Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 10 Jan 1907, p. 6

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kc `and llEBE -_:-:~-1-+4 IEE an Run `ll :s"l" . [' 1 E55. 1 . 17,.` 997.: ~JAN.~j;otn;51 ,. _ ___ 1.: sale ever Giving. PICTURES This areatsisaqe Begins Thursdav Mmig, Januaf ` 3n`d*cV0millBS - C - I V `V I . ' I . . ' - \V _ `, ` '5` `L. . - " > r \ S "I ' > V ` V ' i ` . " . ` 4: I ' Presents given with every sale of One D,`o1la1f and npwerds, tn everyb`od yA.nd in every department, Every present of g'uaranteed quality and of the highest value. This Sale is not to make money, but turn merchanise into money quickly; ' Not cheap watches. bot Genuine Swipe jandiiherican \Vatelies.'vI5n`ritli _anteed movements, in Silver, Gilt and Gun Metal. Every watch} warranted` to be a perfect time keeper. * * ' ' A Beautifully framed Pictures, in Oil Paintings, Steel Fine. Prints and Lithographs, in a great variety of subjects, and in all styles and sizes.` Many of these are High Grade Pictures and fit to he hung in the finest `homes in the land. ~ I - "` n I '2 ' WATCHES FREE V Guaranteed for 10 years, in Silver_ l`ea Sets.` Calm` Baskets. Croets, l..Vl'AIlll` Dishes, Butter Dishes, Pickle Crueta, Syrup Jugs, Salad Spoons. Butter,Knives,e Tea, Dessert and Table Spoong, Knives and Forks, ete.; all qua{1-uvple plated, SILVERWARE hem ' cc of hese _ This is the largest stockolgoodso ever by` any store in Barrie, and we are determined to clear out One Half co"f%'this stock in days. . To attractieveryone residing within 30 miles of Barrie. and to inure the success of this extraordinary effort.` in addition to sensationally lo prices throughout the-entirenstore. we will GIVE tAWAY ABSOLUTELY FREE OF ALL CHARGE $2`.00.00e worth of valuable i A A ~ GRANITEWARE % A Grand a`u.i.i[aqa. 343,000.60 worth of uni on Gods, Goats ind Jdokotc. groan Qltlrid. Baqfs. Shoo: an%(lL:'l_`l:`ub- burs. clothing fr Main and Days. New` Ov oroat s,8uli%s, Ijlstcrc, Pea Jackets, Man : Furnishings and Think: and Vallus. % . We have apportioned $2, 500 forthe \expens'es of tjbise sale, -eVvet'y. of {irhich are pxjepared to spend on presents for our`custome_r,s`,. -JTh f 'besth`e' greatest` e ever attempted in Simcoe Cmmtv-'- 2n"(`.rp':n-` n-;........:..~ ::n...... .....1 .L--- Amr- , ` -- .. rs,. - Lmsj dwxu be the er attempted m Simcoe County; - 30 Great Bargain. Day % % teat Sales: % _ and days of Qift rm 3 . I i`. . W `' Consisting of Tea and Coffeel"ots,' Col Plates. Slop Pails. Spiders. Mugs.` Kettles, Saucers. Sauce Pang. MilktPaila, etc. ou into.) ge. We .` % expezw usinealj the com: hand." 1 the most`, "for our_ January , u -.4, VV'LloVIII the _oc`cat's2o;'(1_T,f Jng1`y ude-I held .asmd .t`he- d-ejaunea-. 'seVrveLd .` '0 c`rmt ` nrr;1i. n" &a`iVs 4?..:.`.".ao- ` an: 9.:/V...`-.2`-- 'corei_tQ`e-d," where the ;i`-esfeptiourx was I was to the glbridremtamt ggzscthg groom _`x.=o;mitin .01 } cast`-y .l. a:am' Coffe; Boilers; Dinner `Pails. Pie tles, Sugar Bowls; Pudding Dishes. Presents ` ezront Aye! campamxy. bferhmg ha p'.am1a!t1on . 8"JI,1'8`i11`S.8 rough. am tahcitdes, 1 amid-: J0hn' . genuine 11 theme is` ' - the Inegro mm. Iv- _ _-lj. I. II ~`:qx.w'4stin 'c, 8It`-y Pera3h`___ "I .coa!t .:aufm- 'aV',;aa{:1;1e,4%,. Gold V __ 9` J, `- The ceremony over, the a=b1:1d:a:1+_ ty.Aaceompan:1ed_4by album: so guezitc. drove to ;'.'1`.he iPJpnes. . -1:h'-beoidezjice oMlr._ Arrthu-r X,'+G9aAu`_?_i:n,\ wun-:cn; . M 3119 _occ 21,, !ali11qg'_l'y' ,; de- I` YIIZHJSLSA I-Dhm '. 1. ...._.'_..._-xJ:- - `W , _--....,, .v..`\-vayu vu 'In'ul= VJ-U1'lIl HWU organ by M3:-..G!1bert Mm-kle at Bett- enboro, wmd Mikes AE_v_e1yn qmfvm. Oif Emmvale. At 1! p. m. the bride neuutiered .the church _on: the arm `qr her uncle. Mr. J. w. Gpmm, B.A., at Peteeribox-o * amid Oiitlaw-a. Gowned in white`. '1"1owe'r- erdsllk, an `train.uwIld: ha._=lonvg l_':l.lI1'l'8 veil, crowned with ldldaea, dtwhe valley, and carrying a. bouquet df. w.mItIe' wees. she pnesented a. lovely appearance. .'