men women nave uecu. uu heplth by Lydia E.,.Pi , e Vs Vegeta- ble`C0P0!lnd,. Their? letterijeiye on file 1 in Mrs. Pinkha.m s oicegand prove this uitgteuyeng -to be 2;. feet and not a mere ` ,- .. y u` - -I v 7 . i { overshadowing indeed is the success p ofathiaa great medicine. -and compared with it all other medicines and treat- ~ main for women are experiments. A W'hy:h ss Lydia E. Pinkhanh Vege- table" Compound accomplished its wide- spread results for good ? Why has it lived and thrived and done its glorious work for a quarter o! .9. century ? _ Simply `and surelybeceuee of its eter- 1in`g:worth. The reason :no other med- icine: he: even approached its, success is'pluinlyL.ud-positively because there. is no other medicine in the world do good `for iwomen svi11e.V -Y `The `wonderful power othydie .3; Pinkham sg ve table Com-pound over `the diseisee o wornnnkind iu~uotbe- `cause it is'~'n stimulant--not beesuee-it is :_~-.._-n;.'.:._- 1...; ..':'.'.;.a.. min cause 11: 18- a sumuxan u--uuu a'pa'11ia.tive. but siinply because` it is the most wonderful tonic and recon- strnctor ever discovered to act directly upon the uterine system, positively cvnnm `disease anddisplaeements and restprin hea1th.a.nd vigor. Mane ous cure; 9.1-e,re1 >orted from of the country by women who `huts `cured, -trained nurses who -hive` cures. and physicians who -have recognized the. virtue in Lydia E. Pinkha.m s Vegetable Com- ........a nut` are fair enouzh to give Q18 Ii. rlllul-la`-I-I5 VU6vUInvAv vvuug pound, and are fair enough -creditwhere it is due. 11 physicmns dred_tq be frank and open, hundred; of them`wou1d`acknow1edge that they constantly prescribe Lydia. E. ` Pink- .ham?s Vegetable Compound in severe cases pf female i11s.:a.s they knoyrjby `experience _that it will effect a. `cure. Women who are troubled or irregular menstruation. V `ba<'=ka`ohe., lb1oa1'<,(or, atu1enc'e).' lenorrlichs, falling, inammation or uloei-atjpn of LI... uI"AClI.. 'n\-ma-in.`ll` t4l`OIlblB.. LDILIUI-I.IlI)uap on---..._._-__ trstion, or the blues, `should tslfe im- xndiate action toward off the sedan: and be restored tmhulth w - 1. , ` - sm,strensthb' Lyd1&?=EP1nk- \.hanl`_s`V" mu e`f~.-6i:;:pon n' F ~ , r 4".-* 3.` .-.:i e : W wk 2 .._4l'\".A `X .2 lnnlllllstluu UL Ulvunuuqqvng 9; the uterus; Jovarian troubleq. that bearing-down .' feeling. dizziness, - indigestion. nervous pug. - tuition. :o1_'-vtlie. blues, Aonld like im- ./.sn-4- __a.2-.. L........-I All Eli; nng... ---- -- 1 AND 30.000 1-IAABvm8'rmB4;:g;1l'T..:3:J>!' REQUIRED TO TAKE 0A, ._ } .4 - V ; ,5 . ; . ` '1` ' . H1`. . Th d . co.-preidi V` \ _Cann?1i:1Sx?cm aoilio ltailwigo %vV`ila _ :Z::s%;$ it ~ and possibly exoed m1.. 31"` V ":9; 1' b . , 1, . arefv,_10!1}'; T grxs _1Z13'Z15 `a'";e1dt.`i8`0SPWrd . at - the cm is; our, . ' - 33.7` V 3180 ynold of 902 Whwteia. . D01` &.0!`6. . -, that west of Po1ta8#"191' 3310138 were .'nOV61'-bt3? . a . [uTin"?B2"JaFoa?x'o37.""". " '"""""'; at was. moved by Dr. .Granst.- vaeo- : .-uln `Mu nr KI'nT.anrI' l-ha-Q `fhn (`lamb A cm 3: ` Presbytery of ' contains any form of adulteration wxgatsom,-,., , jurious chemicals. T ' V T ' f Sunlight Soap iVs' oto Tsioaig are authorized to return purchase` money to any one iidingjauso-`for" complaint. Sunlight Soap isoqually good in hard or. so Shrunken woo1,cns,'frayed' sore` an evidence that all soaps are not"pux'e`?soap_s.-` ' ` 1 '4. n `I I. IV That is the reasoia A Brothers Limited, Toronto, to aixgfperson pfyovg ; . :11. vv-an uuuvvu uy 1:1`. (\Il.'B`ll|up` `Suv- onded by Dr. Molnar`! that theterk iorward the following motnon. to, Rev. Dr. F-indlayh: '."1`he. Presbytery. `having learned with somow, out. the paixmtul bemeavoment, whiohohes tak- en upla-ce in the ami'l1r5( oit_`tI19~Rb.V.f Dr. Findlay desires to express` "ta deep stygnpathy with 'him and `is Liam-ily m their sore attliotion. .an51 assures him t_h0..t txhe` blo'.w!