Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 10 Jan 1907, p. 8

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u--. - -_ ..,- ,, U u - welcome. - Good back! To vvmam dp I owe it? Will you alt down. and `share my `me.a.-l V '%W'hen did you drop in on me ognuau-. Ihanmahmeut,` in which a. tmntiye anx- -iety `mine;-lewd. A . `-`.W=h0 118 the Lady ?" .Be1l1a.m`y." . 1.1!...) .1`- .'.._--.-. Jnlnou W;y1;me tn unmi:t!iga`sbed as-' Val-III` I I d:on"t know. Hiare-wood ' looked round vaguely, and finally ndropped imto a chair. "I've come to =unIburd- ._--_ ._.a _-_., than 'f`a`f:Vn:L715a'7'}E.ik-eo1i{:"ai-.?r Iwili grave. Yesterday I was 26 years a. w;td:ower,.md Pm going to marry me intense agon aixd 1`!1ue"'1ta1` sion. I was una. le toattend to my house many]: and fa hnnannn n }u~n-an in Int: `I The Corn ound continued to build 13 megeneral eslth and the tumor seem to absorbed, until, in seven months, the tumor was entirely woman. I am so than I for my recovery that} ask you-to pubheh my letter in news- papers, so other women may know.of the wvonderfnl curative ` were of Lydia E. 'pinIrBnvn - Vnaafnhln nmnnnn ' 1 I gzeandla welli acvv-on-an-., v iVjV-;;1.e `took a Wahri-de across the room, and _.n:a:l1y stopped ubemre his rr.Le2md zs chair.` ` . ` I Bearer ottlle Woman : Relief Corps, thank`: to Mrs. Pinklnm. CS UUBIIIU IAJUBWUU EU Lily LIUUBU 3:3, life became a burden to me. I was conned for`da.ys to my bed. lost my te, courage and all hope.- ap I cou13ot bear to'think ofan operation. I Inc, my cuuxuguunu nu .uupu.- P5? could not to think ofan operation, and in my distress I tried every. remedy which-Ithonght would-be ofan _uIe to me, and reading of the value of Ly is E. Pink- ham s Veget.ble_Comnonnd to sick wpmen decided to vs 11: atnal. I felt so d1800ll- ....._;uI `In-`L I`...-I 136614 Edna nf van:-nan-up --.4` I IIUIII I VQCIGUIUUUIII ulsr or painful periods, weakness, displa- hen womenare trou e.d";'vith insg- I cements fart uloerptig of themgmsle joxgans, bearing` own e in-; ammstion, backaqhe,;at.IJ1enee,,ge;1eral ` debility, indigestion" and] nervous pros-T `ti-a,.tion, they should remember thereis one tried I and true remedy. Lydia. E. Pinkham s Vegetable Compound at once nemoves such tin-ou.ble.. `Y- _AL ._ H. Al _ .._.-_.1j I, _ ,_ E30311 IR 1 ten. 30 u1auuu- , l.VU_ I-Ia I,Id'llM.o ed that fhad little hope of recovery, and 1 or en I began toxfeekbetter, after the secon _.._L. AL--.-LL 6 Ann`:-o Ivlllllwn` $n-uan-..__._- eu Hull: 1 nun Iuuu uupc U1 xcuuvcry, uuu glen tq`f;eeLbettaer, second. 15' thought only megnt temporary reli : but to my great surpme I found that I I:-ant ooh-no I1]-nn tho invnnr Ioaannn reuu; Inn in my great: aulpllac a. sunny: uuul. ilnlgiept gaining. while the tumor lessened ze. -1 ' 11 ...._. ..-_._.I ..-ILI. -_.I AL- A.....-- ---_..-g ' Wuuulul UUIWHIVU W313 UK `J: Pinkhanfn vegetablenn und. man Ilvnrnnn own 49-An `AA 17: You meme made Ito: one another, and I- w,ondzeqr_ I have 'notTIauspected Ht .h.e:f6rne, I know` hear atory. Do you Wllsh `me to 11811 11'. to 700. mw ? _-I. _ _-1I1 u..1I1 "No. 1r`;n"o:..c;>:a;;{s7:;;, EELS zv111:t.a11 me bemselzt. =W.hethor or not I came Iiothing. I` don't even k-nqw, whether she` will `take me; and it she does, I am airva.-id ht wxulvibe -nor Nsetllwa sake." ,W:y1nme arnragd with us. sneyalnin-g bexnsdetnueaas in his eyes. . __.- _.J-,-.x.. .- _.-_.-...._.-......._uL '3 `gt.-11:1`-v;e~<`3`i'<`:.i`x the world has me- eeived [such widespread and unqualied endorsement. No other medicme ha ....I_,. __--__`I -2 -.__-.. -l l____'I- L_.