FARMS FOR SALE K. UlXI_obV\ lL'l\_l`4. J Barne, Omano. ..""."'% 5.` `:5 FOR SALE Fopsinf I II) . J. N. BROWN Box 497. Barrie Ont. 3. 3011), gpnly S `$45 _-_ -vv .-----1 nowI5cor2pnir fox-...... '.o.......25c' Menfs Fine Woollenl Sox. regular 25. now We pnir Men : Fine Cotton Sox, regular 20`. now`. . [Sc pair Ladies black Lisle Thread Hose. lace fronts. . . .254: Ladiesi Black Cotton Hose. cashmere feet. . . , . .251: Ladies Plain Black Cotton Hosp; . . . . . . . . . , . . ..20c'_ `Ladies Plain Black Cotton Hose. C 15, 2 pair for25 Ladies Plain Blnek Cotton Hose . . .e . . .l0c` pair Boysi Heavy Ribbed Cotton nose, were 20 pair.` smv1m Vests. regular l0c.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7c Short Sleeve Vests. regular I2 I-2c . . . . . . . .;l0c each Pure White Sleeveless Vests. regular l5c. . .glOc each Pure White Sleeveless Vests. regular 18c. 12% I-.2c each : Pure White Sleeveless Vests, regular 25 each. .15.: Odds `and ends of Underwear nnd Hohsieryle are here that must be cleared . out in the next week. The {all goods are on the way. and the sulniner Under- wear and Hosiery must he got rid of. d _ . ' V Ladies Underwear. Hosiery .-we 'not1c-e a long article. llluxsltreted, ; In Peeraowe Mlaazlne rm Septembler, *9. 218, ton line tsu -`bject or Divorce, g:v- %L;3:..tng wtetistnics emwing an appalling `can-demo-n in the Un1't'ed Snt-was at the "!preeent time. n'1`he*st'n;tement is made _tU3&_`t dring a. ipezflod `wherein ` 67 di- _verce=e_ were granted in Cane-da: `there A `mere no fees when 700,000 ma-rriage-e dlasdlved in (the Uni1ed`S.t.a-tee. We re- rret wait want at ecpace rm-.b_'ldua quoting `tine article even In -pm-t. It recall: in fmlnd the nlbuleend exhaueatdve speech. A 1' tine I-Ion. Senate: Gowe.-n in the _ Senanise (;n the session of 1888, when in- uoduclng a new. procedure melt pro- ` " vlded tier 1 angle -standing Oemmi't- .:vr.`mbune.1 appointed by, the House Vte which all :b;Ela or divorce. 'preeen-t- ed 3: Parliament wwelnlt M 0'! `course. had many other |lrnpu::'rte~n-t lrn`prove- '7 `matte. setting aside the old and a.b- ' `curd eyetezm whereby any member submrmng a mm at d:lv.oar.rce y could : neme tine eomrrimee `mo mm !\imadl:r.', Sen-alt-om` in ma speech dwuelt upon 4 "t;he.jacred-neuter lthe 7me.? tie and 1 the.1heceu1_ty Io: un;t-:.-nm tend .e';,rlct ,, _ywhen divorce was ' a:~ugh'-';, 5 jkhlnded B hate or alarm on _t'hc 'n',3.0"V{llID|llEndl_ -0: miles. and closely 1 een)cte with use in _ ibelneeafl A. .m fiupae 'o_r "neg-lye 3 F933;!`-I M {proved `I; l%t`*r.`i.l;`iii`vvere 0103.0 woide. H-awlr; 1: ` a*_@.rapeIl1'1 0 s:ga y1u'1y;ulyUn-wen` .1; y_ 0y;-;2eevexnen-g" :3` -he fjnsqt to 5 we 0 n:.wr1=i.