_ ..l. .. vv -up up VI o6l>|IEIl'~y` fund! may 4 G. .-sway. 9'i=.MMin$% 11-`y. -gm` xvmt tot tmndnv: ` . sdl {wean yo uc~uhoop; and t ` V -1- _ wvqgw ': .va1ne ......... Boys"Fine Lace`Boot. toe cap; ex- tension so_le', stand hard wegr , neat looking, sizes 1 to 5. Spa- cial vlue.....,....'.... ..... "$1.50 The more` exacting you are about genuine value, .all_ the greater for oomingf here, % items;i_i_1`5th`is A_ o J _'a,nd_ tho proof : is in any, of"theV -:__~ T: Girls Fixnev B.'oVx1Ca`11%f Boots, ' %nat%ty"*sty1e, "yet 'ervi?:`eabIe, - sizes 11`to 2. Special.....$1.50 `Child : Fine Box Calf Lace for J Button Boot,toe caP..tidy.dre ' ` . shoe, sizes`. 8 to '10. Speci_a ` - vnlnn .A1-nu TORIA. special`....,.i.};.s5T5o notsf% Ann Glnnsj `nu-r. _ ' ,....... -......-. uuuqyuuvv Men s Vici Kid Lace` Boots, toe ' cap, extension sole,n_atty shape, excellent wearer. Special _ ......... .._. .... ..._ ............ .. $2.00 rMe n s ~Gun~ e--Metal ~B1ucher Boots,` toe cap, Groodyegr Welt, f Cuban; heel, ve -`latest, yourig ' _man sf`sh`oe, swe est yet- -' TORIA. --.Speci`a1"._...;,. ..,:ar. .35. _0 ( "-ulna.--up . -`.._` 4..--- Men s Patent Colt Blucher Lace Boots, Goodyear Welt, latest style, narrow pointed toe; or "full rounded shape, sold regu- larly at $5.00. Special.'...$4.00 Men s Valour Calf Blucher Boot, Goodyear, ; right up-to-date, V dressy young man s, shoe .q ' - At\ A` `_ ,, ,,---------........-u "gnu-vv Ladies .Vici Kid Blucher Lace Boot, toe cap," extension sole, ._ dressy, street style, nothing A nicer elsewhere at $2.50. Spe- r-in] - "" "" 11. Whlteacfe, or feneta. openst 4-[sat `week with his mother} before 1e_uv1n`5` tor the Cobalt ito see}: his tor- ftunh. Success, Dick ! 11.. 1----.. 1 -_ -._,,-, '- -- - . - . - - - - - u o o o o J oo@'.II\IV Ladies Vicvii Kid Blucher Lace ' Boot, toe cap, extension or close , edge exible sole, easy grace- _ fu! style, size 2; to 7*--specia.1 Y\IIIhn A n " Ladies Patent Colt Bl'ucher Boot,- `tip, Welt sole, new arrow-last, very stylish, easy _`ttino', very- exible sole, handsom: shoe. ' nothing better` $5.00. Pri_coq _ The collection represents the latest shapes, the most correct styles; with f all the newest ideas of_ perfect-made Shoes in Patent, Vici K-id,Tan and Gun Metal leathers, and at prices that V are extremely `moderate,e and within reach of your purse. We can please you, no matter how particu- `lar; we can t you better than others can ; we have the `variety to do so. ' 0-- (VI --`--wvJ vs: \n\I \J\l- See the handsome Shoes` we ve priced here : In the display this week is fa SPECIAL SHOWING of American Shoes, which we have just received in time to go with your Easter bonnet or hat. T EASTER ..;.SHOES who meeting held on Friday evening,` .-6th Inst, In the` American Hotel for ne. .re-org-anization or our :ba-se-ball .