Al`. L KIN Ds IT"? A..I.2>4_A c E IF YOUR'GOODS Ari? PRICES ARE RIGHT IV|ON EY. Barrie and County of Simcoe people have made all `kinds of money this year} They never were) so prosperous asthey are to-day, T e o ' they will spend `money with you. You can ,reach thmthrnsh ' Baker and Confectioner 41,3. LOAF FOR 10c. E2 '11 . 0.85 mm: For Allandale. ! `I237 'p*.m'. Eon` Netwmar "Wu and Toronto. I ` i)OiIALD.`lV1O88T`_L. L. 3.. BARRIE- ter Solicitor. etc. Bank of Toron- bo knilding. Barrio. Money -to Loan. LENNOX. _'COWAN &. ` _ BROWN . BAR- ~- 1-.. _1.A.-:..-_.. UNWIN. MIJIRPHY & ESTEN. on-e tario Land Surve ors. Engineeis. 0110. Established 18 . Office. Medi- oal=Buildmg. 8.E. corner Richmond and B streets. InToromto. Tele- phone. `a ain. 1336. struotions left wit]; Btrathy & Eaten. oly_:itox_`s. nf 'l`orn-n+.. `n..:I.1:._ RADENHURST. -BARRISTER. STEWART & STEWART. BARRI8-i [ANY QUANTITY or` MONEY Tol `_ moa_-n.nf_`l,1_9nu-5412..---~ ' "` `EEWSON ORESWICKE, mums- ;___ cn_I9-,1___... -1 LL- G.-............n HfNo new name ivill be added to the Sub orlptiqn List until the money is paid. ' Subscribers nowin arrears for threemontha and over will be charged $1.50 per anuum; B'. & ESTEN. BARRISTERS. DB8. SMITH & GOWLA.ND.. oiqe an-.2 ....-:j..._-.' _.-____ H. 1'. ARNALL. M. 0.6%./.. OFFICE ? 2_ `I\_L1.____.1Io `I'll J DR. W. A . Rose. PHYSICIAN. >lIQ1 ALA ? 7` II` `IR 0 DB. J. ARTHUR ROSS. L. LI. Q 'nIx.I:._n___.._r `I- J.V.I.V\.lJ)p_\J\r yr Ana.` `Iv _--...-V -- --..-..- ris-tors. Solicitors for obtainin pnobate of wills.` guardianahi an administration. and general 1ici- rbors. Notaries, Conveyancers, etc. Offices. Hinds Block, Barrie. No. 6. `Dunlap street. Barrie. Money to loan at! 4 -1-2 and 5 per cent. {Branch offices at Creem-ore and A1- shsbon. Haughton Lennox. Alex. Uowan. G. E. J. Brown. L.L.B. Wu 3\JlJ.|.. .n.ra.A.-.vgw--vs-----. -vv__._.__ . Proctor. Notary. Qonveyanoer. etc. Special attention In drawing and prdb_at-ing vsji`-lls. obtanning legters of admnnistratxon and uardnanship. collecting accounts. e o. Offices, Ross M-ook. -Barrxe. Money to loan. .1 The old year is fast vwemi-ng `and `andbhe-r noltoh in the cycle of time is about to be xfeoonddd. W-it\h_ the ad- N-enit of -the new year come the_ usual resolves and endeavorsior besttei and thigher things. It is as it mem a xfresh. st`ar"ti'ng` ` point from which `tq- renew `towards the oove.ted goal of our a-m- bi'ti-onus. The -Advance takes this ap- ._ui-orrtdniity to exte-nd greetings to all i'te_ pa-tr"-o'ns. and readgifs and to pra- sh-enit to them the b`est`w1s1u-.3 for a ,br~ig'-hvt and happy new `year wifthi tvha ' added hope that 1906 Inlay Vho~1.d e,AvLm more in atom for them tha-:1 did 1905' in he.a~l'th. wealth and .hiapp'inss. ithq battle .-oath-life and press arr_w:1vd' _-_. .-.._-..... uw v.-s:vvaa&I..u.AJ-g I.u.L1v,v an;i residence. corner of~ Owen .-and .Oollier streets, Barrie. I. 0. SMITH. M. E. GOWLAND. . `M 1:! 1|: A `Mr 13 `tango-acuga-`yaw--._, _____-_- V- _7 _ , '7Afomey. Solicitor -in chincery, Oomveyanoer. etc. Office. first door. Owen stgeet, over Bank of Com- -.-A-nan .