Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 10 Jan 1907, p. 4

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_Kkn.g `Edward `ban been am enthus- laalzic a-gricu-IJt.urist'.to,r man-ly ha!!! a century, says the -London 2ExpreDa. Fog many years his `snort- hornn, unites.` thorouguib-neda. hack- neyn, uheep, and '30 mm y-hsveebeamraacond _to none in -the k-ins Qajeat .- o raucous fats`, `_a. It . it-;h1mnY fig unv- mhe .m.."".~7 SE *"`.'.;w`2..:a;::f.e`*$.e.:: Railway Act 1903, the case was n.I.nntnv-`I `On '-nu-+ 4-mu] -4un4-L 3..-.-.z-.-_- nuuu_quIuu_u uwuwu nwz'l,1l, /0! `I i V 1f`~"**+-`rs; who % memsced, and we had cleared out,` and were on our may to 0Itata.w.a. in drive- days. Flhe men came Inom all corn- erts of It-ha: vast rt:e-r-rittory, even from the Yukon. One of rhhem- Wiasa an only son Who `him .'made a. :ror.tune -in the Ysukanr, but men was the spirit or these men bhimt he would `go, and me died in Saurth Astrnioa. He and four of ms comnaades were called upon to aurr-emder by 150 Boers. Tlhey would me-lther su.nren'der nor give `up their posts. Every `man `deed, rwzddbed with bullets. Tfhe Boers were '25 y!a.r-ds away all rouxmd them. A-besr` ex- ha.ustLnsg all their ammunrhtlon they took to their revolvens, -a.-md killed" `numbers of Beer at close quaribem. .On.e of the ve mm: fr-nmn Qhhn nu were damrzouht I30 1e(arn.V '1`!hrowVr-in-g back` to the days or `lune Red River Expedmanxs .a.nd on to the recruiting at the Strwthcona House, 001.` Steele tolld -much twat it was good to ktmowv in proof or the sotwmd qualities of tune Catnsa-dlan c2-izen soldier. . .W.he'n tlh-e. Straathcomats were raised in: the Norulzhtwest, recmming com- -mezmced, and owt, were on our nmnr +.-. n+.a~mm x-` me-- The company has therefore paid *t:he p1ua.hmtr s cladzm -an-d count coats. C. W. -`Phat-ton, C-OI." tor` the plalnttdff: 11.43.. Milk W, 'A_ `Ram: .m1 vfhr A-ha KingAE%l:wi%rdMasl, 8 Fn`rmer., Mcnmnou vs. G. '1'. R. Letter to the Editor. -as IGSLUJI, utu. .Lu1' Iulc |na.uuuu.L;| :. `A. pays. ..oo1. so: the`. den` -agriculture '1 have not found ysuvvalbvu LIEU Ulla-,3`-Y IFOIII as._,nruch time as he would like `to his tat-iminag and :agncultura.l interests. He is no, longer aible to occupy his monnlingxs as he did when Prince or Wzales, sitting in his pleazsalnrt room at Samldringha.'m, receiving and imstnuot- lnlg t he bailits ala.nd otihers concerned in the management of has 2,000 acre iiarrm. But in spite or his multifarious engagements the King still ,m:an:mgcs to coritmue and supervise the breed- lanlg or stock. -His stock-keepers (are enthusiastic in his service, and the result has been that the King is even more successful at the shows- Kimg Edwlard may well ,`be proud oi his remarkable record, par-t-zculanly lit he recalls the condition of the Saund- r-i:n'gha'm farm lsaxmdls,-w=he'r1ce many of these etriusmphs have come , boiore he put them into CLl'.'t~iV'aJtli0I_1. A Iamoura a-griiculturist who inspected the land bevnore King Edward set about trounc- Iormlmg it reporlted-I-t is ve:-y tbIar- rein -soil, btarely capalble `of cultivalt- ion." Could he revisit `the, land `rte- day he w.ould indeed be amazed at the I`-0VO1'11'U.0D. which has made Sasndrilngm rinrgham one of the finest stock-ra`is- ilmg llanms in the cownltry. mhe re- sult of His Mlajesty s labors is sum- marized by am un-impeachable author- ity, Rider I-haggard, who aa:y.s--"Ht