an. can --u .----. .... .._ tor gfiditor. etc. Bank of_ Toron- to. building. Barrie. Money :to Loan. `O0HOOEing= 80001111138. BBB. \J.l'l.lVUDg Ross Mock. Barrie. Money to loan.i ll`JJ.VJ.VVJLp UV vv an Ur -an.-vn -., ---._- ri_sters._ Solicitors for obtaining pndb_a1;e of wills, guardianshi en ` edmnnistration. and general ici- itnors. Notaries, Conve ancers. etc. Offices.` `Hinds -Bl-ook. arrie, No. 6.1 Dunlap street. Barrie. Money to loan at` 4 1-2 and 5 per cs-.n*t.i Branch offices at'Creemore and Al- lnstaon. Haughtozn Lennox. Alex. `Oowan. G. E. J. Brown. L.L.B. `HOMOEOPATHI-ST. W. J.` PATTERSON. M. 1).. c. M.. Bhysfcian. Surgeon. Homoeopath- is-t. Office Hours-11 a.m. to 1 ~p.m.. -7 to 8 p.`m. Cqr. Poyntz Dunlap Sts., Barrie. Phone RIVATE FUNDS TO` I $70,000 FOR INVESTMENT ION GOOD | `-inn`.-`J -44---91-# -` E tao`t?i.* Qntarid L` V was ~co;. A IO Vggsa u-cg. .-....___-,,, .-A.-tt`<)m`:;.' "Sol-ic`itor in Ghaneeryw Oopveyanoer. etc. Office. first door. j Owen. street. over Bank of Com -i --.n_n'n ununuan 1 1.13 vvuav 4-4...; yv ..v..,..-. ----__._- ters. Solicitorg of the Supreme Court of Judmature. of Ontario. Pnoctors. Notaries. Couvpyancera. etc. lfoney to" loan. Offnqe, Ross, `Q1-b%k.uBarrie.`C.'-E. Hewson. K.C.,: 'l`.u-nan:-nlrn I Lw3:'5;5it97 if . %, .. . ANY Q-\TTJAANTI'1`Y on MONEY To} 11...... -L A 1 n -2- .UNwnI-. MURPHY & ESTEN. ON- tario Land Surve ors. Eng'i1_1ex_'_s. alum `EH36-4.InI:-I....I 10 n nens__ HIE ml PLANWG M1.`-P 0M:! _-__ .l\__ _ vvvvn. cura- merce. Bgffiei tDllJOK. DEIIIU. `/5 139. `A. E. H. Cresw-icke. ant`. ...-....-----.. ters, Solicitors. `Notaries Public, and Conveyancers. Money to loan .in any sums at 5 per cent. Office 13 Owen street. -Barrie. H. D. Stew- art. L. L. D.. D. M. Stewart. - no 5: on--3 .--- -av V: .- v___v in B:13'we11 a Block. Alla;1dale. 0} the premises `at -night. ` !-IJ. J. U. Dd!l..I..l... 11. U. 1. . D" U111. ' {late of Drs. Harvie & Smith, 0ril- '19.). Office and residence. corner of Owen: and Collier streets. Bar- 7?eoii.' Jclsfn. 1'2. c.e.'.'i::}iE.1'.'. L. n. C. P.. London. `Office: and ni ht. residence. Brown- s Block. Dun op street, Barrie. Telephone. 77. l LII Ill El LIBJJJ-I&J.V\l \lI.UA`l\lL.I-'1 \-II-' Trinitv University. Toronto. Fel- low of Trinity Medical Collegge. Ilnvnhnr nf I-I-no {'4-ullnnn nf TH-urn`- 3 .'18.21 `p.m.. For . Newm_arket.' Au- Jon, and - '.l`oron'to.V -A ~ 1.31 `~p.m'. 'For'_ 'Newmo;rket;: Au- xbra. and. '1`__orou1to. % % _ > 5.20 p._m; Fdr:Newn1'ail;e.t. "1_`oro_n- *0, Momtr991.Aand points Em- QR OH __ ... IN-.. `YAut'uu|nh`I* .1`)- W UL J. 1 I'll] by JII.U|Ll.l3il.I. UUIICEU. ember of the College of Phys1- oians and Surgeons of` Ontario. Of- fice and residence. 18 Owen street. }}-Diseas:3 3'8: " t'h'S"'1~: e."'"i-iii-'. v-nu--amnion I mat and Nose. Office. 8 Dunlop nfrnnln Rnnhnrn `RI...-.1: nnrrin 1-.11-] .I.ul.'Ud|. ISIIU. J.`l.BU- ULLIUU. IO lllllllp street. Saunders Block. Barrie. op- osite Post-Office. and Railway tation. `Phone 54; R0. Box 96. in IE1`. -BA1m1s'rER.' soL"IcI'ro'B. -_-___--_ ..a.- M. 0.. L. c. P. s.. 0.. late resident. Physician and Bur eon of Toron- to General Hospita . with special attention to Diseases of Women. and Nose and Throat Work, also for some time surgeon in charge of Emergency Hospital. Toronto. _0ffice an night residence. upstairs in M_c'Carthy Block, 21 Dunlop St., Barrie. second door east of Dou-' gall Bros. furniture warerooms.l near'FAive Points. Phone 105. ' go: and. .n. . .L.n.v.|.v::sJ..|:a I.