LA'im:s' run cojA'r in Raccoon, Wallab , Cali`. Dog, Buffalo -and ombat, Z 4 `ml m L Q A j.- A `at a bigi re'dnction&tl1.i.sA month. We have MI-;N's 1-*IJg_ coxrs H?"Y F`'5 To Wilkinson : Mill. Oico. I;uulo_p , PHoN1cs sa and 37. 1 Door.Eut. of Barrio Hotel- DRUG sronn -TAKE YOUR- so Q1-zyjys his ea sonfs `H18 INTERESTS OF BARRII. Till COUNTY 01' SIIOOI` _j John Lamble `applied you -vacated by J. A .%9;9S { E. shear, H. _.Wlll3s, John .13. Barr. J- B.._ McPhee, Thos. A, Mc- Cal-th`y. E. .Wh1tebread,'C. -W. max- tpn -and `Will R. King tiled `applica- tions for the position or town audi- tD1'. ._ _ _ * T J. R. Jamleeoosn reVsIgned as night- ~:_watch,_.._h_e ha.vlng y";-.e,c\e;v`eVd a. postlon_ pa 1 G`'.l*}Il`; de'tef."t;l\'r"e %" `on drfhern .. Q`,- In conclnrsiach {r.2*di;}.;;j}mue wel- coming pertinent criticim in all Conn cll pnoceedirngs, deprecated . Lang speeches. He 1-stoked forward to--`a busy and -important year in" municipal matters and expected the supwrt of every member or Council in further- mg the best interests or the toiwn. HI '3 ID__-_ TI_L-_I_'_._-I _____L- _, '"'i:. &;EL.n',"i>';t13'r'o&=, `11-o':Ia'};ii.;- seating that Barrie should join" a. do. putatiuoin that proposed to wait on the" "Government re completion, of Trent V' - -_ flea. % 'Alex. Bnewnlee aelmd to appoint-_ ed assessor for 1906. 3 The Dominion Government : engineer will have s._ z-eao,nna.isance_ survey made immediately of the Npttawaaaga Rlver' route a; an alterns;t1ve noute nor the Trentn Valley Canal. In the matter oi by-laws, the coal by-law as well _as the dog by-law had met with the appnoval or the citizens although at first hailed with uuupicion`. A building V .by-iazw,` how- ever, was absolutely n'eceesa.ry with-- In the tire limits to` replace` the old and Io-baoiete one now standing on the bob-ks. `A system of *garbage'coi1ec- then also was urgently needed.-. WI: `referring to the"exp`.rln4`g t:-an- _ chlse lot the Bell `Telephone Co., the Mayworsald that the whole matter or t-elephiones wast _ in 'a- transitional state. ".,We do not know what action the Government may take," he said. In any event he thought that we should mout. tle ourselves up to any company or plan so as to cut ourselves or; from any advantage ooming from gov- ernment oontrol, ` I-n regard to public works repairs alnne would. absorb a large sum. We had been fortunate in keeping the cost of cement sidewalk-construction down 00 seven cents per square root; Pro- per supervision, however,_ was necess- ary in the direction not the work. The Achairmen could not be expected to do IL DEL)- I___1 L____ v_-- ----v-' -----v -`V--- _- After alluding to the very important stage of the town's development, the Mayor said that the good service al- ready performed should becontinued. -While the Board of Trade was a very important auxiliary, the responsibility rested with the members of Council. Keep the town well to the front, urged the Mayor. ,1-le thought that much care should Be taken in the se- lectison -of heads of committees. Ward representatlon shwouid ' be only a- seeondary idea with the alderman.` This phase of civic life lg-oomed large this year owing tie the. projected ex- penditures foor sidewalks, roads and other improvements. Uncontrollable expenditure` was`, increasing rapidly -and the situatlon called for the most rlgideeon-omy consistent with effici- ency. ' e ` _ __g_.._n__.. "L- LL- ,____c__1..