...-- - -an-u now: A fortnight later the Duke of Ches- tonmore proposed and-greetly to'h1e astozmishment-was refused. Ralph Barron to-ll-owed suit, and was ac- cepted. ` You willjusthh-o`1d your tongue-,_" she said, sharply. "I must have time tn think thlabut. ~ 11.- qv aaaaa um onanw unto pm .-ne subject dropped, and matters went on apparently as before, until` Nigel; growing desperate, again inter- fered. ~ "It in molt fair, Miss Van Queen, he urged; "every .day that you leave that peabr devil in his _too1 e pzradiae "makes it the worse for him when '1: -learns the _truth.` H ' "i{e' n.o'a'a';3I .; J;'&}.};`z;.e hap- piness illuminating her ymmg race. u1r-.-;'. 5.1.`. __.a ._._. -_-_u__u-;__ n _u_. _dlaa.pponted, I tear. ..w----- u---ua-uuuvwuuca guru. guru-aaa oncuvu "Yooui'- trick and my credu1_ity, she said, "are goo-Zr_1g_tso rob poppa: olghis ducalv son-in-law. He'll be terribly A1!!! _L , -.u mlmss ,Va.n .Q.;1een hard him to` the end in silence, but with a hejlghtening color. Finally, she said- IIYL ___,_,. A -` v.v--_ -.---cog 9 u o v Q m Au "It's-eems to me, Mr. Linoolnshlre, that you have been `playing apret-ty mean game." '51 shall tell .h!m-`-after the wed- ding. ' V- J _---r`-.v...vv-, o swung- I"-she replied softly-thanks to you,-Nigel," have_ weighed love and ambitimx tn` the: baiance. and I find --_:me t;pa`t1ief a'."a.l.",,-`V-M. .A. P. ' "That by the way, perhaps ; but, you see, dear Lady Mary, my pnoppa, having got the dollars, has set his heart on .the strawberry leaves for me; and I, as a dutiful daughter, do not want to baulk him. . I ` Then `Nigel __felt. that` it _was time gtor him to` speak. Turning red and white a1tern_atel'y, he stammered out his confession. uvvuu an-u vcov vs Iowa She smiled en'gmati_cally,, surveying him through halt.-closed lids, `and aa1d- . _ "Yutu are going to stick {to him, then 9" asked Nigel, excitedly. BL; ..._.1.1-.1 _ |_._u_ -5 _______..- L__ The latter was surprised by the summons, -and inclined to be rather prejudiced against `the last American impco-rtatlton, as he mentally dubbed her; but there was subtle flattery in Miss Van Queen s eyes and` mice which appealed to his masculine van- ity, and he very soon found himself talking `too herkwlth the freedom of` an old acquaintance, forgetting the heiress in the charm of the 'woma_-n. V - Mr. A. "Q1-r'h,a'.a been app5:n`.-nte:i;:L1 idwy M the`-% NW ink 1-39 I3"'- -v r` """'V -this he tancied he" had sueceed- -ed. Miss Van Queen was most an:-. mated and gracinzms, but he did mo-t quite understand why her eyes sown- stantly wandered off in the directhn of a certain tall figure which aut- topped those standing by, and he was not altogether pleased when she ask- ed him the name of-the individual. He looks it, replied the lady. "In- troduce him to me." Reluctantly the Duke aobeyed, _and crossing the room. soon returned, .ac- oompanled by Mr. Barron. "That big, dark chap 3 he answered carelessly. "Oh, that a Ralph Barron. He's a rising barrister; they` say he : very clever. ._ ` V - V "}Lad"i4Jyfs voice s};-undea a ` little stiff, as she replied-- ,What, now ?--`a.ppea1ing, when we are so comfortable. It you don't mind, with a. sweet smile. ~ . . v heiress`s dollars, rwhlch would so handsomely re-gild the tarnished splendors of his house. He was agree- ably surprised to find that duty pre- sented ltseittn such apieasant guise, and exerted himself to the utmost to make a grand impression. _ LI_Q._ L, A., _ u u - `VA Stcupof xTx\.