v.--v- 17 vv-- 7.; co Iv-oov-t it Ig_4_.!;_1:l;e-"*_;.nthem -during the'V"A<>1fre;'-tbry I'i'v1c'% l?=7t`<:rI-dhr; a church _qn ssjun-.. lt!`ia:a`"`*).-A Oaefpggjaamg 9. zaolo e-w.:t`h ood,eerrecta.e ; - e:-;; - e V ' `me-mbei-3 -_s_)'t'~"81;~'-.`;;g;i%1rew's'church'_ re eweek. tendered 4;. Wm. Mc- I1;.r_' Ioai;;Zz'_~i1h a usuper 9, ;i`i_.._preaen'tatbon ox'1...,:~t`;71::5x;_'eve ot etheir fgture, `to A1'berta.,'- __~`_ e,;;;m1iy.-un`1on lttook-place at f.t"n-ei re1il;:ceu lIr. Richard my:-1nama last -.Wedr'1e?a,daya.;t` which with the excep-.: flon or l!ra.. H. Snider Qf!.A1fbe1ft84`8.1l or his brother's and sisters were me- sent. . ' - , . . ,_ N `rw`m--- dtntcuon Company-, was -the gue at`vot C1116! Sherwood over` `Sunday. . A. `I... LL- __LI_-__ ,9 ,, L L . A ; A . _ ; _.__ Onowzd nmn % THORNTON. v v vuauona In UIIJVJ IIIVIIEO .'.l`he honor or being the first two indie: to walk` over the new {C. P. R. :hri-dge tell 130 the .lot of M15 Ida. Eogerty and her sister, Mrs. D. Gam- Jey. mo accomplieh 9. leaf like 'i:hi`:3 re- iquiree greet bravery, as the bridge is one hundred dteet high and about eight hundred feet long. ` ~ g . 5....--..-.._ __- ._._-_.___4e, , -vwrw . qu=:E,'{S2'oz our youngopeople attended a. social dance at the meme or Mr. J. ewillougwriby on Friday night last. All were pleased with their evenlngis enjoyment, `KILL I___.-_ -A n._n,, Au ` -- Mr. D. wacovemn emzerwmea 9. number at the young people top. soc-3 'iab_ hop last wek. V I\__.._ _.-__.-..! l__L|. l.__.-__ cu-nu vnnvv noava \ VV Alnul SAUL I-GIIIIIJ o \ Our Temperance Society went to re- turn a. t_rate1-no.1 visit to Thornton Lodge Sons of Temperance on Monday night and report an enjoyable time. Tlfn -....._-.I. 4.- ._-_sL- Amen We regret to write that was .Ber- tha Tomlinqon in very 11! again. -We voice the teel-Inga of all the meighbora in tenderin-37 herself and family. our deepest sympathy. .-tlg _ -_--..I.-_ -1 ____ -7, L '_.._-g ,--'.~. gnu v.u av 14-16 `Ivanh- Mrs. H. W11-son e-has so tar arecover- ed from her recent fserious 11-lnessaas to be able to move a_ro1_m'd.and eat -her means once more wibh` her family. \ nun "`An.nn_A_.aun Q--l-L.. ..--..-I. -I-- - ...._-- --.- n--at-`Ian! va uanv VVClI- The outlook for work in Angus _-for the coming summer is very poor and in consequence :1 it many not 4011!` young people are "going to time .W_e:3t. `fun T1 -``T2`...... .'1`he new C.P.R. bridge just below here is 9.1-most completed. We are _told the `rallsa will be laid to this paint about the middle of the week.` lIl1.-.--_L1-_s_ ;,, - Miess Heard, ot Ijisle, is visiting Mrs. Phillips, -Dominion Hotel. V Mr. E. -Wa.l-kinysha.-w, -or Nabtawa, is vi-alt-tug at his home here. M1-..R. J. -Little and Miss M. Dawson, -01 Primrose, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. Dean, M is flying `around at dpuble speed these days uttil-izin-g the newly arrived gleighing. - .,--_- .. .....,, y-vuau36u1h uxuc was spent. ' Rev. Mr. McLean `W333 `una.-b`.-e to be with us on Sunday "1-ast _cwing to t`he.11ln.ess of his wir, his pulpit be- ing supp!-ie'd by 2. 