-_., 1--.. it. This had been our weak spot in the past. Personal friendships should be sunk and all contracts awarded `on a.- business basis. .Ae`regarde educatfton, the Mayor gave it as his opinion that thetown should not be saddled with the whole expense tat maintenance"-at the C. I. It had been_suggeate d that theaprcu Vince be divided into High school dis-' trlcts. '1`his,was an important matter, and as other townawere agitating It legislation would likely follow. Commenting on Ba.rre s advantages as *9. menutacturlng ' centre, he " sald that some twenty-rive concerns had looked over the field;yee.r, and it only a small percentage-_n-2 ` `these were secured it meant much tn the town. He recommended the ap-C polntment of a man as e.dvertts1'ng commissioner. To _t=hese duties could be added. those not assessor and road overseer no that employment would cover the whole year. The inaugural meeting or Council Wok place on Monday. In- the morn- ins, after the oaths tot ptlee had been uubscribed to by the members, the: etriking committee was named. This; eommlttee-oonprlsed Aldermen Turner, ..Wllao-n, Garden,'Lowe and Lo- ` v_er1n_z-._ - .: 1.; 4.1.- --.-;3_..'n.u.-_- V____ . n--11 -1. WE: The installation 0!. an electric fire alarm system also was touched upon. Flor markets and parks the expenses should not be very great at the pre- sent time towing t-o the urgency of more lmportant'e.tta.irs. The C. P. R. matter was mot in any very definite poait1on,'but might be expected to `de- velop. . A - ' V `. thne `evet_;1rfg_" there 'was- a. tuli at-p tendahce. t Mtayvor R-ouss dutllned j the work -for the year, calling the Coun- -cit : anentieon to the questions that w~o'uld~11kely come up for settlement. IJL__ _`I__3l__.. L- LL- __A___ !_-.--_L__.L 'oMm'rrmms srnuox n'on'rme'YmA3 3AgRRIE,` COUNTY or SIMCOIE, ONTARIO, gm (TARY 11, mos. Mayor Ross Menage ` r 1th.%vs=- 3*?!57 There passed away at her residence, 6 High St., Brrle, Monday evening, J9.-n. 1at., a lpved one in the person of Mrs. D._Lewis, aged 69 years, 8 months and 16 days-. A native of En- niskillen. County Fermanagh, `Ireland, _sh_e `came to Cana.da__w1':en seven years of huge, settling in Barrie. where` she 1 remained until the time or her mar-g riage, 1855, subsequently removing to 1 Oolokstnwn. About twelve years ago` glir. and Mrs. Lewis returned to Bar- frie, 4m - retiring pom` active liie.- ` `i`r. ;- .751 '____n_ - A modtion by Aid. McM~ox-ran to place P. C. Vincent ran the Barrie heat was ` withdrawn, it being the consensus of opinion that the Chief or Police should he first consulted in the matter. I I Messrs. George Ball and James Valr as Council's representa- tives on the Board of Health, while- Mr. Ball ' was appointed to the _B.*C. I. `B53-ard. V | D per- '- us, away uwvun Conn onwonnn twvorv 0055-: Mrs. Lewis was a. demoted mother. and wife and her wha:>1e'"12te was msrked by the deepest Christian piety. Passing sway ripe in years she leaves mo those who enjoyed her `friendship, memories sweet with the fragrance or her noble womanhood `and her devoted life of sacrifice" :-.:n d service to her. ilpyed `q)nes;s_n_t-;g.'tc. ha~r;_M9,st`erj;1.`. ~`- g `L . a___ L___<| A - ' ' uv vo -a --up -o---n--- The slate wa.'s"tinaily revised by `putting _Ald. Garden on the Markets ;and Parke Committee _in,1ieu.