-._`I.I- UIIUVI TI-ll L` I! VUIICI. IIJUUIUIIIV UIAUQ II: such; record. of cures of femnle trouble. Mrs. Pinkham invites all sick women to write_ her for advice. She in daughter- in-law of Lydia E. Pinkham and for twenty-ve years under her direction ;,I-t will be 3 .peme_ct `arrmngemenlt. God bless-` you atmd give you your hea-nt`s desire." . nhe tollowinc week, the law who wuem -3t&!11_ldt ilnlhareded in the 1-nwner circle of Chapel ~aartm3ts mend 't*ha1t,.ums. Bellamy Miss Harewood had some ho-'Oh.ar1.wood, on $119 A -7 __._._ Al.I_!.. }N: .v've"x3't:y-`re"'v`i'ra Hun};-T13; direcum "5; and since her dec-use has been advising -fab unnnnn fauna Al nhaunn RI-an `no-. CII\I IIIUU IIVI \.IU\lU$U ll} uvvu TIVIEII-I` lick women free of She has` dad thousand: to heal Address, ynn, Mans. _ _ Remember that --It 1| Lidia E. Pink- hun a Vegetable Componn thatiacuring women, and dop t alloy my dmggist touellyounnythmgelnemitaplace. Beore the summer was over Innis amuwu-ncament, which` was aenat.~broa.d- "carat thnouguh the English :nawppap- are, eactz-mad ` and plaanbl-y shommed themail-_- b At I.~ne,aa.r1an Church, ClraarL.woo_d- chin-Sea, oh the 58th at September, Bobt. Hiaravmod, of Hcurat` Park, '* mdche_9t- er, to Edith -wary. widorw nuns iaxte James Clmytdn, atbhe Indian Civil Service, only `daughter at the late Sir 1re_d6r.hck Belhaimy. Balnt.. (I! `cum- woo'd`:I-lJa.ll, ". Du.riu1'g the" weeks severml xneuibgms at the sham or the auper'm- t ` {near at-. the -'19:-cunt 0a'n~a.l . M making` a suryey` "at the Hnllnamd "River, which ' pthes into Lake Simcoe and is albout 18 ~.mi.lues4.-hn `lencbh-: river will be .,a-;_ auawjlnezy gbranch;-at rbhe aunt. and it; is expected that -`.'DOIn. -it miI1,.b`e+'-co_mmetrpad~ next HIV LU UV; Baum Uiatvnv _'Ull'U|L\J 3&3-"I ,chan.Vn,e_1%;;.01" .`\f9Lp8.1.`5,0;!`.i .AJ 1: poamtia a ;:.-F. f./Tzlegg I;IoIl1.sdLj'lvl}i\%%r'r % Surveys. Gdo Egoginss mum v aauw wrww--' - - .._. :yBu have Itaken in.: Th/e follow} ' letter was written La. `At... 1741...... ucux' AILFI I 11151151115 For ve years I was troubled with 0.-tumor which kept growing, causing 91-out manfni do-n1-on. ,.uav|.v,' Input! UIl'5`/;.J,;-_UlB present mm amount osfilpyz `hnwever mm not he very . grcgnem has been rnwde .`~wdth wot _dmwmg `lines tor --t-he 9UUlInQl'-that wm name to be Ho!"-humid 'mver.vbranch` yrhll, wt in sand, be a vauhwble -asset no Itme caznulul, an It goes rtgh: through the centre of the rich dlammin-g County or York. It will Ibriumg Netwmar-ke.t. nibo commumlcation by waver with num- erous t to the nunth, -and should pmve at great *bametm.1: to commerce. {Great Yeah forvpegr Hunting G. '1'. R. RETURNS SBOW REMARK- ABLE INCREASE IN NUMBER. ' OF DEER KILLED IN OPEN SEASON. During `the Imteen days open season or 1906 the Ca.-nn-dzan Express Company alone transported 3,100 carcassea of deer. Aith .n:n awgreyalte .w_eg'ht or 318,215 'pOu.'nId'8, -2.11 01 these being Grand Inrunk, agwmut a ttot1a.'1 of 2,-_ 796 oarcanseo in 1906, or an umrease our 304 deer. with an increase in welgt at _ 11,810 pqundss. IIIL- .|n..L;.nL_.n. _ .g_ _ ... . .- trge mean rtiune received by the Grand Trunk Baitway Syatem whose `line ! tap the beat territory In I` suing -Jun O-- `A! _I. - _ A _.-- -..`. ..-v- ct--uv -u -o-vv-J I Onmamio V30: `sh and gxaxme, it ap- pears. 1:h."'compa.r1aon with Itme seaaon or 1905.; {ha qr_ 1-a.s_t ;a1'l had a. mu measure or success. .'nhe 'dhtr1ut's from which time `barg- est numbers were shipped were he Maga=nne0a;wen `River (IBurk ns ._F\a.-119), Trout Creek. South River, Duke of Bay! (-Huntsville), Kearney, Paweamssen and the Haltbux-n oVn.reg:ion. 3111):!