Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 25 Apr 1907, p. 2

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lI.I.Il|I- >_ LEGAL. S!1`EWART_ & STEWART, BABBIS- -- -- `l`l.-&.'l3n LENNOX, `CQWAN `& BBQWN. BAR- iiwsou ea` cmzswmxm, BARBIE- STBATHY 8: ESTEN, smnxsu-Ens. Solicitors in High Court or Jus- tice, Notaries Public, Convey-ancera. Offices over the Bank of Toronto, Barrie. money in -sums o_ $2,000 -and upwards, to loan at 5 per . cent. H. H, St:-a:t.hy, K. C., G. H. II-.4.`-u. ~ .DT.(TArLD ROSS. L. L.- 13., BAR`RIS- 6.n.- Q.-\.1lnHn~n .nll>n Dash`! hf 'l`nv-nn- 133. .A._ '1'. Lm;'.rLE, 1a.5ce oz Churchil1,! . Ont. Office and residence John St.,~ `near corner Evlizabetn. Phone 213. mas. SMITH & GOWLAND, OFFICE H. r. LRNALL, -M. D. c. 4.1., OFFICE in Bothwell a.Block, Allalndale. On I the _premis_es at night. . VY_\.l\l\& uaau. avcvuavo soc .3-40 p.m.-For 'Stayner, -Colling- wood and Meaford. L T / T 7.45 p.m.-For Peneta-ng. V8.00 p.m.--For -S'rtayner,. Coiling- wood and Meaford. _ *1_I.Io p.m.-For North Bay". -(Co- balt Special.) . ' _ I\,,1,, DB. ,W. A. ROSS, PHYSICIAN, SUR- _ gang, e'tc., L. B. C. S., Edin., L. B.}: fifiinan and ninihl ferv, :So.l1c?itors,' NatariEs~ Public, and ponveyancerva. Money. to. loan .1... ....\p .nntl1I 4:1` 5 ngp ggnt Ofyce DR.'n1.oRTiii'R LYON, 6 Carl- 1_..R.c.1>. & s. Edinbn}-glh; M.F,P. 3: s. Glasgow \ T--SURGEON-- I --*-*---- ln. s._ BROAD, M. D. C. M.. $70,000 FOR INVETMENT ON GOOD treehoid security at lowest rate ot interest.` No principal money re- . gluired until end 01 the term. H. I . Strathy, Solicitor, etc., Ba:rie.- zanu ponvuyunucxn. m in any -sums 9.1 5 pa .18: Omen abreet. Barrie art, L. L. D., D. M. EDR. J. A. c. EVANS, `MEMBER 015 I\: Dian-n:A:4u..n --A-1 C---~ , . Having spent 4 years Post Graduate work in '_Bl'iIiFh Hospitals and having served as Clinical [Assistant in Golden Square Bar. Throat &. Nose Hospital, London: Royal London Qphthalmic Hospltal (Moorelds) ; for a term as Resident Surgeon in Royal London hthal ic Hospital; Bnstol Eye Hospital, Bristo : and irmingham .Ey_e _I-Ios ital, Bxrmingham : former Member of Bnush phthalmologxcal Society. OFFICE-78 DUNLOP STREET, BARBIE. Rhone, 51; ` P. 0. Box, 96. MONEY T0 -LOAN. ANY QUANf.l`I'1`Y' OF` MONEY TC loan at 4 1-2 had 5 per cent. ,-Easy terms otjre-`payment. Lennox, Cow- an~& Brown- Hnliunifnv-.n 1:ae.--ca+n-- TH: Non'n-man Anvmc: VICTOR A. HABT,- M._ T. M.. 0., '.l'rEni`ty, M. . Onrl'__I . R n D 2.: I -p----, __ , Proctbr, Notary, Con-ve-yancer, etc. Special .atrban:tion in ~d-rawving and *proba.t-lnvg' W-ill-.3, obtalnmg letters of admin-l'arthrat&onA and guardianship, collectmg accounts, etc. Offices, Rosa h-lock, Ba-rrle. Money to loan. Ian--v-vv--, _ _ Haters, Sollcitqra for `abstaining proba.te 0! wills, lg-uardwianship and 'a.demlnlatr~a.tlon, and general Salini- bona, Not-a.-riea, Conveyancers, etc. Offices, Hinds Block, \ No. 6 Dunlap -street, Barrie. Money to loan at 4 1-2. and` 5 per cent. B-ranch omces at Creemore and A1- ll-sbon. Haughton. Lennox, Alex. wcowan, G. E. J. Brown, L.L.B. .AttornY. Solicitor in Chancery, Conveyance-r,_ etc. Or-rice, tirst door, Owen -street, over Bank or Com- merce, Barrie. tera, S-olicit'-rs of Ithe Supreme Csurt at" Judicature out Ontario, Pr-actors, Notaries. Con-v-eyancers, etc. `Money to L'oa.n._ Ooe, Rosa Block, garrie. C. E. Heweon, K.C., A. E. l'V.`.m.-ulnlpn DI8l'Il.'. '\Jo 2: H. Creaw ke. .a';d residenct; corner or (Swen an; wgoliler streets, Barrie. I` QIl`I'1I"I J Ia`. I!_1TUT . A `BT11 Juunuu nu.)-3, u. u.- 13., u.n;uu...