Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 10 Jan 1907, p. 5

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-o uvnallvuub IV U5"-'11" ` ingns. IMliss- Hall was the accompan- lat tor` Mdae M:cQuay. Mr. .Wtil11e'Mc- Quay -assisted his eliaber in the pend- erkn-s` or M.bck:n`g Bird on the violin. "`}In`ft\1Ip\n-Iylanuug. 'I-J.`_u- -_- I ..._. v .-van- mainly from in their two yo1m?g`a;a;1;,;";;;:;;;d"r; /c<>`x;1fr:1b; 4 to `the 1'1-`amt an-d we expect to hear or i them 1` We 1181` xture` occupyingi _. I -frnn-` n".nnMa 1... .u....n.. k _ U, , ,..' . __..:.-_. Quay;`i31}mut, of the momma` Con- servatory of Music, aimd Miss May Dmnscan, elocut1on"E:t,' .'1`m-ontlao. / T.he=se +`IIl`l\ u-1........ 1_.:n_._ - ` b ,_`.,._. ,....._.. u.uuv..y1Qu3 are posxuvely _ genuine, every` i'nsfa_nce` the price` is less than the actual cost. '_voE;S1i_pgex js.giyq&h[assoi'tment or choige, nor an A e :A`/Z our ` :.P739' fducyions are` positively tance the !1f'1rn-He 1;. +1.... a.I..- .-; vii 5 0_TzJrz=-z-z ,.8`4.O,0LS/z'p}>ers. to clear . - - - - I Some or those vvtmoshook ,y9o.u'.. Mud. +'M!o;1'day,T themselves- sdt "Ihook;".-- V v-- -.---v, Ia--\.n I If\.rIJll I '>th::33.1l'cost. N o oajer Safe -SP21$S_=_1'Or=~an'ything like the from Jan. 2nd, 1M7. Enter any time. Excellent results aranteed. Catalan- ue and leesonsin usigess writing me. smnsnumimcau n :_zu`s`|_t_4_`ss guume ,g!uine, and in. nearly \ I:I;l"J|n\1uI- -LL _ -, C- 1- iotn, 1907. .0. A. Building. Yonve and MoGil1 Streets. Toronto. Almd now the 1'-`ack 6t'waheta' run '60 extend our "sphere of Lnvnuen-ce. -No th.o.vnk you. .'.l1he good. `V old .County or sfxmvod will do. 1 V - V uouuu uuliuleu. l.'&I8.'\`1:- uonsin usigcss frmz. P. M. WATSON, Principal at Samba Claws 1a`pe`rIoma.1l'y dfry e.` com old`law,` but; he needs mom \I\Io.n.lIbIu|n 1.- 1...... .11 1 _. ._ . Great en!tem{x:gr'ae s:'as;'Ia ieldtom livab- chead. fdurvmrg an innocent game of `tag- m in V"M.`.e_ vote a.=ndV .1n:tl-wence have `taken 3 almnmp in `value since allecblon WI ` ` `i ` - ` 3 ' .`.hVt;{2?'e..uu:V'did noI_9:'aLp;':-aaar to ap- mieylh-te Mr; Nscnolw New. V Tyamru nil '5X155Wi1 mm `Dymeiit by-'1a'v.'. "was lnvba;-d com- `It" _;$}tppery saints? on `Mommy- " "W-1%!`-1:8 Hart `V --._n_. ,- `~. '91:; u_,, _' , ., ._. ,~? I. ' `.. 4 . '. .__1 V ` S Q _? y .`, .1`. . . - an .honest Vfuture;e Before commencing etockstaking we have m,any`*odds and ends ;to clear out at barg'aifne prices. ,, _,- -,..._--:v, / `-; ' "."'.-y---at-\u-_a. v/2, 3, - l end 10. *.'l{egl1ler 50c. `sale . . . . . ... l g. l Boys nuvypuu wool stockings. 2 x ; ribs, 1-egular 40. on lse'1le.V2.9- Droid!!! RIIIIIOIII. wide widths. regular 35c; On Sale . . . . . . . . . . . 25 PIIIECIIK TIWITI RIDIDOQIQ, all shades, .regular.l 3 5c. On sale . . ; . . l.- . g Plain om: `hum Ribbons, all shades, regular 2 5c. "On sale. . . . .. |s Plllll Silk TING RIhAbOI|_I, all shades, regular T15c.