-B num- ber , of course, cannot be `taken as an esthniame at the number killed, as ta number are eaten by the lhu.n|t- ers in camp, and a. large number are home 'by the settlers. awvheur it is considered that nearly 6,- 000 hunter-s were in `the several -dis-- tricks dsunmg the open season. and that each hunter is allowed 'by tlmw two deer, st can he convservaihively es- tkmamed that close upon 10,000 deer rwere killed dsutimng the Imtuaen -d!a.y1s or the open season between November 1st mid November lath. 1-.1_-._- -A\_-__ ,,,1. , .n 7 -A From other aawthamtlc lmfor-maltfzon It is zound that during the last e-v'en or eight years deer have been seen from 160 to 200 miles rarfcher `mo:-,t:h '1`.here has been some discussion `in the newspapers Ito then exftect that 't`he barge mxmiber or hunters who go In eacli` year am quest` of deer will even- tually have a. txantdency to diminish -the supply, but; this has. mot been abonme out by the meta and returns. min game is not on: the decrease, `bust: on the conltnary -they seem to be mul-. tiplyimg in the several districts in wrhiach they are Iounmd, tihough `in "the- re-gmnn where railway Iconstruvdt*ion has been going on for some time tihas; hard `line vetect ot drivicmg "them tur~ dzher motion, or to other parts of me; Province Into more - leper-sely sdtlblexi rlklfnifn ` - x I than `hhey were znounrd berrore. lhiabeaid of diminishing in numbers the `deer tn: the "I-Iigh=land5 of On- tario are .`InI:reas1n-g. .'Iihe woods are mull or them, and the game laws are `so well enforced by the On- tario Goverunmenst that good hunting in `thait territory is assumed for years to come. Without a. doubt the hunting season of 1906 i`n_the Province or O` has sevanut-he largest influx. of hunters that has ever been. Not only from the towns and t_:imiea_o f Qnmario have the N '.mrods turned out in large 'num'beu'a, but from the sister Province of Quebec amid Irom the United -Starters many have taken *a~dvIa.niha,g~e of `tine well-known attractions that appeal to lovers or sport, and the life in the woods following the chase. January Canadian Magazine x 11he Jvatnsuary number of The Can- adtaan Miargvazine `comes pretty close to the popu~.'a.r idea at wlhialt 9. h! mibllaoamion should `be., In combasma 104 pages at exoe1lentt lY lllauatraltesd amt- tcles mmd cleverly written eboniee, and is Ii-3`-htennled by an unueuza1'ly' l.i.ber.a'! use .41: -verse and other shont thin-gas 4"]-mall-1 n Inn-nnnm. nnm nua in nnmnin-a VUI{U3IIIl- HIRUIWIEIJ YBILV HOW `J-C14 WC'l'l. An % zlimtmtted-- awscle eoy Gxoldrwin Smth. entitled "The Stage of Former home" `In n.n-n-nnnlonrl rfnr v`li` III]!-T, WHU 'I-NU Ell : LIJUEU luau '11!` tonmarbion of ms mtenmlan an-d . id $300 to Mir. Hawaon. a Monauoo So ici- hor, `U0 Ane ouwbe-the purchase our our lotsolfl torzwhtch Lodge paid $6,- 076. mm: ivaxnd was tamed over im- mediately vby Dodge to the D9 Eisrtrneut at Ra.1Lwa.yvs'tor $13,880, leav- Edtor =h umse1_t amber expenset ~-we-re 9. , $8,805,. or 167_ 1- cent. profit. 1; ha nmyet known w at poldtiical div- isionghodge `mud to make at we spans, but no one supposes mat `he was .111- lnwed `gap it am. of Kit. Lodge` . , ' appear Rutbhic c- counts. but the tnamasctton appeared as .lf.theAGovermnann:.haa:d bought the land tram Mr fetwaon who acted as.- solicitor for V e. T " OHAPTER '1`. 0 (IF TI-IE`DEA:L- . ; In the Public ikcoousniba. oi. this.-yea.-r `theme lap a=.s1:9Jueuren-t-__o the purchase of other 1lmd.izn Mlonuhon..and,o the- s:a"":.r.s.'**.,*p.:p**'.....,o'=*~"'** '1'~ e]'`;speu:-"t %.'.;: 2: . `pro . we , V th!a'h `smother part" 91,!` yam`: tram- rm, Jlphut tn-guu5`n:~'*m1di;1ni':n * 11803 r.f.1 -Wt . 5. .4 P : * . -; ~ I .- .+- 3,. 31"-ll; uuuuvu LLIE Ql&5C UL FUIIIIC Days," is _anm-oun:ce_d gtor Fetbrumu-y. Ilast year the Public Accounts Com- invmoe discovered as malt rake-oft or 8,806 n by Mr. Emmerson to his rtecnad '. -Dodge of Moncton, In con- nection with purchase of a little- nun nr'AuiI~h\nf.'lmrmrl' 9451- than Tn.` l`}`7Ul-{U11 Wll.l1`;1l`U V over $5,000 won`-t-h=ot-lwnad' for the In-' tberoolondnal. .'m_.e mus the Mlmhber "decided 3 purchase certain -`|.n,-main mud il-h-nun TA-ulna `I-nod tin- punsuwuu U5 `G lllblc` t .\uL VCQX `Will-I U!