- _ter, Sollciter, etc. Bank of Toron- to Building, Barrie. Money to Loan. wuu, cn;., 1.4. n. U. 6., muux., J4. rt. 5. P., Londo. Of-tices and night residence, Brown's Block, Dunlop zatraet. Barrie. . .l.`eleph<;one, 77. WJUIIIUL DLIFCUIIBQ uaxuc. J. C. SMITH, M. E. GOWLAND, `ll .13 `II A u D wnuvacnsw. PROPRIITORS ll. 0... L. c.i>.4 s., 9., 1abe'resue.-.t Ph'y~s!c1~a.n and Sur eon of Toron- to General Hoaplta. , with special attention to Diseases of Women, nd Thrnnf. whhh a:'lan uuvcu-uuvu LU lJ.ll.S88B OI W omen, an-d Nose / and Throat (Work, also for some time surgeon in charge 01. Emergency Hoepit-9.1, .'1`ox-onto. Dtce an night -residence, upstairs -in M~oCa.rthyoBl-ock, 21 Dunlop St.,' Ba-rue, second door east of Don- g'a.ll Bros. turn-iture warerooma, near F_-Ive Pointa. Phone.105. 1'. u.. LL, '.('r:ni`ty, M. R. `C. P. & 8., 0n't., L. R. ,C. P. & 8.,` Edinburgh. L. F`. P. &`S., Glasgow, M. M. S. B., Mien- gan. Office and night residence Lane lock, Duniop and V ulcaster Sta. Pbane 124.. special at ention iven to M-idwifery and Diseases of the Stomach. . ton St.,l Toronto, late of Brooklyn, (N.Y.,) Eye and Ear Hospital, will be at 67 Owen St., Barrie, every Saturday, commencing April 6th, next. Diseases Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Consultation hoprs I1 a.m. to 5 p.m.,`and by ap; _1lomtment. Ey_a. _Ear. Nose 6 Throat. a;.\. J. 4;. \.4- Lvrxuo, LVLDLVLDDR LIP College of Physicians and Surg- eons, Ont. Graduate of Medical Faculty of Toronto University. As- sociate-Coroner of County of Sim- coe. `Oice and residence, William Street,-Allandale, Telephone 30a. Telephone connection with -Holly,` Painswick and Stroud. Ulniin cal `AUI_.'r, -BABLRISTER, SOLICITOR,` ->--.. pal-A Dr. J. ARTHUR ROSS. nxnmnaunsm BABRISTER, Among the measures` promised in the speech from the Throne `at, `Ot- tawa was a bill to amend theielec- tion act for the purpose -of prevent- ing frauds and" corruption at the polls. In his speech on the address Sir Wilfrid Laurier declared `that the law must be improved` and made more severe,)and especially that it_ must provide severe penalties for the ballot switchers. ' yment. uennox, Cow- Solicltars, Barristers, PHYSICIANS. FINANCIAL. % BIS. MODE]. LU, auau .;t percent. Orifice, Barrie. H.` D. Stew- A`T%he`% Ntllirn MVlf.\ A 'HA`DVA'NCE` 1s proven to 1 `*;sv;~`..`::.:`;::..:`;;:y:.:::*:`zz reed fatter fact demonstrates 8 ::a.:.*&:::;hz$%s`:::h:2y,:d3t?s?3.*% no: afraidto pay the price, achesthepz: dvm-tinements am. n1u......-, AHVUIN SDEOO--13 ~g,-gngyu us l,C`LlC`Il Clpln. . 3 . `._ ,_ . ? ;j'The 'syste:p_"a xc`j` forging` and` a`11;er-` s.. `, -` ation of electoral lists fog` Federlg `:.e_Ie e_tipns in_ Manitoba.` by { .iv_1_1'iTch{ Ethree or four, seats were stolen. " " . . 3 1-V ' an uuuu lll3Ul'l:.|Ul1 0 cents ' W: Ilzging notices. 10 ,centapifel,ln;` Q insertion : 5 cents per hne for each ` for I insertion of the same matter. All ism`?! -5 lines. of `this ` character, c},arged`":g% Obituarv Poetry be per line. :\ \ wk B'Preferred positons for lo 1 mentein the paper wxll be sold aiagnmav of one-third on atiwgive rates, and 0!, no ;`i1`%?a`uFs``sZxy c&: r`i`e`&33J W CONTRACT CHANGES. ` Advertisers.wi1l please bear in mi notice of intention to change advemndh must be handed gnto the oicc not late, Saturday at 10 Q clock, and the cop for: change mustbe m THE ADVANCEyomu later than 12 pclock noon `on Monday in` week. otherwzse the a.d_vert1s_er's announce `it inay not be made pubhc mm} the week foxy, ng. 12 changes of Adverfzisernents allowed year. 1f_more _8-!