-oi Aid. Oowan, Aid. Watt on the F1`reand"Pio- lice Committee in lieu of Ald. Strange, and Ald. Garden on the Water. Light and Sewers Committee, in lieu of Aid, Strange, the last named replacing Ali}, Garden on the Transportation, `Educa- tion and Indigent Oo-mmlttee. T 9 , LI._ 2...; ._n n_____ _-__ ax; yvwf-u... A1d.Ga`z-den moved seconded by Aid. hovering thatG'eorge M. Guest be ap- (podnted to fill the vacant position un- til committee s report on same.- ____,,_x__\ 1... A`.I The application of Secretary Marr wa gra.nted,`the work to be done _.un- der the aupervisluon lot the Board of .,Works. --v v -_: ' -ul\l CWGIHTUUC I 'Tl;'e"runeral t`.o.v.,-+2 place on Friday a'.ft`e`i-mason "t9 the Union cemetery and wag pryevot the largest neen_-in,.Ba,_rr;_e mrv-mnyr ;y'era,.ru}r th`e'aar_vlceu pain`; ` ` `I_2.l'..~',0hl.)`-., 'V_'I.-'11?` `.-v_ V ---..----- A vote was taken and the amend-e ment lost on .the following division. Yeaa-Strange. Watt, Beardsley, Wil- son, McMo1_-ran, and the Mayor, 6. Naya.-Ga.rden, Lowering, Stephexis, Cowan, Turner, Lowe and Hora-field, 'l.- The original mart!-on was then put and carried on the same division. . "c->3Ii}{I13 went into committee of the -whole V on the report `with Aid. Strange in the chair. ` ' ' _AA_._L L- 1....` LL. ..-_A-.. -3 A1} vnavco v-~w- A1d.'Stra.nge' thereupon declined to serve on either the Fire and Police Committee or the Water, Light and Sewers Committee. I,,J L-_ | wdvan uvnuu no-sung-u-w vv.- u`--- Under the head or inquiries ALd.| Lowe asked several questions of the late Chairman of F;re and Police with reference 0:) the manner of snow-.p1ow- ` lng. , I __._La_.. 1-: r1 v.__.!_..._)_. _._a...... 1 --- v--.-- -- --- - _`r--- _ _. Ald`. beerdsley seoond'ed"_`t_)'3f Aid. Strange moved the name or John Lam- beie in amendment. i !:oue :3. -0;B::e. Yard and Mill, John "Aiiiv. g;ri1'l-c-1_unotwiet\'the ter pass. Lam-hie had experience. He _was still a ynacung man andfit was only fair to give him the position `af- ter his satisfactory work last year, 1-I1't'>li'_c W0;k s'-AL_i9;rerlhng, (Chairman), Lowe, `Watt, Beardsley, M:M-orran, Turner. . ` ~ Tra.nspox"'ta.tT!o_n,T zE'duca:E<;rV1_' a`/171$. gents-Bea.rds1ey. (Chairman), M:M3a:- ran. Horstield, Garden. - Pfess, Adve1'-tising and Re:ept?zd-n.-'- Garden, (Chairman), Cowan, 4W;1son, Stephens. I 1.1, - An eftort to have the names of Aid. Strange and Beardsley substituted for those of Ald. Stephens and Levering, as chairmen -of Fire and Police and Public Works respectively was de- feated on a. vote 01! seven to six ..'nj [ each case. L moto_n P. C. Jam .eaon s resigna- toin was accepted. -,.-.I ______.I-J \___ A`..I Ald. Beargsiey made a very st:-Kong speech in tavvor. or an experienced or- ricer. -v `run. cuuuuw ` --_- :J.`h`ewM;.'3'r:c;;a:x;1');'-`caved of the stand taken by Ald. Beardsley. As between % Guest and Lamble he wcvuld sup? port Lamble. ___L- -_-__. L_I___ ...J 1.1.. __.__..1 Garden argued in tawor `ot] young `blood. There would be no_ mistake in trying. AI`: tIA._...|.-__ .|.|_--__.|.J. LL--- -.`..-I.: c --w---u us- -- ' -.. "A16. Stephens Thought there ociuld be no harm in giving Guest a trial. 11.: lVA._,_' __,_I.1 ___L 1-1. LL- ._-.-l. `Block. j MON EY TO LOAN. . 999% ; e have a large amount of Private Funds to ~ 1-` d at 4% and 5 per cent 9 the "security of E "` d farm mor ages. McCA THY. BOYS 8: G Y` RCHISON, unlop Street, Barrie. V ._...v_,, -------v--, vvuu--o, gwvvra nnnn not Fire and Bo1lce.-Stephena, (Chvai:-V -man), Strange, Wl1s;on,_ Beardsley. 1F,red.`M`arr Pan. behalf .5: the `P. S; V Board sought permission to run 3. -dra.-in along Bx`-adfourd street .. 