-lld 7.llVl`L lplllilrllalb ' a (pem cam nape. n pass -g-. The haalf-tone reprodmaotionvs are ex; ncanulnlunzoixr 1nnn' "Who "f1onn.r1{nxn" `hlon JJIIU lllllol-'L'Ul.ll$ l`VPlUl!lB7UlUll'D it-LC CA ceed: ` y good. .'.l.1he "G9.na4dinm" `hwe -car y atarhed the new -year well. rl1~tB,tna!ted-- 20; n....u.s. -_....u.n..; uflI|.... 6.5-... TH- _._. -_ IHIIIIEXT j= nuts, and` efnrnnntmlvaxsu ucvvuvu him II Wu Mir. I333; UCI Inll! TheM'onctovLnA Land Deal. mm: MIC LUHKJB usvuv htlwyvv, nu... -......- ----_- _-g minister -should marry` Miss rewood. But L'awrence 'W~y.nne, a. 113 `man of great subs and wmlsuna deaty *thse`re4w1ItJh.` seemed emnely uphesd with hits work, which was h onerous -and exavctting. He; mioI:'e- er. remain-ed aitnrulvto who .31- tance to a limte school-teacher in `favor! G1a.morgwn`ahLre v11lIaJg~e,'\mno s wox-k1rn~g'and waiting, Itoo. .'umIt1l ` time would come for `their Idwal to begin. . . 1 ' ` . e fucxiatevnce of the 1-Lttlue. school- acher waws still undreamed d! `by `e mavtronms U1 "I-1'are4wo6d, who `re one and all agreed thnlb. .the ~-- - 1--._- --.-_.- -`AI-all bu. mtch `they had itn view would `bet. HILL! Vflfly UCIIHV UV `Luv vvu-usu---.. ' Iuhg world we: a dreary `am! cruel co. in` which` `none really loved their somewhiat cynical view. N-aJt'ur- y Mliss Harew.ood was w.a:rmi'y wel- d Chapel, and iche maitronss. sleek. in-?dJ!'9BE`80d. comfortwbiiy , com- cent, were anxiaws to make much -her`. Burt she was `always a nmue . even when they called, as they anitly -did. at Hurst Park when it came known thiait `Miss '1-Irarewood mid receive. Tihey did not _rn-ake ch headIw.ay. But` it was 2 `great vng `to have her name aisociwted th all 1 org`a'nszaitiion:s*' of lbhe web`, and to have a lull purse mt ir disposal for cases or need. Rob- Hiax-e.wood made hiss dianugiutenr a dssome allowance, which she spent inly on others. a W ~ ; ` ` 9 _`-,., _._-._1.s ..-.........\ yup... d` '-to the inner `cit-cie of ~Hlare- . heir chief 'desire. ourtside the many am: we On` .a. `certain af:t-ernoom In November` e Undies Work-`mg Patty assembled `usual in` the. ladies p\a:r~lor `mt I-fare-` nu _u.u y._ ._ __1..-..I: --...I n u\laJ III III`-\-I" CIT!-IVS .lW`*Qow- vviv -w---, d` Chapel. Nela arrived` early. lving down in the `neat B-rotug-ham. r amher had 'glven' her ans? B4 blath- y lg-Mt, and in order what she Igh-t accomplish` _.-conifontafoly ,her rge and lncrealaing round at call. e was neatly amtlred in a- blue cdast d tskirt, well made and simply `trim- d, some smblue furs which the `atronra described as pr-loelensa. and `a I km and the ripples of the brown `tr, which was Ne1lI!s a amen! clsaaam .beIau'ty, loolrendnult a. pair-u! very roe, rather wllauul grey uyea. was Lfeeldng specially lonely tlhiolt y, and `Lime `seemed an at a sudden -Lte purpaoeieas.` I-Ier lookrnoareelsrl ' laghtened , as she entered -the ;'w:'ork- - o__-.s LL- --.__I.I-I a.4'._.a.IL VII All uw I-Uuurbgg mun. ... -..- -_.._ _bown'.o becmwae an had `ever been lwted with-h all Watt makes tor eouoneoa. ~'1'~he 'cha.w1, one at no lent Imonumenftl or` Nlamoonmo:-mlty, been built by Robert Herewood. "m-tat Park. in memory or mine wire his youth`, who hlad died other. one year or wedded `happiness, and plxwce he had never caught `111. ;'1"h1~u greait sorrow had met `mark upon mm. ttumdng him from uocumble `mm A rhnrto om solllmavry , rendering we a. fdmty r_a'hherIUh wn oy. Miany ried `the little ,-,I_J_-_ ...u_...;. 1...: arm... 'I.uf'Iv 'hn ll-11.1 Ilc uuu Gy.l6V`vAuvIp'va_a- Ze were honest, ~i:mdus`triou`e. and ems-in G'od-(teaming. though. lihere the wawal Io:-ce working againlt eousneao to .be comubawd; And were combaxted m'arn~tu11y, H* d Chapel leading the `van. r'Hm- - 6 Mel: waa far removed V trbm s, where the morcea or urrrlgwb are supposed to operate most esatully. It uItood-a. massive and the edifice or red brick - `o. `leafy avenue bearing 11')! tounfdo mme. Harewoad was a; anlaime to. june with in M-idcheuter. repre- mg gremmgt iunud Woa,1t'h 1BEt Macturinxg interests. It was an `M113 tegarly came to rthevcawcluslon _,1 ,2 ,_-._ - .I..