`At the recent municipal elections in Essa Tp. Mr. John Garbutt climbed the tree and_ secured` the game. The rate-payers evidently came to the con- clusion it was time forIa.change."` The Ooiuncillior said all along that should -he receive the requisite number of votes he would be elected- and this statement came true. A branch of the Union Bank, -one in! the oldest of Canada's financial insti- tutlions, has been established here un- der the management of Mr. F. D. .An- derseoon, who will- also manage` the Ooioktown branch. .We will have a daily service and there is no` d;:.u.bt as to it being a permanent institution here. The iarmersand villagers wel- , some this addition to our prosperous. . burg. _ r a _.-.._ ~w---ov-II Mrs. C. B.` James is visiting in '1`-c- ronto and her sister, Miss Dorethy; has returneti ctr-o?m visiting friends in Orlllla and Toronto.` ' ` Mr. R. C. Cunningham was elected a P. 8. Trustee in place to! theretlring trustee, Mr. R. Power. The school seats are or the most ancient type. and present the appearance 01 having passed through a threshing machine. .We hope in the near future tiysee new furniture and also modern heat- lng appliances. _ ~AL LL, ' ..v. . --- cg. `rule a av Dr. ..W. B. Sproule paid friends in Fleshertuan and Markdale avislt pre- v3o-us to returning to Toronto to take his "final session In medicine. 3 The newly-married couple, Mr. and Mrs. .Wlll Bczake, ,have-` taken` up the r residence in the old homestead. .-We wish them every success. TA ..-L-._J 1., Us A- I Mr. L. D. Simpson, medical student, returned to. Toronto last Monday. Mr. A. B. Robinson` also returned tq To- `:-onho on Monday to pursue his -me- dical studies. ' ._-- V--up--a v 7 VA J EIAUUUQQO ",We extend tn .Rev.V G. I. Cra;w crur `sympathy In the great boss he re- cently sustained in. the death of his aged mother. II'__ T IQ l-CDUJICX U-llUI'Uo Report says that M1-s.'J.os. Sproule is recovering under t-he treatment -she is receiving in Barrie. 'I\__ 119 _Miss EIs1e_Sp1-ooule has rletuz-ned_ ta Rvoaseau to pursue her iocation as 1 teacher there. `D--.-_L .......- 1.1__:. 1:..- -~r__, n,,,_ -_ SARJEANT &_}IT1"T-1 E 3 bef_ore cornpleting_our mnual invenfory. Great preparations will be made for GREAT JANUARY SALE D DSAN 0 11-113 WEEK or MINESINE which wil dilcunion or {~V`.11~!'%, 3 ? .!;_%* Of Flannels, Dress Goods, , Linings. Etc. will commence in n few days. Look for full announcement of it next week. Mayvor R-one had It In his power -to A have defeated the -scheme 01 the cabal ` I when in committee or the whole he wuupported the named menttoned in the .;'oom 1ulttee'e repdort-o n `the ground that he did not think it proper toginterrere .7-gather than use hie vote In tavor go! 7*` fQpIfe_who were being "equeezed out. I,`l!h1I-.ductr!n`e or pau1ve.ohedlence' tq fdqn|iulttee a report `tn a dangerous ,`);,|~,., A ` at Agtheu -_very_ _ 0! that ,..4'.l'i.$ `lbt. ;thi ouht. and 9 action .h . :9` JUL]! ninety etorts not the ladies to cater to tthe innerrnan tnom their bill or tare ml- ed all requirements, `never in the his- tory ot the church was there such an abundance: good thing; provided and,atter ample justice had been done all,`the_re was enoughlett to go round again; Eight o claock _brought us to the Jlntereutznz and lntgtlectual part Of thp;._nrqceed;ng.u; when Rev. H_..D- 08-. Zion Presbyterian church congrega- 'tlonla bo'be-highly complimented up- on the max-k`ed,succeas tor the annual New Year's Festival of 1906. The ex- cellency or the occasion can only be Mr. James Dunn of 'I few days with relative: and neigbhorhood. Mr. H. Clark, accom; daughter, Miss Pearl, 01 sited his brother, Mr. on New Yea:- a.