- --`.v as a. UL` JHJJLVII I ,llo.n ;.t` 413 and 5 per cent. Easy terms -of re-pa ment. Leamox. Cow- axtl & "Brown. ioitors. Barristers, a o. .. T -... om uuuss uxscountea. "Collec- tions made in an{ `art of the Oountv. Real esta e ught and sold. Conveyancing in all its bran- ches. Marriage Licenses issued. Of- fice. Ross B ook Dunlap street. inn I-1-In _ -_.__ ....nuu.Vu nuuu UUM.- pany. Carpentering. building. and mgnufaoturing of doors. sash. -blinds. mouldings. etc. Planin bf all kinds done gfounptly and aa isfac- "boril . Hot 17 last drying kiln. Dis- trict tor grained lumber. .?.`. ;`.`. . ..' .B?,!. 4 r'F9*- `3"-"- rc-vn--n..--. new .---an--`-1, 2._-v-_._...--..-.. Solicitors in High Court of Jua- tiioe. Notaries Public. Convevanoers. Offices over the Bank of Toronto. IBa rie. Money in sums of $2,000 an nnnrnu-u tin` Innn 1:} K nor U3. 1| _ =Barne. `I-VVUII Ul..l.UUI.p U merce. Barrie. nan. vv -urwtw rw up----- -V----, - --_-._ `tars. Solicitor-s of the Supreme Oourt` of Judicature. of Ontario. Ppoctors. Notaries. Convpyanoers. etc. Money_ -to loan. Oftxoe, Ross flE1o%k.1 :Barr1e. C. E. Hewson. K.C., nrnuItn:n`1n lI3DUUKp .IJUnl.llUo \lo .110 . `A. E. H. `Cresmck. The wave in breaking on the shore,- . ._'.Bho echo fading from thq, chime,-- Agalu `the shadow moveth o'er The dial plate of time 1" 'lJiI. 717109 JIIIHJUJ Ill BUIIJS U1 pUUV am? uxgvar , to` loan at 5 per great`. . H. Strathy. K. 0.. G. H. ters. Solicitors. Notaries Public. _a_n' Money to loan 11: any sums at 5 per cent. Office 13 Owen street. Barrie. H. D. Stew- art`. L. L. D.. D. M. Stewart. D. H. LYON. PRIVATE FUNDS TO loan on Real Estate at lowest rates. Earrqers notes discounted. Collec- tions m anv nn1-l- ..c n.- 1'!'7i5t'o_r2?:l:3;;fi:id s %=-1! - % 1' graliled. . .tr9t- 7 Galhe. successors IJU2l.I`I.o . Eaten. I M. 0.. L. C. P. 8.. 0., late resident Physician and Surgleon of Toron- it'o_ General Hospita . with special attention to Diseases of Women. and [Nose and Throat -W'ork. also for some time surgeon in charge of Emdr ency Hospital. Toronto. Office an night residence. upstairs in M_c'Carthy `Block. 21 Dunlop St., Barrie. second door east of Dou- gall Bros. furniture warerooms. near Five Points. `Phone 105. HOMOEOPATHIST. o V. J. PATTERSON. M. D.. C. M.. Physician, `Surgeon, Homoeopath- ist, Office Hours-11 a.m. to 1 p.m.. 7 to 8 _p.m. Gor. Poyntz altgl Dunlop Sts.. Barrie.` Phone: , ___- -_-.-.-.uv.n\.ra-54.4.1. lJ\JLU' goon etc.. L. B. C. .8.. Edin.. L. R. . P.. London. Offxces and ni ht residence, Brown s Block. Dun op street. Barrie. Telephone. 77. _-- - -. ....-......;wu. uz.u1:L.|Ju1J.I:a U2 Trinitv Universit . Toronto. Fel- low of Trinity - e`dioaI' College. Member of the College of Physi- cians and Surgeons of Ontario. Of- fi and 1'AQ3't`annn 19 (`man -5-AA` 75 E1. Edinburgh: M. F. P. & s ....u;.a.a.u_.n.u .u.\nJtJ. Ila 1.1- U. 1. . Glasgow, member of the Britisi; Opthalmological Society. Special- 1y.-Disea.aes of -the E e. Ear. hroat and Nose; Offina_ R n....1.... u;l`"1\<`>'1To-l;to: o o-unncuacs 01 -tn? IS 158.1`, 31222:` ;.":,.3L*:%B`i'e-B 8 `?