`8 required. comnosirim. _. lug. - . _ WI changes Advertisements allow . If - . .. ed yearbe ohxgggrgfre Lompogltlonn Advprczprn will nnf he ..n,....-; . W111 UU Uuurgcll. 7" Advertisers will `not be allowed to use space for advertlsmg anythin omsidg .own regular business. Shoud . V . l do $:::;::;:;:::* be *W mu | ......V.......,...., 4311 v uni mr..1u'..\TS, Q Condensed. advertisements on first page, as wantsofall kinds, lost and found, p for sale or to rent, 5 ecic articles. etc mus_t be accompanje with the cash, an be 1nserted--rst _1nsertion 2 cents per each_ subsequent Insertion 1 cent per (namesmddresses and gures counted asw but a. reduction of one cent per word will made when the number of insertions ot matter exceed four ___- -_ v-v-v -v-- cits for 3:! vertllemema mm: In ., can be mounted on solid meulhu. The employment of _Go\yernmente jofcials in Western -Provineihl gele-g P??5 ;;'Q. V `#185?! '1e$lti6!1., Tf)tftir;hI:`. 05 an e statements :9! *.V$!i van that me He `hwy In an -- V _ _ _ _ . _ . . . . . . . - - . - o or If: MAKES YOUR sxm 4 j I LIKE VELVET uuriv ll LV\l VV |Fnll lines of am class com. 4. woon and shall be pleased to receive your order fa same. QUALITY RIGHT. PRICES mam l`I-II ,, V Allandale Lots \ 1-`on SALE. Elizabeth St. TRY_`___-1 Browrfs Bakery FOR ` BREAD _ j CAKES OF ALL , FUND8 E'Preferred nantn in the nnner will ha ma.- 1*H?UR:sDAY, APRIL --~.-v- .___,,,,,, `No `new name will be addedtfthesnb aription List until the money is paid. nhuoribers now in it-rears for three months and over will be charged $1 50 per annum. V -- -:- was nu.-u-s.aIIInII Coal and Wood Merchant. Corner Bradford . and Elizabeth Sts.. Barrie. Phone 158. ibiiixiini 5 column 1 column 451:1: ;t . THE ADVANCE omen. 2, Walt Baldwin Street. V Barrie. cornqlmcun CONTRACT mm I . `L coxmcxsnn ADV`ERTISEME):'rg annual up-`tram-O2.-...........;._ -_ n , J scab : Tex`-'race `. "}`.YE- S9W% .4. Q_. Well, the session .is now at its close and the severe measure prom- ised by the Government has not ap- -peared. It may be added that the like promise was made last year in the speech from the Throne. .`Last `year also it was broken. The neces-A sity for such a measure and for its enforcement has been ' made mani- fest by a long list of election frauds, including : r SIENT ADVER'l`Is](;. - A___.o - , -`wanna y A us. I or address OF THE .. 5aen1;",;;,r;,; In cents per uh er shkr In I-nnol-A... lIl."Mo,i V - - w -----v wauounv--an IIIVIVIIVJV-I9- The` stealing of the West Elginl seat and numerous other constituen- cies` in Ontario Provincial elections by ballot box stuing, ballot switch- ing, personatiqn _9f_ rturning oicers, Minnie expediting ndmvarious othgr frauds `and in crim`e`s_ ..qffd_ outf b highly oirz.m;iz9,d":';h1';?ivith` "i'g'u!ai'ly pai1i:i"'-7 ianR$y'es,' ~' biiic " bf V,who'm` have` confcjs"se'_d ` their '"E:i'in1_es,} and `all of ~w:hon'i` `.wei'e; 71-`e7Iular'l Sex;-.'4 I ` . .._ VV. I .- .. \::~"`." : `r A `Il"_ . .) H J`. .l`y{; -3 Phone Barrie sther: V The London election conspiracy, partly exposed in the police court of Toronto. ` V IUIIIU, AVLUIIII CHI uuu _yvouuu -uv--:- *5.45 a.m.-For Toronto. (Cobalt jspecial.) ` `I3- ._ \Y-_--...-..1.gL "A non. Aitg the ca "tors o Societ tahn tled, coura for th ral ha .-on. S "result ing th pedie porar direct have .yean dety ge ing a [0604 VIA an 1_ 7Fhis rst .-at t` it to DUTP a qui tance grou acres bein site Boar ,;v"?