`.4--umnm AIIIIA` and received the cor-dual Igreelt-' ya at those already Itihlea-e. Sthe wan jw'ay1s vearly herself, Ibec>aIuu_ time as long, and her Iather. `by exe- .e and pretcept. had bred tamer the h ` tusaal halbt. Sahe wt dawn `qutaeltly A opened `the bag which comtm-mud 1- work. She hoa.d- a`natro.'n*ge, 'un'rea!lT hing; It was one` of her day; 0: V d2s;.tshe heard an in -a. dream whalt _ vaesmg around; her, and when y Iapoke to `her, answered only an Osylloaiblea. But Ahprecehrtl-y -aha. -Ta.r.d adrnething which _a.1_*:_eubed ; . {her A43 c JV] 9 ' auuu; gum-wu- ughuter mum had `been It be indeed moat: dSJcuUt:.`,and I ` `t nee whiam we are -to do, reo._-l_v1y..,I_'t y she would tell us Iomlhfl. punt herself, `than we vpho\.1_1Vd<\ =1,-}:`A_;1ggy_1 " -am we T,-`ii it`;-'4;gz`_%`cr!;eve:d_d gioemged my % rm -M has-.n1_?%..%;% W A ~ T gs H/bu uuv; uwu mu vuv~ lexcellenrt one from ;ver';r-gcautmt uaoitid at the ope:-amlona was condqcted -lcwmtly "mam it-he Indies ccvnrcmmd. '-Even the amnilesit seemed to rear trtoekr 'W!.m_`h a con- eness and appreciation. The - ._ .._A. I.....I..-'I.-Inn`n nn bnig Party. Tlhe soildtmlarge and eroua wmldlamd town was "not T 9011 no me ais` church work" :1 only V qd, 1:. .w.uu9d fbe` 1_amf.. mculvt Ito BJSIRZ-`he! tllauecea-` mw`d Chang W 3` lame: 3' my `questions. Iri church Lug f ,; e- Pllhlng org. izaatlon. and no . _ E or oxgmniona conducted mM b t `.`"lf' It-"'m "-':;"'f r mean Lumen myth mm M um M km: and '* . "-"%" . "`*94 `F ?*".` Deroua was nolt school wm`u.m mam: 9` `.13 -`i1 m". y work w`W'hYdlh;m13Ht be LIl\I9_ 'i1`nr- _ 1 `in fan` Bhdomnolwpawear ff:f_2,':`}_ _E:?m2_w_,m;h" n wtdvowh dress." . nf, '. : - , . aim." 1o2:1;i5?. '.`7.. n-.% zliiht`-lo was, doctor : wife`. and mm lniwnltly. thdt.1'mh' not uudilbly. cccrewaed with rniobtvgl ulterjot. "Mr. Wynne in mm: with us wo- night. - `observed the -huge lady. "and I mean me have it out wlth` hdm. Both M`:-. 'I`lh'ormJI and I "are agreed their he ought not to have asked Mira; Bellwmy `to `bench in we 8unIdo.y chooi. kmtowlnlg so hwtle 'a.'boIu*t - -her. .'?Dhb.t. she orered "her services seems to ehow than she has commence in her- uellt; anyhow, I think` we should V be cool to her unltn we nd out wihat `she renal-1y to." V \ . - -the umy!_j_'I' ihhnk I can like you where you witch to so," due Iadd Ian a very elm voice`. W1lIlO'h' .w~a.I ddattuuot-1y hound. "No vllognk you. Mrs. - Au- bum, 1' wd.-ll not remain to the special commwtee to-day. Good a.t:e-rcnoon. ghe mowed ammhtlymll -round, and` -in company.- tnvrmhmt `demwed mhrouyh the clear glass: of the .w~1~ne low they" uw tihem ember the broug- hwm `amid drive mwvmy. "mdv -you like the working-_panty P ....bml Halli: .n.nIA ha ham awn: than Prdb|o.'h!y `she 1aaepa":~a,;bed _ from her hMIbtam'd," observed: Mrs. `Au-` bum. "Intdaaud. I have heard no. Etta very 'dm1cu.'It. Myra. Lon:-mew mold me yuIhemqa.?y' aha tnmended mo 30111 the wmkhnls-natty. all the 1- ar bwulwh nsaendile`-woman. who point is. how -are' we to receive her. It to 1m'pou'a1'bbeto' be on calling warm 9. may whom one knows mbpubutely nothing a.- oo`u. and who worm: tall ull any- thmga. she `misw: `even. !be--a.'n'- = and- , .1 # -.__ IIyU|G'IIUV-INC uv vwuuvo `DC?-`#7!-1 ----- -v- 3 meme `dark-humid womhin who nu!` not welt.` Ipoken. "I shouldn't |mLnd caallhmg an nerzmaaod. I think 1 w~1~11."