is `a. wonderful tarm,` for A I dmalgnine thait nowhere isso much high bred stock to be seen upon the same atrea: at least in. all my exwtencsive Ioumeyings -throughout the 26 counties in Eng- land, of which I have exlalmineld ch; 1. eq,=uia.." King Edwardls exaaxm e and patronage have been of -inca ulaible Ibeneltit to agricullture in England. He has ..aIlw.ays been earnestly interested -in the work of the Roy:a`.1'AIgr~iou1:tura'l Sioclety, or which` he has Fbeen the President several times, and he is tadso a -patron of the Brlmish Dairy Farm- ers Association. -f there '13 one de- pantnrerit of his mm-ing in which King Edward` takes particular pleas- ure it is It-ham of `horse breeding. and he is greatly delighted wlzheretior. at the `achievemenlts of his shire stallion Premvlctor, `in wdnnin the most prize in the International Live Stock Exhibition alt Chicago- The success- or the Kl.-nlg ;s shires has been extra- ordinary. ~=At one sale 5'4 of his nhoraeo realized am. average oi. 224 each. `line Kingfs southdowns and Shorrthorns are 813 ilagnous toaday as they ewere in the he ay of his active rnanmd-n'g -when rince. or iW{a1es.. only a raw months ago one of his shorltihorn lbul-1:3 ---Pride of Snu.'nlshine-`retched the high price of 400 gusinnaas. Not that thts la a record. One such bull, destined for Argenltlnaa, lbrou-g,lrt no less than one thousand gulneas.. .'1lhe Sam-dninghaam shot-thorns are coveted Iby breeders ev- erywhere, and picked balls from among them have oilben .oee:n sold tor sabulous sums; ngw . 0 them lhe was when Prince of .W;a.`leg. Mthers PYEVEIIIB \..uusupuuun _w_. gsuils`-_3 ' but %P~t<=tin4 `Trouble during ptegn_ancy".- -;-.;: . oh _of'p i*Ii:'.: 5bc.*I~'1I.tt9?box. . V xuuuw, are qu.1.CK 170' comznoverrt the ladresa, mhe King" never shows an ani- mal he `hats mot bred. himserlf and his ca.-tmlle WJn`pure.1y on 'l:he;r nvenrtza, ' .. to the throne amtazins or State have % prevented I-Its Miajieaty` from devoting aa;_,mu-eh he would like `tn us. k-mow, are quick to- comtrovem: -the mm HQVQT Ihnnrv: on non`! cm...; co. A ` ___.__.AA ___.. strain, weight and amine pres- sure on the delicate organs often irritate anti iname the kidneys. This not only increases the dam- - get of childbirth, but places the shonrd; take Bu-} u during 9 "I1 nnlu - _ grevents C).nstipu'tion:is-$9 -A Bu-Ju pill at bedtime takes away the sharp pain in the baek --relieves the dragging, beating down through` ..._L __.;--n. -.. -.._x__u. 213; "{zlZ":Z .{.l 'j'eop.-mam" '" keeps the kidneys stfong and vigorous--neu_t1-alized Uric Acid in the b1ood--relieves Irritated B1adder(Cystitis)-acts as a mild tonic an all the female organs. ,, `,--..--_. ..-....,......... The prese-mta were or gold and very apprppriacte in every pan-micul-a.r. may -,wer azs Io11owa-A purse om gal-d, the gift or `the am, presented by the eldest son; -a solid govd cnaauin, 'tIheAgi.t "or the .da?ugnmens-an-1a.w to xm. Hm, Haw; ,a solid gold brooch. the suite of era-ad-daughters to gu-uandmoIther`, pre- sented `by !the eldest grand-d-a-ughter; an etbony came, the em. seamed by "the el est gran-drson. Ma`. wand Mxr-s. H111 were the recipdenrta. at *nu'me-rouvs other ght, such as cake- 1grraa.`t'u`.'.alt'10n!s from intends owtside the mavm-my circle, some or the - greeihimsgs ecomhnng from New York Shame. Irel-and end even New Zuealuamd. * rese-mtend by `the eldest d.