'Ihe`_Daint1est Comic Opera Success of ' * __.RecentYears ' cl_Irlsty s Medium A Weight 82.00 cum.ey-.4 u=..um` % [ongm $3 on 47 Collier St. MISS JESSIE ROSS Exclulivelhtters uhd Furriers. (Comer Owen and Collier Sta.) S: $1.50. 01.00, 75c. 500. Gallery 25c Plan at Robertson's Drug Store. 1 Door East of Barth Hotel. DRUG STORE that Hit %VVa 1:Vted. _ --Little Lake`Summer` Res-:nt open for the season. Large new house. for tleurists and fishing parties. -Beard from $4 to $6 9. week. Lunch pro- ~ vided at all times, soft drinks, eve.` .B:ra-ts for hire. Miss La;w1_-en-c_e.` ctr M`='.:ss Boys or Cenrtral s'cnoo1 has been _!gna:m`ted `leave at ebnsenvee [during the 1'-a-'11 '.berm. :MI'4as' Urquhart -wiil takelh-er Iplace. _.M".ss:M2'nn1e M.,Sum1'bh "succeeds Miss McGha;ddery in 2W-est -,W.ard Szchool, :W~h1le (Mrs. Rdbt. Man-hi-n w`-als shay- ing with .re1:a:t1vea in ".l`ar.ont1o her in- an't son sickened and died. on Sunday. .'].`-he remains were !brought home for fburtaali hm-dv initeirred in me Union -cemse- -tery on .'1`ueidsay. .M'r, amd Mrs. Mar- fcln have '\:he- sympathy '0! many friends: in lthelr bereavement. An oid resident or Innlsn`. passed away on Aug. 26th in the 'pe:--a:n 0. `Thomas Gibbons, Who Was in his 83rd year. Deceased 1ived"on the 8th cm. and _.was well- known throughout the rt-owniship. Interment tsok A ~ .p1~a:ce in the Shroud, cemetery on Tuesday, Rev. R.MB. Beyn-on -ailricimtlng at gth-e ser- vice. - . {id ` l T--Cal_>s atany hour-`or day or night and special attention devoted to com- fort ct patrons attending evening ga- therings. Cartage agents. Call 86 or 152, J. W. Scott. . . . ' _Vi.a'.vt-oralr-rom `Barrie and vicinity to 'Domn_-to Exhibition, who conbem'pLa-te shopping, will do well to remember that the home -merchants can give sthem just as good .va.1ue -for their money and save them express charges. Go to Wilkinson's for all kinds at an llurd aunt bolt wood, also Slabs sawed and split. sun` length you wish and sold per card. not box loads. "rhe Directors of Barrie Fair have this ye:g;,tmadeT oonslderablg _a,dditions_ towthe .*m'oniea _1.`iJaevrp.'1 bl-iaxsexsg? notgtfli :f'in} ' ~hor_ae s apd !pou1$t_._u-y, 1. act] wu:gn;$hquIa1t:muname :comgiaeti`ti`<>n sjmdf _|th_ : geiieral lfxtberfeut. > {A3 24.?-an` edu<>aJtl.;..'e_lI`..l_I,I'"".`e. sane axnudil run 152:`. `has -1lVi;I;_I\G` that been productive of -an lm-menlbizumw-ut :0! Abcnetig rum. and _ meder- ; `Axed +-iIim-ass; re`noI?ihv..si!iy`?t1ibv8\00d7' if oont1n.ue';;T.!l.:!hlI iyealrzl -.,divo:=s:~oftomha A `egg ; . {m~a411* A us, "wh""1i; L H In arme re i ~,pns-:%t!z9re%s7*f!! be %:m?rked: ~d*='n9.=. % I .1`he Electric Light Deana-t`ment thrown cut the old -Wheelock engine, which was , shipped, uvvjay _,1a_.s__'t Foundaltlon wvqrkvis`;!1;fV\t 'betnf_;;brexipr ed Iron:- `the +nev_ve eii ~{xi_e'. ~f1'h`O3`rnxY;3- sinners .w11l ibe u-nzalble 1130- furnish ' street lighting on -Saturday nights un- til lthe new iphwnt` ~i-a 71n'sta.1led. fl`-his is expected 'l:ofoe eamplehed on or aflyaut Oet. 15th.` - ` V` ' T The .ca.'pta.