Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 14 Dec 1905, p. 4

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_&= , _ Jr. Dvlullulii 'W!Ia3. , -mud IAeag1na.pmd"a:tnegd- ;fk_l=~y. _vis:t~. .jcalne and_ _aazndw:i`6%h-- gens =-wore. aervvenain `Russian style ,by :.;t-hneladias. _Revs. Beynmvn -and Mn- % Dean game .addne;sses. - - A ,."-ovum} 1` ` . was A drebitaddwv V -iYn 'I'nnJ-nun. mail]. `a Fr-innnrl_ V BUNNIDALEBVEENVERB. AEEENWOBB. ~ 'mo1=.'N..roN. acnuy. Mr, Alex; Brutrtoan of'Winnip-g ac-:3 T uomIp'a:.n.ied by h`is family is spending * `some -time with his parents. It is forur years sinne A1e\x.__lasrt 'p-aid Allzmdalc a `zvjzsit and the_ glad hand _oIf wel- soaome is being Lxxtendcxi to him on all sides. - (`In .'l\'.n..-`.3 n nr nunn :v\.nI G Mn Td`_r\.u7.n.!`Ii'."'| 11:0 M`Y1'0' In tffgeir |'.mn n` *N~eIllie Bant i~ng.T -uuu'a Ditwu 0'11 r`r1a;a'y 18.55. `-Rev. _W.- F. Oar`p~e:n:tce+r hood-(lg mton't-h- ly. semvnctess at the hmnze ett" Mr. Du*t:f[y at Amgws. 'T`h'ie m6olu.thl;v m'eoeit'in9g off `the Young Pesoiples Society, -took place `on. Wetl- nweasmay last when the eluecdtisoaz of `of- .fio.erIs .119-r .tht=- emsmfnag ynar was'hie1ld as oltlotws: Preademt. Mr. G. L. Da- vis: Vi.o-e.-Pu-.s.. -Mr. -H. Basmting: Se(o y.. `Mr. -George Bzmtin : Tr-ea.s., Mr.` HIo(lt. _'':'ive, iss Lilly Davis. Miss Mabel Banting and Miss -We aria sgl-aam me Mr; "W. J. Mo- Inean`uag~a'in avatar 11;is'-[pewecre `$111139? . VMr. Rdbt. bOo\-I-ltg-..h|as-,5xL~e'tur3.v1!eidi .mIm `Torlolmto. ~ ' ~- ' Mns. Fr*evd_. A31-Ioilld e:n.teu1tain:k1 a `mumipue-r ptf Her friends on .T:u`g.d1a=y_ &v`emm!g' A '.n;u-Itnb-er frloum` hlersa` atrend-aId"tI11e uctnacim`-`c i.-.1 connsetz-`cion Wiitth Thorn- -t4'otn' Bra'ss1%3..'nd on Friday last; 'lRV_ rb"lf\' I-nn.'luI.-_. -n.....uLJ.. naxuug Lmuuu-5 In DIES nqoalmty. Mrs. Srilgley Oif Jslmvale slant Va few days last week with -her a.u-g\h- ter, Mrs. Armstmng, of tihis place. Mr. and Mrs. Thus. Allen of Elm- -vale spent Smmday__ with Mrs. F'eu'-g-u- soon. 1.ut`h line. ` _ gvwo woo:-vs v-vnao . Miss; Susie Dickenszoun Spent Surn- d-ay. _w1th -friend.-s a't -Langman; Rev. E`. 1.. Rrntvn n A .-..r m..4..L.... nag. _vvu.u `,u.u:um1;a u'l. uwmgman. ` Rev. F. L. Brown. B.A.. of T-ot-te-n- ham. a former pastor of this place,; pD0ai0hd a very. imgressive m.-iss2:o.n- ` ary sermon in the Moerbihscydist oh-urch last Snmday m:orning..t1aking for his text. "And a vision atp-pvetixnerd to Paul in threinigwhtz there SU3g3'd a man of M~aioe~do~nia, and 'o ra_vad him, saying. come over i' Macedonia and help us; A.'ots. 16th chap. and 9th v-ersre. `Mr. George Argvuae of W:averley_ is visiting fI`.ielIld'S in this leoqoaliity. ' 'MrS. Srizrlev Ilrnvnln> n Mr. Henry Argue. Ha.hlaeg, Sask.', a .or-mer resident of this plance, is re- newing -old acquaintances. '|l':'..... 1l'-_ n9I_____ a nu - m`lgA'|Z`i;;: ?(~}"i`t,)"sf:1`1u<.J'fwuEl11-1v_Aale spent a at-eaw days lustwvgeek wi-th Mrs. J. Nort'h-gra-vets. ' . . 1|t:_- (V.__ A I\o u - - - uuluas uv-or um: wcuw wuzuu ucrc a.-nu ex-pressed hnimself as Abeing highly sa.'t.i-safied with` -'t~h-e progress made tihoemaoln. ,,_,,vm... 1'....1:-..v Am Am 'n.-.. D.--...'..._ Messrs. A. and W. E. Spring, who, have been ap-poi-nted delegates to at- 1 tend a `temperance rall in Toronto. left Tuesday for the ueen Cit-y. W""*'*" . . J . H. r` ,` T ; I ` vv N I ` re ) J T???