Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 11 Jan 1906, p. 2

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S-kip Cline j 5 ""&} Beecrn-ft other -well k_n`o1n " E:DDY S I Pa.ttV.;-;>n } oa1m.1A-3A;133p__r1nsI ROUND BARBIE. Hose . '"`k:p Brawnlee before Canadian readers the works or Canadian `writers and artists, for the illustrations are most or them from phnltlographs of Canadian scenery. or repruductinons or some of the best works at Canadian artists; a.nd"'the 3 articles deal largely with Canadian re- sources `and advantages, with special ` Imphasis upon the agricultural side of our Canadian life. - TH: NORT_HE_RN_ Aovamc: BARBIE. Baker and Confectioner 4 LB. OAF FOR 100. Majority rm Orillia 33 25. per bottle. AH guarantee it. ~g,;2;: ... Curling. U.I8.L.E~Y.&.cRHE'W-L PRC~I'P;Ilt'l'ORVS If it mun : a re cute.` this ` '=*'>=%'=.- I """*.I' ' .pdV 5 `$0300 stock of , ANY QUANTITY OF MONEY ll-can ni-=4 Lo .._; 2 __A . . VAT j ORILLIA. v-_ -v...r ' -Tudhaope . . . . ..16. Skip 52 AT BARBIE. CURLING. PARLOR `V 3:40 p.m. For Stayner. mud and Mea`tond. ` V15 p.m.- A Ear Ponetant`. l._00. pun. For Stayner. Fund and Mentor-d. ? " Daily including Sunday`. ...15. .-Madden Sk.p ...10. ` Skip __ .I!_,__ _ msum ' nCurehiIsto cure Coug.h;ougetbuck dlyou You are sure of "a Cure or c., promptly attended I Skfp QRILLIA. ORILLIA . !1~per%J%:n omoT. in dvmwe ' unfol- 05:: would E ...23. 65. 129 101 ..16. `.18.- ,.13. 28 ' THOMAS vKENNE.DY & 00.. ARCHI- **'- Wt: ' `1.15 "mm. For Stayner: Mud and Mentor-d. ' ..20 ..14 ..17 THE o'-`| ______________. 'UN`vViIv`.' MURPHY & ESTEN. on- tario ` Land Survegors, Engineers. etc.` Established 18 2. Office. Medi- cal Building. S.E. oorner Richmond and -Bz `streets. Toronto. Tele- _ am. 1336. Instructions left wnth Strathy &. Eaten. Solicitors, ':Bank` of Toronto Buildin . Barrie, will be promptly attended to. -__._ mxuh (JUM- pany. Carpentering. -building. and manufacturing out doors. sash. Minds. mouldings. etc. Planin of all kinds done romptiy and so. isfao- torily. Hot last drying kiln. Dis- trict Agency sori , grained; lumber. Faptory, Bayfipld .. street.-.. gag rie. &, glhe. successors` o. eo. `_'_ 9- .. :_ `..` `w. .1. . _-.... QUAIL` 11.1.1. U1!` MONEY T01 ll-oan at`4 1-2 and 5 per cent. Easy terms of re-pa ment. Lennox. Cow- on &-Brown. igitors. Barristers. 11.45 am. For Orillia . amen- Hunt and North Bay. T ` `(.08 p.m.- For Orillia. North Bay points West. . DR. J. ARTHUR :j. Q `I2j,,n 7-.--.. .5 um um vnD1'M.lN '1' ON GOOD freehold security at lowest rate of interest. No princi al money re- aired until and o the term. H. Strathy. Solicitor. eto.. Barrie. -_......o.a umps uxscounted. Colleo-u Ions made 111 an? art of the Counts. Real esta e Bought .a.nd opld. veyancing in all xts bran- ches. Marriafe Licenses issued. Of- f` s -B oak; Dunlap street, DR. W . . .-- a4J.\_J.LVp .fl"~lVA.'.I.`.E -Loan on Real Estate at lowest rates. Farmers notes discounted. Collec- t_ions_ in anv mu-+ ..s H-- HOMOEOPATHIST. V. J. PATTERSON. M. D., Physician. Surgeon. Homo ist. Office Hours-11 a.m. p.m., 7 to 8 p.m. Cor. zlizi Dunlap S'zs., Barrie. srnwmr _& STEWART. BARRI8. `nun _I2-!L-___ `-9 n M. C.. L. `C. P." 8.. 0.. late resident Physician and Sur eon of Toron- to General Hospita . with special attention to Diseases of Women. and Nose and Throat \Vork, also for some time surgeon in charge of _Emer ency Hospital. Toronto. pffnce an night -residence. upstairs In M_oCarthy -Block. 