=in ot the Ialay had a try- ing experience .'th1-augh the fog in coming 'rom Big Bay Point to Ban-rle on Wednesday evening of last week. He managed the `boat very well under the ecircu-mabances, the only L=rea.1 dit- culty being` in 1waUt.ing- the deck. The og were one or `the densest seen -here in years. V Emtriea mo: Ithe `shake events at the 0. J. C. ta:11"meat;ng ha.-ve clvcuaevd. `M-r. Dyamengt ma `maid-e the wallowing nomi- n:aIt1ovms:-'1\ongor-der for the _'1`onon`ao. Au`tum'n Cup and the Phea:aa.nt.P1a.te: Wsill King 'o2- |theDu.rb:a4m Cup_ `amd the Onhario `Jockey Club Cup: and Simon D. `tor '1:-116' M:wch;e1_ma;3 Handi- cap and lthe Grey 'sus.~kas.~ _' W:-~,j:":1 Q Plclnlux uanon- ,\VII oio did? ground a loan. colevy and mantra qoodyzn 1; ate. at nornwnpms. -. The Advance mm the and 01' the year Junly .:3o cemma. Read Joy 3:; people qt quanty. Contains more coun- ty no'w':c_ than any other `weekly. Sim- coe'-a,Beut,P.a.-per. , - L - -;;8cer_m-y; `Aaatumes an-d ta:ppoin't- meats rrjaa-`er lavish, ` apd thaw ,the ex: pamdturo _.'J{ a: mu amunt o;mor'1ey' `_m. Eh'af,. 1`r@dution`,t If"Do11_y LYza.'r_den , = rvir!;1_chf)l 1,l.'ton* `n;-d sang-mt Ah:rx-n'- mu "m-ant the G:end:<%0nem n -.;.-...m -.v--.--..'a..;..n;L%'e;.a`."-....` a._n`.." a``|...`.` ._......; 'ovv--v- --- .-g.._..__. _..-__ -`ieqtilptxgeni; that eqntrIbu_t_- L9c1;;-jmza:g;gm11:r%;~*eha; .tTne';'5 ngccess .01. ..th::a rLc`1i?& mm %%wmnT`%*New:;:`29 its TH I . . . 2 couurv or sn`uibt Jm '- and ,%<>ne ,0: _th.es91sr3t%-muszcal ~5orIainiza.:t!Om3 of =?t1lie`*`-7se'a.son, sncluding ma-ny prc_>mi_r_xen't vc:_mfeAd1an's, singers and-'dancer.s.*The chains is aaidjtta be ,-made `up `.01 `the prettiiest of girls, -who are highly accomplished in mugzc and. -terpsicrnore. V . 7 rrhe -G, '1'. R. -'hvas3*ma1de Dthe usu,a.1`sjz-- 1 ra-rfgm-eniba 't:o hai-G1`-e"'t:he` heavy` m:- cin connection-with .'1\oron.to Exhiibi- tron. A11 Inext week, excepting Satur- day, 9. asspecial Ipaisseng-er '.t'ra1n tor `dbe "-nvar.tfh -will `I-ea.'ve` manonbo at 10.15 '9`. ;m.- Imd Parkdale `alt 10.30 p. -m; Extra. ieections of` a-egu'l:a-r `trains will be run as may he required. ` - `Miter la` 1ingeringV Illness, deawh cu-m-1 mvanevd Henry T. Rey-n~91d3,"aon of Mr. _;Raobt. Reynol-d:a,_Icc'>1-her of Victoria and vEl1e'n Istreete`, on Saaturdsay last. IDe- ceaasedi .-was in-`hie Mt-h yea.1~:a.-nd had for many years been connected with `the Sailvation Arm-y. Caipt. "Jordan, commamd-ing omcer here, alsilbed by `Rev. J. R. Aikenhaaxd, canducted the `services. .The Itunera` on Mbnda-y" 4120 Strand cemetery was very Tara-ely at- Atended. The Town C:unci1_o1 Collingwood has 'pa.Ised ya. resolution 1:0 reta.:n Mr. Haugmton Lennox in place of Mr. J. Blrnle for the purpcasey of conducting "the civic inveatzg-anon there. `This move is the outcome or many months of dehay which certain members or the Collingw-owod Council allege is due to 'ne3'1igen'ce on `the piarst of the Town -solicitor, who was charged specially with the work at proeecwthn. Mr. Henry 33:11, general agent of the Sun `Lite, `left on Monday-: to join the C_omp~a`ny s annual excursicn and outing, which this `year `takes pyace to `bake St. Joseph, 22 miles north of Quebec City. `This trip, so far was Mr. {Balms concerned, is purely gra;--`.ui't.