Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 20 Sep 1906, p. 6

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-.._-.4 _';',-<.~(v_`_..-g ..-;{:r.".' `j "9. I, 2: ~ ; l .1. , . __,`-_._ , ' - i `V .` ,;g;U:-.?f,.*-,_ ,~ I 1' " 1 .'< 5 V `(I ~ - 51?. qt ~51. . ` . "1! ' . V l. ., . Q . . " ' 4 Qowouououoy ndettaklng Establism V - ZAI f\BEn| The Yagbor connctd your every dav I``'``;'`'-"`'``'`'``'``'`'`'``````'```.`"'`"```````'``"` now` 0- - -" ' I PRICES REASOBIABLE { ` %V;I:t: -s%nAot What ypu pay, but \ yog gt, that proves the `bargain, 7"- CAN - a minimum and _.___..____ .Keep a couple or old` ewes with the mm for company until he is put -with the br_eed1ng`t1ac1<. T ` ,....OFFICE.... ;. SMITH 8 C0. ALWAYS OPEN. 30hr comfort correspond- O returns, in good looks and good service, all and. more than you pay for it. TN/R E R ssrnausuzo 1370 _`pv-u-- gun - iv GOV KO 31.010 A Keep some powdered blueatone In 9 Imhll-phial `to treat any case no: lumeneu It-am toul in root. ' duties can L ch `laces bits -0: which `think-1 "It-hang .'mee'tin mutteri `For I 3 your I _--~-. - --- v- uwuu w cut v vv v -UIQIIUCI 'c;:ha'nge at ram 1: required, `select Tlikm early, picture the "nest are picked UP- robes theme Masck t on _It_hem hxe lhg 14 Have {small Eaw-.bel1`on one .0: two members ot each lot, to sound alarm it dog: are around. - T!-'A_ ........_ .._____1__-J vi, lfhce mi?` 5 `good time to start a. 0 country -better suited railing than -this. ` wvuu nu `Gucci; CC LQVVVVO . `61d";we_| intended for sale 09 the liutche; may run with the awelambg. uuuuu-3-: v a `VG US! f~j;Ret:x-In lie ewe lambfbo add to the `breeding ock next year, Ohmic 1: ram w;th good conatitwtiuon and even quality at fleece. 'f\l..l ---.-- 1_1____1__: .n__ __,u_ `KEEP NOTES. x , V . T tn ftham gt-a'du:sl1y. . . .A an c 1 V d t T % L % ',`m:3,,cf,m':"m" ' "W "`. ' aye head: would be mixed wz.-tn the I; am the la. b. tn ,3 h t t` bathe : food. 1t_heA in `troubled with .3, gm m,,m_m 3 Nu. 9 N worms.` Do_n`t repeat this too ortenoz n.__,,, . .\"_ __ Hun run hnhmin \!un- man ,1... ; _8e`1;a~ra.te the sexes. and 1:93 the mm limb: some arts. - mm: OFFICE. TORONTO } ~ " 59; 1:. WALKER, om-41 mmger ` "ALEX.-LA!D.`Au..v can uaugu :3vAi35;;%%p4e%~5eW:6!*#+%Wh- A gnuorilvlianklug Inislnm Imsi cud. Account: my to Qponod` by. `mil with all branclpuoi _tMg But.` ' DI'podt;|i-of `$1f u}5 i}pv};;4c-1s, and Interest suowd at ourrdnt rates." Tho .do`poIlto`r in" subject to no delay T over In `tho wlthdiiwal oi the whole or any. portion of the deposit 3 " Paid-uh Capital. $10,000,000, %.Re?s.e%r%vo; Fund, swans '.':3BoUGHOgUr [cAN`AnAf. % rm: `cmrrnn snvrns AND ntauxn --.-- The price .of half a pound of -Red,Rose Teais sma.1l.---?v`.'ry s1na1l, but it will sh oW you how much tea Te-value, tea. quality and %a.vo'r is- con-. tained izrthis Good Tea;vf , ROUND Tl-IE FARM SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT 72 - VII aAasii', o~+:"aAn%ca H. J. GRASETT. Manuerg pm-t1e `flock. ` to . shen- _ -Snciemtlic Azmerioawn. Graalt 'Brit9.'i'n wmare 't>han any cther -ma`tio'n is depend-em`. upon `the exist- ence dt uninterrupted rfwvernent or her Igrealt mercan-bile marine. in itseir, and as the indispensable medium `tor carrying that vast commerce, `the ship- ping `fleet of the island empire is" its m-est wauuaable iasset. 