-auguh-ter- !n-' or grandsons to ranrdmwther, pre- `nbaskets, clocks. etc beci-des con-' A.+ mm u...n.1... ......,.....- ...-...- 1;... ..-- uuau cvvu wuw awuuamu. 1 At `the Ibalblue, covena were laid for 60 guests, Ithe wedldi-mg cake `being a very comaplouou `.2.- iuof the thou-nsteous spread. 'nhe cake wuawman-` 'rutactured `by and wuns the giant of the David H111 Co., the weight :be1rn~g 76 7{rbs., height 36 inches. consisting at ve storeys. each storey `beams aqu.a're, the flroat measux-.1-n.g 20 inches `by 8 inches `high. Fnhe top atorey ~~waa aurvm`ou`nvte-d with Igold 1- .-1-Les and cup- `ids. '.T1he storeys were placed on one gwmothere to Io:-rn a stern or which the points san*d aides 11-om - woe to apex worse elaalbora-tel) ~ omaamentbed ;W.i1th `ships, a'n~chora`._ "baskets of tnu_r.'t,` jdoves, - sho-wing . gold egg in nests. the top at.ore"y_ berm; tints 'd_qw1,th a I ' -o1-d ma-ae conta.-lnin-3 a `iboqudt *nav;d H111 oo., bakers, R1~cnmondvH_lll, Orrt.; Allen, Jewelry merchra.-mt, Ev"- eratn, 0nt., -and John. general mar- icna-mt. Pemenboro`, .(-uw.m bro~theVrB)'. l.'I`hvoma:3, gemeral mergclwnt. Ora-ighuratt. 7|`!-.n ..`u4x...A.n.A... .u._;\ .0 ..-I_1 --,.I -, _ or-them *iAd.vmc-1;`;-n d nanny. ` OOIIII 0000!! otoouo - 0 I O 00 I as-Inks-- A 4..---- -...A .nr__u-u.. * l ` ' ` . - , `aumncun nun -IIIIII. f`OOIlllVI,IO iuoybu wal`1CIOIOO I O 0 O O O I O I o 1 O u | I I I O O I I I I IO; cunt I O I I t o u I u o o o - O n u Q o A I o U t c c I o an or-them and World- owthem Admnco a`n`d- ' V orthern. Advance and. -Weekly. 1:3`; " orthx*in: Adv" am -Fhmmri -fv I-1 xltvnnnfn ' ` er V Aurvocate ........ ..... .._. .... 'g`, :9` :4 - .`. fl" P er'e Pllle keep the bowels regular. Al vegetable and gently Iexntlve For hover sixty vests doctors}! have endorsed Ayer sChefn'yf Pectornl for coughs, colds,` weak u lungs, bronchitis, con- sumption. You can trust_`s medicine the best doctors sp-' prove. Then trust this the next time `you have a hard cough. The best kind at n testimonial- Bold tor oven sixty years." Br on chizis gals | -uwruz Jl(l'V`II1l: Adw;oca.te...... D`.h-- ` slant In A .3 -1; ..__.;.4_ We In'vo no` no:-otu! We publish In formula of-an our medicinal. Golden Wedding, Clubbing , Rdtes. u . reg! ` 1.05._ 9 an _.--.y- w v o Ens.-may Ca;-to.-thetrrs, 'ou.r 8611015831` /bl-a;ck~sm:'.th, was on one sick last` :or a draw days last week and his place was srllleudlby his brot)her_.fWoi`llia-m ot U'to1>'4a-- r 1 <* :a -1 t I L! |..e.:a Qunae a.= nwmlgeaf `out our young. paopbe took .-m the" fmnormton alcatir; rink Sa-tur-day .n1g_-mt. All tenant '9. good time-. . T ' V . 4 ` " . e*'tataa1.v_venbem- wthe_7?a't>_yrJe1~d ggor 190 05 ottlcrally -given; wt 33,168,91 6 bushels, of which Mlasmitoba ` he-, spun:-l.'b'-le tor. 1no` less` than 5.8,89,=30_3 b.ws1'me=1:a.' ('11h ztlgune tax-deadns ' product1on o"0mta.r11o, Mlanihqba, new Bnusnrawick and thq Novhhdflsat - -.'.l1ex`i~i- taorcezs t1nn.1899,':se_vo;n yvqau ago, a:n:d'-- is I my imsetf a. mar` in.d1oal!mi'b'f the ex- I trwordlmwry developmemt at - -.a:gr3cul- bur~a`1m.x`t*he West.) Slaqlnwtchwian pro- dvu-cezd 31,230,000 abu-angle,` _;1.' 'berta`2,332',292 - 'b.u*ahue1a`.,,A1m'os l'. a. wbowt two - mu11l1an.* buvsheila .th_e . .enf."1ro- , m_tl-100:1` |b'wlbe:l_a=o1 '=vninter_'A.v'v1hrt, . whhch 13 only `in `the " uexpe:-!menlIIal stages, was 3l'|OWln: -in A'11be-rma, an-diia -tmchude-d in the total. In 1905. whqaat tprodmction was 86,300,000, the -isl'bC,I`8l&'B8 in 1906 Hbdln|8. 