_. which has so suddenly come u -him. has beggj felt by eve;ry_ me__u}`__' thin! the Ppeaf, by-tcr . We desire; o,ifsoI.,tp_ put auxin recur our .;app1}_e!oiatiq,1; cot ;:'l,lI_;' long and valuable. aerwoes Rev.~Dr. Findlay, has rendered in -the Home Mission field in Nqrthi Op-ta;1'q._,,_ Ito cxsP1'S`3 vthe;~'h.o 0. that ..nohwnt= -;. Ista-nding this some renvemont~.-.ha -may -be able rho? continue his labor: with even irnore-as-ed J ` A _:.-1-_t3r..`_'._ A largely igned`.oaq1 :rl6`mPthe coal l\_..-I__.L---.._- Eh...` V__.; Ln-_n.-..L!.\-... .4 Thou`: my. god washing and for an ounugni Matdn' LEVER BROTHERS V UMITED, `TORONTO will - rcvail. Russia. owing to .thej;_ war. been unable: to produce her? usual -amount of wheat. In the 8. tho__cnop.ia fair. but. -the. ncrdangc has docreasedn proortion to -t e p\opula~tion. and there will not he: .30 mulch tor. export.'8uch conditions in those Erect wheat producing coun-f trleuma 0 it pnobuble that. a. good DPWO will be realized for Canadian whcat. ' . _ . | fl Ail: `nine time there were vasitv Ohristinas A pig-killings on Canadian; (arms. when as yet pork factories` were not much more numerous than asylums :Ior`the insane. .' Twenty pigs were , a Large killing. Ii one or the twenty White 8911!? folks `or Berkshires tippegd; the scale` as at less than two: hundred libs, he was classed as a runnt and -paokddh-_ intoj. the.i1armer`s salt-. '1)arre1.,Som-e_ out these early leviathans thaxt ate corn and peas and things in genes`: al went as high as ofur `hundred lbs. eao-h. Hung~up by the gambrils and dressed. such -a hog: showed` a_ suing side of : ta t. Ito. ;usp=`_'tihe.%,va1;n;e'r's awn satised :ia}iiguagfe.. "a toot 'thiok;g Somewhere in .t1i.`e:w9rldi taherepwerve`. people who Qlikeidr :-that kind: -pork-.__ As a rule` -they, live@, the lumfnezi oavm-ps._ where deiioaoijes were not; ooimmon. And the fatter the box the more eager the Lvuyeir used to be to set him. i In._. ...--...- -1 ._.i..... -.. I ..'.....` ..".:.....`a.:_ w '7 9"` . ``"``". . .. 3 ' Ten years of more: or less scienti- lie. hog-raising -`has pull: must. out this ion Itlhe list [at things o(be91_e:te.f._. ~'l`_the Canadian 'hog-;,rai`_s`e r is he longer; a mere keeper, of. is a menu'- tauoturecf, It is no` longer left .to`aia- - ture. sire}:-msgtanees anfd the trough 'to..pro_d'dioo the marhthlble ghoug. Tihe tarrner hasgbeen ed_weated. What has edulo-ated him? Primarily his pocket: the tact that the Canadian hog as an a article oi. food was uot__-properly eon- itined.-Ht`owthei-e!u_mbea' eathpsi Itywas `discovered that Great B`ri:tain' oun- su'm'e.d Yearly almost one hundred: million` .dallars_ _wo_rth)ot-Deena. 01 ;_ thi-s `the United Sctates. Denmark and Ireland were furnishing - the lion's share. Why should Oarnada not en'tou' the markeit i. Pork;-packers woke to thef situation. -Farmers` insititwtee did likewise. Both faeg,a'n' to ur-um it inttoithe farmer's head that thetra-( ditiomal 300-pound hog. an fat and a afoot thick. was not the sort or! ,de-_. lioaey required by British e-piaures. The desideratum. was the` bacon hog. Quality. not `weight. was reqrui~red.:_ fibre not fat: flawor not durability; and all this -meant the abandonpzeimt a .ot the has that live-d.tthro~ugh_ two winters `and three summers. and talc - .!.LL LL- Ligan 41...! 4u:un|:u`1IllI` VVJHLVIB uuu. I.uLvv wuauguvaup Inna`. u... ing up ith the hog_-that considered itseJ;tl.,ll130k_)'.'t_o` we on-36. of each. \ ---__ '1.-- ._._--.. . .- tixrhit has n-o.w' I n wbrlk-ingnonooption of the. hog that 3he -had nev_e*r hb_.d .|':;e~tore. Any Rip Vm____Wjnk1o wag uquvld. havg 1:9.- a tall , fair ..twm_1!cy fyearvs A39, and. su`(1_de5n1y awakemd_- ;'t4o'.att,enq..:ox;e in; the `twentieth century. would be =oo'.r- ` ta,in ,ot. this a'mazhvggmr9yoLutjop. most, c,\, \_'-_` L..I...'