21 Dunlop St.. Barrie. second door east of Dou- gall Bros. furniture warerooms. near Five Points. PhnmA 10?- in 8 rate 48 Oolilnn Newspaper. T Published from the o1ce.: I23 Dunlap Street, RAnvln_ in the Pnuntv nf imnzu- than PI-n`. ST-RATHY` 8: ESTEN. BARRISTERS. Solicitors in High Court of Ju-z~ - tine; Notaries Rublic, Convevancers. Offices `over the Bank of Toronto. Barrie. Money in sums of $2,000 and u wards. `to loan at 5 per cent". . H. Strathy. K. 0., G H. Eaten. U3. u.m.11'1:l. an u`ruwLAND.. office `and residence, corner of Owen and Oolher streets, Barrie. I. 0. SMITH. M. E. GOWLAND. M_ R u A u n HE-WBON cg 0RESWIGKE.A BARRIE- G. A.1;RADEN'H-IIJRBT. BARRISTER. .l~LL___,. , LEiq1ox._CdWAN & BROWN. BAR. ridthrm nlinifn-pa rm. ..1.+.:.s:.... )R. J. F. PALLING. GRADUATE OF Trinity Universitv. Toronto. Fel- low gt Trinity Medical Collegg. umuuuue. nrown's Block. D1 street, Barrie. Telephone. 77. >12. W, A. R088. PHYSICIAN. sun-% goon. etc.. L. P.. 0. S..jEdin.. L. R. . P., Lon don. Offices and niht residence. Brown's Block. Dun op Telenlmm-.- 77, w. 7AUI4'P.-BAR1_'q8_tIf:R, somolron. `~.-1 mgr; I = L ' NORTH. I F-1.55 o.m-. ForrV0ri1lia`T. mmn nay a;..`.I .-.~ - I. T. ABNALL. H. D. C. M.. OFFICE ` in Bothwe-ll : Block. Allandale. On the premises at night. " ....-- so v.51: vv 3&1; l)lI|vI`.lD" 135$. Solicitors. Notaries Public, and Conveyancers. Money to loan in any sums at 5 per cen . Office -.13 Owen street, -Barrie. H. . Stew- `rtp Lo Lo Do Do "Mo tern. Solioitorg. of the Supreme Court` of Judnoature. of Ontario. Pmotors. Notaries. Conveyanoers. etc. Mouey_ to -loan. ' Office. Ross Block, Barrne. Q. E. Hewson. K.C., `A. E. H. Oreswnoke. BALL` PLANI N} MILL CO V. Cllrnnnl-as-`S -nu |..--n.u,,. ` . "__`+--'-""`-""" I. LYON. PRIVATE FUNDS T0 In an Raul .1a.+n+.-. -L I----` ristbrs. Solicitors for .obtainin pndrato of wills. guardianshi gn dm_injet'ntion. and general wi- Notaries. Convegnoers. etc. Otfnqes. Hinds Block, arrie. No. 6. 2::-.=2., ':":t$- ?:;":` *.9:'v.....t. uJul.IIup- Iltruutg Inurnua `I101!!! 10 loan `aid 4 1-2: and 5 per cent. Branch offices at Croomore and Al- l:atJan._ _-Haughtan Lennox. Alex. Ihwan. G. E. J. Brown. L.L.B. v _ -v.- nu sharp. qrsaisibhbulal-In '7At_tom;: .l`i'citor in Chancery. Oonveyanoer. ot'o. 0ffioe. first door. Owen -street. over Bank of Com- merce.` Barrio. W I qanajoj -ocnovsvunnia-I-II-I] IJVAJAVI-&\ILIj - Notify. Onveyarioer. `eta. Bpbcul; attuntion in glrawing and pnobatmg wills. obtaimng legzters of administration and guardxanshlp. collecting accounts. a o. Of-tines. Elms ock. Barrie. Honey to loan. %%.:w.i..*~i*= jfliljg Ila Ila Fog IJLIKIUI-3 L aoU1'n. L % 1 `(.22 o,.tn.- For. Novmarket'.' To- Kio. Montreal and points But. :` `I55 o.m.- For'. Aurora `hi 'Dorrunto. 1 I35 cane For Allandalo. I 012.37 pun`. mar Nerwmau~ket'. me an and Toronto. ` 3.20 p.m.- For Newmo.rk1et'.,T6ron-V `N. Ildntroal `and points But`. ` MANUFACTURERS. MONEY rro LOAN. -IJl`Eo- Points. mrnxture wareroo Phone 105. ABH1TE18- I FINANCIAL. % PHYSICIANS. B-._.-E 3.. BARBIE`-. ` -`MI mm`: For Oa`rdw!o'll Justina. Haul-gotown and Hamilton`. .` ` UB5 p.m'c For cu-dwell Junotiuh. Ian-gotown and Hamilton. . ,. _.