titigg-t3';ana1sm31`z7':s`dx.Tciw`6*z2f.`? l`__._.__.-.s-an A`-4| 370.000 FOR INVESTMENT ON cool; rg. u gnu Q.'\rUIur-r -.._-. __.- geon, e c.. L. R. c. s.. Edin.,\L. 12.! C. P.. `otndon. Offices and night residence, Brown s Block. Dunlop street, Barrie. Telephone. 77. ANY! QUANTITY on MONEY TO "Anon nI- `\1 0 nah` K n A _ . .\_A `IF--- - VAIO vo J-I .|.4-AL!-Q 519-. sagvan.-av...-`-1 v_ Trinity University. Toronto. Fel- low--of Trinity Medical College. _Member of the College of Physi- cians and Surgeons of Ontario. Of- ficeand residence. 18 Owen street.` I . UNWI-N._' MURPHY. * & .\ESTEN. ON- `tario Lam} ~8ni"ve ors. Engineers. V _e'to.:Estap1x_sh`ed 18 2. Office. .Medi- . oal `B_ui1d1_ng; 8.13. L oorner Richmond ~;-and~~B`a` _atreets.~ Toronto. Tale. plyone. am. 1336. Instructions left Vw1th`Strathy & Esten. Solicitors. -Bank` o.'l`oronto Building, Barrie. will he nrnmnflv nI'I~'n'n1-Inn` .+.. j1T,.HE%BALL PLANING MILL coM:! I T'M.'e'(:..i.';'E5.'1>e.".. '01. i;te"}'esae7 Physician and Surgeon of Torqn-3 to General Hospital. with speclalf attention to -Diseases of Women.: and Nose and Throat Work. also` for some time `surgeon. in charge. of Emergextby Hospital. Toronto.` pffice and night residence. upstairs : xn McCarthy Block. 21 -Dunlop St.. Barrie, second door east of Don- gall Bros. furniture warerooms. near Five Points. `Phone 105. i s ci;1-n-,T - -S.1;;3`<;n.'II(; 11'1'oe;iJa.t'i1: ist. Office Hours-11 a.m. to 1 p.m.. 7` to .8 p.m. Cor. Poyntz and Dunlop Sts.. BarrZe.- Phone 1_35. ' -~ --- 1c-1p LQUQVQCL-I-I I. \JL1J.lI-I AV Lloan on Real Estate at lowest rates. Farmers notes discounted. Collec- tions made m ,an{ art of the Oountv. Real esta e ught and sold. Conveyancing in all nts bran-g ches. Marrnsfe Licenses issued. Of-I tice. _Ross B ock. Dunlap _ street. L`Barrne.l - .-!nd.89e..%.., , A % V . 5,28 For Muskoka wharf. ~ 11.45 9..1,p. ,F\or -Orillia, Graven- gmrst and, Nort}_1 Bay.` . _ .~ - 1.00` p.m. `F-or .Muskoka.___Wh.r.~ ` 1.33 p.m:- For Parry Sound.- ` -4.03 p.m. For '0ri l1ia. North Bay `and points-West. . V % ' ,9.15 p.m. For Orillia. b . .-'vv- - row as.` v -an-roan:-..JIQ \IL` \a\I\!LI `_freehold security at lowest ,.rate of! 'mt_erest. No princifpal monkey re- nred until end o the `term. ll. Strathy. Solicitor. _etc.. Barrie. T1`o2nZE}'~'112 ai.a' pZ}';;' ESQ} terms, 0 re-pa gnent. Lennox. Gow- & Brown, 'golioitors.' Barristers. 0 on .` -_ `nuns UL, .I.0.I'0Ill'.0 nuuulng. 1581'] will be proxpptly attended to.__ ---2 >9--u-- a. QC&Q.LVL&` I-I 4.51.`:-can \I\Ia.IuA. I xpfanx. Carpgsntering. building`. and mannfacturmg of doors. sash. .ibl_inds. mouldings. etc. Planin of all _k41nds` done promptly and 33. isfac- taotfily. Hot -blast drying kiln. . Dis- - friot Agency for grained? lumber. 4 ;:Ela6tof_ry`.-I B field > street. Barri'e.. -:1.%a.o.1.'s;_:.;& A1139. .succes3or8..;to. Geo. M at `V ' ` . 2 PHY_SI`CIANS. MONEY. are LOAN. ,M_AN_UFA`OT`UBERS. __I-E:*AI-- 1.1.10.a.m. For Penetang. V 11.15 a.m. F-qr Stayner, Mood` and Meaford. 8.40 p.m.- For Stayner. and Meaford. T 7.45 p.m.~ Fuor Penetang. ' 8.00 p.m. For Stayner. wood and Medford. % sunvmrons. FINANCIAL. 3.. % B'AB,f;S~` BARRISIERS. IV--- _& AC Tr: a_. (_ ,, , ` " yen _to have the 5- , T 0}.anu;?aper 111 the County Qgw; (. ` 1;_;rgest su scrlptlon .-...?