Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 30 Nov 1905, p. 1

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Johinsqnk % Life. % 'l`i|_ne%s% % Work; % % I Th9 inigial m;:tin-gut 1:`-h-e,Barrie. Iaiterarycl-ufb.. `held `in the W. C..T.U. pnr'1`:ue`sd.ay Tev-etnimg. Nov. *21a1:. The entire: {mng.r.ammev dV'*t.%1,.we.3:.&txw$1x..9i.r.._th9.._1'i. vvnxkn and literary period of Dr. `Joh-neon`. wiho fig-ured prumineutly in English literature in mane -eighteenth oe.'mtu'ry.r.',l`.he following papers were given: 7 ` - nun? wrra 'a;_1'.1_1-nanny onus- { `nu-aansrrne means. First.` a sketch. of Jialh!ds9n s. life by W.J. Ross. dhawimg -tvhat'Jo`h.n-son (was `born in 1709. died 1784. had a `hard fatnmggle with` p0V.0l`it,Y. -but man- aged `to sipe'n.d thzreae years in Pam- Mr. V_ Pa-rrter and" stzmted a cprivatet School: this was a -fail-are and he went to London and toiled at literary work for many years. prod-using se- yewal wo"rks and a digctiaounary. was given a -pcansion thnee -h~u~n- dred pound.-s a year and became in- dolent and wrote little afterwards. broke college. was fdnd of, readingl He ! __`d"had many He ` proved his fort-u;nexsby` -marrying a a Tnevn If,ollow.e-d_ a=p~a_.petr by Rev. `W. H. _ `W-bite. taking.-i1p Johns~o~n `as a conve-rsn-tionalist. This -paper relvalted mawny "h-umogmus experiences in John- son's life ea-n-d empreassed clearly and forcibly the great ability tlhis man had in the art of conversation. c To him it was a delight .w-hiuch he relish- ed more than anything else. This; was partly accounted for by "the fact, thrat ihis eyes p}1i'ned -him and mcaad- 1 mg was la=boriovus. He liked achIe4mis- i try." but experiments were dangerou-s i owing to poor sight. On sev-eml oc- casions ' `he held his head so close. to the czmdle. in reading. that his wig was s-in-good. Sevrmral _illus'tra~tio-as were given =s'h-owing hnow conversation `was appreaciat-ed. hrow Johansofn would have `tea "made in the middle 02 the night in order that friends could be devta-imyd and c-onversativon go on. how "lie gmjo-yeid trav-ell-ing lbescaruset-he could talk with poauple. J. J. Gibson n`ex.t rgrav-c a -paper on Johnson as an avutabor, whizch w-:15 'cxmeaeAdin.gly .'good'."-' Johnson. `he said, could not he con-si-d:esne:d a -gre.-at au- thor, even t1_1noIug'h several books had been written by him. bcncsaxu-se $113080. `books are not read `now and most petople k'now littloof the ~ma.n. He: was among the first who followed an artificial age and the in`Eluscncc> not the past age was upon oh-i-m. _ His` style was somewhat sityiff onwing t-o the i_'nl'u_em:o,-of the Latin -of which he was fond. I-n c-onversa`ti-on. though. j .h.i.s, style was quit-e~ diffsercnt. baeling ` free and ;cle-ar. He wrote Lond~on._. 'Vn:n-i-ty of H_-uma-n Wis"-hvexs. and otthcezr brooks. Hlisbesxt lmown work. is his dictionary on which he spent 8_ ygars. "Rasselas ;was written in Ityv-o weeks .-to pay expenses of his mo- ther's ~ -nsenal. - V - A S. Morrison folloved with an ex- cellent pabaer on the li'terar,,v period of 2 wh-isoih Johns-on belonged. It gave ' a ~ sketch` of three `lit erary . Jperiods. namely. Johnevo-n s and the ones pre- ceding `and suceaeing his. It was sh`-Uw'n that in the time of Papers and Sxwift the age was artificial. the rhyme coru:ple1t i was tihe. f~as'hli.:>n. Poetical ideas were dead. Then game the Jtouhnsonvian age in which Thbtmp son, Gray and Collins, while being in?- "flvuenoed by tho, a..1-'ti_fioi_ai_~. ago,-p-re-. ceding`. mad~_e' nlefxfi-&`e`,p.g;=pt5u1ia.i` Love: of nature foufnd exaprreission. T-award the end aczgme Goldsmith -and .