(;1ub,ror_ 1906 was well attended by M IHIR E 3) . The Shamrock ,,Medl1ne.tCom~panY which held forth in 1`sl"1ornton` {or a week and a. hall was the _best*mecl1- -clne company that has yet appeered here-. Miss Florence McMeneney won the prize for the best nail drlver.Ma.a- ter ~.Wll'rred Aye:-at .won it-he prlzeter the fastest easterot lemon ple,'and Master '-Roy Coleman won the prize. for the most popular. boy un-tie:-`.35: in our village. .'1`.he above troupe will ehow in Cc-okstown this week. V -.---av. ujau as: Special....:.;.. V`; `Report of` Ir! schbol tor March:-_-A-* . .1_V.-Wlll!e~W.ebber. p I ".iI`~_'1l;5g+M11l1e Gi`lchr}st~. Ellsworth 0rIvVford,"Melv1na Maw, Ernest Maw. v V" Y\-_.--- 'I'\-....-LL TI-.. E.-_-_L _-min1ng4et'ock while"-he re. `He h_as"been in New'=L1skeard for `four, years and [I5 V U M,`3- 3l*9?"5f .ii:: (dadzte ` 54.115 Geog1`~Gree};) ' rg;fm;[:, *q_:cam:`.;ea:=.``;e by Mr. =Gjg:_p. c;:feex;;`;;1or;*New Lisk-`1`s eard_;\5 toolE""th'e1rdepature "from here 1-astiweek to-It-hat famous town. I.;.-. Green eucceeded in d;1e1">ol1':1g-of some -speaks in slowing -term; 'ptJm1ning properties there. He holds 1500 shares ofatock in Cobalt. ;We wish the young man every success. ' ; -h-av sust'`tn'ed; .;a`f" --Vr\r vauv vv AJVLU I'I`IOO.I' OOI IIIVOI TE priCea'....'. uo;noooooi Smartest ind t I Nnttiest Barrie has ` yet Seen LADIES DEPT. MEN'S DEPT. -wwv--wuuwv v FC III-.-.-I-IVa_.rvey Maya, Fred Ma.w,'} Eula Hughes`, Gladys P1a.tt,. Stephen 311:1. 17-....- R-...._I.-1I UI-I..-- &_._-. `ivy. .. ..L`.f....}.'.}.%_..::.4.oo| .'.TL.'.'.I$2.o0 .I.ff66| :.'.:.$3.0o ---vw 2 IIIII young [couple 'ha.ve"..tsn.ken up $35`: 1n_ Midhuut. We are pleated o 1.0.in.e. um Rullell glio our, midgt. ` _ - ` .,'.i.x::: it T "I-Ii:-'P:z-cy Bennett: icy lubel Campbell, Grace .W.a1ton, Fran}: .301-.1a.'nd. . ` ` . _--- ..-_. V. uecvcu UUlUUKs 4 large number 0; -spectatars ga:t'n- ered at` the new ,0. P. R. bridge over the -.Willos}v Creek here last week who witness the erecting or an extra large number. Reports are that the con- struction train will cross the. i_zr;dge in__a -rho:-.t time. ' a . l 2 1 -. A very ne._p .V event `_toe,k piece at -.W:?eve.le' In _l_if_` Ituweeilg one *eif_ our r- you: men; .Weenesdey', when Mr. ghee. ...a,Jho, de. 1 3- 1 *'nf . V. The Presbyterian and A-nglican churches announce thata. union ser- vice will be held in the -Anglican church on Good Friday morning at the hour or eleven.` o'clock. . A `aunts --------`---- ` V----p ---uuuucu`Iu UL I.uc.1.JUl'(l'13 will be dispensed in the Presbyterian church on Easter Sunday evening. Mrs. C. `Coutts and family -have mov- ed .to Belmont_," Mrs. B. Russell's residence, where they will reside ;`or a. time`. .1`he:pupils and ex-pupils of `cur pub- lic school are busy -pracizisin-g for a. box social on the evening of Easter Monday. An excellent program is be- ing prepared. 4 W -We are sorry to report the:{11nea.s `Vol Mrs. Hugh Rorley. .We hope to mm or a speedy. recovery. Last-Tuesday night the E. L. gave 9. literary enterminment. A very .p1easa.nt time was enjoyed :by -all. -Sixteen persons were received to the church on Sunday or week. ' _-....-, --- . - . u u yuvulllullluo Some 0'. the farmers took advantage or the fine weather last week and sfarted pluwing, while othet began; sugar-making and report this "to be agoodaeason. -;w;-.: % HOIILY. 