` j 0].... `l'- ' , _ vuwuuu '.l`_he" audienceyboth adults and chil- dren, enjoyed the lecture, and the vote not thanks, moved by D. .Woods,` sec-. onded bycouncillor Downie, was car-T ried with quiet unanimity. Professor Tracy spentthe night in the home of the superintendent of the` Methodist Sunday schmol, and took the early train to Toronto Friday morning. claims of Church and State, forming the organs existence called society. Prof. Tracy's ge opening sentences and the remarks on the solidarity of the human race, re- minded one of the words of Paul, who says "No `one liveth to himself and we are members one of an- pther.The_ position` given to women and children in the Bible was strik- -ingly contrasted with their position in Greece duringthe period of" the high- est civilization in that great heathen empire. The injunction tio teach the laws of God to the children was weare- _ful1y emphasiied, and thepublicg meet- ing for the purpose of united study of these same laws was noted. It was _ pointed out that the fact of the for- .. mer important duty and privilege be- ing neglected 'is the reason that the school and the church are in their pre- sent unsatisfactory condition; and the whole of society suffers, `as we must acknowledge who realize the condition . of public morals and the lack. of ythat perfect honesty which is the bane of the twentieth century. Reverent study of God's word and reverence for each other in God's plan for the race is the remedy for this abnormal condition of affairs, reverence for the basic prin- ciples on which rests the whole fabric of the nationallife of empires. The inviolability and sacredness of the` marriage tie, the responsibility of par_- I enthood, -the sacredness of the new lives which should be regarded as God s bets gift tothe. parents, (the receiving. of a child, and training it, day by day, for Him, in whom we live and move and haveour being, was spoken of with such reverence and earnestness as could only be ex- pressed by one whose life is an - in- telligent consecration to the service of God, ' , 1 1 E power and position of the home and the school in human life, and as an important point in the environment of each of us thelecturer spoke: of the these ; four, State, Church, School and Home of the complex ft V! '31 ii: dz Vi Q1 `rim ,__- -..- ouv HACI- Friday mornin nea Toronto epenta relatives in the village : uhorhood. accompanied by hi M1... 1:.....: ...- m-- e - - ......-uuynzucu U) IILS _1, ea1-l, or Glanford, vi- Mr, M'-- F` " _v-na suchH1; I rati-on 001' L: eaTx(-`I-3; morning. _ ,,_--- --vuu sun C_HC1'5y EHO VLE one health. Steaming hot in five nutes. It makes your mouth w.` % to think ot_ it. - Mr. Wm. Brooks of New Lowell. visited on Sunday with Mr. Oliver Mc- \eQuay- . ` Mr. and Mrs. Willie -Wiley of B;r- `rie visited friends here last week. _,__ ..-.v yuuy.I. 1161'! Mr. and Mrs. James Hy visited friends in day. Mr. and Mrs. Ferrier spenta Jew days last week wltm `friends-.;.t Wcvodbx-Idge. T)--- I` --e position he nee` creditably filled `the past nine momths-:n rave-r -or one who was not even a member or the '-Oorttncil not 1905, and the same re- ~ niuk appuea to the replacing or Aid. ` Beardsley as `Chairman or Markets and Parke.