-zus, being .3. revwatrd granted only In such a.g'e'n"tIs as `have written a stlpulatezi amount at business; This is `the fourth time Mr. Ball has had the ha-nor. Among he `backing: alt the Grand tor the ensuing semsm a-r'e:-Do`.1y Varde-n (Comic Opera), The Arrival of Kttlty (Domedy), The Shadow Beh`:2d-' the ~'1`hron,e (Drama). Summers St.-:.ck Co In reoertwaix-e,_John G;-ittith in Rich- ' ard . III. (Tragedy); Red Fe-aither (Garn- tc Opera), Guy Brass. Minstrels, Itc- elle Knotit in Duchess of Devonshlre {Raaamanvtic Oatmedy), Other Poo9?_.e .: Money (C3-medy), and The Bonme B:-Le: Bu-3h (camedy Drama). ' DAN BGE Mr. G. G. Smib'h,.C`m-Irm*a.n 0. the `Public Sch-ce:o1`Board, wr3tte3:- :3 -the `public Dchiaoiai or the town reopen next Tuesday, the Boa.rd'de3i1-ea to say Ito the parents and agura.-rdians Itha": it would grea:t1y`r:aaci1]1:a:te the work in. the (primary rdepartmenit it those hav- ing d)tti ones, wmm they intend to shark during the term, would do so `at '-the foeginning, the 'tinat `Id.-a'y' it '92..- _sib`.e. Ocoa.sion~a.11y children `reaching schaai 'age-five years-in the lat- ter cpowrt oi` `the `term are started --ii immedlatueiy when it would -be better for .-The child and a. greaztndeal `native: for time school `if `they were kept ou-t until hh-ebeginning not the next term. Any per.-son `giving -Whig .ques1t .-:n '.-1 m:>ment a thought will readily see how it must interfere with tme work or a. teacher Ito have these little one: com- . ins in,,at all times. Pu-actuality and : regularity in attendance all tt'hr~:-ugh t the" schml is Va fgre-sit advanftage} -to everyone concerned. Kindly helps There was ex xpleasant atterncasn at Wharton Grange c-n Tuesday when Mrs. Frederic Nicholle entertained the Sunday Sch-931 or St. Thomas Chufch, Shanty Bay, on lthe spacious grounds overlooking beautiful Kempenfeldt. By kind permission of Col. Mc.Phee, the 85th `Rest. Band attended and present- ed 0. fine progra.m..'I`he games were heartily entered. into foy the y-sung folk, and all -appeared to enjoy them- selves thorcughly. The Biaaell 131:1? Ea;-rows and stee1' Land Rollers have been .33 well adver- tised throng-h Canadian papers in . the last few wears that waiters to our `large Exhb-Jtionvlogk tom-wardto ree- ing them evexfy year as they weuldm renewing acquaintencee with old friends. -'I`h e 1'. E. Bissau G5. vs"-1:1 _ h3$'"~;`,1'l _4ihiUFtibdf.!;7 gheflmple`-f ma`nt:r??;,an`& '-`i`btj;I 1an.h3ct1re' buildgxig tihlajyefijtr ,an_d tn th1:fI1iip1men1;bi;;d1x_1&`t gee` Otta"-' _... .523- `. . . ngaanmn. ;FLEMING - swnpmns. -. `At the `Phxaongje; Daljaton, on wed- Auz. 22nd, 1'98. `by Rev. B98." `I=l$p.7f fllc=k,;JUhn Fleming V .'11oro_n4:9 jo - su-an %J%.< Saundarl at~'-Grails`-hunit.` % % ` Y _ DIED. dbezas. At hon, ;bury,jNewZea1a'nd,, pn - July; mu, %1m,-zwuy, wife a:gr.noa.. J. u.nd7 n1'nt"er-in-law at J. Q. '3:5vda2 .333. ` Baa-rte,` gpxvrqnri V- AtA1:gnaaze, at} Wed. nilday, Aug`. 