- '. gun; 5- LI 3.. Euro-nun at vI~......... ' 1-`I vs J.I.Lq n. Homoeo ; .11 a_m, Kath. E13133, A11anda1eTL;i FOR SALE. #3. H. mvmuns - or CANADA. 8l4_SlUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES. ` mm. have Barrio` tor the Mn-. Kanuntionod places as follows: uvu II1I`-ll`\l District Manager of Simcoe County f: {CENTRAL LIFE INSURANCEC I (III llvnvx. The Marktf Roller Mill -..... .......uu-u uuxupany nus re}-rem tivea in the principal towns throughout Dominion. Select: its risks and gives advantage in rates to such favorable in cation, physical and moral hazard THOS. CRAWFORD, M.P.P., President 0. C VANNOBHAN. Vice President W. Gnnnxwoon Bnown, General Mam.` 'J. H. BENNETT. Acent at Bar` CAPITAI; EUBSCBIBED, - S CAPITAL CALLED UP. ` - 3 Government Deposit $53,000. under Dominion License. This Canadian` Company has re tiven in thn nrinniml +........ n---.- vuxlucllaull BC VCYIIBCIDCDIS On rst page p as wants of all kinds, lost and found, prop, for sale ortao rent, ezpecic nrticles. etc", must be accompani with the cash. and- inset-ted.-rst insertion 2 cents per `- each subsequent insertion 1 cent per w (namcs,addresses and gures counted as vm: but a. reduction of one cent per word wil. made when the number of insertions org matter exceed four ` Gnu for advoruunnenu mm: In on case be mounted on solid metal hm ;' you an-AUX UHANGES. Advertisers will please bear in mind- notice of intention to change ad\'L-rtiscxr, mustbe handed into the oice not lam-_ Saturday at 10 o clock. and the cop) rm; change mustbe in THE ADVANCE otiic later than 12 o'clock noon on Monday in week, otherwise the advertiser's annoiinm; gnay not be made public until the week 10; mg. 12 changes of Advertisements allowed year. If more are required, composition .-. will be oh (1. Advertisers will not be allowed to use; space for advertising anythin outside ;_- own regular business. Sho (1 they ac transient rates will be charged for sucL vertisementsd CONDENSED ADVERTISEMENTS. Condensed advertisements page; i as wants found. um-., Ai;`ply';t . _ "THE ADVANCE OFFICE. Governmeni Problems. a'Preferred positions for local adv,. mentsin the paper willbe sold L V ' of one-third on above rates, an?! 3: ad" ;:,:`:::&1`:.*;s:,,P::.*;u:.:* pun.--_ . ._ _,, . . and Right Prices f * --; c.u_.L ox __ insertion of the same utter. All ite TRANSIENT ADVERTISING. .,.:~:+*n,:::::.:ae,:t::nc:::." 1. Inmuent tnsertlon 5 cents per me ing notices, 10 cents per [me (0,, insertion : 5 cents per line for each stzbaeq; 51inch, of this chm-ac 1-, charged arm: bitnary Poetry 60 Der line. `I Tn: : Anuxo: is proven t 1, 141%-gweit circulation of any paper u?tne'E; Ithsus. also bytsr the largest subs; recs! Ting latter fact. demonstrates th its patrons. you have any. advertxsrnm hes Iggy: p . Advertisements are charged accoun space-18 lines agate measure make me 1:: d----- V .-.or._ The Northern Advan, O n:-4 2. West Baldvhn Street. Corner of Marv, and Elizabeth SIS. _fll_I_E Irisuna:'?:t1'riII3A'raY I Qiv-ha .----_:_ Chopping and Gristing. FLOUR, FEED, Etc. I'Il0llH6(l IN`!!! F08 011106.: 1'55 uunmp FWBEU Barrie. in the County _, f_ Simooo. the Pro - vlnoe at Ontario. ' anada. every Thursday Morning. by T J boob : -'. irnvnsnu . ` .PLEWE$ cbuxncun coNfnuc'r MlNESlNG{ f: `I m2IIRA-A4!- 1. Howar coxmiw canvass, In -:8 ..l...._- 1., VI A Rn! A nu VIUVQV ng5Y3.0d0. Opera inn Tjnanln 11.10 am: 1'0: pcaetang. Barri: W. .. 