B. C. I. for the year are as fo11m_vs:- ' Efiiats for Public S the year are as fo1,lows:- ' ' Expenditure`. Decit to beqlev'ied....$1789o oo Tfustee We'stney' was placed on the Finance Committee in lieu of J._J. Gibson, resigned. ' ` ' - ' `Trustee-elect ,. Loire. `was, placed on the Propertygand} Supply Committee. _ Board iadjoumed at*8457 p.m. \ Salaries Treasurer Janitor Debentuxjes Fuel `Teachers Repairs . Contingencies . -Overdraft '~'5.`.9'..h.a.?*!. .+`383B:,-?".!,=A~v.~-.... 9,--* :---.--.. -.f3'Ij!,! )7v1v;mii:;1n"`washmg".hxm. sugcess ` >k ; . V ` ' _ " v_ .` ' _ Tuition Fees Govt. Grant .Co. Grant Co. share of Decit to` Finan'ce ..; Management .... ?Property and upply .. `%O'\re1- 1; . , `erg. '~?rpba'ble income .. - co'nn nub can Erobable Incom. Expenditure. .'s.1ipp'xi.c .'.' :ies'... gill yl vv be levied: . `37197 90 Schools _f_or - _ :-n....... . #.L srngup. .maint ce. . . 3.5: 2406 `45 . ,11568 00 19011 l'H1 rful attrac- annot Baf- t Comm1s- igens have I ---.. Inf %$T 7995 so ww '. II'f'L33_.2o 00 `$17288 45 1311 55 $19000 oo . IIIOOO the old "56 66 I00 00 65 `25. 23 KNDE-R.;_._ at V lCl\.CI'5 . -`-The new Orange Hallilat Ivy, dedication on July `Ist. al 2 --.$Io Serge Suits for $6.98 at Hun- `bl ter Bros'. . Big June Sale. T North Simcoe Conservatives ` will fl meet in convention at Stayner on 0 Wednesday, July 24th. 11 _--Those swell Wash `Vests at '0 Vickers are all on sale. 5 --$10 to $13 Tweed Suits for. $7.48 if at Hunter Bros. Big June Sale. ---A boon to clerks and citizens---- tl the Wednesday Half Holiday-JuIy I1 and August. P -Get one of the 500 Sample `Suits 5 "at Vickers - - Pine Apples for preserving. are now ' at their best and cheapest. Order early at BOTHWELL S. i -'-Hon. Dr. Pyne, R. R. Gamey, M.P.P., and others are billed to; speak at Ivy on July Ist. -$1.25 and $1.50 Soft -Shirts for c ' w98c. at Hunter Bros. Big June Sale. 1 l -Barrie s \/Vednesday Half Holi- day-all leading stores will close- : July and August. 1 The Thornbury Herald and the`: 1 Clarksburg Reector have amalga- mated under the hyphenated name of l Herald-Reflector. ` ' -GIANT TRIPLETS Currency Bobs and "Stag Chewing Tobac- coes, in big plugs. Quality always the same. The Presbyterian `S. S. has engag- ed the Str. [slay for its annual e2_c- cursion on.the rst Wednesday in July. Particulars later. 3'; --$1.00 to $1.25 Mole Pants for 69c. at Hunter Bros. Big June Sale.` `f --The Str. Islay has been thor- Ee oughly overhauled this "spring and C is in rst-class condition. She is `S now open for engagements. ls I I . - xIr-_I_:..._ CLf_L.. C,-..-_ , ---.A1l`h.igh grade`C1othing reduced `Eat Viikers , n-__.;- 1.1-11 .T .. 1.... nuvv uywn nu. -.-..a------_-_. -65c. and 75c. `Working Shirts for` .5oc_ at -Hunter Bros. Big June -Sale. Elmvale was visited with a disas- trous re on Friday morning last when several business houses were destroyed. Loss about $30,000. In- cendiarism is suspected. -4-- capsi- Ll-lulu: Ag... -V ...._r -_,, W, Barrie Junior lacrossists are not meeting with very much success so far. Last week they lost to New- market by 9 to 3, and on Monday Bradford beat them here in a closely contested game by 2 to I. --For quality and quantity ask your. dealer for the new big plugs of "Bob.s Stag: and Currency Chewing Tobaccoes. __LL.nAu;_,- ... 