... u\'.n.Q cl-nuwimn `hi! of which has" taken p.1.aoe'dm~'z-ng the pastd ado, AnyAman`wh=o_ will take a easuh_dri_ye through an Ontario 1a1mimEz.09!n.munit mizht 866 the `same story written in the hog-`droves `L115 llclllbllllg .Lvlv.uv;v... ._v._- and hog-pens of Canada. Firmly root- ed in -the Canadian farmer's mind is ' the 5 fact that he is not merely a `producer of .absolutely s- raw `umterial |`a'u't a sub-mianutaoturer. carrying his product to the` highes-t_ poss;i".7le poilnt 0-tperteotiom, eliaetoire it gets vtoisthe ` tauoto-ry. But for this revolution all the rk;pao`k1_n=u`l 'ICGt0lf5Q8A2 in the war! would have little ettcotopn the seixdlnc gof. `six:t,een _`milli_ot,x ,; do:ll`ars.` ,wo_rth at Oahadlan `bacon-~o;nnu__o.lly `inato~.' the V Britlshrf mnrke't.i- -'Exoho.ng_e. 1 I I . The Presbyntery Oi` Burris} mat in the ywsbyter-i~an o'h`uro.h. Orillia. mi` Tuesday. om` last weak. Row; J, g H. ,w.hite. rthc .m'oldaem.nor. -pr.em'd-mug. mhere was a'ge_ a-.t.ten_danoe or members. and mu-on unpor.ton1; `bnsi-`; mess tru.nsacted.- Rev. `Mr. Metoer.`.a ue.-siga1a_ti`0tn of C`old-water. Fe nton. and Wautgsaushecne `was; -.oonsi _rad.' Messrs-: RId Hez1:'hermgton -and_ Meuicilley. om swaubnvush-sane; .Meps` srs. McDonald. Oarvette annd` cock. at 1<`essar't-o1n ..and Dr... R.- Rgliarvie, oi Ooldw_a;tqr_. ,wg.r_e_ -p1je_- sent in the interest of the voongrega-. 1t'mms..Pr0SbtI`.V aqcepted the re- sigznat_i.D1n to -take. mfeoit tirgt Scab. bath m August. Whom the spuI;pi|t -is uto be deol'aroI1' vaqavnt by `hey. `Mp. B_urne.tIt, pat ,V1otona .H-urban. who was appounted Moderator at Session` du]ring the vvaoanoy. .+ u.`.ncl mnun I-nu nu . l'1nn.naO~ .nnA_ % "7" A *' ro.i:fr:~v"t3riT-I.b6t$l ind`vtlthble` }CVantdiu%vi\ Bacon; Contains any in- ie'1?!s9_r<:. him anqthgr. side to 3.99-.,ivWhi\1_!:.`,I ann=;;v.%!ia;iyi.has V ` ?o_i8isaht;=m,e,;br- ta_;aners.i.s;rh 'r:i.x.e..i = ~'`9Q=l9'i9i3', iamfeihssay t.Ij: ,.'th8*`h?pr%19ek=t`_pri9 ,\'Vil1_l!9"i1t .s .}tW_0. .848 &tS__ftKh6_fa1"mQ1'\0.h bein -5 ducedf togo into hogs sggin ;' t'ha."t is the cheapegiing of the cost of pro-` duction, Hogs can be rp'roduoedia"t'a mlgohle-ss cost in _both'-feed_and1;a:b`or. is expend-ed on by the _majority of teeders._at {the `pres; ent time :_ a-nd,Iit is surprising. -in" yierw_ _of` the .gieat `progress that has -been m=a;de_ _tawsrd. .sa':in_g labor and eloun.o;nizing in ? the feed dtf other tarin istockgthat we find` in somany oases people goon raising "hogs (to- 'day in_m~u:ch the same way; as `our- granucwthers did, -only thattl we `am now forced to"sell.them`befo1`e they reach halt the weight` or age the old` market 0 alled`tor. Truly inthe Witn- ' -tor` we are obliged to ;bestow. con- siderable la'borLon our hogs. asnd have a little difficulty -to `provide them - with the cheapest food. a.nd;!tha4t_ is -one reason why I maintain that summer is the `best time to produce our hogs.V I admit.labor is cheaper - in wiznter. but the-chea-pest labor:-is. V the labor saved...a:ad 1- maintainrthagt hog~;'aising- in this country will nev- . er be a success .while- hogs. are raised in pens and fedyby -hand. The 1 hog isnaturally a~:forag i:ng.ianimal.. `- one that it, given-a chance. will hunt ,- -ge portion oits food any `place - theft; there-is mots. -or even I weeds, to -workzamosngg and where he,` ' :. damin this s -nriv-ilene` we tindi `is, -this -p1,'i_.ile,g e` Ivv.e.t.i.mj_ him. a am, 01. dysp_ptio., oripplin.,`_mal `that lies, anjwuits .1011 h'Ls_ tood..._o `beg hnoughlt. to hi'1n.AThig, goes. to.`pr_9_te .that_,th. hogwas ney-'_ 61;!t9ndo;d to'.be.. left in cqnfinnx mam _ during, his` entjra _lie, .Pr_ovis_- ion_,shp_u_ld b9 mgde'at"as soon `as the 5'01.1D.83t9R3. are won: nonsh. thgy oa.'n_ _r,:_m. out at_ liberjty. They may. .b%. oontined. while .Weanin.. 'bu-t` 91in1dL b%.1t. 1.9080 az9ei1';..a9' ~s.o,on as pogsihle. If they. can haveah r`un',ofl AI ItIlkLI".4`A Iurhnhn fllI::l' v- '15.