` Ivtuavacazw.I-not-m:'rons A `fun line of akes A n -..:I _ ARCHITECTS. THOMAS KENNEDY ,5; )c A _._.L A THE BALL PLANING MILL lv `LDQNALD noss,4.~ L. I. tor`, 8:>11citer,V etc. I to Bulldmg. Ba-rrie. Having nt 4 years Post Graduate work in British gespimh and having served as Clinical Assistant in Golden Square Bar. Throat & Nose Hospital, Londorr Royal London Ophthalmic -Hospital (Moorelds) ; tor a term as Resident Surgeon in Royal London hthalrnw Hospital; Bristol Eye Holariglal, Bristo : and Binnmgham sz:ue,.-.r,::.-:1-,.1,...,.*n 2::"s;?::;?"`m"' * OFFICE-78 DUNLOP Smnm, BARBIE. ' `Phone 51. P. O. Box, 96. R. S. BROAD. M. D. DR. J. F. PALLING, GRADUATE OF Sun-u `suruu-w. _ - _: l.QI ._.p.m. For Newmurkett. Aurora. Toronto. T _ ~{ I.-35 -p.m. For Nawmarkat`, :'1\:u-onito, `_UoI'v,t`t,ps.1;'a.nd pqintjiagg. V V : "$.81. p.m. For Newmarket, Axirora -nun! Vllvnnmin- I.ii.c.P. ac` s; Ediliburgh; M.F.P. 8: s. Glasgow V --sURG1-:oN_. DB8. SMITH & GOWLAND. OFFICE DB; .w. A. Boss,/PHYSICIAN, sun- __.-._ _-L- G. A. RADENHUBST, mnnistrma, svrnwnvr & vrwnvr, BARRIS- HEWSON & CRESWICKE, 7BARRIS- s'r1u'rHr '& E8'1`EN, mnnxsrma, H. 1*. ARNALL, M. D. c. M.,"OFFICE in Bothwell"s Block, Allandale. On the premises at night. manuracturlng or 'ni'cos_,"s2. s :::s`: blinds, mouldings, etc. Planing or all kinds. done promptly -and satisfac- torily. Hat bla-at V drying kiln. Dis-' trict Agency for grained lumber. Factory, Bayeld street, Barrie. goiilgera 8: Gallie, auccesors to Geo. a . . . 'te'>'tliI. I -1 JM am. For Or\i1l1a., N-orthh Bay [Ind Boo. T t J. a.m. For Muskcka W-ha:-:. :"! 11.50 am. For Ornlia, Gravemhunaf tnd North Bay. _ `Al. 1.08 9.111. For Muskoka .W-ha,rr. V I 1.88 p.m.- For Parry Sound. -In --_. rm... n..a1'Hg'. `Nfnnh `Ray oases; M puny. Ca`:-pentering, building, rnanu-tacturlng doors, ass blinds. mouldings. Adm: nu----~ - tario 'Latnd Survegora. Engineers, tc. E `.wll1 be promptly attended to 2. Odnce, Medi- cal Building, S.E. corner Richmond and Bay streets, fl`-oromto. Tele- phone, Main, 1336. Instructions lelt w1th'StraH:hy,& Eat-en, Solicitors, Bank of Toronto Bull-d-ins, Barrie, -v _vv_ usvlln .-1J?`d'5 11881` II. C., L. C. P. 48., 0., late resident Physician and Surf `eon 02 Toron- to General Hoapita , with special atltemtion to Diseases of Women, and Nose and Throat Work, disc for some time surgeon in charge of Emergency A Hospital, Toronto. Otice and `night residence, upsta:-rs in McCarthy Block. 21 n...1.... aa- ----. umce and `night resfdencb, I1b-si:3:~rs in Me-Carthy Block, 21 Dunlop St., Barrie, second door east of Don- 'g-a.1l Bros. furniture .w-arerooma, Five Pointa `PH:-.nn 1n: |'I._t `Ivan.-9' ---._.V....,V,_._,-- P1-o_ctor',` Notar ," Conveyancer, etc. Special 3.iEen=tc-n in .d-raiwing and .ptobatinc`. iiviils, obtaining letters 01 administration and guardianship, collecting accounts, eitc. - Offices, Rosa block, Banrie. Money to loan. .vTrin-ity Univex-sit}, '_1`ox-onio; Fal- low of Trinity Medical College, Member or the College of Physi- cians and Surgeons or Ontario. 01- fits: and rnahinnnn 10 nvwrnn ..+......s Dunlap st-re.