1-_everen'd gen-tleman from Quebec, who `impressed the good old hymn on the `minds of the boys about to lieave for the -West; "Take the Name of Je}sus `With 'You,_ . :.__--o VAIIDQ UIIO Mi-ss Ferguson, of Gueinph, has re- turned home after spending a. month in thevillage. V . v To show the esteem in which Mr. Stewart and the other ycung men who are leaving for the "West are held by this community they were treated to an oyster supper at Mr. Cotton :-J where 9. very pleasant time was spent. R9`, "W T_nnh uuon.-- `-----`-`- L` , __- r ---- vu av JLGGL Iii? uupI'UV1g". "M-r. Ohm-hes Stewart, who is leaving for the West .on -.'.l`uesda.y, was pre- sented wihh a beautiful `Bible by the Presbyterian Bible Cl}a.ss,' also a. hand- s-ame wrtin-g desk bye `ne members or the-English church. ` `po__ on TIUC, VV `IO 71 `CHIC TOO U35 DY QC OVOITSU V Mm A. Hair. ,'accompa.ndcd by jinn. J. 3. '1`.h'o1mp_aon. of Ii-mmzaaa. ,MIm.. Isl viumnz mend! in Cookatown and surrounding vicinity thin week. V I|Q.....I\.....I .4.|. .1. - _...._-__ .__ni .1- v-as Mr. `Art Flnly has `been removed to the R. _V. Hospital, Barrie, to be `treated for rheumatism. Its..- 1\;.-n, - . . . _ . . _ . v. n uvuuln Ioulllu .Miss Stella. Ootitte entertained her friends 1-ast '1\hursday -to one of the most enjoyable evenings of the season. Mrs. John :Wa.tte, who has been (un- der medical treatment for some time, we are pleased `to: -hear-,'is improving. `M -r. OKQFTIQG `G4-.a.u.-_t ..-I-- 2- 'A-~' J Mmnnsfrf Miss Dwyer, who has been very _Ia able to be a.round'a.ga.in. ' `tun-I '-L.. Il_lI_ A ....__ -- -v uanvuuu G50-lilo "WM:-a. John McGowan is seriously ill but -hope `to hear of her speedy recov- BT17 3. -r--- , uouuanguv 055111 54336 -||\_lo :'1\he zbrldge comtractor has about complvet-ed lbhe bridge over the Not- awaaaga River and is now -building the fbridge at Utopia, over Bear Creek. n gun can an UUAIII DUAL- .-`r-.:ngus Edgar, of Egbert, is via- mng 11-lends here ~th1 week. T _f_l-&.:`. Bell 1-e't`l1rned home mat week from roplar, Manitoulin Island. 'll'\I.a. .|._ |.1.__ -- .-uvvu O6 nvlauu 1168 U 1 CUCIL L1 o "S;a.mue'l Mcuaster returned home last week atter attending the funeral ot h1sjaunt' in mica, Mich. ll- r!u._-._ II is - a.nd Mrs. Turley are visiting friends in bhe `State of New :York. I-)f`a.y`,f-`of Lavender, has -been: visiting with Mrs. John Bell. II. A__,,_ _ - ` I M313? Iii:-A:1'.`J:r:e'vu - `w'ee'kv for fwalt. mccompa.nI1ed' bw'.M1'. Boyea of N.'!n'lufaa, M-a.n.. who had been Ipendmg .IM. wmtar wtivh Ontario trlenda. ; lI__ 9- A un_.a._ _---. ---nu non vlvnva, ILLUM- "M-r. Glbsoh, C.P.R. contractor,-was in the village for a. short time last week. ' ' . V --_._ -u-- - vv can Into 9 _TMr`.`J'no. G11-1-).}.1'rist and ltamily moved tq._Barri=e 1va;st week" where they in- tend to reside in future. -_-_. --uv -In . at-Us-n vs V_ M185 '8-ai-.r'a. Currie returned -home from Orillla last week autfering with a. sore throat, but she is now able to he` ou.t_ag'a1n. Mr. and Mr. L. .'1`up1-Ing, of ;Honey- wood, visited friends here recently. "1! Q1:-nnn.A'1 II:-Il'....l-_._ _-L-------J - - making its .u3ua,1 calls this wi_nvber. -._vw .