22nd, :,1.906.V Francis Etritleo 3.0:: _of~Mr-. --E.,Sovin_y, jr.,`a31e Bissell Exhibitions - `=1-as nonunion or cANAq,g*;jun carremon. 30, 1906.` Society and People IWW % m`;.;21;.' Mrs. `R. A. (Stephens leaves `L-3-day to visit friends in Owen Saund. Mr. N. .'G'raae has returned from a `three, .weeka - ..1:rip `to `the {West Mr. and Mrs. A. Allison of Toronto: lame ntaymg the week at the Queen s.i Mr. .W:a.1\t.eAr Elliott. or T.orontoT spent Sunday. with his aunt, Mrs. F. Goaper. I ' ` Mrs. A. F . A- Malcarmazm has return- ed from a visa. wlth-her parents in B1'8.df0l'd. - I V Mr. G, H..H ox t he'Pa.ckevt,v Orillia, gave '.l`he`.Advan-ca` -a call ,whi.le here On Friday. Mr. A.'E. 'Fu113a.mes and son cal ,Winn;p-eg spent a {few days in mwn this week. - Misses `Beatrice and Laura Cline are visiting M1`. Merritt C1.ne or Tyron- to Junction. Mrs. -Myers, Manse Javw, and M13: Payne, 1`oz~on'r.o, are staying w'.t'n Mrs. Payne, Woraley V - Mr, and Mrs. (Geo. McBride and 7daughter,' Dorothy, are staying `with the to:mer a_ parents, Mr. and Mrs. f J-axmea L;-cBrIde,` Mulcaater St. \ M=1'as Sinclair` or Btt'a.ynerTis `A9. guest at Mr. A. Smsl-an-'3, Small St. Rev. 8. Ar!thur"-at Erie, Pa.,' 113 via- iting his sister, Mrs. C. NV. Palk, Mary QM ' Mr. (L _{W. Peas:-ce is apentding a out- `nigh-t'-a +vaca.t3on_1n 0,tt.-a.wav and Mon- treal. - T L Mr. Frank Browne of Norto1k,`Va.V,' I-ormerly or _'Down, -213 spendzng u sew rdayabere. * Miss Edith mduchetbeds home froml a`. month's vacation tapent at Georguan Ba.y~.g:a11ta3. I Miss Idea- Pae; wha has been spend- ing the summer raft BLg Bay Raint, has returned. ` ' `Mr. Edward Ward of P;ncher' Creek, A1`tn., is staying with Mrs. B. Ruseli, Big Point. j ' | Mr. Fred._Wi113am3on ~t'A11eghe`ny, Ba., formerly of Barrie, is renewing old acquaintances `here this week. ~ Mrs. (Dr.),B. King ani daughter, Genamtne `at Bdtelnboro, and Mns. _L. Land of Detroit are "guests or Mrs. Stephens, Gall-ler nst. Mites Purser at B.>r1t Hope is the guest of Mrs, J. Cu-rrle Smlh. Miss Smith ' of ,PhlLade1phia. was `the guest or Mm. Smit-h last week. _ Mr. D'Arcy Sneaith; ~.\Wx:n:d:3toek, is` vtsrtingf Mr. G. Snaaxh. and M1263 Ethel Begin, Byng Inlet, is the` guest of Miss Edwh .11;-uchatlbe Lo`: 0. caupl of weeks.` . Dr.-L. and Mrs. VF-inch or! Detr-V3;t were !guests at Mrs. Sibba.-Id, Mu.-cau- ter St., Lo.-st week. ` Mrs. Ryan at `Chica.gs:> -arrived on Tuesday !to visit Sher mother, Mrs, R. Burns, Mulcasater St. Mr. W. R. Park; has returned from a visit with friends in Torrance-, Bracebridge and Ox-lllia. Mrs. J. H. Hunter left this week for Portage la Prairie, Mr. Hunter having accepted a position in that city. I Mr. and Mrs. 'J. E. Irving, Sault Ste Marie, Ont, were in town last week axtztefn-ding the tuneral at the late Th-:13. `B1-ack.._ _ [ Mrs. Wassan 1ert_on Friday tor her Home in _N`eL_mrn, B.C., -nutter spending some time here wzth her kparerrfts, Mr. and Mn. '1`. W`. Lennox, Mary St. Mrs; _Henry, s.