(From Tit-Bits.) fume ml the strmgaeat stories in l the ann'ul~s bl. wlmae aria thme (which j-1:011 b"tihe, part dreams have played t~ lti'the'disouvew1:y out orl'm*i'ma:ls. One `hpriug Hay in 1830 a farm labncarer, vwflhen passing a lonely muv.m|tain lake l _ in Stult-herlandshire. saw in thehwatcrs ' a'_;fde_nd buoqdy. which whvzm -tools-cued ptruvedv to be` that of a 'wna_ll-kvnow.-.1 -ppdvlar who had mysterlonwsly hvu:;uEsh- abiocult a mouth ewrnlloer. The b_cndy marks Olf violesncve-. the pook~ev :s `were. em'p. tY. and it was oloar that `the_ poor follow -had been b1'u't~.1l.ly 'n3m`derIed and :mbbed-bu:t ay whom? Ellthalt was a m.y-.9t~e'ry which fzor many 11 ;wIeIek oompleltoly deified e lu-oidatisan. ~ :REATE8+ V A _ _ V. _ --nvnv-QIIJUIU I-Dilly` JLl.J.V\l' | A facility a. orded Farmers for their banking `A business. Sales Notes cashed or taken `V i ` for ooileetion. B lkiflvxvtn act I I - -- :%%SW:%tAr4a%n%e Stories of Dreams fatal: IN ware;-1 omums HAVE BEEN REVEALED AND EVIL " AA DOER8 P-UNISEED. ova UVIIUUUIUIIO ' ' `BANKING BY MAIL.--Deposits may be'made or withdrawn by . mail. Out-of-town` accounts` receive everyattention. V V-` ` ; c o O HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO TE. WALKER, [General Manager ALEX. LAIRD Capital, s1o,ooo,ooo. Reserve Fund, s4,5oo,ooo "BRANCHES THROUGHOUT CANADA, `AND THE UNITED STATES AND ENGLAND `A VGENERAL BANKING BUSINAESSTTRANSACTED BARRIE, o'N`i:"iRii5`i?i` 1' C 32 -' Qgjj F1 19 KlTng 8h-out wpst.:rrssromeo. Lord M~oIu'n't Stevplhe-n .s recent hand~ . suotme doznuitiotn of ten A =t~hou-sand pounds to 1:hen_Quseuern s Unemployed Fund is. by.cno_ImparEsi=on1 with his pne- vimuas - munificent gifts ' two c'h~a-ritioevs. qvuiite mvod;e:s*t. _In'188_7, hvc. with his. cousin. Lozrd Sitrart-hooona. comm~emm'- ated Queen Vio*toorzia u-1' jubilee by giv- ing two h'u'ndrveId thousand pounds 'to fnoiund thenR-o-val V ic'tor`,a hospital in trea-Land in 1896 t-hveftwuo gnewt p'hilan'Ehnocpis'ts prese.-n-{ml a further sum at. 2 .hU.`n'dzI`Cd th-ou.su.~'.1dv pounds as a ` pe-rvma~men!t e.nd:acwmen\t `fund. for the h~os'pital. Th-o `ne,m`arkaubl3 thing is that the `man who t-o-vd-my is a peer of the 2`c'al'm and able to `give huge foorituzmeas away in this m;:mn;evrn be-gem lifeas ,a Jpuooo-r %bov~oe1a .1-ing a / Lorjd Mount Stephen : Fight for Fortune. ; % ";I'."'I'1-0:"l'0lll-Z(JnVin'g` sitozzy is. pvsrhafps; the_Utrmmgeat pf all. -Owe night the En-g'l`and nlergyman. drepme`d 't-'ha!t the daug'hh`.Ie.r or. cm of his parsTsIh- ioa1e.ns had gvointe omit izrto the,` dark- T mess to meet her lover. who, rat the time; was wa'irt'im.g In-r her in a :99- olsuded ppooot and spending the time in digging a grave for her. J~u=mpi`;1g _o\u't of bed Mr. Powys ruFs1h~eI;1 to "the p l_aoe ln:d:ioa'te'd in the `dream `and air- rived l:hze:rne. jwst as tho mam V hm! hurled the girl to -`the grrcmnui by the side at` tlva open gmwe .a-:.1-'d was o.bvouu't to kill her with his spade. Rem [I-e.rbe'rN: P{a{v.'ys. a Cthurch wt remedy i.mY of the above `I {vs 5;... _ ,, .1 Some ayears ngto Va.` Mrs.` Ruultlhnemford dreamed that her aged reilative. I.