'I"ne:'eZ~:rre, `it -has been igenereliy re3':a.rd-ed as the must vuiinertalbie` ipoavlmt upon which to con- cerrtmlte eiitack in time at `wer.i,So iwrgeiy does Gre-ait_Britu.1n -depend on her '-over-sea eznmmerce for Vrood ' stui -ts. i.*,t1ait'tt)::here weruld `be nnesurer `may or ringing it-halt proud empire to `her knees "as e su-pp1rica'n-t for peace thoan -DJ ca.-pture, destmy, or '~dr;ve tr:-m ithe high seats the ships t?Nalt carry _ her Dqsd stuffs -and the mvw Imasterials and finished pmducts -at her iluascteries. , . ' `The recenit `ma-`val manoeuvres, in which tpvraeticaiiy:-the whiale strength i or itihe British fmvy was concerned, were -'p3a'nn-ed with 9/view =t:J ,de`.er~- mine Just shew grsact ilhds peri1_vmi3h~t he, -and it: `unis end e.n`.'enem;y's ftleet" was orgmnrized ' xwhich, thorug-h moi: Larrge tn number, was miainly dis- Wzingulshed `by its cusmiibincz-.t'ia'n. oz greast gun power and high speed. Am- en; 'the -bwhtlcehepe were included the hve mew. vessels at the King Edward VII.,' rand amen`; "the cruisers` was the Atlwntvic squadron, - ~wh;ch, under the -com-ma-nd of Prince Lou.-'.s of. Balttenberg, visited this ~c-aunt-ry in `the fail at last year. Although the .c:mmerce destroyer, nais represented by cur..\iinnea and Columbia, "has ceased its he built, its piece `has been taken by the mledern armed-' "cruis- r, which. has `all, the speed` dt the c:~mrherce destn:_ryer,_; i.n,_q,dd'ztio,n_. -`rte gaad armour protection and a heeyy battery of `ion:-ralnge, guns. {'11he IA`;-` H 1*an`ti_c ,cru2ser squa .drovn. tar lne`.inge.. _ cansists er ships, the siorweet of which 1 is of 28 kn`.-:'ts, maax2mum`.'sp,eed,, while 3, British Mercantik A Irttleold whple, horn may be fed} with the cunt raitions in addmon to its feeding value i't_cauae the horse to ma.at1cateT `his food hotter.` ' - _Don?At `feed th'e`h.-use tob freely with new _owt; ,they~""a1'-e4`lr:-o'sening _and-may f cAaus__e colic. I: you 'm,us_1; use them mix * f/i:wLth7'o1d oats and ai:ci1sha'm.__the horses Keep `:13 net: "on the herzsee while at work; insects are often `more trouble- eame and persistent upon the approach or cqollweuuther then. in the heat or summer. ` :93: mrter ` the `day : work; 1; relieves the attained -tendons . ' _ See tmt the horse doean`-t void whole grain, Should he do to hit teeth need looking after. Have them tiled. Many a `borne rails `to winter well `on ithia` aceoun-t. While he rem`; `get. trans : -tn help out his other 'rooc_l_he- does ery' well, thutfih tall and. winter ,when/ted ulely. on, dry food, `he. otten rails to get iuuftlclent 'n*ourlahrnent`. Q_..._ _. .1- ,, Rye lheaenj month with men borne it he in `troubled .-with repeat thin often or the rye beierde ~bhemoe1veeV will -be-_ came a source or irritation. It \ 13 more of a `tent. them a remedy. vAQs.fniuu'- 'I[-r. ff`; lead. Marine Destroyer ..-_--... ..._vavna\1. wynuua vs 'uu.L1.r ' On" `the -`-islands in` `the Vclear wabcral at the Lake have-`bee'n erected .m.zny' ' ciu -b houses, and sh:oting_ boxes where gunners have been -wccust-argued tn*hak'e .the_ir"ease .'be:t:wv`een the _Iu:7urs' when the `-wild `ducks `y. Here, may we- seen all _'1:_in-dxs 0'1 ,duck .:'ah::ot1`ng__ de- Lvjioesg {tram rthc 'mudcmga Vsw;v;a_1`-gun In, - stern "alt ' an jniohor jboart `Ito fbhe; ldy! 3!.'11$ ;.