-It-1|`5"`J ongu-ates the uahty of 31-eoei hwy fact `Iago any advertis ng to do, I It1g%`1l3:l` that reaches X110 Peqple %pw>'*`..,`3`} pay the `;2'mgea ac 9"X3emsem"`5 cording ke . tre mesure Ina , , . 13 111188883 _ to one Inch. 4' `*A`:1I6tice8. Auction Sales, A _ J _in86rtiog 1- cents :3Am1?m" T .il_1lert-lo_n5 cents per ine. ' em` . ' no3:Ices, 10 _cents per line {om inseroln 5 cents per lme for each subse um memon of the same matter. All items 3,,' Minis, of this character, charged 135 Ii 9! ebjtngzv Poetry 6c per line, "53 `TI-u-: `N`ORTHERN ADVANCE 1 inch .... ,, U 7 :a.'Preferred; positions for local ad Vertige, mentain th'e`pa.per will be sold at an udvance of one-third on above ra_t and on no other account will specml pos_1txons be given. This rule will be strictly carned out. ' coN'mAc'r canons. AC .40 ,, vvuv --..-v p \raa1n1\1 ha. Advertisers _w_ill please bear in mind that notice of intentlgn to change advertisements muatbe handedgnto the office not later than Saturday at 10 o_clock, and the copy for such , .oha.nge must be m THE ADVA.\`(`E office not -laterthan 12 o'clock noon _on Mcmduy in any week, otherwise the ad_vert1s_er s announr.-emem gay notbe made publxc untxl the week follow. _ , . 2 changes of Advertisements allowed per yean. It more are required, composition rates will be oharged. Avni-finnr will nnt `ho allnuvmi fn ....,. .L,. Wm 06 jaIgargeu._ Advertlsers Will _not be allowed t0.11sothg.i1- space for advertlapng anything outside their iown _regu1ar bus1_ness. Should they do so |A;.vt1;ans1eI1:lteIft.esiW1l1 be charged for such ad ._.u 11.! 1 .3. Condensed 'aCv_ertisements on rst page such as wants of all kmds, loss}. and fpund. property for sale or to rent-,_ s eclc arm-I4-s, (-tc.. etc, must be accompa.n_1c with the cash, and wi be inset-ted--rst _1nsert_1on 2 cents per word each subsequent msertxon 1 cont pt-1' word (names,a.ddreses and gures count:-d as words); I but a. reductlon of - one cent_por xyrml will be - made when the number of xnscrnons of same I matter exceed four cuts for advertisements must In every one be mounted on nolid metal bases. FIRE INSUBINCWUMPANY CAPITAL SUBSCRIBED, - $500,000 ,CAl I'I'A'Ia CALLED UP; ' 3150.000 Government Deposit $53.C00. Operated ` under Dominion License. ~ This Canadian Company has representa- tives in the principal towns throughout the Dominion. Selects its risks and gives an advantage in rates to such favoiable in lo- cation, phvsicsl and moral hazard THOS. . CRAWFORD, M.P P , President. - C. C VANNORDIAN. Vice President. `W. Gmznxwoon BRow.\", General Manager. J. H. BENNETT. Agent at Barrie. BARBIE, oN'I*A.R1'o"I`, . L*`;'3';*`_*;'*'*'*"'*'*""*"*'**"*'f_5*`*`5'?'f:?3` Vllyvbvu aaauv gum: u_-av_a.navaov,] on: `crisis! Subscribersfnow in arrears for thre months o.n pv_e1i will b_e qnp.r_ged $1430 per annum. ' "libs->__.._I?_9.9!_i39y 3 +-1-a--i-:-+-1-1--:-:-+++-a----a--z-z-~:~-~:3+-i~+~:47 LE wmcn BUSINESS coumi . 4* "R: __SHll_..L I ATTEND '? 3 `ALLANDALELUIE FOR SALE. :/UG. 31;. 1905. CUT FLOWBRS-Roses. Carnations. V501- etc., `fresh every dav. B0Uq"I ~"B"'?' hole. Hand or Corsage. Funeral Tokens to `RI 3"-7127" T '"m"' vnc us":'.'i:'s_ Celery, cm and Tender: Lettuce, Cabbage, Parsnips. Beets. C3"_"' 990. S3El):Fl:WIf Seeds.Veget'abIe Seed5.P1" `SEEDETORE Telephone 15. WM. TAYLOR wtsL:vacnw. Papiuzrons If you Wish to take a businossrposi 3.. tion. or e`ect1vel_v ma nage_3 :.ou1_1- own 4. business, or overcome the disabilities of .g. _a neglected education, we invite you to .g. _ ,th. Enter any time. consider this one. It bases its 1-luim for _your patronage on its etiiciont in- struction, and the fact that its grzullmtvs have been exceptionally S1lL'<'('.