-mm `Line, MZ;ch.y 1:3 netting `her pavrents, Mr. `-and Mrs. I-1.. Mary St., rtorfa. econ-pie or `ynpeelc,-I_.L__ `~I-_1erv.ft_.wo ehilidren aceampany g Miss Basie icligeaman rturned to V C}Il.eVve1a:nd-` anf ; Tugaday ether sbendin-g. .~- Miss `M. Sheppard Twas gone to Naps.- nee, King-abonf and the Thnunand Is- lands for her vacation. Mns. Gnaham and Miss Audrey Gra-ha-m at the 530 were staying at "ccrurtview" 1-at week. in. M1-.3. Kivdd, who has been the guest or Mrs. J. M. Ness, "Bellevue," -I-:r :1 man'th,_.ha:a returned home. ` I _ M.'I.sa-M. I-l~akins`=ha.s returned `tc-' Dq1~.o-nbo `after spending several weeks wihh her cousin, Miss Jessie McLean. Mrs: Tapping and .da'ughber, Lillie, at 'mr.on 0o are the -guaats of their cousin, Mrs. F. W. Cooper, Mary St. . Miss Weekea of Detroit has accept- ed the 'paa1t .on~ot head trimmbr in the millinery 'depa-1-.tment at Jan. Vair & San-B". ~ ` _ V `Dr. F. J. I-Iau-t returned oh Satur- day, Enter several months` absence in Winnipeg and 't1he M.`-ichiga.n;S3o. Miss Mabel. Cooper ha_s returned home `after .apend'mg' a month Trwhth her caurai-n, M-rs. .Cmlvv:or3, Churchill. Mien Edna Powell is attending the `marriage. at Miss Maude `Holman to Mr-. Percy I-Iazmbly. The -wedding 'takqs _p1a_ce -in '11orono_ to-day. I E; Nes_is 'is_visit-ing C34:-ks-tbown HER % (_ $1.00 PER ANNUM IN _ADVANC` M mum: col-In IIVI ctmrs - `V1! ' '1'here .were (two special rcivreeti-n[A `" 0: the -Tawn Fathers on `Maids: evening, one immediately ntollowlng` the other as the result of _a. little sharp practice on the part mt some '02 the AId~ermen (who wished `be see. a tre- port at the Board of {Works rallroaded tlrough Council. A1-d. Sbephems Iqweq n'ot"preu3ent and Ald. Garden is still ,on sick leave. The sessions were cher- |a-cterized by an unusual amount B1 ipefcty wrangling. ..-__ r.-_-_v, ----_-- --.-J-snags: -an-Av/var, qaut 4 mt. walk Irrom where walk now is to Dr. McLe:rd s on West side Owen street, $50.00. _ 4 _lt. crossing on west side Owen lstreet, across Collier street, $32.00. 4 It. walk an east side Jnhn street, from where walk now is to Ross street, -381 x 4, $152.40. 6 ft. crossing on south side Dunlap street, across B-aytield street, $37.00. 4-rt. crossing on west side Bradford street, across Ross street, `$20.00. 4 `ft. walk on west side Framces street, from Elimfoeth street to Henry `street, 1335 x 4, $134.00. 4 -ft. 'cra3sing' across Svantord street on `John street, $20.00. couxcn. Dmcmais HO-W 3ALAN'a?Ii"7 or SIDE-WALK MONEY wxm. a BE_ EXPENDED ' * The report, N20. 18 of the Board of -Works, to consider. which the m-eating- was convened, read as 1-311-ows:--Your Committee on Public - AW.o1-ks beg to recommend tthazt, whereas `there. has been a saving of $803.49 in the lay; in: of cement wnailks which have been designated by this Council this year, the `olhowing icement walks be con- structed out or the money: 3 t. crossing on`Pe;1'eb;a1ng street. opposite John Oliver's, $20.00. A A). .- int: tr-to-z:hhY-e;i:c;-t; Worsley streetgaxcroas Owen street, $20.00. A A4. .._.......2_.. ._ .---t-L Ar -- __- - -- 7..