=ar.rr:a`~n0;*a ,_ _ " e%;ejfb;ndf1;d1yoi*ce- minder `,?fmeer"a;. F. `- A .raathe~r -nice `i;n;nt -ha:s .A1"e~entdy ~arIsh"!n"Ott~a.wg 1'n`re :eren'ce to 'c1ty'alpay:n;g `trr e"`; % { clyxcaigitggggggntptiia juo conventjpgia. V ha'}fcq:'3`fihV "t1he iieLj% gm .;;a;f'pen(!'i,1z:5`c".u'a 1153, : wim-zut-` % 1e;, %`oanc*.tV1$m. ',l`.p:I_f 13,, 1;. t" g;a1sbu%:~aemcn*ts`% a: 8 5 I It is n invatewsorhy `fact that znihelse `Myra -at competitive `forces the tele- phone `is not being overlooked, and what will d-ouvbtleaa spz-eve -to be one at the inparvant (aide events or the eeeand fweekpot Ithe `no:-onto Exhibi- tion is announeed he `the annual ' venltian or the Canadian Telephone Ala- . so-cieltion. .'.l`he' lhest informed =te-'.e- ' phone men on the conlzin-ent have been T ; secured `to (address the meeting. Mer- : vellum, indeed, has been tthe growth 61 `the independent telephone move- -menlt, and the `time is ripe -non` ell Dian-l_ _ adisn municipalities to seize hold or . the opportunity no gain the latest . ideals in regard to eyete:ma-their ca- . panmntiea. .caet,_etc.-/-a.-n-d the -metmda` of organizing and opewtingq same. Harrie .m-xgnt -with com:-demme -pmnt -be "represented mt cenventldn. more its .'prenenIt-.-day `tendency U: 3' 3' '1 . a benefit at :1; It .iu:eala.uat .xnleg;nsdg: -. `there are L met f 90 .nhIo1nbely,A..=-in_L_-.- 1 dependeni non-B_el1.'con_troll ed, -aye-e 1 was wm, 4,000 -aha`-reh-e;_d-erli. _`1s;ooo nibneribera and more mun t;welim'11idn,' lid-ailiaue ot;inveat`ed_ 'ca:pfi;al. stability, at-t`-he family is mare esceng `tins! {than any -atther single element to- th moral, aocial and even` `political well-being '0]! ,a azaiti-en. ' __-_ -.. .. ...... -..u.yyu.~u uu ouculo 1.118] A a.-efmxmly Ontario r pl-e. Mia`-ny or .t-l_1e,m' have families, and t~h'ey,arefc1eaar- mg (the land ' ih imuogi thej Jame -dt y`.~e T `Old; _pn'bgr1o`::ov`nu'fc1;eorjed4-yearn ago. -V WW? '8`9.`1 It;1e_raV"4`a:r;:g~oan--13` now,` c_7ntiin ued M'r._Eng11h=arrt. ".'1`the rs.-11. ""'i7 . "Vhl-`I .been_`ca`mryfn-gr their effects nort-h` 9! `New -Iltqkgard Atdrv them. .'1`.hey :I!"n7'rr1!IdIiIu Ln...-+'.-c.. ......`...`1.. -m--___ A-. ~";_VV;.c;;" `good pawtoeq, leitltunce and radbhgs .'bh~ut had 'been gr -awn` at NO. 4 Oampat -Buck River, 60 -mrilea lumen '01 New.` ~ Iilukeanl. mhe climate seems quite` ads.-pItedTror all kinds -c-t--a=g7r1cu1- turo-_ '. ` " :w-a;';i-.'_' 5 . The train -eervi-ce_ on the Temiakam- ' ing & Northern 0n:ar;o_ will be ex- tended 2.5 miles north at New Llskeard - :t-o Engleh-ant stat-ion, about September . 15t`h.` Ten-der-3 will be called for, for _ the branch line mr-om E-nglehart to Charlton in aabsaut `three week?!` These la-nnoun-cements were made `last week ' by Mr. J. B. Eng-lehart, member` of the '1`. & N. 0. Ba1l.w=a.y .Co`m'm`-esl`:-n, , who, with the ether `members, rd`:-..C. % B. Smith, Mr. Dennis Murphy, and _-r. f Mcoarthy, the chie: engineer, have Just returned tram a five day's trip to the en-dot the steels, and 76 miles beyond to M-a.cDauga1 a Chute. - SPLENDID FARMING DISTRICT. "'.!'ha;t northern c-cunttry is a. mien- dld agrlcul-'tura.l di atrict`, said Mr. En- slehar-t, ."a.n-ld the.fa.x-ather north y-sq go me, better it la.",A1though the season may` he sdhortlaametimee, the summer in hat, and. I It-hlnk there is no doubt I that all _cerea.lIvw-111 tr:-pen sa'tlsra-etor- Lly`.. sundaythe ttemDer'D.