1. s. .BROAD,"M. D. DONALD ROSS, L. L. B., BARRIS- ter,S:>licit9r, e!tc. Bank of Toron- to Bu11d'1ng, Barrie. Money to Loan. a . 5 n 5% 53-9 uldgow. M. M. S . B ig~a'n.4 Oftice and night residence Block, Dunlap and _Muicaster Phone 124. Special aittent-Ion iv M-idwilery and Diseases 0% Stomach. STRATHI & ESTEN, Bjumrsrmns, an mwm, BABBIS- Eye. Ear. Throat, HEWSON at CRESWICKET f .u_r.Q.AUL1',_ BABRISTER, sontcrron; LENNOX, COWAN 8'; BROWN. BAB- G. .4. RADENHURST, BARRISTEE `No new name will . be addedto the Sub Juptlon List until the money is paid. Subscribers now in arrears for three months and over will be charged 81 50 per annum. )R. J, A. C. EVANS, MEMBER OF College of Physicians and Surg- eons, Qnt. Graduate of Medical Faculty of Toronto University. As- sociate-Coroner of County of Sim- coe. Ofcerand residence, William Street, Allandale, Telephone 303.. Telephone eonnection with Holly, Painswiek and Stroud. I . __-.--, -----ao\JAJ3bVg IJULI' goon, etc., L. R. C. S., Ed1n., L. R. . P, `London. O1-ees and ni `ht residence,` Brown's Block, Dun op street. Barrie. frelephone, 77.` .. .._- ._..... _ ..____.,-- ow `av vv J-a4'IJ>VlJ. \J4`.l`J.|\JD realdenace, corner or Owen and Coliier` streets, Barrie. J. 0. SMITH, H. E. GOWLAND, . u'_ .11 ~ 1: A II!) ___-__---3-` a4L\JA`, `J \./C1`- ton St.,_Toronto, late of Brooklyn, `(N.Y.,) Eye and Ear -Hospital, will be at 67' Owen St., Barrie, every Saturday, commencing April 6th, next. Diseases Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. `Consultation hoyrs II a.m. to 5 p.m., and by ap- ioxntment. >3. .4. T. LITTLE, late `or churchm, 0n*t. `Office and residence John St., -near corner Elizabeth. Phone -213. Dr. J. ARTHUR ROSS. Solicitors in, High Court or Jug- tlce, Notaries Public, Conveyancers. Offices over the Bank of Toronto Barrie, Money In sums of $2,006 and upwards, to loan at 5 per cent. H. H. S,tra.'t.hy, K. C., G. H. inbilcitora, Noltarl-1:3: Public, 93d__@nLga_nEgrai Money to loan nan any-:9 (`In-op. `tern, Sol!-citvu of -A Ith e Supreme Cvurt o-1 Judicature of Ontario, Proctora, Notaries. Conv-e-yancers, etc. Money to Loan. Oce, Ross Block, Barrie-., `C. E. Hewaon, K.C., A. E. H. Creawlcke. - ' ` ?.`_'.n`;'+"'$:`z" p3`:"`Z.:. 2:n`:`: `: 1-Omen street-, Barrie. H. D. Stew- grt. Lo `D1. D0 `TI-I: NORTI-_lREN Aovnuca P;-actor, i "Notar'y, Conveyance:-. etc. Special atrlzenction in .dra~wln' and probatimg wills, obtaining lert era 01 "administration and guardianship, collecting accounts, etc. Offices, Races block, Ba`:-gle. Money to loan. -Attorney, Solicitor in Ch-a-ncery. Conveyanccer, etc. O!-rice, first door, Owen. street, over, Bank of Com- merce, Barrie. '-rlatera, Solicitors ntor obtaining probate of wllls, guarddanphlp and administration, and genera.i.S:-l;cl- 30$, T-Not-aillies . CoBnlve3lr`-anicerlaq, .ertc ces 3 oc o. Dunl-op st-reqgt, Barrie. Money to loan at 4 1-2 and 5 per cent. -B-ranch omcea at Cneemore and A1- llsbon. Haughton Lennox, Alex. 'Cowa'n,_G. E. J. `Brown. L.L.B. PHYSVICIANSQ izc,H1TEcr ;.e.3] ]..3'.!f*? '\Ju.UC 10 U111!-3` " Unxog .. fBanl;;W` P umhmn... --_v-,u 'mnx'r, BARBIE. P. 0.-Box. 96. J, 6 Carl- BARRIS- ill LU `rthe 31 per Ammm in Advance} . lsuluucs AGENT. 4 : ouvtvnuctn. 579- an H :A~$!?.rI.-A1`! GLABBINBUW` - - ongg` .5 fl 2 IIIITIX BVl\""' 9 at1'u-onlgsnnnlldhl llldciitfal. Handbook on r nu. ':. a%'I.'".{c .:eam Iuunng I notch in ~-v- - - '"$ll!I our op!mon.f::C:Heth& II .mu b1y tenable. mmgm M... .. ..-:.:..*.3.t:-;::::>.,.':.:'..e..F.. :xcrT:i:i':'>5i='cwa'L-:s"iii ass i COLLEGE, BARRIE, oNT- W. Jo CA-, .