` . '7 '1 ;Jr 3. v. V \? ._ ` AT THE CHRISTMAS STORE __+---`- r`---uvUII l ITTIIW I in all sizes at popular prices. Collar and Cuff Boxes a.t 300. GENTS UMBRELLAS at 756, $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 to $4.00. LADIES PARASOLS at 25c, $1.50, 32. $3 up. ' CUSHION TOPS at 15c, 25':.a.nd 50c. . LAMBWOOL SLIPPER SOLES at 25c and 30.2. FINE GERMAN TOWN WOOL, all sha.des,_ 10c. CHILDREN S BIBS, 10c. 15c, 25c, 35c. all shades from 2c to 753 yd. FANCY HOSE SUPPORTES, 25c te 600. 0 SPECIAL EFFORTS WILL BE MADE 'm KEEP nzr. mama nu ...w... van n. M { j, _-.-v w-.v-\a.salA4J.\Ig _ With the nest assorted -stock in Barrie. we anticipate the la] "our experience. - . i - Every possible conveniencerwill be given to our .customers. care of and; delivered when required. All parcels for post may be stamped at our office. free of charge. ` Empty cardboard boxes supplied at a nominal cost. SARJEANT u--u-juj iiji` We Advansed spring `style-_. spec'al Chr'stma_s delivery. in. White. Blazk Fancy Lace Tabs,` 15c, 20:: and 25_c; `V V I " I Fancy Silk Stocks, 25c, 35b, 50c and 60c. Fancy Silk Stocks _in boxes at 60c, 75c, 85:, $100, $1.25, $1.50 and $1.65. Admissiun .fiteen cents. LIIIVGLVQWII. -The Ladies Ai-d at the Prresb-y- terian ohru-nch will hold a .sale- of` work '.-in {the church ba~se'm~eznIt on the ` ev-eninglof Dec. 19th.. `commencing: all: seven ho`+olook. There will (be 9. mwusi- ` cal we-n1:-ertainment nl-so Ircfrneshmen'ts. cu`--&.- `j-uwjuqj This is a. big department with usxa-t Chfistmas ltiyriie. Pillow Shams at 25c, 50c, $1.00 to 81.85. Table Covers at 50c, 75c to $1.50. Sideboard Scarfs at 35c, 50c, 750, $1.00.. Table Ndpkins, 50c, 750, $1 00 up 'Teneri'e Doylies in_- all sizes from 5c to $1.50. Kardanger and Battenburg Table Centres and Doylies in beautiful designs. Fine Ringwood Glove:-a;:-2(;c'a.n-d 4;`Oc. _ Silk linei Mocha Gloves at $1.25_a_nd $1150. Stylish Darby Ties, 15c, 25c, 40c and 50. ` Stylish Flowing End T es at 256 and 503. u-or--uj.-qj-ITIUIjI T Embroidered Silk,__25_f<': 5:6 50c Excelda and Cotton, 5c, 8c. ]0c and 15c. Pure Linen Hemstitched at 10c,'15c, 25c, 35c and 50c. Hemstitched with 11: doz. in box {it 60c, 75:, 85c and $1.00. In"every conceivable style alidiize With plain leather handles. 25.0, 50, .60c to 81.25. With plaited leather handles, $1.50, $2.00, $2.25. ""' 9 . ,. Swiss Embroidered Handkerchiefs at 10c, l2c,' 15$, 20c, 25c, 35c., 50c,75c, 85c, $1.00, $1_g5`$1`50 Embroidered Hemstitched Handkerchiefs,_-15c, 20c`, 25c. 35c, 50c, and 75c. Colored and White Hemstitchei"Bandkerchiefs,4c, 5c, 10c and 15c. Hemstitched Linen Handkerchiefs, 10c,15c, 20c, 25c. Colored Silkana Handkerchiefs in `boxes, at 10c, Linen Handkerchiefs in boxes of g doz. at 60c, 7 5c and $1, 00. Silk Handkerchiefs, 15c, 25c; 506 and 750. Cream cdlored and whieE.;a'" 25c,35c, 500, 60c angti` White` and black Silk, with fringe and hematitched, 500. lV.I-..-.`| n:n?...n_;...-_..1.. 111...-.. -4 ....'.I.. an rm` . In White and Cqlored at 25c,3o},75F, 858 Enid" $71.35. If i3Tac_k;t 2'5c, 50c, 75c, 85c and $1_25_ `V IIIUKJ KIIVL IJIZVE Lilli) `V GIIX Joni! INQOVD GOV colored Silk"Crepe*`de Chene at Slot. :2 53.