` ULVJJD LU` loan on Real Estate at lowest rates. Farmers notes discounted. Collec- tions -made in an{ T art of the Count . Real esta e ught and sold. veyancing in all nts bran- ohes. Marrxa e Licenses issued. Of- fice. _Ro'ss -B ock. Dunlop street. Barns . _ --u an V; az.|.1L4I..L.l. \l.L' 1ll.\J.L`.l1l.I. "LU ` loan 11:4 1-2 and 5 per cent. Easy`? terms of re-pagoziaent. Lennox. Cow- % 8.? .& Brown. ioitors. Bag:-isters.' e o. -,--v - vac .4.` v Janis`!-LJJLVL VJLV \I'\J\I.IJ' `freehold security at lowest -rate of interest. .No princi al money re- auired until end 0 the term. H. n`- n---:` 2----: L -manna.-ta-A1 VJ d.lA.J-Al \J\l.ll-I. ' Cazjppntering. building. and manutaoturnng `T of doors.` sash. ~blind8.Lmoulding,s-. `eto.'Planin' of all kiugis done` romptly andssa isfac- tgonly. -Hot ' last dryingkiln. Dis- triqt Agency `for grained lum?ber._ Factory. '1Bayfilfd' 'st.r6`et. Barrie. . .&.< Game". successors to Geo. __..., v [Land orsjviilngineers. etc. Established 18g2. Office. Medi- Bl Bllildi- Anrnn-r u`D:n'5--v---A W0. -all-"'H".`, 9". .`9+"`.' t"-'~'.-Hr.-: 1-'--.-" _. 9.87 m, ]_!`_or_ Newmarket. A117 mra. up _ A'.l` I . mm. nutuuxlsneu LUDZ. urtioe. medi- cal Building. S.E. corner Richmond and `Ba streets. Toronto. Tele- phone. ain. 1336. Instructions left with Strathy & Esten. Solicitors. Bank of Toronto Building. Barrie. will `be promptly attended to. ulreu untu end of the term. H.1 . Strathy, Solicitor. etc.. Barrie.` MVANUF A.C'1`U'REBS. . MONEY zro LOAN. PHYSICIANS. BURVEYORS. FINANCIAL. j RATES r A7125 ? mm... Fe} Vcrdwexl Junction. Georgetown. and. Hamilton. ._.-__ ,_;u,.-, Nrlhin Advant i` - on Tm: AI$vAucI: is t ` c`ircu_.1sti_on or &l?rI?I:1feti' :3 thllaaff " Town. V `W! It has also by far the largest Bllbcripo` I reoei ts. [ V _1atter fact demonstrates the qualxt so ":`t".`3:`sn. {. ""2?" 8mz to a`3 lcfioffrndw pa;pte;ric.t reaches the "W915 Advertisemens are charged accor ' V dmg to spaoo-l8 lines agate measure make one inc}, ~v- 1 911500-18 agate inch Auvenmemcuta are cuurgcu according t, VIJeg`dlNoticcs Auction Ba! , A J ,ew.--Firlt insertion 10 cent? rm'"`2 -anlttnuentinaertlon 5cents per ine. ' ch 108 `insertion : 5 cents per line for h . 'num;l1;tionfot e Whig? matter. file] i`. .Z`3 :32: l0bitu:i2r Poet 5c n:t e.hargd S5 " notices. 10 cents per line {or am lffreferred -positions for local 12. ' ! mentsin the paper will be sold at ana(a:1(;rz:;8&; pfolnle-third on above rates, and on no other CONTBACT CHANGES. Advertisers will please bear in mind that `notice of intention to chan e advertisemenm : muatbe handadinto ~theo ce not later than 1 Saturday at 10, o'clock, and the copy for such . change. mnstbe in THE ADVANCE omce not later thnn12o. c1ock noon on Monday in any week, otherwise the a.d_vertiser s announce-men: u may not be made pubhc until the week follow. imr- } changes of Advertisements a1_1o_wed per moredfre required, composmon rates Advnrnnrn will nnt he nllnwnd tn `Inn n.,:_ w1u.ue.Umu'gcu._ tAdvertisersw1ll _not be allowed to use their _ space for advertlsmg anythin outside their own. regular busgness. 8110 d they do so transient rams W111 be charged for such ad ii vertisements. ` _ -n-- ._.' - ._.