4-kn (nun-fc bllcwuzs Lvuuvvvvu. The autumn sittings of the Courtsi of Assizel throughout the Province have been arijanged. The date for Barrie (jury cases) is Monday, Sept. 16th, before Hon. Mr. Justice Brit- 4.-.. ton: LUIL. --65c. and 73C. Boys Wash for 49c. at Hunter Bros. Big (`_1,. Ava. .1 Sale. Dale. Go to Wilkinson's for all kinds of dry Hard and Soft Wood,.also Slabs, sawed and split and len ht you wish, and sold per cord, not ox loads. -`--Don't miss the great Clothing` - 11" 1,____ -'on't the Clothing` Sale at Vickers . --$13 June Weddin\g Worsted Suits for $9.89 at Hunter Bros. Big June can IV: V; Sale. bale. .- On Monday evening last the Ep- worth League of Collier St. Method- ist Church visited the St. Andrew s Guild. A short program was given by the visiting society, after which .. 1-nncf nninvahle social time was `5,r7`t'-" L ' ' . .. - 00 good Suits for 500 good cm- zens on sale at Vickers . ` ` f----- l`:A`al1fCf-I Correspondence Irulu. .u.u........, Mmesing, Gfenfel and 6th line Innis- l unavoidably held over until next week. ` ' ' "V -4-_.. `l).....-.4-L nnnrl week. --Little Lake ummer Resort open for the season. Board by_ the week. Lunch p_rovided at all ttmes, . soft drinks, nce cream, etc. Boats for hxre. Miss Lawrence. A . _ m- ..- Dana TIIIQDA `Quit-g "".L$2.25 to for $1.89 at 0-1.. I-IJI | Sale '1` Sale. Fa`;-mers `are invited _to attend special meetings it} the interests of good seed production to be_ `held at Elmgrove onjune, 17th (W. J. Me-g Lean s farm) and at 'Stroud on June 18th (Wm. W1_fight s farm). - Time 2 pm. Good speakers. --$1.75 -to $2.50 Pants for 62`/zc. a leg (seats_~._free9 T `t-= Hunter Bros. Big June .S,a1e. _` -_` - 9' - _ --- -:.:_...... A: Harris and vicin. aooi Jufl aalc. . , .Those citizens of Barrie and vicin- ity who desire to further the Child-. ren s Fresh Air Mission of Toronto by" taking a couple of children on. a two weeks holiday are asked to` com- municate with Miss Florence Rob- erts, 2! Scarth Road, Toronto, before rn_.__I .c..........-...- Ilmlerwear for June 20m. T---Good -Summer -Underwear 1 40c. a suit at Viekers . Advertising of the right sort per- suades` people to buy. It's more nearly akin to reaping than to seed- sowing; while it brings an imme- diate harvest, it at` the same time leaves the eld in `better `condition --fertilizes it for further produc- : tion.-. Give? "the Advance `columns a trial. _ . V -f-$1o Showerproof sCoats` for $5.98 at Hunter Bros. Big June Sale. * ' 3--A-L-ll 5...... `11nt' vvvvy ZVVVVVVVVVVV v.vvvv at .I."1.uuu;.x u...,... __u _ Barrie` C, 1.; football team `was not 5 ccessful in its attempt to lift the `ough. Cup. The boys had a Ion j,lint0t18nd',elt*9. bit:tir_ when-.;t " ` ` t ` .d~; o vyasj _ 4 A. 0\;&i!!r1jnqt;:tthe advantage -: `add vlaxtnxttton tits, t 7 tne VISILIII5 3U\.u.|._y, uuuu. most enjoyable social ttme .L4'dVV 1 \.LI\.\.- $2.75 Boys Tweed `Suits Hunter,Bros. Big June mvn ur . from Midhurst,-I I (L`. 