` Surely this is` not _deal- in: right with either the man or the 5 tpiepitiien. It is poor encouragement for " e;:: 1.iderme.n to initiate" a. eyetem or return or-outiiine upolicy or im- priovement in a. department only to ti-nd his head cut on betore he aha 7 had a. chance tie carry out his plan two campiete his work. L` the people-sho-wn. their appreciation by loud and frequent applause. It would inoat be fair to single out any par- ticular performer. The children of the Sabbath schcbl took a good share of the honor and those who had the , training of them deserve great cre- dit. Miss M. A. Mccrimmon was in gwopd voice and as usual was heartily M enoored. Miss Duffy and Master W;l- lie Duffy will be remembered for their singing and the latter for hisdrum solios. Miss Archer and Mr. Pierce. of Allandale, contributed liberally to the vocal portion of the programme, both have splendid voices and we hope to hear them scion again. `Miss McKee, of Barrie, as accompanist, .was a new feature to `our Angus concerts. Miss Pearl Clark of Hamilbon, was a. stranger to this place but a more scle- ver el-ocutiionist has not -been heard here for some time. She was re-ca1led three times after her last number. The gathering was brought to a close af- terthe singing of the National An- them, atter which the present_s from ,the tree were distributed to the chil- ` dren. A perfect food for enrgy ll `AA _..'_ __' 1, 1 - T1n~. 0 C1-ufbad .--- 3` In { throughout the evening-`kept the audi- , ence in first-class humor and the best not order prevailed. Every number on the programme was well received and the in} In. 4-1.. 1.- - Clark's Por And Beans EN DS ma. _,--_ -.... .u.\.ucu|.a uvul disiributed yo . The avenge elecor will fail n see :the Justice at depriving Ald. `Strange of tho olmrmanawp or Fire and Police 1 HOLLY. and vigor- *_ A,-, ew {day 3will be and_ 3'9 fqr 1t 1. dxsagn in man Candy and he `rig; Allund 4-!--i--i ..-3. 33-i-ewe-I-or--s-a-+-i-:-1-++-s--z-+4-ea--s-oz--3--a-oz-4 _ " Judging `from Monday's proceedings b the Goruncil for 1906 does not impress one as having get away ed a good` start. 1'0 begin With, the Striking` ,ye.ar's body and. two-*0! whqmv were 3 _ utter strangers to municipal iite. The Committee did it work in a rather suspicious fashion. By the way, this committee. instead -or being composed of the oldest and most experienced ; members -or Council; in touch with , eiyic matters. had -three men ion it none or whom held a seat in last ,, result was inevitable. Everything pre- ' tented `a cut-anddrie.d app'e.a.r.ance and showed unmistakable evidence . or camui pianning on the pan or some person. s v C JO| Fl_RE| Pr! agges Ef:~Ii' Stree 'I-"}I\ S| Has \`n. 0 `I \H Wht FRI H0 vvT1'T'r`1"!`!`!"l"!"i"l"3'3""""'"3`3"1` l'4'4"l"l!"|'1'+'i"l'!'l"I'I"l'!'44i!f4'!'H Impressions and After-thoughts ++++++++++++++++s++++++++++++++;+ssssA&4L,. E j One Door East of Union Bank. % E Fwoowwoonowwwwwowo++++ L Devlin &Murch1s0n - __.