\`::\'}I! ' I `T ' Z , . . l." .`h.V\"/:s gives the player strength to play; and keeps e the watcher from catching cold. .That this is unprofitable from the teeder s standpoint is certain. N-n matter `what the stock is or thepur-V pase for which it is kept some plan should be adopted by, which there will be a permanent. water sup- ply in each yard or preferably in the stable, and it such `_a supply has malt always been provided it will pay ev- ery farmer to provide it at once, and it the plan adopted is suitable U0 the actual needs in each individu- ` 4821 Lease it` will pay 01)/Lg in the thrift or the stock and the saving or feed 1 during the coming winter sufficiently well to pay the expense of installing a simple system of this kind. A wind- mill -or gasoline engine isea very es- I sentlal factor in a `complete water system or any kind for the farm ubut in case `the farmer is mo/cable to pro- vide either, it is just as essential that heprovides a sufficient storage capacity so that the stock may have . plenty of water available far an en- tire day at least, writes W. 151.33.1- .While alarge tank in each yard will answer the purpose, it is far better to have one storage tank, and small drinking tanks or fountains. in con- venient places for the stack to dr;nk._ Where this is done it will be- neces- sary to provide a float tank to reg- ulate the water level in `the small drinking places. A `common oak bar- rel worth about a dollar, a small float valve which can `be purchased galho-n jug, for `a float is all that Is needed to answer this purpose. Any suitable drinking vessel can be used tosupply the shock. Upon the writ- er : farm common white lead paint pails are'used for this purpose in the sheep stable ,and a good storut lard tub in the stable where the feed- ing cattle are kept. A 11-4 inch hole is bored in the bottom of these little tubs and they are screwed on an-lnch pipe 'of the right height, which can be determined by getting the water -level. The advantage in having small drinkingvessels of this . klnd, is that as the stbck drink,fr-am them very often the water is contin- for a like amount or even less, anda Iuslly `changing in them and there is --oauouyuu `TI. They are just the pick at the matrimonial ba.eket;_tha.t is V why` Every farmer who keeps-live stock should" have some kind of water sys-i term in his barns or yards so that the stock will have. plenty of water at all times. Of course every farm- er ca-nnzovt have an Neal water sys- tem because every farmer is If:-T. so situated as tni be abie to metal such scone, but every farmer can have a system, be it ever so simple, which will insure for his stock a regular and unfailing supply of drinking wat- er thx-orughout the winter _season. When smk is watered the -old fash- ilorned way in a. small tub or trough and the water is pumped for them by hand, those in the yards and stables distant from the well being `supplied by carrying the water in pails, the `animals are certain to suffer often for water during the winter months. The supply is irregular and the shock is obliged to drink large `quantities of cold water at the time it is given them or the suppiy will be gene or frozen over so as to be inaccessible during the balance of the day. T ) bert in` Michigan .FarVme1[-. it Makes YE: Mouth water One-quarter teaspoonful is suicient for a cap of bouillon, a plate of soup, orl a dish of vegetables, etc. Sold by all -\druJggis_ts and 4 3313.51 .n n 11 V C 3&1 jt :2 Varieties. DeIi`;:n:::;:-olenone and nppqtizing._ one tin will nuke 6 portions. #89! T" - * Irs Highly concentrated .CODdO.BI O` ` Snips . 