='P . mite Post-Ofsfice i;a "1{iv?p' gtation. `Phone 54: P1). fnrlnay U. -auuuuvi D JJIU Post-Office, `on. 54; "an"'zT.i;;{.117; `13io2 1;.'Lu`i`;..i;JZ.6 S the premises at night. u_1u.uB anu surgeons or Ontario. Of- hoe and residence, 18 Owen _street. th AULT. BARRISTEB. SOLICITOB. ----~- l`--_ _-_..-_-.._ AL- LUL . MANUFACTURERS. 11.4-5wu.-my For Orillia`. _GrIwan- Imrct and North Bay. _ MONEY mo LOAN. h AVIUIIBU Ilullulngp promptly attended to. PHYSICIANS. evnvmronsf FINANCIAL. o uuacusus 1851180. Uf- `ook; street. nuuwa P73? Box 96. v----_-__--_,__ , A %'aToUn:. - `(.22 o.'.m.~ -For Newmarket} To -' unto. Montreal and points East. `l_.55__o.,.m.- For -Nowinarket`. Ajirora `place it with the paper that re Barrie, - out 7' t Tm: ADVANCE is largest circulation of an'" t have To . Th 3 latter fact .demonstra.tes its patrons; If you have any a d not afraid to pay the price. aches the P90 o` ' Advertisements are chamoa ..-- . "'l llle peg u .9 pay me pnce- ' `gvlggtdsements charged accord} Sp-,e.-18 lines agate measure make one in . jg.- A '-----onnu, Legal Notices, Auctio s etc. -Fi`x-st insertion luncer?t]s' Am. subse gent insertion 5 cents per hn R. mg notices. 10 cents De, ff" insertion: 5 cents per line for ca hm`? for mg; insettxon of the same matter MC] -mbeqnen` 5 lines, of this character. na, ems unde, Obituarv Poetry 5c Dex` line. ged 1185 line. Allandale Lots s FOR SALE. I *._`\ Prefen-ed positions for ments in the paper will be soldlocal advert _ at an ad of one-third on above rates, (and on nomgig account will special positions b . rule will bestrictly carried out. e U_wn' Th CONTRACT cmmcns. Advertisers will please bear in notice of intention to ch mustbe handed into the oicc not later tn; Saturday at 10 o'clock and the _ change -mustbe in 'rH E ADvA1~.9py f" CE later than 12 o'clock noon on ISlonda(;mi(:;?:,?` week, otherwise the ad_vertis_er's announcemen; may not be made public until the week follow, in O 5. . changes of Advertisements allowedm year. If more are required, composition me, will be ohargeda ' -Advertisers W111 `not be allowed to use space for advertlemg anything on own regular business. should 1 . theh taide tbei: , h d transient rates will be charged foreiucgu? vertisementat. on-run. snnscnmnn, - 3500.000 caprru. cannnn UP. - 8150.000 Government Deposit 353.000. Operat/ed under Dominion License. This Canadian Company has representa- tive: in the principal towns throughout the Dominion. Selects its risks and givem advantage in races to aachfavorable in 1: cation, physic` and moral hazard. Tnos. CRAWFORD, M.P P., President. C. C. VANNORMAN. Vice President. W. Gnnmzwoon BRow:~', General Mamet. J. B. BENNETT. A:rentatBmie. "o;;.:;.,;."' QISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES. ALI ....-r-..........~.u nu v nan; int-.au5x'pg_ Condensed advertisements on first ' as wants of all kinds, lost and rouna,?,;',,` for sale or to rent, specic articles. etc etc must be accompanied with the cash, and mi be mserted--first insertion 2 cents per won} each subsequent insertion 1 cent per Wm (names,9.ddresses and gures counted as wo but a. reduction of one cent per word M11 5, $:.;1t%'rvI;1;ec1;e3h;3O1nrumber ot insertions of sun. "i.:201-:.;::.-V `For Nei5vmarket'.