-.... u-uya adult VVUIVUUDKQ In mtons and`-Bjenvers, worth 12.00. ` Now 9.00ench. Men's Long Tweed Overeonts. same. style as above. worth 8.50. Now 6.75. Men'a medium length Blnek Melton Overconts. made with slit in the hack. worth 7.50. Now`5.85. A straight discount off all Bovs-' Overconts. Bring your boy in. We'll fithim. both in size and price. T j Years of experience in clothing men and boys have taught us their wnnts. We have fashionable garments. cut in the newest style. made of strong. nttrnctive and best tnnterinls. well made. well finished, that lit and look well. Men's Long Chesterfield Overconts, in Tweeds. Mi_l- tons nnd Begum-n nrnnilu to An nr-_ II n..- Only 3 fewVl..olli:$:'(3-ools lglttv ."l.`he;e will be sold at your own price 10.00 Coats. now 7.50; 7.50 Coats nogv 6.00 and 5.00 Coats, now 5.50. 5 vv will IJIDIIIIUIUQ `I13 UUXGU. Extra Heavy Woof Blankets. size 66384. rejgt for 2.8 . Extra Heavy Wool Blankets. size. 66x84. 4.50. for 3.65. r T * L Extra Heavy Wool Blankets, size 64x86. regu! for 4.25. or ` Comforters at 89c. 1.15. 1.35 upto 5.50. %Heuy5: ool Blankets; Size` 6_0x8O 4 ,, regular $3.00, to; % %Sft%ocktl%:%ing is now n. 1 `For: the next two weels we will have bargains in every department. j Odds and ends to be clejufed out at ridicxilously low prices. W ..,--yuuvug. I-PL EHO anli1l'O00.i Our Ikatlng run: will -- ...... ....n,y an we season`: chop. also a. Brenttaord wlndmlll. The total" loan ll eetlmetedlat about three tl_)oyu-- and dollars with ., only one thoueend duller: .1ne`unnce. Mr.` {Arnold l...-no.1 the aympathy lot the entire .__o_og_1m_unlty;~., -. 1 on `Bn`I|n- '_l_ I`. V tn?` M}: Ed.Bel1 ex mill in pperatbo cutting n,th1a week 1-0: the or Mr. J. Con`: timber.` Mrs. Partridge, Barrie, is vi- mm: her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jae. '1`:-lpp. _ - ` \ . M1ss_Ovens`ot Duntrovon has taken charge or our school for the` coming year. s ' . Mrs. Tripp and son, Hyli-am,V have re- % turned trom visiting friends at Fergus and Enorbnto. ' Miss Mdbel Charles is at present vlgitlnsr friends at Langman. I10...) at On the whole, the initial meeting or Ootuncllo duoesinot augur well Cor ca. business a.dmIn!stra.t!on of civic at-c fairs, during 1906. and unless the"b.1d- ermen sink [personal (utterances and predllectlrons in the `general gcuod and welfare or the town the outlook is :not; encm1ra.ging.. T > cln__l: Mr. W. A. K he 3. U. I. irkpatrlck is attendmg . U .3; '4"$4"4'M'4+fl!"$"!3"$f'&l'+ watchman, Council did badly in se1ect- \ ing `an untried man in lieu of an ex- perienced officer with such excellent lqualiticat. -one as Mr. Lsmbie s. It may be said that the m-ove.is {only .a. tem- porary shitt, butthzs does not excuse the act -or those who were willing ap- parently tvo sacrifice the best interests or the force by making .9. purely` ten- t'a.tive appoantment. It is to the credit or the Mayor" and Aldermen Strange. .Wa.tt, Beerdley, McMm-ran and Wil- s"on`t:hat this retrograde step was op- nnnnd, I, 64-x8 6%. regu!'arw 5.00. 3. regular V3325} ALLENWOOD. 60x80. .g..u. oozr`ai:1{:_x-:`i-ty`: I t . ` II kg -_-_ _ I; regular v- ---- use-us IIVGIUIII - ' We were pleased to` see Mrs. iwb-m. Dunning hot tlioronto amonget us re- Mr. and Mrs. William I-Iaodgine have returnedettjer an extended visit with friends. in. sl%(t-.- Albert. ' . Mr. Russell Hunter. or Braceiiridge, 3 `visited his brother-in-lajw, Mr.` George Simpson, recently. .- ' A` Mr. `Willie `Owener arts ._s_tu`den,t at . institution on Monday. '.l.