-g---u..un4.v AD. Condensed advertisements on first page such as wants of all kinds, los_t and found, property for .sale orto rentkiapecrc a.rt1c1es,_ etc.. et(-., must be aocompan with the cash, and will be inserted--rst _1nsert_ion 2 cents per word each subsequent msertxon 1 cent per word (namemaddresses and gures counted as words)- bnt a. reduction of one cent per word will be`. made when the number of insertions or same | matter exceed four V` 5.2; `H J unot`-iuh. Georgetown and` Hamilton. ` ' Out: for udvorilaomenu must In every [case be mounted on solid metal buses. |THOS.SMITH 1 Rlrusnrr -mu. Fouowma Fm: lnsuruxc Coummms: The Mercantile. of Ontario. and The Lon dnn & Lnnnnnhh-A nf T.Ivtu-nnn'l ` TUB EBFOBDWIIB. OI UI1`DBI10. and `118 LOB * don & Lancaehire of Liverpool. ' The _Waterloo Mutual. of Waterloo, On The Economical Mutual. of Berlin. On: The Standard Mutual, of Markham, On Also Llovdfa Plate Glass Insurance Com pany._o1' New York. Private funds to loan on nt mortgages. Ac count: collected. &c. Mn` nuns `la:-5119 L n-1.--'. Ila-ozl--u-.. Co--- Office ovet Hambiy & Baker's Hardware Store Barrie, Ont. THOS. SMITH ` CUIIIIII illflig EC cnrrrn. SUBSCBllfED; - $500,000 CAPITAL CALLED UP, - ` \ N Government Deposit $53,000. Operated under Dominion License. This Canadian Company has representa- tive: in the principal towns throughout the Dominion. Selects its risks and gives an advantage in rates to such favorable in lo- cation, physicnl and moral hazard. T1108. CRAWFORD. M.P P., President. p C, C VANNOBMAN. Vice President. ` W. GREENWOOD BROWN, General Manager. J. H. BENNETT. Agent at Barrie. ' Owingtx and the gr are at 5 meetin OFFIC this and ' have decit 12 months` Durin re re 8es?ng 3 will meet ` Excelsi BABE ]'1_`_.b .__.9f_9 -:4-1:-+4-+-s-as-3--:2-4-:-+:-+~z~+-1-z---1-+-1-+++3-_ 0`T8 - FORSALE. ' -1.55 9.111. % For Orillia. North Bayl 6.23 mm`. For '.Muaskoka wharf. 11.45 Mn. For Orillia, Graven- hurst and North Bay. v `-r 3 BARBIE, ONTARIO: .3. % %+%++%$+++4`++ CUT FLOW8RS-Roses. Carnations, Violets. etc.. fresh every dav. BnuquetI,--ButLn- hole. Hand or Corsage. Funeral Tokens in am: denia-an- ;;Iv E; T| \/vnl'n`nuo 5 uuunnn - ----- VEG TABLES-4 Celery, Crisp and Tender: 'Lathu-0, Fnhhaaa Pnrnninc Ron-ts. Carrots. vnun 1 noun.-.3-- Lclery, \ nsp ana ; cm... . "Lettuce. Cabbage, Parsnips. Beets, Carroliv . It S3BD%-Flowr Seeds, Vegetable Seeds. P135" and bulhn- . r.z...:.J. 1; ' sE'.ED'"`roR: WM.-TAYLOR rm: Iusumcfcnmmi ' cb'1u'nu}3 column 1 column . 1.00 p.m. For Mtiskoka Wharf. ' t, `L33 p.m. For Parry, Sound, _ ` `(.03 p.m. F-or.. Orillia; North Bay and points West. ' I Pam! V ' ` Owing to the success of our gr_ad_u:1tv.~`. _: great commercial actmt.\' W` .3 at . aresent utterly lncapablo or _: e demands made upon us for . OFFIC ASSISTANTS. 'l`o mm-d.\' . meet the FALL demand. we , have decided to conduct all our L'lusSc.~' , months in each year. . T July and August we tll'(`2`15`\. reps. to 've special courses to tlmsv . earring suc . A post. card of enqmry , will with a prompt reply. .-uldross. . Excelsior B1isinhs t}uHege, connluwnr; coxriucw nuns. rDlJ.--I` [CW1 and bulbs. (succzssox 1'0 Scxoccrn & Smm.) 2, Walt Bdwin- Street. I: Jacob : Terrace . CONDENSED ADVERTHREM ENTS. TH: NORTHERN A`ovAiIc+: Insurance Agent Conveyance:-, 6 c. VFLORIST AND SEEDSMAN. TRANSIENT ADVERTISING. Summer School GO TO THE NE\V | 1Wk.| 1 Mo.|3 Mo.!s 310.: Oou~noi'l did a wise act when `arteitsi last meeting `it inst: ucted Chief King `to_'enforoe` the ibyi-law-s regulating_ the -placing of goods. 