4 Mrs. P . Ferguson, or Midhurxst, was `renewing o1`d 4a.cqu.-a.1nta.nce= here last -week. ' ` ` u.-u Lo uuu ;uu- auuuaury. `George nflickling is under the .doctor. s' care and is reported to, be seriously ill with pneumonia. 0.....- -3 LL- ;_., - av-n can aJIlL'-JIo\IIl- 'iA`i1.1-e:-qMi.ssesuI`13mms,- or Ban-i`e, spehti Sunday with` Mr. and Mrs. John Jcry.} B t1'l-I.'n_.. 1- ~-~ 5-A the enthusiastic young` men of the village. The prospects of the game getting a fresh` start here are excel- lent. .'1`he 'fo1low1ng`otticera were elected": Hon. President, Rev. G. I. ' Craw; President, "C. B. . Janes; Vice- Presldent, Chas. Tomlin-son; Manager, Ed. Jenes;.Secretary, A. E. Ayerst; Treasurer, J. H. I-Iindle; -Mascot, F. J. S. Sclsson-s. Dr. Gshn `was in the chair. .We have material. here -for a tlret class team and -under `the above management we look for a most suc- cessrul season. , . . : C6REs0NDENcE? ..LALAA;AA;AAAAAA;AAAAAAALA VVYYYVYVVVVVVVVVVVYYVVVYVV` DALSTON. `Miss Permilla _Wh1 ce spent Sunday 'at home. ' ' I 4 `7 Lav!`-a janet Jameson, '0! Barrie, Is vi-siting friends in Dalston, _ . E lIII__ $19-, , Sarjeant 8 Smith in just the shade you want, and hetter- still, Gloves that we guarantee will give satisfaction. In addition to our unsurpassed regular lines, we show two specials this week. White` Pewm/I Kid Gloves (guaranteed) Spe('i(tl , price 890. . ` Fine Kid Gloves in Tans, Browns and Greys. 8126- A nial /n'ra'.mo. ': A'n- jj .'1`he Sacramexnz-t or the .L5rd s Supper be rnnnnnd In H... n..--\....L__-- We--havebought, especially for the Easter trade, a line of the handsomest "and most pleasing effects lately produced iri Gentlemen s N eckwear, exclusive new shades and colorings. `If you will inpect them, you will think the prices ever so reasonable for such high class "I`:.-.... ' :,o,;y++$++n3+4#+4 4- e "' -- " - -` " 3: '3'-:--:--:--:--&---:--:--:-++-:--:~++-:--s~-:--:--++-:-~:-~a--:--:------:--:--:--:--:--:~-:-~--:-:+~z--z-+-:--:--:- ; Almost everybody wants a new pair of Gloves for Easter. vWe are fully prepared for a great rush in the next ten days at our Glove Counter. Plenty of Gloves here Gloves for the Ladies Gloves for the Memand Gloves for the children 3`++3 % l: .. nnm~zvALn. ` 4: fI*hfeid`dition,% ;we`car'r y` Ior Neckwbar a Very lame and va_.1jied~ stock of Ribbons and Chion and Net Rouc-hi n"gT which are `so popular this` season. jvu--v- --_i- -_. _ _ have just_pl;ced in stocli; ;nani-cent range 0f;L`adieZs Silk Stock Collars. Lace Collar Tabs, Wash able Stock Collars, Lac'-?Shirtwais Fronts, Embroideqg Shirtwaist Fronts. The colors areexceedingly pretty a1id"the} s?tylesL are 'th`e` 'very newest} effects of New ;;++-:#++++?a--:$+:~+++++++++~:~+++++++-:-+-M- -5--:-M--a--:--z--:-~z-z-:--2--:-.4. rvv .4J.v_vV `IVIII/IJIJ I/I vial price 750. Smart Spring Effects for Easter. MIDHURST. ...D|SPL_AY... .'-AP'.E.5 - .NE.9.KWEA.'3 GENTS NECKWEAR V .w._g`'gy`6:, last report thejihllness G LOVES in- I7'). A munnzn 1m, 19%.. Rev. Mr. McLean was u.':.