<. Send usa post curd-and we will send aohandsome catalogue that may assist you to decide. Fall term hc-gins Supt. Excelsior ilusiness l3o||ege,_;E .(_oinknncIAL coxmacr anus. } column . column _ III IlZl' IOWI and bulbs. quiring adjustment. we need not ex- *0! reoehtyears undergone a `radical _ change. Coming into power in 1896 .~ didnot am to put the precept .into -~ practice. On the contrary. the pole ' ioyj sod wisely"3establisheud its pre- d Jeoessor mot ' -was oointinued._ in; .+o_peration. until 1 ow we find. look- ." at`Mr. Fielding`s latest ;._'hVud-` = igjet f deliveranoes. .an ahmost total} . abandonment or the fo1`mer.V'prinoipl`e.A While there are, no doubt. ,marly anomalies in the present tariff `re- pent to see much done in the way of lower duties. The Liberal party has as` pnofessedly antipmtentioriist .it' CONDENSED ADVERTISEMI-2.\'TS. :|__,,,4- . .PDli7;u . _ ,- THE ADVANCE OFFICE, 2, Walt Baldwin St:-eat. <~nu`.NsI1aN'x' ADVERTISING. *1-_`r`.ozus'r AND SEEDSMAN. :JI<;'0b I 'I'e`l"'rsoo ` , ?#D:'f` GO TO THE NEW |1w;L|1 Mo.|3 Maia no.2: ` ? TERMS ow" SUliSCRIPTl0N,. . $1 per Amman in Advance `SS Dunlap-St.. g... {[53 $1` Barri) \l.|.\J ' With the annoouncelm-e-nt that tha new tariff oommis`sion'begins its work' of investigation and `revisiotn~ next week. intere.stT in industrial _cir- cles has become awakened, and al- ready \oonsidera.ble_ stir` is being, voreatea in'regard to the matter.-- V . Barri 4|: 8 _P'n_go 48 Column iVIe\vupaper; Published from the ofce, 123 Dunlop Stfcet, Barriedn the Counpy of Simcoe, the Pro- vince of Ontarxo. Canada. every Thursday Morning, by 01.55 JACKSON > "' " `V 'Mik6r 6f Portraits. EHO new nu me will `be adde to the Sub cnption List until t_he_money is paid. _ ' a--I._..__u.......*.....-.. -.. ....._...._.. 0.... 41.....- ........d1.a thgisin aggreasivm'es of; buff 39? :jPbmPE I FWir1? `W9 u ` {Daily ' inc'1udin'g' Sunday. One reason why we may not antiei- paste lower duties is_ seen in the a steady development jof Canada's in-A ` dliatrial life that {has -been in pfo-' " gress` for _a number of years. and [anything calculated to `arrest t.tlat.. a development or b'ng__ aboilt -a dis- placement of large" interests would t be g-ejtidioial to herttfuture` iadvanoe-'92 as a nation. `Amether .rIe.a'son:f , u inst: ~a"`s'oalin g -dowh"` p.roee's` is` -: Wthe; rapidly moreaaing -character cf.` pug. tinaneial `eb.ligat.ion.s._, `xwhieh `air? ` 3-?`\ifI5M;_t.einoe a.1on. mst ldisizr h4 J made: :9? H 3518.<.>i38 are!,"I_#_.`I"_I'.t.,is`9_`.:._-A.,$~I' 1.17!` .':':: LI.-V".;,`-;;`,'3 *=:;'_`:` " - Idaat: RAIWAY F9|=` ' C;1\Wila.an%d_ Her Tariff a.m.. F4`);-V6rillia. North Bay Calling- Coiling- Qol1ing- - T5 9BEssMAN- . ~ ~;Now~.namnurz.{ om. `3"j*".hP ;` H th0"cO2I:;i;lIll8#'0n.,'NV1;l:l - ` ga;. : irrake. ~*bi'1`iii1pI.j;f_hI`i?59 T? l'i`~'iti1 ii1_ 'tho`s'oul:`hV io_f _i1s_. " I cent.` 10 y_b.rs. 'As"ag'ainAs.t`-:thi.' that country in 1895 boug-h`.t fi"o`z_n u_s_ ' _` quartr times as much` tha U. aii1%t1nsii4v . ~.,;' 4! -` ....-...,. . ,. .. . ,_,_,,,,`._,r I u~-.~ 1ft$;t:f.AtM1ie pipnlizdEiu*'ij) .the:?h!1?