~,Ga-wpor and o119Wing._'thm;, iBy!`on. Keats, `Shelly.- a'nd :* Te-nny~s-on w'h'_J_ Aide'v`\e"1~opcd' tru=o`_ poetic ex.p`1e'ss`ton and `higher idenls. Thus in J-o-hnfson`-s age `we find a transition period. 0 .-.--.--.v__._ r V__ Following these in.t.res-ting` papers} o.a'm43 `avl(1is\c11ssion.- led - :by` Donald 1 Ross,\_vho w'th' several others 'su`pp'l-e_- } *mexntd-_ the Vi.`r1oIi'ma:tion 'give`n;' by :m*e'nt?edT `tho ir_1fo'rma.tion -given by; many i-nteresting fa`-ate. D. H. Mao- Lasren desndrirbed the small village -of : `Li-tchfield 3 ,Jo'_1mson ; w..a_`.s hm-ugh/c up. a:na?t.he~ 61d house, dtill st'a:ndi:x1hg i111 whipth he was?` ',_H;av- V ins ~__vi-$:i_d_:th_Qse 'Iplf_al0fQ;"'Ml;`.` _ Mike-V I4arein _e- '-dedtivptians ;.wex=eVa211. .-the more intere'.stin`g, D A. M3a:c_Kja'y `acted as. _ch'a-i1~ma'n for the 'ev;en'ing; it being` 3a vulva of the Jolvub to haviej 1 wdiffelltemt chair- man eawh` .mesed:'i=n~g.. . At the next ~.m'eet-instgg ban .De+c':.5th.;;`%;rbh-15% tvm Gana-`i diaen 3p-oerts. Oaumpbell and Lzmipman, `will. be disxongsseh. .-, .. ," . ` 035? 0.5 U10 I!Wh~#B='.,' . Pne-sid':mt`--A. 8, "-g` ' monms ago, Uuu own II can have same by prov expenses. GEO. 0. LE 41.L9n - - -Mr.,P._ J. Moore Vwidhey to ixxfbrm. `the7.`,ci.tizetn.s 6f Barrie and vicinitv-A thayr .t.~he~ rnu'm1or-'_o`u'oul9.ted .a.1`-ound` ; sooa1oe!"n i1.i-3 '~hi_3-fina1'1oia`I `diffi- oustiya is:;t9$1r;nn#ws;~Mn:':Mmre has ;i5}?S33t`i3?: V'3l58t3VT - '59 .`., "'laT6in3 . `Ht ._ *5 4 . "3o};matte~.-'D. Ross; D. Kay. Rev... W. H. -W;.h~it'e.' V .I.'I'Ui3lu\ll3F*"Lo D. _JJ_l.\ll.'1'|$J1 . y ' I ` Siowfary-TrIeasurr:'-H5 'Ntice, `' Heni 0Y8'l`lB8.' `those large. nice, clean` oysters` an-Ive tn-uh duly at Ilotll won : The ' Oourt. of Genm'al' Sessi-ans` opens .h:eare on '1_'ue_s;i:ay, I2t.'h.-; av-See -Sarjeahfs Ad. for "Wood Bar- :r:. n...`.aeu.,.;%`me . nmagL afternoon_ at three o -.clock, in the u.s-if. . u-al plazoeg '~ ` -51 11 1.0, ,0) ,1; is 1?. On Monday. 2_7th Nov.. 3 Lady's Gold Watch. with Fob Cham, between `the Hospital and Mulcaster Street. The nder will be rewarded on leaving the same at THE ADVANCE OF- :-rnm 43.49 7 -"iI-;vi1-iLIg'" Z>a.s-T E3}; Christmas presents. Crvosslamfs drug iature has quite D. variuettv from $1 to $10. % ` _.- ,_ `-_; ___'__-__'A n__ .-,I_ | MattersAboutTown" -_-.._ r_-.vv- The Ba1`Poud1jeinAaid of R. V." hnosbital `takes plaoenn T.hsu-rsd:ay.~ `Dec. 28th. mbi !yIe:ir`s as~:eL`nn'bl,y will be free "fnoun `distinctions and no Invitations are being` sent out. 'I.`Z;_ckv3ts onaale at Soott s book store. T "J "-'i'l;rTe"v`vi1l4bc a public meeting to- night (Thursday) in the Town Hall. commencing at, eight o'clock to dis- ; cuss. the question of 1ocal option. % Mr. George F. Marter. Prashdsnt of Qntaniso Alliangoe. is e_x.pecc_cn to be -present and deliver an address. `All inte.ves`ted in havinga by-lav_v sub- mitted `to the ratezpayers are requ-e(3t- ed to attend. ' vot i;;-.cag" ' IJ. G. scout-s office. `Phone as. Jane. .-On Thuursilay. Deao. 7th.. there 'will_ be a sale of work,` candy -and light refres.hmenfs an the schso-olroom of" the Barrie Presbyterian ohnurch co.m- men;cing' at;-`j_4 ~p.m. Admis_si~on' free. At ` 8 :p.m. a `inus'-ioal and literary pm-] gram w-ill b-elgiven for which some of -the best local talent has been se- ` cured. Admission 15 cents. ? The Ontva-ri-1:0 Provincial Winter Fair will -be hl81.lJd`i'D. G 0:: Dean. 11th tp 15th.. imam-sive. Dezatunes will be delnivrereni in the lecture noam of the "Winter Fair building eawch day: and - evening d.urin_g,th:e Fuair. starting on Tuesday evsenning. The bopizos dealt with _will relate to Oattl-e, V Shceept. "Swivne_. Poultry. and their_ prubduaots, ; -also two Seed-3.. VA publriec miecting. un- , fplub'bing rates. .