7 `t-haerretore, Irlear-1y sever; mm-ion bushels. On-`A rt:a.rJ.o reltiumma awe not 1.nvc1u'cbed, -In A the. aregonvg, ' Ibut the agniscu1!tu;-sa:1-pgro- ctwctbon. was very taaitiaasdtpry. _ wheat yiesld was over 19,000,000 bush- eks. or half a `m-iillvlon: -in excess or last year. Baa-ley decreased by -wboult. `mine mill-ion bwahea, .swIh-1le~`awts, peas amid Ibeams tncrqamd `by nine m;il1~lon, onne mill-ion. (me. hvuntd-red thxotutaarn-d, amtd 100,000 zbwshela respectively. .'Dhere was .a lbig ah,o1~t:a:g~e in `hay in that Province or one million moms, -but the . great improvemenst in q~wa,.L1'ty will pra~11h Jadly_ -ooaelt the d.e-c1s Jn:e. _IMJa.n-ttoba. produced 46,238,000 nbushele or `oats, 'wth' am. ta-ve-rage of 40 `bushels to {the -acre. Saskeaitchewan I._.1 nn ACADAA u the ' `mine -7- -, w-` ..--.ovu.g nonuuuu urdvwuu &VJu .We are `glad to -.1~epo_1't that ' M`:-3. Shell 1. improvi-n.g. - 11.- c.-._;.1.. r1..._.-;u_-.__ v`. N (`Doc Date For Least Week.) Fnhe `momlmaatioms .wer~e `held in the Ivy Onanuge `hall on Dec. 31-at and never, were :36 well whence-d`. - `l'_ $-11, , I C5-`bvli-:1-n;;r Have. `mov- ed to our `village. ' ' ` 11;...-Lg... I1-.. 15-`: ' u._ .,>. . . "3'a1is' Hazel mmout is ispemdang 9:- hom-dmya w.;t:h.her.umc1e. ' -E`.1-tot't.- ' _A ~ T Ivy a-n.'n1vez~3a.r`y services wi11be` `held on Jan.T13t.h, Lnsahoad at the 6112:. ms was week. L - Min Mary McDonald,-of .'1`o1_1an~to, is spmdmg rm _hod.b.ys wwth rm bro-. ther, 8.TJ.`UMicD.onahd.. L >` _ ' my `mom; `or [u;s.trmionjy 4'u:r.. mnwmor ~,.ls ` ` '9' q.1u-`r\s.'Sh1e1d rand her son, of `Mea- tord. are vhsltdng friends a;r'ou;n-d Ivy. WA Ann uu1..A AA ._....-uL ..L|_-4 gm- TM{aIstE;' r':S}". 111% La *v :a:-um; an hie ammt's. ` "Eau;"}3;aA7i7};76g?.;T'.;;.;.mtm.`% el1I'.Q,t. mm a mtruhcr 91! jwunwja II..I!_1.e.; ' sin-_. - `I1L.|'.._.l"'A ."__ ...._-._ :._r.:'i;l.'. .-:5` 3n'.':.A. mow -an nu. ma n ~unquw;zeu* . 41n%4A11;?:.,s%4n-g;e% y.:e1u?=ftg;~ recortd. with o,.n';1tl"y,h13h` dQa=n.da.rd~f \ _0um,Mty-the keynote at ,cqt::,:xnexicifu_'I, ?t_o ` contact at Inset ten; years -rocdrd- kn everything. Railways. -bvaunkza. um- -gwathon .co`nx_1ian .ets,:rnmru1utau_:turerg3 or"a.3.1 classes or vprodxuots, the washer vmasrkg est, `and -a1l'k'.nd3_ an-d condivionbor In- dustribad, corporaxtioums, awe them veu-y exhsbetnoce Ito thin corntbinaaxtlon at agri- culutunal eetont. . A _ quaclrity. lhhrourhouatu Quacnmty `gm; .-nancial A fpiipqfty. ebreadkhn.-3 utaltlahica Ievvermwheu-e and` .Mir _1. aig `ilaIm11y-ir- v:.;.g;.. roa-`ram: Y lA3.. 192. Oa.r1~ot=s'aam1d Peas;-Cooked ~'wogel:h- or they form a. good` oldataahiorned combination. Use halt! as mmny young carrots as peas: panboll them,` then add `the `-`peas, w:1hh.,ame lump or sug- `ar `Mud -boil until both are tender. Banned 0`yzabers.--Pu.'t . two *tacb .e- kapoomnula or butter in a chafing dish or rryamg cyan and mu. it as hwbblng 'hdt lay in Ibwgnty oyatgg-n that have 'b9Gn~Ul16d from the liq- uor. None at the 1iqu1onr_ah:ou1d go in -with -them.` Cook 'wmh`i.l the oysters .ru:l5ae-_-aabout 8 mmdhea. Mid one hair teasxioonful or man: and a. dash `of cayenne pepper, squeeze tn the Jurlce at. 9'. lemon . and'se1~ve uaxtonvoe on `Mt Abuzerod tout.` _ l - _ . ' Spiced Apple Pickle. - Wuabh ten nm, ta.1'.tfo%.pp1e8. gust them wnpoe1_ mto'tbh1ck,V um-aw jujdcea, an an.e_az'th_e_n1an- n'wltheu'm1_:e `l-ay1euj'__;n `with , man 5LPPW%L`=P1!IkN n: ea?!