-- v -v v-. an-yvvj qluv-vvo | 1 4 Icmssing on north side Welling- Ijton street, 3.-cross Hayfield =stz~eet,_$z0. 1 AL .....H. .J....,... . ._x_.__ ___v _'4Y rt. walk an east. side Mu`-.-easier street, -tram` Dunlap atreet to Coll .-er street, $90.00. is -respectfully sub- mitted. Lesa it A'1d..Be-ardsley, aeconded by Aid. Waaltt, moved in amendment that the report 4be relerred -back to the Com- mittee .w;th inst:-uctiayns to emerge each atreet with the `actual amount at money expended ithereon, and that the Cha-irma.-n be instructed to -have tmeazsurememts made and Import on same at the `next regular meeting at Council. 4 1:'t:'"vvii<'-LE W1ii:Am st:-et, 470 `x 4, $133.00. % '- Ald. -Dove:-ing mv-)ved,43_econded xby Ald. Turner, rtnat `the repn-t_ be ad- opted. Aldermen St:-a`ng'e,_Bea.rd31ey, Mc- M'ar1-an and >Wa.'tt raising a to:-mal` oh- jection, the report ma.-3 laid on the table runtil the next meeting of Own- ci.-l as per Rule 9 rel-aittng ho repel-`Q3 introduced stor rt-he rtinat time. This move, however, was checkmated on a motion of Ala. Oowan, = conded by `Aid. "Lowering, Itbat the Maya: can a zspectal meeting of Council at 9.45 p.m., for !the *purpJse or dealing with the Import, which mation carried on the same ndivision as beisre`, except- ing etba:t' the Mayor voted -with the minority.` ` .'1`.h-e' Itirat meeting then mdj-:u:-:1-ad. \ AV . Pur.-Eu-am: mo lmotion, `the Cdurrcfl Im- mediately tre-c-zvnvened. Ald. S3ephe;:a w-ass rpresent -at this sesshon. A ` `A .'Dhe amend-menat `was last am tzhe fol,- howl-ng` -` -. 'Year.3 - Srtramge, Wuaitt, Bea'rd43ley and .MnM3otrra'n-4. Ntyua - Hovering, .Tu~1-ner, Cowzm, Lowe, Hor.3rie1'd, ..W.i1aon and -the SCHOOL OPENING SUIT SALE vA1d. L-overing, asecznded aby Aid. `Cow-am, `again '-moved -theV.a.doph1on, or his report. I"_.._LJ___-j A_ T`. _. 3 wor th $1.00 for 329%. f " ' T. 353%): 3-piece Tweed Suits. wqrth _Q6.m, 0-pxuvo J vvccu uu.I.In, vvsnuu _yu.uq. up` 40 Boys 3-place Serge Suits. worth COCO. $3.68. ` . V . 1!: pairs Boys Tweed P1,!-1133 rth 1" . 1' saw ;g..- yvoxgma fa__;1t;.mworth98_L$. Barrie Music Store A. F. GARRETT, Prp. gnniuacn`-V` _... -u..-- v Wrist ms M3637 - -n guvlvvnl III _RUIl IINGLI Douixle Session ' w(5<'rn.1`.1nue-d on Page 5. (Signed) G. F. LOVERING, ' ` Chairman. Our Boys School Onen- ing suitosale continues. . :1)ur_ 39.131 of nite ux-mg; o pas n on y `we o %_2;?d1;een wonderful. Itst smock about 4.0 Bus suits bought at a-: grbto am-.r-ima nun-mnnlv fnr mn- l UPUIUUK D0 8 $01100 ' Sal :->. The following pg-ices. revail for the next ten. ~ aye. In many instances _, these prices are less than yvholeaale cast _ so Boys` Tweed Norfolk: Suits. worth $3.00 for .= 8143-. 35 Boys` Tweed" Pleotad, wonh tor- 1' ='e-we -`lllbg VVOFMI 303.00. I01 $2.68. ' 26 -Boys Serge Pleated AA Suits. worth `sun. to: $2.98. ._` _ V 30 -Boys` Se 0 Norfolk`-. M Suits. wort a35o,=$1ar_' ' `aw , E. 50 Boys 3-piece Twao Suits. worth -$1.50.; cunts uuugm. at B5 grunt. :*'**s=:::."n `:'::' 9:1? '1` 00 nt hnfnllnwinu m-inn: `uliaium.