("-.Cl`.he I.J"i:'ap.l_a1;choir pent `a. pf._ea*9.nt -evening with _Mrs. B1atherwick.~1_as c week. ` -= ' ' ' * '-,We :_s:_x `gill _s.orr-3 to` h._r (that H33- ber I_..eo'n'_ Bo_we-`L31-vez_-y unwell. Hope tosea you but; ag_a.in soon, .Leon. ` ` ' ~ `M! `Au-.I`a;0'u-Iinnn an!` [In Tnrvnna `[01,, -_ _-- ,,-.. _._-_.-_... ,.... -......, ...-..... 1 Mr, 3'5;-Fepkuso; and Mr. James Mc- L`Cra.t;ken ihave g`o'ne'.`to` Angus to make .ties.L. ' ` ' 7 " 'MEsa my R~evie,_ oi: '0':-1111a, visited her mother;o.v,er Sunday. _ T .. .._l__- -'1... , ' "-""""` * -l-"'- " . Miss Cbara' _'1`i ftih,` or =-Barrie, ,sp'en"c the rweek-enc_l 'a;t_'her home here; :1 Reg. ".A.~R.:_San'derson spent a; few hour; berg last v_/eek.`=g .lv I-non! Irvhv I-1.3: vv VVCII ' Mtgia .M.` `C1<'_ni_Vghl3ey' fspent Saunday `with `her rri-end`,,Miss= Fa`nn'y Dempgter, 01 Utopia. " {L_ T?.'.._._!_ ` _|_-o, -uvv I-W ----cu vv vw--1 M`:-. . D. Dower movad In-tb town :. hut "week and Mr. Ba.'y.cx-citt ot1'recum- fouhh. wrlalcl move on to his farm which --`ho, purchased lust tall. ll... v-___'_ I._AL v__.; ,,,'--u_ n-_ Dr. .=.1;veat` iW a\s:'i1rA1`-'.(:`,_o1ws;11 laatweek on '-buaiiiess. * ' " ` - . ' ' ' _._..l,_- , I_, V n MITCHELL SQUARE. ANGUS. UTOPIA; ill, At the last meeting of Inniol Grunge two ladies were initiated. and, after some dia- onuion ontopicn of interest to farmers nnd Irnngomentn. made to hoid a public mootinu on the 14:11 inst, reireobmensn werosorved; The Grange in on stair way now toregain the . a petition is [hold some ygan ago and who Mon it now-holdiixfi In United States. ._..i(!'IL..t|'I,_9` _V `II round n9_I_v_. ,, 5.--. .. ...v ---.u quvvnu-IJO I TMrQT'JaII_;o:; Black spans: few days last _wok with his" -sister, Mn. J. Lonnox of himvgiolz . v - - v v - - - - u - nu Cg` `U. -U vv yloviwu Ilr.John Corbett, our. "harness-mb.k er . is moving this week to xhfl farm on the 9th conceaalon or Inmtil. '\nn'II CA-pun` \\n l\nnuna-nuigann`n- nA-' s;l_i"a.-g-::i.:-"0! vslunblol cult: last week to 3 putty in Orillin. l'\.-!L- - --_._I____ -3 -| - - - b Mia ,',Ida Dolmago hit for Woyburn,SaIk yesterduy. - ` The farmers are muting good use of the snow getting their logo to the mill. m:.`n;i;."'1?v};LfnIg3 L `$512.3 "Jr pressed brick recently for his new house. A _ .- .. r--_.J ... '-..-nu. I of the young men of` thin ` vicinity intend going Wont next Tuesday. II- tnnxgn m-AL ..._._g _ R_,_ I I usuvu new III Usual U1 IIIUIIB I V. CLASS - Agnes Campbell. IV.- Willie Wehber. Sr. III.--Melv_ina Maw, Ernest Maw, Millie Gilchrist. Ellsworth `Crawford [Jr. III. -Grace Walton. Roy Rupert, Percy Bennett, Isabel Cam bell. Frank Borlaud. Sr.. II. -- Gladys last, Harry Mays. Fred Maw, Elli: Hughes, Stephen Hilts. Jr II.-Verna Cam bell, Lottie Walton, James Hughes, elma Crawford, Lila Borlaml, Edward Hughes Part ll.-Joe Mew, John Cam hell, Wilfred Maw, Ettle Hilts. Sr. I.-`- orranoe Ben- nett, Lloyd Hughes. Earl Crawford, Jack Hilts. Jr. I.-Inez Campbell, Bob Camp- bell, John. Borlaud. Average attendance 24. Report of Iris Ichodl for February. The arms are in order of merit : T7 In Ana 4..