-ii ihuse ijransigq`i mHHia f treiitin`g "us -unt iriy}< maieeig zoig V In 1895- our ~pui`-`chases 1iaomWiheU; s. 1 _amou.n`ted to ;"fif t_j r-'tvv$)' `mailings. nd `year to_ on.'hundrod _and~ forty .mil`lion.s-an, increase or 170' t_hi r;ty-_six 1'nil`liqns.`w_or4th_ which has grown -to s?i-xty-two: -millions` at the presieiit` tifme--'an` A inorease= of only 72 pet` ir6ri_t: "IItl:."OtI'J1:}: woyqs-`six_mi1- l_i~o_rns. of (3ana4Aii.a._n'sv _b_uy. two-angl-.a.s s. as '~5eigh'ty:- millions. To: `Americans buy from the Dominiorn.,0n `a. per oaita `basis the ratio _is as 30 to 1. This `fcremendous disparity is. we ='ne-- ' lieve. l`argely' due to tariff; `nondi- -tiou1s./nd. it the oommiasionican de- vise b; pLan wAhereby`thh;~amor1mts'-can % be equalizfod or at an` `events "Dnoug`h't' _ `cld4.=.ly_._t'Vog9t1_1`er. 'w'_ill` have removed wht hays lung. .be.ea1 a"sosurc_e of grievance to the `tradesmen of this pou_.ntry; ' ~COSERVA'lv*IVE PLAT- '1-`om. % The feollowin-g is the platform ad- oplted at Red Deer by `the Al'bselr'tAa.. Cumservattive zoonvegnti-on: T ` 1. Inasmuaoh as agriculture` is the -priuci al :b_asis of wealth, the Gon- servas ive party of Alberta will _\as-. sist_in' every way the develxovpm-elnt `of fa.rming'and ranohuing-.b_y the im- vp-rvove-menst .of methods, the` disemi-` 1Ia.|.ti`O'n \0f information. the establish- ment of agri,ou*ltu19al colleges. ex- perimental arms. farmers linstitu-` teis and .-otherwise. and will give care-_ ful attention to dairying and Ithe impnovemc-mt -of live fstock. a (1....-(`A ...mAa n-nut` I-urhlapa sn`o.`mq- ` ADOPTED non THE NEW PROVINCE i . _ or ALBERTA." - , 1m: 11uvt:uc'xuL -UL uvu_ uuulunu . Good roads and bridges are `es- @emtial .to the -development of `this country. and to the success of -the seattlens. audit will be (the duty of the gcovermnmewnt to make bgcnemo-"us expelnudi-tune in this direction in 00- -ope-ragti-oxni with the local improm- -meont disrtr.icts.- ' ` 0 ~'I"'kn .n.n.nun.nI-lnn nrnfufn nmnin-'; -IDUIEE uls'5`l..l'l`0I.5. 3._ This -c-oaveun-ti-on protest-s again- at those provisions of the act croa-t-, ing the prlovinnce of Alberta (which_ seek to limitthe control of -the pro- vince over the subject of education. and _ thereby forever` preclude the, possibility of -establishing a national ' cno-mm-on school system, and charac- terize-s the same as a flagrant a-nd u mw:arr.am'ted interifercnce with and u-surpatirori of the rigahts of `the `pro- vince -wnder -the constitution. This conveznti-on declares for such action as will re-suit in the earliest `pos- sible reference. of `these. provisions to the Ju-di-cial Committee out the Im- perial Privy lCiou'_ncil. with .11 view to pnocuring` fnomt the court of last =re- sort in the British empiric o. .deci s~ ion as to whet.h-er they are or` are not -can-sititutional and .within the` power of `the Dominion Parliament] to can"-act. - i 1 .m-1.:- .mnrnnnIn`+.:.nY\ .(`(`l`.`2'II`K\Q f}|.'1f_ to esn=a.ct. - ~ . 4.- This -croxnvomt-i-on. -declares that t1_10,pe1o-plve of Alberta. to the. same x.te~ut and in the same manner `as, th-e.Tpe.ople of the other pro-virmciesu are e.n\t1tled two the lands. mines. mis & % 'neral`s. inoreists and other natural re--" ............~.- ...-H-`hi-n :4: nrnn, n-nd fn hn- nerals.