300 test } oouuth of .W.A ,W_ard schuol. . " Katy M. Le-qngard asked leave to cut 'dnrwn '9. po-piIa.r:t'ree fronting her pro.- no.-I-u E895. ' 11.1" Gerden ' presented the report o-ft the Striking Oommitteeon the Stande lng Committees of the year, as fol-' lI_n...... Viv`!-nAa.nce-Oowan, (Chairman), Lrrver" lng, Strange, Lowe. I.-_I--L._ _;,j '1"$.;"ks-`-TuTrne_r, (Chair- 'ma-n), Horstield, Cowan, Stephens. 1-.11.... ._..I 75.12.. uL__L-_._ I 2`-'13.` ` ;&1iih deal:-Led to be trani .te1-red Imam the Allandale to th_e 'Ba.1`-4-_ rle beat. ` ` . Wa=te'1-, L1ght and Sewers. -- Ix.`-we, (Chairman), "Turner, .Wi1s:>n, Strange. T___A.___A_ L Degih `of M1-s.TDavil Leris bung man AND `III DOIWION OI CANADA OUR CIITIIION. `These who wish to renew their sub- i scrlptfca-ns be the magazine "Among The Deep Sea Fishers". are request- ed to do so `as soon as possible, either throtughurs. Strathy, the local secre- _t'ary '-or direct to M-ss G:-eenshlelds, 22 Elmsley Place, T-ononbo. . R. G. Manuel's marble works were completely destroyed by fire yesterday morning.".Tl`he tire is supposed to have been or incendiary origin and acouple or trempsyhave slnce been arrested on susplciun. Mr. M_anuel _s loss is con- siderable. The Barrle lwtel stables were threatened nor a. while by the blaze which raged fiercely. About thirty friends -and well-w1sh- ers of Mr. J. C. McFarlane gathered at the Barrie House on Monday even- ing to bidhim farewell prior to his departure `Arm Winnipeg. A bountiful aupper was partaken or and asc-:;`a1 time `was spent, in speech and song. '-Ald. Garden preIded. ' The Mayn-r was -unavoidably. absent. ` Billy Ogden, the. popular G-. T. R. detective 'ln'th1a division. was the vic- tim of _a. first-clans Joke this week. when Billy. arrived in own -on Mon- day it-was moticed tiiat 3 number is. aha L-m. mom um: ` ;;1rti,1'.>_1`1eg;`ha.d.bno|ken out gun his-_r1a,c'e,. gremt nnk_nWi i-I Albert H.l`'s illustrated lecture 2 on technical educatbon Monday evening : 1-n '1\orwn Hull under auspices or B. C. Mr. R. G. Manu_el s loss as result but Wednesday s tire will reach $4,601}, or which only $1,500 is covered by insur- ance. Mr. Manuel will continue in business. He is one of the oldest marble men in the oounty. 1 On Sunday nex_t,AJ-an. 14th., the Rev. George Oman, rector of Emmanuel church, Toronto, will preach at both the morning and evening services in Christ church. All the seats are free, and all are cordially invited to the services, ' ` woe The criminal Justice audit for the county takes `place t-o-day at the- `Oourt House before `Judge Ardagh and Messrs. `Sneath and Frawley. 4-5..- "Brigadiwer Go-llier, Pmzrinei-2.1 Officer nor the northern Ontario division, will conduct special meetings next Satur-~ day and Sunday at the S. A. Barracks. The brigadier ie an interesting spea.k- t er and a. capable commander. All are invited. to hear him; - -_ _- V", -v -- `--- `-- -vv- wuv npuruun iv -1-. art I "Mes-s-rs. "E. '1`. Tyrer, John E0:-gie and D. Lsttus have been; re-appointed License Commiaionesrs for Centre Simone. ___ ,- ___ ..- -.--__ ...-_ .-v_ ---..- -v-----J- . your orders for can, tra.ns- ? fer of baggage, and cartage at J. G. 1 Scqtt s office, Phone 86. Jae. W. Scott. % 4\_. Q- nIrnnl_n___, - -I I-- -0AYS l`ElI8-'I`lmIo, ne large water: are -arnvlnx fresh uauy an BOT]!- WEEDS. -__ .._v ---v--' 1-..- -- ` uwvuaouucgo wR.ev. Egertton Ryerson, Toklo, Eapan, will preach in Trinity church at heath services on Sunday. I I... TI` 9? 