`ture\wa.'a ' .90 degree: in the shade, and Monday it .; was stdegrees.` {We new wheat and - . . . 1 nigh: Vlhmlv .u....: .n..... .-_-.--t-.- - - uv-ovvwn xvii BCVV wnvdu. Bind 65%; -that `had ;been nmpped by the frtesamdtera wdllons the right of way, and `become tel-t-seeded. ` may hlad -graaawn -spendidly, -and ;bot`n;were __3v'ood dam- plen. . - Tmiskaming tzjmgacut thb Be ma, _:t _lu'3 uo Vi:it_,;"9'a -hither re:a.rd tor thejsanctltyi ~' V 1_'e` 'sndE`l;he Tpuritykgot "mg . __ , Om:-9o.da Vthdnds we1l`bfeo;re th_e_ : `:1 _the? rn;atu_9rvot divofce, owing V e-V'I.be1'1eve. to; the: fact ;tliu_.t ; hut , nd; f1aw_a__ d'1vb`x- e f mf can,_ 1 mt ~t,h~ mresmi * * ~ with a large! old-fashioned brooch. Cluny lace is at the height of its -popularity, and lends itself ch-arming-l _1y to all sorts of neck and sleeve dire-I corrtlon. Collars and. Cluny lace, _in altar effect," are pretty and add great- ly to the a*ppeara.nce_ or a. plain {rock or coat, The flat, detachable co;la:- accompanies the chemlset-te in szme c.a.see,.'and ma? be arranged` very be- comlng'1y,' in -tl_.a't effect, especially,` if the neck is short. A medallion cen- tre la a pretty feature -at same of we Cluny -la-ce chemlsebtes with stocks at- ta ched.-Sep`tember Delinea-t-or. IIIIU uuaava cu Ll uyn. _--v- v -u-um v, V9 V1 CHAD -Stocks -and `belts in a. variety 0. Jahapea ere made of linen, duck, pique, etc., and are decorarted with hand em- broidery in blind or open-work effect. _In Some'.ca:sea, _it-he belt and stock match,` but this is not necessary. The ehutton-holed, scalloped` edge, is`-a Lav- orite ~rinish to-r these vpretty trifles, |and the bevts are cl-osed with pearl or heavy ~gi_1`t buckles, _c-~r pinned a 1:arge=o1nd-fashioned 111'..- v ~.'1`he belts are made or edit . leather `or or silk. mhose dt pl-am kl-d are `sometimes sharped at the back, or ornamented `with tiny gilt -buttons, the buckle or clagsp `being 9.113.: or 'g.l-t.` Belts ot_sllk webbing, studded with steel beads, are closed with jewelled nbuckles ian-d slides, and are equally' smart in black, white and colored. Ja.p- anese leather is greatly 'ta.vored; and Pompaldlour -and Dresden silks _pro- ndwce ch`.ar.-Vml.n_g ' results. Pia:ten`t and dull learther and kid are equally p\. rpu- lar for belltso-t the pl-a.lnest_ sort to be worn with the linen` blouse and "short skirt, or with the tailored frock.| B.t...._1-_ - _ A I. -.I.L A, Amen: `the Aalccccacriea that, _cnowa- -days are so; imports-mt, ribbon seems ~bo pred:omln.ate_;` Sashes and bole:-oa; girdle: `and anmletc: `beltta and shoul- der bawe, .a-nd st!-`ea.-mere. flouting trom each `and all or Ftihem; are seen. .'rhe effect is char-mi-n-g nan-d rbhorc-ughly temlnlne.. loolllaretlte-ls and buses wlth '.the1rfmyri.a~d loops or "curled eaaltl-n rib- -bon look like a mass or tlowe_r-pervala and are` most becoming when or -the` right ti-mt. IL- ;. > C551: 7 Mkazthaonn, . Provincial l`4r_3.:3- `_`urer. -:has `decided !that sldeshovws` at 9.11 !aj.1r.a in future be up_ to the` V mark and must valid `ha.ve_.