i2E; .oIi'23 "3`". .".`T . ,. '.' IT`. ........ .. 48o-For medium gure, high bust taper- ing waist, hose supporters attached, Coutille, white, sizes 19 to 28 . . . . . . 409-General tting, Coutille, `medium bust and skirt, ribbon trimmed,white, `sizesI8to . . . . .. 4II--For full gure, medium high bust, long princess hip, tapering waist, Coutille, white and dove, sizes 20 to 30 . . . . . . . . . . . .; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 337-General `tting, new . model, hour glass style, long princess hip, French Batiste, white, sizes 18 to 28 . . . . . . . 3_49-F or tall full gure, long gored hip, medium high bust, Coutille, `white '_.4 'I'\ and dove, sizes 19 to 28 . . . . . . . . . . . 1 607-f-For full gure, extremely long hip, a high bust, Coutille, white, sizes 2a to 30... . . . . . . . . . . .`........$2 so 5 57--Fo1_' stout gure, _mediumv hip and b_ust, N .S. Coutille, white and dove, Sir-an A0 L. A` - 4- Theyrepresent the greatest corset improvement of modern times a superior to the ordinary kind. ` They conform to the gure, instantly a1 tain their shape, give grace, ,style,and perfect comfort. They are pe merit your consideration. ., p r ill/Tarace % Boysets % ' :- A SPECIALTIES m oonsnzrs SB; rri 9? as nd % O r i Some popular numbers that we_recommend.. Bradford street, at 3 p `m V `I `Miss Maggie Ayerst -Thornton is visiting Miss Ada" Webb.-.' ; ` ' Mrs. `w. E. Allen, accompaxfied by 4 Masters Bud and Earl, sp_`e_nt .3, ew davs m Tnnntn .a.._=--- Store for Coisets. It Barrie : Best. C;-C. A La Grace Corsets _ Every potter praises. his own wares, but the right to the superlative belongs to ` the store that has won the right to __use it. I Our reputation is not gotten by chance- ; it's carried. . We have made corsets a study for over seven years and our con. stantly increasing corset trade tells us we are in the front rank. The Corsets we sell`. have that distinctive feature about them that brings our customers back "again and.makes friends for us everywhere. Geo. Vickers noutdai 1` inmate , In our collection are the .... ..15o -Stayner. after a pleasant visit with Miss Marie Thompson. -. Miss Mabel Riddell of Tottenham is ill at her brother's on Bradford street with -appendicitis. ` m:Um`cop1uoIt 125 I .25 I .25 {tied to preserve and iri1prov_e the symmetryai Outethif purpose. They have the addition" Id are endoreq by all who have tried thei and can prom toyou. beyond? argument. I? I _.25 r 25 I50 :50 :5` `HI 3 mcuojh;'5::: .Engene--Slig1h girdle style, Ba-A tiste, whnte, sizes 18 to 26. . .` . . . . . .. Elitie--Slight gure, girdle style, Batiste, A dove, sizes4I8to 26... . . . . . . . . . . .. 29--Tape -girdle, whi'te, sizes 18 to :26. -. 57-.-Tape .'g1rdle,`white, sizes I8 to .- -----.._., ......,, ataylc 5Lyl, genera: nt- tmg, Jean, dove, sizes 18 to 30. . Geisha--Generai tting, a great favorite. made from French model, modied 1_:o suit the gures of ladies of Amer- ica, Batiste," white,sizes 18 to 26 . - -- I59--Habit hip, medium bust, long waist, ...,Coutille, dove and white, sizes 18 to tOT28-o.o...... ' ` Clio-Slight gure, short,` medium gored hip, Coutille, white and dove, sizes 18t<)to26..\. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. IVI7-.-Tape girdle, . mercerized, slight g- ` ure, white, sizes 18 to 26. . . . . . . . .. ._1'\lexander-General tting, medium bust, Coutille, dove and white, sizes 18 to '-28l0C.OOOiC.0.0IOO. Thielma--Staple style, long waist, strip, ` T jcan,ld_ove, sizes 13 to 30 - - - - - - . - -- Century--Strip staple` style, general t- tin . it-`*2?! Anna 3:03.54! -0 I-- -A 339-GeneraI tting, `high bust, long princess hip, H. G. style, Coutille, ; white anddove, sizes I8 to 28 . . . . .. t67-General tting, medium bust, N. S.- hip, hose supporters, ,Batiste, white, sizes 18 to 28 . . . . . 21 3-Medium gure, high bust, tapering - wafst, Coutille, white and dove, sizes 18 to 28 . . . . ' Phonac--General tting, medium bust, hose tillef, white and dov -v long gored hip, supporters, Cou- e, sizes 18 to 28. Victoria-Staple style strip, medium gure, jean, dove, sizes I8 to 30.... ; 423--Tape girdle, slight gure, si1k,white, ' 18to26 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . medium bust, military front, Coutille, white and dove, sizes 18 to 28 . . . . .4; Ex<;eIda.-For slight gure, girdlestylc, long hip, hose supporters attached. _ `French Batiste, white, sizes 18 to 28 1. cs: - Paul left on Tuesday for Fexgelon Falls to attend the funeral of his fath_e1_. ` ' % i on Feb. 15m:.J % J0! -.`;.".`. .a.;`;`.`f3w1 Wnthtw maueu-non of Rio: out month. At 1&1-y and J63! M 3* D- |LLu--mar. n `H h `. . . genmne 1H1;n1inizc_ a`PP<'=lii.el.A times and are va-,_ L tantly and easily,;.,,? perfection"; 5 cu-_u van on: dogv yollh jkvnnie "B:-unton, after a ihre wckek s stay in Toronto, has ife?turn- ed; ` V ` Mrs. Loftus and Miss Burnett; Taro ff\I`I`I`II n--ml-- -1- "`- Corsi; SITE " `cud nS..l_ . . Court. II .{KUIll LII`; anal in h _ Iuuu D. 1907 AT Ybvqheo htrd con. Tend] Tende for the ft . riod o ay of March ' pound. pound. ard burr Potatoes Pot `Bag:-l (Dalton.- Tende- Q A '1`! Y D Loftt visiting the St. "Louis. Lot 19. of which '~Itndy lo lures in gleowing red )vi `H151!/Ui 'Olt8 to I an n-`II 6 0l`.&nd U vd. All 'l CIIUQ` SATU R -lowest 0 All tend We ha land at fun IYDI ~ I I Tende until 3 I`! A l` ST. vv-vv '7 room?-. miles f Ternls xu IETUQ ' I Well (ex Qnnaann 1 til iOL. LV I0. 11. 12. 39-tf 5-6 '3-51 56 ---i - _Ii'.tauri<':e`Fortier has retnrned . to his home in Montreal. ' 3* _ Fireman Thom is in the -R. IV. Hospital with pneumonia. . . . Mr. Wm. Armstrong, Essa street, is still-confined to the house. `)___L' n ' `EH1 llll'l IURCII ; H-9 ow 146 Firin- Wmcl Ful doubl . roum AT" b.ior"a few days. , . , most enjoyable time was 8 3 ........aa.....m.;..s........2 `Mr. D. C. Cameron is in-Toronto ments were on the progragn and a . _ , _ I . V ' 'Mf. Maurnce Fortner has retnrm-A Mr n...:.a 'n......_:_. P .- nu: price reductions on every -line represent as ine saving on every purchase. Buy now is your Moo genu gain. WILLIAM RE ouooo av mu an Luc uuuuty lS`COl1CCl`!'lC(l. V On motion for a third reading an amendment was presented asking that the matter. be deferred until the June Session. ...