` Toron` - `to. Montreal and points But`. The Market L L Roller Mills ID. C- Howard ynuvnnwv `IAlhlllh8\4L VA |JlIll\\J'\r \.vuu CENTRAL LIFE INSURANCE '60 S. H. HEYNBLDS, ._._---- V--vvun. av- Gnu for advert! one be mounted :>n'nn:,>llII':l'l:::'o?. FOR- CHOICE GROCERIES ".`...*,`.%......':`.3..s74.9.i1_y "ADV!-3R'l`ISlNG_- EPrefe1-red nnnfn ~39-L Qlan un- Two: p.m:"13'$; Biuua. N61-th' Bay `nd points West. 3.15 pm. For Orillia. IVUUUIIIV a u--- v A hunhouoly mustnud week!!- amal- bnll I RHINO! Idcnuleo on nbly f " "` '--- nun: g,` MINESING District Manager of Simcoe County for LE...-I-1-gnu 1 na--- nnno-sun:-nnnntne PA FIRE :nsumcJ'cnmmY . . .and Right Prices... - CALL ox - 1HUI 8DAY.' DEC. H. PLEWES 5l;PlyIt THE ADVANCE OFFII Mayor Ross Receive: a Sec- ond Term Un-opposed. Chopping and Gristing. FLOUR, FEED, Etc. 2. West Baldwin; Street. Corner of Marv and Elizabeth Sta. Barrie. comnmcui coxnucr CONDENSED .A1>v1-wrrsmuzxq-g nnndu-I nunw-h'n.u......... -_ n II II :Jaoob | Terrace . . TRANSIENT . ` 7.25 a..-m`.- For V0ard`w_e'll Junction. I300:-getuwm and ofmilton. O ,-, -31`-nn__ 28., 8.. 1,905. RATES D5505 FICE, ww-v~v---_-..- ....._ L335 pane For Cu-dwell .Jno'l'.iiIn. Iieurgetbwn and Hamilton. ' ii.15 o,.m. For Stayner. Rmod and Meat-or-d. THE NORTHERN Anvamc: V Train: leave Barrio` for `the un- Iotrmentionod places as follows: . ` .'40Tp.m. For Stayner. M066 and Meatod. ' 145 pm. E01` Penetanz`. ' 3.00 p.~m. For Stayner. (Wong! and Meatorid. Ln 8 Page 48 Oolpun Newspaper. Published from the oioe. 123 Dunlap Fpt;-:ft. Barrie. in the County of 833906. the Vince 191: Ontario. Can at. every ursday Morning. by _ , . WEBLIYAOREW. PFIOPlI'I!'l OIis Trams or Svnscnuvrxow, 01 per Ammm in Advance MUNICIPAL NOMINA-% `nous. 11.10 a.m.- For Pcnotanfg`. ;Da.ily including Sunday`. A NORTH. -_1.5 Ffmil For Orillia`. North` Bay` J. Frank Jaekson.= BAFIRIE RAILWAY GUIDE A Hgppy New Year. sepia. Wateig Color Crayon. India ink Miniafures on Ivory Mskgr of Puftitif co'1lin3`- t`. `M ( 7':-1"E. jw. R. For I'we1'1. Ward V.-,-W.`A. Law. 0. W1. Pnlk. C. Iorsfield. W. Gtixn-e, W. P. Sonrloa. Ward V`I.--8. J. McM-orran. Geo. Powher. M. ca~m:p'beaIl. G. Wil- "The quesrtion in -regear-d two school . ~h-ours should n:oIt_ be how long .t'hr.>y `_:n'n"be made and the child re-taein its` health. but how s-heart t'he.y can be for the acquislirtion of knos.w:l-ed-gee that -his years, call for." wri-tee _Dr.. Grace P. Murray in the J_an~uary,.De-1-ineratt-or,._ n`r_ ..`_ )_..._L_I _ __ .-.p L _.9._ ..I__ ` Public School !l`.r,udteas.-Ward I.-- ` Thou. Smith. uoo. Wand II.-`P. _Lo:ve, W. -0. Hunter. Ward III.-~G._' G. Smith. C. W. P'lax.t~oIn. A. J. Sarjennnt. `Wand IV.--F. -T. Gmtcom. W. Thoma-V ley. A. Carson. Ward V.-R. _1~I. M -elbb. N. B. Jo'h`ns!tIo\n. Ward VI.-V O. W. Pofuuher. non. . - ----u~, um. up-v vow-nu-v-uq 1-won-vvv-uuvnv oh'i'ld'-ten do patents show such ignor-. "ii nio direlclton of imaging up Imoe an in rengard to `school lime. Mo-' there should make .themselves in'atelloi- gent: u!p~on a'll_q?1;e.s'tions.,eperminiug to so-ho-o-I hygiene. They should lcnorw first of 0:11 that the sph-oo!:room., - V70 nroou "'1:I.`-1".`-z'znd Mrs.v('? W. Blackslt-oc'lA:. 