> On sale. . . ; . IOG UNI ! and P013 LOVOPOOIN all reduced in price. Here's where `we call: sav 1 youmoney. These areall positively this season s goods, 3018' 1WD IOO TWOIC Qllhm %rVegularl $.5o. * Onlsale . . . . . . . .` . eBoyo etI1ru place Tweed Sum, regular $5.00 `On sale, _ _ . _s3_9gel ,- "-`y` ` ..----..-1 `~ 3`: _ *9` "INC 0! C|I_%|f`I I and Dl'IWO_l'8 regulanf $1.00 ea%c%h. On sa@le.`.L ... . .% . ' Mon : Odd llllrjfn andbravlnrs, regular 50c. On sale. . ; . ..... .;39c`; Mill ! LIBIQMOOHI CIQVCI, regular 7 5c 3. pair. A On slgx . . . .% . . . 5 lays Haw Vlbrstod Wool Stockings, 2 x: : ribs, sizes 3; #5, 9, 9% " j E I .v 1 I g M ~ -9 H` I -.._1__ 1'\, . .l.BA_l ` ' '8.;r'6rn t8 -Betie `men. and : preggnqe. tlijb 6th `dgy o.t_`.:1;fe .,t.. J .. V 2;. _ net or A-atate aforesaid. and %ht*the`sa1d fl 4`. max a.~ uneney makes oath` that he is senior I the r o!`F. J. Cheneyar. Co .doin names: in the ltv 01 T01 d A d by the use of n J airs" lPR`A`1m r- ")-m.......`....* w .m-.% Johan: Martin}? mm. pafldfua a visit at X;mgaa." . ~ ` Mr. Ed. Pall: `oz _s:a:4boL;o .apemt' a.` {cw days at home. _N-`aw. Yga.r a'. M the a.nm_na.1_"schop1~ meaf11'g, " `hold recon:t1.y,4iIt was--decided to build- 'ia. mew`sq1ool_h_ube. .- " - V . STATE `or Omoi, 011'! or. Touino. I ~ ,. _ Lugas Goumfx. A _ 739- , Frank '3."ChB!l`6y-'m'II$'e'8 onthfthat senior .pp`I_?I_a3g'_ot,3.hgs_rx139t F. `Cheney 8: On _ a..;.... . 'qwI.t'e vise-ve"re'l1'1m_gQ. V" -Rev. -MoIJ,eann: `hare or'gan1zed~ `vs. Bble clsalaa, -to be head aI_t the Parana- age every mupsqay evcantlnx. ." 4M.'r. Bert smderaon-is comm _1n -'11orocnto :ol1'ja' l1me.' l I" 1 Mfr; John Goods vmusd. an we 2;}- Jase dvurnmg the ihnolddwyu. _ _ . _ .M'I.-as Hughes mean v:v:l_rtlngT mt. MM. Hartfmh y I ' _ Mini. :F"1"aherty` `hm `recon:-aid rr ,Mh- >'I'h'|\,:vVm 'u\...`u.. -.a 1 -s--u` 3- - > C8nh`;(;3leiId. "3 . . ~.. 1' _x Q '1' ....`.L_\.._ ,., mne Mbrt1rnlac.J:1IdI:`_aTn;z'-dnyA School men we aumml .1-sat -Wedtneadlay ev- enulng and elected the tol-lo.wdn=g" om- certu-Suyt., `-3. Y. -Wnlalel-la.-me; ,A_aa1=stJam1t sum, `.urradw1=a.11:;,sec., Hwrry rank; T.rea's., Wm. Banuheraom organist. Eth. e1 wvwuamrs: ..'11aa:chem, Mira. sander- son.,'- Mrs. .WutVll-fame. Mr. .WdIll~La.m a.` Mr; $.a:n.derx-son _amd Mira; Oampbel. _ Rev. B. S..F`ra11ck oocuperd t'he_pu1- pin: cu.` Uhe cum-on da v. day- _ 7-- - ..- -...-up---u--v -vvuwu uuv uu ZS ; ulster," Mrs. .. 1Yhnm!paon-, and (b'ro!t1hetr,% M :-. .'1`Ihos. Dickenson. ` . T mne `Alletmwood 'L. `O . L. 1119 met Jame. 5th and eleocmd. the .o1``g or- mcems for _the_ ensuing year-`W.M'., K. Bel-1; D.M., 'M_erv eIn mu-rner; ' Chap.._ John H`. imckpnuon: eac.-Saesc., John G. nhckemson: Fm.-8e:c., -Wuhrred `Blow; !1!rews., John '1'a-.1pp: D.SL, Geo. Bell; -Lect., Chas. Mller. X j - vvcu "Er. ind John `G. Dickenson and Mdlaa Susie. Dlckemon spent New Year ! M Sunwhdalle wamu ftihe mo:-men-`.3 ulster, `M :-3. ..'1Thnm!paon-, lb-romnesr, M7: Vhnu 'l'\.4-u... ...-.. Mme. F!'e`-dH'ik1])mga'.n_d/Mr. Higgu oz Crassblmd visited Max and Mrs. Huck. `me recently. ' ` ' I11. ......I In_... -,.., `. _. _' M'r`s. 4 of Bamnuwrck spnt New Year's with am:d- Myra. I-I-`ick-_ Mug. . A `$1. we:-e.l.n: the Qtueven 0Jty lam `week. - !