~PrinciP`l i -I-I-I-t-1-4-I-I:-1-n-2:--z-s-+-1-4-I-19: Elizabeth St- -I-`l-I--I-I-I-'3-1!--l-I-I--I-!-i-:1-++-1-++++-l-H -1- 1 10 Years of High Class Work- Io Yeaqs of Progressive Meth- ` ods. 10 Years of Increasing Patron- $ age. - a. 10 Years of Catering to the 1 Business World. an U1 uuu 11:55 JAS. CHEESMAN Coal qnd Wood Merchant. (`nrni-r Rmdlnrd TRY____.... Browrfs Ba kery *4.o4 p.m--'For Orillia, North Bay and points` West. ' 9.15 p.m.-For Orillia. 11.25 a.m.-For Penefang. 11.15 a.m.-For 'Staynej', Colling- wood and Meaford. " FOR`BREAD CAKESVOF` ALL KINPS % n IIKIVIU l`\l" Fn`l1l_ lines of x-st class CQAL G. WOOD an shall be pleased to recexve your onlerm same. QUALITY RIGHT. PR](`P;S RIGHT. Call or address "L ;_-i sML`" Choir-c building lots in the conu town on Owen, sophia and Cls.pperto1 I r `I31 F| I-L I For particulars apply to O. H. LYON. , vv.-uu4VDnu AlJVE!(TISE.`1F..\'TS, Condensed avertisements on rs as wants of all kinds, lost and ro1:nPf,`` for sale or to rent, 8 ecic articles. etc mustbe accompanie with the (-ash, am; he inserted-rst insertion 2 cents per ,, each subsequent insertion 1 rent pg; ,,:1 namemaddressespnd gures counted as we ms 9. reduction of one cent per word M-um xngctitg rwg1;en lh?o`ilr111I]beI` of IDSCFIIOHS om. can for advertisements must In can be mounted on solid metal Inna. -.'.' mum: nu ""'""""""llliIV -g "um gno._&v sic. wunnunom wua ue unargea. 7" Advertisers will not be allowed space for advertising anythin own regular business. Shoud transient rates will be -h r vertisementsq C urged C year. - ., (_ - will be oharged. `"'p` will nnf 1-... _ n - 11.50 .m.-For Orillia, Graven- hurst and North Bay. Q9 ,. -- ----v- TI lIn-I- IIIFIII and M erchant, Corner Bradford and Elizabeth Bts.. Barrie. Phone 15$ ,....a) W . .J nounce | advcffltf-;'i(l:I`[}Sl::ig8k fem W156 uh: `,.uvfm8;1eP , a0`I )Otb9 my 1115: m3'z7t:s'i'r7` 1="xap `335i`x`i"1?e `.1 of one-third on abov . am-nnnt. urill amm:..| 61.38.-'E9 1J%1,`7tRSDA, z'vs.A.y [Ih' Nonfu . ,ADVANcE 13 pl-oven - .3`}.Z f* ~ mod litter fact demon seat It! P-t1`0n8- If You have aitgaats the rggat reattvlfelg :1, Advertisements are c}e' e epace-13 lines agate measm? `1 accom` A TBA BIENT Anvnms] . ,' 0. 1.6331 Notices, Auction Sales etc.-Fu-at `inserti 1 Am an nent inaertlg: 5 cen,,, ll; n. g notices, 1 insertion ; 5 cents pepougzngrp insertion of the same matter `M 5 lines, of this character CT}, Obituarv Poetry 5c Der lin,e. urged a;5 - 1 inch. -2 .. 5.3; Junction, Georgetown and Hamilton. North. *2.oo a.m.-For Orillia, North Bay and~Soo. \ Preferred nnnfn -In thn rm. GEO. MONKMAN. Druggint, . - % Barri - -_-ou. HA8 5 Inarvellouu effect on rough lkin. One_ or two applications will removal; the roughness, and by its occasional one the skin acquires the umoothneu And softness oh baby's. f Glycedonia is not sticky. and gloves may be worn a few momenta: after nninE`i_t. _ _ A Q :2 II.'I l.. Our catalogue gives full information- jn-__ -_ ,_.Q MAKES YOUR sxrivmz mu: VELVET : CONDENSED ADVERTISE\H-`\"rg afverfinpmnnn. A. a . I L column I column . -column An 8 Page 48 clnnn Newspaper. ' Published from the omce, 123 Dtmlop Street, Ban-le. in the County or Simcoe. the Pro- vince of Ontario. Canada. every Thursday Moraine, by COHXERCIAL "WP;i-(`:3 15c And 25c. Delightful after shaving. ran SA L_E ing centre of tho and Clappcrton sum LRDDIY L} 0.\'. 3:2 positions for .nm- will no ....I. } 1Wk.}-f1;o.' 1 1 +ements rs! pa los_t fpnnd. M ecxc amcl(-s. etc, _vs_'ith cash. ....il': FIELDING AND THE BOUNT-A ms. . Phone 250 semnnts allow 3 ed, composition 16th,` .'3Mo! _--. .g,W ..