_ 3 ` ~ - ' L ltlo. Eu: eon ? . Work "Dad: Mil. Ahmbur-rt. i a-dventtu-9308!. don't care !or church` work or 1 our kmd `at uaclety; -'1`[hey`c0n'f` Mr operation: to other J mule." absewved .. IAMLI- 'J-._I- In-ul-uni] cunnnnglamn uupihh hlnl` "I think dh'e rm pg"-1~d:e." said Lmra. Awbunn. "-only once I,tr1'd to putt:-9. raw mam; quotation-a mo her. and she aI:mp!y '1:-some me," ' The cmior opened quietly; and a mmutj figure g1-med 1m . Man Illene \wIh'lch earuuuesd was fraught wlndh full mean- ing, out which` the newcomer wwu per- toct1y.conisc!.ou's.: hula 11: did not` die- t~un'b he-r placid twee. It was a. very I .1 _- , --..I. .A_-_ sweet rwee. If a wuble sad. a `tape which` use been: marked with the 1_une'o at am: `experltence epelelsally blictmer. he wore a. black track. amid e. lwte wk cloak, which she lurid aside. mmd, -re- moving her glove. took out her work. I-t was bhen olbaervel hhtaat she wore `mo wedding _1_-mg. Nell! -Hia1re- wood looked at her whimh a uwm Inn-` qruxtnlsnu V `amid. wholly uyvmpwbhemie g'1a.~nIce. No one spoke 'do`_ her. and her cheenml little head` was met by but slisghtt hows. Tlhens the silence "could be Ielrt. Prelsenltly Mir. Aurbwrn. the pnetaigdetmt at the Gmslld.` suggested t"hIa.t e. chiavter ahlou-Ldi he read from lthe ftvook `they were uhmdymmg tor Iuhe wlznltcr, which` happened,-`to be Rusk-!n a "Sesame 4mmd- L'!.1.ues. ' ` . ` Ne-1-ma, wlabchmntg closely. dnhougmt sihe Saw `a. lmtatle 1-ipvple of a smile cross -the _fa.ce of `MN. Bel.lra:my. but she sewed `demm-ely am and made no n_e:rn'a.rk. .'nh'e chapter was duly 1-etavd. ma. ew c_omme.mts made, then !the_,work {folded up amid we ag:-ve_i. 13!; we. `then _t-mm Nell-1;: `nose am crouaed the room to where Mm. 'Be`l1:amy satt. 9. qutie so`1Llt)a.ry gure, wthom '1none'*n;oIt".i=ce.d. T ask -.-..I -4IL -_._.- .-._ .Il!..nn. 15-`! -I...-9 `fun It Iivvwl-was nu any n nu. --vv--- . _...--.. B `V "Good atbem$on."-ma; Bellamy. my I 1inJt'rod'uce m-y1s,e'l'.t9 `I warn . Ne1_ll-Ea Hnametwood, amid I _kno.w.'you rqwite -well my 1aughtun:' chapel, though we have 'me_ver spoken. can I get y|o_u some tea. amtd will you met me _t `d5ow1ns_ fbeaiqe yqu.I" la 3 . . ' '% A =1xg~nt,%.i.womdendu1. amuuouu raaemut Lbghtt, tuh:;d -not a. in, l.l'.'1'B VJ? Real Comfort` to khdw you always have. in the house} Tried -and ` tested for over thi1_-ty ' years and admitted to the esovercizn remedye%ifbr` all Toolh&ahc.BrI|ses.W~reIcIes % ` ' 1 Back. an Hirst sPain Exterminator }Vespra, ` A Ill'st',s uuIc`I.Im Pills. They -r'eA_move_pimples fr '1`11>' cur: _VGy\; _dfV uolgmary woman an mire? %u:ejtaruua girl before her. ..4I.A -`IA l-.?...-`-Q Nv!a~s._~=e- V IINU 1-I--Irv we `van a--- -v---v -~-- ". 11liunk you, . Inc said simply, '.4:hgJnk you very \mu:eh. ' ' V ,NIol`l-II-Ibnqught Iihe. ms. and topk the chair `beside her, and athey `began Ito bulk. -V6131. `glanced towards them, no one `ventured to Imhenruut, .'bu_t mane at me elder laadal looked. a mhtl-e put out. Ai-When: they began -to dtspeme, "I-t pulses an hour, -my clear; but there no Ionuatshing `tn -the -aatamoablhere which atr-mes false .so-mehaw; I 'don.`t know what W118. I am B.'t1'a4d( I am not char-halbie. It .1: all in who u, ,L ;_u.._. _I..'.. I.u|..?_ C"Y`IC'a I V I "Wm-1 drive wvhth me. Bell- umyl I thhnk take where mm -1 - _ .. _.-..l-..- ...I.`.l A`I-' gnu; - all u$l.n|n|b1 as zgrente. _I.YU UIITICTHVWUI GU -- uv-- --- V--- name or religion, mt where does thin rel-igian come in 1" -` "Oh. `I `diam -_t Yihiixk religion has any- thing '60` `do wamn chm-ch working par- ties," oboer~ve1d- Nam: -in a. tone or surprised comviction; "Religion is .3 thing unite oumaidae and apart, ` malt rulsea people's lives, Mud makes -them do lovely things. I `wave onily seen ti onsoa or twice in H?\woud. - ._. .I._.. 0.. ____ IIWIII IIIIII Illuvv -vvy- u thce naked Nelus, and in her eyes` tzhlere _g_1 `I_-I_ _ Tudhop e sleigtis. 7a&aaT' a'e'i11Tn' {'u5a' E5`-`am m 3...