\oronto' University. returned to that Mr. J. E._.7~lii_w-x_:_;ps_en . students i `iggg pttouu A "Po-`y .ps:en_ts ----- no unuavv UU UV UUII gulno Mr. `and Mrs. Thomas Henry spent a-n enjoyable time in Detroit recently. Mr. Albert Stewart returned to `lla- ronto after visiting friends here. Mr.` George McLean at Newton Ro- binsoonwislted friends here recently. Dame Rumor says that diphtheria la in the family of Mr. F. Grey. Mr. O'Dell,.marlne engineer on tile V- Upper Lakes, is visiting `friends here. ' A son arrlv-ed recently at thehaome of Mr. and Mrs. E. James. Congratu- -ra.t!ons. ' t V ' Mrs. R. H. Nlxvo-nvls 1ll'a1t (present.- blrt W6 hung in -an I.}. .. :a.-n_..._-_L ITUUWIWO 9 Mrs Nixon in but we hope tn see` her "fully st-ea-to:-ed to her usual health. - - 4m- ..---- .. - _ ..-- - vcuuvyvovvllllj HWK u A` .We a;e glad to` see Mr. John |Pat- tersonfable no be out, again. -M BIIA "us '`--A'------ .'A '- ----- - o V claw IIUI U0 '-inhiertil has twrovnew Councillors. Mcoo-nkey and Warn1ca.__ ~- '* A.-- ..--..-L _ trade aa exceptionally `mod; .._-vr--pay; _uu\a VV Gt IIIUGI ' Our merchants report the Christmas ma n-A -1-; u.-- ..-- -- ----- nu -you-scar WU IIVI IIIVUIIWI Us (Miss 'V;ina. Hodgins in! Toronto is visiting friends here. ` 1 V V..._n..nn u. - - vuIV\-P wlau J-I-BIG: "A yo-ptioh made `great proigrest in Ontario at therecent elections. ~ M!sstMa;gg\ie SI'mps;m um Philade1I- phia, is visiting` atlier mother's. _ In-.. 17.-_- vv,-~.!_--- - - ',:.'1_\It'.'_l.1`t'v.t.:ve:-tu%ge.st reux-ned to Owen Sound onAFrida.\`r. Mr. John and Mrs. West spent the New Year in Barrie. `f___ In 1TM'ra:`as~:;;g;";m1;svan. is holidaying ln.'1`-or-onto and Lisle. ' -~ . Miss Whealy, of Galt, is` visiting her parents here.` - vv uuuguy Lwla WUCLo Say t_;oy's you had better keep pretty quiet, as I understand we n'::I'w hate two legally qualified magistrates in the suburban! our village. Messrs. ` James Gauley and Jae. Davids-oh have % wt`-h been` Iwpaolnted J, P.`e. Miss Mamie` Cairris. _Or1lI_ia, was the guest or her aunt, Mrs. Jae. Gauley, for a few days last week.` T G-.. |..--_'- __,,, - "iI'v.-;i srs.. J. and A. Clark -of Holland `Centre spent Christmas with their mmher here. V . -- - urvnnu out. can: stung` nu Ul.'U`lLI7ll 1C5- -Mr. Will`, Clark spent New. Years with h! sister, Mrs. Badman, 20: Port Perry. ` -"Fr-ed. Traoitt has returned to the cltyfarter spending the'ho11da.ys` with his br.~oithers.in the vicinity not Brent- w~o:od. ' flgdr-."'.i`1`x-'t>mas .Mahar is a.t_h! moth- er's home here,- nursing abroken leg. .Mn H11 (VI.-...l- .~_-..a. 17-..- w---.\-, - -- uwvvuaau I-I-D coca U509 Luuaausgut WX."l;1v'g-e quantity of clover seed is being threshed in this neighborhcod. It is turning mt very well, a bag of seed is often threshed from aload of ; the fibre. - Miss.Ella. Mccarthyihavs gone"t1A:r To-t ~rontoo to spend the winter. ` T Ill..- (1-, ,9. u- 1` _..v I -v -r----- was`: vv ooavvsc I`-`mas Sara.h McCa.rthy, Tvomnbo, v.`- sited 'at her `home during the holidays. A 1--.... ..--__LL__ ,-a _I,_____, Mr. Ja~me Maxwell has returned boa - A ` _ ` _ ` _v- vu-w V-ovtnnuiri ~ Friday night, Jan. 6th.. being the night to,or,the election of officers -in the A.O.U.W., the toolbowlng were sel- ected and duly installed by R. J. Hill. `Du"1'n '1`hee,.A;O.UV.iY36;.Vin-ee;`No. 229, has.