1v-.:.n-.. 1\.'c.t..l_.__ _|.-1..._.- -_J Qhppetizer, Bram arid Digestive That's Farm Wgter System. mqoua um, raga I always think frankness is best; don t you? Miss Van Queen _was saying, "so I ll just tell you what gm idea is in coming to England. ` V ur a..-...... 7 --._ _--4__ u "-4--A: v is` " ';;'n.;1S.;3}n;' 033 I; 1I(e"if3Z table feeding or any kind of llve stuck, and the few dollars which" must be expended in pmvidlng such a. system, which will make lt,certa.-in that they. will always have a. water` supply, will be returned to the in- vestvor with` interest in 2. very a~l_19rt[ time. . -_ 9-- -7 --v-yr wannrunapau This water system works pertectly, and it is -at the same time simple and inexpensive, as the work or in- stalling it was nearly all done by. home 1abor.. Even simpler systems than this will answer the purpose very well, and will be mtund to pay a high rate -or interest on the invest- ment required to instal them. No farmer who has not provided a sys- tem by which all or his stock are autpmatically supplied with water from a stlorage tank can afford to de- lay making such and a.rrangement.. Gtabd, fresh water is Justus essential ._ _...s__! __-I_. u,__ , Comer Bradford and Elizabeth Sta. Phone. 158 &"Gra.in Chopping evfery market day little bother it any by freezing, it they are properly packed with sawdust or shavings as a protection. In one case the windmill is placed -on the barn the well being inside the barn in a convenient corner, and the storage tank and all necessary piping is under cover. which obviates all danger from freezing. It the piping is laid outside, care should be taken to get it deep enough. .'III_.l.. ._--L_._ ____L-", I 1` ` 1' '6` 'r'r't"r'r'r`r'I"l"8"8"I"8"U"8"8"l"8"l"l' E MAKES YOUR sxm 3 LIKE VELVET 4 n 2 MONKMAN S GLYCEDONIA. ca_;::; * Z_i'_"viiE>" 3--2:--3--1-~:-1-+:-1-2-I-4-+-to-t-z-++-1-1-1-+++-ii "1 cam; think what themater is abuorut, opening her house to such peo- ple! he inw_ard1y muttered, as a rustling or silk denoted that the la- dies were settling themselves in twm % or the comfortable azfmchairs. "0! % course, I know,`and so does every one else, that it is made jolly well worth her while to. chaper-on this Miss Van Queen, but In our position, I call it playing it very low down. :4--3l~!-I-4!-4-4-++?3~i'!!'3'4-'!'!-4-4--1-l-2 v 155 `(I vs "yuan Cu J as. Cheesman's An admirable food, with all its natz1ral-q1ta. ~.v?es intact. This excexlorm qucoa. main- tains tne system in robust health, an`1 enables it. to resist winters extreme cold. I STILL HAVE A LARGE STOCK OF AAL :j.___.: at lowest pricul, of x-st class arrfving every week at with cars of coal 1 L4 GLYCEDONIA. - Has a. marvellous effect on rough: skin. One or two applications` will remove the roughness, and by . its occqsioual use the skin acquires ' the smoothness and softness of sj ` baby's. Glycedonia is not sticky. and`: gloves may be worn a few moments j after using it. Iv` na- Dmggist, GEO. MONKMAN. .