-- |mpe:`1u1 Uxlupu UUUISll.l' mange ` in use one and a half years`: also quantit of A mrpens in use same txme. W111 sell at 3 ar- gnin. Apply to DR. HART. 35 Soldto the Hon. S. N. Patent, ex.[ of Quebec. Thuptano is on exhibit at _ - F I -r -. -i Arr` A.\`TED-- A -gqod girl for hem! house work. Apply :0 MRS. AL N. Swath- Illan, Puinsvvickii . U. _ ' T 31p - &lTIU'| . . Strayed into the premises of the undersigned. A Int IS, Con. 11, Innisl. a white brood sow. Owner can have same on proving property and Wing expenses. . R. MON TGOMERY; 33-35p Craigvale. \ uv nude. rAHM FOR SILK Pdrtlof West quarter of Lot 5. Can. `I. VOODY8-1 All 1 d 1 w d d ' ultlvation. Theclgrleis 3? (rhiv 'b1C:$t1q`11x!z;1ity"l,ngc`>a never fail- hlgspring water. _'l`bi.-5 farm is abouthalts wide from Barrie limits This propertrwill be` teml;t_a- vcry reasfmable price and on awn`? `Z$L"iT~`&C`,"d63 i':`i1`f" E`3u{or. , THEFRONT i W/zen at Me Toronto az'r_ 5; sure and see 2`/ze ' T FRUIVI l'\II" HLE ' One of.tbe best farms in the Township of Essa. consisting of no acres. being Lot 13. Con. 10. Anew brick house with furnace. burn on Itonqfoundation 40.260. cement pig pen 25850. |1ldl_mplement. shed. two good wells. This firm 13111 a. good state of cultxvation. Apply to VVM. J. CARR. _ 35-379 I Thornton. Ont.` - ' `j.._._.-_... tall I LI . (`.3 {HIV Came into the premises of ROBERT SHORTL A In: -22. Con. 6. Township of Essa. about. {he first of July last, six three year. Old `eets. one three year old heifer. a cow. and . 1'69 calves. Owner can have the same on `Piling property and paying expensgs, other- We the amnmls will be sol . .~.;`.`_.-`-.. .---A-.-.- fhree Thousand Dollar Grand Piano V ANTED- A stood general servant wanted- Apply.to MRS. M. E. GRAY. Gm) Gableas _ Dunlopst. East. tf ` OR SALF.- Imperial Oxford Cooking` Range. half years: 11!`- wmmma in nan qnmn timn__ Will mall at A ALWAYS TO A huseluxaixi highest 'wagea.` MRS.W.A.BOY:'. Bayeld Street. - 33-at ' 0? - 1.500.000 ::: ts ' NT, A1\gp}3.E\v THOMPSON. fU"'",_.';.'f.'i::'mB'i5 7 *: % ,1 ma up. sa.ooo.o0o` ..n!:\ .`Y . vI\QI'\V nvr A `star nan ` :" ' v ANDREW PRESIDP T ON. JOHN SHARPLES EmE"T gER, G. H. BALFOUR, ~ 3311:; BRANCH ts issued._ Sayings Ba.n`.: De pt 2. nnin ' id-U122` Tii ` `BA ts issued. Savings pt? woiisgffgd credited twice ayear. n unn1`0N_ .Mann4srer.' SUN Portland cmeht Jvmx 3.f P' d H ml kl :3 M` gnd Sh1ngles.m?3i:n1-edmguogjom 0d.4t t ., A Mai: ;:.:`:.:;`;:`..;*?o...` . sis v 5 can, 'To"ron!o Ex/zz'z'tz'bn, Hezntg- man L0,`: s/arm . L ' T ' ' LOCAL SHOWROOMS U3l- H111` OI gl2l.S3CS. DPODEDLY Ill}! ll_0Eel 01' barber shop. Reward on leaving at _ the ARRIE HOD SE. . T 341) 0ST- Pair of glasses. probably in a hotel or lbnrlmr szhnn_ Rpwnrd nn Ipnvinaat. the VAN'1`ED- A capable hbse ma.'d Apply to MRS. J. R. UJ'1"l`ER, Owen St. 34 - _ vvvww:w:rwwvw- Lment 56 ACRE FARM FOR SALE "d.I'tnf\Nour........+...__nr_._u n__ `c 11-..- WOOD 1?*L(5iii' T I T ---j Hm! and Soft, Sawed and Split &&4 V NEW ADVERT! A Choice Mianitoba and Fall! W prices. Best Y1|89l.P" lbs All kinds. Best quality. CATTLE ES'|;AY I-`...\ _..n..-:- _ J 1-n1\I\InI-sin FARM FOR SALE L... L....A. A!