-- .,_l_ 1:" iv Jan. Dunn leaves this week for -zsskatohowan to commence work on his new omo. Ilia Violet Prenton has returned after spending a pleasant holiday with her friend. Min Minnie_Flnnnsgan, of Orillia. Misc Marie Dunn returnod on Saturday after an extended visit with friends in To- ronto. ' Mrs. Coulson in once more in our midst, after spending two weeks in Orillin. `I! `II I`! u in u n n 5 Ulcll UUHUUHHIUII UL &IIlll'LIlo `$an't- target the ,0rangemen`I' coin- cart and ball here on Friday might. T_ Mia; May Shmnah;1; B'.;JV(-i`l'-i-0,iI stay- ing with her aunt, Mn. 8. Shannnban. DID VVLL' UV G LI7G'|oI.IlC- ` '1\he William Walkinshaw firm cult and loaded on Ivhe care about -one hun- dred uhou-sa.-nd feet of el-m, for gthe Oakville Basket Co. "nhis is a splen- did run considering ruhe scarcity of snow. L115. 5 The Ladies? _Aid of the Preabyterian church will hold an A-t Home gin the ha.1l`on Thursday evening, Ithe 8th in-st. Tea and a good program or anu- slc will be a. eaiture. ` III`.-x 1'I'T!'lI:_... "IY_II-!.._.I.-..- :._.._ -._IL wltllrlsi Bowley and Miss Rowley, or Elmvale, were `one -guests or re. Green1a.w`__la.st week. 11-.. n A..n_.I-._-._ .._-_-s_-.: L- '- wI:1`r`.Z3'.' =K`sh':i;:s7r'1 preached to `a. large crowd or he young people `at the Presbyterian church Sunday even- lng. Vkn T.nrIln:' A-3!" fl, A+`\A D1-A3I'4`\!rI-AIu{nv\l `l\J'.l\l-LG! g;uunc|ucuI. _ IILII VV IILUCI n Sleighing is nipand Ituck, hence our ltrribermen` are somewhat melan- c o y. Ilv-:1 `Dnnnv on-rl \l'aa `Dnuylnw nf VVGU III 511'`? VLILGEU LGI- wccn. _.'1`he light fantastic apparently is the popular amusement _1Jhis winter. 'n3lHH`htr 3|: ~n{I\ n-var` n-nub I-unnnn A`;- D:-.. Charles Carmichael, of Bzlrrie, was in the village last week. The Huh} fan!-uni`-{n o1-snow-nnflv la fhn ESarjeant&8mith 3hwwwwowwoowwuow++++m: `mu. - vs: vs v_v- uuu vu-u uoowg VI V -Mr. 'J;m'es and Miss 1a.nche Rogers, at Oooktown, spent Saturday and Sun- day with `Miss Frankie Ma.1<.jo1`msoln. `1__'. `_|,'|-_. --1 -I\,'_, a '4 `WV . ~ "I- Xv`? \. -'(` :I`.*'.` , : J, ,` ` `.' .' '. "` . A ' . .i ._ ' I . ' - r`_ ~. , . . _ , -.;.aa -, As . -4-. ., w narmmm ` . `V 1 + 2 |JRES8~ 1L % 0 __ ,. .x. 5;` L-,. (From Vanogbher correspondent.) We place in stock this week our rst spring shipment of Northway Garments. The styles are very newfand attractive, but not extreme. We have no space here for descriptions, but cordially invite your inspection. It is always a. pleasure to show N orthway f`.._... __L- Ga}ment~s. f is again busy marking and placing in stock the new? goods, and while two are not ready to make our rsti . display yet, Miss Fraser will be pleased, to receive and; attend to any immediate wants. Miss Fraser will bet assisted by Miss Pearson,Miss Gilchrist, Miss Mahone_v'. and others, and we can assure you the service offered} in this department this season will he the best ever given. ' `z is reopened and in full swing. Miss Lister has re_ jainedi the best or last season s sta and added some newmembersso that we anticipate a very large aud successful season. We have no hesitancy with Miss i 2 u Listergin charge, of guaranteeing satisfaction. MOUNT ST. LOUIS. CRAIGVALE. RUSSELLTON. MILLINERY DEPARTMENT w_tth_M'.s `Frankie Malvcolmson. .'