1:... Tao-1:9. cannon "OUR carremou. j-T- so 13% Suits 3. June `was ' `.,.EA. LL- was If `Warden Boys had entered into an arrangement with Old Probs for the weather supply on Friday afternoon, the goods` could not have l-been delivered in better condition. The day was truly ideal both underl foot and over head, although, as _ one jolly picnicker facetiously re- ? marked, there was -nobody travelling ; `either way. Capt. Bellerose and the Steamer Geneva conveyed the partyl to Big Bay Point which for the time being was converted into a - theatre of friendly strife. And, oh r my! how the boys did `enjoy the program provided! Like merry: ; swains did they disport themselves. It was living the days of your youth , over again to see the men who guide r the County Ship of State frisk and gambol with all the ardor and im- V petuosity of school boys. Dncnknll 1:1-we flan :1-5:-llcfr 9f'f1`$!l"l'll'\`1. Warden s Outing Highly Successful! V -County Councillors Were Once . More Boys Together. ` }_JCLuUalLy UL a\.u\Ju:. uvlu. . Baseball was the stellar attraction. The rst contest was County Coun- cil No. I vs. Outsiders No. I. This was won by the former by a narrow margin. The second contest, Coun- ty Council No. 2 vs. Outsiders No. 2, also went in favor of the legisla- tors. Then the two Council teams 'strove for the mastery, victory nal-' 1y remaining with the side captained by Reeve Jupp. of Orillia. There were many exciting incidents. 1'... L1... `-\:nr Lon:-nan Fnni--1-arr: were many Cxcluug JHLIUCHLJ. In the big handicap foot-race, Ald.l Taylor showed his heels to the eld,` notwithstanding the burden of 63 years, and nished like a two-year- old. The trophy was a. handsome` briar pipe with case. Bob. Scott Beeton s genial Reeve, was first` in a race which included himself, VVal- ter Lawson, Jonathan Sissons and {Major Joe Rogers. Aounnrr Gr`-1-nan tukn Off!-'ll'l(]P{` VVPT9 LV1a_]Uf J UC 1\u5c1 3. Among those who attended were the Mayor and Town Council of Barrie, Sheriff Harvey, C, E. Hew- son, K.-C., Inspector Mills, ex-Coun- ty Councillors `Sloan, Shaw, Bell and Hammell, H. B. Henwood, A. E. H. Creswicke, D. Quinlan, F. M. Smith, `-`Ana-lrur Irnfn I1` f"19I1I(C \AI$`Q KJCSWICKC, U. gguuuau, L`. LIL. .;u......, A very hearty vote of thanks was tendered to `Warden Boys for his hospitality, and it was the unani- mous opinion of the excursionists that the outing was the best ever. The County Court and General Sessions of the Peace opened here on Tuesday afternoon. Following is. the docket:- l D180: V- without .11 "rwAs A` GLORIOUS DAY. .I..L\.plllJ av-.-v-- -_ , Trjiesdell. 3. Geo. Martin vs. Frank Deton- key and wife. 4. Jno. C. Richardson vs. Jno. ` Rowat. -744 A... .-...1.- I-uuyru no-:1`I`!;9101 t`QQPQ' \ xowat. There are only two crxmmal cases: -Rex ,vs. Gray, Rex vs. Foulis. Brentwood, was the scene of a quiet wedding on Wednesday morning, June 5th, when Miss Laura Comat- tin, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eli Comartin, became the wife of Mr. Richard Dalton of Toronto, I formerly of Allandale. `Only the immediate relatives witnessed the ceremony, which was performd by\ 4 The Roman` Catholic Church,\ Rev. Father Finegan. The bride was given away by her father and wore ' a dress of white eyelet embroidery with hat to match. -Her sister. Miss ; Georgina, whocwas bridesmaid, was - similarly attired, Mr. Leo. Dalton ; supported the groom. The church was beautifully, decorated for the oc- l casion. Mr. and Mrs, Dalton left _ on the evening `train for '1oronto t where they will take up residence at - ? 