-_._-- !-- EsTaAy_ y- _ REW 'rrioM9s6N. N%l%N. {loan SHARPLES. .v.nmI:) `I-I `RAI'.Il"f\I'Y'I? _ .. n1\rn\QI ROBERT SHORTL. Utopia P. 0.. I`I&Z IV?` II. Pact-n|_:-roan. - r Gifls 8 nbllc or 12 select nu Ann WHOLE No. _a1a9L HIIIDIIITB-Q - 3 :- Ptemiar V ?ez'nt_z- TS. Apmy ; wanted H y ug Ran e. umtity got 0| . IIIIU DB1 JOE!-rinvnty owe. ....___- _-_, V their ciaims. . AND NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN that from and after the said 20th` Sept ember, mohthe said Executors will proceed to distribute t e assetsof the deceased amon the fa:-ties entitled thereto. h_avin_ regard on y to he claims of which they shall t en have notice, and that such Executonrwill not be liable for the said assets or an part thereof . to any per- son or persons. of w ose ciaimsnotice shall not have been received by them at the time or such distribution. V v v v vv Iwwwwowowowuwoow z :Tf_"7-{o_"o'?_+-JZ_` Cramps `O aivn Ac 1 at R0 mmr: yrnnr ll-III bertsonfs `Qf Orandopora I-louse Tuesday. Supt. . . PrivateSTo| Witha Splendid Cast `and Big Singing and ` Beauty Chorus. T - - Ma icent Scenery and Costumes. . The cal Musical Event of the season. ' , 1.00. PRICES -` 31.50 . hart nn AI . Rn V V j-v:u A roiluhle reiidont jeans for"`_Burrio std vicinity for Fall and Winter montlmfto ieu. Ornumoivh ul"1`roeo. Flowering Shrubs. og__ ACiE,3"0l1GIl`3E5:;8?l'QUKi am; muw {u:Jv0N. aVnl%YrrH{1u~%%~~1W7n M13 [P :13, n H A ,, ._._ . : 7 who . *=`WII; HAVE-~~0V, R 600 %\,%3u; ;;%;A ` IULV. n'I3l`LLl&`gvfg ..__ _,___, U GUARANTEED. . `' AA:v91v for! !! Pnrtims in. vtitinx or 991-393, .90. v:;`;A_ . _..: :1 _ % -I ELT3A1|~NU.RSERY C0..-.:v; A - eooa9rh~mA;ae:uA:az&%% nottv VABDEN In the Matter or the Estete at nuns HAR- PER FLETCHER. late of the Town of Barrie. Builder, (formerly of Veep:-a Township. Farmer) deceased. Notice is hex-eb& given pursuantto R. S. O.` at all creditors and others Chap. 129. sec. 38 estate of the said -h lei 1 t the 1a7;?.?tEn?I1>'R FLETCHER. who died` 1 or before the Nth Se tembe on or about the 27th June. oo6.f are required on r, , .. MR. G. ,A. BAD! RU 881`. Barrie. P. 0". R the l DIWC um: 10! lllllliln uwvo A G." A. RADENHUR3To Souciwr to? above! Exbcutors. % Barrio P..0. - 84438 ` Our F.ll{|howin on! Derbv makes % 3; his with every gmayt drengr. ` '.l.`he nw hints` ue Io'com!ortub!e- so reuonob!e in. price. J . -:.: F F` -b r r-`.`-' >- - g. ~ ma W : .,. gr. -`i, . v; = ,; Simmons&.0o. will reopen so/zool, T ` Wednesday, Septemr Those acute that come do sudden 1 ly during hot weather. You don't want. to experience them this summer. A Keep a. bottle of Quick Relief Diarrhoeal % Cure 1 % ' at hand for immediate use,a'nd cramps or any acute bowel or etomaeh die orders will be promptly relieved. Remember this is the season for war- ermelons. cucumbers. green apples, ice water drinking etc. and cramps, Cholera morbas, Diarrhoea. g and other weakening and" dangerous dis orders are apt to attack. `Don't; for- get to purchase a. bottle of Quick Re~ lief Diarrhoea cure to-day. Price 2' r-mum: at RC8 .