-2:, Bax-ne. M...'uc_y LU loan at 4 1-2 and 6 per, cent. Branch oticea at Cree-more and A1- liabon. Haughtcn Lennox, Alex. Go `E0 J1 LuLnB- V and 1-eaiderce,Vcorner of Owen and -Collier streets, Barrie. J. C. SMITH, v M. E. _GOWL.AND, II D It A If `D ? I.40"p.m. For Stayner, C |`nd'uea.ro:-d. _ 1.45 13.11). For Penetang. - I.0_0..p.m. For Staynex-, C fu_n,a`V`ue.:ara. 7 Dally including Sunday. "geo'.;; e{L, L3 . c. s., mini, L. in. C. P., London. -0:-ees and M ht residence, Brown's Block, Dun op street, Barrie. !l`eleph-one, 77. uauu uuu uurguuns 01. untano. Uli- -tice and residence, 18 Owen street. Inow-vw--, V - rbailef-ta, iollitiilfera Io;-1 Aggtainin-E -pr~o-aeo w a gun: ans p an 'a.d*m1n-tat,-ration, and generai. S:~l.c!- borua, Notaries, Conveyancers, etc. Ottlcea, Hinds .- Block. No. st-re.-st, Barrie. MI`:-ney to I no n n 1 ` 1 -2 8.n'd I Eye. Ear, Nos *5 Thin-oat, Attorney, Saltciitor in Chancery, -Conveyanscer, etc. Oftice, first door, Owen -street, over Bank or Com- merce, Barrie. tens, Solicitors of Ithe Supreme Court or Judicature of Ontario, Pnocto:-.3, Notaries. Con-veeyancers, etc. onevy to Loan. -Omoe, Rose Block, Barrie. C. E. I-`Ieweon, K.C., A. E. H. Creawlcke. . in any sums at 5 per cent. 0:-rice, 18 Ow -_abr1e`et, Barrie, H. `D. Stew: `n 1-} - `I `I3 If Hnnrn III` Solicitorl. in I-155,01 Court or Jus- tice, Notaries Pu llc, Conveyancers. Omcea over the Bank at Toronto, Barrie. Money In sum: or $2,000 and upwards, to. loan at 6 per `cent. `H. H. Strathy, K. C., G. H. shun ten,` Solicitors, Notaries Public, and Conveyance:-a. Money to loan 3'} .`s`. iZ-9i`.`1';..'tn.. iE $"`ia 3395?; UWUJI EUKXB, DOITIC -Z'}t,- L. L. n., D. n."sFvaTn't." Dr. J. ARTHUR ROSS. ' . - mm`; Bmn181`EB= SOLE-'R' _--__-._....- ruin prim. zurmture ware: Points. `Phone 105. .s `.9; _co., ARCHI- Btagmk or f.l_`.3fon,(toV BuIi1~ding,% 2. % MANUFACTURERS. FINANCIAL. Kiinrarisfj `I00 pan. EVA auaog \ 7 my _..... . Ind 9011115 ;WeBt. T 4- !.15p.m. E50: Orlllia. 1! 11.25 a.m.' `For Peheta.'n:. -Ind` Menard. 11.15 mm. For `Stayner, Collingwood -- 4- uII_________ s., i-esfmerin Rn!-onrm r.` `lbs--- L; 3., mnnrs-A Bank at `Toron- 2. Money to Loan. garried on Easy x, Cow- .1-riatera, Allandale Lots 9 ON` TC (Yum- L"I'|-IE" Nowrnanu ADVANCE _a.nd Ima- E AGENT. E 0- - i;:IvB"' ,5 a m; The Sydenham Mutual, Ottawa ~ and York ---ts-ruurvuv I u Place your orders for same with him NOW Md Kt your supplies all the year at summer prices. Corner BRADFORD 8: ELIZABETH S18. - Phone 158. A" IJIIAIAUI `F .,., . -I-'l"l"l"l"!"l-I--I -I-'1-I-'1"!-I--i-+4-1-4-4-++++ I jnchoooltu nun column. 19 column 1: column `N0 nevfname will be addedto the Sub anption Liht until the money is paid. , liubecrlbers now innrreax-3 for three monthe and over wlllde charged $1.50 per annum. - at one-third on above rates, 3 IIIUII-coon: 00090: I000 VJ n 1) " oopuo-oooo 1 50 -" Oioouopooo to ' 200 5 00 II Preferred positions for 10 ` mentl in the paper will be sold ac;a1,,naEvhs N Laooount will cial ' i "d .", "0 on role will besfggtly coj ;-im:do3:t.be men` The; ff. changeeof Advertisements year. It more are-required, c0mp< will be oharged._ Advertisers wl _not be allowed space for advertlgxng anything 0 own` busgnees. should transient rates wxll be charged 1 vertisementsn ",.1.