-_ -~ `aggro. Ll. LQVJ, V@'IJ_ aauvvryuv -u...'v-1 a piece, of w.oodla.nd. `where _their rqo_t_ing_ will do trio harm. all"the -bet_- ter; A ' patch at rye, or player tor early pasture is" necessary to __eta'r|t4 oft themsummer with. 'llhen have am; of rape so'wn -_in'drills` to every twexity or thiiity pigs; Thismay be an 'the_ summer" lfallowd 'a.i1d keptolealzniwith the scu;f1e'r" or eul- tiva`tojr_;"it_4 i'sth'.e. be'st- `kind of sum- mer-tsglleivyirgg; Db not let" the pigs on th'eA_`raph'e` nritil it `is -ten or twelve inohe _s_ high. Let the pigs sleep but of dobrs' vin ah"y_" temporary" shelter (that is" sufficient" to pr'qteo'>t" them. from s1}h.and ran; iii the s um:i1er"timie.' hilt, it you',,h ay;t__1:enE.: o_u't"e.arly_ in the sprixig l';_ 9_rtt_er`lettfjthen'1` com-aim` a'.yv.ariii' 515 out at obld or lwelz. By .thi_s ',sy`stex:Ah `oi ' raising` hogs `all. the labor is [3raot'i6alIy "saved in` the sixkmmer season. just at` the time it is-so'mue h .n`eedetl for other farm? w`o`rk ."an`d from -osn'e~hal to two- 'thirds'~ ot_ the raifi :~eq;ui.r`ed -to keep. them [in [the .-hoarse is saved fqto the 'tai;mer. ,Take the `labor and iteed thus` `saved. "and" it , will more than meet any. s'lum'p in prioesiwe `have -yet" or are likely to see. -I zthihk.` it this `or a. `similar aye-atom ol '_teedi~rig is` followed.` we need not have :ma m`y' `tears `tor the .h-og'-`rai'sia`n'g' irrd;(1etry ,'A Certainly we will" have our `bad years and. our amistdrtu-nes weasionallg; .bwtiVw`e. have them in" every lie 61' bhsisnss, aixd I have no, tear` fpr the hog bu-si-n'e'ss'_ for those" who stay ri~g'.ht . with it. I might -add" in uunolusibh that I lh .ave- a"+'slig'ht adirantage' ` over many in having ruuining ` Wlater thnough -".-the 1 tarm-` where the ihiogs - 3'0 at -their pleasure and _a grieve vjlor their shel- ter. from the sun. I feed drgrvohop `hi a -la.r'g'e- {self-aetixig box. with _a platform about it. In summer -I -ly_.13u"t` eaiough` in` this Iboxfto pi'|dVid'e what` I think they should -ha:yet_Wiee`.`a day.` Midst 0!! my hogs rim out "from the `time -they` .are~ _ weaiied urntil_ a iinoxith orasix iveelns nature "I" want: to `sell them.` I new rin'g"' a pig -except" my brood `sows; the 'yiou'ing f oiies do [no rooting ex- cept ih_the woods` where the ground" is` loose arid` ahqut the water s pdge.` I am cxtaihli opposed to thpre- se_nt "system .tollowed' by the packers qt `buying all classes -of hogs ~at `U16 1 same-prjioof I!` 011': Englia'h~'moa`rlnat -_ -_.:.._.`-.'....-.1`|..-.-........' ....-. :|...;-.a.a .a..... [1l:ga|.IIJ`u UL IJIUVUUIUVVIIV-GIT-|r'.%To and Carluke in t.a.~vm_:..;d;..; 3 `.,,: . ..;N~;~' Carr, offering :9. stipetnd 0 nine hun- dred dollars: anaiutwcrmwnogs ho&i;_dta7b;' .was present we 1', ,- out ._ g:;-' `Q Presbytery Aarrans\pI!' ' .:=-;- Gr:...=his;`&IIOM-`. Mom at Gookstown 611' August 1. elf, -7.30 p.1n., Mr. Morris to. Inside. Mr.- Currie to` -preabh. Ml. to fad-_3 gess thlo min`is`;1:o'!`.',` olnd 1`. ~Nuwl_ 'e.rp|eopg,{.. A V . 'Rev.a Mr. Oranssltbfn praaonted Q; llnanimoxu-s ,n_op.ll` 1,011! DlInt!'.a'lIi; West Nntta.:woa:sa -9. T an Nut-tayva my- !1`am:r'ot Rev.- '1`g__f h otte-mtg qt; atripemd oit eig-h't " hum rod Idplla'rq,=__, !f'nnr wnnlrn` hnllidn-v and n` nmml Irlnnlqwr `co mwvu -- -~-- :2--- --t -_.-_ Vis enc.lan`g`ered b`eoause' we bread :toc; many ho`ga'th`at `are not suitable `to: ~bz.con'purpdse's. then lqetthe packers p.y_us in bettexf price for the right class, and we-. will gladly produce ` thox. T It will no doubt astonish a.-large number of ppople thaj; kings and queens. like poorer-mortals who have the gift of prudence.` are. with )f6W xvceptions. as eoanomioal as is soon- sistent, with their high position. `and j 'e've'ry' y`ar"- prut` 'by`.'some} ~po1'.tid:n_ of 'the`- savings `for L azr ' y .da-y. ` _, .LIL`_.'_ ._ _I_ .`` `hung. fang.-`manna tuv auvnuaa av. u-..u- , ....._,. "Better than a.n'ybod?_.`else. perhaps. m3oxnarohs- ltndw. 