0-E Regina. are speand'ingAa~!1`-cwv IVV!G8kS. with the latten -sTpare.nts. Mr. agazd Mrs. J. Syme. Dalston. Mr. Claude R. Sanugvan. Ae-di.`t=ar mt ' the Landon Echo. deserves .gr.e'art cre- dit `for the .sp`lend-id Christ-mas -num- ber of t`h`o.*tT pub1io_ation.' it being as- peoially; appropniwte for the Yuletiedo lfyau, you: friends `or reiatives ner with 1 Fits, Epilepsy, St. Vitus Dance, or Falling ,_. sickness..-wn_t.e,f9r 9 triatbottlc--and_ K 9!|;,I!!!F,`,|!l5!2`,9,!Ir.t0-31'!-8! : _ ,9! .-;__Sf_. % *0.- Deafness Cannot be Cured by local 1 lioaltiona as may canuot I reach the isueasad portion of the ear. '1'herve is only ong way to qu_-re meta!- ness, and that 18 `by oootnsrtmmtitonsal -mm-ediieas. Deaufnsss 1s amused by an i=n.fl'amed ouotnIdi't~i-om of 'tth|B mucous ' linin of the Eustachian Tube. When this xulbe is inxflam u "have as rm-m` LI!..._ n.....--s...,J A... l_.n...n-. qua]. Lu...-.!_;u|4-.1` uuuuwwca. 4- v ' . Wo~will `give one hcu_!nd1-`ed Dollans for any case of ADeaf-nletss (amused by oaitarrlh) that -cannot be cured py H~all a Ca~t:arxh Cure. Sand for cu`-" nnmaln nu -`Fran nus: B N-IG'UJl| onrlans. free. 1:` rT'ha7t music and diszrnd-er .'d'a 'n.o`t blend h`arm~:>'n-ioualy w'a~s duenwnslt roaI".e.-:1 to the eazti-sfuctioui or Po`lic'e Mu.g'is- rtrzrto Rad-egniliurst on Thursday morn- ing when he fined Angus Mocuaig of 0ro' Sitartiinosn t'hreue d'o|ll`ars and costs for disit-urvbinog a !pub`lic meoeltliarg. The disturbance. ibotok plaoe at a c\ho4 .r Ipraovtioe `in t`h~e_ Presbytcriam c-h u*rcrh,y Oro Sltaltiom. on the evveanning of `Dec. 9 91:11.. and consisted in the" oapien-in-g 1 and alhultti-ng of the ohurdh wuzndmvsi vidlcwtly from the ourtasidw to the `mot very ;ne=lotdi~o,u's ggccomp-a-nimeut o'\-`." an im`i'tarti-on of the barkringiot a .-dog. Several _.wearo _lm`pl'ioa.'tod in` the :3!- fair-; An ` assu.u'lIi: case hruose `out of the tumult I. -orv,whio_h .Aroh'iba_ld E. Ross answered on the complaint "of Alvfr-ed, G; Crawford. R/i0IS`S, `t-oo.` was fined. being mu-lewd to t'1v,q`tuno owl" one dollar and costs. Bo`t'h oasei \v;e.r=. 'heo.rd antV.the- same. session -mi .-the- Po-- iioe Oourt, ' - ` uulu `IL V`-IIV Jallbituvuxau I-ILIIUQ VV INTI `Rube is mm-amen hsavIe nu-m= blimg sound or iml er elclt haem~ing.'and when It is etntirle y closed. Decattness 13 the result and unless -the inflammza; " timl can -be taken out and this tube: restored to its normal condition. vhnparing .will_ be destnoey-eid - forever; nme oases count of ten `are owused- by . paztarrzh. !wx`ni_oh_ is ncolthing but an unnamed oonn.di.ti-on [of -the mltrobuss gumvufn n-An Iuvuuuua. 1 ucc. ` F.- J. CHENEY & 00.1 _ , . f.l\oledo. O. % Sold b l)rru'gis-ts. 750.` f1`ake all`a V amily' Pills for. con- atxpwtion. - . ' . (Mr. Gi'lchriis't at Oro is vbu-ild-mg a new residence on`t?h srtrwt.` ao`u.`t-h sxide. T '.T*h6 `electors o -I` 5. am kick-T 'iu-g s`tr-enu-o-usly z_1bou-t,t-he snoiw-`plbwm inrg service`. A*ffter Thur-s:tayi_ m=3'm- in=g`s early st-o-rm no ploiwui-ng w?z_urt- e;vve_r was .d-one ba t\v:een' R-oss st rob`. and. `B-oithwcwll s comer. This bears out A'ld. L~o.we's wsugg-2;s;tiwon. made some time- ago. that who .s'_:r,vricu- wou'ld no.t be sa`tisfa1ct:o1`y owing to '=th_e way the contracts we.