1%.: A vs 1` Very F'VIrlI7l5i! -i)I`;l`l`-SI ; all -and vnrleueu, lowest price: at Bounwolvs. " It__.____ .1-.| on no , Mr._ Charles Reid, manager of the Barrie Tanning Oo. s warehouse in '.Dor-onto, was in town on Saturday and paid a. visit to the factory. ' you in u.-. A large congregation participated in the praise service at the Collier St. Met-hradist church on Sunday evening. Many well known hymns were sung with much heartlness. The choir ren- dered .seve1-al selectbovns. I. `This lecture will be at immense benefit to all those who look forward ho auoourse in manual training. Ad- mlssbqn tree; ` ' - >06. ------ 1 --- --vn 10-`! CHI XTIIIIBWIIKO Sheleaves bo mourn her loss, a hus- 1 band and nine children, v.z., Mrs. A. J. Ootled, Buffalo`; Mrs. G. Pea.oock,j of Hendrie; Hartford and Orlando, of 1 Oaokstown; F. B., of _ Milestone, { 8ask., "F. .,W., of Indian Head, Sask., 1 Mlss .Ida,_ -of Abernethy,, and Misses Christina and Almelda at home, a1l5prese._nt at the funeral bin: F. B. 1 and Miss Ida. Her two brothers sur- vive her, Mr. Andrew Thompson or Thornton and Mr. Henry Thompson of London, Ont.-I-Com. ml;1aners%AboutTown Band at the rink to-night. ,_ Keep in mind t-he Marlbpono-Barrie hockey match to-morrow evening, `(F1-lday;)" Rev. .,Wm. Thiornely will read a. pa- I per on How Best to Make a Prayer Ertectlve_betore the Ministerial Asso-- cla.t2ra_rn meeting on Monday at 2.30 p. m. in the Public Library building. 15-- 'l..-_L...__ 11__.____ us 1_n_ 7 Re;'.W."F. Vv11:{>n"<'It '}.`::`1'i1-:3"'LIetho- 5 dist church, '1`or-onto, will occupy the = pulpit of the Collier St. Methodist } church at both services next Sunday. 1 `l'--_-- ..-___ ___.1-___ A , Go to Wl|kIn_Ion c for all kinds at dry Hard and son wooa, also Slabs sawed and split. any length you wish and sold per cord. no! box loadu. TL- T` - -- - `-- vv--` .-v--v-.- _wv- -- '_1`heV Barrie ocantingent to the vari-I -9113 Toronto institutions of learning 7 returned this week `after the Christ- mas vacation. ' The fno-1`.-no-wing kind donations to the A. M. Home -are acknowledged by the managers with many tha.nks-Mrs. C. Ross, beef and groceries; St. George's Society, beer and groceries. II_ 1'! I1 `l-#,--I_ 1,___ __ _-_,1L.,.l ,Wesfney, Capt. Cowan, R. J. I:`('l'e t:.-`her, Ald. Turnex -~`an.d: E. Donnell. (IL- I-,,, _v- - -vv-- v.--- uuunoauvug - Mr. H. H. Strathy, K.C, is cond1ict- lng ch? Crown business at the Tue"- rqntb Court or Assiza this week. vVv-Vvvv'vvvv--v-vv_-v-' ` All kinds. Best quality. vvool) you cam: ing {ram} Snla'nlitli';=" ur hands}? 01: ivOl_;f- pall-bearers were Rev . Thornley, Rev. thinking to have a good joke, at once hunted up Chief King and informed that official that Mfr. Ogden had an attack of small-pox, the rash having already backs out on him. The Chief pnotmptly started out to locate the sup- % posed victim o-f the malady, snaring him after several hours` -diligent search, and Billy had his hands full lior a time in convincing all con- cerned that there was mo oundatlon for the information. He has put in much of the time since impnoving his ability in jab, counter, left and right h::Icli:, etc.`. and an exciting time may be hacked forward to should he and the perpetrator of the joke ever come together. Chairman Milne was remembered by the Board in a neat resolution: com- plimentary of his services for` the year. ' The `Board will endeavor to get. Ar- chitect Edwards :01 Toronto to recon- struct the ventila.t`on of the Central school, also to secure Engineer Ga- viiler to take the levels;,.1te:`dra:n~ in: .West Ward school. Trustees Love, Andrew, Milne, Webb,. Dz:-uigall, Pall- ing and G. G. Smith will be a. special oommittee to take charge of th.