-der the an-spi.ces of the various as- snqoiati-ons, will be held in Guelph ion Wedneasiiay evening, the-13th of De- cember. Exmursion rates will prevail on _all railways. ` - Ki`-`The =NIo`1_'.til1Iem Advance.-; Si.m`cri~lui~ s, .bes!t paper.` from :n0IW.- Ilmtil Dcem-V ' beer `31st.. 1906. to new i a'u:bs1c.r:ibeu;!*s, fnotriolne dollar. Will cl-u-b with any paper subscribers may` hdnesine. at _ -An' executors credit sale (unre- served) -of the farm Astockdand chat- tels of the late Plax.t-on will take place -on the homestead, n.w. 1-4 lot 7 in con. 3. om. on Monday, 18th Dec., 1905. at ten o cl-ock. a.m . There are some valuable horses and eat- tle. vinpcludingh a span of matched drivers by Ben L._ See posters. The; farm will be offered "at the same` time It is -all in good 4'/ult-ivat-ion` with fime onhard-, barn.- etc., close to school and church. in `a good neighborhood. Terms` maide known at time of sale. Ritchie, the sturdy scrimmage!` of the 'va'rsit'y Rugby team. Canadian ch-am`pion.s. is well known in town, having worked here last "summer. He hails from Elmvale. A v:;r; mijaoayuble time was spent on the farm `of Mr. Alex. Py.ot1:,_ of Fern-dn'le. on Friday afternoon wh-cnT a. inu.n_1=ber of -sports pa.I`ti'0ip't'8vd in an old-t-ime turkey shnoot. There. was an abundance of fowl for competitinon and few -of the boys Jweunt "home empty-handed. ' ronfo. 0nt- ' :1-01 j-r"-: 3 SALE OR RENT--House and Lot in the Fovillage of Angus. known as the Tutton ..-Marty. Apply on the premlseg. An Ivy farmer. familiarly kmown as "Pete. the Swede," while driving out -of town on Saturday night mu- naged to upset his rig in 'th=a.dark- aess and was thrown `vi-olently to the ;g`nound. ,,He `sustaingd framuros of the gcollar-bone, shoubdier-blade and arm.. Friends cionveyed him to Mr." James Crnoganis nesidaenxodand after having his injuries attended to he was able to be removed home on Sunday afternoon. ' 9 _ ; 7JIA-lunv-ow - --.--w.. `,---..----V ..-.. - I have always -admired Kihleydale. There was'mo m-one desirable 2-year- -old `in the market this fall; He is a high-strung young hqrse. but age and ex.peni~emce willsettle him -dnwnh. 0u't- ` -side. of Bur'g-omaster. Mohawk II..` Ormnondale and P-ervnerse noti sure that any of us'can pick` a c-om- ; ing 3-year-old to beat him. I would feel pretty well satisfied` if~Kinlcay- dale was eating my cats this .winte;r. . % - r1-.,.a.____' 1-n--1. 3.. .p;-any-as-=` - w u ' ~- '. -If` you wvouldluave a.first--class `shave or hair out call in and we E1- droin Brown at the King Edward ho- tel barber `shop. . - N A_.L_ .,,_..v}_._| ._n____.e__,_.._ \ -t"he =h:o'L`~ed [ .cur:fmu=n.. ev-id-ently thinks pria:tt_yvhighly pf 'Mr.T Dy1_n_ent s latest `purchase. He says: _,# -14-,-__-_`I 1'7-s_'I..r___|._l.. Iypxwn prints the ollaowi-ng ti-e'sp:a-taoh trom Naahvillbe.L:-"Ber&t. E. Oollyaer. A ya genttleziui-n jockey fnom Guelph, Gan-. ea`da. gave 5:. time q_x1_:i?biti:on.A of hots:- the favorite: Mallory in -the g~esn1g:f}31; a _1_*a.9'e - at_1d l a11pd_{>Q h-ix'n M 1' 1s%njst3::ss; ?i ` " . T.h-8 Tm`-omto Globe ` of Tuesday ? m;' ':~,:.%;.t:1;',';.';';;;;xs * ah-av`-i-mg. an Aat.=Hmne" `in the nem`fu- ranged with `Mr.'C.