=.':Ec :3 present Sunday evening, but .:.is W pit was ably supplied. t.';e p:e;cr.e.' taking his text from Matt. 5-16. The duet rendered by Miss Ora}: 5.7.3 .\ILs!,_ Markle, " T:.ee,`| _ jeaz-er My God :3 lv-u-A an .4..--L } wa. --u v-: p Q Z`-II 9! One of Midhurst's pr:spe:'0us F011-'-5` farmers, in the person :1 .\Ir. Russell, was united in marriage W65- nesday, th, to Miss Mabel L_vn.~..W'E' vale. ,We wish them evez;~' s-uscsss through life. uccu U]. G UPUBUX FECOVCTY. ' ` ! The Anglican and . Presbyzerzaa churches intend holding a `uni:n ser- vice on Good Friday, 13th. at 11 Rev. Mr. McLean'will conduc: t:e:e:- vice in St. Paul's. 0 ma. V -tv 1 Z K`o63o9o_auoouuoouuqooooouooo m..sm`o........`m-: "$-IVr..Dave Garvin. Elmvale. spent Sunday with his cousin, Mast:-: Caz; Garvin. = - "b7`_u`g"a-1"-making is` the day, but it is reported pqor year so far. f--- Jun. uv_ Lill- NVe are sorry to learn that Mr.Tm Black is on the sick list. H399 =3 hear of a. speedy recovery. The Anxrlir-on and `D..n~--.--A-=2: SO11 . MIDHURST. (From Another Correspondent.) ;.W_edding.be1l_s are still ringmg. Born--To Mr. and Mrs. J. Dorm. `xn`txch`app1i-/ecigted by all. order 0. the to be a very , Torn Li: "V Q1 -_\!V,IO`Il \JVII|Il" W "' nu. 1. mother hero M1113` . r 1 `AA II . 5 ",1 `r . , ` ` . , . J NI`-.>a:ln`:uI Bale. 0! $3gallajyvnod.*v`1u; 5l'9'HV W_"*' h!5"?;>Ml9z.W9:si;V % aunnxxiangg conmma. H|SON EASTER Novsvmzs IN -LADIES ? NEGKWEAR. BELTS AND GLOVES nT.T.AD_T..Al..9 ll7'..|.v..1I-.... -.-- ..`._A .I-_l__._ _Q.___ __ COLLARS-Ladies Waahcollan, very neat dea }.;uI;r 850 etch. . . M , Ladlea Black Silk Collara, very neat ealgne, regular 500. each. . . . ; . Ladies Fancy Uhlonne and Lace Oollara, re ular 75. each . . . . . . . . . BELTS--Gold or Silver with square and medallion buck ea-Whlt.e " Sllk Belts w wlwhutten trlmmlc a, regular 75:: each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Black or White Silk Be an with gold hucklea, regular 40: each . . . . . . . . . - Colorzd Sllli Belualn navy blue. green or red "chalice. neatly trimmed at a, `nnma,,,,.,, - v- 9 Thev are all New Good: purohmd for tho .`QU.A AT PRICES` MATCHLE8SL.. LOW. 5 lh 4 , ` ' -.9 _ [-3 _ _: -}1"_ 1-Thefmoltl --r-~.-v.-w Gds 01`. Dre Gooas,%TLi:sin@gs,Laaies'G1oves, A % ancyCollarsand Beltsand A B0ys's Clothing. ALLENWOODQ IJVISVV guiar l\t\\1. amps DE cmmns u 75c and 900 yd. CREPOLINES at` 500 yd. ` ' VENETIANS at 50c.`75c and 81.00 yd. - _-Mr. Fred Rose. otuuoonutone. via-lted .menT-do .-here last. ,` .W3~ ?.9 i:, 7 1:Bu;:'p,y,.i Hill Cumpbelilgozs.-Niqpra Ipemt Sun- gay with; - Bum. ; . _ . ;` Jae. Bule.4gpqntA -;9v er co11m~c`wq9dm1qndts _ 1 A .V..,'`_`'``: v v ` .. . `II-H /ul .n *nn- Inna- .0 11.41:. .._`__.g __-1.. nu!/1 ouxxuiua I! W A Lorie Dress Goods in all th; Latest Weaves. ... V... -.. u`.-. yu vor-'-AVIlI.I' man I DUIFI, swagger Iuyles, um: make the more munly. - At 88 95-BoyI 3-piece Tweed Suits. than 28 to 33. regular 85.00 Suits. Au 83.50. 