` % =13&mrVfW1th` I91`t.-:* _ U90. 1&9:-1 ` Curl Ca.n'dy.-Boil taome sugar un- t it -ranchers a` Hard cz-nck and aa- 'eu`mee a `yellow tlmne. Pour, on #10 an oiled marble and when paurtly cold- gather together with a kme and a1. vlde imfo pontdonns. Roll lnmo leng-th"q Mud alten jllghtly and Itwist around an all-ed sblck. half an inch in dsiametter to give the shape or a corkscrew. Fixa- m with omn~ge or lemon. while cooking. T . Gnapa` T.ap1ooa.-'1`o fa." "quart o\f"(`1on I cor-d grape juice add a. cup mud "a". half or anger annda `half cup or well- wvaashed mnhnube tapioca. Cook together In double boiler for half an hour. Wuhan pa.ntLa.1ly_ cooled add mhe utlrtrly tbeabem. whiten 01 two eggs. Bake in o. bu-ubewdo pud-dtmg dish in quick oven` for 16 mhrutas. Seirve, when A cold, in glue.-seas. with 9, maableuspoon of sweeten- ed . gnaps Juice. ' , ` 7 ' 'l\-_I__. 1.. `Barby oup--`,'nh1s" is an capflxt-9;} whmter soup. make-"uwo poundaroyr shin at `beast, qzuanter are pound of `pearl `barley; a large -~b-wmch at pa.;nsIl ey. rou-r onmonss. six pouamas, pepper and stat`-At, tourlqwarbtor waiter. Cult (beat, on- ioma, ve'tc.. very ne, put with all other ingredients in '9. jar, and simmer gently for three hon-rs. A -.. -.--- ---cu awn Ipulv `ll-GI: ten mans. .'1`.h'e pa1;.bqa:.rers were six of her gnamdchlld-zxn, which n-u_mbeu_` in 'all forty-Ihwo. '1`.here awe thirty- aeven gr-tat _ gmzndchlldren arid I-.nvA -----A ,_ _ -__ 9-`..- auouuaurvnusuutau uuu two great g grel gv;'a'nsd:chdJLdren. mhe mmeml took place 'to_ st. namtlcks Crunch, Sta-ywxexr, and thence :to the B. C. ncermetery. Bayvietw.-0o1lLn3'wood `-Bulletin. Conn Pud-ding.-11h;2:a La made by` ad- dmg` to one pint` of r.asw' pulp two basblospoona `of our, one pint of milk, 4 eggs.` two maablespoonal or melted Dubber. one tablespoon salt and one-third of a Ilemspouom of pepper. Bake in a moderate oven 'unIt'11l:t-lrm in MR9 I v-v-V~- -v-- - -vvp .-uwnluvug 3 A [0451 Plan, U). L4 ;- 1'iImz.waood: James. at Chicago. 111.; '.M.`a;t'bhetvv; atmd .Wd:l-lrhalmu, at Nohtawwsa; _.- - Ill..- an an` nn,_ -._ -...-- ---v Q `Va llTM.lI'|rJ wiwa Iirat rnom-e',' 'rth;-ougvh which the cold w.nmd:a_couv1-d` canny. penectrame, `hum the wnlnaamng anmmtlon she i>daae as- ed emalbled h tofbeiar Jlarlsaala rvminout dmsoumten't._ a. _-Dqwlmng` <.wua.a a wiamian or true `chrrbalhiam Aspnrlrt auud a devoted hualpmatbe to her hwqhamtd in. all `hits anduous work. She` mas a. waomam: whose chmnlxty was wide wri/ch all those dun: need or `help, in `caring tor the or the `1uucom'1nng:wh11be aetitlsers and their asmiles, giving com- fort amid help `to mlsaionaml-ens, and in 48811;!-`dJ6n.'}'1ng` ~-w.or`ka .01! various kinds. Mfr. Dow.1.i:mg.d:i.ed ln'18'l4, _1e'a.vlng her and four sons and tour damghters, who sbtl-1 sur-vlve,'1y. Halt:-ick, 01 001- 1:{In:'tunuuuuu.I . `Ia- ... -.._ - A can . ,- -gua: Mira. C. J. M:cLa'u3~hJim, `at C6lIl-ing- gwzood; Mus. O_h:a_rLee Appleton, of Lake City, Ms1ch.; Mus. Fnamk Mullen, or Al.1l1abun., an-d Mrs. Wm. Gvlnmen * or .N4ovtawaasavg:a. Act the home our the` last -`m-ewbloned she l-ived for the jrmafc ,`,__ __ _ __ ns... 'the mtwme 01 Mind River. A log ahaa1|ty_ .l____.._... v......._. _, .. ..-uu--vug yuan U- P. ma ;waa_ dillsn a thick and. wnnmoken tory1_It.v gm with `her husband. 