.nhe bride and \groom were waqlmended daily by two .datntEy V;l~imt le` ,:t1ower gc1r1B,4P`ea!_'l, and .7` Mass =-wadelme (?ua11jv~in,'eac1; _sa.rryImg.;_ ca `wsket 9f~;,l11-lea, of: yatlley; _dtlc1atlamg clergyman ~wa_1a Ihhe` Ref. Dr. 0c'k!,ey. =Wa:gInm-`us mamoun we' [march , in "L`ahfeng1~in _ { ` was qxoellemty on the Violin am! rn-tram: Ilka fV.l:'lnI.....A. |p-.-I-c- , ""'~' `"`""'-'" a WWW nu--I:'uI'u-Azuu On New 7`'31"3 Dali . in the Prestbyvlaervian Qqrch, M3l_t}hu1`-t `When. Miss Ethel ,M'*>m kle-`the w~ay~~ae.,us:uter or `Mb. -Ibhn `II - _1-l - __ mm. 4mo.n:g1It '(_ 1`.!;vt'1;';'a.(is`;'3.-y)'.`alt' {he G1-wxhmd Opena I-_I-ouase. ` ' ` rrhe vehicle, The Shoo-Fly Regi- ment, is perhaps 'the most ambitious e-grant yet atte-m-ptedn-by a colored In the past -the negro ost- has; been simply` a reex of lite-uwwbh more aor was 3-`mug-ins I and dancing, alt, `the Ibeot and uncouth burlesque eccen-V `bud: in "The Reg-intent Ooie. amid: Johnson have lnvtaded the field of mtlaicwl amce comedy. The rs` the industrial; education 0: ` and Afro`-Amerriomn mil1i.'t2a'ry lure. .'1he anchor, thoroughly a:mr'. l~ far with `his subject, hale humorously satir-ized the peculdxarltiaea of this race -their` exaggwemlbed p1;-id-`e, then: .30- cm! -arrnfbitonlta, their jealousles hland . their emtulajtlzon or the na.-d:s 01- the white 400-all in a ftihorou-gtly humor 1 (ms 'w`a'y. ` r'1`he scemos are lmldn in the South and I the Phtmppinea, gdvbng great ocope tor moth scemc effect and". which has "been taken every advIa:n|t- El age of by,theI -mIa'n:a,kemenIt.' The com- -1 pwny incl-odes nearly every aartiat of` l c 1 I reputation in the Astra-A'mersi~oan the`- aitrhc circle -amidthe chorus: of 40 will he .3: revelswtiun in coiored nnalknnian ' III. ..I..Lu.- unL _, n ,,, _.__-, ---- ..-nu; \N_vI-Ullllacl UL Mrs. M-arthia. M-arklae, mats in manrhatge to Mr. Richard F. Giamrelt of .'Nunn `A Wety Wetidhvs was "s'd!emn-{zed on v.anu 15...... I... LL- -nu, , .. Gan-ett-Markl%e blairi, Fr'dal'y nigihft .-Wahterg {Black _d.led gamer a. Long and severe -Illness. .'1me' funeral 'took place onl `MIonId*ay atbewnoon tlo mhe .Mld5n'ur3t4 cemetery, Rev. .W. S._Weatmey 0131:- clatlmtp ;We ezten-d our syrmpalthy lo the -bereaved almlly ill` "tuhe laaa whlch they have 1suat1aif:nIed,* still we `know they will be somewhat com- tortend `by the thought t'h5aJt he is not dead -`bud: s`.aeepelth.f" ' _ Mliaa Mar-iau 01-rock is spend-in-g -a week with friends in_ Lerroy. The _M:2ssses '1`rac_ey"hIa:ve ~ re=t'.r.ned home after .visJt:mg nebamivee in M}us- koka; ~ - ' and M113. W. Spetrs of Cross-7 ma spent -`Samdaay sit: "Maple Grove. % New. `York, -beazultiiully aft- ttred `ion a p1'u'm~co1oz-ed *tna.vellring auit. On their return -`they will `re&d-e in Barrie. I Mr. Art-hut Nehaoma Eden, an esteem- l Jas. Vair& Son BELLE E\WA'R.T. Ii=f.5,.-*1 Just Wait For our Fe b r u a ry M-IDHURST. SALE... -__- _. vw v-vans: -. lter,w1?.ev. B. 1 limpnetsaive servi-cea, ed reaidexzt (If this village for many: years, `died on: Friday, Jan. 4th, af- ter 9: long illness. `Deceased was -his 62n1d year and lheaves a. widow and five dlaughtaema-' to mourn his 1099. One afthe laen 18 Mrs. R. B. Grose of Lefroy, .T.he humeral took phace on `Monday to `Stroud .M .ett'md:st ceme- very, Rev. B. Beymeon co_nd.uc9ting~ imnnuuaiua ..a-..z....... T T T 7 - - Sold by Grocernnd Storekeeper: . in 1-19. aqgl db Tins. A delicious drinkuud a sustaining food. `Fragrant, nutritious and economical. This excellent Cocoa maintains the system in robust health, and enables it to resist winter's extreme cold. A L -j You" cannot ossibly have a better ocoa than EPPS A dellcinnc llinlr II!!!` A a....4-:..:_; timb. Eatalom gtreog ;.We Zhave '1 of them {left to clear t is. `month. ;;I;f V you want .a._ ha,rgain--: .`4\-_ Will give more Heat with `less fuel than any other ` stove made. Mos; Pow-erful Double Heater \Most Economical Radiant ....Home gm... I . :. pg by lacki

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