'eto.. `on . the `sidewalk. These by-laws have'o' aong -been honored more in the b1"a`.c11` man in tti11_''9e. `end `.Wb"hUpe mow! `Ed -see` `at 'm`u'c1i neeaed change. Everyone who unneoeesar-* ily obstrurots the streets and guide- .walks with `goods. boxee., harrels.: building .materia1; e(:c.. `should `bu-` treated as a public nuisance. The etreets and sidewalks belong, to the 1 `people, %and `no \ ~tradesman or - any. other person has a. license to de- Iprive them` or their-full use or o`rto_ vottemd" against the harmoux and` `de- 1`_se_nt' appearance `of the ,highiv.ayi The. I55 Dunlap-rSt.`. Barri :` - 8.00 p.m. For Stayner, wood and Meatotd. % ' Da.ily including Sunday. VI IVUCUII IJIDU IIIIIJII VIIU JJJUIIV CU WI! Bubsorlbers now" in arrears for three months V l\nd~over will be charged l.50))er anuum`. ' ' 8`No new name will be added to the Sub. scription'List until the money is paid. n..I.--..n..._. ..-... 1.. -_....__. 1.... 51.....- ...-..4.i... wI:su.'vlEui;"PR5u-iiuc-ron%s 5 9t -hiufxg .l;`as a slnnilly loo]; `gives wisitors to the town a bad impress- ion. `Let shop-keepers be m'ade't o nin- {lerstand 'that..they_oa.nnot be allow-- ."to =e xtend thbir business `beyond: the confines of thpir own_.w._au. u 3 A @mmary_'&_t;e privileggs 3;- onred. by, R0-man Catholics in `the neMr.~Nor'thwest Provinro-as under the fazxmux clause 16 of 'the- Auwndmyi Cains 3- `given by. Lu; Sioleil. Sir `Wil- -'1r1d'- Io'a.urier's- paper. in Qu_qhoo ',,u.s' Lmmmu; r -, `pl 01 per Ammm in Advance `Wliht Th: Aintononyy Bills. : P!'0Vide. " An 8 race 48 column Newspaper. Published from the oice. 123 Dnnlop Street. Barrie. in the County of Simcoei the Pro- ' V Vince of Ontario. Canada. every Thursday Morning. by %;%:.;.z;ay.;%% and will any have, .!t'he; 9 - * ;1. _. dippnt in any ple.oe\s_A}v_11e_re-` w=:i*v- vwv I ENE`!!! `-HA1-LV`la.A\'A gum: of clause 16. the. Oath!)-_M rG`lVJ| CI!` `:5 nvvvvuv-wxvu ;3.:.;: Jim! Sidewalk Obstruction. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. .Nom.~n, 'i3`(;r 7f.Jev`v\uA:_o.rke.t.' Coiling-b Coiling- Coiling- u--_--.-.. .q ..._._- ibohbolsvvv .whci ghgy dissent and term; a` separate school district. - a d'a,ily,.i 3. - The Weekly Sun evidently has not. a` very, high opinion. of the Tnent Valley canial scheme. judging -from the following article: There` is, per- haps. no one considerable puibl-ic worlr `on which money has been more utterly wasted than the Trent Val- ley -canal. Up to the end "of `the fiscal year of 1903 nearly four and a half" million dollarshad been spent on this ditch. The revenue earned on it in the fiscal year -of.1904 I52.- 611. while the wages of"the staff freight \moved over the waterway totals_ about , forty thousand-tons a` year, as compared with some five million tons through` the 800. When the Oonservatives were in power. Li- waste of -public-i money involved in its construction. But -the Govern- A ment of that day never contemplat- ~ ed anything beyond a ssytem con- ` necting Lake Ontario and little lak- es along the valley of the Trent to the north. The Government of to- dnllars "t-h-is year. and proposes to ex- pend three hundred and fifty thous- and dollars all told. in an adidion to the system by making the Holland River navigable from Lake Bimcoe to Newmarket. What possible re- from this expenditure? Beaverton. Orillia. Barrie and Belle`E_w ar_t are all ports on Lake Sim-coe. Practical- ly no freight .is moved from -one to D the other by vessel. 