` f-oreists and otnuer natural ru-- sources within its area. and to `en- Strained Kiune`yswnue! Plqughing, J ` The superior efficacy of Bu`-.Ju.' the Kidney ~ Pills. the .rem'arl:`able specific ,of- _ai1 ~dena:ng1e.ments and disorders .-of kidneys. finds general endorsement throughout Canada; .Am~ong those..who unite in grab\eIul_` acknowledgement of. its benetitq, we direct especial: attmtion tothe case eta farmer bf New Hamburg. Ont. L He neural reliet. _t>rom-uthe esteeta . of. ivory painful 1 mishap. after tak- ing the Iirst` box, which .did,himn mono` good then 9ve'ryi_ i0t.hr_. `ire-' mody" he. tried; ML N.w.h.;M~.Cress-` = mam writes _j1The~qOla!lin- --Qhegnical . O0.."Wihd80r.; In. > :_~ " Y ` A ;-Last. August when shartedn to A -vlmtsh -.1 '.zwl,le1.li 't1wplo,\.1sh ba9k.'- , rand-.b 3301; aiaudidenf lintenae; npain in- i then mgineys .jtrsji;i_};flike a 1 was ; >1-n"l`f`-'bll`:' wk li0m'5iiaj1m`~rWnfwto. `A rim; a;n "!91`f `weeks: ii _I -trieidgf dtmmmgii 'r_i:1diq *~` : wfii:-hnu_t_ :_ ;reIi e``.j . "l'bip`x`=f't 'i"_:B;1ji-; J3i1'; *iPilIs 1u--v.-- v _6iha._ T . New %Haml surg Farmer's` Mishqp-%-The' Only Rm- H W 9.4,) 1119* Gave Relid L joy as 'lfuflhen_etits `thereof. as well ' as t1ov.administB:r.?'.*:~the;.same ifor :t:_h9 s vpapty at Ottawa, {this convention urges that .-cons and` `continued a plicqition to and vne`g.otia,tion with t e Dominion _ G'overnme_.nt "be. made for ;thesurr~ende_r to the lplto-Vln-1300f daries '-of which ~_ it is nowso u1nf-air- ly and unjustly` deprived. [ ` -This con- vention further declares that the pr-ovince is entitled to compensation V: our lands. `within its area he-rehiof-ore alienated for `purely federal pur- 5."Th_lS- convention. declares that `the right which the Canadian" Pa- `oific Rai nay _0ompany enjqy-5 to hold its nds exempt from \t'~axa- tivoon was a consideration given by the Dominion of Canada in its con- tract with `the company. and is an obligavt-ion.,oAf the whole of Canada, wh-ioh should not be saddled alone on the western. provinces. and it is the duty. of the Dominion Govern- ment to so adjust -this right with the -cro-m-pany that such exemption may 'be removed and said lands be- come liable to taxation. and `that this .view should be constantly pressed u-plo-n theDominion Govern- ment by the provincial authorities until this end is accomplished. 6. _'This convention declares for the public ownership -of `public utili- .:t- ion stiles. 7. `This convention believes that` those citizensyincludin the members of the Royal N.orth- est" Moumteed Police. who hem: fought in defence of the empire. either at home or} abnoad. -should receive rcco-g:m'tion. of their valor and patriotism by \land grant, scrip or other substantial re- waxjd. _ _ 0 ma... .-..n.nunnHnn IQ nf 11110 0|')1n- ward.- 8.' Thi-shonvention is of the opin- ion that the province of Alberta, in cao-`operation. with the provinces of" Manitoba and Sa-skatchexvzux. should construct -without` delay `a -railway. -to .Hudson s Bay. - , . 9.. This c:o-_nven.tion pledges itself t-o_the _e:siablishment.oi a provincial '._..:L1.. ......nn+naI .dn.nn'r'l'.- -Hudson's` nay. , This itselil to the establishment-of university `with _ raotical -depart- ments, designed of r" ..the benefits. of the masses. ` l . " ` ' 10. This caoanvention expresses its ,disapproval of Dominion or 1:`r~o~vin- 'oial officials taking any part ,in noli- tics :W'hat-ever, beyond rec=ordi~n~g their ` v-otes., -r . % 11. Whereas, the =question -oi the location of the capital ,i-s.