'he1pe:dTIto clan: amid mm` the :t'er.tif.l`e you mhsm-req -with une mura- ships and pnivartiona_ incident to pioneer. me. At `txhavt time the detiiihmaltion or >the= Gmzejnmnentt road` leading mom` `no-. route and ather 901211168. i. Imrnw `the south ended Van: Lot 1, Con.` 4,_Npttawa-- saga, than adtlbled on by fethe abate James` -W41-cox, from wheme am `pro- visions for the setivltlnet-a an: mat. time had to .be.,ar1-iaedion muerlr shoulders through the demse woods `ho palaces aat1:`.neme:n't. llihe deceased was a uwnmaan or unwsuswl physical artr.eq-g4t.Ih_, mud on tnwmerows oocaahotnss umrmgd 100 pownidta at -our Imam amid` place nuo ,p`Jwce'oI1.' eaeetlevmeuut, crossing the` Mud . River. on log, being the nirat ; white woman to crors it and `giving it unm: '6-hnlu Ohusl _'I.n....... u`.|._-..;_u_ A1.- - -----' ` at _Not2Igw;o,qa1a. ' ~ll.`ra. -Dow-` Ms born in"_-_K'_I_lken:n-`y, `Ir'e_1ax xd, &n .1814, and to. `thin. ' countryj with '1!!!` hulhalnd J11 -1838. liied in Aadjwlsw .00:-.'-aznahont mg, and came to Nid6awa_mj5'a_ m the `wiring ot1884.T attlrlnu on the north h9,1;t'ot Lot 18,att. resent owned by at '~ramdaon,`M'r. J. `I! fllln. llII._ _..-_ um... _ LL.--1 - 1'3! "the'da'Il1h" m-I. "nuwlmq. on me. mt. `at the m2. oanoe? at hen`! mung`-in-wltatw. ;wm. Gum.` surlm wuey 2 mm, nl-..-AA. {....a.... -.....:.g-_ -1 1...- Selected Recipes. non-man And `then Colonel sbeefle went onl in un!stucl".e_d `yen: -Ioroerul taahon to speak at the k-hmd or -men who make up ltl)e_,_.I'mperiaal F\orce4n- V `I DIG 3?! I V! '\I If? in the South .Co-nsta-bum-y 4,000 or 6.000 daurtng the WM. 1 .Wa0|J.1:d not wish "for. belhher men. -and we lamow it would be strange if auhey were not `good. We know the . Eng- 1ns1u`na:n .agbroa.d .-.m_ omma, to: _in-- stance. He his mrlndvopem and -`becomes a..._smart mam-. John Bu-11 keeps qm.3et"a1t hgme, mt when. he. `gets i.`br`oaod.he ahqwa whmt hae lsbmade of. -W.han.- he lights he fights prope;-lg." nI',\..L 1.: ` 1-L1- ._ _ ' I served a.1on.ga1dethe- Army or South An-1ca'," he said, auud I have had maury opportunities In the mat ve years or -meeting the men who nought against us in the Sowth AA!- rlown. war-the -Boer comman-danxta. In- deed, 1501' the Dust (`e mouths -every two or three days I spam: in the house at one 0! the oammmdamms. a very time gentleman, Indeed, who taught: at Cabanas. Ladysmtth, and many other pbeces pop. `the ank of Lord Rob- ex-.t ua army. at Prettoz-.'.a-. I had under me `a Jllavrme force or Boer police, to be used to check ouhawges qn the in---nu ilr VIIIIUZ VUCKWVB wt `HUG `erg. We were very` mendly ..wit.-h auich Boer comm-mndan-ta as major Pre- torms and Canualin K1-urg_e\r. Capiuamn Kruger had Just `been serving with the Genmamb In `East Altrrioa.-, am! he- had no doubt as up the `elm. keecnnem and vactlvty of` the Briatlah` soldier. He saw our .'gh uhug_Valt Colaenao. It-Ie stud wait they had on.` fvhe `Boer aide 85,000 man: General Bullet had 21,000. The postman cougbd mom have been taken: no man, he said; could have done bet- ter -`mam the B.r1 a ah did,` and L he had the very highest opinion of Gen. Bullarf ms',a aoldexr. v ' Major Pretortus told me to the same emtect, amid othhera who.1ough:t had `lihie `like opinion, that the .Br-mash soldier is a. time, active, keen -man` and highly iu1.te1-Pig-ant, and from. w at I myvsaht saw. and know or him. can say t'hea't he was amid is so, We _had . LL- x ' ' "`f` `IV 8153 II` `.35 I'll Pxvwrlyg IBM: 1:1"Co!ane1St-ecee ~a.nd"his Bder .tr.Lan.'d's mve'neaaon to mink wen or '1`QmmY A`tkIml3.. they are` `none the less 'a.l5nr;a1a1m.e or the oapyaman vqlun. `nil?! QMAAIA I.,_ an - :32... A 3 .....,-_-,.