-IIV Ce ' : \$'8(l3`|l{l {Owl I 8.00 am. --For~ -Newniarket, Auro- . ta and Toronto. 9.35 a.m.-For Allandalo. *12.37 p.m.-For Newmarket, Au- rgraand Toronto. Bmio. : coud Its ypar h5.2.5 Tp.m.--:I:`or ' Newmarket, To- ronto, Montreal and points East. , who plain nold mers was rived; - yestei Ch Univi ` QTZHS 1G[bsqN a/go. sess falli -the View sider {he bury. place was . A_4`}` of th lu_m I `ll [UH ` and ETS 7.25 a.m.--For Cardwell Juhction, Georgetown and Hamilton. -et. Thos iff of Tbish .\l r U_nit ont<)., men :3 Th] Log1 `OS :1 51 VI. ' BARRIE BRANCH BIBLE socmnr. ,.A4 1+4 ++-{- _,_ . Trains leave Barrie for the under- mentioned places as follows :- A W South. . = ' *4o5 a.m.-For Newmarket, To- ronto, Montreal and points East. A uh... __ -In tzi c u. The Secretary-Treasurer -of this in:-shy Mr P `I DI....A.A..' ~----`--A- '733.35"aT{{{I.'i3o}"7r3$}}}L.'ZE$ba1t Specxal.) . . u "i-1'1-iudingv Sunday. jBARR1E RAILWAY GUIDE; frnnxs op"'?sUnscnu-rrox. uuu LCCL GIG ITUZCH. McPhee is a native _of Prince Ed- ward Island. He escaped more for- tun'ately, and is now able to be around. ` .` V A * The `Elder-Dempster steamer Bor- nu was L on a woyagemfrom -`Vera `Cruz for Mont1"ea1.. Now Fielding. `contends that he is getting back into the treasury through the customs and excise Departments about all he pays in bounties. He claims these proceeds as regular revenue, while refusing to charge the bounties as regular -expenditure. It is a heads I win, tails you lose programme, and has added a bogus $8,ooo,ooo~to the `alleg- ed surpluses. i _ V luxcw .a.uu PGSSCHECTS OI the .BOrnu.' `Steele is thirty years of age, and is a native of Cape Breton. He will, doubtless, recover in a few weeks, although his body bears the marks` of his awful experience. Both hands and feet are frozen, . :- - -i-`!-* ". ' -- A -v-- V- ruvlclllut Qur position, which was desper- ate before, now seemed" absolutely hopeless`. With hands and feet froz- en and strength completely spent, we fell into the bottom of the_boat and decided to let fate take its course. .I fell, into a delirious sleep. Iawoke with a start to nd only a few rods away the friendly light of a steamer. In frantic joy I aroused my sleeping mate, and, bracing ourselves for one final effort, we again seized the oars and struck in the direction of life and, safety. With our parched throats we called for aid, and to our delight our feeble cry` was answered from the . steamer s side. We saw the steamer change her. course and bear f down upon us. In a moment she was beside us, 4 and her companion ladder was drop-, ' ped down. '-We were too weak to grasp it, but some of the crew came down and tenderly lifted us to the deck, leaving-the dory to its fate. No greaterkindness could have been shown anyone than that which we 1 received at the. handsof the oicers, ; crew and passengers of the1Bornu. , . I `: fI'II'FfI cyan-n A1 ---A --A- ......._, uu_ uuuudy luUl l1lIlg we cast our `anchor,_ and lay down and"slept from sheer exhaustion and despair. About eight o c.lock we~were aroused by a shrill whistle, and to our joy beheld `a steamer close alongside." `In `joyful anticipation we cut the anchor. rope and seized the oars, but `when the steamer s,crew- saw that the dory was manned, she drew off,`and des- pite our piteous calls for aid, and our frantic eorts to reach h r, "she was soon.out ofsight. -` ` f\--,- At the end of the first day _our water ran out, and we werednven nearly wild with thirst. -Maddened with hunger,` we strove to eat "the. stale bait in the bottom of our dory, but `it sickenedus, and at