\This amendment was de- clared l_ost on the following division: Yeas-Bell, Brown, Card, `Copeland; Dundas, Goodeve, Hayes, Lawson," McDermott, Potter; Ruby,Scott; Staf- ford, Train, Wood. Nays--Barr, Caldwell,`Elliott, `Hall, Jardine, Jupp, Kerr, Matthews, Mitchell J. J., Moore, McArthur, McConkey, Mc- Eachern. MnT_nnd nI.n....... n-----H genume gam. e ` The price reductions -lme Man`. $1.90 1'-Buckle pm Rubbers, rolled edge. so Boys` $1.30 1-Buckle Rubbers, size: _A 1 to 5.` Speotal Yonthp Q1. 10 V1-Buckle Rubbers, Iize u'10'to 13; Spa You'hs' 650 Rubbers. wool lined. sizes u uguuu vvsnu UUVCIII I-`FPIIF \l'Ul_.'In0_3'.' ljagula? price . OW ` ' ` ' ' A V G.rls' same style, than 6 E} 2. ~Roztilae_prico 8.50. To clog: at u -nave: u I.vv'|"uul\' 5 Kev!) yluwll DIIIBJII uveranoe!,_ HUGH 'It0l" proof o`ofh, all men, to clear at V ' Men : Jersey Storm Front Overahoes. Meple Leif and Oenaiien Rubber Co. meke. Reu`_ar price 01.35. New - Wom:Tn'u Jersey Storm Front ` 0verohoes.- regular price '$l.0( Heavy Lumbermen s Rubbers LU pun vv uuwu H1010 U600 -8111 I5 leaeher sole, reguler price 8165 Men ! re ulau-' orioe 01.65 1-Buckle Ii 7 I0 10, to clear at . Women's Reeulav Price 31.85 Bsitt m-`oof oioth. all nizne, tn nlnno at Overehoea; ooavee uueon Boots. lenher faxed. , nine 2 to 6}. to ole or at A heavy holes. on Ovetehoevni lined Inter-_ 35 pain: we !nen'uOl.10 ma :1 odrut BootI,F1t snppamna brokrnj - lots all grouped in 0119 lot toolear at - . - `. '. 40 pairs Women's and Men`: vrogular {L35 and 00.50 Folfhaao J and Gater Boots, leather sole,` to ole SI at Ap_a?r - . . 15 pairs Women's Felt Lace -"and" Button Boots. leather faxed, lumbar gala- mnmln n`;-in it as `.3... o 4... an .- -1." __ - _-_-- I-.. -- vvnnova Ipocu uavuou uyco T." `V -. v - 7 Our price reduction ands the quality` ofdur rubbegfs, Felt Shoes and Slippers`and:al;.,l,liii`es:qf `Winter eFeodt-. wear will set you thinking. Even our own past effbrts are discounted when we_eo`e{ this range of bargains listed here. ` ` - s .. ~ " J ~ e - `Just look around andesee for yo.urself.~ 1 " = 2 G Tobe sure you are gettingg.the,imostefoigyyour money- The papers are. full of sale neivs},o'erihi batgaing and if all aregenuine /it _wouid'= be hard to pic the best. iNever any doubt here about the genuineness of VALUES and, as proof of the reliability of` this store, [we ask you to game aind _investi_gat_e. ~ Winter Boots and_ - - _, uuu Uu Young Women; mbers of thVe";Ahglican.':l >le's Association were en-_. Mondgy evening by. Misfr Av Glrnggl. .AiI , Pidings from Allandale -- V3 con wul (IC- of lectures on "Wednes- ..--_ .....,.... oauuuvlvwl t? farmer's parents at Mt. WHERE Ant-:THEI::sT vALut-:s~2% Murphy win de- .-l......_- , nu- - ` `"'``u -. ' iv` `an n Port an cocoa`; 90901}: "v'v11'1"i{ -...... mauyzerxans will 110 cart 1:: the . Feb Church 'fhe'..I"resbyterIans in on VFeb_. I_4th, under the D , and in December, I905, I3 killed and 28 mjured.