'Neit.he-r will any be-moved from Newmarket to Barrie River improvement ;_ex-tends Lake town. It is equally absurd to -talk - of shipping freight bx canal vessel . from Newmarket to the mouth . of the Holland` river. some Lake-.Sim- coe and then by canal'to.Pe_terboro or any other port 1309 .which (the Trent Valley system "may give ac- cess. The money voted for the vI-1o.l- land well be throwninto the -marsh art the mouth. . }; beravls properly denounced the rgreatp day, is voting one hundred thousand; turn can beobtained by the counltry Simcoe to the doors of the former- river impnovement might as` amounted to $6,914. The "amount. of L in the same way._ when the Holland` U`. 49110?`-"halt "an h'dar`n.;re'l1g1oua`m.t Big Cold Storage p1m- to.- Canada. A meeting at a. large number of` pr-ominent Uanadians has -been held: In Ottawa to consider -the .torm~ation t or a rxve million dollar cold storage. and transportation company. _ Mr J, E- Au-mstmnti. M. P; tor and U`.IlBp01`LU.Ll0u uuxupaxry. Mr. J. E. Armstrong`. M. P. East Lamfoton. is the projector. and among those interested are such widel known and representative Cans ians as John Dryden, former- Minister of Agriculture _ for On- tario; Thos. Grecnway. former` Pre- mier, Manit-o";>a; George E. Foster. Senator Black. Amherst. Nova Seotia. Senator Yeo. Prince Edward Island Senator Wood. Saokville. New Brun wick`: Senator Thompson. Frederic- ton. Nacw Brunswick; Mr. E. D. Smith. former M. P.. Winona: R. J. Graham. tPresiden_t of the Belleville Cold Storage Company; E. Kidd. for-- mer M. P.. Carleton; Patrick Burns. the Alberta cattle. dealer: R. M. Ballantyne. President of theMont-in` real Produce Markets` Associationza Messrs; Pickford &`Black-, steam- shigrfownersof Halifax, N. 8;: Geo- Mo ittie, St. John. New Brunswick, aAnd_Mr. Orp; Montreal.` A - I rm.:.~ mm `Mn. I-ha In-omit-~ oinrulmrnr nu ,.LV.ll'. _u1'y, .Lu.uuuvu.:. V This` will 430 the largest" concern oi its `kind cvzer e.sta;olished Vin" Can-ada. Its chatter, which it is, ex- Tr.ent% Valley Cuial} 10!`, w`u1, 1.01. v4v9Im,vv. vs!" van _ ,.It will` seek, the right to -carry_.on~ the `business. of: a. 8ll!`.a.l.oold stor- ago.,a.nd- transpoxjtation co-_o any; to e_sta':>lish cold stora _, plaiii s~a't_g.l1 points 1 deemed ex ient; to build and operate steamshi 3; to construct rah-igerator cars or use. on. any railway. and: theuight to. acquirexaat any_ time any existing congspamy doing I nousiness-. in. the. same d1l`00t1_0n. `_ 1 VIVKA nun-n Cr II.n_`5 IL.` I<"n n|l` .+ I'II`~R an psoted will` be- `immediately applied; 10!`, will_.ask. for ext_ensivVe/ POWGTS 1 'n. ...-m. anal! +h.a. -rm-ht :t-n mu-rv on ~ >01 a.l'1'lV3.l III (.116 1:_u.'1ua.u Lmva. ~Mr. Armstrong -.13 the president of a large produce company in West- `ern Ontano. V . ~ . . IDIISIIIGSSV IYL E110. Baum uu vulquua ; The most up-to-daite. cold. storage system tor the transportation of Ga.- nadian farm products will be intro,- duced; and. in this connection cold` storage plants will be erected at various; strategic points. throughout ` the Dominion. and also at the ports -of arrival in the British Isles. 1u'.. A........&....n.~ :5 flag n1-nai(lnm+ nf - heve`t eY-`Zr(N'ioe Head) Diainfctam 3 Soup Powder is better than ether powders, no it is both soap enddisinfectant. 