` in.;a1l fashionable_s('hp,des, Vand ' A ` French Kid Gloves at 75c. $1.00, $1.25, $1.50. Silk and Fleece Lined Glove'sg'a`_t;3 l;25VE:and 51.50. V Imita.tionLa_mb Gauntlets, 25c, 50c and $1,0o_ Ringwood Wool Gldves at 256% 50. . Lined Suede Goves and Mitts at 25c, 40c and 50c. IIUI`. . ' v - M51; Rn-bt. I-Iubbart was un:f-orutun- ate enough to fall a-few .days ago and re.oe-iv:e- a bad shaking up. Sign -`has aimce `beoean cvo-mpelled to remam m her room. -- V . On T-,u:esd=ay night Itzhve Ohio-s:en 1 Frieruds had a `very eIf1jmy.mb1e 5-ocial \ meeting. Refreshments and 0. sham`-t [ pnogram made thvetimno puss pleas- antly. _ ` . . ,'M'v- Alnv 'R`v~11n;I'n'\ n.F Winnin.nn an- ii'fnn%uasa:. .....;;.p\;;.uu All cu: uuunuvo LLUI-ll 0U 0U [U63 yu. DALVU1 WILL BE MADE _TO KEEP ALL SIZES - UN TIL .AFl`ER CHRISTMAS. -rrr-.1 .1 n - - " DAMASK TABLE CLOTHS WITH NAPKINS A ...'.'.'0_ M__A_T9|_'| 1Q % ' GENTS COLLARS, CUFFS AND FANCY sp-`mt-.~1-3 am: At `nnnular nricmz nllsm anti (`.n'12..-.... -4. A......1. on- %LA9I:s*%%ItIB9w <.>.\.I.t=I=I SCAHFE _9E~TT' GL AND _T'..E.$A -1. on- -.. .GF.N.T5.'.."'A"!,.KEBCH_|EFS INSPECTION INVIT] E] I-A |?;"ESL_FAh!.9.V ,BL.TET Norcu nay. ` V Mns. {M-u'n h'y. w1hoo_i1'a-S. be-tjtn mt the bedside. of -` ear noun 1n Iiazmwt-on `far the I at week D!` so. r~ext~urnue\d {lmme mun a:tu'rdaay. . - `mnmtr .nJuH.rlv-an urn A:.n.I"f.n.v-inn -fnnnm LADIES Hnupkgncunsrs. LAmr:s' GLOVES nu} in" all a:vpAu ' 17:-Ann`: VB` lllmm.-. of 7. i.j;:..-j-:._j L`-'E5'..$'FK..L9!J$E_ .`I (`lL._'_L..._; The Bneabytyeriaaln Sunday sgcihiolol in- i teaud`s_Jno1di_n= - `its `arm-.u=a'l Ghstvmas t '4 * A5n,_ex.oezlle;nt pro- vv'O' GIG ?.`.IJ1'1' Barrett is impr is still -u'n:de-r.- rt 3 w_ .n:e;ar *-'an:a!t Mrs. E. owns 1? but sl-owl oicteo-r` Mn `Ell (3nr.1'-n.4-l- Ac rn_..._-- HAND SATCH ELS awe! L19! |'=E.N SMLUS. On `M1031-day evening the Epworbh Leag--ue e:nste1~tai~ned `their *.fr'ie`ndsV when a nohuo-ice musical u zxmramm-e; was p'1`|0VideId as well o.s~re'reshme*nts. Among thnouzse who oontrib-uitesd` ml-.o- tions were Mr. and Mr-s. Be.'rr_y. Miss Srigley and Mr. A._ G`i1l0h'1`iS1t. ` 'I`|'L.. lV_____._________-L ` )'q_____Qr 1`_________L`_ The following will he of interest to Housekeepers for lower prices mean broader smiles : SUGAR AND FLOUR are Cheaper. ALL CANNED GOODS are much cheaper this year- ? We have the new pack in TOMATOES. PEAS. com. nuns. Be. The NEWORTAISINS Ann cunums, all cleaned. JWe will be pleased to have your order. FRENCH FRUITS. NEW nos AND DATES- * fma BEST or SPICES AND ESSENCES- are very fine. Now is the time to make. yd Puddings and Mincemeat. HOBL.E'.Y BRos., LADIES COLLARSM Ii; greater, variety than ever. _.-_ -- l\l\ l\? 1eZc1'17I3cba Gloves at 75c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50. - Furlined Gloves and Mitts at $1.50. ' Stylish Puff Ties at 25c and 50c. ;VHandsome boxes supplied at a. nominal cost. "&'T`1' e IJv'E:1e}Tt 'x3Cri17;{E ins-p%emr was in ,tuow.n `last week. He ihaad a look over the".weIw wharlf here and .n'....,....-uuuml `I...!.~\.u-.19 1-\'nn . 'l.....2....p.. Lmhin largest Christmas trade in '`11'-customers. Pgrcels will be taken I`... ...-._L .._-,,, `I or Colored. A special bargain at.S-1.50. .u;a.'uu, HIJU UV UUU 0F.MANTLE IN STOCK >UI'I.I.I'7 `WW0 ,a:re -g-11a to reelpo-r*t I10 .D!B'3.~.bZ4.mallpbx mar be1`0- , -of. $11.6 (was 5 -.;.WaL is-1-as . Y. Ono, treated ng people of th. t"9'I,'- ?- .99-1'-'tY. -when ave-Iy b stpewt. zn-.Ilo.oI Inn. -naPa.n.r!f tal. music. J01! DWI: u'1`u`u.y. `Mam -ovhrildren are an-ff-euring fnoum the ef eats out the vaooiuaton oIp:eI`ia- tion which -the-y, were obliged (to 'un-. nnnn `..7 e'1':H -:V 1?;8D'AY, WIVUL defg '&"'."