33 65 nd_83.95-RnsuiAn' Blouse Suitu, for ages 4 to 7. navy v twiadl. vnanlv trimmcd. A . - . A L _ Thursday Morningand r a Saturday Morning Bargains 9 T012 A.M. mhoh onto` and thong `The garment: {on vlli nti for {be null boy t, an $53} whiglix dlutinguilhon very or] Ssturdsy willbe I buy dsy. ' Inf `order to u've'our town ustomers `an opp pt our` rogulu Saturday Bargsinl we will put them on at the name hour on T} IQRNING. . T ' ' * EASTER CLOTHING Em: `rm: ,S;l-ALL 301! AND j YOUNG MAN yuovvp '0 V0 II `C1 UU"'IVl twbedn. vnuly trimmed. uqyyrauqrp Iurvgva mu_1..; A V . :;We are sorry to` have to_ report" the` 1 5th 0: M:-`:2. Geo. .'.l`urley, or B`:-amp-.. I: gen urn`, "1`u'r'le'y' way the` "yc~ungeat ' ' zgauchtger` -ot. the `late Mr.` a.nd.Mr.a. I ,C_`lo.'rke_o` this place. V she and her mu-` Wind _ - V-Iv x ` -{XIII `8m_v%en'o oh. or: '1'. K'xaz'r_z;ae(15_ ;j`j-`;;,,3'0 `gjueut-%~.t Mu, Japan. __ w`o!t4 M 2: ~g'n iL-_;,`Mr3a. --Lv_,1<~ fit.-i'f;;`x;3\9r* "9?!-.WWdo. (>11 M*.M."'5'l.}`ft:`' . f.` v- vg `wt Mr. Jno. Scott, who removed Irom, hero about me years ago to,B.1-ttlah Columbia. contracted pneumonia. and in rive days death clotmed him as its victim. Mu.` Scott predoceaaed her nuobond c.b_out'two years ago. A` tom'- Ily or me grown up sono and tour -_;'htor V ourvgvo _ h1nf:._; A -._- _-....___'L- ----v uvu - . v-wvw ---uvg- `"h-d'r.'._Robert-f'Lez,at; -1; moving on the Bartlett farm, and returning to the farm which he has in "the aub-V orbit of our .b.u:-sch. 1.--; - .9--- .n_...., n_..__ -L.L___j_'_.LI.- `Sundayh will be Easter Sunday and the youngsters will be delight-ted to_ hear that `the late mild weather. hu been conducive to es. bquntirul sup- ply or ecu. - T It- I..- n--.I.L __t.. __.,__._____g .__ Juatva, few tram her attended the d1-o.ma,.'.'1`en Nights In b.'B.ar-room.I in Angus last Friday night. none who,.dld attend report it as a; rare treat. ' " Mr. Wm. Clarke wa.a- in r`-B-r-ca:- rrrpton part` at last week attending the tuna era} of his sister, Mrs. Geo. Turley. ' Mr..Robert Legate is than 0..-... ..-I.l-|. L- 1.-- 1.. ':.|._ ..__x. A few hav been trying to` plough, but the ground `is rather .wet. "_ '-_ _-_l.I__-_ l_ _---I._l__ A, __L!._. v-- we-uw =-v-uu- aw ouuvuovu -v vv V Mr.vJas. Davidson 13 making" Active` pre`pa.ratlona: to put a- cement base- ment under his barn this `spring. II. III... I'II_...I_'- ____ .. 1.. .1-n-_-.._.-|.-... On Sa-turday afternoon M1-s..G. C. Caz:-ton entex=ta`.ined a -number or her friends to a. sugar festival alt cher sugar bush, and on this Interesting occasion, as in many" former years, Mrs.` Caton was nc-t etlnted in her hoapltality. . . - - ~ ---- -- -u--v v o--u rayon: Mr . [and Mrs. A. J. Baxter and Mas- ter Baxter, of "Spruce Cotta.ge,Da.1- aton, spent over Sunday in '::hisTv1l- lage. T ` In A I .. -..' .. ._ -tion at his home here. `cw. - Mr. Colin, M. Kidd, .:pz-lnclpal '6! the Public` School `at Locha.ls'h, Huron County, is spending htsgmaster vaca- I Mr. and Mrs. A. Elliott visited Chas. Donn, Stayner, `last week. ' V Mr. ~Ja;mea E. Coe made a. bunlnesa `trip. to Toronto '1-ant week-. .4. ' `-. 