`_o In the window seat or a small house in Park lane, Nigel, only child o-r,the ` widowed Lady `Mary Lfnoo-inshire,--one 01 the queens of. London society-had taken up his position with a book. He .was so placed that the heavy. curtain hid him from sight; and feeling lazy and comfortable when his mother and her lately-arrived guest, Miss Van Queen, or Chicago, entered the room, he made no `sign. Perhaps curfko-szty had something tic do with the fact or Nigel s lying pe_rdu--forintensely, cur- ilovus he was on the subject `of (the young American, although he resented her presence in the house, and the {act that his mother was going to- chaperon her through the season. ` The Most Nutritious and Economical. ""i5i"c'e 15 and 25c. Delightful after nhavinz. The Celebrated English Cocoa. Bar: in. 3 o6oo iooouooouuuouoonuig Where Love Outweighed Ambition. Cream Sodas % A M'oney's Bisguits` afe unevenly` bglanced, wholesome, equally good fer youne tend old. Made from Canada : nes: our. . 1 .VER 3 baker in \ Mooney " ,_ , :sev~?;sr=s;w=-v:_aw~=:w~>-=a.w.v; - 5 . . TL:~'- N Moonev s Perfection }'0u~ Aing more inviting than 11 meg] of Inviting Nothing; better for An Heiress Romance. C!othes washed by, Sunlight Soap are cleaner a-and vahitcr than if washed inanyothar way. " ' ` _ . Chemicals in soap"-may remove the ' dirlt` bu`: `a.lwys iniurc:-:'t!1e fabric. Ih "Well, Cheetcovnmore is an awfully ` runny chap. Having been our the last ` two seasons considered the beat `match j in London, "he he.` been .00 run yar- fler that h_e e'f3~ot a. `bit sly. like ne 3 (same -in shunting season. There : no \ .c!b_iseftimetuor..dnikee,_yau eee. .Wlieni "moItherjItb1d_ him or (your `com!nfg,f what do yIou__t_hink_ he, said 9" ; ` V . ..`fWha.ti"-breathieuiy.A ` . ; A" ".'1`ha.t" it hegwezieeintmziueedi itbhysou g :e.-t ` 9.11,.-"it` Ihduid: The ~="v \_1r'\:'tl_`e.:-v*"a5x_"iIfc' t. i;r e mbriw.nn weri;abut_:tn1:,`;:3tQ e- ~.. oz:kexpi;`; j " and 8 ,.;;.!_`,i.1__`9!1.<.1..-._\9,,!'v .ljI!_tn_r.-..on;q9;_- 89;-M _ lblntiegtatrruzninpg-aI.~_n_x9n.3. ~ W _ ,._ *g`N?'i? Vihvidbltn W ; 'Gra..ttered and tlatitiedl" he mur- mured, with a momentary pricking of conscience, which, however, egson pass- ed. `.`Nbtw tell `me the people you particularly want pointed out." ` `'VV(a1i:'I-'a.rr1";;s;1;>ng1n.g no: see the Duke of Chs tconmore, she said can- didly. ' ' -- --.---- unwrihniw vs Jnvo naunvua VI '"1::{i, who was present that even-_ ing on the plea of cultivating his+mu- steal taste, had volunteered to post [Miss Van Queen up as to whmevery I `undue Luau Bx. ._.- ll..J LI.__- _-_L__1 .._-..-. .-.. Vuuuwun In any >uIv vv Adv `vvvng ibody was. so we find them seated {side by s;de upon a. sofa. - ' Said Miss Van Queen- You are a real nice boy, Nigel. WI d1dn`t.th1nk, somehow; English boys were so nice." . V wn gand s. . In- ork of "The Duke or Cheetbnmore. Oh, he is an oddity, remarked Nigel. You don't say! How'od'dIty? A T "I dun t ekmovw "`.t I ought to tell soon.` I! . -$-_ -.--- -v- -_-an--vvu-u It was 9. large and rash!