121 Roseville Ave. ` COUNTY TCOUVRT-LIST OF CIVIL CASE. o--:--- Citizen Soldiers Leave on Tuesday For the Front. Simcoe `County volunteers set out on Tuesday forenoon for the old camp ground at Niagara. The troops comprised the 35th Regt. (8 com- panies) `and the Mississauga Horse, in all nearly 500 strong. They will be absent until a week from Satur- day, and during the interval may be expected to see strenuous times on the historic `common. - ` . ' 0 Editor Advance: 1 ` Sir,--- fhe tax rate is an important . question for every citizen and the _. large increase in the rate this year, over that of 1906- is receiving con- siderable attention. The whole levy each year must be used in reducing the overdraft and on the ordinary expenditure for Town purposes, in- eluding` the debenture debt. In `I906 the overdraft was reduced by about $3,300 and this year it ap- pears about -`$3,900 is. to be used for that purpose; so that the increase for 1907- over I906` is not due to the over- draft. to any great: extent. ' _ 4 M '.The rate for 1906 was 18 mills and 3 ' the increase of 2 mills this year must 1 by an increase in ordinary i :1.ET'l\I`ER TO THE EDITOR. Ju--J -----. Daniel Kihg vs. Jno. Nicholson. Jno. Baron vs. Wm. `Steel. It 1,` W, 1-1---- J--v- -__-_- Non-]uTr7y Cases. Robt. Ross vs. Annie Coof<. Henry Dixon vs. Hiram N. .....A.`H Res Ass erve ets over 4? yea OFF TO NIAGARA. JUE3 VTIEDDING. _J}.1ry Cases. {.81 .00 PER aumuu` m ADVANCE , SINGLE C073!` FIVK CKNT-C ;90OO9`6eoOO0oOOOOOOOOOOO: Miss Sadie Barr left this week for 'lWinnipeg. r... p rn QOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Miss Jessie Mc`Lean is spending a. ,few days in Lindsay. -- 1- r-rs Mr. J. J. Gibson was up from To- lronto on Thursday. Yv- Asseza u {, years of Success, 130 branche - Canada. ` L than 80 wesst Inf Wxlham)---and with agent 9 on, Paris, New York, Chi: m Francisco--this bank a0 facility tdr handlin~po}f` mountsof Corpgrations, Buslg e and Indxvlduals. 35 BARRIE anANcH Mrs. A. C. Batten of Toronto `spent over `Sunday here. 77 I A T\ . -r!\'iI'i'ss' Ailie, Kennedy of Detroit is `holidaying at her home here. The Misses Hislip of Torontoare guests of Mrs. Bond, Toronto St. -Mr. J. Stevenson of New York is spending a. few days at Mr. O. H. Lyon s. -cw II? I I. P 11' 'I., _i1VvIVt"S-._ F. Wright of Hamilton was an over Sunday visitor at Mr. and Mrs. J. '1`. D0ugall's, Worsley St. P VIWI ,, ._ Miss Margaret Ayerst of 'l:hornton spent a few days last week at Mr. H. Marr's on her return from Oxbow, LVLQI I Sask. Mrs. Roche of Newmarket and Mrs. Patterson of Toronto were guests during the week of Dr. and .lr,s. Patterson. i Congratulations to Harold Parker, `one of our old B. C. I. boys, who has completed his arts course, and received his degree with honors at .thc University of Toronto Convocat- ` ion. | Mr, W. J. McLarty, son of Mr. W. ,McLarty. Collier St., has been suc- cessful in passing with honors his third year examination in Arts at the University of Toronto. He was second in his class. `E00 gvm%%suIIs%` When a whoiesale tailor prepares for the season's showing. he makes up a.