'the`t` it is money imake` the mere "go", and that mo -'s"pe1id hll 't11"ei'r _.i-noiome as` the'y`g_'et it `fair just a_s great a olly `in-"them- -`se'|_v\es=as!`i-n--thei.m subjects. The late Queen Victoria? was ~o2'1e_'bt - the thrittiest ofmona rehs'.4; and. though e her" will has nev-erbVeenV'~0r_Athe pub-' _no -eye; i't;jliv`e is '1"e31`om to -believe ; :*::t'=`nid_t?4 t:he`?iti>2`tu!1;, 6116? left `wLs~`a e-veryeee VT` 3 ' " 4 %%1'1?1!9%A%`!,I.'9s!9:;tn`%%` kiiis savings of Royaluy; M-1~pt'2uu 0%]; 813-11`! mmuruu |l}_Ull"l'q!_, tfour wee-ks` hO1id3fy, _ and a_.` and"the Pre'sbytar.y m`ad9-sovi-sisun_ arrnngemeu-t 101" the `in wotiom Mi [take 5p-LBJOG` wt Dtmtnoan ,0!) 8. d_ be be xed. Mr. Cranston to p _. aoi Mr. Carr `to -preach. and Mr. `Al won: Ito address the minister Mid Mr; Mo- Lecm the ppm la. A .Rev. Mr. Lgclaan preisqntodha Asun-; anixmous call from Bradford and 'a'8-e- a(aloci:1t<%f station: to Bet. Dn.dN.tM'0;'; `an. n ering im `a s ispe __-o .9 ?t'hn.usand `dollars. "three `weeks holl-I; day and !a mavnse. The Presbytery. mad. `the fnllowin ,= arran ementq. tor his indwotion:T -1`. Mo 11 Mt vKEcsi(l Mr. A-shdaoxwn. to prieaoh. M17. Mlorria to addreis the. 11e9her and 1`. Cameron 1; e 8. - A delc-.gati.on tronuzwgpuamks and Gi~'b'.'; !`alt.ur was present. and asked-.`for'aj Qrant from -the augmentmtxon mndiu order toenable them to have amiznits-.. {ter of their own. Presbytery `$87095- to ask tor a grant of two hundred ` dollars. T . _ . . Louvc was given Oollingwood 000', K.'I'0gr:1ti0~n -to borrow tour thouu.M,. gotlm in order to 'vmp.!'0V0 the Gabe 1H1.~'.c1 ' . - `" T}!!! .1` 'I`.n'vI(n'. Of ~ THE.;HO.BI.HERN} ADVANCE `lyv `t:u9.;:;th_at ,th@y "do-nt pnt,,1l their eggs into on basket. ` ' ' 1:I..-_._ _--., HA-` -~-- --1 -.--,.- veu yacuv 1:-5v\v'IrIniI&Ia_\,!,o Every year the] pr`esent`:qzar=un_d;f` `czar-ina bi`. ~'Rss'i'a' `entjrinsft ,a{ . `Iii-g%~'_ portion` of their priv'a_eisa_vingis..-_t,o -the British and`, nat`il1\al_ hapk_s.. Atexanqer` II...-g'ranh`f1ather,Tof the , Emperor Nicholas, wasecotnomi-' seal in a high degre.`and- thermod- ney..he_. saved is said `to have run welL into four .milli_otns sterling. By his will heleft legacies to various, members of the imperial family}. which swallowed up a-, third of his vast fortune,` the remaining two- ith-irdsibering-given to aslady at the court who had wedded~t.he'sovereig'n without mounting -the throne.` As this lady was not ofthe royal line, `it-was impossible th_at.she couldbe recognized as empress. and` -the legacy-of two-thirds of the mom! arch s fortune was the compensa- tion Alexander accorded to his mor- _ gan-atic spouse. Alexander II-I.` during his doom-.. par-atively short reign also saved" 8.. considerable ortune. and -this he left e by will to the present `Queen Alex- andra. at the time of his death Prin- cess `of Wales. 5 - - . King.-ijLeo`pold oi . Belgium has `,9. `universal, reputation. and not an `en- ,viab,_le~ one} as Leopold 8: 00. . rubber merchants. He--founded `the Congo Free. State;: of which he is"the so vereign lord. and whi oh`re` him every year i-thbuslands` upon thousands of `pounds sf.erling, iderivl ed from the natural products of the evou'ntr'y.* He" is "one of.` the largest rubber and`: ivory dealers: in the world. .He'is also one. of the clever? est of-_ financiers; and knbws`his.way about all -the bourses in Eurbpe. _ -.. IA `rs-wv-.-3 _ .-nu n-aw.-- -..-v 'v- -----c... ; The -late Empress of Aus'tria- pla'/ce -an deposit two-thirds o":-`Am; auaetadi revhnuie. She was "very-_evcm_1onii'cal. and ke;it- as few." se1fva:nt_s about `he;-' gs-`possible; "She-ecdi1stzii1tly revised the accounts of her ihusbalnd .a_nd'su_c- ceededv in making "iu;pioi"t'a'nt reduc- fiorns in his eipenseai 'J._`h ` Bgnk or England received he; s`a vi)ng s'. ipd there is a cu1fiot'11_sV-'stcry_aho:utbthe refusal of her b_em53ficiar`iesfVto the British succession duties, a re. tusal_ which ,ga,ve the govexrngrs ,_tQf _th6~ ba'1'1k.a great "deal of`_,.trg1ib1e before the -mattefw-as?