There is little reason .-`to lament owner `the ridiculous break down ofj the alien _l-alhnr la-.`w,- Judge jAngl-in; having decided that: =I;il:uere its _ no i means of departing foreigners w~i=th-. out oxsrting. force {beyond-the bound- aries of the Dominion. wahioh Canada 3 I`\JJ.l.l'\I.ll'|o, auu L 113 UIIUFHIOWH sion of pospulmutuioxn in the West. which has been so largey, drawn directly" from the agr.iou1t-ur- ists of this province; \ ' rshould be British Su bjef In additiozi to that phase out the question. "which is broad enough to_ engage the attention of the .pol.ti_c- . ians of this province. there are other aspects oi the situation "having a mom social or economic side. -At the same time. when one looks around the older parts of the Province of Ontario and. compares the value of the "farm ipropeitty to-day with the 1 values existing iweiore` the exodus of so many Ontario farmers to -the West. one is appalled. at the situa- tion. This decline in the value `of agrjwcultural holdings in this pro- vince is faizrl due to the opening of `Man-iitoba an the Northwest to set- tlement, and the enarmouiai acces- R 3 O1`! (VF `nan :1` ':O:+.: An `2 -. L 1.... TIT--- -L .11 in the next decade the Isamie "proportionate increase` in the. -popu-_ lotion takes place in `the West. as is now going -on, the representation in the Canadian Barliament the great lakes and the tootof the Rocky Mountains, will equal rthait now held by the Province of Quebec. Looking ahead ten years beyond -thlalt time, and the. representation ol the West in the~.'Oanadiani Parliamiznt will equal that of Ontario unless this -province makes greater progress in" the future than it `hasin the past. This is all the more evident in view of the fact that Ithepopulatiunei of Quebec, the `typical 'point.- is increas- ing at a greater rate than mhat of Ontario, -so that on the o_cea.sion of the "last redistribution of ' electoral districts for the House. of Commons the number from` this province was actually reduced. ; A solution of this" problem is one that may well de-' maind the serious attention of every} loyal ci_tizein_ of Ontario. ` ` (London Free, Press.) With" the `rapid - deve,k>pmen't of Mahitoba and the Northweshwmelre is Ontario going .`to be in 9." years!`-A,In' the early days or" Defu- tederation }this' province A was looked as. -the y `predominating intnueuifce in Canadian politics. .0210 has only to" survey the situation to-day . gin oompyari-sum to` the positioiii wenrfy-- tiveryears-ngo to assure th`gI.t : "this province. as a predominating in,- tluenee in` ~Ca.nadian politics, is d-es- ing its" place. The"-eniormous access i sion to. the pop_ula.ti'on of Manitoba andthe Territories durisng the (last, seven or eight -years, together `with the representation naw enjoyed by Western` `Canada in tbe1`Sen`ate.~a_nd House `of Commons. to say -no.t_h-ing' \ of the proposed AA -establish`ment . of ; 2Aad.di_tional._provi-noes in the wcstt-1 em `-prairies, should give the sta- 3 tesmern of Ontario food for serciousl thought. . ' i u v --a-y-avg. `rc- - uv -~u...`--g- v...- H Where a. asv;z`1;l1"'-\-vv'I;te,x'wa`y Imly is _reqI1ired, a.'rt can be-`cheaply and 'r,..s;slly"mad-e by constructing. a square box frame and packing the concrete _a1-qiund it. V ` a part ort_ cement to two of sand. Otherwase a culvert of this descrip- ` tion may made thoronghout qf Portland cement and. -gravel, mixed` in the prbportiorns of one of. cqment -to six parts `of: egravel. Wing {mud parapet walls may be. built` as the 3 situation of the culvert rqquirea. \ 1171.