*::'m.;".,.'v::a`;*c;':;:';a3:tPe mi" CONTRACT CHANGES. Advertisers will please bear in `mi `notice of intention to change mustohe handed jnto the office not later 1 Saturday at no oclock. and the copy ,,,,,h change mustbga in THE ADVANCJ-j W later than l2oclock noon on Monday in week, otherwise the advertiser s announcem"-I 3;? not be made public until the week 10115:! ._must be accompanie be inserted-rst insertion 2 (- com):-zxsnn ADV !-:RTlSEME.\"rs, Condensed acvertiseme 1 `ti as wants of all kinds, lostna$1r(1"}01)rr?:lpage M for sale or to rent, 5 ecic articIcs,'eptrc0p:;? with the cash, and , ems each subsequent Insertion 1 cont :33 (namesmjddresses and gures counted as vvmfu `but a. reduction of one cent per word win ' made when the number of insert b matter exceed four ms om Clue for ndverueemenu mm! In our ease Ipe mounted on solid metal bun, gcululon or city Ielonuc ournah :. fan: momyu. 81. 80 d by `T VCTCVC-7 ' ---_' *1 mom` my. "" I an otgyn::I.::1:ttg $31111. Terms.g' --u `.- . . .. 1 eWld"] .;:.*:.-.522 222%--`L 9 `W " mi "AI" FIRE |NSURANC'E'a'OMPANlES DCLIUOJ Actua l`!\mnr.~. v Has a marvellous eect on rough` akin. One or two applications.) `will remove the roughness, and by 4 its occasional use the skin ac-quim - the unoothneu and softness oh baby's. ' Glycedonia in not Iticky. and gloves may `be worn afew momenta: after naing it. g `D-:..- 1:. ._J n- 1-uggilt-, MAKES -YOUR sxm LIKE VELVET *'!:_ ..5$W~ 2, Wu`: Baldwin Street. MONKMAN S GLYCEDONIA. com. AND 'vu6c$b MERCHANT. :JM;ab o Terrace . Barrie, GEO. MONKMAN. VI -. . .. HE ADVANCE omcn. Barrie ron SALE. w I"r`iu4;e 15c and 25. Delightful aftgr sharing. A 1110 they (1 for suclujn Shou d they do zharged such 3 ._-. .,..uu llcem)-| 11 wzgkfoou. nents al_1owed M , composltion mg 31 pet-" 1:nnum in Advance Barrie. Al I Page 48 column Newspaper. rubnshed from the came. in Dunlop tsgget. Rule. in the County of Bimooe, the Vince of Ontario. Cano.da.`every Thursday Morning, by ` .135 mm. For Naw'ma1-kat'. 'B:rron`to_. xn_..A_--I ..--I QAIQGQ Ila-P . MAKER (Sr rotirmzrs; Country or City Tlljp Oi` SUBSCRIPTION `NORTH. ' Collingwood Collins-wood aniihldg -uxiilttrhtiv Mm vuvv. uuu ll-Puwovoa va -uul: cnrhu 9 uruill. are in `any way reeponra:-.b1e t'ner`etor. mhe material which is carried away after being eroded tram the share is either immediately bornewto the deep 069. in suspension, or is washed along the coast in the form otiittoral dritt. It is hardly :poaai-`blame emmate the res chive proportions or the ma-terrain -wh ch are thus d-i-epoued of, but these proportion: my (ary from 20 to 90 per cent. or the whole, thouizh -it is hardly likei that the proportion car- ried. out rt.-oo, ea; ,wauter often approach- es the Latter igure. ` - - Fmm . nn'n:nt.{nn nf- `.nn`.n.df nun!-an!