-. prnse. - m T . ~ "wy dear, you are very youmg to speak like thalt. I turn oLd. amid perhlapa have proved wihat you say `by bit- teu experience. But surely lit. is 're- uglm that makes all -ruhese Jwomnen give up` their Itticme and their means to w.or:1:mg tfor othems 9. . ~ _. "Oh,~_'n'o." .ua'.m Nnelbla: "ht is vehem- khnidneaa at heart `am-d_ `social in- utllnnchs, bwt religion i-s'not 'tha't. It ILI `deeper down. I ham a.'ra.i_d the lcind of religion: I think albouit 1-: very rare .A___n..I _- " .Ill.......;...I..l.I... ...":. `They are ihade by men who know how. They guaranteed free of all imperfections in materials and work- manship. They have behind them the reputationvh of_ ukhouse that has been building eleighcin Canada for 55 years. have rho be grameful tor 'wLh~o.'t. we -have. \W-Lthoult It the world Wouldsbe 6 very. bvarrem; place. or course, _ -I knew they were -speak-mg at me wihe I came in 1:11:11: ahernzoon, and t1ha't the atvmosphgre was hdatue. It was your uwevest sympathy which made you come and speak to _me.. . - Alf -.._.- .'...I.--.AJ -A';` MA:lI m.unIn_ A sell %tliem. luuu wyvuu vv pnavu . ~ -s1-was unnamed," sa.1dNe1l-is, quick- 1-y- -aarn3ry' and aaanwmaed. A` ""011. Twshtan you are any old as "I .__-AI. 'IO Idudlvwu Q &nou In -uvvI- Iunttehad muvch. and whom suite:-in` has t%a:wg*hIt silence. So -they -w"l never know `anymore albowt me than they do mow. AMJ1-. `Wynne .knows my whole history, Suit he has prom- ised 'to respect it. some day, per- haps,"11f we ever get Ibo know one amot/her hqher, I win! hell you - at bout `a `pant at It. -` - - Z1; ___._. hi.` II.-..I....._.I..._. AA. u-ulna` ID "GIG w- -uvv 'U'F;aJt wan!` the 'begd;nmn'g of .what ways called in I-Iaarewoood Chsmpexl cir- cleu `a regre'td:atb_le dmimacy` be- tween. Nelma I-liuehwood and $_m=ys-V terlouus Mrs. Bellamy"-. Itt .waa- a. very close .ln:tunvi7. much as mdghrt have pasalble between austere where there was comohdamble dispar- ity in `yawn. Bust .Nne{1-ldaA had neyer been quite-young. -Wnhdn ahanat in her white Ihortt-_. mocks In um opposite whaIt she .cal1! .he_r 'mottm- ` -__|._ __A._*..|_.._' -1 ' ...I.-' Q. _ J .g'-_.J--anJ_ A- ;;~:.";'n...u.w .;"~...;.:."'.;o..'.@' the Pfdhlems ot1!te_%.T Mrs. ` 1- -.-` _.. LI..-` ' amyspexvtag-rautdaml otftime` an Hurst Bark. Gmauauy; we -amue.-- noon vmta wet lmswthened [to ev- en1ngIupuntA tnAthei.beautMu1` - -home, md_a_o _Roibert Hhrewoodbbecame ac- Z.` OIUIUUQV not-av - wv-vw--uuv ---- quwitved with his Via`:-vguher -a ngw ..._l- __IS no `CI-Anti .'1`ht-ouch her he began to knocW.Ne'.- nu, and them my: unto the great home at Hurst Bark 3. MW L . ele- memt; thtolemoravt of home. - _ . -Mam. Beumuy 1-lvgd mm a aback -meat in an ;um'a=h19n~b19 am? ior MI'.dchester. and upon modest door-` W-! -I. etml ' .021 wmch waive Sir we i-4.'.'E_. . A _,_" `_-I ' . `At least, SEE the new: tylga in Ttwsixan `you wm be mewithaer over_ -such __-_..-._. - ._.I.- .In.:.;. lxoiae Sleiglj A forthe same reason; we En17I~:% NORTHERN ADVANCE v----- -v- --- ---v--vvv She mled my me and liearvt. I have `g-lvtan `her nothing on return, she answered. .'.l1hm:k. you. very much for the i.n:vi!t1am1on.4 I wlllcome. and gladly. Have you thoug`hIt~whene she Wldlllpd go 9" "I don-`t oarfe. You can (`settle it ._bet.w:aIe!n you, only,.don`m ldt it be too far away, tor I aha;llL not Ibe able to Ieaye /Mnzdncheater except zfor g few. `dams at a. time, and I should like `to come oten.-. " He nose to go smtceolthece was no excuse not `prolonging. the interview, and she seemed to have very .LL*t1tl;e to say. He giamuoedTround the sham- by ldmtle .r.oom.wdth a uliuddaan im- pa.