-..---.; ruin \JI4Il||I`l9ll.|-|9II ,_ V.V8'|LU' tear. Oo1o.mel`stgele 133,- 1--1.1ve..dan-d citizen sold-ieu-5 {tram hi-. _er:g1hmeeunth yaar, amid be "1131! `been. with `in mwmy a blah; corner oi-nT tau` _a.wa,y pantn. `at the maihntlsriea at ,pr,afJr~e `and the, veldlt`. InL_';h3s first `Oam,d*a.n~ company Colonel Steele had no man 5 11_ mcheg. Al1'd-ay he WWW" "n:-=fTfs~asve an macs-*+r>-2 WW1` at _`_~._, ," -_r__., -'.._.'_-_`_4_ '.-, `_u=.'.,- - ' It we: of some or his expemiamcesas an acer of the 'ImpaDiaul Forces 'tJha1t Colonel Sebeoelle Ispoke in his quiet, mod- est, sold-Dex-ly wsay alt a :recen1t.b9'.n+quet. . " In ha Iirst raw sentences the Colon- eal carried his `hearers right hnmo Ihe thick or his theme. .'1'.h-e Impra-1 tomes, he-"mid, "are as good. as ev- er they were. If they maref Iett they will be 3'11 righit. .'1\i&nkering with amylthing i;a a dangerous thing. It uhely we let alone -the ammy, the ma.-ay,, and -the naauxldary forces will do theilr dnt`y, shut it every time . yearn! `g n_;\ L- 'I.-_-- 393`, you ar@ 56 have d~ftiler`a'xut-.<>V1)':niuns in. _reg`a_.rd "to organization, you wall` -ruin! &{ryzth1n8.!! ' I . I .A._._| ~1_\_-, an 1 - --- - `V l Jgixt .nd;1;;;a-.mJ;n;;y:;;1.d:;?hg; Worse- _ % 13, " 'smlwth1z~d' Math tha laaixetmt -over the mgpplnu-. -cn`_dn. ".Wthenl. ;ngm > 26.90 mgtign -*1n. . retry. m=hL}m% mm W 1-`*`".?". moan mu: H V193'.vnr g be '.in as ,houi1e.V_r;mo,hner~ou1 uuhe ._ coast on France out at ship , Are chusa, and`. hie mother Vrwas a .. maclaen Mancdonald -of h -ma1.ay.; /But ` there are `..g.h1tens and tightens. 'lYh:ez~e` , ware .&8ht115'Vf_h'O leave "a tnail or de~ , v.wst-aftllamnd bitterness behind; /`tshem, and -'t~her-e- are,:1g.mez~.a who tigthnt only :tr.ZaeInid. F1-om"the day `When he marached , out .to meet the Femiams at '66, Colonel Sham Steele ~'haa.B been in the Laiher oa.~tegory.. He was in Cal. -ywzoluel-ey s Red. River Expedsiuioun 01 1870; he cud more pemhtapqa thaam. any man to give its wonlvd-.w1de 1-e-pu.*t1a;t- _ ion to that ma:gnhmcenrt:,bod;y 011' tarm- e:d peace-makera-the Miounlheni Police`os vbam.d- at the -.Wood C:-eea dnsthe ord-er annomg the Kocihenay. aauid Kinn- cmke .-mmers "In the early nuahers ' Ito those gobd-elds: amm now he is Just South Africa. And wait the end or it all -it may be am that, though there are Lrew 1-lvimg men who have met more --me.n. in commet than 001. Steele vhma ......L I ._ 1..:._ .A_ _. 4 ,_ , ` tnammney-may_rcnebe;uter heal and be- _ '0: the Noutmweatz he purued~ Big ` Ntmthwest Re-bellion. or 1886; he kept '% ~' from six etrentuoue yzetams in . - _--.._---- -..... wot -anus-may anuow ms Ionty y;ca.;s' of sohd-'1e:in_g, yet were is none who `has Iew-er ene- ._.!.._ -w -- CUC T"? O -31.03 of ;w;.:` -cm.m out of `malt ue old En-glilh Count! . hf 7 Gl1ao a_ber, -that in its tdine `ha.a""aen't :so Lmaury brave `men acnaaa the ease to Jbuamtle with the! dlavcatgery o_-I .m8.~n; and nature 4- ca xnaml aaaIntxamn_ who % waxsonse artthe laatot 'N-elaon`.-:1 men to La I..._._1-.1 u._ -. u.-;A.