-re Ie.t. l'I'll...nL _._-__!- __J .I!_.-__J.._ I_'I._ ._ _\L YVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV` \ lilocal Jottings oooooooouoooodoouoooo V-The` nomina:t`' assed off very lquieftly on Friday.` i-ttle if any in- tereavt being shown. judging frocm the. cruel! number of electors prewnot. Ao- Vconding to custom no speeaking took place. Aawill be seen. the army or .noun'im5|ea is ` It an `nu:-oed Tg 0 nd ~-the Council 0 1906'do-as gotggwoiw l `A-nyltlhing startl-in along_ the. line: of nine-nltal calibre. ~ ayor Ross_ was de--\ clared-elected by acclva-ma-hon. the. much -vaunted "moral reform move-- ` mount not being able to -. develop an of-ponenvt. Hencunde-r is cthe ,full list "0 - nominclt-ions : ` . A ` ~V `_ . Ma,vor.--Doinald Ross.` acc.. - 'llr-.L-_. - _._._I vn-.\...-_ ____ -_., ._._____ "if; f."{iri~11mot and ' M -i-as W.iIlm.'oat D-uuloip s'treveit_. spent the; hnol-bda y it Toromto. ' ' Mr. John D. Svpe-nee, h`arris. te.r.VT~o- 'ro'mto. was in town on Fniday in ocu- nection with` _C. `P. R. right~-ow!-may business. ` w--.-~--u -u-`vv-~o~ `v-vg- Big Mae for the poor showing that he had made` during the year. Now the owner of Brookdale Farm has de- cided to hold an to the oo1t..and'g=ive' -him aniolther trlalvnext "year... As a two-year-old this colt was a -good one, -while in the early spring frtraining at the Woodbine he gave promise of do- ing -much beovt-e`r than he did in*uny of his races atiterwar-dsw. gnoooouoqduowooouoog -u-ocnv-can "I-Mrs. B. W. Bainley a-ndnltfbtle dau- =g-bfter. Margaret, were in `t-own. rm. 'Xmae.- ` .Mr. Sydney Fle.'t'oh-pr.--teller bf the Bank of Gormmerge, `h'a-s. beam .trIans- ferrned to the Yomge and College Sts. branch. Torbo1n'i;o.- I ,, 3 `ID , In `'0' w\\ u .. -u A |% In '-{he earl i a1lMr.`I~T. Dymseuu. I'th0u'ght onf isposiug of the pelt` -`I\!_. If`. B-.. LL- ____. _I___,, _-._ .L'l.-L 5ooooood7i The New Educatiom `A'ldevrmIen.-Wurd I.-Oh!ar'leIs. Mc- uire. J. H. Nqedwndgs. F. M.) Wwtrt. - J98... Rogers. 0. G. Stramgce. W, Tay-; .~I{o1_', P.- J.` Moo1\e.~ Wahd II.-F. T. .i'nt'ou. A. Beandsley.-,_ 4W. O. 1". A!1`.n'yl-or, A. 3'. "8arjeuax~t,;,;; gtton `gt-no James 1. game ;_to~~En'g1s;md in1_603 V `-as, afisttmpger :_whi:_)had..nv1er _bc_>.*eor:e_ . I: ' .,_. ._ "v. n; v ; v ` . . ... .-'- s 559,55. ` is they amount of _ The Reserve Ft ...ofthe..`. E BANK OF As king the gold and {mung pra- ` tenders must have out no better 'Ii- egure than rthese Georges. Bua-nnie 1 Prince Clharlvie did not wear well. and 1 he beomnue a heavy. drinker early in J A life. and finis-herd as a cdlotwnri-:;'h|t salt.` with whom l1`-is wife __o-oulld not `live. 8-ounetbo1w_ the 8*tAun`r-'t' dynasty mewer,` .roote-d- strongly in England. In the pwe-rsolnl of Quueuean Mary s son James it was aoceoplted ha a mnepizssary emril in 1603 in 1688 it was lixprellleldg in` the person out J'amaas- II. 4 l`1he interval had been d~iatin-guslshend by .a revolultiiovn. the Qexeoution _ of Caharlea L . !the .p mtIept-ou'a-to at Oliver V Gromwevll. the maturation of .. Charles` IL. -and an unsugwssful .in_ fo,vor_'ot` James II.