-inui In VI U115 1-GfU|.C,l' LlU'l'U- .'rhe-question of coast protection is a dltticult one, and `the method in ule wt pr~esae;z_t, comprising .the'co1_;etruct1on of walks and g-roynea along certain -areas, results of necessity in the de- rprm-ns of the Io:-ashore or the `miter- ml :which might :dther.wiee gather tthere. -.'1`.hu:I while a uniform` eyltem or protective waa.'l1uI,an:d groynes run- nimr from the wan: mm mu. H... can nu gnu-wuuvc Wi1-u|l- u`n'u QTOFIIBB run- nlnf from the we-11:3 out into -the sea I wt! for the tlme_-belng, largely pre- vent the erosion or the coat , `it, will ineverthelexese, by abaltlng or- largely decr'e.a:slng the liltltcar-9.1 drltt, bring about the depletion of the -foreshore and will ulstlmaltely V-cause the.destr.uc- tlpn of` bath protective walla nan d.3.roy.- nes. '.'l`he nueshinn of nnnuf m-M-nmtmv.` . :vtiiut1i`ti1:i.-tug! h.:yi.g7ind that assay at them hid` little education and . t-hen-'..%l'1te_ .1: hqxn =mere1y_ has-d drudgery 1rom%aa;rly morning -tillla- ce alt mgm ,w')th only a bite living in rein;-n.__ ` " er iinpr-oved_ma.ch-1-nery,`ct.he 'te1e-phi-:$ne, i "yoi;`uu.'" em aa'e'h1in`dedv and J i.ra.dted~ any" the ..'li>ulut1ve_j- . 31,- :e -`` menu or the indtnzrpolis for 1)`; Lie -imaginary ` opportunities my ` alcqu. ng ` -wealth `end social` edvencenie`nt.' gen-" orn}_ly, reai1ze when we late t.he_'fa't- 1 .uouIneu at their course. Jznhey rind ' by `hand ex~perience the.t much of whegt they seek is apqmp ._and vanity," enci, ` that. after all. the in-.:m"with its,j'apen - V an-ir 5oyou.ane.u,. treedoom, and -independence dftere` mr-are in real _liv- -ing than does `the-mediaecre me or the average city husb3terat.i , . .l'here has -no -dnufbt`-been.h a. marked. qheiiterment or the wnditione torrnerly :prcvaili'ng' in agricubturql. `cc-um-mun:-V ties. and this will tend to check the influences` that have hitherto ape:-. wted it: drew the young man away trorn the h-:rmesItea4d_ e.nd_ amp the rural gialtrlcte at their best "blood; Legielaa Itionan-d education are giving the term- dadly new,-epiepvers. eleetr;-c raiiwaye and other modern conveniences, and with better agricu1tura.l'met1h-03:3 there. is `weeured `ear him peace or! mind, bod- ily camber: and e reanonaab-le measure at presperiy. It the I-Lsing- genera- tion xcan ioniy get firmly` seized. or V;-he uwn V1 uaul protecnve wa-ms .andTa.roy- . nfes, - .'1`he question pt coast protection` a-nd rec1a.m'3,tion presents an lneerin dm2cu1.t1e.s'o1 no mean mag-ni ude,-an the 0-ve;-o:.'ming of `these ;1itr1cu::ts. will carieztlvtute an int:-2-eating` phase 10! tuture ens-ineerln hi-ant-:1-y, for we` -teel.cert.a`1n, .cha.'t` ';1g.'.;-ah --technical ` men .a'n'd men or zxcience will find Lug- cesst-ul means for c-:~Amba.`ttting` the -dezs 1.1-native` Tputwer -:3: rt/he 'r;se.a;--S-:;ent1%rev 4`mer&can.. ' an wan; puurvrg yen`.-ucu1ur.'.y .U LIIU Iaulah and east ceaste, notwithstanding 1.-haut the arena gained artmclelly art other paints almost compensate for it. - It has been eatlmuted that in the thou- sand years from 900 to 1900 ,a.nc area at nearly 560 equ.