`a work. - A complaint by Mr:.- Braden re pro- motibn examination in Cen1:ral.schaol was referred to the Mhnagementx Com- mittee. Harry Cars-on, who has been spending several weeks with friends ln town,v1eft for Calgary -on Tuesday. PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD OF 1903 HOLDS ITS FINAL MEETING. clock p.m.. for the purpose of reoelvl the port of the Directors for the, past year. 0 eat- g Directors of the said Company for the suing year, conrming a B Low e.uv.hori`z- g the sale of Lots 28. 29 and 0, South of Dun- p Street. Barrie. and transacting such other Isinoss or the Company as may be expedient. By order of the Board. (Signed) G. H. ESTEN. 2 - Secretary u mu; .1151 U0 JALVUAIVI. W00. t 3.00 Miss Oekley, in a. communication, accepted a position on the teaching start. , . . . ~ V v w v v vv VVVV-V7` Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Braokovalcl, Cold- water, were in town on '1"ueaday.. A Mr. James Brooks, Regina, 13 spend- ing a; month with relatives here. .1. R ullrnnk-nun A` j"~~'4-" _ --- pavnnlit .C'\lL Indian Head, Sask., Monday. He was in town attending the funeral of his mother. 1 ` ___.. .... UOIUL u Miss Ethel Hinds has returned '1`.oro:nto after spending a couple weeks with her sister, Mrs. J." Kear: Bradtord St. _'_ --.v-yo \n aloe Mr. Geoorge'Bz-ownlee of the Tray- ders Bank, Presodtt, Is spending his vacatoon with his T parents on `Mai; St. ' V Mr. s. s. Metcalf or New York-av:-' sited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. '1`. Metcalt, last week. gp___ .1-nu .. . ,--___-, ouuwv "nun Mrs. Guthrie and -son, Osten,.ot 'l!o- rsontco, have been guests of Mrs. R. G. Guthrie, Tsor-onto street, for `a. week. Mr. `and Mrs. George .Reedy,.Tor.on- to, have been in town during the week. Trustees Andrew`, Gray, Rfnehart and Webb werethe absentees at the meeting or the P. S. Board on Mon- day evening to finish the business lot the old year. 7 I Mr. J. C. iiaorgan wrote in acknow- ledgement of the Board's regrets at his retirement from the inspecborate`. ILIIIILI Secgetary Max-r presented his balantge sheet for 1905 and stated that; 11h-2. books we:-.e_ready for the audit. - The annual meetin of the West Riding mcoe Electoral Diet ct Agricultural Society ll be held in the Council C amber. Barrie. on The accident insurance company that A `carries the risk on the school boilers: wwte advising that the risk" had`been;' extended to cover injuries other than those received by engineers and fire.- men; ' } Accounts aggregating $101188`. were [ordered tube paid. ' READ THl_S, ALouD_: Januaryargalns at Hunter s 25Boye two and three l'l'lCU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Boys Overcoats, sizes 10 to 14 years. ggrth $1.00 to $6.00. January Sale ce ....... 25 Men`s Ulsters, worth 85.00 to 87.60. Januarysale Price .... .. ' 25 Men's Overooata, worth $10.00 to $l5.I.0 January Sale Prlce.. . 10 Men's D.B. Frieze suitsmorth 89.00, Januery Sale Price . . ... 509 Men's 8.8. Tweed Suits. worth . 310.00 to $l5.c)o. Jgnuary Sale Price Jpiece Sulti. . worth 03.00 to_8.`>.60. enuory 811% Price . pairs l:len a' i.iht.e'e'.ra.l>.le' Pantemorth M an.-us- Janna!-v slain P:-inn. . _ . . . . _ _ - 7 e .1 I 1 26Boy`0;r 1-coa.ts'.i 5:10 ears. worth 83.%0to 35.30.zes.Ian?