{ J KI den] ropg 1' -e~-2:-| gin subj tun ron loc chi} cnfrl ma fur the An 8 Page 48 column Ilewepuper. A Pubiiahed from the office, 123 Dnnloptreet, V Barrie. in the County of Simone. the Pro- vince of Ontario. Canada. every Thursday Morning, by 81 per Ammm in Advance The trick ballot box_ plqt in 1994, to steal the elections of West Hast- ings, Frontenac and probably.seve:_'- at other constituencies. T v.. v v ~ - - - wv - - v v - vvov-our-w-Iv The successful attempt to steal` the seat for St. James, Montreal, '_by per-' sonation and ballot box stuing. vi--`U -n-u--`cu Ivvv - nauti- ""l";1'u.fev_{l1eft ofAthe seat by ballot switching. ` ` gr: s ... as w---v- uvwu (The cap!-:1`1're of the Brockw/itlinlewset bx the same criminal methods. VIVL _4--I' , I `I! an: 0 --v --r-----.r *'Dai1y inciuding Sunday. i3A1uztE`RA1LwAY GUIDE; QJVVUIKIII 8.00 a.Am_.--For Newmarket, 'Auro- ra and Toronto. . - 9.35 a.m.--For A1landale._ `. *I2.37 p.m.-For Newnjrarket, Au- ' torn and Toronto. nu ,, I_.;, VI`- A BROKEN PROMISE. Tnnus or Suncnuvrxox. Junction, ` Junction, aow}ERNMEN:r's Arrrfubn bk .frHR_n:E FIFT~HS.__CfLA',U-SE. Li. \ , . to` st,reng'then`. iii_0Caiv-v,`Qptl0n.? apdei th`?'_t. V _ yr If ii #, n`S`e_ Law "*la'd d`nej3"'i'n1uc_h when its `purpose had- thus`.been ful accomplishedathey would be prepared the to `withdraw the clause" was the posi- -4 tion taken by. Hon. Mr. Whitney and his colleagues in_ the `discussion on ` Mr. Graham's bill to repeal the three-fifths clause.- Hon. Mr. Hanna moved an amendment to Mr. ,G_ra- ham s moton_ for the second reading of thebill, in which . the Govern- ment s attitude was -formally stated. That amendment was put to the House and carried by_a vote of fifty to twenty-one, it being a straight party vote, with the- exception of Mr. `J. `S. Gallagher of Frontenac, who voted against the Government. Mr. Hanna s amendment was : That all the words of the proposed amend- ment after the first` word`that be` omitted; and there be substituted therefor the following: `It is the duty of the Legislature to take such steps as will minimize the drink evil in this province ; tliat__to this end the provisions of the Liquor `License Act relating to local _;option have been. enacted; and the .House has condence that suchchanges as ex-. perience in the operation of the said provisions may show to, be necessary or `desirable either in relation to the majority necessary to bring the by- law into effect, or in other respects, will from time to time be proposed by the Governmentfor the consider- ation of this House ; and this House accordingly orders that the said bill be not now read a second time, but be read a second time this day six months. m Clause Justied. a , Mr. -Hanna said that he would not reiterate all ,the arguments he had. formerly given to the House in fav- or of the gthree-fths clause. The" clause was British in principle, and there is not a single British colony, in which a simple majority governed in all things. The clause had .been put in because then local option was in an experime_ntal stage and because a local option by-law carried by a substantial majority would mean a greater gain. for temperance than one carried by.a small majority. `Where It was passed with a "bare majority up to 1900 only six _cases had surviv- ed the attempt, to repeal,. and that was becausethe liquor law was not being enforced` -and local option had consequently been discredited. This year the repeal vote showed. that in-' stead of local option growing less popular in practically every instance it was more popular- The Govern- ment in its enforcement of the law had strengthened the hold of local `option upon the country. The three- fths