`adj11st_ed. IIIL - ' _,;I- _ ` L`, _' ';~L - | _..`,_L mun Ivl-l\' nrvu-navy: non -.---u-`ram `King George of` Greocoviswaiz. old financial hand; He speculates `largely in agricultural_ pm_d_vuc_t._V N follows carefully all the fluctuations ofvtho nancial markets. and is assiduousjn putting; hi inoI'z_|eY' into good things. nu_- 1-1.- ~nv_._-_..___ J; A_-_`L_!- _I.'._'-.I The_ n1jqna1"_:h' who` has _'t_he'-I feast oohfidpnqe iii` the`. tianoigl 4stabi`_lity_ bf'his own" mintry. is: the .aul_tafn ,of Turkey.` He__.de_gline, to `trujst any" Tiirkighv b`a,.1'1lJI wii:hja' fart-hing of his {sa ving s.`~'TheV1-attest pant of his to:- tume-_and` it is said t-o be no sma]_I. jot'1'.T d6spi'te th.e taiib um; his cbusn-h-_ itx via j-n" a -ch,n`om__i`o stfgtg` of. blikl'_lip- rtqyv-is aep`os;ta,, in Bi-itisly bamksg, In Paris they s_ayA,thi;1j._ every _qu'a'r-: ;ter_ _ a__-spo?:q'1':`3.l."' me'seu;g.r.._4 tlaixkbgl _by_ a suitabb escort-."loaves Ieondon hr Odmstdntinople _to carry ,to_the[ sultan `th'em-tereat on his dposits. It [not generally kngwn that .th,_su1_t4an ~_1 _.?,"_ _,_`. `.8 L14- |.`:".....2:.'A. ...a...;...'a. .. ::... ualll .~`.r3nI001 DUIIGIIIS. I 'I.`}u: names 0-f Rev. J`.'F.;_T-8,11 _ ,0! India, A. M..1otarla.i'n and`-Ii `Were ordered ' to be adddd _.t0 .-"th0.. 1 Prusb 'tcr no 1 \ 'I`}\n3rnnI-nu 4:`! I-has nnln hf llhl|I'l!"| Egqnerauy xngwy I.1}u:t, .I.uI}r'uu1_L;a.u puxis `one bf: the_5_bj?gg"`st_ ptreefg in_l Oniisfantinople and has" a 'p.11_gaV1,-W plq.ntg'tVig\13, `n theI1,1<`lie_1',-__;A_,ns.vwf;j':;. ` nm.ea;%VE7s+%::.;.; Stiff`-: Fvsf. &1Vav9.}9!4% sc`ap eu.3 .anoier1atio`:t;} ".'l'.`i1e'.fV<>:1ioIv;vVi;1gI_ le`t:i:er_ dam an elder- ly`._lad'g, ,o1_E_Agror-a,` 0n;t,.. we ._ooymm en d_ tn .`the.9`c'are fnl_ ~af.'tyeinti_pn.of suffer- er; from ..u'ric. vao_i'd,...poisoning. caus- ed by {weak\or_ disordered `kidneys, It will be n-oitieed that a vefry".'fewL dos. 4 _. con 1 <`>V's1r-of :-:B'I_1'-'.i;.1'.,-7_1;-110:` iiiu. _;a-_ .fep1;m1,._wha_t- fifteen /yen,ar,s: -of doctor- ing could-_ mot `accomplish, . I clagmn -G_hVex_nioaL 00.. Wihqsot, 0n.t.:* n;_.L|-_-.., 1' -... ' ...I,...| T |..........I -3 \IovII.n| \tAnvAhInvv-- `awn; v v gnu`.-cup- ' v..-" _A.1.:_lexTnVqxi`.N--I ax_nIzgl~_a .Ilea".rned:o- yop,r B3;-J1_;___Pills. Have used only` one box . and . a samplgvpackage of `Bu-_Ju, and` am` now like a diiferentf person toward .wha_t I. have been. I have dogtored over fifteen years and t_he_y t.Io`ld_' me I ,hz_1d t_o -un-gergo an pperation, but_,Ix wduld_ `not do Lt. : My..join_ts all_. stifya.-nd my-toes % dea,d,`and- now. they_~are Q all right. V`4u'4vuL an-Ann only-nan-on an`) |\u'c` ." nun: My ..e_et were always` _oold.- but -I am mvltojzether better. now__a.nd fee; like '9. new creature. Have` raommeudgl them. , 4gr.and_da,n"ghte,r a-."n' !tho ills are `helping her; Am pleased ` ever heard of Bu-Ju Pills _ -and write you with plegsure. 1 L FANNY BRILLINGER. L a- heat A` L fag:-a-:-..v w---_- ` Aurora. Ont. ` "Tho discomfort of. conVti.nued.col-d % feet. -`so revalent among elderly la- { dies. wil ` veanish` when "the system is J puried an - .atren%:h'ened..: This. is} .W.h,at ..Bu-,Ju. Th0: , vidngy .1.P.i;l..- was made especially to do.-` Nothmg on _th9; ma_rke.t_,to-day. aol_d a.s,a.kid`r1.eLy} I remedy ~a_pp n`oa'ohes `L thxgr = -pre rajtzon in n{-`Finnvnv:-., and I fhd :b0V6 ,, tter `i8 -in .`etI'ioacy; and..the` above latteris pnly. one.-V-of -thevmany t nts pofent; bu-t gen,t1e,',jete9ts.,.Ig3very pgrson who has t,r:e,.t1t.h'i's.j`;'tAe`-- marl"fa bIo-' spotsifie qtmngfly -`me_cbm- ] .m9nds._4..-it: to -rs1atiwo.s.2ng1gh_bprs.:;and i A F .;zs V is was 14 Hvwytcry rou. ' This matter not the sale of church, bdiT1[: osn Squaw Island was left, 't-o_ Hm Collingwood -session and TvD_1`- Fmdlay to consider and rbport-~ I?.l',\! Irv l`,uAvnnhn|n nnvn lif- tuna 3 wvv wv uuq ._. 