-.'b1`% down? * M: certain eeasvns of the year a con- aiderwble loss leoccasioned on many terms `through a large -proportion of .!the eggs trailing ttohe :praperly coat- fed with lime.. commonly termed soft shelled eggs. .Per'n:a1ps "the cammonest . cause of this cemvplelnt, especially .when the bird are kept In confine- ment, `is that the hens -are receiving unlnsuttlclent supply 01 shell-tor-rm lng mlaiterlal, wlth the result that they `nave to produce eggs with e.-th- er such thin shells that they crack Nvlth the slightest touch, or else with no shells wt all, The shell or an egg Ads lprgely composed oi lime. and it lhas `been estimated that He` (ock or _ one `hundred hens `produce considerab- ` ~1y over a hundredwelght of chalk an- nually. The Imlazterlals for `the man--. utacture or the shells are round in Crlt. sand. pieces of bane, etc., `and unless the hens are able Who, pre- cure such, east eggs will speedily re- sult. Broken oyster shells are very .`ve.luelble tor the purpose. upblying ,.o.n ealmndance or calcareous matter. _'udden;':ri`gh't has also" the ertect of producing sheiless eggs: at dogchgasing V fa.` `hen, for instance. may trequ-ent'iy' .=ca`u`se the egg lube ejected before -it} 1 < I c I -3l1,'a{_s_,'received i `its coating of lime. The ` Ireniedy hr -this is,_o1 course. quite `{vlden:t._ ' . ' z * dz-ronsiasmiysn; f Sportsmen are adding anmther count Us {the already "heavy indictment against the German. carp. ' mm time im'memJrJa1 `the St. Clair flats n hen muted-as `furnishing magnificent duc_k she-otmg." All .a~round thevmouth of the Inames river :the submerged hands extend"-for many dreary.m-les, that ,sh=irk the 1~Jng_'tr3p ho morthern `wild `fowl *.breed1ng..gro`unda \andv1'rr"e- 1dea.1'4n,es't;ng.`p1ace's nor laggard ducks; s1et'.b1e"' resting nphances fcrr migrating `rlrocks `-ixi.,.e:ther spring or ball. .f\u. I I-I-4 .}x-1.-._.a_ 1... .u:._ A - on the other hand, `too much im- partarnce must lnot he 'D_MA'.`U upon the esca.`pe of the .e.i1tacl and tts ability to raid `the maritime cit-ies along the mast and cegptu-re and de- stray fme rcha'_nt vessels.` _Suc'n dam- age would -beilecal and `temporary. pn; ly "by meeting and defeating the de- fending eet in la. pitched b;a.title, a. feat of which `the enemy was quite in- caps-ble,,could any decislve result jhav-2 been achieved. Al`th-eugh the swift cruisers of the raiding fleet succeeded in doing earneideraeble d.amsge_ to the c3untry, they were driven from *t4he`tr.z_1de. route which was se- lected `for -attack, and as a fleet were badly da.'rrr''l and widely scattered. Altogether, the cclntcnlliion or the lead- ing navel authiorltlee that Great Britain's camymerce cannever `be an absolutely crippled as `to dec1slvelyei'- fectft-he issue: at war w.=cu1d seem to ca strengthened rb-yfbhe events .01 this summer's ma-nleeuvres. ` _-.'.l'he. enemy : cruisers, ormlng the seuthern edge at the net, sought an important engagement with ttfae defending cruisers or St. V=incen't, in which ell or che ships on both sides 0 were everely ha-ndled "and some ves- sels were practically destroyed. It is significant that most or the engage- V mem": Ihook -ipbalce at 6,000 yards range. . at which th'e.6 _ -inch gun is practi- cally -ineffective, and what -the men- oeuvring was `carried on 3.