-ady Lea~Iie. was about to be murdowd by \ Av. man w:hv,un she clearly saw. Sh'o immedaiaievly sick Iotut on :1` visit - t-o_ Lady Leslie and msknerl 'perm'isrsi'con -to sleep in the lad,vfs mom. In the arid- d-le at `the night Mrrs. Rmthmford heard srofme one Itryin-g to open th.'G_ bedrtoIon_n door. She r0.i:S`81d an alarm and ung` olpen the door. w=h-eznv Lai.d'y Les1is_e s two sons r-ushverd ou=t a;z1d. vIn a moment had seized the num ::.f the dtletam.` came fsotrmmhd wilbh thwe ,sAt;a[toe';mc:n.t that the murdered man had appeared to -hear In a dneam unud;o~ond:u'o?t~eed her ton house in 'I'ham~o.s `ht newt, wh.e,r_o . come at his assassins` was to be found. while in another ldrleam Btnouokden mp-' peered and snhlotwe-d her the likenefss otl the man. On the strength of this dream oluu-e the/man indicated was a`rres'ted. and wont only con/fussed ms `guilt. bu-1: betrayed his aocaccmipliri-its -.'t=hr.ee- crimmwls bet-cg brzmuglrt `two the aoarffloild as the rneswult -of `these vislions ml the night. :1.........' ......._.. _...- . .- - - Maxfager, ;,,_~ I-.-',rmA|v.; -rggf;,\ I v ---JVV tbne up tile system. It._ proper. working order ad. 'PSYCHINE _ will `revive all "the dormant .. 4.L'-- - "" ` ALEX.` LAIRD, Asst. Gen ! Manager g cough--!anguor-e is disturbed `and'.a of >the symptoms or L `alarming rapidity. It is no" respecter of "e numbered in "the and 4g,c,er;1l Yellow eyes :1s--b:1d taste gav pen ta-s.1~'dT --..E I. L `L " no mozfe Its value lies in the cmannvous sil- ver dseipionsilts .wfh`ich ihavae b-can resem- ly disceoverteld. Tlhvewraock is streaked with great wensnocf aim-oust `prune sil- ver one. T11re:e`or four million dollars` i . worth of this are has a`lre:aed_y. bzexrm smpped. anal carmdvs Inf it am nczw on the lway_to New York. which anen Wnovrlth twenty to thirty th-o'.1ns~a'nvd `doll- lara a car. A curlozvad sof trhe--. brelat picked spoecimezns fryo-ma cexita-in mine is said l;uo._|h'ave sold far Vrni-_n.-eity thovu-' sahud .dioilla1f:s, a_maot'her `sarload . for Sovthoulaand dollars and ,ano*the,r for ` .ocrlt.y ~th-ouszmd ddllans. '. . In the mfenntimv/the 'piacap'le he.`,r.e deem "thIem'sveiivcIs V richibeyiointd gthe dream of avarice. The 1ar_ml=has` been qltaked for miless`V!'-n every` _dir:eI3- . arid, hurndrieadg or prospectors w1vt.l:{-hamrzieira , in their hands and % Gobzrlrt "would wort .have sold for Men `counts an u.om..wra'nt|ea Frank G.`/Gare Ipenlter. To-day some of it ;wau-lvd brin=g"bu1e hundred daolllarss a square ' inch. There is aae .tra:c't of forty acres with-in .a stsomse s throw of _w1e'r:e I am sirbting that ycr:1 c-anuld nIolt biuy It o;r_a mifllviovn dollarls in ocush 'o.'md -all abtolult !Q1.e.-rue are dther forty- acre tracts w'hic.'h' thnegir pvwniars "esti- "mafte wt frnoim .hnmdrIed; of th.ottsa:nds to`mi1l-ions of dollars. Nevcrtbelvzss, the land lies in the heart ooaf -tihie wildest._wopAonds oIn-"t'his' cozit-fnent. It is rnoicky and ;snvam'py. and i.-t *wcu!l-d take a qruncrrtne-r suectintnvoif it- `to fwd aggojalt. ' ` Three years u-goo.the lsam-d `a-bosuat` INTERESTING DESCRIPTION `OF 00 BALT,,AND THE NEW {ONTARIO IIININ G DI8TRIO'1'-EOW SILVER I8 QUARRlED-RAPID RISE OF [ LAND VALUES. World : Richest Silvr Mines The Government gave the railway, an makers live million pounds and - 25 milliorn acres of land for their project, upon condition that the line sthioqunld be finished wi"th'i-.1 elcmn 0 years. He isa good man who can do twice as much as he un:d~eu1tr,1k.