-are mil-es has been worn nzwey by Line emalve a.c't.:on or the .wa-vee and ocean currents. e.'11ha:t the changes ln the 1.'ttora.l Lutllne or -England are due almost purely in this action 1! the opinion of the geologists who have investigated. Ithe question, and it be not believed that the subeld- ence and upheaval or mhe ea.4z*th e crust mm: In `urns: .-mow Il|lh'|ul'.h1n +.`nau|n9.au. "An interesting state at a.tta.tr_ is bcloled as the reeuvt of an inve:-V `T `ttnition carried on,__recen!t1y, by Prof. Bailey dl `tih-e Gouege of Agriculture `at Cornell. =Be1n`g'.d-eaelroue or ascer- taining the real. reeason at the bottom ur the ex-edueot young men from the `term to the city, Proxeenor Bei1-ey ed- ~ tdreleed a c1rculer`to'150.-eollege grad- uafnel, who. had been reared amidst 5 -u'gricu1ture.1 zurcundinge, - *a.eki_ng . them whether and` why they preter- 1, red me in the town to that or the ,"country. The probler was not-anew the, it having had extetencetrom the or enc1e'n't.Rnme when the young or ' the ,Ca.mpag'ne nubvandoned f_[_the1r `well. cuntzvarceu `eld- and vine- clad hill: tor the [alluring pleasure gind excitement at Preeneate or the `~*!`o_rum._' ' ' `:5 - samce, and the "old _1a.r.m" win we more "resume its wo'nted_p1a.ce an a. field for protiitagble and con- cen't -c:e- atlas enter~prise. V VI LKIIIIUJU KVUB Wllill UH Etllj CGAIUII away by the waves at the ocean or the strong cu-rrenits and tides along the coast. In consequence `g;-ca`: stretches U! the shore have been worn `away and are constantly crumfb`.-mg further 1n'La-nd -with each succeeding yea-r. mm: g~ra.~au'a.l deltrucuan `ma can-sed great damages to mlamy t-awn: situated on the seashore and has deg- troyed thowsanda at were: or v~a.1ua:b.e tarminc Land. A}. cerlcaln -lccastl-ans, even with-ivn the memory or men an-11 living, the`s1-tee dt 'pr~:>speroue villages of former times are -`to-day covered` with many fa.-`theme of Walter, some- times sever-a.-1 "miles -from -the present nhnrn I1-rm. .. ' rurunlucuu-Ir: cummcusivn I188 `D8811 upgointed thoroughly to investigate the in ject, and it `possible to devise meams for the asbatemen-`t or the injury.` While there is little danger that the "tight lititze lsla-n.d will completely disap- eax within the next few generations, . ere. ca-n.-be nodoubvt that `coast ero- sion is caning aeric-us loss or land at ny pointe, par.-ticula-rly on `the am:-.h 3-n.. aunt n.-mad-a ..m-,m:+;s...+....A:..- While the quest:-on of coast erosion and rec1amva.'t&1on is one `of comparative in-significance in fhil counitry, the sunb- Joct has, or late years, are-used, con- C1_d!~8ab19 discussion` in England, be- cause or the undoubted r-ava ea or the sea at many -pcvlnuoit the ittora1_o1 the i.s1a-nd. .'1`he shores of Eng--and are composed largely of c1ay,,chalk', or friable rock which Is! easily eaten nuynxr ha fhn nynvnsl HP Q-hn nnnun n-< - Amo'ng: the a-dd:-gages.` that were 11:.- .-tened` rho -vwth a deep In'te_re.::t a::d%dr e~_v.- 01;-t'h treq_uen't` ,:e:_:Vp;-esa "a_s ' aIa_9Be:1".. " aet,tne~-,81,::th :C01.z.azte.= Gh ` Goxnrnercept !t{he_ Em V 'ai`1z2:n h" ~`Wi"3. .