11th., wear mind, `go advertiscm. ce not law; the 9011' {on )VAI~Ch arm. RATES. IN 0.` BL0l' ' _ACR` ' represen- nnnkn-an $500.0 $150.0 `.16 pan. For` Drillia.' The raegeis Calling. Tunas: 61- s Unsc1umiIow.- .G9!9r Coiling`- % oo11ip- presence or eaorrowlng friends. Rev. Dr. ` Ockley held aervlceat the hpluae. Mes - pru. E. Donnell. Alex. Omwan. W. A. ,.'.l`urner, B. 31 Flatcherv andx Reva. W. M1-.-Aulle Bachman left town on Friday for Sturgeon Falza where he as- sumes the managing ed1_t:>rsh3p at the Advertiser, during the -absence or the proprietor. Mr. Bachznan will b`e.muc_h mluedhere. and 11': many friends join ` an wishing nim "success. in his wider aphere. ` ' Advocate and Home] Magazine. By ape- clal clubbing rate The Advance and 1'he .Adm:a-te -oVne..year for $2; The Advoo-:29.-t,e is a. weekly magazine and makes a. valuable addition to farm literature. - . I'_ A Farmers Institute meetings wi1l_be held at`Pa.tnons` Hall. Mldhurst, and ,Woorkmen s Hall, Mineaing, on Friday and Saturday. Jan. '19th and 20th Irma ` apectlvely. Mr. A. E. Sherrzngtnn, Dr. J. Standish and Miss B. Maddock are among thespeakere. ' III}... A .1---..-_' - Frhe sidewalks at the tmvn have been in a,-very dangerovua csandlton from ice the past week or two. _ One would think that sand wasselling `at a. premium just now, or is the depart- rn nt -aseep? e E n - & . _-I 7.. -10; _a vv- u.. .- vvy yosv lull-V &V&lI {J L4t:W.B. Miss Mam1e"Cra.ig has ret`_urned tn '1`Ioronto aftersspenting Va couple or weeksin toown with-the Misses Craig, Baytield .street . ` ->--- rvn .'\l.>III%.'.V% Bev."..I'. P1-tt Lewis, `rector? at Grace church; Toronto, was in town on Fri-- -day attending the obsequies at his sis- ter-ln-la.w. "the late Mrs. D. Lewis." fan \A'...I-`vn_-1.. I.-- - -'l`he_ Oatunty Council will meet for the In-st"t1meT this year on Tuesday, Jan. 23rd. There ls.ctonsderable_specu- la.-tion over the Wardenship. "TN.-x-n H'IL....._-!') -A.nL._--L-3 - - ..-..---_ 3-.. ..... -vv usuvuuuoyo "Dora. Thvorne"? attracted a fairly large _ho'tuee on Friday evening, and lmel play-goers were much pleased with the perrormance. `I `I501; . - Mr. Arthurvcrsogan and childen 'o-2 Depot Harbor returned home on Sa- turday atter a. fro:-tn1ght s visit at Ald. |and Mrs.` .W. A. Lowe's. ` 1].. fl_. I '..--v`, v Mrs.` A`.m]V3`r.~cn_Ika, accompanied by he;-V little son, Robbie, "oi Woodbine Ave.. Tioronto. spent New Yea:-"a with her mother.`Mra. ,W. K. Rankin. II- A__LI_,,_ The Barrie-Marlboro` senior hockey match set tutor `Saturday night inyTo- nolntb was postponed owing to lack of vice. V T 2 vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv "[ocal%Jottings .OOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO< Mr. Alex.,G1wbsa:>n.A Toronto, _sp2r.`. New Year's week. with his friends in Barrie and vicinity. ` \ |:_- `'0 Us YLLJELVJBJ. 3! \J\lo9 Sd b all drm-ggislts, 75c. -Take ja1l s Family Bills or con- altipmtnu. lbledo. O. Miss gRamsa.y,_ of 'Dunnville.' has been the guest or Mrs. J.` R. "Cotter, `Owen St; _ U T I-k on `Ivojy zooooounooooouoooowug 1 --v are. aaqanu IJIl'|cWlul'JJ` uuvo. ' . FRANK J. `CHENEY. _ Sworn to before me and su`.)sv.:ibcd an my presence. this 6th d`z,v..of lJ.=.- 0enl`b8 l'.' Ac Do (Seal) A. ._W. 'G-LEASON ._ ' ` . ` . ` Nnltaaw Pnmblno. I Hall's Oa't`a.n-J1 Cure is taken inter- rnaly. and acts dineutly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. 