\nx-3? Sale P1-use I WINDS UP THE YEAR 25 pairs Men's Unteax-able Pantamorth 81.75. Jan sale Price........ .. 12 Fur Caps, we geshape, worth 83.00 and 83.5I. January Sale Price 100 Men's Neglige Shirts worth 500 to 750'. Janunr Sale Price .. 15 do: Men : ool Sox. While` they last Span-for .. Z.. V . ... -35 4107. Cashmere Sax. worth 950'. J,II_1l.? nary Sale Pricolpsir to:-..... ..,4._:...; uiuter Bro_a.. Me of Personal `Mmiihi% cn6ssLAND.-At Bdrrle an -thelth m..Crosaland'. < V; _ 'J.U_QO.N,-_-In Barrie odn ,Jan.-1j`%: ?%f'3nd.. 06;`ff1 Mr. and Mrs. D.`f.W..Id`50n.. 8t.. .9. daughtgg, `% . ROI_N8ON.-At Chulf_ch1ll7`on _ Dec. .3u; "-:`19o5. a daughter` tn Mr. I and A C; Robinson. ,\_ `-`l "rho Clg;`hiorI, ` cougi bi J ; Ken:-nu. OTICE is hereb given that the annua. meeting` or the ha:-eholders ot the Barrie nning Commxny. (Limited) will take place at e head office of the Company Bradford treet. in the Town of Barrie. on TUESDAY. e 16th DAY_0l*` JANUARY. 1908. at 3.00 clock n.m.. for tho nnrnnnn nf rnnnlulno um 169' 1:-at -----'- ' I. `O _" (ID vLLIIIIlIV"" `:.i:g,_g,1t..V io6'.7by ma, yR ev. ,John :`l(lrg`aret', eldegt daixgelf 9! t ijfgtgut. Bag-lg, jho A-W Flam ' \MARRIED. . BEGISEIT-rAroN. -- At Hamxnpan. Ln '.f"n'nn- --L-I-Iv {hid ,!.I.. 1.1.- -nu`... - Q;I._ WJ1i':`u:}3{t"eEa"zZ' """'.""' ' ' "'" . Buii ng lots on level ground. Fifty foot ntage on Owen Stmenextending back across wabu as Dl\iV;"`.iVI-\vl'!`T1~';".'.1.-5;)`; at 'I'v\ vn rgan. DB.X`l`l6. . j1`welve rcomed residence. cel1ar_through-- .furna,ce, bath room, electric light and all dern convenieneemwlth outbuildings, lawns. dens, la. e and small fruit, exbendingto el groun at base of hill. Five minutes. lk from centre of town, Entrances on Owen Wellin ton Stmeots. T Rn no Infu nn lawn] amnnn Wiffv fnnf LII. Seven "teen houses. steam heated. cor- ntunn an fnllinotnn Qtrnnfa RIIMI fnnt t 'R1du'u l Soclot`: arrie, og g4 ' I 3$I`TI the Presbyterian Church, Owen Street. rrie, lady's gold pin set with_ small diamond. nor may have same on provlng property and ing-expenses. ~ -2p ROBERT MARTIN. Caretaker. khe proporf at present occupied by Mr. J .C. rgan. Barr 6. 'l`umhm rnnmn rnsaidnnnn; nnllnr thrnmrh.- [OTICE herebghgiven the` aimua. mnanu M` the nu-nhnldm-g A! fhn unwnln no orr6l Mzfre. 1200 pounds. eight yea: old. will exchange for one more suitabletor very wagon. JAMES VAIR. 52 OLEN on STRAYED-0n Jan. 2nd troni 27 Ross st., Barrie a yellow and white 00!- dog answering to the-name of Larry. Pros- cion it retained. B. M ALKIN. 2-2p he pro ex.-ty 'bt`:11te` ux:<'i'3-1`~s'i`g'i-{ed on the N. 1!}. nor of uloaster and Penetan `streets, Bar- Good 7-roomed house with a lmodern con- `ienoes, in splendid state of repair. nice den and lawn. ROBT; CROSSLAND. 50-5p L11. EOVBII "P6811 IIUUUUS. Bbtilllll uuuwu. 001" r Owen an Wellington Streets. 8000 feet L88. otting sheds. gar-dener's rooms. etc. App y to 1). M. s'I`EWAR'I`, Esqqstewart 85 ewart. Ba.r1'isters. Barrie. 46 For Men. Sold in airs. with or with. out leather oases; ices 81.00 to $5.00 a` bait. Dan-. W_M. _CROSSLAND Wm It EJ114193 U11. .lVlJN'L'-I10\1BE 31111 140!) In we Village of Angus, known as the Turton perty. Apply on the premises. -tf '1`. DOBSON. BUILDING LOTSVFOTR SALE. l\........I _I__._ L..IJ1..... I-L.. I_..A._.---_ 'l_.....J- _ 5- W- ``!,'L.?`!".$.9!.'_5 TTUKZIIVCU XZUT I I` fU"v:-0 0 good dry building lo_ts between Barrie and andale for sale. 5 mmutes walk from oar-_ ge works; Price from $25 up. Apgfl to H Fs N. ' nxrnu Iinnir nl Tnwnnfn uuun 00 I686 Iromuge, uu uwan sweet. 