` Nine employees were caught between cars, Sf ' by4r falling from trains,-4 by collisions, 4 -by de- i'ailment' of engipes , :2 by ma chinery, Vacu- 10 to 13. T Special av`: V'\ I&' daughters, Misses Eva. i Addie a, -'umve.-- )Mrs. Steggles and Catcher, Wilkinson a nd, Mai'.y~ s attended the funeral -in To-, ORO STATION. special yterians will"holc:l `at am-ch nn 4-- '--`-' ` 4: U9 Eu `Chur hi % Werey% Wu Speo`al_ - 'FoI_t Fafo .' .1.5O '. 1.00 [.75 .'% .50 brown, b8Ft[ICW'S Bay. The Warden arid Councillors Wil- liams and Potter will revise the Rules- of Council and report at next session. - Council adjourned to meet again on Tuesday,.4th June, 1907. ` 4 0 Cl C ICVICLL Councillors Ju 1`)p,l.' `McArthur and" the Warden were appointed a com- mittee to arrange a"_`settlement with Wm. Anderson__re .deviation_ road at- Carthew s Bay. Wil- lliams andoPnmn- mm ..-..:.... n.. ma .even'ing oti }Bihle." _ 1 nacuern, McLeod, Oldham, Pearsall, Pico_tte, Simpson, Sutherland, Trim- ble, Willia~ms,_ "Woodrow. Theby-law was then nally passed. -INDU_STR`IAL COMMITTEE. On motion of, Williams and Ruby, 1 it was ordered that the following members be a committee to arrange to. have the various municipalities concerned in the electrical develop- ment of water powers on the Severn River act in concert, in taking advant- age of the provisions of` the statute in that behalf:--oRuby, Copeland, Mc- Eachern, Garden, Barr, O Brien, Wil- liams, Train, McDermott, Woodrow, Lawson,` Stafford and the Warden. by-law was passed authorizing the loan of $40,000 to meet current expenses of the County until the tax- esrare levied. - , .q...._2II_ ;, `PA ` ` ' This is a HARD COAL` % $6.25 u4.uuu:, 1V.l.Ct`u't11l`, `lV1cL,'onkey MC. Eachef. MCI-60d. Oldham, Pears_all, Picntta .Qrnnann C..4.l.....I-._.I rn Anna uu JJUL} UVLU, Was presented. _ Warden Boys asked that the part- nes be heard. `Mr. _J.V H. Hammond -addressed Council in the interest of Mr. Ander- son, against 1 the by-law, while Mr. C. E. -I-Iewson explained the position so far as the County is-concerned. n mntinn cn- .. u.:...: _--_I9.i 1:559 \-llllllls I.lll{lllCf. I _ Provision was made for an office for the `Clerk-of the County Court, cost notvto exceed the sum of $50. DEVIAT I'ON ROAD. ;The' by-law. to establish a deviation road between Oro and Orillia, which had received a first and second read- ing on Dec. 6th, was presented. Wfdh Rntic 0131;...` 51...`. L'-_ W, - __ __.\___ u-9QC\&&I Iiitructions were given to Chair- manjargline to have facilities placed for storing a sulcient quantity of ice for the use of the County build- ings during summer. . prn1r:a:nn u... ..---|) 1`- " uuuva ' U} RVLG I DufCUo Mr. Meao5' WQbb s bill, $14.50, for the burial of Miss McPherson, 'an in- digent, was ordered to be paid. rnrvxrrnxr nix r\1\v-\-uApn.. -_._--- V The sum of $80 was granted to A squadron of tlie Toronto Light Horse, the same to be paid on the order of Major Burton. `M. 1\I....:.....n \xr..u.:_ LEII .o.,, . - v.n';-_ Ag. any _ ,, ..........,y as Llglc resxqelfl Mrs. Wilson, Bradford stteet._ The members the A: tertained _on eyeningb; Haggard, Bay street; All repo