~_a license. Any cause to: V-showing.` wrthdut a 11- censse will the 'dea,1_=t with[severe1y; tzhe provincial ldetective department'xg been igivn,'1natructfona tn that effect. '1`ms,.,w.1l1 (be ralther hard on "The' sW11d Maa'n` fwm Attica,- D2.rwIn s Missing Link, and wither `strange moriatraositles .ot the realm or ction. Nve rear mm `the -peapxe wm be `de- prived o_rr,- wvhait Barnum awferred was, _ their krexa.-tevst delight, `that at being humbugged. _ V ' Latest Tings in Collars ;'v1ety'.s opinion is tfhzaxt- while `.the L azmendment Wwas tdsignd to alter -the Jitumtion, _it really `oi:-:mveysT the ~92.-m'e 'mea'ning Ia.'n1y'-in mrreremt w.-;-:-d-s. 3 viie c`1`f: "ix`:1:`i?`e`it_' ` qr the }?I)Q18:ti};n.--vCit':r soi::t_.or' Me-V WILL OPEN nNE'coUu'rRY. z z 2 and Hosiery ` szmmns` acme `-IN. 9.-b;:ru_t [vege'i.-a'b1e` grbwmh 9 -he ug . . iailway Progress mm: .i10`R1`1IERIs`7 A.nvm:n% we mucous suuaces. _ We will ve one Hundred Dollars fotgany acse~ot.I)ea nesa (canned, by cgtarrh) that cannot be 011,1-ed D) . Hall? Qatar:-h; Cure . Semi tor - which bf local applications. as they cannot reach the` d sensed. portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness. and that is `:3 constitu- tional remedies. Deafness is cause by an in- amed oondit-ion of the mucous lm of the Eustachian Tube. when this tube 18 amed on have a rumbling. sound or imperfect lear- ng,s.nd, whenit is entirely closed. Deafness is the result. and -unlessthe inammation can be. taken out and this tube gestored wits normal conditionmeu-inf will he destroyed forever-i. nine cases out ,o ten re`csuscd by (iota:-rh 4 - iI,'n0`thin.8 sbutm. in8md~90n.ds Ii.0n,o1. thexmncous. ` ` - . ";5rWai.`ir4I1~.-'..a'3.-:!1:.z'\; i f "You lbelieve it is -well tn Abr1n.g- :1-n rpeople at ttorelgntongue-_1ao long pa thgyf at-_e wot eajtz_a1h1i.shedL in `colonies in H1218 Gmm-tr!.lV". `- -` ``.We !think zvtiie Scandinavian taco: are at an `rinduIlt~rqua, `hardy dio po;3i- `Mon, and mast wdwyumble to ou:.cli- mzitic and Vi=nduoa_t-rta.-1 oondiblona, and -will make `better %c; .-t:1ze~ms,> perhaps, ,thaon_ !1!8i1_!_D9'0p1e tram t1h_e pop: hove .-:3 ofpnqywded gemt-r_9a_ at Eng-1:a:nd.3` ` "Yes," he repned. '`.We find lthat the -moat aucceaaful vrneuhad or canrryi-ng on immigration." -.We `will ttaaap lhe Stcaindinavian ccxunrtriee *bh'e'ooom1n~g year, `he con- tinued, for we *be'11ev.e reach peapic ans N-or;weg-tam, Swedes. Dames -and F.nnsl are amongst mhe .best classe we can get (00 Battle in `the, D.am2'nion. To -bring :owt .1-rom 20,000 '00 25,000 people we will ahauve to c_ha.rhevr ten or twelve veasele outright -tor, ;perhsa:pe, -two trips each, for cur own orrlcene take charge of the -immignamha zentirely, Itrom .. t?he lbime `they 0'1aaave their hamea M11 whey `find the 'p1ancaa -secured :1-or them (here." - . You will continue the Army, policy at Iprsasotlcaollyf atransplentin-3 entire vtazmillea ftnom `Europe to Ca.