length we were obliged to give it up. .From time to time we endeavored to catch some sh, which might appease our. hunger, .but in this.we failed. iJust beore sundown on the fourth even- ing, we caught sight of a sailing ves- sel. We made desperate efforts to. signal lier, but she `sailed away be- fore we could attract her attention. Early on Sunday morning we cast and 1917 Aniiyn no~r`r` - _-- V 5| $ 591590 All night we sailed without suc- ceeding in catching sight of'our mis- sing vessel. Next morning we de- cided" to make for land, and started out for the south-west of `Brown Bank. All day we -sailed,. but at night a breeze sprang up which car- ried away our` sail, and we` were. driven out to sea. ' a (LA. wuusub mgm or net, saumg trom us as she was coursing up and down in quest of the dories. -We called` to her bpt were unable to attract her was out of sight,. leaving us in the deepening fog. We improvised a sail and started. off in` what we thought to be the direction in which she had gone. . All sailed out of Plyrnouth harbor for Our schooner, the Mystery of Boston, in charge of Captain/Steele, weeks shing trip. We called at Booth Bayefor bait and ice,` sailing from there on Sunday morning. On Thursday morning, McPhee and I left the schooner-in a small dory, with one day's supply of water and enough food for` our dinner. There was considerable fog when we start- ed, and in a short time it closed down upon us and completely hid the schooner from view. Our luck was bad, and after shing without esuc- 4 cc-ss for about three hours, ,we decid-e A ed t_o give up and go -back to the `ves- sel. After rowmg for some time _we caught sight of her, sailing from us she was l`n11I'c1na- un -.....A 4-.--.. --- St'eele,,the younger sherman, tells the following thrilling story of their awful exposure, th`ei:r. desperate en- durance, just as the last spark of hope had vanished :- ` V the providential deliverance A Halifax despatch says :-David H. `Steele of the_American shing schooner :Montrose, with his dory mate, Columbus C. V Mclf he_e.. were brought to port by the Elder -Demp- `ster steamer Bornu, by `whom they had` been miraculously rescued iom : - . . a death of exposure and famishment in the open seas, For six days and ve `nights these men, inian open - dory,'without food or water, sailless and an'chorless, drifted in their frail t boat at the mercy of the `waves and winds- avvnclguy DIUIC DOCICIY. - ->_'Below are given the amounts col- lected and the names of the canvas- pers ineach ward:-.- _` _ A V g `Collected at "Public Meeting. . ;$m.7oe ;;by:;Rev. Mr. -Washing.-.v V .,~ 2 .3? -12? V %tonV in l."t.`. .Wal I'I'I 1?to:i4`.Ain,n':iir Pt. I11 Collected hy Reva. . Cbll'tedA"'.b` Miss 7R<">gei"i ox1g:in 3'.`-Waifd` I`;..=.L .. ..`. V ` ,,g,23.4Q i: T .. ,.._.31.Iof` Co11cted`,byf Miss-A Johnsbn - , % . i and A. Bovgers`in_ Wardf V V.hL--'..22.4_o_ NA nnlhu-Hnn 1:19: mad; 3.. 117--.! VINQ collegtton wa,s_made 111 Ward 'i` he thanks-`of the"Socity `are due` to the earnest efforts of the canvas.-' sets and to those who so fr,celyfcon -' tributed of their means to this most worthy _cause. ` Two Fishermen Rescued after Terrible Experience.- TALE OF'v'l`HE"S'EA._ _df Prince for- .is now` `able law, and h _ bettex: commumty.-Chx_'ist1an portion of the Guardian. ..s au.ILuuC toucmng local option, and its- general enforcement of the Liquor Law we are in entire sym- pathy. Inmany ways of late. that Government "has shown a strong de- sire to give _a just and reasonable in- terpretationand enforcement. of the law. and has rnvpalnd .. -----A -- - vWith the position taken by the News last week, in heartily congratu- lating the Ontario Government .for its attitude touching local option, Liquor Law we an an .....:..