`t- the -high speed or 21 knots an hour. The value or speed in" ' armored cruisers was shown when-'-thefe-nemy s squmdnon sighted the -outer '11-inge of 25 knot scouts ca new type recently built) and ` gave chase. In this case the flagship 0 Drake was a.'b1e"t~o raise her speed $12) 24.8 kn~Jts,_ with the result that she ubtimcately brought -the destneyers men:-n range, and they were ruled ` out or action. It is cl-5.1-med, and just- I 1y. 5),: that the m:a' em '4 phasized the value -or an efficient em I gineering staff and have proved, once 1 c l mere; (that upun the .efticlen cy or the stuff, and net u-pnn the mere trial records of `the ships depends their final I value when `put to the supreme taste: I cum-nu ..-v----u-.- ova-sssliu .9519 uwwuv ILIIU, Vth11'" 3jl\3.,.iins -of cruisers -was -"placed 136 ' %imis so the worth, `and another llne_.;20 miles Vito the south, the whole 01 fthis great network '-being kept in .1:ouc`hi-., DE` {=s~`1re1as!.?e1esrasph:'- The defending torce, movlngo from Gibral- . `tar mm from 13 -zlmouth, quickly `broke `through the _-meshes or this ,neIt', ~tnw'o - or .'the 'enemy s' battleships` `and some off. the slower cruisers A rhelng subj- 's'equeritly- .put out war "action by ttihe fleet `them "the seut-h: -the .detendin`g fleet `tr-om the `north xmccunlting for s third` (battleship and jantother large ` cruiser, while the, the hast `remaining at -the slower nettle- ships or ithe enemy, eseavped by bak;ng `co the AtZ.antic. .d.`he.enemy was is: with Ltive .ba.tt1es'n1ps` ate the King Biidw-.a'rd VII._ class, andthe enlormous value `of the homog'eneou s squadron -or I unti:orm.h:gh speed w.a.s"sha-wn by the V fact what ithese vessel were able do break Ithraugh the `theoretically over- whelming erce otithe enemy, and steam up tine. channel with the de- tending `fleet in hopeless pursuit. I 1 1 1 up--7-v 'wC. -vcuv 4 _de:eng;a}:3;,w :n1udmg`__eLfwen-` ty , '- gb-,a.`t.b1enh.puc not the . Channel enaal pqiiadrenej of-cruisers and {the 'p`.ah LA -02 1he_.mwnoeuvz_-ea T. was to .d1epa_tch~a 1;arenum'ber 0-`. ~ -merchant * ships .;i<`.r%oaa* It-he wane oz w-ar under .canvoiy,`~Tthe veeeelarbeing `sen-t cit in group: `along bne of several rouites ne- t.-wcen Fmzmsuth or Milford Haven and Gib-raltsr; Agrhe ships; whether their ceurae` 1a'y- `northward or southward`, _ cJnv erge`d on Cape Finiuterre, which, 0: course .beca:me the central point or defence.-` Theynzet-htod at detence was I-or:he``.eet,to rnovein sections re- "japect1__ve_1y. In the acuth sand to the ,_:_na_rth;;each preceded `of a wide ecreen "T e{;iccut'e a-nd`cru1eex-e, the widely sep ` a_r'd4te'd '-ihips at each screen being kept iii` touch `by wireless telegmcphy. -. =e`.".l_"he -nine bttieehi-pa and cruisers of . the enemy -rendezvoueed :31`: Cape St. Vincent. where the vessels were 01-med Ln-xthree yreart lines reaching east and weat,*with 30 m;:ee '-between the individual ships or each line. The V baattleehipe -farmed ;t:he centre line, urhfl-A. `u H..- .40 -_.-2..-_... _.--_ e;nd Me_d;terranean *t1eete,*bes1dv ee_` sev-7 the rastesigtne ]`r:ake,: md 24 9:. 25 knate for -0. short distance wh_en 3n chase. of the enemy. ll... A-I_....l:._.. a1--.a_ ;__'n,,.u_ _[ 1--.- 9 Carp Drive Ducks -A sponrsmfzuisiramdnr. THE NORTHERN Anxcn ........w w. sum: and UWD ounces of shaved choc-olavte. -When Ithe _clmocol-am: is me;-ted and; well mixed with the tap- ioca add Ith=e beaten w-hi-tea of two eggs,` nut in _1_ig_b_t1y,,}a:dd halt a. tea- Epsnnrul, 01 ?,a:ni:l-a:V;iedx{cr_a.ct,` pour in. . Add and til .chc;t;-o1gute.