*na.da_.08 Inc v WISH `N8kd. _ 4 This `Mars the remark of Brigadier! H-owell, -who _fr:a:s charge or immigra- :t1on alffair-5 or tihe Salvation Ar-my in Canada, 'a.nd .w'h:o 11813 just` returned` to '1\:vronto -from a 'trip chnough Eng- land, Scaetland and 4Wa.ie3, in connec- tion with mms -bhaunch oi .th-e Army aL work. L "Our fiscal year chases. S,ept-ember 31, and up to that time we will have brought over a:bout.12,000 `people. Dur- ing the mext year we_ purpose bringing Just double that number `cit ;imm;- granlt-B linbo Canada. ` IIu|_c__ ___ .11.- - - -1 Cured '".ii'r". "E3r;;'1'l:L;;rt sta"=ted th`-at ..sever`a.-1 goad m1_neravl discoveries were reported [in .the 'n0I"thev1'l'l -d:aE4tI'iC?,. - `to "have" '9. great agricultural future, and, at tco-urse, branch `lines of the railway will be c_on.struc'-ted as settle-` ment goea Ian. A w sn__- 1-21,- -_u-u.-__L -;,'-1. 1 fiuooouuouuuuouuououuonu: /- .79 0' / ,0 ,` 0' 4" 0' % ,0% SALVATION .;:na7rAs LARGE . PLANS FOR NEXT YEAR EDEPT. `Immigr ation `Work. of Mink, Sable, Isabella Fox and Persian Lamb. We invite your inspection of these garments. Every one is entirely new, in style, and, as to quality. we stand behind every article sold and will assure you -1 .._4:-. -42-- ' of satisfaction.` SARJEANT&SMI'I`H WamI`)eg`.tnFannounc,e. to-L our many c'ustomcr'a. and to all who may be, that we have placed ninouralarge" (cubic stora a magnificent stock of Ladies F, Garments} incliiding % n fl. _M1is%:t%l"`1'Aase:ttiis` lre`al:y inVch`u-get bf Miilinery Dept, preparing for the open_ Sud taking tanygrusht urdetn-s that `ate needed. .oMi s's Liosjero`vv'i.l%l: resuifne chat.-ge` of this Department on Tuesday and win be pleased to see customers who desire work. done early in the 'season..,S formerly, orders willtebe executed as recje%iv Ie_d.V in Miak, MinLkM_a1-mot, Sable. Isabella Fox and Persian Lamb. Persian Lamb, Bocharisn, Astrachan and Fur-lined. `8-l~!4"!"!-!`~i~-I-'3-45!-4-+4-++~!-3-!-1-+-i-+-!-+ -I`--I--I-H-1-_ .;..;..;..;..;..;...........,._ .,.T.,'..,.i.,.T `%.,.-,,;,`,`,,'_H_' % v%|mpressions and After-thoughts E : SN-I--1--I-+~3-3-+-1-4!--M44:-+~-~:-+-3-~:--3--3-+-3-+-:~ 4--!-oi--so-z--Mr.a..a..a..a..a..a..a.a..s..g..........; 4:? Stoles. and Scarfs CVHEAI-` AND ARTISTIC PRINTING. All kinds of cominercial printing in the lwtest designs, in both type and paper, at '1'.he.Advance. Our prices can- mo :be beaten. Call and see what we can orderdczlafg:-vhgrgg before placing your "People in `this cauhtry will have . to `pay `larger wages rror domestics," he observed, as he '1-am" his handthr-sugh his hair. "Girls make as gaod wages -in {eateries and themes in the citiues or `the old` land as they do here. The ser- vam `girl problem is 9. big one where, too. `and at '=pre:aent `it is not :easy to induce many girls to come out." ~there seemed to Ibe ma keen desire W-.;Vshe'n asked whether" he cuind -`a growing *des:re_1a.