` jby a.',dl_spe.nsa.tfon which it received from the G. M. ,W., changed its 'nIghtA or meeting from the fourth Monday In the'-'mionth to the Friday night on or before full moon in each month. The members -or the lodge `will please remember the change. 'l'.I_lJ--_ _)_,u_'L 9 -s- ".\'7e_'enern`graJtulate bur Reeve, Mr. R. J. Hill, Tom being-`appointed 1;. J. P. for the Gountyv of Sjlmcoe.` T '$1}?3e}e&fL~&'E:IeY;5,'i6., as v;- siting his bwtherdn-la'w, Mr. J. Mc- Knight. - % ` ' ' The first blizz'a.rd n,r the season 0`:- curred on Sa.turda.y'v'b2t,t',1-noaon. . Ml`. -.Tan-aft. nnf (`.In'\r}=ldn`rI nhn in v - ---- --- -v---v v-vv v --v u-nrvuv - `Mr. J. G:-eaves, M'I=s.swl-Iachel `shall and Miss L!lllan Oatrander. at- tended 'a. oonterence' `of -?the- Brethren at._Or11lia last week - .% = ` I. W.-Arthur McLean. ` O. IW.-Alex. Oovulter. F. Sec.-J. A. Patterson. Recordez--G. Henri. . Treasurer.-'-Matt. McKenzie. .-..,_ ~_..--- _-_- -. < mu mirner'o'Y:&iEI']2E2 tea- cher` 01 _th_e'-J-Iobart Public school, 13` `the `new principal at the`_1oca.l school. IIIL- --.'...-..-".l.-._. _ _ _ . _ _ _- I--L __-_|_ "7i~1{'.v;"tB}zi:rLg"11{a{'-Iai was 25 degrees. the highest being 36 and `the lowest 9 degrees above zero. '11. I 1 _ g . _ .. lDl_,_. IIIC -LIEU!) RICO LVV [Us 1-VVIIIIIIII-o_ Mr.` George Pam-xage pt si'n`ta1uta. sank, in visiting friends _in this vicin- ity. Lat weekhe was the guest of` his sister,` Mrs, Jame; v.Wil_lia.m,s. M'.'.-'vv'.'-'-R. Little. F. M.-R. C. Cunningharh. O. S.-R. Lenn~ox., Guide.--R. `J. Hill.- `ix-5. Bell, (nee iirxciiia Craig), or Momatqiig; is visiting trie;;ti"a"" 'i:iftj7:`this '_viA_c__inity ." i- .M1_'.7` '1`; Judihiiion of was the .';"uet~' last. week `oi.'.~ may tathz-" and his Dieter. Mrs. .Wm. (Williams. "H flaaxnnnn Enu:G-ldnun `VI 53... !-_`I..L.. f"iTfE.oma' 52111;" %;3?`zi;c'_'%'$" drought next uzmmer nor `Qwen Sound and- t\_A~ V 11:. 7in*a 5 itrai-`%`iz.!`ntrsha11 visited .- mend: `lira Baum; lapt yyeek. V TnonNToN. BRE NTWOOD. KILLYEAGH.. ::TAj%it3iiu1i*a;1`.A Jam Fgnmsog The Methaodit annual tea-meeting was held on the evening oi. _Thurs- , day, Jan`. 4th. The tea was a success, as usual, and the short programme, consisting of vocal and instrumental music, dialogues and recitatiuons was pleasing. But the attractbon not the evening was Pnoiessor Tracy's lecture ` on..the Relations of the Sunday School and the Home". Prof. '1_`racy occupies the chair or Metaphysics in Tononto University and is a distin- guished "authority on psychology, the "art not teachlng. child; culture and other important sociological problems. He is also an..ea-rnest'B_;bl'ical student, who is pre-eminently reverent" inf his "study or the war or s j:_ecea'_led V In thcaprnaterr lecture wa.a_.o. ;w,hq.t ,1: _G_pd I,xfai9a1ad` ~ ~ At"; meeting of the. L. O. L., I.'nnl:- tilDZstrlct, held here on Friday, these -officers were elected- .W. D. M.-R. J. Hill. D. M.-Anson Black. e Chap1a.1n-Wm. Brown; _ Rec.-Sec y.-Be-n. Averill. _ Fln.`-Sec y.-W. Black.` '1`rea.aurer.-'1`. .W. R. Arnold. D. or C.-Wm.e Armtrong; Lecturer.--David Gauley. Deputy.-W. J. Reid. ._W. AB!`-0. Chas. Palling installed the officers. Speeches were made by Reeve Hill and ..Wm. Armstrong. A V-0.fJ`0f thanks was passed be D. M. Srlgley and Bro Allen tor their efficient 4 ervlces In connection with .the-12th ~ 91 July celeb:-atin.n_ An... .-;.;-... utuvsuc l Donnectln t or July celebrato-n. About brethren attended. ` j V