~ A. Tipp. Toronto. _1_-,9 present his highecl-ass concert coun- `bony in the Grand Opera House `here on Saturday evening; Dec. 9th. The Afoll-owizng artists oughtt to be guf- fioient to pack the -house. Miss Emma T. Irons. Canada -s favaonite nel-oou'tion- ist: Mr. Eddie Pig'ot't, Ibaribolne eo- median; Miss Frances Stone. contr:.1l- and national dancer. also Miss Stella D.. Shields. pianiste and' acoounp;-anist. The reserve seat plans opens at B0- bert-son's drug store on Monday. De1c.. 4th.; at 10 am. Tickets." 50, 35 and 25 cents. Concert at 8.15 sh-arp. Everybody come and enjoy one `of the best concerts ever given in Bar- rie. Barrie` Hockey Climb has ar.-_ to: Miss Violet McKnight. fancy and. bination new-.spapers. is a brother of Gap. Collyer. the all-roumd athlaezte, a_t. present sojouming in A Barrie. *-:..-Mr.J Geno. E. King. -pupil of Mr. Jphn Bayley. late `bandmaster Q. 0. B. Band. .'1`aoron;to. in pxfeparaeud to ac- ogpt pupils on the violin. Tums Iother information can be obtain- at Mr. G.armt't s Barrie Music VII IUIIV FICE. -The -window. of Drossland s drug store presents a fine display of im- ported Ebony Mirrors this week. The prices are 751:. `to `$3.50. II`! .,_A V There was the largest attendnznpe yet at f-the social evening given in haotnm: of A f.-he`B t-u-dents of the Model aohsqol last Friday evening. About 30 students and between .25 "and 30 `r.i-e:nd,sv quite filled the parbors of the W.C.T.U. Rev. Dr. Orcklxegy, Mr. Morrison, of the collegiate Institute, Mrs. -N. B. Johnston and Mrs._ Mc- ` K-ee gave addresses. zsoonme chnorusi singing and a song from Miss Evans % otounposd the musical part `of t-hei pnougramme. Refneshmcnts were serv- ` ed and the reunain-der of the even- ing was spent in games and` pleasant -pastime. Mr. Sacuott moved and Miss` Keam seconded a 1`eso1uvt-ion` of thanks to the ladies of the W.C.T. U_. for their interest and hospitality. Mr. Alfred` E. '0ars:cadd;e:n died at the Royal Victoria hospital on Sun- day momisng as a result of the in- juries inflioted on himself a few days prelviously. ` His c;hnn\oe.s Ior ,r:ec-ovary were thou-g ht to be good. abut" sc:am - I plioations setting in on Saturday -t'h-e f e-nil was in_evi-ta=ble. T`h=o remairns were j taken to his late rsid-emce on Pena`- bang street. whence the `funeral `took place on T-u-essday afterncoon to Edgkar cezm-.`te,ry. Rev. Dr. Oakley ofici.ated.' Detceasead was Tn `his {otrrty-sracxcvzz-d -year and leaves a" widow mid our young oh-ildre-n to whom the heartfelt sym- pathy of the ceomm-unilvty i-s wextpctnded. -Rembmb-er the -ann:ual `sale of work in the Collier stneet Methodist lecturae rooms on ` Tuesday. Decem- ber the 12th. Lin.e'.as.'duo11.s. apmms, `candy. etc. 15. `A CI!.III-.l....-_n_ Aw... -I- n,n_ g._` .4 r_.-__-] , vv-. Go to Ivliklnnonu for , all kind: of- dry Hard and Son Wood. also slabs sawed and spilt, any length you Will! and sold per cord, notbox loads. - ` `Anniversary services will be held in.` _the Baptisrt cuhuurcix next Sunday, Dec. 3nd. Rev. Dr.` Kesirstead, Pnoofos-sor of System"ati.c Theology at McM}as_- ter University. Toronto. will pre;a'ch 'b.uth- morning and evening`. Dr. Krggir-. stead has already won` distinction as a eclnolar and -preacher which plac- es him in the frpnt ranks of the Bap- tist den.ovmina'tio.n and douibtl-etss many will avail tl1rexms`e.lvre;s of the oppor- tunity -of huearing liirm as this is his first visit vtvo Barrie. Special music at both services. On the fo-llowi-ng Mon- day ev-enling -the church will hold an old-atuirmne social tea sve.r`v-ed from _six to ei=g.'h.-t o`>clo-ck. VA S`pl!9I1ldi'd program of vslinging. speevmeus, etc., will be given. A frene~will offering will be -taken at 't=he door to go tuowrard De.