(':?ux'i:Te:'~i'a3iE'`."' W " 5 rs. Jose! 91 Wi1aon.at1ter'a mom-.1h a ab-seznne vi-sl ing .frinemds in `Port Hope and uolvher planes. has roeltu-mend home. 1'} unnn rnuwnnnn huhmulf IHh\m nlfrnnufl nun KFI/IJ'Vl `LIIGDVE; 110:5 I'CI|uul\lll\_1V| I-l'URll-I`VQ Dt ,wva-s rumored .tmb~o~uIt t-ha wtrent t"h1is weak that t'hIer-0 had been a Ife`-. {famine addition to the l\Ionorie:t`f [am- ' y'I`.`h-e saohnolars our the Methodist s. 8. are -bwsily emgagaeud prep'ari'ng for ggej annual Glhrisvtmas .~t_ruee won the %p'amon Court Luci1le.I. o. me-t t'h'iS week for tho, peurrpomse of .m- ':'ta_lli'ng. new officers for the.. 0118111118 -rm. ' ' flfm `KT Ilium-v-ulna Luna: \0n|nr\u\1nnA' {Pvanmnh QIUUUJI U -LU tuv Vruuvu U1. vuuuu . mg 0 ' Mr. Frank Oweans. a'yodun divin- ity, student. was a guest at t we par- .asmua%e last wenesk while on his way` to Nooirt Bay. Mun .`TM'.n-v-Inih'u unhtn E1-n-Q Ihummn TM` '3f,h(`-. CIIDI) .u.u11,y, JHBBG um; `mu uuvvx uu-gov. I` j`Mr. Kind ed has takenutlhe Tesxd-. enne vaoartend by, Mr. ,Gr:avc.s on Bur- ton Ave. Mtg. 13 TJnmnunnu-on `Imam vnunnda` :11-.f.n WU IXVUO ` _ The mam '1 rietmds'oof _Mrls.-' Juno, Brsunbon wi I regret to learn that age `she is still very` ill; I nu ` Q-ca m '|\/l'.n1-rm 0 CM vmn'nh.n1`_6`'. `R wrm. . _ _ `Mr. -W. Grumexs has rcmn-vqd' tfnom -Jworoibs Terrace `two c'ho\1mu\so r-ecem- ly; vanoaxted `by Mr. Cm-ssen -ton Essa mm... x............ ...o M'.. .......I 1u'..., (ism.-I.-1.9 'r.l"t :l:'hooIme of-Mr. and Mm. Gharlczs Barnes has been suddenly aoas:tV inttgso gloom owing..'to the den-tih of tmeur mnlnmcr ah (I UIBIUWUIIBH uu. (squall. uuugv uvvsvo -Govnduotor F. Strong has return- ed to work after a ehont ill'meps. _ % `Mrs. Be won. or Newm-arkset. is we a~west our ' rs. Lott Wrelbb at _pne\sem.t. `Miss M. Muolaemsnan entewmaxned the `..'1`eu.-nis 01-wb on .'.l`-wesday. ewuning. J! H Arvin urns: 113:-uim-tr Min hrn. ~ 1. u. o.;A. nmwme 3omm"rnm- u-ruAu|rnl\nIAI Inn-\vnv;Ia IJIEAD III. ITIVWIILH UH. '1'n''5. An effort will Iike],y_ be made no usata-bli~,sh an 3.0.1. lodge hoere. V 11......-ml In-nu~1\*n Gd` IVIUII (I h 0 G IVQJ II V'I`\- WINE. AVG: _ . Mr. R. Hargraves has moved mat-0 -his recently purofn-a~s-ed lnousenn Bur- ton Ave. fIV\n.n Inna-Imrv -Fu:Aan.:`n'u\rP Mui _Tln|li uwu 1sAuuu vlury nu _ ` Mus. Sam M-urray. LGravean{h-ursit. 18 visiting her mot-her-in-1~uw.~Mr_s. Mur- raxr. .Oumber.1a:nd atr-eaeat. V :1 Tnnmunflx 'lIT:]...`n A-ltduavv n -vn.A'nIl-x : I 5- U; Q: |7l'|7H-Ilullnl. VIII`!-`cl-5'5-`.7. `6', . `Mr. Georg t'owell 15 home from the West. , , Mrs. Lyons e:,n-.tertamIad_ ta, xfeaw. friends on "1`h-ursday. semannn-3. A-.. ...nm-+ mm filrnlw hp. mzadro. -Ln g ` } A. noAn.; I -!-M--1"!-!+ '93- _'l~l'-H- `I-`N4-H'.|` . 3.} o. E. eneuomn on Friday. `night. ILA" ~ f`_4:nnnnv-A I-l.n.ur.n.]] `G .h.n1hl'\ frnm Jwuuw vrwu uu ..I.'uu:v:_zy. qvuysuau Mr. S. Ardell was visxtmg has bro- ther. Harry. Essa St.. for a few` days. cM'1n Ifhndvvnvl ha-9 I-nbntn flha 'rn~_aId. IAAALAAAAAAAAAAALAAAK:A3XuAAnuuAnAAAAAnnnA 3 Helps to Right Gift Buying E4 n 10 90 _K0 $UOX3.lV Ctjjun - FRATERNAL DOINGS--MISHAP T13- ` wan naos-rmasomu. vnIn|-I C OIIGILQIIHI . Our present holiday line is to lergeto do more than give you a limit of the may that nweite your inspection. Nowhere in Barrie will anyone be able