clause had -given permanency and thesmoment it was established that the three-fths vote was not necessary in order to give perman- ency the Government would accept the situation and say, that the three- fths clause should be repealed. '1`I__ 1-, . The law should remain on the stat- ute book only so long as the Govern- ment -was. persuaded it should` re- main thereto give permanency to local option. If the -experiences of last January were repeated next, it would be for the` House to consider what bearing that had on the ques- tion of the three-fths` vote. Trains leave Barrie for {he tinder- mentioned places as` follows :- Montreal Star :--Itis a comfort tolmowy that Hyman s latest effort to resign his seat is on the way to Ottawa. Let us hope that this time he has man_aged to write a valid re- signation, and that the growingscan- dal of the `empty chair will soon be at an end. After Sir Wi1frid s speci- c statement on the subject, lVIr. Hy- man must have realized that he could .not hope to regain his position in parliament without going through the res of another election, but there was still the obliterating eect of time upon the memories of the de-' cent people to be waited for, and the opposition should see to it that there is no opportunity for the application of this anodyne. The whole Hyman episode has been of the most unsat- isfactory naturep The exposure be-, fore _the Toronto police court of the methods which had been employed to elect Hyman was as shocking as anything in our political history- Yet Hyman did not resign until he had been hounded for weeks by the press. `A sensitive man should have returned his mandate` to the people of London immediately the facts were established. *` ` * Take it all in all, itis a bad business, and` parlia- ment ought not to adjourn until it has -I-Iyman s resignation in due" form, and has directed the. Speaker. to` order an immediate `election. The responsibility in the case should be returned to the electors of `London at `the earliest possible moment'._ Then your blood must be in a very `bad cohdition. You certainly know what to-take, moo take it-7 A`ye_r?s, Sarn- 'p:|'la. It you doubt, thou; vcousult your doctor; We know WM l1*.=o:"-!!';".itv` !.b9...'h`3 maua_.mnuygmearane; M Pale, Thin, Nervous .7 I-IYMAN"S` siA'r; Accounts, opened by deposit of $1 or upwards. The 3' per ~ cent. interest allowed is not la.rge,but your money is absolutely safe and your own good` judgment will soon convince you that it is more desirable to- have money in the bank than spendtit carelessly. ' ` . Barrie and Allandale Branches. H. B. Henwood. Manager South.` _ . *4.o5 a.m.--For Newmarket, To- ronto, Montreal and points East. Y`-`-4. 'l`_..-..A._ Inkailv LEGISLATURE WILL 1 MAIN- TAIN. RIGHTS $1? `PROVINCE. _ _'It is signicant of the tendency of the ti_mes_ and the sincerity of Prem- ier Whitney on the subject that the very last act of the session e of the Legislature should be to place itself on record. in defence. of -provincial rights in the following resolution : lrxuvnr` `-517 `Jun Jlfhunnuv ennnntint` II5IU III BIID IUIIUVVIIIE l\r\II\I|uI\Jll o Moved by Mr. 'Wh1tney, seconded by Mr. Foy, that the following ad- dress be presented to his Honor the Lieut.