34 * I The success of the potato crop de- I pends in a large measure on the kind or cultivation given. No matter how I much the land -has l.3eein`~ manured and how carefully _sets have been ` planted`. it the soil 1s_~allo_wIed_to' ine- come hard. the weeds. peI`!Ill'ttJd_li'.0l grow apace. and moisture lost. which could be saved. the crop will be very much reduced. A_ fewvdays alter the sets have been, covered by, the plough and before the plants -have -seen above ground. butnovt until the weed seeds have germinated, the` soil should we ' harrowed with the smoothing harrow -to `level it `and _to kill the myriads ot_weeds which us- ually germinate aloout that season oi the year. If possible. the soil should be harrowed twice before the tatoes are tar enough up to be injured. If two harrowings are giv- en there should be little trouble from `weeds afterwards. a.'n.d'harr-ow- ing is a much more economicalway ct getting rid of them than by ihand hoeing._ As soon as the V otatoes are far. envou h up so that `e rows can T be readiy distinguished. the culti- A vator should be put in and the soil loosened between the roots .to as great a depth as possible the ..-first time and -as near the sets as it is safe to go without disturbing them. so as `to loosen the, soil for the tut.)- ers. All `future cultivations ought to me `quite shallow to prevent im- i jury "to the roots and ttubers. The soil should be `cultivated every -week or `ten days. de minding on the wea- ther, the olbjec being to keep -the surface soil loose until the tops meet well `between the rows. 11 thesoil be- comes baked evaporation ,oi'tmoistu're will be very rapid. From -five to six cultivatiolns. or even more. `are none too many and- it will be found th-ast the~~crop usually increases in pro`po_r,- _ tion tosthe number of cuttivations. A A` very careful series of experiments to determine the value of cultivation was` carried on`.foy* Prof; I. P... Ro- berts. late director of the-._0_omell `Experiment .Station._ experi- ment the yield from six cultivavtions was 344.8 bushels. and from `three cultivations 303.3 bushels or .a dif- ieience ~oi~41.5- bushels. In another case `the yield -fr`-om.` a plot cultivazt-g _ red six times was 310.5 bushels, -and from a plot cultivated three times. 269.6 bushels. or a difference of 40,9 `bushels. . - -gr`-no-av sw- Conservation of moisture is very important in growing potatoes and: thorough cultivation is one of the Faostv-ways, to retain moisture. The potatoe vines should not suffer from drought. as they often do in the middle of summer, if the soil were proferly prepared to begin with and we! cultivated during the early pant, of-the season. The vines must` be kept growing thriftily from the time they appear` a"a-ove- ground. until au- tumn if a maximum crop is to be obtained. If growth is checked in the midd!e`.'of summer the crop suf- ters and the tubers when they start \ .'to increase in"size when the mini comes are very likely to become mis- shapen. `A~ good cultivator is very essential in growing pot-atoes. Review of theTRusso Japan-' % ese `Var- L I be maintained. an Japan felt it tobe indispensable .to` hgr safety that the inde.penden_oe and territorial integri? of Coma should the Jaganese in-~. terests should be aoknowle god para- winmrlf -TIonnN'.n- haw -frnmfv urifln 1 lvVl`U|.B auuuxu `JO GUKIIUW usugcwu 110.173` mount. Des ite her treaty _.with China and er repeated assurances to the powers. Russia maintained her occupation of Manchuria and -took aggressive - action in Corean terri- t'-ory.. Japan-saw that if Manc.h*_u'ria' were annexed. by Russia the i inde- pendence of Goren .would be impos- sible. and Japan's own safety would be theatened. As has been iovrcibly said. Japan saw in the gradual en- croachment of Russia in Corea an ,"arrow_-- aimed at` her heart". Japan approached the Russian Government "with a viewg_to the conclusion of an `un_';derst`anding-.`', , ? Propcsals.- and co\g'nt_er=-prof)osals were `made. `Russia adopting-'di atory ;tactics.'