to get better value for their moneyihen by buying of us. We are seedy _ to show you our holiday good: atany` time. Please call as soon en} you can. V There is some particular agiia which willbe especially "acceptable toanv-I one you will give a present to some one thing which more than than anything else will plane. Of-course you want to give that gift and we can help you to do it. . ' ` ' E 9 Mr. F. A. Hoar having purchased thehuaiaeaa of J. G. MeFarlane (J. H. `Willis ; old` standliatends give in; it his personal attention. and he solicits a shareof the patronage from all the old as well as new cus- tomers; '. Carvers, a Pocket Knife, a pair of Hockey Skates. For Mother, Wife, Sister-A Set ot Plated Knives and Forks, a Set of Silver Spoons, a Set* of Scissors, a. Hanging or Library Lamp, `A Carpet .`fSweepe`r,` a Dinner Gong. r - i ' We have also many other articles which are suit- able for a present. and it is a pleasure to show goods whether you buy or not. . . s Remember the place Opposite J. J. Brown's. , e A few Vol-IIRIBTMIS suooasrlous which may help you toidecide on your Christmas present. % For gather, Httgbugd, Bruther-A Safety Razor, Set of ; 'Y7'__SlU_ . __ ,- -D'lI_-I____ (`I_-A-_ ROBERT8nN snIwc slums I O XQU3 -vuw-~ Inwnnitfnom. N*JDB Etror Fm?! How- IN IHEHARIIWHRE B|l8| "ii. 2% . 35;}; SE :3,Tc.;o-;""I3e?m Surmday -with his $C'raig'v-ale friends. The Russian t-e`-a -givvezn by t*h-e Guild VI lllU`L `IJLIIJ UKZIBLI Shnevp-pard Bros. loaded a toh~oicue2 car of h:o%v he-ro `on Monday. Mr `Rum-1']:-CL 75.? Thnnnnnf n-1'1 u:.nM-11!! UL .llIUl%' llC`.I.`l? UIL Luu-uuuy. . . ` Mr. . Bro-ake bf T-huornston vi-srtctd frvernds here Sunday. v `IRE-.. v'l'.\'I_!- \Y-'l.__.-- ._u_ _ .L . 6,4,. 1 , W "_1s'fr.._'\}?.' i:e7:m?:3"is ;isitiih~g. -a.-td Mr. James Blwok -.5 for a few `days. - _'u':.... -r....._:- -Ia--\..._~L_.. 7- -..- ----9---- III-nnnvw-I Qlll-IIVID OJ I-`fl I IKVVV NDKUJCUI Mi-ss Jennie Juo'h'ns`tom is rim! .rovin'-g after an aabtanck of scarlet weaver. I `I wish to thank the officials of the 'Cana.ditin Railway Accident Insurance Comggnly -for prompt payment of my claim of 1000. . neur- ance on death of my son, 0. . Thomson, John '1`. Thompson. . ` . 5 On ' Gndmvinh. Don, Rt.h_ 1008, The farmers are Ab-u's'yT thrcs_hingV olvonve-r`. - , V ` ` . L `Miss. Ethel Wright sp-eamt S`u.nday wrth her Parents. - ' ' I'l'.\....\ ..`..... ........ .._-~.I 1.--; a_.|_- ___-:.L\_ W r'i"J}`1e_u1T`doj<;i but `the - v\v eat b- er moat :t-ho, beast. Q'L\.n.n...\nm..l 1):.-.` 'I.....In..`l A .-`l.-!-_.. -.._ ' ;I31i%< 1:131-f'spe.nt `Suuda y_ with Mis-s M. Ooonst_able_`. ` ` ` 'Mr. C. W`. jPaovuachner `h:a=s '1-aesmtovmad =bo_ his we-w_ utorre two doors sowhh of his former upl-more -of -b-usinseass. H:is nu- meroms tpraxtnoxms will now `find him even more .t'h:az1 lever "mblc. '-to cr.nt_er to their wants. Twoo marlble rtzabluezs have -been i-nstalloeud and Charlie has. u~n- doubtedly. the most uwp--to-dvatue moat emiporjum i-n ithmis `se;o`taion. It `is this in*tevntnon`t~o- _c:arr'y a vsi-de-'l~Incc> `oi evan- ned gxooods as well. '\I.`.....I __-__ __-.__s__..I 1,__-',,,_ up , o--- guru uuv `av . -1;: Word was received hereion Mon- day bfy `Mr. Bame-s that his littbe dau-ghe 1' `had died of rtyighoid in Ge- neva. N.Y. Several man has ages bhve chi!-d -s `gnandmnobher `came ()f11`t from England Ion a visit and a:t`ter_ spend- ing "a few wveoeks h-ere want to New % York asocoam` anied 'bv Mrs.