.'1`wo. rinks pt Barrio curlers played .a_tr1endIY 8'a. me wi't*h_ Churchill last 1|`rld,o.y., The. game resulted in Church-_ m wlnningby. .a. tow shots.` L - ll- 1-`... r|-..|...a.a. -.__ 'u.._....._. _,;u_` NEW SPRING JABKETS unuu, uvu unau cnudren, s father and moth er, six brothers and two sisters who have thtg sympathy of this entire community. ' Messrs. V6 . Elli:tt- and F. McClennc~nlef: on Tuesday for Manitoba. Messrs Thomas H. Banting and \l'i .'.e Lennox left last week for Melita, Man. Death has again entered this cmmuuni _' and taken as his reward the beloved wife Mr. George Arnold in the prime of life 'I`Inis event has cast a gloom over all the comma: ity as deceased wusa general favorite and wt. be very much missed not onlvby the Eur ` lish Church of which she was a ctrsiszem member but by all social and religions circle!` in this neighborhood. The high esteem is which she was held was msrked by the law! I concourse of friends who zssem bled on Fri- day to pay their last tribute of respect to 15% departed. and notwithstanding the zslmcs'._ impassible condition of the roads and in clemency of the weather the church was ll; to overowingig Rev. W. F. Carpenter, av v sisted by the . G. 1. Crew, directed in: funeral services, interment efterwarm takwiz place in the Union Cemetery at 'l`lmm:o:;.: The Dell beaten were brothers of the d*7 ceased. She leaves to mourn her loss. at hus- band, two small children, father moth L er. air hmnu ... .....a t... --- will be led by Bros. Geo. Young and M. Goodfellow to be decided by balloz by L-~ audience, after which several candidates wi. be initiated. L We are pleased to any that Mr. John `C'JX~ 1 worth is improving. _ `I_____ 111 runs: . umcn am, my was .czmsue; or mmvagle, La visit-ll lnc rela;t`h_rea in our village. \ I I1... 'r....._.. ._..I Inn-.. v\1-._..\..-'-n-..-_- jut our L-.W:m. B1nn1e In home tram rum -T Iber camp. g w-v u vv --vvv wvuuvnu vn `vIuvocovou-wt " l?:va.- Mr. i -veetgh at ltlueaing and Mr. Kidd or Cra&3`hurst `were. visitors In our vm ag;e lwt week. . . "Mr. Geo. Peacock dpent `Sunday 1}; `Ba-rrlo. - . T ; A T`Da{v71? is on tn; sick us: at present.` A ~ ` #7 J;'r7iwVi-i-$"TMcIJau`ghl!n ts 'r'ecove`r1n-Ig from a severe attack at pnewmonsa. `....._ Ill-. 1.n&..L -I Il.l_.'-_.!_._. -,...I II- .\" ;. 2 - |i|\.~:-. ` V .:%." ` . * V Ir` - ` . . .~ I, `f k (' V , V Y Barains A vzwoowwwwwowwwwog. vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv. I fwinnesvouneuce $1 909900 5++o_+o+++ 3 ANTEN MILLe. They are coming in every day. You will nd amongst them the newest weaves and designs. :Our Dress Goods are imported direct from the European markets and we are positive you will nd prices right. (`.m-ma nnr` dnn fhnrn _.------cw-v uv-av: WV @591 Come and see them. New Dress Goods. 4 V NewSuitings. New Wai?>tinss- Our Whitewear has 'ust arrived. This is ourrst season in the whitewear usiness. Everything will be found to be of the latest designs and it is to be put in at SA LE PRICES on Saturday. F T HCLAPPERTON spoons. 