-.'a 'i1legEitimaitne-s-on. the Dk`HOf .lE0 lI`lil`9`~I1th'."l`hIa tw.o"dnu- ` .ghIter_af ott_JauheIs-II:. II. . M *h.l;.3`.'-ar.t r lag`! A n_e. have alwgys 'i'teaCoof the nineteenth and twentieth ` "oft-her people. in spite of their: ne "7553 "t'>:`::~:;1:'i:s'h'ness of the first a:-.d } aecvotnd Georges. supposed by Jacob- % centuries to afford such a contrast to` the e;pe.r;_f-ent manners of the Ja- meaes and Gharlezves. simply '-fitted the times these Hanan-v'erian princes lived in. for at `most. of the courts `oi Eu- rope a. `luck or. good chaste was then general. ..and royalties were much as clothes. * . I. :w_hio h the chi-ldnen are to sgay frro-in three to "five hvonu-rs do.-ily. ' is a fit place ;_ wait the school is not `over- or-orwded; i`.`h-alt`: .t'l_1B. buept - n.u.thIo.rit`i~cLa an we it'h`a\t the number -alf sqh-o~lua_rs' to w ich a iteaohneir can do .jeuIsf;'uce evma-md `be not mronm than ,fo1'y. and thmt a smaller mxmberwv-:rald bve.` belt-tier; It-h`o.'t each child should -be allowed two `hundred cubic Ilnelt _of. space m lhve so-h_oIo_lroo_m. dt-her.-wise hie: will mot have euiffioielnit air; .(:`11':-_1t the team- per.arl';u'r=e should be new-riding tvo 't`-hirt 't`he"r'mome.tIar 65 to 68 `degrees; that ' `the light should fall after the pro` er manner ulp-on thp books which he o-hiIld is studying. in -omdr to do w.-hich there should be of vvrin- \ dows in `tho sohoolllrioom. Every moth- er s-hioru_`ld in1t`orm_hIervsael-f in an `these i ma't'ter.s. It is due to her oh'i-lawn to see "t-hut thiezir ed'uc a`t\Z~on is g~o.n'duc!tteid along limes w`-h-ighairle `the most bene- .t io*ia1 -for utiheirybodki-ea as well as Lor Itheir minldxs. ` In-II-In-xv aanuun, so-you-.v--. ---..rv_D_. 4'1"he_ only Slt-uarrts who `shonen-lV)y `oi-. vil speech and ways were `those who had been` well drilled .in France- Mary -Queen of Boots, for one. and Ohar-les"-II. `for a_.nolt`h~er. Juawm-es I. 'of_ England was an awkward `cmaIture- u:mlignified.. familiar. eoawmveatmoes gno- teaqnme. `mm real Charles I. ,l:aok-ed graoioussness `as well as `g-u'm-pa :-ioru. and was little blerl-3-voesd nuttsldc . his own family oimle. James II. was we.- ver popular :1 and as for `his daugh- ters. Q.1mnen~s J.Mnry II. and ~Ar,m-e. they were "heavy womaern with but `lit-_ 1:16 of ltvlie reported _Stu-ant elegance about them. ' 4 .1` an n 1 Charlec I; is gennerally accepted as a gemtleman as well-a~s pa man:`cyr. because he was muoesit .*-.`-wrrtwmatc in the arttis-cs cotmmissi-9:11-ed to_ raxeoutez. h.i-s _po-rttraits. In real lie he was b;.v_ ~:.o_ means the mild and "pm-sh-ed indaivi-_ dual he lacked on hca'n.v.a;s. His q-uoeun. Henrietta Marvin. gave it` as v3r.1e rea- son for her, wish that her; so;1.-3 sh'o.u=1d be tan-gh-'t courtesy that her .husb\:uad was so =ha`rsh`mammerIed that he `had e made many enemies through it. nu,- -__m__ :1u-_._ ..`.L.. __.L_ `...L...;.. 1... -1 `C V % - % X ' Q - . TO RONTO g . For the 3:iea.r nding NOVEMBER 30$. I905. ` sUNNInALn CORNERS. moo Late For Last Week.) Miss Mnnlly Perkins of St_ayne.r was the guvest Dif Mrs. H. J. Schvell over Sunday. V .