.t'he Mikado` recalled his minister `from st. .Pe-= .-.ter'n'l"iurg__ and ; i_a etiv.B ' hostilities be- anma I*w~~ as 1 I 1 r ` - ;ro`p . e- a _'- `:llBort fA`Asi-th_u1_~_~anx_1 `T; . wrationgot Potato` Cinltivation. frHE1voa'mEIiN ADV. ` and from `tthxi 'uxm1 thelana ofjhbe month'-a grat battle` was `culminat- :...... Afar a +hm.a.davs' fiszht` the IIIIDIIID `8. -great. `Jail!-1*? Wits u'uu.unuai.- ing. "After a three-days? fight _:the Russians fled`. leaving" twenty-eight guns. On May 4th part of the army_ destined to ~I` Port'ur nail- ed. Irt~ llagnded at -P-itszewov in {the evening andon May.8th out the rail- wgayi josinizng. Port. Arthur from: her supphes. A third army_ was. macer- |`pu'ated with the`. force around the tort and, on . \ 27th the Japanese captured `N{_an. . hill, ater_ ter- rible slau hter completing _the`isola- datinn. Tle battle of Te lis su. _be- -tween the `main armies. regilted ma loss of seven thousand menand 16 guns` to the Russians. Oyam-a took up the command of"the Japalnneise armies. whiohiliad been " the hands of Kuroki. an Ju-|y.~ 6. The Russians were next driven from Ta. chiia chiao. The activity around Port Anthurmad been maintained, the Japs. losingxthe lalteultse.'nd finale of the Russian fleet came in its, sortie from the harbor and. its nompletve destmm- tiocn as a fighting force and the death of its admiral on.Aug. 10. The Vladiv-dstock la'qu'adron was also use- verel , damaged in its ineffectual at- 'temp `to join the southern fleet. A'f- 1 ter slowly forcing the . Rumians north along the railway. the Japan- |ese were met with a determined op- ..........L:..... -4 1:..- .........-.5 An nun)-.l-_A....-! 886 were 1116!.` wuu a. uubczsunuvu up- position at Liao yaxng. An eight-days battle ensued. in which the Japan- ese were successful. in driving the I Russians from _entrenched positions. The march of the. victorious army was continued. northward until Bha ho was reached. Here*ne~days`v battle was fought with. great loss-_ es to both sides, theRussian.s event- ually retiring beaten. The opera- tions around Port Arthur` were` pro-_ oeeding slowly. but in favor of the laesiegers. A -position .commanding__ the har`:nor-203 Metre "hill - was taken on Decem!.oer- first. and after a month of bombardment the; for- tress -capitulvated. The Jaganese melt the Russians next at; Mu den.)when' upwards of eight hundred thousand; men were engaged. -and the fight- 3 `img lasted `without a break for 12* days. The Russians were outmano- euvred and were forced to .fall back . leaving thousands of prisoners and dead. For this Kuropvatkin. who had commanded the Russians up `till then. was superseded by Linevitch. The Baltic fleet, a forlorn hope, was despwt-ched from. Lihau ((1 October 19 On flail-Isl-war 9.1 if nnrnrniiffed fhd IUI. IIVSIURHII. .l1uUU8UVcu. -auhu Luv Luca.` ` ligerent have agreed: to.-discuss `the question ot peace. Washi.ngton has been chosen as the location for the ' meeting. 'ueBpwI.'cnvu .IJlUH.u- IQ!` Uvuuuvu $8. tondloctdoer Iii ii; cE)_rn_mit.ted tld .asar y 9,339.11 :0 nrmg on-e- ten-oeless British fishing smacks. Af- tr 211; jloturntely gt sgtmahscrion montinig te aio ee m `ca-.pamese_1 the Straits of Tsu shim-a. `Togo a.1_1ni- ` hiluaxted it in one at the moat stub uuskbiattlfs ii ngval lstpryl. Jestvens y. e usjsian a mxra . oe- in captured, and foiurteep thougand oiicers and men being either killed or taken prisoners. At the request |lt President Roosevelt `oath the be]- !......