~ number of Sample Suits. Natunllv these units contain the beat mnterials, are of the nevteu style and are mule b'v his hesnxtuilora When they have served the purpose they are sold for a lump sum. We have been looking not some of these samples and now we have landed /2 COMPLETE SETS OF SPRING & SUMMER SAMP- I E lII"I' mm Laborers an ics. d Domest- ` Mr. and Mrs. Loth of Toronto have returned home after a weeT<`s visit with Mrs. Ness, Bellview Place."-~ Mrs, Talbot Fisher also has returned to Cookstown after an ex- tended visit with her sister, Mrs. Ness. 3I"l"`|II` C \JI'II'lC.I"| 3lII'II"' LE SUITS. and they will be sold during our Great Sale at less than regular wholesale cost. T .I . AAA AA 1 UNIV`! They are worth up to $20.00 and will be sotd at from $1 75 to $13 00. All ...._ ...--4I ..l...L..- K`-.. .._.... ....- nun: uu uvlu I-V l|\.rvln vs Iv av VIII vv. All our good clothes for men are marked down also. See page 8 Mr. and Mrs. William Park of Smith's Falls spent a few days last week with `tl`1e Iatter s brother. _Mr- 1' 1:4,. ,,_L- L..- L A A H A n _ . A . - WCCA VVLLII. Lllb uzu.\.n o unu-.u\,., ....~ W, J. Merrick, who has been serious- ly ill with pneumonia but who is now past the danger point and on a fair way to recovery. Dr. Patterson celebrated the 86th anniversary of his birth on Monday and was kept busy receiving the con- gratulations of his friends both at home and abroad. Capt. Lyon took the Doctor and his party for a pleas- ant outing to Big Bay Point during the afternoon, and on returning there was a happy gathering at the family residence. Society and People. LGILL.--At Barrie, on June 9th, I907, ' Patrick J. GUI. Sanford St., aged 74 years. FE-RGUSON.-At Midhurst, on June 6th, Mary, wife of Peter Ferguson, I in her 58th year. ARTHUR--At Cund1e's, on Sunday, June 9th, I907, Joseph Arthur, for- merly of Shanty Bay, in his 80th year. (Funeral to-day, Thursday, at Shanty Bay.) ` Also sewing machine oil of absolute purity, and the best needles and parts for all machines at Singer Stores. Look for the Red S. `Singer Sewing Machine Co., Barrie Shop, No. I Music Hall `Block. Orillia Shop, No. 2 Peter St., South. ...GEO. vlcxifns... EXPERT SEWING-MACHINE REPAIRS . June Sale HmTfi:`i i Bios. CONTINUES TO GROW V IN INTEREST. - Customers are driving 20 and 30. mfg`? to attend this great Clothing Sale, why not `I The wonderful Bargains given pay them` a" dozen times for their tronble. The following gives some ides of the reduotlpns ggven :- [Men's 80.0 Serge Smu tom . . . . . . .. 3 0.93.; Men's 310 Shower prootconto for. 5.98`ru.fronosop..-- 3 1.75 to 2,50 Tweed Pan.u;:oa.-.2... - 1.25. I.00 to 1.!>Mo_l,e,PL.netor..;...-.. .09` 4--'r,'.1l17n-ldnShh`tB to:-.. . .. .. . .51! Men's 3%? Bosure and M 14 2; to 2.75 Boys` 3 W881}. anus mr. . - to to 13 Tweed Suits Worsted Suits for. . . .. . Twaed. Suits for LN `B-inzour Clothlffc at to}: :7. 