_1}h9"roa-as tyre 1'.m.a_ qa-e~s.mii.1;bo;\dit-' f fun a;-:p_i-acleuut. - ' Mr. mud Mm. .'.l`..F.ord hacve {prt-u-rns~:1 v cutter. .pand1n~g a I-lamb. Cazmpbll at Muskolm wax: m*'t:h`.uI wlcdnd-ty on Sunday 1Ia_sut.. V -..M!'. J. 1-Iockrldz-e_aInd daughter. Ebb- Mrs. J.`-`sjheardla out nick 1i::it.`, .....-. V...-. vvra sauna 'I'lllI|-I W'l~_V KHVV Jen`. me Bell) of Iwdmm He'wd. -are Waiting M'r. Britt. _".Be'll. - . ' ` 3" aha` -W'1`18"h13 Wrlfe (hee Jen-_ BA-1I\ nu! 1'....I.o..._ '1-1.._..a .'__ , _ %: ; scx-unmr BAY- .% ---V-v_ vnuuu; gure, .\ ,4 FRANK'.J,.. .-OHENEY~ nan}! ~ nnil-s.n...IL...1 `:._ _-._-... uuagaqvvt guxu one 01"17he l aItrectIhn1aIhe or h-u.-albamq-5. u'1'1heMJason- 1c Onder `will was him, -awr v-lv_ag'e peop1n.o;`vwu'l'?-mca"hbm, Ibvu:t_, moat oIf_a_ll_ 11:3 We .,will' miles hrtm. < A'al1` thIaIt 936:! caliacienloe c`ou`1d%d'o_ . ,- g to Ma.:t1-w1[l .c0tii J1!fJl1'1:-\}._,'0n ?,`h_ 'pIa5eaesd 7 anwaiy on the bov_e' me'mionie)d;., i Rev, G. '--I .Cra,w, ga:ao:s1: ed -`By "Reva.` 7 ca:~pemt_er iand `1f1LimD1Il`*i3"or;a;b9d' at mneA.4merw1.~% twat-anged man` he % his text _.1avt; ; inn` %chai;~mnn:142;a., ` sou: `am a1_dhftbd..' mm 7 1: comronta4b1e.. `He pz-Bvod mo -`Ibe_ one 01' the dbnsum` asewb. it mm who was strict .bmIj. -..-both the` the compi_:jg:;3'."'am-d mhe. people} .He `wa-a an Vuprtslwmam.` a citizen. a kind ne1g:nbor a.nd"one_V _of_17he ,..`m..n.'.;..;;.s.. -- -- u AJLVWII or xlmstan wm ~be5T mJ1ie -;re:cne`r. On. the following; Monday a. `tea. mgaetbng ed .W;aJ8 abom in ';Wooq1b_ _' `on A'l..l3`ll{l.`.`t` 29th,V1s7z. eyompzoy at the` am:-. n-. -e ' `----- -~- ` `- ..- uuuuVJ'DGllU um`. and MK`! 1cy`D.oaame or Tonomo "waisted here daurtn-3 the holidays. ; : The an-nlversziry services in motion :w.i't-h ` whe Eggberrt d-rat Church will `be head auexd -batty Jam..13th. Rev. F. L. at Alluaton `be me preact OLA I-I!--_-| u__;x mounts auud ten oenlta was pita for bogus here on .'J_.`h'ur3d.ay shy Broley. . _ . Mr.` and Mrs. W. J. Ooburn and 'ch1l:d:reu 1 visited ri1endB "in Bedton this week. % ~ V % ' 1 M31`. ' -0 De11, chief em.g.ineseu- or "the Northern Navlgaltrion `Company, as home for aahort ~ ' We wr./denstan Mir. M-rs." Inn '1:-......'.. -5 "`- wuu - ' v_v s '11.: tn Hlamilton recently.` ' ` wr. Chas. M-aartiui, tnoromto, .13 vi-art-1 lung his sister, Mira. H411. - Miss -Wdmley, of the .'Doron!ho'Schoo1 of Phzmmascy, Ls holidayiuzag here.-e Dr. L. G. Sim-pson,` of the .'1`oz~'o_n-w School dr Mied-icime, ins meme mo:-.._A a ' M335 E1e:e- Sproule has `game to the Oamrdian SooV'to* school. M: - R. D. "Stewart opened our schboz on the` and malt. T ' ~ Ill_ II-Iv -- ~ - Six` dmlara aumdf m- hnam: ha... if Mhrrthn v-{sated rria-s Blilfi Iv any n -u IJVLV Iv ll`U" 1?i'd maex~t Slab- ~9%r*$!:hdi*'ic , ~ y--- -- A&$d`|o" '1_ri:aiIted nfienda inJ ;M'&';1;- \ .M,I$TLETOE.~ Ah !