- __.a.. ......_.n JUL auutc ycars.unven-nne, warm weather from now on there 15 nothing to prevent the west reaping a splendid crop; But in the words of one farmer, there is not an hour to lose. At the present, on bright days, `the west - is enjoying about fourteen" hours of sun shin'e out of twenty-_fou,,r, and if `the wind would but move to the south and stay there all would yet `-be well. In the mean- `time `there is no cause for misgiving. ------*-2-3 ' ches. .the reports received indi ,-r -5 --on-J Av.fJ.lIC vc_i'y Ua.CK- ward spring, which has greatly ham- pered T agricultural operations throughout western -Canada, has been ness circles, which are so vitally terested in t_he crop.. ascertaining the e Free Press to-day from all the l the wheat areas of and these, while not certainly even more -than was anticipated. in- With a view to xact condition The received despat- eading points in three` Provinces, sanguine, are encouraging -Summarized cate that in the wheat `Saskatche- _ No growth Manitoba 15 per cent. of has been seeded, and in ._wan about 10 per cent. ground is in splendid condition to re- ceive the see , and there will be plenty of moisture to carry it well into the second week of une a largely increased acreage sown -to barley and oats, and the amount of `ax will probably be larger than for some from ,1 I J Lands, Forests and `Mines Depart- ment shows that extra precautions are to be taken this season for the pro- tection of the pine forests of the Pro- vince frornthe ravages" of re. Ran- gers will be sent out almost immed- iately, and most of them would have started ere this had the ice broken up on -the rivers, but in a number of sec- ' tions, the streams, are still frozen over. Three -instead of two` parties, as last year, will be placed along the (Temiskaming & Northern " Ontario l Railway, which runs through con- siderable stretches of forest land, with a chief in command of each. The supervision will extend from North Bay to the point at which the ~ railway, nowx beingrapidly advanced, will join the Transcontinental Rail- way, a distance of considerably over 200 `miles The number of rangers; along the railway will be aboutll eighty-one. ' An" oicial statement issued, by the I . ' AN INDEPENDENT TRIBUTE. _.j---j Smaller Area W5nn5Dg,*May `I0.- ......I ____,_ , VGUARDIIAWIG KGAINST FIRE, SEEDING IN THE `WEST. Increased "bf Rangers Appointed. _, .The Secretary-Treasurer Society, Mr. C. W. Plaxton_ {reports that _t)1g_s_u_rn,.;o $2q7,8o_h_a's l;.en- .jo1- lected for the purposes "of the , Bible . Spciety_. in the rst ve_ wards of Bar- durmg,-the season Just closed. Of: 9 B .nmn|1n+ 19 12 nm. .....:.a :.-` `D--- fullv equipped Vtcnp bring fun these results in their VSAVINGS BAN DEPARTMENT. ' ouot` too nanny in any cone and Systemntic Suing in the only jvay fo oqt. persona uoucnro an assured income and a competence `to provide fo on In ohe day": when their strength and earning power have failed. W[H|BT`lVE%YEAB8| [The Bank of Toronto,| Will be Devoted to Wheat This` Year. THE NORTHERN ADVANCE s rommand mu ).-The very back- .I__.- uurmg .-Inc season Just closed. Of gigs amount $13.45 was paid to Rev. 1'. Washin ton for commissions and `the sum of 195.00 has been` forward- ed to the Business Manager of the .