- cenli repairs in4basmn~ent "and new f.u~r'ma:oe. ` _':x_[f}i.i{ tbomohing the death at ' Alfred E. Carsvcadtden took place `ac- ore Coroner S. M. Wxells -Tvrvthe Po- lice Go-urt Chamber. The jury viewed the 1"-euna`i'nLs on Monday afftdrnoon and an adjournment was made until Teuesaday evening. J. `R. Gutter a'p-' vpeeared for the Crloswn and A. E. H. '0res.w-iecka .faorf the relativeis of de- ceased. The fro-llowvsing Vju-rbrs _.were) sworn: H. G. Rloaberntlson, A( Thgo-n'a=s Black, Jangeg _f.MoBride, . -- u. . I . 'l'3|`rur"- ~- in nu 0 L llllilr .l _)l.U.U1Sg UULHUE LVJ.U.I31"ULl`C, L` o Dunn... Phi~lIij Love. `Olias. .M:cGuir. 'Andnewv Crunni4ng-harm. VE, S.`Lal1y. Thomas" Jolhnst-an. Jos. 'M3cQ~uarry, A. Ke'n_':geuly. C. G. Strange. E. T. Tyr-er, R. A.--Stephens and J. K. Ross. Evid- eDo03.~\_\V`:.'_j..SV giyen `by. P. C._ Jaumiesson. A. E.;H.`,OrrE.syvicke. Jonatha-n szssons. Thus;" .p:;_;,1y11.." E. Donnell and. Dr. ; Ross . "It" W223 disclosed that Gov-er-A tnm` v'eioeiveod=1i~o< commit- tal rs and. theneuone, did not feed. ca led upon to trewt the er in the 0nd -way. Tube Ajqu-ry_ re- I-mm-nnu-I n ma ' `P A! tlnori-h"F1-awn AAIF-` 'I_`he eveiqing of Sroot`ti'sh_'s`ong under thoe 'a:[ujs.-. - of the Young Mc=,n s Guild of`. 7h.e>Pnesby-berian church on Tn1e.s;.1ay:.\pgvanin_gA drew a fairly large audience,` Rev. Dr. *MoLesod`a lecture on "ThJe`Siang`s -or Suovtlan, was il- `1ussxtraf d`:'b3f` s0'1bs""-by` the Siiottish uomtm.ltuo.. Mrs. mxnie D." Ooommazueg Mrs."Rickafi!?:Ts6ronEo: Mrs.` Ronald. a. Minesing.' and Well-s.9 also by ohornIs'as,:_.-Qty thfs;-GuiM.who'-..were all well received. each .h&.ving tronnd re. ,-This. was, Mrs. '11-, Af'rane &':tst; ,* b:ppeuspraii1oe"{1}I_ ` -.B;ar{1`T.' j vfl>.;,jn-dging htbm her. n'&memus.m'- .. e;'=n'a1:;;n&*ETm;* ;;'m;' -;;;g;;;. trurlned a ovfv dea'th" frgm a[o_lf-` Z'1n.PI:m.l-n.:I . n~~ cu}-.:ln. _ -I-nlnalivusu-aj I I! 9I&3II` $9 I 3 TZII sogood dry buildin lots between'1'3:r;1;nd Ajlandalekfor i)u;lie.> t mi1;\215tes wag: hiontx car- _r1 ewor s. cc tom up. -0 ' 3 G. H. E H:N. A L` ` l`;-v:\`-n- nuns`: AC Tnnnfn _ 11171 ll Vclijb UL (LU-IILLI .l I LIILI-I HULL` 1" }'r1i.oted.;.my:g;uagq1s%.-,y.1;;1e . tqmrporanily -`k u *"o`.11-` 1 1 0.`. t'- ,` Ratepayers are reminded that after FRIDAY THE 1st DECEM- BER `next..e a E penalty of 2} per cent; will Be added to all unpaid items of `taxes for 1905; TAX BILLS MUST BE PRESENTED WHEN` MAKING PAYMENT. PAY AT ONCE and avoid delay and inconvenience. Mr. Lorne Gvii-pin spent ov`.r`Sutn- day with Elmvale friends. uv-van -nnnnvnngv mun-A; "r. Alfred croas1az`11`s Hume from the Ontgrrio College of Pharmacy. for the Christmas "holidays. Il'__ I'ITI`iI I`1XPII`C . We have 9. large amount` of Private Funds to lend at Q and 5_`p0l.' cent ` on the security of nd farm -mortages. Mc0ARTHYa BOYS 8: URCHISON. unlop Street, Barrie, .. v_ `u,-..-- an: nun;-.naa g.n\r1.A\nI.n 1 an i Mr. James G.-Keenan. after being- confined to the house for over a week. is able to be about again. `II`......._.. In D___._.-_._-,_j 11 tn,` 1- ,L -~v-, v-~---v wv `an: up -u-1.1.50 " Mess;s. F. Svyuwmnns a-x:dC. `ii-grhmfoot will sing at the social in` the Ba-p~ tist Ioh.urch next Monday evsemin-3. Mi.Q M (`.1-ianin ha: '1-Afnr-no.3 Gram J v - v . .--... =,-v.,-anus.-v-.-... t,.vvw.-u- - Mr. VV. H. Davis, of Mndland, was a vplea-san-t caller at The Advance of- fice on Wednesday. Mr. Davis has for many years been a subscriber to The Advano and has no notion of `gnmw ing old. time (evidently dealing ligh.