enjoyable time._ j 'l'hg_Re\(. Canon Murphytw live: a course "of W day, evening during Le_nt,7 on .Apostle s Creed,". `and `on S uuvla Us VUUIIUIIICT DIUWII. , Councillors Train, McArthur,` Good- eve, Trimble and McConkey will com-' prise a sub-committee of the Standing Committee on R. _& B., with power to act in cases of emergency. ` ` ,- ` FINANCE. Afgrant not `exceeding $30 was made for the purpose of protecting County bridges at .Creemore"from`- injury or destruction; by water and-.` ice, work to be done-under` supervi- sion of Counciller `Brown . I` nnnn -lIl....... 'I".._:._ II` A .1 A QVQ3| `C The aecouht of Sunnidale. for $29 "for work doneon County Roads was ordered to be paid; the amount to be deducted from future appropria tiogg. 7 cg; Hung Q VClJIu ' . I , -Provision was made for the repair of bridge over -Mad River, between Sunnidale and Nottawasaga, under the superin'tendency_ of Councillor Mgore. V vu uvau uuuu: guuu {U608 IIIOIIICS. .The Re_eve of _Vespra. was empow-, ered to deal with the. matter of eul- verts crossing Mill Road,'oppOsite lot 15, con: 5, V_espra.' .prnuuau'nu "u... ...._I. 2-.. A`:4 .- -W-' paid $10 for Simcoe s share of the .I UKIIUO V Te ders f r the neee a supplies; will ge askeg for. ` S8 ry ` `ROADSAN-D BRIDGES. The Township of Sunmdale will-be-c_ McCarthy ditch `award, to be deduct- ed from future good roads monies. A .'n.. 9-....- nc tr--- ----- A--- - 1 - g V H.`O.USE OF REFUGE. .' It was recommended that no action; be taken at present re ` burying,` THE NORTHERN ADVANCE coumv councn. I gtlgwest prices. V 4'4, a.'.\1U' \ v Irv lllllklu C()iI_N.;l;(" i5RbPER'rY. H ......._,..c uu monuay evening_~at Mr. C. W. Pou`ch_er s. _ [ ing .on'Tuesday at the residencgeg o' M1`: Bradfoi-d stree_7.'"` . cnuncmnn. per toh; . mm Mnnnn ("nan-`.g- ._A II ,1: Beau Mopde-General tting, long gored hip, medium bust, military front, , Coutille, white and dove, sizes 18 to o o o o o u oiyooooiooo ' I O O O O O 0 O l O O O O O O0 345--For slight gure , lonprinceslsihip, H. G. style, low bust, rcnch Batiste, white, sizes `I8 to 28 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 347-F or short, full gure, long gored hip, medium high bust, Coutille, white anddove, sizes 19 to 28.. . . . . . . . . . f357-For slight gure, short bust, H. G. style, long princess hip, Coutille, white and dove, sizes 18 to 28. . -. . . . Yatisi-Stout old -ladies corset, irery heavy, Jersey sides, ecru, sizes 21 to 33.s.......'......-u` . - . . ..:.....:".. Dowager~-Very` stout old ladies corset, _ strip, Coutille, dove, sizes 26 to 36. .` Nursing-Strip, general tting, Coutille, dove, sizes 18 to 30..., , Ena-Slight re, girdle style, long prin- hip, iuose sup, ers, `Coutille, white and dove, sizes :8 to 26. .. . . 1 277--`-Short.hip,medium high bust,Batiste, ' white,sizes18to27..,. . . . . 1 203--General tting long gored. hip, medium bust. military front, Coutille, _ white and dove, sizes 18 to 30. . ,. . .. 1 days in Toronto during _tl1_e ve'e"l_c'.-`V `x.- About seventy young people enjoy- \ed the social meeting of the Monday evening; at