-onablde as- sembly, some duchesses being expect- ed. Mlss Van`Queen,_ R-obking bound aft; tzhb. "brilliant throng, said tamer- self that she had 1oorund"her.natura.l element, and that under such condi- tions `life was decidedly worth liv- ing. . T _' . She was a pretty little thing, and g-owned in a creation or ..Worth s,com-y posed of white satin, priceless`, lace, and pearls, she lobked like a dainty piece of. Dresden china. Her great charm lay in her freshness of man- nerd and in the intense vitality which made you feel that she wasliving and enjoying every moment or her life. The only daughter 01 a multi-million- aire, she had had admirers -in plenty, but none had, as yet, touched the care- les heart or- made her conscious of the innermost depths of her` nature. \T!._-I __ vI""' . _ ' . ` . .. "Nonsense! -. Tell me rightwway. ` Aren't we, friends 7'?` A Lady Mary had the reputatlnn or do- ing things well, and for her musical `at home the next evening she had secured the services or the Sisters Ra- vooglii and or Plancon; "`_6t1`,."ls he,""1-eflected Nigel, 4 Whilst Miss Van Queen expressed her delight I think I see my way tn? some fun out o: this. 1 "He is coming to-morrow tomy mm 1 sical `at home," she said, "so `you. will meet him." T Undeterred by Lady Mary's rather frosty ma'nner,she commenced now to put the latter thruorugh asevere chose- examination as to the names, ages, etc., of the various membersot the aristocracy included rlnher Aclrble. `Her hostess had to confess that-. she had but one unmarried duke on her visiting 1ist-the Duke of Chesbon-J Vulgar wretch! muttered Nigel sntttb voce; but in his young intoler- ance he was rather hard on Miss Nan ` Queen. Unconventional she certainly` was, but scarcely vu1 gar`-for thatshe was tum natural and unaffected. my pioppa; has set his heart: on me for man " LEM " slSH1ah}'S;$ igb;:.t`;~'.:.;:;1`a:; other soa p, but is best when` used in the Sunlight way. ` `u";:.rv1l;g'l1:.;;;>'-:s.};ouId a1vays be used as directegl; No boiling or hard rubbing_ is` necessary. C.-_l:_L- D- , _ ...............,..,..,-... .............. Sunlight Soap will :16: injure the most, dainty lace or tlmc "hands that use it. because it is absolutely pure and cdntains no _iiErlOIUS`Cl1EmlCalS, ' $5.000 ."'.'.` l`so2 'v:`.`.`. proves that Sunlight Soap contains any iniurious chamienln or nnv fnrvn [IIUVIGH MIND bum any 1 urious ch! of adu tserauon, lever Bi-others mama. taro-my 9 uuw ounuxnu auap conmms qurious chemicals or any form 1 temuon. ` Buy it and follow directions. 33 5c. _.---' _-_._-v_ ---.-... "The Duke of Chestvonmore was an undersized, insignificant-ldoking man only thirty according to Debrett, but appearing much Kidder." A stormy yootuth having very seriously impaired a once no-blefortune, his Grace before meeting Miss Van Queen had decided that duty to himself and family de- creed that he should -310 in Io:-_'the Bid or .shor-hing a. rnoat `delightful and refreshing frankneas . laughed the Duke, accepting the" seat to which the drawing aside or silken draperies 1 mutely invited him. `."1"r;e-'t aV.lr American ashed a mirth- tul glance at N-lgel, then rep11ed,.de- murely._ -_ 1-`: 9 , _ _ av, U101! 01 llHl'|-ll UH 1115613 pull.- `'1 have someone here._ my dear -Ella, sa.1d'Lady Mary, "who is m-ost 'a.nx!\orus to make _your acquaintance. The Duke or Chestbnmore-M3es Van % Queen." nu..- .n _n__ A___-__9-__- AI-_L_.! A ___-_).I. -_ -_ vuv . -"Delighted, I am ure. -Y-mu know`, we Americans have the reputgtmn -or being very -keen about titlesq` > ___i -.n _L,__,n _L .1--Ii_,I_LA,I on vuuv nuns, `union. o...