~s to do. The last plarte, prnvmiseld for the year 1891, was riveltre in 1885, mid t` the lime was immweuiatoly th`ra:ma1_o_.p-. en fur traffic. bringing Liverpool 1,- 000 miles zwenraegr C'hi:na and Japan. and giving .'.-uc'h 3. afilliap to!) the d~eveil- 1 -ogpmenit of Danadn as the -Dominion had u:ev=e';r had belfnorc. A The line is .nenrly.7.000 miles. in length. 600 miles of the route being t'h'novugh v:diffio ul't. mountain-ous_ coun-` try. For this. the craorwnin-g feat of Gueunge `s tlp'h'Cn S career. he was .crc- Jartcad u -bamin-et in 1886, and in 1891 he became mm Mo-unit S'tc;phen. the 'h{I"0 of one of H118: motsrt Inotrnsametic int dusrtrial careers in the history of the whole wo-1_-ld. . - sunught soap in mm a... -other mm. but in but when used in tho_ Sunlight way. Buy Sunlight lap and tone! diroctiou. -_----u-- - up an.;v_ LWI-GI IV -._- .. ..,. % Most people had ruergrarvderd the idea. ' of this railway n s Vbeizrg u'tterI~y_ .im- pmo.'*ticable.- Pooduiici.a.n:s ` {q;u'an.e:lbcrl abIo.Iu't it. Engiaxe-c'rs pr-eidictod disas- tve-r '1'-our xvh:.,"c. they termed a mad scheme and men 0}. finance re.fused to provide money for such _a verzrtur-e . B'u't Geongoe Sit-ephen and his equally far-seeing morusin, Do-na1dTS'mi~th--norw Lord Sntrat;houo:na-_-.swept aside all op- ` poo3'i%tio.n. :While at-h'err-.s were still- wondering whelthe-r the ozrnnuecbing of the Atlantic and Pacific ooucomzms by` a railway could be dome. Stqphen and ,' Smith did it. ,- -._.-ig--umv V jvucvuvaap ua.n,v yaw UL guru. In St. _ o.ru s chnrcuhyand. .with_-I-:1 3 hearing of the very Bow Bells which helped to make W'h`i t-t'in:gtc~;1. hist-uni-' ca-1. he worked as. a sh-oup-assista'nIt;', . ulmtil. findin-g even 5L|0n'dv0!l scarcely * `big. enmo1u'g'h for his evvegr-growing plans. he vem-igramed, nit the-Aagne or twenty to Ga-nauda. It was here that the read rvo`ma'nce of his life began. In M-out-tidal he` met a .yro.run/g cousin. -Dona-ld Smith, whmh he joimcid in bwsin-ass. and in ten ygepars they were the must favour- is'h'ing waonoillern msevrphanvts in a1l'Oan- ada. Six years later he was elected (Presid-en't of the `Bank .of Montreal. and it was his work in,` this .c:upac- .iy which led to his being one of the prime movens in connection wit-h the Canadian Pacific Railway. nm.....u. L.....'_!I_ y_-_: _._, -- _..-_--~..-u ec'vn-_AovvI-Jlv uvcu UJQJUL. His repsttless apiriit` satonn 'lecd , him" from the hills to the uecnormouvs tiown -as it _senemve_d to h'im-o\f Ab'c.-1~d.e4,en. where he b-e o-ame 9. idrnrperhs `appren- tio. `He then. .went too -the city % w'hfioh' for .ye'a~r;s had been p-u`1l~in-g like ,a ma.ga1e!t-Ln4ndon, `the city of gold, `I ... cm. `D.....m.. -.1____-1_____.; first em-plgoymen-t was that of `a!he'i,ep--`tlenudianz. and ia-s he w:a1id:a'rIe'd over the rvu-gg-ed. ei-1cnrt"h'il1s._ a'lo.:m ` with his thoughts for days together. ` "he made all writs. of pbamss for that future. Vanod."bu`pvy-'l4i'k-e. _fa.noi:ed he saw himxsvotlvf as a. modern Dick W'hi|tti.ng- ton. His .was a big umbi"tLo.n, and he waorud "have been the last to predict that he `mo:-.a1d mach even a. higher pinnacle of famyethlan that of LIo(n:dI0in s g=re;a!te:s1t Lord Malvorp 1_1_3_ .1 u . . _.....u.1....._ ___.!