%%,l,,% D vsulu-D Bclctlaia tyne! '5`-{UH} `DUI: lP.l'I|l. chore ,11-ne.e . Coast erosion following severe at-ox-mu wwhi-n erecen't yea-as has been no murk- td at many points on the English coast thdt utter extended press discussion a. Parliamentary commission has `been nmnninn '||.nI-Annih-`Iv 14-n lniygmbinah. 5|... :91.-y Penim at Mon s31'r.1$a'as .'-->1.-ns-'L' my ;;sx"m*a: ij-emm,u;.:j=_.. , r Disappearing England. F1-am the answers reoceiyed to the 4 Iliilir. It was -seen that the reasana _ jar the mttlcs bbrsaki-ng the turn tor ` ..Bho, l:_5.ty slay under our headm, as 101- . {vlnGv;WII3-'-1. ;Dis:n1in:ast.1~:.-n 10:` hard phy- .1'a.bo'r ; 2. :-Arutmumn 0!`;-iklarger -; Iindmci-_al 'prT1ze.I; 8. Allu-rem3`n=tn not and intellectual mtemta_ ; W and ;4i$,11;sce11aneou.s .d-:mcu1.t1es_ and -n`-said:-f jaunh, is monotony a.n%4_I. too 1iitr_.`.e %`?:_nt`h'ev'A,.w;afy'no! r_e~rea.t1_on reading} "` amide-wt Me"-'1-n'e_`1-x1'1'il3,;\_ig_e1d T wlbh -_, the 'ta'nrne'r?.fsV-`ji.ar1z3'n- 1: %:'nhIt{nLa v{c(ppo!*tun31;!;1_`3 _A tor Valmcildiintinatignf: j '50 rm-n as: 1:`o7be pram-;ca11yn nu nggt'byit;1 `V ivd off _ L 7?` n =nhwmn'Jw*sn: - ` 4,vu1,aa.a uuaucra, Ur all-,6x]le.l.' uacre. Hay and clove-r-8,069,917 -a.-cres, ea- Itlmated yield, 4,862,890 :t:on-8, -:.-r 1.58 per-_9.cre. `App1es-6,898.810 trees or `bear-inga e are . estimated to croduce 84,802,2 2 bushels, qr 4.9739: ree. - . .l'~he area in her; craps tor _-which no estimates are made is as toll-owa: Potatoes, 136.0 wcres: gm-angels, 69,- 958 acres; oarwts, 4,980; turnips, 132,- 512; raape, 49,660; 't1'a.x, 6,902; no 3, 1,792; 1:abacoo.`9.087; `orchard. 352,5 0; vine and, 12,785; :.a atures (cleared land 8,949,101. . .'1`-3. en =3-eneral1~y, the Onahax-.10 crops are lbetuter at-hm-n lam wear. -fruit Arndmtai | year, in-u1*t vu-uau-Lu us -vps `G V _ re at xcepted: ulur; Dc Lcgiurrucu 5'5 6 UUUUUEU. Oa. -s-'1`h-as chop an-tiered more than -any oltfher from ramvetorm, and much at ltwva-a so badl lodged as to render cutltin-g `very d-if icullt. Gr-a~:shapper.s mttacked aaats in di-tzerena inscauniea, more esupecimly. in we Lake Erie omn- ee, anvd the crap suffered slig-h.t;y from rut an-d .wire-w-arms. Not.w.*t'h- stand-ing -these dz-a`-w.b'a.cke, there will :be a cama.rwtive'1y .1-urge y_.e;d per acre, and . he crop may` be classed am- on the mare successful ones. 87 .868 bushels, or 17.2 per acre, "Rva_'I9 Mn an-.-an 'm1-{ma-'._d .4 1_ UI\'gDIl,Il uuwucsu, vs 10.4 961' i`1.CI'C_. Rye-`l9,8'l0 vac`.-es, estlmaus at 1.- Pea-s-410,856 "acres, .eat1ma.ted yield, 8,671,567 bushel-3, or 21.1 per acre. `Rnnn.n_5`l 2'72 any-nu ne.Hnn.'a-I-a..-I n.e.1A cwuwuc uusucxa, 0'1` 61.; _l' acre. Bean-a-61,272 acres, estimated y.e~`.d,._ 1,034,119 bushel-3, or 20.2-yper acre. "'2! and ninvnv-_.__Q K0 Q17 anions an vvucau uvw gtvwn. l .Barley.-A 1-arse yield at plump grain, much of it discolored,` but an of. it good tor 1eed;ng to live `stock (which is now its chief use In On- rbarlo), 1-3 the record or.the .bm-ley crop or 1906. A-s with the other spring rain-2, there was considerable lodg- g,I butt, taken as 9. whole, the c.--.--p may be regea-rtded as a success. l\n2+.n_'l\i-an It-nhn aumffnug -u.'