`- ly ,with him. ',,j._-,_ j-_,-J__I_ -5 '1? A'IlILI_ WI;-efv.` Ocklv was in Pe;neta.n- gnuishene on Sunday preaching mis- sionary serm-(ms. his -pulpit here be ing supplied by Rev. Jsoihrn Power. 'II',._ T , Mr-s. Lwidman sang a couple of Sundays ago inthe Met-hAcdist church. Tillsuonbnng, amid the Liberal siays, that she w_as listened to with delight by the large caongwgattions present. `III'._ II? 1'1 1'\__-_ __-3 1l"jI, ,j ,,,___ 1-Luau Iuuvunuu u.cAJL .uuuuuu.y' UVMUIH i Miss M. Crispin has `returned from _Ro1a.nd. Man... where .s`he spent seve- ral weeks with her sister, Mrs. S. Tyndale. ` A .Li:ndsay` despatzch of Nov. 26th says: News. of -the sudden death of Mrs. (Judge) Harding came with a great shock. Mrs. Harding. with her two youngest,'h-avd on- l-y retuvr.n:ed a fenv weeks ago fnom a visit to her da`-ugihvter in Vwmcouvert and within the past few davs had been apparentlyin the best of health. She was the darught-e.r of -Mr. George .Steve4ns-on o-f Surnia and was mar-4 ried_in' 1866. ? Mrs. Harding was a sister of Mr. J. M.cL.' Stevenson. and had freqrwcntly visited in townp LLIQAIILE Ll. VHGLGQLVLIBLIU IN?` I. a An. adjouurnment to the pbztnqmcot Lhall followed. mhen abnu;t.. eighty availed themselves of the privilege of assembling` at th!6 festive board. W. Bro. T. Bee1ci'.o`ft prueqsidcd in his aclwst-ovmary gfevlicit-o-us mqmnbr. toast list comprised "King and Craft. "Gram! Master and Grand Lodge of Canada," D.' D. G. `M3 , Visiting Breth:nen," and ``W.. `M. and hffisoers of K-err Lo-d=ge."l the usual at py se.m:i m-ents prevai inv. . gangs by R. W. Bro. If-unkm=an. TV Dan (1 fl Qnn-In and `Dunn `T .A `KERR Lopci: OFFICIAL- LYVISITED. % By} D. 11.0. M. Lots 1 and 2, in the 1st con. of Essa. consisti onoo acres. This term adjoins the Town 0 Altiston. 10 acres being` in the town. Well watered. good barn, frame house. In good state of cultivation. Possession with clear title (Human Inf lnnnh ION: Annlv Kerr Iradge. No. 230. h`e&1-d an 5n1,-'eir- gent meeting on Friday evening. the occasion being an official visit from D.D.G_.M. Knight of Collingwood. 1!?` rs, -. __ ,*|Io'-j I i~on`allsC i gofod. W . Brio`. T. B.cencroIit_. .-e.X_r:l111'p1_i_.fied the entered gpprentice dc_:'.gtae_.l,and the criticism of the D.D.G.M. was most com-plimentary to the` W. M. and officers of the` lodge i.'i- this re- gard, the work` shown being -ex.cept- 0, I D I A pleasing featnureof the even_ing~ was `the prese:nta~i:`ior1't'o`R. W. Bro. J. 0. Morgan of` `a Ls'.'te-rli.n'g 'si1`v:er loving Ictup. Bro. Dr.` Witten did the _fh-onors. the wonthy recipient maknng a characteristic reply. An sulirmrrn-rnp`n+ I-.n {aha hgrinnurnb 301.116-G U JJ1 - LVl.'l.l.l1Ll1`LI. W. Bno. G. G.Lmi't';1.1. ans Bros. V. ;A.. `Fred. and 0. G. Hart appealed to the '~h~earts and `hands of those pheasant. Tkn n:aN-:n1- 1\nn'i-Iarlmn r;n.nI.nn.4` D 'L1'V{1.1 ly`D illlll LILIJIKLLD Ib`l. LLl'U'~`.'\7 lJllC[OULlIuq The visiting brcthnen insclrwded R . W. Bno. F. D. Kent and V. W. .Bro. J. H. Dixckensson. (Thornbqurv). W. Bno. G. Ogilvie. (Bradford), VV. Bro. W. B. Hars=hsaw. (Crevemtorae). Bro. H. Gnose. (Stro-ud), Bro. R. Routley, (-Penteitang), Berv. Bno. Dr. Owclzlev. (St. Andrew s. Taoronto), W. Bro. A. W. Mavcdsonald. (Beerton). There were also present W. Bro. J ; Shru-bsole and R. W. Bros. Monkman azn -d Oc- wan, W. Brno. A. W. Whish and Bro. Charles `Forbes. - guztlucu wuvu. you uauu -uunz. This store has a reputation. for fair prices. No man pay-s too munch. L Have you ever seen the e'quai of our SUITS at $7.50. $10. and $12.50 `B Our OVERCOATS at $6.50. $9. and" $12.50 ? ~ no-r $23 TROUSERS? Our $1.50 or $2 HATS ? 