_.'L' ._._. _ -._v -cw-w-v vowl `11153 I '~ Hp wae'bcoa~n in Ban_ff_shirIc`> seventy- unp`reeltrnitioo'us' partih school.` The 't|a0'h!`. hmvwaver. kniew jwst !what to teach. "and how to .te.aoh` it. and lit- tle Gwen-r.~gae S`tep'hern. for his part, was jwsit the kind volt` boy who` msak-as a .so_hIo!olmate:r thoroughfy enjoy -his w-9rk- % F six yars ago. and l=\ d-u-`oaltdd at an` Ebae. life-lihoqd by te}hdia=g sheep the Scottish `hil_ls it. ' THE NORTHERN AnvA&`r:1 _, - -..........o. Luv vem brrcaks cut, the veins beiing .fo'l1uo'w0d in this way fur long di.s`t:mces. ` ~ ' ` . 3!!) far mo one knows. 'hl0W dr.I':I'?-p dawn the .si.lvt-4r veins go. The geolo- gislts say that the silver will lcgssvm in exit-ant as it descends. -`.-md_ it is claim-ed .t'hart this has bietcqn -t-hac -.case_ m: the T.zjeithenvn>y mine and ` .,In this a .v3a_ha-t has be.n',;p,u dawn onl'.t;he to a _1_esp_tTl..1_ I all mvnety beat. .am1 `the wizn is hound t0;`.fb* .an`d 1rio:!,1*r`,wL:iMf";% iii` %2ft:s4s .I. . ~a__ _. -v ."'-r. ,- ~: M. \; W 959% % '33 i 29 plume cdppiegr n-ug-- geits. which one finds in the Lake Sun- perior mines. -Trhzcsc veins of ` silver arm moit rae;g`ru'lar'_in w-idrtfh not do they run even -t hraou'ghsou't. Haemc and `there brunch vein j~ur'toru!t from thIe.n 1a-in-` one like theyeins of a leaf. and rthe o-re has -enve'.ryw?h=eire Jsconked infto um`- jnliniinrg` rocks. ' LIKE A `QUARRY. So far `mo one knows how d-0:1.) stone q:usarryin-3' than Im-ining. Th-e. vein with the monk can both sivderro`f it is bladtedioruvt and the bieat of the G110 bag-ged up in sacks.` The couEz:|t';*y `frmn ten to twenty fem drepzp and five or mo-nejfveclt Vwidge; which hav been b'las.'tIed and mutt of. -t'h'c rack to 99 t*l1om'e."I'he ve(in`breaks c'4ut,._ the veins buing oillowcnd in n.:..- 4..." _ Cobalt This is Home of the richest of the one so far `discovered. 'N:ugg-`cits or silver .wrhi-h,are eighty 'a:md nuincvty % pneur clelnlt. pnn1e.hawc_ been taken out ocfthe Timmvons mine, and some of the ,muggeIts weigh thr-ce acn-d ouxr hundred pounds each. I saw chunks of silvnetr and urbck the size of a spam- 11133`, bniok`.w_h1oh I 0Dlu`ld_ not 'l~it. ..-.... ,_....... mm .wun psonsn it. Indeed, it makes mlevth-ink uf m)e'ltcd eil-vu` spoons mixed with .a `li-`ttlle `plomrcd down in the cm 1-m,1,_ 1' ..,...m,...a __.._ n sam-d ` vices of the [ so-'1-d, and no gambling or oft-her wick- 11- ed hro-uses pe:rmitted. I have seen one *5 or two drunken-me-n, but altogether Y" the wild mwdyism of the new min-A 3 mg camps barcu-r West is absevmt. : THE SILVER STREET `OF COBALT. ` I have yzs-i-ted the chief; si1ve}`-- re- giyovns of the world. but nowhere have I seen silvzetr which crnips out `an the mp of the ground as it does hora at Csobalt. The whole region seems to be one vaset rock boveml with a thin _ skin of earlth. .uJp-on .whEch trams. and ~ -grass grow. The surface of the rock, is irregular. I`t rises and falls. w.i'tJn wa.'t-e'.r in the hiolllows, , and hm`-"c `and theme a lake. In places the rack crnoips out on the top of thfl gnotmvd. { and in thiss,mick a si~1v-ertvecin nm-a,y sometimes be seen. -These _vc.'ms nun Em` h.-un-dreds to=f,feneIt across the coun'- try, "and e.veryw.h-er-o;,thcy shxovv up on the srur.