-mang-st` `girls 01' the, old country to come to Canada, the Bri- U g-adier replied that, as the years went by u*nd"Oa'nada -became better known .to the .ma:saes, `in -the British Ia1ea,g-iris would come out in larger numbers, partly on their own initiative, but now amongst them to leave their _native mil. `- - ` " `V -`VC-er-'t'a~'1n1y not; I do not {bjlnk it wel `iltvo.-allow Joreign 'pe'op`4ea to settle `here an ,1a;rge .oo1onie(s-.-It-h=a.It is 1&1 iso- Ilated .colon13. ` ` Oh, ju:`It ea. .'.l_`hey -ah:> u`1vd `be mixed` up with but citizens, he in-tel-jec`ted.l . And they should not -be allowed 'to cdlnnize 8* . I "Or tcoursse; you .be 1-ieve they -ahould `be assimil-'a1ted` by `our Eng1ish-spea.k- ` .-_9n ....... .....;2TJ....... E ` . _ - ' V V _ om0 > . 1 * . o > . , 0 > _ , V 0 : 2 ll ` A _ _ _ \ U .' 3; ;.@.;.q,.;..;..:-+-a-oaogwa--:53:-ea-+-s-~:--a--:-+3-s-+o:~-2-++-a-+-s-5:-+e-+-z--1--s--s--:~-:-4-5-:-+-:e++-a--s-~:-!` Direct Importers. Jackets % Muffs _- -- anvu |Ul.' _.g;z-15 `to _ 4 TV Aeropens Tu d ` .P:3;;BE.S 4?K: '- . If cent. discount- 1.Alvertise in Th~e~X~l-s;nce-'_ r$I'I R&`- "Choinobuilding lots in the centre of the" town on O ' ~ . Is. For mxaz; ::.:a';"::3r* m _j_j__.J Gd 8111111 growing farm of 100 acres for sale 01.30 rent. two miles from \`i11ng00f(`o0ks!oWn. 3 located with cedar hedgrs. brick dI``J~ mo hfh. and in n urnnzi Clnfn nfoulli ` `VVum wlul ceuar nee ' m'1'x ~ 6 barns. and in 8 guoi( \S!at0t V3.-OIL ` Would take some 'prupert,v in Bame .33 Teinxs,(f1s tl1I:xr\e6:)xn%xx1o_t`- ereon. ppyw `.A ..' , 99? mu Barrie. 30~3op $3 buys 100acresi11\'os;nra. 808cm , cleared, level. fair buildings. ned `orchard Close to the C.P.R. station. os- AA!` lseseion on short notice. Alan hr-inl: and 0..."..- .1...,.n:..._~ 1- - ncauun on snort nonce. _ . Also brick and frame dwcllmgs m good residential locality. Prices rangetroxniow-N lip to 83.500. Anulv to _--v-- u-nu nan; x_-esiiintiax P up 83.500. Apply `to \` uuces exceuent crops. . For further arnculars. terms em. up I-IEWaON & C ES\\'ICKE. Barristers. Rnrrin (\ . I nfnrun ' THE FARM PROPERTY of the hue John Mchstevenson situate on the Lakv1ronI.bein all that rt of Lots 25,` 26and 27 in the Sou-rlz Concessygn of Oro, lying between Ihb Railway Track and Lake Simcue. This farm contains three hundred and seventy-five acrcs. of which mnety are under crop, 4 acres of pine grove and the balance in suite. It is situated witlm~. ten minutesfwal of Oro Stationon (ho G. 'r...P. and ten miles from Barrie. A no\`er-failing creek runs through the farm: frame barn. nxw; with stone stable underneath; stone piggery and sheep house; driving sheds and 20: herbarns; brick house; stone milk house: ive house. eta-.; fences in good condition: yonni: orchard '23 acres This property isu grand grazing farm and pre- v duces excellent __EOl' narticnlm-s, form: Mia hm`.Y\' in