7.15 . 9.89 Be sure um um your vxuu .. ....... . Juno Sale. '""' ' Come With GREAT EX PECTATION3 __..-; ' nnnn I;!mjmd_ :i`ii:z`i=i;ji:`aib,`% Fox M?-Ni ;DIED. help should mmry me my u:bu:r awn.- mgfully the kintl or lml;')`reqmred. when \_Na:nt- edand-ages ollqrvll. lhe numbers armvmg mav not be sutllcwnt to supply all ;`equests.but m`m.m,n will he made to provlde each ap~. wag; with help roqulrvd. , GEO. WARNICA. (gmdiall G0\'ernmvnt Emplo_Vment Aggant. 3,3; Box 125, Barrle. Ont. ____,,,__._._ TICE"SlX'3._`y:(`d from Lot No. ll, sixth Nocon, llllllslll. on May 28th. 1907, a bay ml`c,lll(3 rigllt luml leg :1 little swollen as far qglhersl iolnt. Any person giving informat- ion will be l`L`\\`uI`dcd. _ Wm. DONNELLY nun.-- :11 Lzxxsvnu .1 D A113!-1. n cg WAD Canterbury I.nd,2e 34. S. O_ E.. Collingwood. will run their Annugtl Excursion. from Allan- dlle. Colwcll. Utopm and Angus, to Niagara Falls. 0nt.. on G 3-.1 I33" H115. UHl.. UH Monday, June 24th, 1907. TICKETS GOOD FOR TWO DAYS Time` Adults Child. Train Leaves Ang.:u.s at, 7.55 a. m. 82 15 $1.10 " -- Utopia H s. -o a. m. 2.15 1.10 " " ('o1we1l *` 807 a m. 2.10 1.05 " *- Allandalo: -* 3.25 a. m. 2.0 1.05` Nia.gU`1:"aTI'*"alls 23-24 umouuuououoooooooo 1 ;coAL Church of England! 113- "1-~--.\Ior-rmizxgg Prayer and Sermon. 39"-~Sl1Iuiuv .-`(th<)t)l and Bible CHIBBOB both :0!` an -u. a \U......... we Iu.->.'un41n.V >4<:huo1and Bible C1355 "W" for Men an L 17;" Wumcn. 79- III.-Evcn`.n'.: Prayer and Sermon. Rev. Canon Ur-.311 of Orillio. will preach 3 lh Scrvi:-:.~a. D.. ___ i 7___ f iT1sEMENTs. 'iEVW5`7F3 J. G. SCOTT T Wmcx TR.\`.'lcX.Ll.\'(: Wn:s'r BE SURE AND S'r01* AT THE Iunieipality of Barrio.` Further uarticulam will be announced by Posters. 2'3-25 OPP CITY `MARKET `N " I46 PRINCESS ST. First-class .M;u-onunoclation. Remodel- led and P.efurni.~xhed Throughout. M A RMIKV EV'-l'"F| T E...L- . I)-onnv-3 nfnn 0'1` - ~., . - % t ittin 02:12: `:sr3i:,:*.:`:1?:un:cE M 0f Barri:-. will be held lb th`oG01ll1u amber. on MONDAY. we DA.Y*~99` JUNE. 1907. at 9 o'clock in the to:-enoo`n.t0h"' fl determine: the so Vera! oompliints of BROS`! glfmisaiuns in the Assessment 1:101} 10919.01 D`3I`s0nsho.\1ng busmess at ied timw; %" f`~'- . gclgqnfested to attend at theV if.`-W-`W-_?`!".$.9!`!f nun nun UIl&l\IIi-- ` Phone 2;. (')::.~.-, Yard and Mill. John St. j\~.-. , 351718. June 13th, 1907. ' Clerk of VVOOI) ""-- UK}: V H.127` SEA'l`S Fmc 1-: FLOUR Hard and Soft. Sawed and S911! P. o'co~~LL. Proprietor. Choice Manitoba and Family Low prices. Best values at Th 'sZia'.'c"am" %.'.-r'% '33 9. h "-5' 7. % 'u?.${.:3 %'i'~ % . ~ 57; : 1'. Ti " , --v.n-!:t5.,i" Y "'5 Q _ ` zxcunslon T6 T U`-LKIIID `U00 WM. CR0SSLA';1'5:_`T:lI:,;i coum" or REVISION AND APPEAL. All kinds. Best quality. :m.'A"3'iii}uu:% Busmzss,_coI.==.I.I# Ir up a. . ah. ,. -'44:? 2../A4. `I""`- ff", i. r'- "511 who een _______ ntw1 by the Dominion Gov- ;u8LpLP?x:xx1xigrax\Ls from the United "positions as farm laborers and [hi5\'iviI1i[_\'. Any erson requu'- ;should notify me y letter stat- ..:...4 ..