3 for loo. `nmnss GOODS-Pluu and pom. dot lumen. in all Ihadu. rqgulur V 850 yd. Onvnlo . . . . . . . . . . . . . .250 auaua-I\I&V"'(tIl nus. Ill colon. 0 III! 6oqunlitloI. On sale . .. .30. [yard 80 and 100 qualltiel. on Idle. .50 yard msnumus aLovi:s-ux.k. ingu- law 1250 and 350, pnir. On sale . . ......`I.I.-`IOU-ICC IOO`C.I19c`pr RIBBONS-All nu: 'r.m.,.u colors. ' an id 1 18 rd. <`'!..'.'.'i..".7..?t.T??.?T...?."nc RI BBONS--All ulik. all colon. '5 and nnnnlhln-, (`In ...1. Q- ,..-...a In order to get people to shop earlier on Saturdays we will putgon bargains every Saturdammorning from 91:0 12 a m. ` Spa.cewillnot permit us to mention one halfthe lineseon sale. ` ` " ` avnmmni: pomwns. Km oLov:ns-"nouu:on.';irnnoh mike, a.l|_ colon, regular $1.25. On I` I . . _ . . . V V - uuunl-up III` VUIUFQ, II] CHURCHILL. 9 to 12 AM. .Whiteweat. u \III 950 ._,!_... xq_T7--`FIT. vluui VIvLI$U` "CA9 (EMU i`.I1ltIK.;; M-orrion. teacher z`i9?1;i.%9!.F7r?`!# ' '0iY#N- " L .3 . `r as-mvure W 4... % in:-. _'urd:I;(i~a. Ja;}ii1=8Vhet!elc:I'. Jr.. him iluzqygdgtxzbqp t`hI-a p1aca.;to`1Pi:;tor1aHa;- _ s..'.=:- -~ -~' 2 " vvwuuu Buiidinig operations win he booming in our village next summer as gene can gzegatient or the Methodist Church in- tendo erecting anew church. and the Oroingemen intend building 3. -new hall on the aid ante. - . 'Mra and Mrs. Ferguson entertained a, number at friends very pieeantly glut Tuesday night `before moving to their term. _ The evening was spent in dancing and. playing ,ga`mea u.-mti" -the wee: A emu ? vhanra . in the morning, The yauwg pepie us i 6oitIn"g forward to many more inch gp1eae_d_.nt-ielveninge. .` u ur. Hrs. F$er3'_i1h,f{haY-B'_n;:t ` [Test the l:9.Ili."y. V Mr. and Mrs. I-I.u'3'h Mccallumhave -com toowensound to attend the wed- ding of -thdir nephew, .W`1l'l' wooallum`. tormer.1y_ of this pl-wee, Oon g"r:a;`tJu1n- .t`lo-nu .Wlil'1.` ' % . ` --- ---w vvuuv -I v - n w v v - U voup [I the past two mon-t-ha with her parenta, Ir. .a.n~dT Mrs. Jn`o_._ Gralwm. has re- t.urn.e'>d[ to her home" 1n_!e1low Grass, Gag`: it-3. Wm. F\er;raom. who has.'apen't. n -v--. v vac was I Out-n VVVO M1as'I}:zz1.e Xuen, Ba.r`rte, is at pm- en.'t' -v1-siting under the parental root. ~"\1-mg Aanlh-u..A a..--..-_ ....--L._'._ I.-I.I _A _ Mrsa Susan Housman .-has returned Home tram Beeton where she apenvt -.a month with her cousin, Mm-.A111aton. Rev. Franck or Dahatzon occup"-cad the Mnesthodilih pal-pit on" Sunday. hat and -gave a. very elcquent discourse, tak- ing hi! text from Prov. 1_?th. 424. ll-.. P_. 1n-_.._-_...-.. ___|_- L- _ __. _, 4 "F1?n'E'&EZse"vye"?ne'i"Kala"Ki at Mr. Oh,aa.rle~a - on Sunday ~avenin'g wave largely mtbemded. T IDl...... BI._ __ _- V -..__ ..--`- - V no-Java Wi5t.v~. -,wmaon 1'1'1";cnurned. home 1-am Mam~_1rbovu1~ir_: ror_ a few days. ` Mr. Marshall, chieit or the bridge 3'am'g, is away on a.`v1z!!.`At. . If... Mr. and Mrs. ~'1`trr}aevy are away on a vi-3'21.` to Bu'tta.lo' and otfmevr pol-nta. Mr. and Mrs. beau-e .'1`.up1'mg visited 48 Mr. M. Ben's on Sunday last`. Sorry to repdrt M`!-an Gladja Coo` not so well this w-eek.