-t-Lanrt look. 1 . z ._~,,`, % this `Hume, 1:00, the new of `Harewood 0hane1 `beca4t_.ho look ;sad.1y emvty. jtM*ns.. Bellamy opgma_d_ the door no `_Suhe 1-ggked rmgsch guf- "'.I1HaAn.k `you very tnudh. Perh-ups I shall larber on. ~W:on-`it you sin: dplwn. Mir. I-Iiarerwoqdt ._Asnd what is the man- -her` wmuh Nell-Ls t" u , ' J "She seems t!.rad,`~ It is -uime 13116 was uaaway to the I camt get away myee1af jus't-yett. -.would you 1:ake.her, Mina; Bellamy. `amid I w.:!ll join: you both. 1-a:t,er." L 7 MM. Bellamy. uabe a Lirutle, jaand `A rrromemt. - - "I can't aittond -a. holldaary Ibhm summer, Min. I-Iamewood. It is better to ovwm. up -an once." VA. ___-- v1|__.____--.1I_ uz , _ _ _ A- _-_I.1-_. -w-_ -v.-.v ---.-- --...-.u` w~_.--,--V. Naal-ldxa 1'9 `exam: to be a. noble wom- an, Mir. 1-l1araw`ood,_ Ihe pun`-auvp-d. "I am `glad at thins -opponturI1t:y , to speak` to you about her. -Don't you see for yourself how she `Ll develop- ing, and on what splendid ldnea 1" "I `dig, and she owes it to mu, he emlawereki simply. - ' . A~ga.1!m the thumb of a glad prd .pa1ase\d over the mace or the woman: `who 'h`a.d amttered Lin. silence. ' .-.-v .`q'w__w'v---~-. .__-- .. `f-so "wane rgattie _A "I ca!ne_`n:om.e1'11s.~". She is not cry -mall` this e v`ua1ns...a-nu mm not `be ab1e.Uo go` ouit n1o_eth%=ouBsoimt. 1 s_;.td -I mould can and ask you 1.0. come In! for. the evemmg kuqbaad. _._I_ ,1-.- __-..___ __.__JI_ ___I______ T " --rim have beltawod upon. me`a bavrge taunt. Mir. Hamawood. Samoa 1 have -`lia-d the bleaahnc of your dau- ghter's tnbenshtlp lite - hag seemed yew dutaremtwho me, and I realize them. exeeut 01 your "sood-will. I could not have enjoyed It." . ~ rHia:-ewood looked art her zabemdlly and and nothing. St.-range` new thoughta curred in his \heaant-4thoug4bta ofwvhat me uysd name might foe let a -woman was once mono by his side, the idghlt and cenrtx-e_ of all things. :He put in . away hut-r:ied1y,V as can might .puaIh' the background` a tretaaonalblse 'hhoagtut,' and the ef- ont loemt him ajlittmle wihte. _ w"';.1_re1y you would wmderabatmd `that it you were good .'e;ough tn ac- company Nelug, it wound be '33 our yuaat. .hn;;.Ia)&d, a tmlna formally. I1; w,'ou1o maike all the auto:-ems to her, and I shauuld lmotw, than she ,was win late as iwall as -in xilenasglant com- iiIJ"wEcE;&"b}5*' i.x'.{:7.;"" 'urm._-at-`N come off the door. _ she ramtled upon. -him a. lrwdle rue- % .. II"- Frtment. I oamnt; lit Bpullrimy day bread. '1`.i1m'el 'hur.der that} wsuml lamely, but I must nidt comxilain, For an umlsktllqd latbzorer I have done not` uoXb!a:dly, at d Slhe uttered mm mar ftnam:d.A and 01- lowesd mm to rbhe oumer dmor. She thowgut his maumer very abrupt and a_tmnI3~e, bulb -ht did not offend her in the mat. she had at 1-alhe hsaad too many prooxs at penaouma.-_l lomdneaua to 'b,q1-have mm o;1_her.w1l3e than truly .'11h1:s is not your niazhural meat. ha said. abmoat rdughly; ".a.n'-d , .L A_,_.;_|.__! 1___-.__. _"-L_ , _, knmd. "He mud hunt -herr, however. mm at vague umreat. ` _ I-Ilamawood did `not tuurn tn ?t.h dir- ection. or his own home when he lent hens, bu-t Whalkd by devious may 1:0 the ,.atme!t in which stand` . whe ~mamss_e pentwtnztng mo Chap-V el- corxitor-atblre. rmmy. home. -IWa`!1t- mg months aun6hd:nse,o:t zwame` am! \W.l&\D3 to convbrtt Int mto a home. .- -v -- -|r u.- v- TI~t'.w1aau Hb.rezw_;1'?a u.nn- `to 1-edaden `Ev_ryb6x 9fMooney s Pen-fectVion~ ` Cream Sd_aa you qpen-yon will-' nd 1' new_` =1elight;in `these . ~ ; % .?!iYi-lt9'33tP'iV 2` ,- J` . . I _ H . -. ggygauggzappgtite _ , _ f In A nomm%"wonwa And `there he was noritunate en- ough `to "dd'acover `ms frnaanddter at ma evening meal. They. were very turtl- mate, with an inttlmacy na-re -between twp men of such dmerenit a.-ge. .'1`r:me and again aW.ym1e had uzlamked God nor Iwbent I-Isa.rewoo`d`is `rape expat- ience, as well as 2001- his loyalty and comsphcuoua generosity bawardsa `ham- aelif: -and he `had repaid him nwoth am hottest amreotzion wmich beamed in his eyes as he spra-nu to Ibid hbm '0R

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