'F6rt'\in.-' zouqboouuuooniovoogo .7 - ~ v OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOO . The `run of salmon in Britis}1".Co-J Jumbia waters has oommetncqd. ` 1 lI'|I__ I_-_-_.A.A. -1. r1'__:L-..I t3L-L,-.. .....-.I-` an--an -9- -ngwv -v r'-_-- \ . uwsvil` `William Mul:);l;- will speak `at Ltho United clubs annual dinner in L I: T Zvnnu vs: V" The 'd'istres_sV in agricultupal !dis- `tricts .in spam has resulted in tints a.t__ Seville a.nd~Salamanca. - tn :- I-v _ $v v ggnw cu... --.---.:v.__-_.- Sixty memgers of the Canadian Msmutacturers' Association party in `England have started for home. n____,. 1... _,_-._ _.-i.:-.. -1: 1... .. R; 1.. Borden.` leader of the`oppo- gition, will spend a. few weeks 1n qujet._reti~regment in the Maritim-e.g provinces. lI\L- `TA--- T7'-..I_. ......._...l_I.. LA - _A.-.- auanaaauwnnpn ---v -v.--`w- _v._ ._v--v- Russia has given notice of -her ac- ceptance of the Morocco-conference -`on the same conditions as Great Bri- tain. _ , rn - v .--v-.-- The New; York assembly has refus- ed. to remove Justice Hooker of the sui>rome'_.court. who is charged with ea :-ruptioin in politics.-; v_-.u_.- 1-1-.I._:.__ L . _ _ . _ _ _ ...-.*| _-.-.1.. Oomplaints of overcrowding on the stea-mboats were made to the board of control of Toronto by- Inspector Evans. of the Dominion marine do,- partrnent. .-mumy I0 consluer anu rupuI.'I...v _ 1 Rgv. Mr. Cranst-an gave 11015100: -01- motion with reference to aohango'\ The manner of collecting in-Preaby-T` t"Y~ and Syvnod fxun-ds. ` ' ` " A fan. H-nnnnu AF uuuunhnn IlIl|.I"( v- -a Q. v vj --...v..l--q `Hf!-1';b<>"y;;utt of `n-ited Etat-es goods has -begun in iive Chinese ports. _ 1:1--n'1e,__ 1.:-__|__u_ ___2n __-_1_ ._1. wt . - -ruo\rf- Judge Hodgina has reserved judg- :w--u-v--- ' Ament .in a claim; on behalf of the Atlas Loan` Company against the. C. J._ Whitney estate for sixty; thousand dollars. ' car shops at (Mont- "tho rate of fifteen 21 day. mearly a. real are ' building `new box cars at` thousand having been .t,ur_ned out; during the last two momths. ` AI,_ `I'l_-I'_,- `_I._4 `-..-..L 0ordasco.' -the Italian labor `agent. at. Montreal, is suing the" C. P. R. for twenty-nine thousand dollars for breach of agreement and damages in connection with the Montreal la- 1 bar scandal of last spring. j_.,_._L_L9-; I __ ALL- fh_4-_._L_ -v- -v------ _--- -:_.-.- A deputation from `the T.o.ron-to City Council waited upon Provincial Se_ore*tar'y Hanna to urge that the nefcessarye` facilities be provided sol that .no insane persons should be committed to jail. M.- Witte. Russian plenipotentiary to the Peace Cnfcrenoe at .Waish-` in`gt,o;n, has _left St. Petersburg -for ; Peris. No representative of the Im-: perial family was "at" the station to` see him off. _ ' .- . 1.. .n'. .. ` It is Jmlievvd in Tokio `that !the Czaaj. , rggently _sqnt. . an - .-encouraging m98saise. ti: -G.en..Linevatoh in mm-' chu.ria.2p1~omising him men,_ provisi ions. and` otheif __neoess_a1`ies' for art'taim- 1 mg - an` ultimate via:-bry. `It, is u'e- i po;tgd :.t1_:_a_t . the. _`C`zau'{ K r.ecs:.jntL1;y' -.o_r- ' tlg`9}d`.;tl_1;e'_lm-pbilfzatian' of fdur`-army l_ odrps. -This. taken in; nonneo-tian with: the. .rgpor`tved -*li_znita_tiVair of am. Witt powr gs `gzhiuefn peage -p tenti,.ary>. is lratikgad in `Japan,-as 'a; }'i'i1a:l,` .thb.s't:::.` Russia" is not -sincere in heir eipre.9d?i1esire for the.-can- `olusiozn of peace. T A j_-!.__I I\-!_-L__.___I_.___ 9.. LE- ___. v----v- v- `vvvuvwu Admiral Rojeatvvnsky. in his be- `port on the-Babtle of the_8ea pf Ja- p'z_i_x;,, s:'uiy:sf5-`big `ships were fhyf anclf were ;n6t. able to carry_ the n _ 'ry_ pghlgfwo-thirds _ -of the .13 ;wpfnld:. neg. exp1ode`....the. u:n~ nets were ignorant of the chamom- azyfg-hnrn ~or..tu:ins., two-thirds of the n'.ews.wem incapable. ,wh_>ile'_A__,p.-_'t Ma`-7 mutinypand on two _o_`iethe-.shi;ps.