__ ' ' H-M-i'a_a Em; (`}oe,.E1mva}1e. spent last week.w1th Mrs. Jan. Cue. -M'r.. .W. H1'2gZnn3'o`r'i 1sApwpa.r1nVg to` move to his new farm. -` ' "ia'1a Mva.'u'de Mum-n -nae; rAetu.-'ned utter a. week`~a vivazt. ` ' ,, (From Another Correspofidexiri.) M133 Edith Day is "visiting friends that-in "ira. John Bell is v:eztu'1`g In ama- ford thus week. - . ".iAI-'r.`-`:-7`Ebs'c'>r'z':'vaa in this .vi!1'a.goJ `last week. if ' I Sa`turdv V %,BargRains z ' 9tol2A .M. _IIUUI 56 IN 0OIOIO B4IuB8we ALLENWOOD. tn; v111%ag%aE-`iwei the; T .`I'..nh.Z...|n.'._ L-_..4c__'.. a uropm. ,_.,-- -.- -..- - cv vvuJv96lJ -L'llUAll' tom, As we looked upon the lowered cotn that contained all that was mo:-.ta.~l of one of our dearest friends. `and heard the words earth to earth, ashes to ashes and dust to (dust. we were still rm-then convinced of the `great truth that whe another ha-d loome end, we hope that when gthat time my` come we may` ~be`--alaotieady an /merrteu oupper at the `Lamb. ,'1.`o the Io:-rowing trxende we extend our sym- jn; .-fthtu ,tne1_1-,;_da_:_-k."hou1:. - she, one ;otf that .nu`m`ber.;;o , whom it '...M-!':' L. .L.-.1.| `inn-;...~.-_ .-,._. ..: . been called` home our end muatgal-co h was thedecoaaed tofgo into the` wS1'l,be.Va;aid.V "They `shall hunger no mbrq; netfliqr thu-'I_'.t' any fmojz-e,`ne1_ther ipqll nun, 1Igh`t on not any gigq `-v?w`1peA 2a.wuLy,,sd1l V V vs`-vuguavau ` cum She: s9rx"V`iciiI" e;,t `day was" " _e1tec ifpreae " _r.t:ure. `, ;.1rm`ii` any-"~`A-nnn w, ; small children, the youngest about two . tongue can tell. Her early death re- 4 _ or persons. and that we also must ap- ` year betore that great tribunal, from ,- -to render a etrio. account at our stew- `tor, assisted by the Rev-. Geo. I. Draw, _lar.chi1-st`,.190._ 81: brothers and two Mary Albertha Coulter. beloved wire 01 Geo. A. Arnold, received the {sum- mons on March 1st. but like (one ot the ten virgins she had her lamp {trim- `med and burning. I-I-er church will miss her, her neighbors will miss her, but above all her husband and 1_two weeks old, will miss her more than mirrds us that death is `no arespecter whosedecieic there is no a-p4pea'l,rthere ardxehip. ;'.l`.he deceased had received many talents and she truly rendered them when demanded a hundred told. She still -liives though dead. Her re- cord wlll always be reterred toias a l true wlte, la-1-ovin-g daughter. a lkfnd l and affectionate mother and an exem- plary"neighbor.' "She has done what ' she oou_ld;" The `Rev. .W. F. o`Carpen- ; attlciated. V.!l`he text tor the sad occas- ion taker `tram the Acts." .1-zth chap.-the `latter part "or the 10th ver-se. `~ The deceased was. born June 10th, 1 1874, married Sept. 24th. 1908, and died sisters and also the parents survive. The nail gbearershwere her` six (broth- er-s, Joelfot' Balti'more.'.Charles _' an-d Jo_hn"o_tg Burk : Falls. Russell. Cam- eron e.nd_`Ililton_ at _home._ .'1`he remains were Itirstg Vtalxen _!to; Christ Church; Ivy, and V then to their _las_t treat-_in1g - lu:e_lnf"the Union Cemetery. .'1`horn- 1-am 'Ln.'ung Inlnni` ....~.'.. 1.1.