8-and our testirmomniml-s from ' `Ii! nunxtnv -17. run uv as ucwur gunman` 0! H10. nrm (OI F. .J.- Oshawa ` A the City `of Toledo`. County and State Ivfonesmd. and t-h a=t said `firm will the sum of one H-u-ndmd Dal- -are for each and every casa.-at Oa- Pt-atrh `that cannot be cur-ed by the use of Ball's Oatwrrh. Cure. `la`I)A\1'l2'T l\lJ'I`.\\`.`1.Vtr 00.. daoei-ng-bau-sineoss in % State "Ohio. Cllty of` Toledo, . Iglllillllz nmihffv an wonwsv nu. vuuu. buy or `.l'01eu0, . Lwcan count . , , Fyank J; Gheney `xyakg oath that he 1.: senior gar_`paea'_qf tl_1e. firm (pf '1 `I . lYL_._..__ . Leslie. Moconkoy. Todd and Warnion be- ing elected. I V " ` The following 110 {nil vote for Connoillon by Sub-divhionn. 5uoooo'o'o sixty million acres or land-ea.1d but he- ; equal _ln qiility "to `the.-t of the beet; land or Old Ontax-!o-ln the clay belt beyond the mlneralized district is '3' question that will require the c1os- ` est attention or the Government. Innisl Eamon. `Among theleeveral problems await- _ lng oolut1~on' by the Ontario Govern- `yment_ none. perhaps, is an important Qty that put the public eoantnql and d1:- l iturlbutlmr -of electric energy derivable mom such waterways as A Niagara" ji Falls` and other natural resources. B:`-' y i. `alder,-`adding materially to the revenue, priduclngl elemente l or _ the Crown,` Inch 9. ieheme would center lnentimy-. blfbenellt directly upon the terr;-, l "gurvo_d. 1:` would be .1mo.u,m; hlev `tot ooneelve . or the ; lmnienuir . y.I:u-I.I'1uu!lIIl.u'l'.S 11118.` F. J. OI-IENEY '& 00.. mdlnn Gun? nuns-W uaun `Luau. artnaetr at the, firm (of ; 00.. dnci-nitAbuu's'i in and Hiorne Magazine, at London, Ont., in its holiday dress,_ to brighten the homes or Canadian farmers over the whole Dominion, and beyond its bounds. Exceedingly attractive and` highly creditable to the publishers is this Christmasnumber far 1905. G;:iod -paper, splendid illustrations, interest- ing stories and poems,` well-written and practical articles rmm the pens -at special contributor combine -to form a feast of good things. The "Farmer's Advocate? ev.ident1y_bel.`eves in Aplaclng All a...y.u..; pa..." 1....` min- Iowg which no as populgr `:9 ever :-5 '1`heAFa.rmer's ?Advo-sate well` merits the proud -position it holds to-day among Canadian journals, -and we `wish it continued prosperity. . ....-...n-can apucrc. V " -The quality` or. paper and cuts used are pf the very best, and the magazine stands tea-day as af.'n_e ex- ample not up-to-date journalism, hav- ing _been recognized fer years as an uplifting element in every commun- ity. ' 4 _'.l`he farmer's {E a v-peat!-on offering `as bnoad a range for the mind and. as sweet areward for labor as any - in the"Wlorld. It is new 'theipornmerc_la=l side alone which `gives"_'the iillip to his q33:cupatiozn. There is a -natural `whioleomeness and a sturdy inde- pendence albvorut agriculture which A raise it at once `to: the level `or a lofty and honorable calling. In this regard it appears strange that so `many sons 30! the soil should have left the plow $0! thevooiuntlng-house, the work- shop or the professional field, There has been in the past _a _lament_ab1c lack, 13-1: the part -at agriculturalists themselves, or that wh-ole-souled ap- preeia-tinon and sympathy which should extend tio all farm life and duties. 