-face. In the` I'immot.-as mine. for instance, the lehrrth hzazs bv:.e'n srtrivpped cuff to the width of anar- rwocw pavement for a distance of thousand feet. The rock has b'.`0';1 ground smootth by glaciers. Whe.-.1 cleaned it looks dikve a vf1.a`:.(; gcdc side.- walk. R-umning thrnaugh it in a wind.- F.-neg way is a vein of almost pure sil- _ ver,` so rich that .you can -soo `the metal shine as through the rock was plalted with it. YIotu`ca:n rub the vrezin wirth"ypun- melt and polish it. "Indeed. mak Uhl3,.l\.3ml- nub ._,._.aL I 7 5 F 5 I I I OD The settlement mm-s amund a be1au- - tiftul lake saoinarrnow that `you can cross it Zn a" canoe in n. few ' m-inowtezs. The mining 'provpervl;ies are all a.rou'xld the lake. and theafcxtend -`back into the woods. `A large part of the popu- laitinvn still lives in tents. some of rthc "tents are not lznoom than fou` fwt wide and five fe:elt high. They -ape memealy for sleping. Coibal t has per- haps a dozen stsomes. ;a;nud. strange t-o say. it has no saloons. It is u gd-my tvotwn. No liquor is allowed to be sold, pe:rmi-tterd. but H-kn nut!) ....._-...I, - 3 -u-. agvu a. It M1315 .l.It.l_lJ'lB- "-C;-balt `gas as yet no streets. The. buildings stand along corduroy roads which wind this _w_av and ` -thzat thmvugh the stumps. Most of 't~hei houses are of pine boards with roofs of tar felt. [put on with big-h'e.a~d:e`d tacks. Same oxfthe walls are covered wirth this black notonfi-ng -ma.ter'i.al. so that the placealcoooks iikoe: a collection of shacks of_.b'lack and .white. __,_____- ` ..-_- ..- _..............- .uu-yanqavnuv usavc Just now. many of I:-`he `population live in tents. Tihe Canadi-an `Bank of Cmnmerce and the Imperial `Bcmk. two on the striolngest in Canada, do their. business in tents. the bankers sleeping at night beside the safes with gauns neartheir hand-.5. l'I..I._`l.A. L-.. V I . I`- came 'hea1e.t_man 0t'tawI:L via Nmlbh Bay, t_h;1au'g'h_woods_a{s wild__a .'s any on the North American contin- e~n!t.- The rncIadaski1'ts._matny 1-alcevs. 1 _s:wam%p's. and iwhalt lcmown as mus- keg. which _i_s .a kind cat` a cross be- tween a q,uicksaznud an-d_,an Irish bug.- Now one pans-sets 9. lumber camp. now an Indian village. and nnrw a -sitaltilon `wihvevrte the .troIur12st-s go off to hunt in t.he wild Iwnoands, we negached Oo- balfb at mu-r in the aftennnon "and had to rely on the .mi11ue-Its -for our accommodation. The towzncha-d only two or thrce_hoIu'sIeB last ~spri~n'g. Now. it has" a hundred `or `more frame buildings. Log` cabins are gaming up in every dirncbitiooun. _a [three-astorey Tho- tel will be .'com-plated before this le't- ter is .psu=blsis'he-d, and by nlefriz year .000-baTt_willbe_dson1bl-e its praeac-nt size. Tumb .....-..... ........-.. .1: 1.4.. BIG ' Anldthelr very remarkable story is ..:IPnr|tinrnd. and vyfvter taking 'mfne1s11- `mom moomtinuted vhedr tramp in the `direct-ion of .C.urriok-on-oSu~ir.. '1`.he 7', 7 i.nc'ideLn!t was oornmtozn-wplaota r:4naug'h: T` `btult it led `to s'ta.rrtlin-g dre'we-lvozpmunts, _.;- tor in who )v.wyt`a.rnerr:s `the waxzndlady of the inn roeoaolgnvizeld two men o whom who had drweamead a very St;ra`n3'e T -dvrueam the night beore. - In {her dream she had ecereumne -of 'th0m.