- -W hen` a cupful of an tzwzo ounces s lthe ch;m~nIm+..`a E31`, 3 haved .1- -whue 'iwt. V __ _v_..- o a4ua.u.w. Cover one-h-alt gallon of `plums wifh water and ebml tot Lve mvinuhesppour var! Irhe waiter and add to the` punms =th1ee ur sugar, one teuaspconru; each at ~31-L3-und c.oves, a.ll3p.ce and cinmrm-an. and one pm: of vinegar. Bail tall rtr-'3-get.-her `for 39 minutes, stir-. ring oantmu-ously. Boutle and `seal CHOC0LA'1`ET'.l`APIOC`A._ 11-~-1 - A" ` .7 wv-non 5.43 L fL\JUAu -V\l7`a'sh a nupml or staimca `and it over n.'3'nt in co'_d* rwater, `pour on bo.1ing waiter-' "and cook 1] Fiona: 1.3.1 - -----~ - ` Melt `malt a teaspcvo-nful _o1` -but.'Le'r in a aaucepan and add *t_o yd. an vs-n;on, a ;a1'z'-at, and half a move "of garlic c`h-opped Imgethe-r. Simmer gently for ten mm_utesr, tnen am. in a ma.'b1eaparon- tut of 1'1-sur, halt a -puvt 0: stewed to-` ` ___ -.- -v uvn 'LLVO uullnii 1'3- mave and boil down `the syrup, -then war It. over `one grapes. . ITne syrup sh-culd .-ne -psured 0.: `and boiled do-wn for tthree successive mornings, when the `grapes may foe eavered w;c_h `par- .atm (paper, -and set arway. TOMATO SAUCE. Choose the choicest `bunches. o: grapes, 4those not too ripe and which have. `no lnruisednones among :them. Make a. syrup or vpinegarand sugar tor each pound of grapes and one plnit of _v;neg.a.r' `two each tour pounds of sugar'.' Add to it two `tea. -spoonfu`1a each or.c1n-namaln and a.11ap;ce, .'tea.spo:m-1u1` or cloves, and one-hal; iteztspoon-Iul V each or mace and s:u't. Drop `the bunches at .32-apes, .-wh;ch h-ave 'been washed and awowed `to. dry, inubo the boiling `syrup,`a*hd a.1low`t'ne:n `to \ in in nor rnve minutes; and `the sy4;`gp,. -nsur H mm. .n-- ----~ Rape makes `the best of tall past- ures for lambl. Lambs rarely blow: on rape; plder sheep are more llaubliz. .'.l`urn an {ape at fl:-at when _1am~ba are lull and rape ia_ dry. Accesa vto a. grass field at first is good, nut when used to it lambs may be eontlned to `rape and will fatten `last. 80F'1`v-SHELLED EGGS. ,, ......... ........_ man: it syrup 0! the water. in which the pears were bailed`, allowing one pound of sugar to each half pint or water. Drop the `pear: {who the -`boiling syrup and cook them s1aw1y_until t.hey'can be pierced wzth a silver fork. Place the tru-it in hit Jars, fill up w;t&h the boiling ay- rup and seal. 1 ' smcmn GRAPES. -- h I \ ,___-`_. ..,,n.. uxu-spa. PRESERVED PEABS. Rate the fruit wltin _a silver knite, and drop ina bowl otcold water to preserve `the cobor. When all are pared `put Ln clear cold water and -boil until -'a1m3st tender, Make a. syrup or "'h\ ac... L-- Line `two pie plate: with -thick crust and fill with the talfowlng mixtu,;'e-- 130 ttwo teacupfula of boiled, -mtatsned squash, -add three-tqurths or -a. cu-pful -of brown sugar, three eggs, two tao1e- spaonfuls of moi-asses, one 'tablespcon- tul c-I me1;_ted `butter, one tablespvoonfu`. or gmger; `one Itewapoontul or cinna- man, Vc-we cupruis or milk, and a Lit-Le a'a.1:t. Bake w`ithc/pit upper crusts. Dffflivvnus :__ . - - ..