-.- -V , ____ .. `Nigel hastily suppressed a. `smile. "By George 1" he cried,-what a. coin- cldence I" T ` . "Yootu don't say it is he ? excitedly. "'I'he.very, man. . "How lovely! But see, here comes your mother `bringing. '9. ecrubby-1uook- % in; individual along with her. nu.-_- _ --_ -_..LI.-... _...-A.I.....-.: ....-H- onc_ cap`.-v-u---u u-qv---u -v ---- --v-- There was anbther smothered explo- sion 0-! mirth on N1ge1 s part. 45" hnun nnrnmnnn haw-n nnv dani- lllellio ` ` "In my `o|p1n_1on, she said ati last. theonly person who. looks the-part is that tall, dark man nopposlte. 5 u.__Lns__ ____.__-.._-.1 - ..._.'|.. XIII VVIQINII `ICU Lwnuvn "Look round,"-said Nigel .tea.a1rig1y, and tell me which you th1n'k`.1-ooks most like the bearer of an o1d(hie,tori- ca! name." ' ` , I__ .ll..__ ______ _g7 V1` II$IIIUI For a few moments there was 523'- ence," -whilst Mine Van Queen's haze) eyes p_a.seed'_h-om one group to the other with the swift flash -0! a.sea.rch- light. V V, 111.. ..... --h_l_l,--g 9 -Ln nnrI AH 1nl!+ The Chethun nubator and Bn`oo_;de_ r is simple as well 8.!` scientic) i_n__cjm_1'- :IU',llCti0`I'_l-.-I woman or girl an_ope`ra.te the machine in their leisure moments, ., `P--- ._--- --_ ..A -_-I. --_L!I `_A-_ {ALL dist;-1"'b"t`.i`_ "tuohr" "_ `*1? ' M '."Br_`_- don. nc1?.'i5vmn?'.'23.w. ummu. n.o..umm -.,Addz-can _, _oormspondo_nooo ` _ _ _.314_, .:.. .`. ' """'* -H`-'3' Me? - 1.=;::=.;`-:m:'1n.x but 3 v -- ._-vw` _.,:..7V _ i- _ I Ihovuldehcpe I6 -I" 1-einlarked `mfg Van Queen. with a. slight trmch -at its-. ,:_perity_ an the mentally reflected that her erathex-`c dollars entitled her to `Lady Mary : tranknecs. "Quick mo-w,` chow--me which in the real Sm-cm-Pure and which the false. ` ` 31. _.n.: 119...! L..--x.Q..l.. { .-uuvw-u-'>o--3' ---vwu-- w-wt. The Chuthum Incubator and Broader his honestly constructed. _There is go humbug about it. Every inch ofmgtengl ; is thoroughly test`ed,,..tl_:e. mgohgne is i built on right principl_ea.;,th,e' inuulgtign in perfect, thermometer reliable,` and the .W9I'kmanshi_' the best. " L 0101.. nu__u____. ____I_'_A-._'_.;J u'.;_.V_i'i5._ T"jf:;`p:;u:fn:?$"1"'&'$:-'f36 =lIal'VQ8t. _ ` .' a-_.I --_ ..---_ _ ....' 4;..I'-`.I=.i.'.-..- .`_ "Li iu;:`a:L.r.1.g1;`e:ss`I: . .1:;`>.1`;d `Lady Mary`, smiling. To. have agwotod time, as you would put it. V "F.'3.n uppx` .`.?F*n`....' "77.? 4'. ; Jouqnic Olllcllti _o' Iqvvqoqvu qt _v-c--a-p won-vg --u -----vvonu ~'< .' it 5 "` I ` rs` ... .. .. ` . ) __ , . .. , _ :. ..:,_"',` - IIQK YUDIO . - Send. uqjyour nam andiuddfegs (iii apoatnn! - 1 I11`. --.. _.._..9- _... ....n.|.1.. a..;.. .-.`... `pi-(`un1lIeV%'fIi;`cf:c_1`o1`y;" but I 533% no doubt liter. it the saw yum going; on` 9. false track. the would give a mat." .. ., __- _ no ;-`_.__-_c,A . -..-,`__ If you could start at once in a. busi- ness which would add s. good "round 1 sum to your present earnings---wrm- ; our mvssrnta A D0u.AR-wouldn't ; you do it? ` mg Ins` can -.:II:.-.... On .6--6....-nu Zn ` W `Poul/try taising piya; People who tell ou that thereiis `nof 3 money in raising c icks may have tried it to make money in the business by using E setting hens as hatchet-so, and they i might as well have tried to locate a gold mine in the cabbage patch. The business of a hen is-to lay eggs. As- a hatchet and broader `she is out-` classed. That : the business of the. Chatham Incubator and Brooder,_s.nd they do it perfectly and successfully. TIIA Oansslls-II Iusnsngdn Inivnn-e-II: nan- "65." `[53 ".