` B.arn-as \ and the li't't e-girl. Friremds of the family will sympa`th'izewi.t\h them in their 'benaave`mea1`t. ' vauuuluu uvcuu. ' Trhe fireman of the `yard varrgine had a very narrow Iesuoawpne from dewth home 1 day last week.` In uo-mo u`na\oco-un-t- able manner he was sttnulok by `a box oar..while having his head omit of the `cab wat_oh~i'ng `for sigma!-3. He was tornlfrom `th-elem-glue by the impact and th-nuwn heavily to the gnound. bust Ifont}1:np.rtely_ esoaipved wit`11 no dsan- y .genosu's mJury. V V . . l To-might. ('1`.h-ur.s'-day) is the night 4 of the reg-u'l-ar m-o~r1= c=hl. m~e'e`ti:x3g ofii L.O.L.. N0. 432. All-awda e. VT`hi-.s is ex-' T pezote-d to be~an-iutcrestin Jneeiting; ms the'u;a.-I 1e14ep'tiao-n an installa- tion of oflfioers Will take place. - A 1 le'.ot~u'rve will be given `by Bro. A. i Hall. Tpornom-to. al`te_r wlhiauh an oyster 1 su'pper will .be *,<-geJ`vve" Bro`; Ed. Inmnlr A mmn ~timA`in in ni-nun. nn _"M:oLe.'runan. D. C. Cam-e'noIn. W. 0.5? uuus uuy. - gj '1`.he -fnolloxvin-g` -gentlemen have bee`n`.`M sele~obed_ to act as the ]_3~u*ildm:g Oom-V;-.; mitte-e In oonmetotion .w1t`h tihe Y. 0.A. building which will be oozmstnuoc-.;1. ed mext wear. W. R`. Tiffin. Ghmir-1: _ mum; J. Markey. D. H. Sargent. K.;"' Hunter and H. B. `Hen-wood. "l`naa;sur- E1`. ' It is stated vwpoown fgood `aut'hori-tyf. that Mr. Geuorg-e`_P-oIuIc11ueu' "its to b ` a candidate for al-dnermanio ,hao~nore in, the ,ar Iproaoihing munioipal.Dl-cation-s..` I-t wil be .8. grewt boon to the 'na.te-~ -payers or the railway ward to have a {man of Mr. Povulc-herts calibre and` emperheume .represe'nt Sthean _a~t t1he ` Goounxoil board. VIII...` &:..u........... ....a 4.1.- ._,__..n -_`_.9__- 1.-.: His nvumvesnonu-.5 Wrieuxds in _Alland~nl.cqxv will `be ` ~letased two 1-earn 'txhta:t Mr.;.fJ Edvwtamd V ~u`1`plh!Y. who has; been oon ,. tigme-d in ftlhte lvagmil-ton Gen-oral T_hoos-3 pmal -nor mime tune. is now roansxdetrge ed `by, {his pU:IUSia0.i &!!l.8 to be yoemt our adlan-;; ~ near- " ` 591,1 .*Mr. J. Lamhlam. hief engine.-er" Allazmdalo. rxeatmtn-end ~l'I{s`t' .'wlclekk from f Pe:nmylvania.- w'h'i't;her he want to in- 1 vesstigwwte an utter from one of the; larsge wads Jvuuning out of ` Ne-w_ Ynonrk City. 9 'I\\.;; 4'...) l,..-..a........- ...........a. I.._.. ._ 1..- _- 1. _ _\_. zsf, 01'. TJ u'u'ypv.I. wul .uu `gp.:..l'VCu. Uy .D1'U'. Duo Dunk. A good timois in stone and a large attezn:da.n:ce is expeio-ted. Vi- siting brethrea always xvolxao-me .'II'.. (I II?" 'l1___._L___ IL_._ ___.__.-___ J IOHII '1. IIIUIIID BOD. Goderich, Dec. 8th. 1905. CARD or THANKS C'1'%A-IGVALE. bum Iilllll Iuu. Luv .g~u1uIeu'1 grain. Emsest Gaston has rieitrurneed Home from .Craig`hnu's/c. ` ` (Tm Late For Last Week.) Born. to `Mr. and Mrs. Willis Tur- ner. on Friday. Nov. 24th.. a da-u-gh.- ter.~ Oongrwtulatiaons. V Miss Min-nie Crisinin. who has haepm xv-1 . vvu-ug; u-L uxuuluus. . Miss Minnie Crispin. who` has been visitin- -hper -sister. Mrs. Tyndall, of Rsolan . Ma.n.. s ent in -few `days with. friends here be ore taking charge of Suuqmuq s-q;.:o;d:au v-aqs `lnvocqns uqanras -a most enjoyable trip.;r-eutrurnin-g by way of `China-go.. - `Miss Susan Langman and -Mr. T. Bell."wh|o'n1: the past -three mbifllthis in Manit-o'ha. have re:_t.urnven:l home and give glovwing accounts of thus land so the sg-oldsean grain. * F!