-ung dbuan ".When I Jwu a` young`. men I used to heart a good deal u nthe `me are River. amile above --he .F.`a11ae. , 0 people always rowed -together, and al- waya had a eparepatr at-oars, `They had to row at an angle at (E degrees, and row hard to `get across wx-thout heln carried -in-tgo the rapids. - They Vcoul- not depend on their course by *wa tch1ng the river ,or watching (ht.-.1`r own boat; they had to take a point on the shore, and another point, away `beyond It, and keep them in line. The lnastuant they stopped rowing, a.`- though the. iboa*t might -appear ho be mrfanhlv nahn znmi nnfn H urn-3 m.'.=+_ zwpmaenumvu nu-mars, , a mum: ny uemnoneend Saskatchewan Governments, will meet . V moron aaI'tlvel'ht:%inni . ` V V V . Free tmnsggm ion .will be at Winnipeg topolnta where laborer: are needed. Acertloa ieturniehed when each ticket is dendjhie ~eertl$beb.w ll:en execgged o _ thirty: e fox-Inc , onorede V 1:: `point .1t_,l`:_k.et_ to r(Atsrl9,V9tlO:l8g00. to`, _.g bstnrmor.-eh wtngthet leborer he: was- ; l fa rprovlnce : . The Ontario, depeefmerrt or Agricul- ture ho.`-s_ issued the following 1nrorm- ation `concerning. the crops or -this CQIL , 1 1. -- uur; -w w co, v.uLvr.u'm5 cu LOUB.l.'Cy.- Spr1ngW.hea't--'.l`hi.s variety or wheat I-3 not much in tavor, more especially in the western part or the province. Harvesting was. in progress as car- reepon~den'Ls wrote, and .a.egood` yield ll romised, altheu 11 some _or the crop `he been "lodged" y 1-ainsto-rma. Sev- eral _oorreeponden'ta stated that wild goose ,- was theonly variety or spring wheat now grown. ` `Rn!-lav _A 1.1::-on when! as? nIIInn.n I-I;"a-l_l"'\`l heat-'1`he unu-auaily open winter was most trying he tell wheat. but the crop picked up w`.:rn`tex-fully in the spring, and improved steadily un- til cut-ting. It was harveeioed under tavorable conditions, the straw stand- ing up well, and the weather 'oe;ng dry and bright. .1`-he quality 0.` the grain, as. a. rule, is plump and met] up to weight, and the y;eld per acre considerably over; the aver; e. Very. little rust was reported, an only o'c-` caaional mention was made or injury tram in-sects. Cutting ranged tr.-m July -10 to 28, according to 1oca.iLty.. I nPlnD'w.hG1I'f....'I`hiC vnlbinfxr nf mhne I-uvllgu um. 'lJUlI`L lo 'Ip[lE&L'- U0 U8 1-rectal: calm and ate, it was quiet- : drtrtaing to `destruction. The Can- ad-ian people are on the _ehore, and are watching the'Br:It1eh peaple in the stream. (Laughter and cheers.) The people or `ohms country have their eyea on the cars `and on 'the'boat, but are net .wamch1ng the _1-an-d:ma:rlc3 and outside currenvts. , .1`iney are not ..w'a'tch1ng what Germany or. `the United State: are. `doing ; they are -not watching how other nartions are pro- greuin . It I were standing -on the share 0 the Ni.aga.ra River and saw a man at-ap rowing, .-'1 would shout -to h"m +1` -' ll`. and 1' IIrkn uvuu an-up 1vwu15,_.'.I. wuut-u BIIOUE `E0 him to --_look out, and that is what I_am Vd-ouzg now. Qbaggh-ter.) ONTARIO WELL HAVE GOOD cnop YIELD. OATS SUFFERED T EONSIDERABLY WHILE THE CEREALS WERE FAIBLY SATISFACTORY. Fall Wheat.Above Average- Barley Gives Large Plump Grain - ..