-...J. 1......` an.`-A4-.4. I-.55 4`:nAu-1.1! I-nil ; P1` 1;:-1: :-vi1'as` drowned his self-` respect in . A Dogs are better judges of men 7than men are of womep, mi... .45.}. .; 1......" .....:..a.. _.u...... ..__-...... " 7-in{1Ee*i1aEe";Im'v'17"':s the" mot- ` to of the messenger boy. `I u a .u c V Nexi toya ws7q';1areq1vl:al the -best" thing in life is a square mo`-11. Frequently aman is honest gm- cause ' he is afraid to be dishonest. 5 '11` people paid `tor -`advice they Vwould -be more apt -to profit by ilt. l 117:... :. LL- ....... --.I..- .- _LI,- .4- "r"E'13e `;`2;i;-Ioo vai;Z"IIf.n exposes the family skelebon. ` TL-.. _,_,__.L____9L-- , '._'__,' `J 'w1{{'$ppSr&;EE' arrives it is well,to be at the` epat. lA'II'-I_-.. 1.--}... ...I_---I..I) 2.. LL.` _, -1. VIV ULLU1 \I-LIV .lIl.llll\ll. U\.I IJUIllI1'U7I\\3' `ward or any case of Catarrh that ;8z;nm1ot be. cured by'Eal1 s Catarrh re. ' . - ' ! ~ ~ "F. J. CHENEY & co. rn..|..a.. 'n1.:.. I L`. Q : Wop Toledo, Ohio. We. the undersigned. have known F. J. Cheney for the last fifteen years. and believe him perfectly hon- orable in all b_us~iness transactions and financially aple to carry out any sqbli- vaations by his firm.` ALDING. KINNAN & MARVIN. Wholesale Druggists. A ` . Toledo. Ohio. Hallie Oatarrh Cure is taken i-nte-,r- tn.-ally. acting directly u- the blood and _muc9ussurfaces o the s stem`. Testimonials sent free. Price 7 oeixts per bottle. Sold . by all druggists. y Take Hall's Family Pills foe; consti- When money talks every one is willing to listen. -nu-____ _ _.--__ L-.. .1_----_...*| 1.2.. _.'.|`n . --sass--- -av Qua`:-av so:-w -w ruw;-av ya qw- ' Wise is the man who is able to can-cjeal what he doqsn t`~know`.. `W otfr AOne H-`ufixdred Dollars ne- ..~.-A `ituun nuuuw a.nnA' J f`_L---'I_ L'L..L Tun: MAM: - Dumas can-vnun-rrs to :.2.-?*.%i`.. .. (I ma bookon.l_ atauu -'v--V;V-an-.-.V` C :-u_-- vu- 4`?. n?uouo mm1 . . 0901!? V - A ` '.... _ ; Z Phras and Philosophy I'Iow s%v'l`his ? `.r if fmgzcgn, ` 088. L. L. 3.. BVARRIS-7 L_... `$3.-I2.-:L-_ -L- 11...], 4.? 'I`n1-nn- LE_NNOX. COWAN & BROWN. BAR- 4-- `-- _`-La.:qn=-`(U G._ 9. RADENHURS1`. BARRISTER. i ' |III. _... -4-n-u HEWSON` & .oIu2:'s`vVIoKE. BABBISF: LL- --..-au-nan` ST-RATHY 8:. ESTEN. BARRISTERSJ Bplioitors in High Court - oi: Jus-g hoe. Notaries Public, Conve ancers. - Offices over the -Ba`nk.of `oronto Barrie. Money in sums of $2,000 and upuwards. to loan at 5 per cent`. . H. Strathy. K. 0.. G. H. (Eaten. \ _,. STEWART & s'rEwAn'1f. BARRHIB-% .`v-1_.-__-... `I'1--I.I- ii. 1:. ARNALL. M. D. c. M.. OFFIG AII,,,J,I- l\_. inn. J. c. smrrn. L. c. P. s.. dN'r..! inn. W`. A`. ROSS. PHYSICIAN. sun- u-smut. DB. J. F. PALLING. GRADUATE OF lII_!__!L__ 1-1-_ 9____,-L4 'lI-|__.___ '70 11.0115. Iaznbugtswauaag-. --_. - _ - _ _ _ -, ' Pnoqqr. Notary. Conveyanqer. etc. 8pemal_ attention. in_. .._dra.w1ng and } pnobatxng. wills. obtammg letters of ` adminigtration and uardianship. oiolleoting: accounts, e c. Offices. .13.... Ilmlnnlr .'I'-`In:-1-in. 'M'nmp,v to lo3_n_ ; 1 `D12. J. ARTHUR R088. L. R. c. P. & 8.. Edinburgh: M. F. P. & 8.. ' Glasgow. member _of the British Opthalmological Society. Special- t .-Diseases . of the E e, Ear, `-Iran` 456:4` gag (\`C:.:. O 1'I.u_.`-... _- m; .i.;...'1;,.;;..;` s;;g;;;'.ar th u.;..% Iltrgentinned. places`. as iollows: - W * SOUTH. - < A ' -4.22% 'a .zt1. "ms:-' Ne'w'ma'rket,* ;'r`o- rontd. Montreal` and` p`o i_`nts. East. `(.55 mm. F0; .Newgna.;'ket. Auxofa __.I \._..._L.;