10.. III. , _ as , HUIVU Llobllv WWW: * Mr. and` M:-s.-.Ro-be rt M-a`rah'a.1l, who have spent a. month v1art1'ng.riends nea.r,S~a.r_n1a, `returned home on Satur- day. ` lu-'In up on... . . - `- .. . Miss Kidd, or Creemore, is the gueat or her brother, Rev. J. H. Kidd. Captain and Mrs. Hill, of Moonstone, we're'v1a1t1n'g" their son, Mr."1`..I-1111,. here laatyveek. . `Mrs, Frank Forgie and children, of Toronto, are visiting` Mr. and Mr. W. Forgle be1'ore--going to the We:-t, where they intend making `their Eu- tqre home. . .. _. ` -7.-.-v-.;-"` '-.""" -!l`Eo%."InoIt' duirabhigdlztl `the weavu. ihadeu and colors. Somcl lax- coptionu.lly"unart a not: in siliar and steal greys. slice blues, pale greens, tune, ac. Lime and wall ovgrohegku, embroidered upon and fancy gure: also.- oo FANCY nozums at 500 yd. . l ` l . L FANTAM cmncxs at 50c and 75a yd. mi. FANCY sumnas at 90c ya. m` _'_ n`_ ___ AAA `_ 0 IO pi - -" BB_.EN'l`.vWOOD. cmxeimnsr. _:zu:._: mac and yin be land to be M. `of ,E1sn;dN AND wuw vovvvovon van wuv IJIIIIKIGIM - :'.".'i.`.he rev1val,meetIn'gs held 1n.-t'he__M'.e- inodllt bhuich here and conducted by Rev. ;Wm. Menu, of Pa.rkdal'e,' were 'qu1t_e.e. succeu. !'1`.he ' `church was `peeked to the doors every ,n!:h`t.: Lrgocenohu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. I. and gold_b1_:oklea,_ regular 75 each. KID GLOVES-Blnck or bolors, beat qualify, ular$l.25. 0118310....` . . . . . . . . .. UB:3:EE`.L:%EJ3?_ n?lidQ-.`:3 `"` W v* HANDKERCHIEFS`-Lady : eizemnre linen, hem- Ititched. regular 150 such. `On Sale.... . . . . .4 for 25 BED COVERS-White. extra large size, for double bed, regular. $1.25.. On Sale. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 85 Pink er blixe coiou. for single bed. regular. `$1.00. OnSa.!e...............A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 670 HANDK-ERCHlEFS-Rogu1sr 50 each; vuau4vuuuuu--uUI)u, auuu IFIIIJUS bundles. regular $1.00, On Sale. V'-----` -u-uyuvlnvu VIII IIIUILUUIG, UL NSBE n-the" persons or John Ingram and I W-Vm. Gm-th. whey each had reached the touraacore mark. Iour corresponds Wu mo`__reV.`a'.quai_`ntVed with-h` thq ger- 7..- -..-.-uvu_ was. IIIUUI: IUUCBIBIIIL __:'1`.here V passed. away .r9cen.t.ly two .-highly respected old ' ptoneel-a_Aot E339 ` `ning-gnu A. `AI... {We are glad -to repart Mrs. Wm. M_c- Knlanht, jr.-, '9. greatly improved. She went to Cleveland where she under- went : -serious operation and this was Jthef-` second one. -.W_e` are glad to uy the operation, Wa5a.'='m6it `successful. mhnh uunmnh A ---- -- - -~- `- _.._.. ---- -vv rnvvldlll LU` File JUO. "="1`-he Jane: Broa."have're-com`men`c- `ed eoperetiione In their veneer radtoxjy this `week. x. 1`hey will .h'a.v`_e to truk` about 60,000 feet or loga-tram` south -or Ccoke-town 'th1a`summer owlng""td -the lack orsnow last winter. _ .`I~o'a'e;>v11-.}.4a;::';:e.r_:. Penetahg; has taken the contract or :bu1ld.1ng*the --new Methodist church. Services-will an; the erection of ithe church. _ A. r ~ he held In the temperance hall dur- hg --..n-.