`tahe A.dnxiral' 8e.nL;wn*- and -the1"Aedmira1" _Aprax1ne he had -to train guns to 8t01'."~:0l'dQl'.` Th0se: -same sh? -from th,.e=. outset of ~ -t-he. battle. .re used .~ -to tight and, only gave way when-tor- boafn were -sentkstn sink whom. - idagas-oar tour ei56u'tied'fQI`7" com. Yuan v7}Lt} 1'31.-.* maemsr mvum ' . ~ " `nmrou'rmn.~ ~' . `Henry Clews, of New York. Writes of crops in United States as -follows: While `the government does" not ex- press in `bushels its estimates ofgithe oornprospects. it nevertheless fur- -nishes the statisticians of the vari- ous grain exchanges of the. coun- try-, with tangible data for convert- ing the monthly report into I:n_1s.hels.. Tghus-y the department indicates a;n_in- 9I"6@.S9"0f .ove1y_-'y_ two 'mi_lli-an. acres in the area planted to corn and an ini- tial `condition jot 87.3.`as against 86.4 at the _cor_re_sponding date`, a year ago. This increase in both acreage and o u.ndi_ti'on-.-_ is interpreted by the aqqeptedv systemwof figuring the de- |,par_tme.nt s . return as an indication ; `f a harvest of;_2,651,000,000 bushels at corn._gAt this date. last year -;a yf 9.'.il.V1'I1i~lya, g"s handling of the _Government s `1i`gu`i'es -of 3-cdriditiou: and acreage proc . 'rx_1i'a?e_d_aycrop>o1 2,5].000;000 lnushels, 'w hii" he 'o:i}i__a} .;xg_ryejgt, e nan: .~trn.(`a-:>:u.n.~. ` wwrg CROPS. IN. THE U. S. News in Brief. culture's estimate for that year, the latter`s estimate being based on -per- centages rather than on actual farm` to farm canvass. The July reportof the Department_ indicates a yield of 413,000,000 bushels oi winter wheat. or 80,000,000 bushels more than was harvested last year, and a combin- ed harvest of 705,500,000 bushels -of spring and winter wheat, whic1.if spring wheat maintains its present position reasonably well, will give. with the exception of 1901, when the harvest? was 748,000,000 bushels. the` largest crop of wheat ever reported. These are certainly exceptionallyfine ~ pnospe-cts for the material welfare of .sueh V an, essentially agricultural country as our own, especially in. view -of the high; prices the farmer is able to- obtain for his product. No. 2. red wheat, for inst-asnce, sells at New York a- :>ove one dollar per , bushel, and number two mixed corn eat something above sixty centsyper bushel. This material welfare o'f`t~.beA country must readily -'oe_retl~e'cted-`by - the traffic statements of the roads icarrying these .treme,nd:ous harvests [to market, and by the return `trail- itic in- the form! of supplies and la- 'xuries which the .prosperity in the Jagricultural sections encourages the `agricultural sectiuons encourage the farming element to purchase. Fisherman ; outt :<\-my/1.. comaunutuneu nouow wooden ionnudcloth . Ouino qual- Mul I 1. full n! I I'|=t.b:kmdln ccllcck ind-dag. balance handle. I: d: 60 , `yudsoflinaoucdmconnluzs Olnlnelled bnlded um: folttoutor I1 feet lnldegl Bus Line. Two dozen spl I ahotfor Slukcnlbtunlshl . Slx usonodotylos bus and trouclas. gnu six foot silkworm gut leader. Eighteen single r uellodhoolu. usoned'forhassudIrout. no nohtubber hnlutlou. On No. g Fluted Twill? ' Spoon.'nlckIe' eedwlthswlvclhookanlcclyfen . Onepolored loot. Tlilsoutt would otdlaully can It retail 1110383500. Wewlundltfoymfutamwlthuw $ m3..."-2.:-,'.':.-..-:.*::~.s~ '~- " -* "W amlnedlnyw can teturn out Pu ltumszgourcxpenscndwcwllllenudyourmonoy. 1. w. am & sun A :.,:,:.:`.'.2.~r.::...=.-=...., I683 mm llmst. | iefunded OI ll! Old Inga:-n-nn SP0! U01 009! returning! lin:.o|'du offout dollars or note. ARE` MADE: viizifnun sfrnoue s...... 01' Lydia E. Hanna-*~vojuuuIu nan: umue I-`act Haunt ` Baily Docs like Slot Women VMI - ujson thousands` of Cinn- 'H\msand_sgf wmm slian women have 141, 1.. `r_:l:- `BI t):_I-`L- aynou lvun-us. A few items of mu ime W0!`k WW97 I}tt(\.nd4.*:d to, and 'th0: l .Q3vby.trV `M1 Journcd to meat in 3f1`i'` n " dab . September 26. `M 10-30, 349-, V