-one on- tirely outside the realm of ` party politicos." and is one aexclusively for the ..legislative' assembly hereafter constituted. resolved -that full liberty be accorded to every member_._t here- .1.- L- n.-.4-n nn f]1I. -nunestnon In constituted, resoiveu -uiun.- 1 uu m... ., every member,.there- of no _vote-on this -qurestion in 't best interests oi` his oonstituenc 9 The foil-owing "resolution also \ 3 `adopted: `That this provincial con- `venti-onof the Conservatives of the pr-ovinco of Albcrta,.in `accordance with` the principles consistently _ ad- v\oca`ted by the Conservative party in ; .Can.ad-.1.V iexpre-sse.s its -oordial iagre-em-out with the policy of im- -perial -preference -advpoca-ted by the Right Hon. Mr: Ohambe-rlain. re- garding irt' as- conducive, to the na- tional in.~t-or ts and unity -of the em- pire; and ~ edges itself to support and `further that .policy by ovzny means in its power. and that av-oony of this resolution be forwarded by tho secretaryto Mr. `Chamberlain. ._.----Q.._____ Ca;mdian Preferntial Tariff NATURAL CONDITIONS FAVOR THE UNITED STATES. I U. S. Consul Swalminvriting iirom ` Southampton. England. sends a sug- gestive report concerning Canada's preferential tariff. clipped from the iinancial suppiement VI the London Times.` It_ says: "Canada has impos- ed a retaliatory surtax of 33 1-3 per cent. upon imports from Germany and p_rei enentiai_rates not 33 1_-3 per cent. in tavvor or Great Britain and its . colonies. All the _rest of the world has to pay regular rates. *_Ouint_inui.ng. the_ consul writes: ` 01* Canada's imports _42 per cent. enter -tree of duty...As it is only up- on dutiable goods thatthe surtax. regular and pl'0Iel`B1_l-tl8.I rates can "he laid. a considera-tion`-of these is called for. 0: -theseft-he `United Sta- tes 'i`urnished_ about-41! per icent. in 1893 and` a little more .than- 60 `per cepn_t.`in 1904. while the share of Great _Britain tell of! fnoni 45 per cent. `In 1898;: to a."litt-le unore than -` _80_ per cent. `In. .19Q4. It" is. i_nteirest- mg tcnote that since-1897.._the last `year preferential. rates we're` established. England-"s. share- has} `remained `practically _the~-same. . In 4, other` )V.01' rapid decline in `its. ~expor.t-s to. O9. _ da. .ind`icatcd by ../15 - -per `cent. -in 1893 and by_ '30 por,cent_. -in .,189_7.q.w,as checked. . Ali . . 'o'0}1!_itl`l68 ' show. ea;-sli ht gain` Ttrom . -` tn r8nd=;ifi1_ean`-1.0 twenty - '.'I_.-`hua.. p,rgetegentia.li= rules ` -. avewpartia.llyj., that~.tcr .,-which. '1.1!?"._f.;Y'$ ~:est`I.Mi;|hS.l-"1i1Dd~ Bri- be` t'IlH7_`B3 -itaii ' es. _`.,'.-=12 - .. .:n:.....n'.*-.`:nn-. .l>I'in,'.....-.n.1-jg`;-_` flu. cana_, > tam and 1ts`=uownu:s.- ,. T . , :. Discussing the contest for Cana- _. dian" trade. the London Times. in a ` `recent issue. said: a `The t -ht for the markets of Gain-' - ' adia ie... tween` Great Britain and .t the United States.` W.vithsp`rete`rential ~ rates favoring `the torm`er_. natural . conditions. a particularly geographical -pnoxmiity.` with , in three _tho_u-sand- 3 mile boundary line with all that that -iit__n_aansg_a_vor1n `the latter:<."j 0niy__ fe_ tugnal a` i1ity.j- .'n-pe_irior'ity,_v oi;-' j eto..a roan `anoaeed2."m;-wrest!