`.'sa :'a'.":'z'z'.':."""x'a'v`e" will 5 chip you 0 Chathun Incubator and \ 1 Broader, freight prepaid, and .1 You Pay No Cash Until: narvcm. 5559 9 VB PSI-ICE I-I Cl-I C|lIo\CI II, 0 ducted, pays far better than any other business for the amount of time and money invested. ' "I`k.\......A- A`. nun:-`O-av,-n=n`-an-4.. Th; poultry business, properly con-. III\IlIU III V \tU&'YI Thousands of poultry-riaisers-.men and women all over Canada. and the i United States--have proved to their } satisfaction that it is protable to raise { chicks withthe 5 Jvifell`: are willing to start you in ; n protable busineu and w_e don't ask 1 you t'o put up any kind of aodollnr. (Inn nnnnnainn In .`|:n `X7. `-311 number or unmarried English dukes is ' "No doubt. Btxt you must remember, my dear Miss Van Queen, that the) extremely limited." u! I;_. _.,,, III! EARN CASH In Your Leisure Time vast! - .`~".l'bo incubatqr you furnished mo works 0 cpodingl well. It; in can open and on y noelh about 1 - minutes ntte tlon ovum dgy. R. Mcaulmx. ooan JAw._ Ana. `ullllll `V M 510% y fl:-at hate}: came on . 1 t . 170 ne chicks-from lmezi L 3` a. an can beat that for the am so our! in the eprln . .1-am well please with ineube 1-. and It I . could not I: a.nothermon,ey;cou1d not bu it _ 111 me. Every mrmer: ehould nave at No. 3 Chathun Ineu -- - butar.-F. W. Rnanr. Dunnville, OI - C ; A an-,1 ``Yours in the first incubutorl have used. and I wish to state I had 52 chicks out of 62 0 This was my rst lot; truly a 1 {mt cent. hatch. lam-well pleased wi hm incubator and broader. Tnoa. Mo wan-rox .T Chllliwack, B.C. uIl_ n_.a. I.-L..I. 4...- ...Q 'I _..L M "Indeed, 1am heartilfwhamed of myself, he answered, .'-Lbashed. "You don't lolok it. I suppose you will cixuck. po'or~ Barron now, continued Nigel, some- what _sa.rca.stIca1ly, and the Duke will be easily whlstled back." "No doubt-.-contemptuously. malt. I will ten them it was all my The Duke st-sod his ground for a little while, twisting the ends or his moustache, and occasionally throwing in aremark to remind the other two or his presence, which they seemed inclined to forget. But he was not accustomed to play the part of second fiddle, so turned his back and strode 011- in dudgeon, whilst they rapfdly forgot "his existence. And,El1a Van . Queen-4-was she playing a comedy, skilfully angling for what she deem- ed blgfish? Truth to tell. Cupid, who plays strange pranks, had shac-t his ar- , now straight into her heart, and, thinking that inclination and ambit- t ion went `hand in hand, she yielded herself up- wlthmut a. struggle. A l-..L_l_I_L 1-1.-.. LL- 1-\ 1 - A the .._-v -- Just sixteen, tall, fair-ha.ired, with an aquiline nose and blue eyes which had a world of mischief in their depths, Nigel Lincolnshire was an ex_- tremely gobdvspecimeniot young Eng- land, though he had rather an sover- fweening idea. or his own" importance in` the world. He gave 9. little grlmace of disgust as he" noted the sltghtlynasali twang of the young girl, contrasting as it did with the high-bred bones hf his mother s ;vo1ce. ' ' ` .'-., ---~ vu IVQ