+- hnln required. want- Druggist, I\' IL-'4. Y, J UNE 16th. V 1.soo.ooAo Ll` IVER `mo LES? SE F! VVIEES. -I"OR SALE-g-- J? W v"*:':::.':.;":.`; ac . A (`moss1a1x ltilgtle .1 Liver ., 60.Pi1ls2bo.. ` `Wm. DONNELLY. (`'.h n rnh 4 ' WHOLE N6.-3.782} gnaw. PROPIIITOII. _ ' ALL Wxmcoun. - i F4141; X o Churchill. - The late Robert, Grah _ line, Innil, whose death took place fast `Friday; jmor,:'ung, June 7th, had been a resndent of that townshap for j half a centut_'y_.. Shor.tly_` -_aft__er the `Northern Railwpy was` ' ~-- ..-...;.-m foreman frqng fklggndgle em of the 9th. built -he Iooooooooooooyoooooooooo+$i M+`~-'M-'i~4HdM$-i-+43-. ` E 3; Robertson s _- jzcgn T11 4--%'!-!+-.!!~'l"!4$44'-H44'*-!'+-M`!+ lowmg (llcounucwun uc ullvwvuu . .. . 50 per ton if paid by June 20th I` 6 CC CC CC H 30 cc cc` cc cc_ cc Aug cc 20 cc cc cc cc cc Sept. cc `O ' cc cc cc cc cc Oct ` cc Place your orders` with us Now`. _...nnn 1 XII--P D your orders wxm M|CKLE._;l_J_[[`l::lUt9g"'1` 2. son on that new hat a KING" line, each with that` little something _call style. Do it sJk to see our which we 3 now. -IVE! I- ----, We haven large amount of Prlvate*Funda to [end at 4} on the eecux-it of and 5 per cent d farm mor ages. McCAR'l`HY, BOY 8: E10?) RCHISON. lop Street.` Barrie. ` SIMMONS? 30 V20 10 Perfume seekers never desire to: look elsewhere after testing our de- ` 1ightful_odors.We have all the choicest ` productions of the world's most cele- 1 brated perfumes and several most < exclusive lines sold only by us`. Have i you tried "DJER `_KiSS" The Trustees of the Congregation or me on rle Presb`yterian Church having been auhclari 2 - ar ot ed to sel that property known p south of Duckworth Place. Barrie. containing two acres more or 1 s _ notice is hereby given to all burying ground, relatives riends or representatives of decelasgi uc - ed there. who in view of s greens huri A nded sale may `desire the removal of tge mains of such deceased persons to the n on Cemetery. to make arrangements wegth said Trustees for such removal before e . oi!-June. 1907. up to which date sealed tenders V will be received by the undersigned for the of said property the highest or any I 1 the latest French prodpction? The ` most lasting perfume on the market . to-dny.WehsvealIoAtkinson'sWhite ' Rose." "Lubiu s Jockey Club, j s Jickey." Bradley's Vio. ` let "P_inaud s Lilac, P1ver's Lo 'J.`ref|e and others. ` late Robert Graham or Inc 9.... , whope death last Friday morning, a been resident over half century, Short _ , t. the was `built . V I - n eforemail tram Allandate . Now is the time to buy your Coal tor the coming winter.'l`he price is 87.25 er ton. but to those who par cash the ol- lowing dlscountgwill be a. lowed. viz :- -r LI I.-- 1...... nnlr xuj The nrice of Coal for the `ivbole sum- mer will be 7.25-'-but the touqwing die- I count will be allowed for cash :- ._ .9 ___:.| Les tuna Qnt AUVV1 that are month. Before Deciding `Tents a. all pa;m to this mix increaaedwc per ccoidin but are d yed are vhnnfh 1 Du: last of Barrie Hotel. u Trusbee of the Cbngrgation of the `Bar ...a\-uvfnrlln Churchvlywing been au&h?1-iz -"4 '--I n . E . RUG STORE. ere d on 'ngs