- ~ ~ `:11?.3U1itC~~St8._eB*'8Iy_-Of. amrarzt - 3 I 5 `bins ;";turp'ent`,ine. `marbie, slate, ~ cidul. tgmsses. wooden ware at all kmd;s um um rn wt t `ox: goods` -_'1_n 'w\h_icn `Great Brit ' is -'evIe_r likply to be able ta` com-pefe with.-1:.hut `u.-mteu` Sta? ms and otuers. -'1"'nis list. says :the '1`i1_nes._ L-9 moo-short_ ,rath_e'1`. _'than '.too long. Wvhast remm-'ns1s' distinctly. competitive; and in -these Great` Bn- 5 tam has more t.h~zm; thirty, p~erwc.e;nt. % Last year its share . was 41.37 par cermt. Eliminating the articles 3e`;Iu- _..........$nA uhnxno` 9|-R nan-ocnmnut1t1Ve. Imuq U16 auates. _.|.-up Lu um ...v.... , 0-1' fxgure-s. Great Britain s share in .C'atn.ad.a rs impoo-nts .in the lines e(nu- . mera"ted._ viz.,.. ma:nua.-ctums of wloool, ~co-tton, - linen, leathiein, ` glass, etc., .advance`d fnom -twelve million in 1895 to about -.twe'nty-[our million in 1904, while the share of ` the -United Stabes_iu-creased. fnomfs th-re-e to a little more than five mil; % litom d-ollaps. % - . The above only partly cove?/S the field. Icmocthcr lines, where the pne- temenntial rates were expected. to do` great things. they `failed. I~n silks, `ghoves. n_1ittV_s, ,p-ejrum'ry. brass and mnn-\.nn.r n.nm`kq. in K`.ll'!f.Ti('.fl[. Ontical. `gll0V8S. lI_1lt('_S, ;p'U`.l`1u._I.l.l!.`.1'y. uL.a_a,o u-nu ocop-pe-r goods, in electrical, 0 tical. mathematical, phuotographic an mu- sical instruments, crooks. paints. col- ors. varnishes, aerated and mineral waters the failure is certain. In 'thIes-elinves Grat Britain was either not willing or unable to.take advan-I tage of. theo`ppor tunitie ofwfered "by {are-fcren-tial rates. The imes thinks he failure is based upo-n;Great Brie tain all.o-wing_ foreigners to sur- ass it in the -novelty of designs. ref ici- ency; of construction, economy of manuiactu.re, and sel1ing`cntcr'pr=ise. I-n these last-namcd lines, silks,.~g1'ov- es. mitts, ctc., `the Uinitcd States ad- vanced '1'ro~m a little less thu-in `one milliun, five hundred -thousand dol-` lars in .1905 to five million, dollars in 1904. while Great Britain fluctuat- ed a1vc~`.1n`d t\\'IO, million und it half dollars. ' A L |Defness C8n;\0t be_ Cured` . 4-: 3 `I... Inna] n.n\HnnHnnu no f'htu1,nnnnnf ' by local apfilications, as theyscannot ` reach the `diseased portion of the _ ear. There is only one way to cure ; deafness, and that is by oonstitution- t at remedies._ Deaainessis caused by an intliamed oondition of the muc- ous lining of the Eustachian Tuber` When this tube is inflamed you have ' a rumbling sound or imperfect hear- ing. and .when it is entirely closed. Deafness is the result. and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its nor- mal- condition. hearing .wiu be -do-` stroyed forever; nine.cases_ out or ten are caused by Oatarrh. which is nothing but an inflamed condi- tion not themueous surfaces. V e ' `IT;-. pill paint: (`an assmrn nniinrn ` Hull 5 VIIC-B11 . oulars. tree. 13 1 :, :'I!_a`1.n's_ Iea.ve -B.a.9.rr'ie for the un- ._plgces -V aw follows : _`SOUTE'. ` ~ 14,22 ~a_.iy,. For` `Newmarket. To- **!ont6 .* M" treql `and "points - East. 1 . 7:65 `am. For -Newmarket, Aurora - I ' - . Toledo. Ohio. Sold baprug ists. 75 cents. . Take [Pa 7 etipation. ~ I o J u \JH.l7lJ.`E L C: _\J\Io -amily . Pills for can- % .~sua.mV mzuw. A *y...s'=* *='~="i<=- Wssorsto Geo- ,` . `. V. (7 . ` , THO`-5-SMITH WU` Will. slVU _\JlIU uuuuxuu JFUIIG * any case ot`)oaf-ness (caused -ar1v`\\ 0'}-no} oonnnf HA Jnul ` 1.100- F. J. CHENEY & _CO.,' Tnlnn I LENNOX. COWAN & BRQWN. BAR- n,19-:L-__ C-.. hid-oininif k;._ _A_.