`l"l'IDR"' nn.mfnN| B-an -rn-n'~nnn.a.J ]n.n.nnn |Y`U'i1l.a - The band .caom-cve-rt was :1 Igrand success. All the artislts `pent-oorvmed their parts well. The >';alc-nt :t.he be-st never `heard in our village. The onchestra. under the leadershi-pv of Ba-ndm-aster .I.ernnno`x. did :9.-x.oelI~en'tly Althnasugrh the night was favo-mble, the rm-ds wcm in no `condition -For an exacve-pti:m1ally ..large `cnovwd. No doubt. should"-the ban-d hold "another:-r vcmmert agnnd `pno-vide as good t:a`l~em~t as was `present Friday e.'veniI,1E. we can ,giw~11`anJteIe_ a. full `house. `We wish ~It.he boys. every; auncess. - A .._... .4..._...._' V 1 -nu 0 uva U1. vu'n='l.'uw.u QKJIQKIB. I % . " r. .Ja`mea 0um:ningIham.w.:'rs ta usuddenly ill on Saturday but we I ,;-to `see rhim arnonund again soon. " MIT ,`"D1Ph I!`.9).l\`!.cl"|l\|nl) `ulna h `:1 Events at Busy Allandala MIG {IE5 LU KUPL ` ` V :3, Mr. Frank Grey losrt tulmeoe head .`}'_of fine ncna.t=tlse sneqoeanltly pbnoynngh -tehe; _fal'lhng of `a ~'e*tra:w`Istanok on ttahem. 1 w{I1A H`l\l`lI and A:-unnnmnl-n,,.F:un\`-n \ I ILVCKW ea: y L'U'll'\l5 Uilll UV) 1 klu.lIl4\;'u. We shape to see a long str.e1tnch of cement snderwalk laid in la-ur villax-ggn. on Pbhe Inni-sfil Mid-cl next year. A good `foundation . has'_ already [been laid. The `village has `a just right: at least to a share of Uhe taxes it \ p_o.yAs vi;nIto the tnea-sur.'y lolf said muni- mpalizty. vWe know of no-me of blm oouncillo-rs .w.l1-o will `rec-elivee a-small vote from `tlhus wand on acccmmnt of `the `stand -taken .re`_sidewaalks. last N03. 1'. 7'7]-un Imnmng` n.n:--s-n.nv-# V IIIA n in mp-I-n nu` }.(VVVVB C . 'r.. Boake and Vumilny *ha.v1e-I moveid :0 their {new home. _W-e, cxutendrtche ;,glad ,.;hand. to `them. lmmving t=l1e.y } ;will\k.m; guonod oitiz:e:nas.. ' - ` i Mr. .J;ames -0olema'n._\v'hio. was Jam 3 gzpp` `for a~Il:ime with u` 'z se~vm*-c-dLarIt'ery 1 11m his arm. is able to neaqu-me; his |dut- 1 aies again. A \ `Dav Ynnbn I-'.n.1~vnn~In AF 'DunnABn-cl Luy nxuguuzu uuzuu. Mr...W.-a1t` V'ann:d~enb~.u'rg has been V very `busy a.l1'Ieasnotn haying -cement -fhotms. `He seems `to be king arquund Ivh.`fin;.-.-hisV. line. Sunooezss vwahtaea`. -n n\Vn;I`:.I- Is-n`4s"4uP' Mi 1X1':lI:...-.. DI ISLLUU .W.ll.u Luz: -p1|UaL'Il..I:I. uIuuu`u'u1-uua. ' A sru`bsori=pti~on lit.'i.n the Thanods loaf Rev. W, F. Carl enwtser and Mr. A. W. Fle-t-oher. has eaem passed. nouumd /to see '_how -mlutch m-oneiy Venn be rai-send for --the nerue|c'tio.n of a new Anglican church -`to `take the place of the ow Emma uhlumh. north of `the village. Sl`.so1'.-_|~ a new Icihurcsh be erected it; will `be i:n.'t=he .villa'gne'. Nvo doub`f. *t'h3 % necwsary f~u=n-ds can be rcnalize-d. ` Tn -"|nl|Ir\:l)v`.I\ non n Inna ml-vvmhnh IMP} u.uUIuIu:ay. `LUV LULLI LLLBLQ - Pursuing its usual custom In- ntsfil Tsoaxvnsihip wnill 'hav.a Ian-cit-hm elesotiuonn f-or. Gou-noillqns T101` .1906. Reeve Hill -has annvonxnned his 'inten- ; tinn of disappearing fr-om mluni-cipoul ` -harunfina WA M-nvla hoard nu? 'n.n n]on.-| _vu.uuuLy. . i _ V . Mrs. L. Bsu-rkhuolder and Miss Cassie `Buds visited their bruther in Coiling- wmod 1-aet. week. ` _ _ . vMi_as&S_M.~MpIaeoo'nd'amd E. =Mt:-.'L'n am -_t-aks-n_-pa.rtK in the concert in Naelw Idolwe on Wednesday, evening of this wank , sympathy` -`gioesout' to Mr. and Mns. Frank Gr-ey.w`ho lost `their only .8011 on Friday evenin with cronu'p. `Almoo-st `before me-dica aid com-l-d be scuamm-oined this little boy breLa,th\e4d -his last._ '1`he"r~em-ains were \i!'