-n:--- -.3-pt: --- -----1---p. -.- HARVEI HELP $1 2%?u1`$13.~"-'&- Vb. ue%_pm:s4$% \ {-~------__,... `L'ArmnmN "4 ., , I ... . -\ V 1 ' ,._' . ' 4 I ` `. ~ . -` . / .. ` . _ 5 L . _ , L, 1 ,` ' '.-. .. _ - _ : 1 H .. _ u 1 ` .; '_. ` __ f . _ <; . . .. , . _ . . A . , _. . 5 Stations 511! Of. but not including main line, Toronto to" Sarnia, - ' including Toronto. ~ ' 3[p'[_ 7 Main ism Toronto to Sarnia "and Stations north, oxoopt north oat Cardwell Jlinction and Toronto on North,B_ay Section. ' A gin. 3 Fgom .-all points Toronto and east to and including Shag-bot Lake % and - ston, -andnorth of -Toronto and Cardwell Junction on N ox-tl_1:Bgy . -and _ 'd1,nd Divisions. mm: was kl` t-~vv!!IIII[PI. only. it {by lanitgbtond mag. Del-.. .. . .".`~:`W~ " ` ' " ;AiAan%.:ia`AaA;wA{jo1a:: :fl`x'.I.lnI leave Barrie tor the. under- Xbtloned places as follows: . * ' somrn. Barrie Branch (Owen Street) , H. B. HENWOOD, Manaxen of the pt-do_t of your hard nab: be deposited fhe. X ` T where it will-he man In more than 3 per eent.* intereshbut your money absolutely safe andava'ilable on demand. fer on. do We do givie rs Savings Departmeng NORTHERN Anv.um will be delighted with aboxof our fine Candy and you needenot wo about their eating it, for it is all so pure and e that it will never disagree with anyone. ' 1: many varieties. dhoco1at;s;B`on bons..Cream Candy, Stick Candy and all that is daintieat and best in the line of choice Confectionery. I A-1 _ _ _ A- f i I --_- ._ as`: V. was way savuavvi-JVI-I01]: WARQEN, JOHNSON, IV..____ 1.1.. _-.1 -In -- A ---avg ouvuoc gnaw IuIl\rI-LAO ll A?-Stroud Office from 2 to Saturday and aunday. \JIl |lJUl-In 4 p.m. daily. excitapt `IoIV noun arvo nu- vv .....__.,,_' at] points East.- `Eor Newmarket`, Aurora 5'`?! Tbronrto. ' ,4 1.35 am. For Allandale. `I M! - cu" ` n! Nnurmm-hat. .Aurora, 1": v PHYSICIAN. summon. ACCOUCHEUR &c. . Honor Graduate, Upiversity of Toronto 1892 Member of College of Physicians and Bur.- geons,Ont., 1892. Associate Coroner Co. of RESIDENCE AND` Omucs: '-- William Street, Allandule. nest Methodist C urch. `O 6-p.--2 51.. .l_.___ (:4, ;v highest cash price for wheat and coarse grains. The best grades of our and all kinds of feed kept on hand. Grlsting and Chopping done promptly. I` respectfully inyite your patronage and guarantee satisfacuon. ` s. J. FISHER. [and arm prepared for `business. Will pay the i PHONE 155. [Walter Scott, . PROPER COLORINGS Do More Towards Furnish- ing a Room 99 THAT, 09 WALL ummss% OOQFOO IHE ggxygsr sags] And w yoin to se hem Cat-pets,Curtuinfs orFurniture__ we Have aFine Assort- mem of J I HAVE PURCHASED THE MARKET FLOUR MILLS '- ., 'l.' Iobcn o` v... .. .. -_ _ , @000!-~art.own an'c'l.Ha.m11ton.- 1 8.83 pm. For .0a.nd'we1l Junction. f`o"org~etown and Hamilton.- Comer John mid Elizabeth Streets. LOWEST PRICES on. J A. c. EVAIE rm: `com-':c'noNs. RIGHT DESIGNS 1 HEVCHIl`.DR/EN In-`I-`GAR u-AAI. - `|.__ _j __, ,, BARRIE 63 Connmn S-r '0' Hull]: (`V5 claauu uuuu Uv ; .18.87 pm.` For -Newmarkegt. Aurora. ind Toronto. - u an ._ uh... RT;-an-nun-Ital}- Au`;-.31-g,