0m` 50 or 75!). UN DERWEAR? Our 7510 or $1 -SHIRTS}? 0-u:r 50 not` 75. GLOVES? ` > Our 2503 NECKWEAR. etc I . , You `can't . match our cloth- es and our prices at the same imn Your Pocket Book is well guarded when you tra-(he here. I"'h{n cfnn-A Inn: :1 rsvnnfa-Hnn CW! 3 LI tgixne. TOWN OF BARBIE TAXES. '-____. PRESENTATION AND BANQUE1`. 1 fj} . ' D-Aloalend dirt:-It tr WAganada s (greatest Nur|o1?lea $3V!r`e 3:: d tomake allberal oer to a. reliable Vweiugergetic salesman to re resent us at "' d urrounding ooun ry.` Terrlt 3%.: rggerviad tor the r ht -man. Wrltegg ...u..- mrticulars. STON 8: WELLINGTON. HUNTER BROS. Htinter Bros. {$1. PER ANNUM IN mvmcn smonxcormsv nu; onus THE CLOTHIERS. i3ARa1'n:. "?2 3tr""' .`"'""' " '" "'""."i". DOBSON.- /___._ - FARM FOR sun on RENT. Con.11 Innis1-a.bout 50 acres a stock ram. W.AU.L'l`. ..:m-ad. Good grain an ALUAISJAS 111 mm 1: un onus; un. n.nLV'.l'. V N. Lot 22. Con.11a 4,153.1-ed. Good grain W.AU.L'l`, Ross` Block. T 41-48 VVVVVVUUUUUCCCCCCCCCVVVVC i0oAL . g All kinds. Beat qualty. Hf Morgan. name. 4 T 1. Twelve rooxned residence, cellar through- out, furnace. bath room. electric light and all modern conveniencesmith outbuildings. IGWIIS. rdeus. large and small fruit. extending to` evgl ground at base of hill. Five '11-113308 -... --..4_- -na.-.__ I1I_o_..-Ana an (`Inna Fillbe reserveu {of um I I jin. "run {or fuller particulars ' ' WELLINGT ` ON, Toronto. Ont. 47-61 4 Mgngan. mm: Iron; centre or town ting Welhngton Streets. |lI1 lnu an `A1 ma Wellington streets. ' II. Buiiding lots on level ground. Fifty 90.! {ntmtagc on Owen Stroenextending back across 0 . . . ' In. seven Vreen houses, steam heated, "cor-' Der Owen ant? Wellington S'.ree$S. 8000 feet Elm. otting sheds, gardenex-'s rooms. etc. Ann v tn H `M Q ? NIWA Rfl`. 11230-. Stewart ._A Ito do general houeewofk WA;$E3ho 11; slee at home mama- Apply MRS. J. 0. MOR. AN. Owen t. 18-tt - FOODS. large and smau Inns. exwuuung lou fgvel ground ininltes Walk om centre of town, Entrances on Owen and Wnliinotnn Qfv-nnfn aw. omng sheds, garcienex-'s rooms. cw. . App y to D. M. STEWART`. Esq" Stewart 5,5: Stewart. arristers. Barrie. 45 " M . , VICE-PRBPsgTkANDR , ERAL E Tvno Ew TH n . MANAGE{. ~{>Ig"s3illsI?N ' - EAL Pf, GEN -ARR 'DPI1t re In ERA 99 Q you 0811);; issued ' SQ V . "' hank D0: HIIIIQ. _ ` Ill _____ ;a3B'I`A.2BI..ISEEI:p Q1365 . GIPW P054 U9. $3,000,000 A sets Over - zszooozooo ....u-qmn`.NT. AND_B_EW momrsow pa-I u V``..```' w' D' MORTON- n`:/\fler. `Vii Tnnens ma suPms,%I9u}s "Inn ~..--_ ttuouooooou . THE UNDERSIGNED will receive; tends}! lung .13 to noon on Thursdav. 14th December. upcuuc: 47-49p new or cumvauon. rossessxun wwn uwur uuc 'ven lsc March. 1906. Apply DR. WALLVgI33o nrri n TRAYED on to the preniiaes of. the under- .:n-nm} Lnt. 2|. (Ion- 10. Essa. in Octnhm-.nnn The property a't:_iJ-1`-(`as-ex: `t;-c:>:1piedV by Mr. J .0. Mnrmm Hun-1 A, _ {W : .1I'h8 Central Prison . tur..`f,* or the Provincial sec:-etm. 11;`. - ,~ -u ~ ~v-v oouuuunqnvuonq A marked che "`7'7 Q. "W": que f n r on of c.7`'0d 9-mount of `$0031, ot'?p& iv *- d by each tenae L as _ -.,- 'ld"'"-uuns 9. d f . tte d : 0- pucatiolxlz t..`3 ne..m. `n the 9 S'W7.Toronto orto1:ho'BunuI ' Tgggective institutlo ._',' `_ " gum eat or any ten _r.A*x;_ot-.ngqoq__aar1I! . NOD-u..- _ '. GENERAL ssRvA1~{'ri_wAN'rnn _a`,"3f, .,.,, Apply 43 MARY sr. 48-49-p . iauuomc. Lo'rs- ron SALE. ,,, _ J _u_._ I_--IJ!_.__ I_A.- 1_..4....--.. `I3--.