\`:i.ll ' the other with u co-ward s /bl-o`w from` beahimsd. l`.i1"le`tho puck-e`ts oi the dead Ff :'m.Im and sterftrhril-y bu-ry hlim u1nJd'exr ta 71 Whed-ge. Bio imvp'r|e|a'scd weaus `her Inwa- bahnd when this llrveam wuxs uttold that [ he made hi.s.w3y' to the spot` i'md.ic;a:t- and rhhierb discovered `the bmdy of --Jtlhe buried man. The hnssatsstn was 7' :-ypuxrau-ed` and nrruesltread; and wt the on- aegaize-s was aenrwnoud two detauh. .` 5` =Thie;m haaseddorm been a mare mys- tzerinocuus crime than the murder asnf r.._-.`~*Mr. Brtookden. u Doradon viatvwwlber, a `5. great many years ago; and tho mys- -Jtozty wlovwld have remained u:nssiolved_ "- `Ito this day had it not been for the *jint;tsearven'tiuovn 0113 Mrs. Grneenwood, Wino Iiblld roll a ltmigedy in Irvedmnnd. One. evening twuo strangers rpl`-0Setnted_' Mtfhemsaadvucs art a wayside Iimn T near 9.10. .Divid "it in -half, asnwf ` the middle pIoIi-nil: will just !,1bo'ut' 'st_rsike the Gmbat minels. 1`he'yWa~m beached by th-e.Gr:md Tmmk to North Ba` , and thence over the new r'a.ilriuasd jusitv balilit by t'he_ On-tarioo Gsovezvamient ` abpnt one. hundred miles `above that SiLVEB NUGGETS. a.. _. _-- run nu VI. LHU undertaker: promptly and prone:-ly`csred for. if V 3 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOO Barrie Undertaking Establishmem Th` % , % we smarfana Tr: -fl! M\W% slave and. feel . glrercem. A _ ptoms are : Yej --F-yellow s'l:in-`-pams in shoulderis--irregular bowe1s-- ---s11oxjtness ` of breath--a dry, hacking cough--la Qdiepressed spirits.` The nervous system dis_turbc< hgdisinclinationi for work. These are :1. few sym; }"ii;i_'_deranged liver; I };g_r1d`.cjlea1_nse_;=1ll yimpurities-_ from the blood.` -PsY`cH'n~ e.:_t4n;isli iA::1_'s`omnia, di-spelidepggssion, and "revive `the < bottles tliere-will be 1 p1etgvi:h,ithee liver, * `grust-y 2;_i1d_}.` results. have all the appliances for the care of fun surrounding country: Heat-sea and Wagzzons termenu in all cemeteries. o'r shipments to undertaker: and properly cared TABLE cunt-:nv, cmvme SETS, sn.vsn PLATED KNIVES, FORKS AND 8POON8, NIGKEL PLATED TEA AND COFFEE POTS, sKA'rs,I-Iocxev STICKS AND Pucks. HORSE auuxers, noses, cnoss-our SAWS Aim) AXES all at reduced prices. HAMBLY I { For thbbalance` of the yeaf we will give] cent . o on BASEBURNERS AND RANGES mpmber this price will last only for the bala. 19o5. % [ % For the Christmas trade our stock of Collier and Clapperton Streets . SMITH 5 co. ._.--an --vuvrvlvvup cuuu IIUM-1' Ur `$7101.00 38.) in Gaetlo. ".T&1|e pae.dla~r s. pgok is ly- yzlugln o.` cairn bur dtouwees in a halo mist, this hI:w.Lsm" He `could this story out his sImg.u'la`r dream to 'th-e:va,wth.ori- -ttiens,` who uooomrp!a;nd-end him to MJa.o- ` "lebd s`house; and there. lsurve ve'nough,T boweavth a heap. of arhouma. `tho m.`u.r- -Vndezreld mun -s -prosperity .wa;s '~om:nd. Maqlend was nirrnesttced. c-0!xi.fcLSSr6d, and was exeoauitxed. , -' - ALWAYS OPEN. :s'rAaLIsH:n:1 a7o he funerals bin tral ; Morgue an ` all parts of Delhi cured fnr BLJA Au - transit through town 5nd 3 and Burial Parlors. In- the world. Work of ac` an . On-qziglhit. htqwlemer. Konnveith Frus- _mr, u itaitloorhs assistant. saw `in a drtenfna the oott't:u'goe' molt a man named nwglh Maolsenoud. an}! hevard a voice say in Gallzin. '"IhK\ I\nlnnm .n n-\-`- 3-