`l'__- III! ._. -n u I u Tuzevacmoa or V Ammnmuxp A891- 0; A `Can: Mrs. Jnes has-nerturned home af- ter a" p-leasanit _vis't with Bulffalo, Ila- mivltovri and Troronto friends. U-"1&r;`Thom'pson. who had Ibo-ezn in the R. V. hyos-pi'tal.A Barrie. uwnde-rgr-A itn_g_ an oipe~rartio.n. has re?t`u-rnved `much improved in he_a1'th. V Mr. Wesle`~yoRootSIe. acoom'p amicd. by % his scorn. .'Alvin, went _t~:) Berlin lnsti weexk rtto'.u'ttuemd the fj1`me!I`al of his ` mtebp-son. Dr. 2W. J .*Ar-niott. The sud- detn death of Dr. Ar-no t`t has cast a 1 7 g-loom` over this community as he was I well and favorably k-nown here. he: having been `raised 'fr'oo-m his child- hood in !thisloca_1ity. He also taught 3 in `two of the negighboring schools. ` Much sympathy is expressed for. the snovrriowing friends. Miss L:m*ra- MoMurray spenlt over Sunday with!) Stayner "friends. Royal Folk or Other Day.-... Reserve Fund THE NORTHERN ADVANCE BANK Is `the ' Vfgtz;';;5uE=l1w(;;;h;E;i-oullers.- ?.l'. Beeor-o-fit and Jas. B." Doanvg'a'l1. ace.-V Onion f/or Cake, etc., promptly atfended $39351: to. _ uired 1: Wedding Qukeoaapwialty T. ' . Strat Have just opened out 3 choice stock of ---j candies * T. desoenxrrmm HIe:hry.VII., first of the .T.uud-or .1in-e-h=is mother. Mary Quaerm o'f`Sco!t~s. having been Henry -s great- g,r|anddau'gthvter. George I. ca-me_ -`t-o Tgmndsqon. and t-he successor, in ac- England in 1714 as Juarm-as I. s gr-ea`-t- c-or-dance with the act of saettlem-ant of 1701. of _.Quve-en` Annve. his k'in-swo- man. He had ~pr~evi_-ou=s'ly visi'bed_ this c-o`un'try_ in the reign of'Char1es II. --Lownsdnon _Mod_e`rn Societty. FROM OTTAWA TO ' `GEORGIAN BAY. Iii-armbly 6 Baker. Bu-rie.Ont. The route mapvf a ' new C. P. .R. Vlime wmch will c-ovzuvedt 0*t~taw'a dar- ectly with the Georgian bay has been submitted to the Mini.s't-er of R:a!i=I- w.a'y1s and canals for a-ppr'ova'l. I`he-- proposed" line 1-3 kmvwn as the Geor- gian Bay and Seaboard railway.` Mr. E.mme=rs-on expecrts to give all t-ho parities in-teirleated a hearing inside of _ CA--- J- __ _ __ J I. _ __,?I "--. -..4- van vggv ` :1; p"-r-oIp~oasa'l C.P.R. is. to s!ar*tc from the south end of the Georgian, Bay to u poim; bettwevcn Port Severn and - Pemdtanguis-hone. and run so*u\t~hueas!tcr'ly for .3. short` distance in Simcvoe. `c-aun't y. Them it woufd -pass Pthron-gh the counties of Victoria, Peterbmo. Hastings, Lennox and Abddincgiton. Frontenac and` part ofhanark. connecting -with the On- tario and Q.ue. oe.o_ branch but-we-e'n Ca- van` and Mgberly. in. the- county clf Lnnark; ' C. Brown! A NEW Lima: '10 BE ACONSTRDOTED BY 0. P. R. iamrwmuu '1-amsm` TWO POINTS. Z"}e{}' 'yI'T{n1ij.e"E"Ji1i "'11-1;;1._1v2a';`; jud-gmenit on the plans. 1:11.... _....._._.I -5 .L1__ t\'l'\*r\ Before the plans cu}; ble sane-i-onexd other railway inmerests have to be heard. n-oftably the James Bay. Cen- tral Onit-ario and Bay of Quinta. Ow- ing to the may ad-opted byv-Mr. Em- merson on y a few wue'.ck~s ago, no ma rouite will be ammo-vvead till the rai` way companies and those muni- cipa`l'i:ties inrte-rneusct-ed have been given~ In chance to be hnennd. j 3`Portraits