-IA ~ "(From l'G3 .1iWiA-)'. -{We gu know Galonen gm for `u (H-e .ItI;i`1ha d ~46 yesau-avavgo an a_ acl_loo'l(boy- inlsthe On- tmnio "vlllaxa at Orlka, `in: his natt- lve county qA82mI':oe', at It `-pretty well even? 4 Hg could not well help It, 101- the mar- tha! strain was ln`-the blood. ma :a;t;h_-- OOLONEL:8All` 391-nu" s 'rVAI.n' TAD- Pf I-LUIIID waxuuvv-annia AMI. IIUULUK \-'UHUi'I.'.UH- 3 many people seem to be like the mam. 111 a certain country v-ill e, who, when urged 1:0 keep his sidewo. I: clear of snow -and ice, rep1:2:ed-?`0, well it will be -all gone by the Itweltth "of July. For the past two weeks any one, who `took 9. wa-1k'rnomvH`1g1h St. and along Dunlap Streett-n`ort.n side ---!for some `distance east, would likely say, Could `met these retired preach- ens, Lawyers, Ianmers, judges a:n.d the busy and prosperous -business men or. our leading streets use a 1:mt~1e pubhic sp',r1't ands see that trash-naallen snow was removed very soon aber it held ;al1en?"- =W~e ve on aa.` residential street and some of -us are doing our best in but two or it-h-ree 'ca.r`e`.ess' ou_u.r., work `by their umhor `neglect. It to tnvpoaitble `tor! the snow-plow to keep our walks them, so, tor the credit at our fair "tbwine. andior sasteoty tn.wua.1lc"sna3', let us some public spiritt and have -more pleasure Jun locomotion and less risk `in; lacing 3- -lbdl-I `mor damages for broken -bones -and `over-taxed gastltlence. Barrie. Jam. am. _ .13-Ya? W - . . . mm: was .-am. asction'!t11ied In Barrie Division Court `last winter for. the boss at 4three cattle killed on -de- ren;dant'a line at -.-2:il:wa.y in Vea- `pm mommhin. fnhe Judge found that the accident was mttribwtwble to tune railway company's `detect.-Ive tern-ces, and gave a verdict `in pbalnitif-t a favor -for full -amount claimed. Judgmexrt was emmered theneuon, but was at- bemwiands opesmad` up on the ground `than; a mot.1an for non-suit bald mot ":.;;.":. `""'-`... ..2:~1=:*.tt: UL. -NIB IIIBLII COIlrLUn'[' uwuu uuuyvucu tkon. 0! Ibhe dettemdant was that the evldentoe showed that the oamtle `had stray -ad~ on. (to a ne1:gm:bor s -they had no right rho -be, and` hence beknsg tnespassera fthe compasny was t bound to I oe alinst itbem. gohe nainrl: m1n.:nngwM...?S. ' _-__-_ ,._._v -.w.- Rakbvivay -01 allowed to Irelltuuntil recent decisions in other canon. nnfsuhlv mm 4.9 Hm A... wuuvc HUI -um Iuuncur. 01 Tile vpuouc ly and not vmordlyzror the bane- It of adjoining propriqtors as under the old law. uusuucxu UL Ducts am close quad-;fgr.`3_ lgnfmot `the five was from tune ma 1}? 1'3. the other stour were Canad-; `ants. And while these men of ours 'were. keen Iigrhtrers, fhhtey weave tore- rrjttlst probectmg the Boer women gm deg!-d-ren. In every Uwn we en- :33"; m"a : .:$?`% %$3:'`5 - ' um er ' %:,$.::,i*;"$::: a;*::n"'=% Pam gar mammtain law and order, a`.)r(:d g avoat Mzarshal told me that wane `mi: .;:``ca'n%:s$ in |'aout~n Africa. . ' "3 ml uu-uwvu w-mar,,,umau lvcent uecxmons in other cases, notably one or the Ap- es! Court` of a., settled the w as ~exm the p1a.'.nltr'Jf:t .s cmmnanl .n.t' mhn h-jg! 'nm'II-nan`!-r m...+ re v-anrvpl Ill; lull`; IJLEQJIUJIQ ID IE use ma1,mune1y, that mil-way conuurlles am now bound to same 1501- the Ibenetiit of the public gins:-1a1ly__a,n-c_l merrqly .-for `making "good resolutions", kiln-dly a l- Edlrtor 'Advam,ce- 1 S11-,-;A.s this is *t.'he season for 'm9='to guggegdt to the citizens of} Birth the ur ' `t need of keeping our gablisc `aldawa Rs in better condition. A Iruunan.19' I\nnn`A nnana tn 15 1319.4; 1.`...

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