`_.,.F!.uu:h.l oev A man _o_f berries, .1 p;ox`1__;_`:ldV _ 600 , 5 NUI'~-'--4;A|l new; Walnuts. Grin- .oble, u pnnud,20c: Almonda,Tanjnna. __u pound20o: Filbertu. a. pound 15c, 1 RAISINS "for the table, in bunches, Aa poun`[d 200, 300 anrl 40c. ` A FIGS--For thetahle, 8 pound, I5c, " 200 nd'~30c. ' ' ' ' 6 `VDATES--Extra choice for table, 9. pmmdl`0c. V 4 V" ' " V. GHOCOLATES--Thie are a]! `of very choicest .qimht'y,` a po nnd*20c.` 59. 300, 40c and _. 50:: -We buy fromy 10 dierane .confeczion- hous;;:._a;1id*~? -'so_le,ct t-tgtbqae .,fm .9ch.; ` . u .`&nr.v is g`... ,__. -..__- ---u-_--vul UQU /dLLY._--_Nic`e `and berries; 9, poupd 20 1 -._-_ _.,, 7 _`,-: ~. _ A," I -. V,-` `__`, .`;.`r V. ;. , ,1. `K; '5` I r .3 `; i'\7I'r `elf? T hqifito ` g : JOWW--4 11.1} 96' wt We hear at Na?-.;t:pae`dy `recovery.-.---.;~_-` .A .....cmuno--moo one, sweet and iuicv, a dozen. 25; smaller ones whesper; larger ones dearer. ` GRAPES;-Spanish, very choice, 9. pound 26c . _ CELERY-("olifornia, crisp, good , Florona. ahead 10o. A -_-._L-, 3. w. soM:as,Prinoina1 ?lJominiun School of Tolegraphy " . Wand` vllaroading, We want to help you egonomizel your time. Make one alias of your wantu from the good. things.-quoted below and let on have the order. , We " will be pleased_to- ll it. ' -M---cw. u p:_:u_uu zuc .M.I$TLETOE- 2 mm: 2.0 I.`.....:'.... _ _ , =2 r 5 Aozuilot s'r,% EAST, ` TORONTO. ORANGES-I-Nice me, ninu `- A..-.... nl- - .te in? your time, -l:e't'1'1s"s`t:1't-fell?` ph operator-a position that le 3 to the highest -positions in the railway service. commanding sala- ries ranging from 35.000 m 9.rm,m; . iear . "WWII? servlce. commanding ran 'ng from 35,000 to ' 5'12 this edvesstsemf-3;z3ai 1?. fan Ila an inn`;-.\ -.- ` What do you get on PAY DAY? Does your solar for the year total less than 8600? so, your are wast- time, Let us start you as`: :S.9.=e213L9vss239!.-a D.9itwr.1 that % We `Are BI::sy. ll ' `oral . to yafrjufigtzirggavertiwmen mas n to us and receive (free) our and- solne '"l`}I8 Hio-hm. in 9-"- green. ']o\`t:s of; e, .--11--_ rber, .', May; and Belle! St'ewa':'t, '.l1agvue and Crosaley. '1\hue' qu-il-i. -was sold for the sum or $25 130 Mr. Alex. Stewart. The cuahkm was purchased` my Mina. A. W.1F1e5bch:ea' `for $2. The gross proceeds of the qumbt amntotuimbe-d to $400.20: and the proceediof -the . Fncwl ' Supper and Enter;t1ad.nvm-en:t amownited to $213.50. - .We must say the Fowl Supper and Enterfbadmnenrt ' was one or that beat evew `held in Thom- toux-, . . M: the conclusion of who l*a-t- ber henamty. cheers.` wow glvendor the chan-mam. Mir.cLen'nox. `I bum: and the ,,,-w -_ -...v-...u Luau vu LIL ; V1(.'-'l.n- The rollowxmeg 'l~a.dieU collected `for the autograph `qui`.lIt-Mir3.- J. A. Jaam-ieuo;1, Mrs. A. W. Fletcher, - Msra. James Spromle. Mrs. B.-Aodanns, Mr's. W. A- Ja-mi -, M11-Ta. H. Gibson, Mrs. -Ed. IW:11sson, Mirs. Geo. Hii1'l, Mrs. Mc- Quay, M :-'3. J. R. Grey, ms. Geo. wmd Mina. Sam Ell-iot. Mrs. `W. J. Co- Mlitssea Hunvt, carpen- --- -v--vi vv VZV GIG IIWVU5 ulU..U I spiiiuca up mndung meat mil-may um. . -

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