-2- -- DR anun Un sum.` L-u.uuuc uuu .1. Village known the Apply premlseg`: no U-I Phone :3. ""7-*"" wnomm `amo- ;YJDv31yr;sh:T.`r)Y4g`c Cuw Probrlgtors. 0 . if - 3%-_w-w,M<!~.9N'` roa sue on Tb RENT. FLOUR Hard and Soft, Sawed and Slib Mill illl NEW ADVERT`! IMINTL propert a n. Barrxaa. `unxhyn nnn Choice Manitoba and Fsxily Low prices. Best valugp at MoN::v"1'?o',L'o'AN- __..._ -_.-.._L. -1 1).}-`L WATCH LOST FOR SALE- ti, {SW6 3}! UWU Irutunua. y provmg ro e on 3. LEIGKY. lfawesta Oice, 3;.-4:-5 and Mill, John S '5'l.'.llaLV 9 T_ _ _u. :1. Lu Overank of Tqronto. [II US: UWHUIT Knnd paying estone. [Men's Fur Coats] consisting of Raccoon, Waliaby, Calf, Dog, Wombat and Buffalo coats. at a big reduction. You can buy a coat NOW a;s*reason- able as you can in FEBRUARY, Come in and look over our large stock." . i; my SAL`ARY-TWO TO SIX Dollars `W per da -either sex--intx-oduoing our . mm mm : free training`: ranld advance- 12 Days only-I UUULVLISI U!` ELMUUEI .I.`lU'l.'' 18 IIBTBDY . T0 wrr: 5' given that the Court of General Sessions of the Peace and County Court in and for the Count? of Simcoe will beheld in the Court House. . n the Town of Burns. on e ' TUESDAY. THE 12th DAY OF` DECEM- 1-uinvn Quinton. A on nnsoun pun`. 4;;-on ----v`--. ---: -xv: uv--- to ova-urcaj BER. NEXT. AT ONE O OLOCK in the afternoon. of which all Justices. Cor- oners. Constables. Goolers and others are re- quested to take notice and attend and to do and perform all duties that should a, to them. . `I? `ll III A DVWV coUN'fY or sfcomv NOTICE is hereby '1-own: C nrivnn that am Simm9ns`Co. M` A urn A rs I` own -mnnniwne Barrie, Nov. 27th. 1905.` Tho' modern house-keep'er s` ';p11ide and pleasure is -her `table Aservizoe. glass. the most beautiful at all ;tab1e.fa.rrn:iahings, ,is an. expensive luxury in;w can jindul`ge._ .. ,__ t'|.-A. 111-..: {an FHA" mianrnst: n...- QPP'm.JFl1' ch` 1n.i:ev6ry`day 57 ca: 1,30% . satisfaction mnrggte N13 P:n.v1woo K EPA! m\uAn.1-1 vvv xv aux uouara day NEW IDEA ; training; rapid ment; opgortunity sure; NICHOLS COMPANY. Limited. oronto. (Mention this paxfet.) 47-51 1\l.X.u.lfy Au vvluuvu ..v.. -..._ _____, Pres-out Glass is the muearest`.,ap- pmaoh ever `attained to the jhjgheItVi '_g'radeVs_of 'o'nt'c1,n s's._AWith a_x_19 pound ; bf }`A1st .Ba`ki'mg~ :Powder, we give, you,-ii -... ._- n...L I11...-an r-613+ Bani` vrh` ` Of An nuauug |I-\lIV\-v- one Pres-Oust Glass fruit` bowl ro r oix:_o* .~Prea`-Gui Glass sugar and mm p-itnhetr tor 90.` present Gl_ass.. will A ;re`ai'hV its `b1`mi907-`:'*iD'mTat`,iier hrw j _-"\ V '-`>5 ; ,`_ -h -,3 M'9KlE._.VMENTi BLABKSMITH G 0 A 1- $e.oo% PE,R TON "T"._ T % WM. CROSSLAND ~ A good Gin-lstle hair brush and dress- ` ing comb in a. satin lined box makes a nice. Christmas gift. Prices to $5.00. ' Brush and Comb Sets- MANUFAC rURINGi*Ui2',1'IE_1zs. ` premises S signed Lot 21. Con. 10, Ease. in October-,one red Steer. with a. little white on body: about mee years old. Owner Venn have same by proving property and paying expenses. GEORGE A. ARNOLD. 47.4-zp Ivy P.O. Druzsist. , Our entife stock of 5 lSn s? PHONES 33 and 87. -'|'AKE voua-- W. M. HARVEY. . Sheriff Co. Simcoe. A9 A0 ` tan urrnansrs or m_uuun`_. V1-an =d6uN'i"\r `or s1`u{_;on`Ann `run `nonmuon or cum; on cm-rntuon. Ema: ' mu! _BAn%R1E,LooUN'rY_oI-*,%%s1McoE,,oNfrA1uo, NOVEMBER 30, 1905. TRAYED7 on to the premises ot Geo. 0; S Leigh. Lot 22. Con. 10, Oro, about three months ago, one ewe and two lambs. Owner ...... lmvn mmw. hv m-nvimr nrnnertv nnd navimr

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