- o;_._____,. Rev. `Geo. I. Craw -took we the found- ation of hi-ya sermon yesterday Enoch s Translation. H33 discourse throughout save every evidence of deep thought -.2rd`stzudy. In wet it was one {at the most powerful and Learned sermons your correspondent has Iistened to {or - . . - - - v -o cvuvunl up nnnv V U Irv J-VI. Vlhbvu Vllr. D. Foster and tazmily, so dame rumor says, tyre soon to move (to Ham- .I.I L-..g _..._--. cvwu --nwnauuIl.v Mr. John Hick-3 has his property'ad- vex-tleed tor sale. .'1ne family will, in the near future. move to '1`oronto./ I It... 1-\ 1a-_L-,, . 1`hex-se. is enough snow -to-day tor tau-.17 30-`rd sleighing. It. `I.\._ 1-n.`u_.. u_'_._ -,--, . _y. .--uw --I-u"vv uvv snows $11 STEVE `Ell? VIUUWG J ,-`fie the .5`!-rlrmataive "aide. `.'1 -he routine evening we: removed by {acou- .,o`t- p'tcco1o..,Ia1ectioniI in Mr. ,3. ;,B-. A. 4 Mvhvveeeluniie l~1*.hWI.eeee`:*-sis! J,-mzfnel gate, recitation: " -W-",`. _. =W~e are sorry` to learn that Miss Jea.nxWl:1aon`.Is very ill with pneumon- ia. hunt PL l..`L........1 L~I._A. ._|__ __n1.- __-,, 'a.nd'Mra. !Wl-1-lean were :to re- turn to their home in Alberta. this week bust the illness 01 their `little daughter made owher arra'n'ge'ment-a necessary. A ` Mr. and "Mrs. Alfred -Cal-dwell enter- ta.-lned a_. number or young people dram this ne1ghb`ox-hood and Shanty Bay on Fr`!-d-ay -evening last. A-141 `seemed to have had a. good time. ' 'I'_ '__.I ' II..- "'-Ir-Cnvmber oz our young than me get-_ tin; uneasy here and will be-@tart- 111'; .W.eA-sward in -a. short 1`!-me. IE1..- Ip_.|._o um . . -vwv vv cu. an Ono - I-I Iva U UOIIIVJU `Titan M-albel Partrwgv-3 at `Toronto h'a.a `been the .-guest or Mrs. =W. H. Partrkdge tor a short time. 11.: -I\_-._ on- - can in utow GVQ II YIIVI U DIIIIUU Mr . Thoa. Robson has moved to his term here. We Uld Mr. _R'obaon and ta.ml1yVweIccnne to our v-1ll'a;ge. " Rev. A. J; Paul or Ermval-e '.pr'ea.chec/1 in the. Methfodi-at Church on Sunday atternoon, the Rev. B. Franck uakflng his charge at El-mvale. Mrn. 8. Dunbmore apent'.la.t week with her L mother, Mrs. Robertson, at Knock. '_ ` . which in}! Q43`a:;".;.;Ic1.".;.:asa;';;;,,:1;1 er. and an a'l_:1e teacher; Iiiaittie; eldest da'ughter -of Mr. and Mrs. James .Willi`a'ms,T '-lent `here last frueoday in_ company with her uncle and grunt. Mr. and Mrs. '-._Ge::rge` rPa.r..trid3e, tor the. Northwest, where .s`:he;;.intenda to reside tor some etime`; ` Mi-as William`! being -02- a. very gm!- iabie diapoaition, she .will' be much missed in `this community, especially in-St. Andrew`: .Sunda.y School in -Jlnl-L -I-A _.-.-_ __ ___u.u_._ __J, . Ll -uu-- --w - --unu . VV'UVIII .- . "Baal-vad that no. person will. do `In'or.u for love than money." was the ~-dobata on the program last -.Wedne- The wtrlrmativo contalated or Mr. John Mnbthaws. captain, mu Flor- fmnoe moxie and Mr. John msebroug-h. the ne.;a/cive were Messrs. A. .13`. -_,BI_1_rrou3hI. `curtain, Frank Honey and 1, Mm Baker. Very *prottta.b!e ` ;f;1uudhu~-and papers were elven on fbjotfhi olad_pa._ und nutter duo -'conI$,dera-z the 'cr1uca, Hrs. A. B.-none ~~o.nd* ` " lillubei _.W1nea. _a:w.a.x-ded .-the victory I "|""h!mn|' ' Quil :;nIJA HOL- _"`-_Ll.. _