.1'te'I`I`C~d in the ~~A'ngli'oan oemeatcry. here km Mondahy. the 10th inst. 'pn-v-aninrr Hu noun] n11-c.+nw1 'Tn_ lallulll UL` ulattppcallll I.l'IJl.l.l. Luluuvulylul golitics. We have" ieard cat` no elec-_ inotn in Essa. _Th:e people ?appucu_' sam- isfied with the -pr-em-`mt Venom;-.1-c-nlloonrs. A s:n1'hsxnri=n~tioo.n lisii-..'in the fhanods out _.'VV'9lIn ._ ` LM'rs. Rose-or Stayner spent a .ocn_1'ple 1olf days last week at? her bro!ther`s.- `Mr. G. Mooirs. Mrs. Barker oouf Tomato. who spent the 'pas.t 't'hrIeIe weeks with relatives vhene_ rettur-ned` `home on Saturday. Wn .unA:I:nnrnn hn nn-M` 'nnrm=n1~u I'll-n I `nun Illibll Jill-9 HI-III3 11"-lu`To The rengul-ar m\on.t':hly meeting mt t\he,;Wnoan~en`sV'Inastit:utse will take} plane at the hpm-e of Mrs. Thus. Wxlliams on Wednesday. DeIc..20t'h. i `om: mhaut;`Z$ I v's~u;Bplies of 0h'riet-mas`! Tn -unnn ,l`n1-nag 3 -. tun: ECU -'l.|'ll.l.l ll-l'UIl.L'IlKI 35341111 500. V 'f"'.Mr. ;uenp,..B1ask~stmk has a liveryit `in mnneotuom w-i't'.h ms t;nad:`e. and} all. his ` figs` am kept g ` 9 Ilfr Wrnm-Ir (.`nnm .In.-\I- 1'-.'....A act: nag auto Re-v. Bmarom. `will Ipreanh. t-he ammive-nsxary services in lt`he`Me2`thodimt cmhvurch hie-no on .-the 17t"h inst.` v 1. `_ Rev. `W. F. Oa rpe1nrte)r. is _-preaching 3.` series of sezrmoins `an the Lo'rd s Prayer. Last Sa.-bbaituh his text was. Thy Kingdom Come. I? Wm `$21? `Tuo.n.aI|n,~r41u\\-1-I-II Wanna l\.n.nn _:.y_ .-ill;-~.`lll,H'. l1l'l1|U.` Nu|00|'5$"'VVa1|E1`. `En-e credit saleurmr. William El- liott has not been surpassed hum this year. A woo-rd crowd was pre- sent and thv.e_bidding very brisk. 'I`.hnnn `G If-n I I2 uni? tun-I` gmcrt-.r~.n.rn.!u` V Miss Olrun-bine -of Stouffville is visit-. ";h~e_ravu.n`t. Mrs. L. Momurray. . 4 Kaiser" slpeamt a `few, dsa. Vs: .w1th.fr1ennde in Moonstone last Wee . j - `Miss `Lizzie Pickering of Tao-m'n.tois J -spctmding a mm. weeks .wit_1; herspar- 4 '- Mr. Orrin Rose of \-Yaatess Centre. ~Kan.s_as. is visiting friends in this vL|'U'l.9_ I-E3|!|Inl'l.lO\I 'I.l|UI.l.lU UK]. D'(l'Lll1W-I'll : We metlscoome to our homers Mr." `hues mm ` J'&'II1aS Arm-sttrnoan _o~fM.;\g3;sp1;;1. who r. '_ -9. 01136. W` kl). I'AIfI'II`I.n I` 'I|\l\:rI I It UU\nl||l\ 1- :41 1': pm` W .a.u.uuug -w. u ~u'u`uw Iatuvux u.u_ -unelm. ; Fjye dollars anAn1__0aeventy-.hve oven-ts 1 was __ paid Do,-r livfs hogs `he/rye _ -;:l-ustw; `week 6'C~l.LIa Gill `I-LIEU .IIl\IUIub' V01 y Ulslo There 13 `talk oif our _oest-t:.e~1:p-ad tnqwnsmzm. Mr. W. H. ` 9. trip in) Denver. 001.. to see his son- w*hmn.he has not sreoen, -for your-s. W15 wish our old `friend ban voynage. Mr -Jrsnn-|.n T\nninnn.n Ynfu} rFnv~ UI'un:_ WIJUJI Kllll U111 l.ll'C'll.\.I. `Ullll. VUy'dBCn Mr. `Jzothn Dovwney lent for Mani-I tdba last week to live with his son. {Dine old sgernrtleman spent many `years In South Simone and we wish him a + great length of ,yne.ur.s in his new g hnmn `Brushes. Trnveiiing Sets, Hand and Stand Mirrors. lnfported Atomizers, Ebony Goods; Manicure . Seth. Shaving Supplies, Razors Etc., Smokers Goods. Mani-G cure Goods. Cameras, Perfumes, Snchet Powders. .. Optical Goods. _Confectio_nery.r Pocket Booksinnd Purses. A Toilet Sets, Military

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