-I ...__LA., 7 `trip. t_o ,I_-Iam'i1'ton last week. Mr. 13 Mr. Amjbrotge Casein paid us 9. fly- ing` visit are he moves to the North- .West. Ambrose was one or our -best` fellows a.nd_w wish him success. Mr, -.W. H. Mantini -made Ta. business Foster and family expect `etc move to -the above city this :week. ;We wish ' -tahe'm.auccess, in.their `new hcme. _ .1174: n|n.nnu-.5-_.`I LI._.L up, A- - ---. .._- -nu cu D1176` MOW Ul'HC- Me an-deratand that Mr. Gavin Allen` of Churchill has the contract at the cement foundation and.wa.1ls or the Orange Hall at Ivy. 'A `rbeter man could not be procured tor the j'ob."` '` .'l`.hA Janna Dunn ."l----` -- ---~` ruuv uuvuf 4|u'1.lCIn unurcn nene. _ Mr, D. Lowe '43 returned after -spending the `wtnte. A Alland-ale. He has a big beaten`; `work ahead of him iq atone work. . ' ~ ".`.OI`II with V golci ' - n unanava GnJ'B]- Iflwqui-e.h'tity`~or atone _Ih-as been .a_,;- ready dz-h._wn_ tor the foundation or the new Anglican Church here. n -` - > ' II- .T_'-'.-- I ; .. guys: uaau_ `Ill 1.-nus l.$.V V Mr.AGqu1`d, `w-ho hat: been working for Mr. ,W.m. Hicks, is ill ;w;th ty- phoid fever (5: rumor says). .A nnnr'n.Hho no .44.--- .1.-- L- -you QIVO 9 hide-Esra. R. '1`-hompaon Vand Gillespie have gone to the ;West to take up land; Success! -` `I_ TIv_~;, _V;ande1'.burg' has begun h1a.season s work in cementing; He is a good man_ -in -this line.` 1!. ` n...-1.1 `..--_- `1`Ivc;t:\:v"i t-h"L'aJ"t:;`r;d-ins? the c-pvenj winter 'there has been little work done at far in the tie1`d-s._ L .'1`-he infant child. of Mr. -and Mrs. Samiiel Donnelly was buried -herelast Friday. _ V - ' V . A Mr. Sam ! Maile ifs _1`earnihg- the the r.1ac}:s'm1th tradewith Mr. Cobuuj. Success, Sam. V . _L___!LL _.n -- pun v w; _-,u -'11.-Verna Campbell, Velma. Cra.w- Iord, Luau Bo:-.1a.nd,' Lottie _ -Walton. . Part'II.-`Joe Maw, .~W!1n`e,d Ma'w,] John Campbell, Ettle Hula, - \ `SJ . I.-L1yd Hughee.~"V1`c-rrane' Ben? _~ne_tt. Earl Crawford. * I L - l Jr. I.-Inez-Campbell, Rob Campbell; -John Borland. -1- Average attendance, 22." Mr. and Mrs. Cob_urn visited friends in Orillia. recently. . j . , Mr. Archie Kirk is again fore-man for Mr. Alex. Stewart, _'1`.he new safe is now` in pzisition in -the Union Bank her_e. j V * Mra. Brown and Miss Tague have gone to the" Queen City for Easter. M... .Q......n n-_- ----- avaav` pu uuc Queen U115) I0!"1'93.5t1`. Mr. Sam ! Carr 1u'buiId1n'g .a line brick residence Arorehimselr this sum- mer. . . ` _Dr. ',W-hlealey this wmter. and young men,` are built with as Vhnlt Iin :3: tLu'- -64.-A ..%Nom:m:nN Jii 5'. navy blue cargo: and {nixed trimmingI-Silk Belts THORNTON. nets obportunity to THURSDAY .v-- , vv -v oovv o-~ VV VUIIO " Mr. Chas." Baycrort, Sudbury. and R. wtderaon. Crohsland. spent Sunday with .the tormex-'s`unc1e . J. G. _D!ck. enoon. . . . " ' h.-E been- `ve:_'yT btgsy. b. On Sale. 8 for 25: .1 ,. -an `-an-.3:-\. yo Tg. ' 970 . . 256 . . 35c . . 50c 50 ..25o '$_6r'ry to report the illness `or Em. I . . ")yhd11l with qginsy. . II. ._.'I It... A nun-n'_L; '._.:,u an