1-Iowever. thesigns are not wanting that this day is passing and that- husbandry will once again assume 3 its wnovnted place in theranks -at `dig- Snmea labor.` Back to the land? is" something more than an empty 'slo~ gs-n. People at all classes are gradu- ally realizing the true worth of. the ' term and the splendid chances t-or ad- vancemen-t. which `Yet await this A New MATCH Ithaa al' `been the aim of the management to supply its readers `with the very best that rmney can procure, the articles appearing from time to time being from `writers who , are recognized authorities in "their particular sphere. ' * ' mg ..-__InA . - In: . The Farmer's Ad`voa:a teT a.hndT Home Magazine, of Llondon, Ont... is this` year celebrating its fort-ieth_ annivers- ,I`\7 ' "One of those little things that add the the amenities not life, happened -on Tuesday evening otplast week at the annual meeting or the Fire Brigade held in the men's quarters, O3-llier` St., when Mr. Ed. Williams, who is retir- ing, was made the happy rec'p'.ent or a handsome Moqvrrls chair by his fellow- members_ he mark` twenty-(Ive years in the service. An oyster supper bol- lowed at which a. g'enera,l.g1oso:i time prevailed. The following officers` were lectedftor the year-J. B. McPhee, Capt., Warren Johnston, let. 'LZeut., ; Walter Scott. 2nd. Lieut., F. N. -War- ` vren, See y.-Tree. Walter Kelsey was elected foreman not No. 2 section, (A1- landale.) ` ' is the..resfa1t of Ore eIecton.-F._ H. Ball 272, F. A. Bell 146, W. B. McLean 198, P. McLeod 186, G. S. Robertson .823, ..W. Thompson 3 277. The vote taken on the Local `op- tinn by-law resulted .thue-For, 423, against, 142. . Eddy : `12. I-3 and _'`Old Boys `toe- key clubs clashed _on Friday afternoon In a match that was replete with ex- citing incidents. At full time the score was all square at three goals each. In the playoff, however, the Insti- tutes" matched three more goals in short order to the utter demora11'z9.- then let their opponents, thus winning by six taothree. "Mr, E. A. 00631:, for" some time _eu- _perlntenden$ or Barrie division for the York Loan 8:. `Savings Co., has ac- cepted alike position with the Etna. Life Insurance Company, his head- quarters `in future being In T3-r_onbo. He left, in company w1th'Mre. Govok, thlsvweekio take up residence In the Queen City. ' .nu__ no-u 1-I .'u. . .,--- A. "sphere of. ~opjwortunity. -------Lj. An Exqellentv Paxlication. `V-Noxannss. `Hun won ? my or-r.. L1anrs;ox my summer. ' V. 1 V .Pronot_wV_codAbv noon to be the 15-34.: - vv VOIV BEST M41 czi Iiv c'41vADA.% THE SILENT |vouR MoNE:v| ?_8_a_v_i_ngs~ Deposits} Bank of Toronto. he B "Farmer? .pla.cin g \ wm. % BE sun at '1_'mc xmznnsr PAID Ordotl for Cute, etc., pron . . . Wedding Cohen a upecisluy. Huvo just opened out ch candies. V ;uuI. VLGKCII C Year s Day. : Harrlssonqw. ,Weir, the no-ted Eng- llsh, artist, author and journalist, is dead, aged 82. He was the last or the original start o-{artists or the Illu- ' strated Iionduon News, and was parti- cularly noted `as an artist of animated 1 nature. ` III]..- I...-..l-_L _L.__, 0 ` 1 ' kip .Webb' , Q'No new name will be added to` thaSub' Ulptlon List until the money is paid. : - Subscribers now in arrears {or three months Ind over will be charged $1.50 per annum, " V

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