-Governor : ` rn|_:- 71'_,,,_ L _ 1__,,,._4 ,,,3.1_ V_L___ JI\iU.Ul'W V VIII\Il 0 This House has learned with sur-I prise and. regret of the action of _the Dominion authorities in tak_1ng,wxth- out the consent of -the province, 55,- _ooo acres of its lands, with the tim- -tion taken. - ber thereon, and `with the avowed in- tcntion of making no compensation forthe lands or the timber, and this House cordially approves the course taken by your -Honor s advisers of earnestly protesting against the ac- This `House desires also to asstirei your Honor that it will try, by \ all the means-which it can command, to assist your Honor s advisers in main`- taining the rights of [the province. an IIIVIIIIIVID 1"~D\!Il`O - Communications were read from Alex. Ferguson, M;L.A., Mrs. Bolton, William` Donnelly and Bank of To- ronto. 7 * A-_I3-_L!_,-_ _-_-__- -----2___.I 1..-... a u_u|.u. Applications were received from Joseph Reid, J. J. Ferguson and An- gus 'Warnica to manage road grader. Un motion the last named was ap- yuuuvu, 2 _ _ Petitions "from iJohn,Fennell and others against amending By-law to allow sheep to run at `large during daytime" within half mile of village were laid-over until next meeting. 'I"I... I.-.II;....2 n ~ . . ...\`.....4. ...n.... l'\ Council met at -Craigvale April 8th, I99], all m_eml_)ers present. cant` `a-r\rr| VVVIB IG|I.l'\lV\-I Lllllyll IIVJSB lll\a\vl-lilac The following accounts we_re or- de_red to be paid :--J. G. Scott, sewer pipe, $8.10; Dr. Mc-Phedran, inspect- ing school house and "four other houses re small-pox, $2.50; R. J. Hill, account re `Bureau of Industries , $6.25, postage, $4.50; James;-Hyland, taxes for 1905, same having been paid by R. A. Duff, $4.42 ; Jas. Black, M year salary, $43.75; R. J. Hill, My -year salary, $81.25 ;,-Jesse Moir, ced- ar, $I6; William Hunter, ' 63 rods wire fence, $9.45,; A. Banks, ditching on 7th con., $83.55; Samuel .Coulter,l 32-ft; cedar, $2 ; John Fennell, 'bonus| on 105 rods wire fence, $15.75; W. J.` Latimer, storing grader during win- ter, $3; Lott i-Webb, refund Statute labor, $4, road to gravel .pit, $3." I Emlin__'I"nAA_'l`I...a. 4.1.`. a......... I\: {VIII GNU `:5 UI Uusvo 5.25 p.m.--For Newmarket, To ronto, Montreal and points East. .. nurlvn, lo}, nuuu LU I V\-I -`III. VJ. 5 a ,L es1ie--Todd-That the taxes ofl the late Arthur Eden, Moses _Black- stock, Mr`s. Garden and Mrs. Hop- croft beremitted. Cagied. I ICI..L4 \l'-!`__-I_-__ I"! I \.lIJlI. UlS,l\allll$$cUo \.IdslllCU.. _ `Slight--McConkey-That- the Clerk be instructed to notify the owners along the Big Bay Point drain . to clean outthe portion of drain on their property not later than the 1st day of June. Carried. ` ... nn`:n TI-..` LL- 'r)-__-_ L- va} VJI 'J wuss o ya: I ICU. Leslie--Slight-That the Reeve be authorized to take the,` necessary steps to have Munsey street in Belle Ewart opened up for public travel. Carried. - A J T , I` 1!`! . 1- I II l '$53'-Les1ie+That Louis Guegtl be engaged with his team to work on; the road grader at a sala y same as] last year. } Carried. T ` A......... u7......:-.. ----- -4- i - -' ou nan. wanucu. ' Angus Warnica was appointed manager of the road grader at $2.00 per day, and. wwilliam ~R1ch, John `Rainey and Edwin Cook pathmas- ters in place of John Rich, Eddiel Baker and], B. ;Cook, respectively. ! T119 (`jflf !`Il'\I';`F\r fkn I`u-"clans .lJll\\-I nuu J. L). IVUUIS, TCSIJCCIIVCIY. The Clerk will notify the Trustees of. School Section No.2 that the legal expenses re. issuing of debentures, ete., amqu_ntm_g to $14.25, are_ due thus mumcnpalnty from said secuon. Th- ("l-..