0. VICKERS. 51-ti- GOODGENERAL SERVANT WANTED azt once. Apply EPWOR'l`H", 54 Mary 6 . , , -'vy- - 'ts om - zsloooio ` mnsmmwr ANDREW moursow. m.paEsI1)ni4'r.aoN. JOHN snaavmns NERAL MANAGER. G, H. BALEOUR BARBIE BRANCH --_lL ___-1_L- .I._-,.__1 '__l____ I-|__I4I\,, 1 nnw Anvlinrnsnmnnrs. HOIOE BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE- eaoh 66 feet frontage, on ` Owen` street. 0. VI(`.I(ll!RS_ 51.n- or`; SALE on REN'I`-House and Lot in_the Inna nf Anauu bnhutn an fhn Tuunfnn ANNUAL MEETING. rp3ary- WI XII`-I UIWIL UI7\ul IIVVII-I9 I TIL! MOR'i'ON. M anaer. --jttitj jjijj 13 posit receipts issued. Savings Bank Dept; rest paid and credited twice a year. ` j n FLOUR Military Brushes. 5335':-,.e.:B.r'.:|:s:I:'m1': 1865 mica: Paid up. ` C 1&3 Q33 Hard and Soft. Sawed and Splib Kin IN` `No. 2 wnom` N6`. a-(oi; . . Wuunr 8: Cuw Prom-iotors. Druggiot. Choice Ma.ui`to'ba. and Family Low prices. Best value: as "'1i.7."i'LETcHnR. Secretary. NOTICE. FOR SALE. FOR SALE .. .4! n... ....A......:...`..... For Sale. rouuo, .-_l .. _ I11. _. BORN; ' GIH. ESTEN. Over Bank of Toronto. Dal. Im- v:`w-`: Barrie. &'UI` TUlW&& V IVI&I`T'|" VF.` '1"l'I-I`. beginning at 8 It-m-. by ALBERT H. LEAKE, 550., Government Inspector . of Technical Education. The LECTURE WILL BE _ILLUSTRATED by lantern views and will boot special intere to all adults. - ' - The Rev. Dr. McLeod has consented to act as chairman. There will be no charlie. T . GEO. A. RADENHURST. . Chairman B.C.I. Bosrdot Trustees. Another Drop in Wood. Before you npurohue your next load of wood 0611 and got our pilces for 2 it. and 4 ft. maple. Best quality out and split. Hard and soft wood. MIcKL,_Il,MENI Barrie wm make its initial bow In the senior hockey -leegue eerleton Friday evening at `Cryata.l- `rink, when the redoubtable Marlboro: w11l"be an-_ Qofuntm-ed._ A et1t!_'e.me_.`ig `expected and a. large tum-cont will be sure to cheer for the ';boya or the red end- white. LECTURE on PRACTICAL EDUCATION. A lecture. under the auspices of the BARRIE COLLEGIATE IN STITUTE, will be given in th0TOWN HALL on MONDAY, JAN "I-I` Hnninnlnn :16: Q nan his AI 3T pwoof % Chopping every ddy 5 CE_NTS PER 100 L95. satisfaction guaranteed. We , 0th 1' I H d. best a.;':.f.` e..i n-&2"`}"z* 'oxi`:`ZJt: Z.n`L.i~y A north of T-omznto. -_ Fine Ohooola'te:s-15 can-ts vpor lb. Special Oresjma-10 cenlt-svper lb. ggrmgnn creamer`- 15o. ..perT Eb. _ 13 u- so -- o.. . Pe)ermintyslu,llse:yc?-:1 c :1 `lb. Tu y` Bmllse 10 oeenlts 0. lb. ` Gooonnwt B *laoyes'--10 ots. 0. lb. ` Lemoq Bul!eey es-10'_oegrts_a*I_b. j zalagepgaal VM1xVed_ 1-b;s_ tor 3 A .R.o,({uli!Eia;:d--Onjx I -;-yssabs :4-:i:;25g. .. ` lid`. '8-`--1. `I ` 4.`. g Manufacturing Fuljrieru. OOOCOOQQOOOQOOOOOQOOQOOOC raamnam 'A 3++++$+++: om ENTIRE STOCK OF % % -..*_.._.. % A 063898.93. #7 viu For the usual Dc`>1-1'a'; size at? aw Jooorvo vvvnov vac 61.1rs is made frssh every few days by - ourselves `from the very _best Norwegian? Oil. ` It is a Fifty Per Cent. .1 Em'u1sion and costs only Marriage licenses Issued. Thqilestion of . Freshnes is an.im_portant one. J f\-__._ -_ ..__.1- .l'_.-__L -__,_,,, Robertson's cod Liver Oil "'"fmI"Ea'{"1Ty one NOW as reasonable as you can in March. ~ - V Simmons&co. Emulsion of We still have 9. con 1plet range of Fur Coats. in all siz_e_s and kings. ' ' T In Astrachan, Bokharan; Seal, Russian and Persian Lamb. ` ` %