~;Upp_er -Canada' Bible Society `to be iagglxed one half to that so'ciety"..'and- other" half `to the I British. .v angi `foreign, Bible Society. . .3,-..' Q 9,5 lP:I!AdI `kg 1:31:51-n-Am Q-` BARRIE. Ypun Dwelling (ll rooms). stable, drive house, sheds and nearly 3 of acre ofland in garden and lawns Corner of Peel and Wellington Streets, Barrie. Dwelling;-45 rooms, stable and shed. Large lot on Peel Street. Doubledwenling. 6 rooms in each, on Clap pertonstreet. ~ ` Vacant lot, i of an acre, on Penetangnisheno Street. Apply to X F. M. MONTGOMERY. 42tf R---`A Barrie Property -For Sale. We are now selling Borders qt ` same price per :91] as the wall. in- stead of by the yard. 6 o 0 l'I`.udhope Carriages. focart &. Mawdsiev, Barrie V OOOQNOQOQQOOOOQOQQQQOOOOO Great... i 3 i Reductions ,them in Canada foi 55 years. Tudhope '(e`arri ag'e:s` are guaran- teed by us--a.nd by` the house of Tudhope which has been makiixg When a Tufihofse ` ' the factory, it is absolptely faultless E in every way. . but an Mr, Fielding, explaining the iron and steel bounties_which he incre- ased and continued_ argued that the larger part of the $8,000,000 in the last nine years came back to the treasury through customs and other taxes-. He showed that the revenues greatly increased in the iron and steel towns and ports, and this. in- crease he attributes to the growth of manufactories under bounty en- couragement. It is familiar protect- ion argument but strongly con- demns Mr. Fielding s nancial state- ments. Few people know that Mr. Fielding s statements of current public expenditure do not include bounty payments. Mr. Fielding s defence of this suppression is that the bounty is an extraordinary ex- penditure. So he charges it to cap- ital as though the Government were u buying a railroad or_ some other . asset, while he admits that the late Government charged this expendi- ` ture as regular current outlay. `Q o..- _... _ _You can tV half as partictilarl ; about materia s and; workmanship and service--a the Tudhopes are. 1'1"rL__- , In iu 99 J v""" May w Show you some of the i WALL PAPERS Ill. lillll IV], . Barne `V V I 2 2 3 3 s 3 E DB. A. I DRgLA.c L.-R.C.P. & S. Ed ' NJVILIVK 55 R J:c.mm M H nealdence; Bar DR'MORT St., T< (N'Y-9) Satu 6th, . hours a. pointment. sociate-Cor Ofcc Al]; : IhnJ,A WESLEY G. CREW. PI-'lOPlTO|_iS . f ...........v.u;, uu: a term as Resident Surgeon in Royal London hthalmic Hospital; Bristol Eye Hospital, Bristo :and Birmingham Eye__Hos ital, B rmingham zformer Member of Britlsh hthalmological Socie . OFFICE-78 DUNLOP STREET, ."Phone 54. ' Having spent 4 years Post Graduate work in British Hospitals and having served as Clinical Assistant in Golden Square Ear. Throat & Nose Hospital, London- Royal London Ophthalmic Hospital (Moorelds) ; for a term Resident grlstl Hospitql, I3}-isto :`_ and VICTO .T.M.C 0n'tV IE"? 5; RA. H_AR'1`, M. D. ' ,S\.EdinbTu1-gllz: M.F.P. 8: s. Glasgow V . ---SURGEON--- DR." M-ORTIM-ER LYON, 133. -,w. nos/`s, PHYSICIAN, sun-% annn nn T nns. MITH &[GOWLAND. omrmcn mn manila`..- --.__-_ -1 3 ` _ll. 0., L. c; P. s., 0., late 'res_1.-ient Physician and Surgeon of Toron- to General Hospital, with special attention to Diseases of Women, and Nose `and Throat Work, a iso for some time surgeon ' oi Emer en-cy Hospital, . . iurniture, wareroom-a, near Five Points. `Phone 105. ` _,____________________._.. - on Q no.-woanovlvo H. VT.-ARNALL; M. D. c. M., OFFIEJE -in Bothwe1l s Block, Allandale. On the premises at n-ightt. , _.._.. _._._-.y- un- E3-:40 p.i'n.--For Stayner, Colling- wood and Meaford. 7.45 p.m.-For Pexietang. 8.00 p.m.--For -Sitayner, Coiling- wood and Meaford. *1_I.1o p.m.--For No:-th.Bay. (Co- `halt Special.) V *_0`_ a Q is '5`