- - ----cal uuaunnu no`. In bull QUEHCLTY of syrup nine pounds at pear: can be % aplced. which may -he cut` in halves if desired. Drop `the fruit into the 1:01;- ing syrup and allow `them bo- remain until clear. Place `t*he1pea.n In cans, bail lthe syrup until 'bh~1ck and ' pcur over the pears, then seal. It the skins are nut too tough they may `be `lei: on `the gears. _ L SQUASH PIE. Make a ayrupor five pounds bf sug- ar and one `pint `of vinegar_ to "which add (before cooking) one '-teupoontui veach at clcven. cinnamon and maceutied In ta. Ithln muslin 1:33. In this quant 'ty lif -v II' l\{HA. `nnnnnvnoln 4-1 -A--- -A-- ' V fouvvv an nVIiI uyuuu All the putting the grapes in, then. _- pour' boiling mater on and ex? the grape: three times, till the jar with boiling "syrup, made in the pre- pJr"cion of 'a cuptul or sugar to a .cuptul or water, and seal at once. srrcmn puns. ' Pick the grges` team the -aterm, throwing aside :11 unsound ones, and % yv-a'ah'*them well. Have the"hea"c- ed in -water; place a silver option -In `ha `an LA`... .___LLO V ---..,.....-, wuu nu us: use Iuuererp. I am in `liner of `having. sPcomb1n- nation or -the two govern-menu` which own the. lake and gehting rid of the. camp campletely. CANNED GRAPES. <":;it'w;;';:.;'i;;;;:.;2' qm:e.u.e% freahrnent ntamans on` the "great over- -head route from Hudson Bay` to the Gnif` of Mexico. or course, when the refreshment stand has been systemat- ically robbed every` year by the carp the birds have round it dangerous to risk losing strength by making bong stoppages, and we are the an-Itererp. NI 4... .I._ .n-__ "'1: `y'f{7l{].;0'()Vl'<-_;);.l.`t`3ii"1-lw-`gt: new 1WuxFu.-- iamfly the pretty rice plant: {raw in patches still. Welf, in olden` times", zit 1-n_:e Ith-a:t,.w1t.~h"theTr1c an over a maJn d head, new-1y o`ver,._th e flats. ' uI'.1....__ 4.1.- "L- .'11he `tact "la, Vthase German _ caIr.P were `put in somewhere down by De- troit and than in Canadian water: by misguided pmza-nt_m-opiats; Now -the carp are gradually rdzattng o ut`all the beau-'t1ful'wlld rice with whlchv the Al- mighty .hlea_sed t-his awamp Laind at the sake of `the wandering wild towl. That is the who!e.trcuble.' ` T v--v ---vr - ---v' --w- "The wild g-one used to be gotiferre ` in scares every d-ary, `but they never settle `mow. And ncat, onevock or ducks in `.ten alight, whmei-e5.=a in -the 0-'lTden time we never` knew co.` a iehder fail- ing its make tour 131: a. stopping place. ` ' ' - .n, _| n .1: 4: _,`, _ "No Ihee no":-aason tto think haJt= -we have "been 't+:o severe on the Vbird.-J in the `past. We see `as -many as ever -mJre it seems to me. But Ithcvy do not amp as `they used to. VI HIIIL- ,, ,_ _.-|. I'."-_- the ~dv"ner efva wei1[1 a-I5P tTd:; shack remarked th-`.3 week. I d`:=:1~t _hel1eve tlwt 1,000 birds` were',k*l11ed mt. `fall, umsugn the shooters were` an Ithiek as ever.` . Of lntciest fp V Women. ~cu;_u- 003.160 PLCE ,- 61}! d.ced,;bveeta and uh A .-at-`---` A =s1:c~2d 99311.3 , or. man -1.". .....u vtu:-Hal; uch' '6t" ~ nee ed syrup,`a'nd Wn Itfng gv.IIn.n `V-A` :.,cb:dL;`bo:1ed V flag 1 vdfma .. ....r .1: early Iahmba are requii`-ed, g`.ve"tha` owes a tram pasture `ha tlulh the!.m;.up an candmon to mazte early. u.u1'q__.)1.':lI1_E3 ;ht;d.. gznay he ke 0; {E . 12 av; .11. I. up Ul Luc EJIIIILCFS dI'[, DC THE ADVA NCB WHICH CA b.e1-edured mgly enhanced by usmg ___,______________ g Try us. for Pmgrammes. Catalogues. \/Vedding Invita- . ` tions and Memorial Cards. 3: Give cart regularly, or keep ea!-t in` a covered b-ax whexe sheep can help themselves `at, will. Rock out is `good.

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