`l. ...:n ....a.::.. r` nr tn--A uus lIl.ulllCl])a.lll'.y IFOIII Said SCCUOD. The Clerk will notify G. W. Webb to prevent any person from taking any more gravel or sand off road op- posite lot `.25, con. 12, andalso - pair the"r.oad if at present in a dan- gerous condition. . A, by-law was passed detaching S. W. M; lot 13 and S. V; lot 12. in the 9th con. from escohol `Section No. 10 and attaching said `lots to S. S. No. H A V . nan] vv_uIuuu 5 name ,L.Ol'p3.l'Il0l1. The first school garden in the United `States was started sixteen years ago by Henr L.,-Clapfx in the George P__utnam .. rammar .School in B'oston". Over eighty" years ._ago Austria and Sweden began the `move- schdoljy rnfent; : At present no rural school in Swedeniis without one-' 2 Rtissia is far ahead of us. There are over twenty- thousand _in`_Austria~and thirty -thou-5 sand in 1;-`rggge ~Ths`::1Zeason why: ` rden A stered 3 that-2-`V ` `The backbone of 'a nation s- pros- perity is the man who makes some- thing grow. In our country the science of Nature studyis only in its infancy. The school garden: that was once pooh-poohed as a foolish` fad is now accepted by the United States Cor'nmissioneri of Education and by the leading universities of the land as vital to our _ public-school ystem as manual training , of _any ort, writes Herbert D..Ward in the May -W_oman, s` .I-Iomee ,`Comp,n. 'rhe rf 190014450` L`-A uuu uI.uu\.uuI5 aanu IULB LU VD. D. JNO. 15. . - ` Council adjourned to meet at Cnaigvale on May 6th, .1907- TTT9 7 III Gnu havvn ' 11.50 a.m.--For Orillia, Graven? burst and North Bay. ` \Y-,,;1, 1'5--- 35613 Save will `be; the hardest to lacclzumtjlate` and Awliexi your.` savings reach that amount you will not part with it easily. j ` n 0 V A offersthe best facilities {gr systematic saving, INNIISFILVCQUNCIL. I SCHOOL GARDENS." ii~;;;-cam Saving l>Part'!`%`t. ii, J:"i:IIFI. .i:,` clerk.` - ran NORTHERN ADVANCE Hundred Dollars +++~x-+~:--:-:-4-z--:-~::--n-:z--:-~:--:--:-<--:-+-:-+:-+-a- ; A BUSINESS CAREERBEE - vnnn En unni`nt` of fhn -hon-innino hv lf`. 7.25` a.m.-`--For Cardwell Georgetown and Hamilton. `$.32 p.m.--For Cardwell` Georgetown and ~Hami1ton._. 'I'I`II is our ideal. We don't shove the world with mere know} give youalso practical workin vou can ll a xence. so that the start with the 99n- nosrtion from -7`7I XII Uvjui I on into ge. M We exper- usiness ii Eic:LsIoa ausmsssf R w. J. n`<:)%"I%Ec5i. 5 Choice building` l-o-ts`i'n- :11`; centre of the ' town on Owen.` Sophia and Ole rton streets. l For particulars anply too. H. L ON. _Dc Hart 3. , We will show you just the style of carriage you want "for the road --for` every day 11se--and for the family. Tudhopes make them all. And remember, too, that Tud- j hope Carriages are gqgrgnteed by the best xnakersin Canada. PAPERS ooooooooooooooooo999909900 - 9 3 y . - E` ` I 3, t and of by tin; IIMIDU uuu ovvouco an-In-4: , *4.o4 p.m- -For Orillia, North Bay `and points West. .wood and . Meaford. 9.15 p.m.--For Orillia. ' 11.25 a.m.-For Penetang. _ 11.15. a.m.---For Stayner, Calling- r'~ nu- _, i TE;-TicIou_L A drink` Tia e "food. Fragrant. iutrioas economical. This excellent Cocoa maintains the system is robust` health,-janlielnbles itto wintefsexteeueccld. e rnro B3; 31131.3? t_e-beir_11'1iVrig-b}?1a cld of now edge or of Experience. EVER-READY EFF-ICI ENCY __ -___:.1__I 117.. .I.....u. ..'|........ an hat. sition the_ with the con- denae and secunty of `Fan old hand. Besides our tuitnon fees -are the most reasonable in_ the land. Send for our Circular. Wmterterm from January ience, that nu nus1ness! * 1 3 1 2nd. _,, I Reductions Yonclpllut 0', ,.4--__ A EU3_ll`B3 Unasn _.-1 r be efoxled at the -beginning by lack? `--I {now 4 ..".". 5.` '.-F m. North. *2.oo a.m.--For Orillia, NorthTBay and Soo.. ` -. A Gail II

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