` B.-A'DENHURVS ,l.`. BARRISTEB. ' (`In an nun!!! HEWSON .r..CBESWIGK.E- BARRIE- -_ -2 1.1.- ung-av-nn 3 STRATHY E ESTEN. nt vu-.3- ._ - _ J 1` -'~j1'. 61A ;p.m. For - ran; and Tdrdnto. 1 . ~ . .v-:_=:- 9}6=--mm..- For .A.lla1.1da1<:a.,W- .` . ,~_%-m._'2.1_": ixszizd. For ""`!"1I'1'ii"""a3t`n Nwmarket.- Au- Newm.ar};:et.V `Au- SA"lk!EWARTm8!c` STEWART. BARRI8- `v..l____--.. 'I1--I\`:- N O__' AUHTUS "_D.Q.l.bl.VJ.D J..l.'JLUp wv--v- _ - _-, :Proctbr.` Nntnry. .Convyancer. et; 8vpeoial_ attention in ` drawing and nmbatlng .,w1,llg._nobtWa,i_1,1Ai1__1,gm1etters of administration and uardia'n ship.' ` iodllecting accounts. e c. Offices, _IRoss eblook. -Barrie. Money to loan. UENNUA. UUVVALV Ga L)J.In\JfVv LVQ 515;`-- lfisters, Solicitors for obtainin _pr,cbatp of wills. guardianshii "qn admin_1strat`ion. and general luci- tors. Notaries. Conveyancers,- eto._ L Otticfes, Hinds Block. Barrie. No. 0. Dunlap atrdet. :IB_arrie.~-Money to l~oa'n_at' .4 1-2 and 5 per cent. B_ranch offices at Creemore and Al- lxsbon. `H ughtan ` Lennox. Alex.7 '1`---vmn (1 14`. _T 'Rrn\vn- L.L.B. an an u... .____-.. `-Bank of` Tdiipnf; arne. Money to Loanyi I-1_._"1`.?ARNALL. Sit. in. c. M.. OFFICE ` `in Bothwe.ll s Block, Allandale. On_ the premises at night. - 1 _% DRS. SMITH % an GOWLANDJ ~ Office , A l\______ _.___J 1. may 12;` as u ;u-u_... _...--_-_..- , L1: 7 - --Attorney. Solicitor in` Chancery, Oonveyancer. eto.`0ffice. first door. Owenstreet. over Bank of Com- nnilh _`-`LU?! UJJQLLJ-In 5? \ Iv Qogvgou v---- and residence, corner of 0v;'en Collier streets. Barrie. `J. 0. SMITH. M. E. GOWLAND. ` III A "NI `I2 11"!) ipn. W. 11. R088, PHYSICIAN. SUR- listen. `hlaugnton uennux. nowan. G. E- J._ Brown. L.L.1`3'." Q 511 wdbw Jail-Dun 99.37. . ,p.m.. E0; -;;.NeW1nl`. !_'kBt*. A _- Au- ` "torn. and.-. 1`omnto.,. - _ . . `DR. J.VF. PALLING. GRADUATE or} '03. .1. ARTHUR ROSS. L. R. c. P.` & S.. Edi _urgh; M. F. P. &. 8., . G_1asgow~.. ember of the British Opthalmological Society. Special-' I t,v.-.Disea.ses of the Eye. Ear.` ' Throat and Nose. Office, 78 Dunlop . street. Saunders Block-. Barrie. op- osite Post-Office. and Railway tation. Phorne.54: P.O; (Box 96. V UWUU BLIUVL. U ~ . _mero_e. ~ Barne. JBVVDVLV cw \.Ia.u.n;u.a vv -v.._, .____-, -` ters.So}ioitors of the Buprexpel Court of Judicature. of Ontario. Pnoctors. Notaries. Convpyancers. etc. Money to loan. Ofhce. Ross oBlock.Bar1fie.vC. E. Hewson. K.C.. A`. E. H. Oreswicke. _' . . `- 1 .0. H. LYON. `PRIVATE 1'UN_1)s fro: I.I.`h`L1Ll.L 3: .|.'1u;;u.u. a.-.......-...,_.__-:-, Solicitors in High Court of Jug-I tide. Notaries Public, 'Conve ancers. Offices over the Bank of Barrie. Money in sums of. $2.900 and uggvards. -to loan. at 5 cent`. . H. Strathy. K. 0.. G. u-:`l\u\ oronto. _ per V H. ' 'R._v_S.`_BR,0AD, _M. D. c. M.. F. T.` 0011110 Eaten. V.ll`JVV1..l.U.L LI: IJJ..:uvv.ra.;ua.; -- ----- ---- , ters. Solicitors. Notaries Public. and Conveyancers. Money to loan- 111 any sums at 5 per cent. Office 13 Owen street. -Barrie. H. D. Stew- art. L. L. D., D. M. Stewart. . {T V HOMOEORATHIST. I V 5 `W. J. PATTERSON. M. 1).. c. M.. .' 7.25` iiiltng ffr `cardwell Junction. Georgetown and Hamilton. ' - 5.25 pm. Ear Ca;-dwell Junction.` _ G9;orge't`ow:n` ? and . Hamilton. I