-.... _ -___ - I! '____.L. _.______ |___`-_ 2- ` Ontario ; Problem. How`: This .? Anon}: A "?':'Vi.95*"` T_;35 %?%`?'-1 > " THE `BA'L`L `PLANiNG mt: nnnn .l-'9.-a ....'..;..`4.__.,-.. _ d . ' phone. UNWIN. -`MURPHY & 1:s'rEN. ON-t tario Land.` 8nrveg'ors.= Engineers. etc. Established 18 2. Office. Medi- cal`S.E. oorner iachmond an - B streets. Toronto. Tele- ain.'1336.e Instructions left a gith 8trathnvn&.. Esl'_n.n_ n..I:-.:+--- $70,000FOR INVESTMENT ON GOOD freehold security at lowest rate of i rest. No Aprinoi al money re- . nte , nirsetd.until end 0 the term. H.- 'ratVhy. Sqlicitor. etcg. Barrie. BOMOEOPATHIST. AW. J. `PATTERSON. M. 1).. b. 1 Physicia -. Surgeon. Homoeopat .ist. Off e Hours-1l a.m. to p.m.. 7A to 8.p.m. Cor. Po :1 sing: Dunlap Sts., Barrie. Pia DB. J. A13;1[1mg__1_3,oss. L. R.' c. P. .l& B. Mu. F. Po & 3.. '-Glasgow. smemher of the British Opt-hal_mological Society. [Special- ..-Dxaeases .0! 'athe_ E e. Ear. hroat and Nose. Office. 8 Dunlap street. Saunders "Block. Barrie. op- .osit_e Post-Office. and Railway tataon; `Phone 54; P.0. (Box 96. R. s. BROAD. M. D. c. M.. F. T. Me On. La _co P0 89) 0.. {Physician and Bureon of Toron- to ..General Hogpita .. with special attention n_ to Diseases of Women. ' and Nose `and Throat -Work also for some time surgeon in charge` of _Emer ncy :Hoepital. Toronto. Office: an night -residenceyupstairs in M_'cGarthy Block. 21 Dunlop St.. Barrie. second door east of [Don- wgail Bros. furniture warerooms. near Five Points. `Phone 105. DR. J. 0. SMITH. L. C. P. 8.. ON'I'., gate of Drs. Harvie & Smith. 0ril-~ * _1a). -`A Office and residence. corner` . of Owen and Collier streets. Bar- 1-in- H! To Mo D: Co Map ' in --Bo?thwe'll s- Block. Allandale. On 4 the premises at` night. srnwmr % as STEWART. BARRI8-4? ;'terq.-- -Solicitors; 'Nota r`ia's Publio, ` -.gm_d` Con'vq1ancers.....loney to loan- In any sums at 5 percent. Office` 1 13 Owen street. Barrie. H. D. Stew,`- urt`. `I3. L. D..' D. M..=.Stewa.rt. ~ ,.__ ----.. .a.l.r1J.VJ.J.V\.`l' 11111411 MUM.- pany. ;_af.rpen'tering. building. and xmanufao-turing of doors. sash. -: bljnds. Amnuldinss. etc. Planing of all k-xngls .done aromptly and satisfac- tno_r:ly. `But last drying kiln. Di& that {Agency gnor: grained lumber. eiFaotor Bayfxeld` street. Barrie. _& alhe. successors to Geo, --.. ._, BAR'RIs'rE'I't".' ' \Tnfnrv_ nnm phone. Main.'1336. In`sE}{xB'.Ei'ns`1FE gith Strathy.,&. Esten. Solicitors. an}: of, Toronto" Building. Barrie. will be promptly attended to. '""`ri8trs;` Solicitbrs` for "obtaihin ' `pp _ Igejohwills. guatdianshigan ai1njn1s1`;r:;~.l.;i_on,.,= nd gneral, `lici-' 2:` Notgtnes.` nvelucers, ` etc. Ottyoesg. Hmds ~nBlock.. arrie. No. 6. Duniop `street; Barrie. Money to ' loan at? 4 _1-2. and 5 per cent. iI_l3ranoh ottzoesvat Creemore and Al-_ Jhston. Haughton Lennon. Alex- Oowan. G. E. J. Brown. L.L.B. nnwson & cREsW1cKE. BARRI8 - srnunr &' ESTEN. BARRISTERB. -Solidi-tors in :High Court of Jus.-. ." 1:03;`? `l!..I..!:- A: xxxxxxx un- j -.LEGn.. . % 1 L. L; B`.; BARBIE-1 _A` ll\._`___ G. A.` - mnnnnunsr. BARRISTER. L.u.L Vi_JAlV1'11'I Uh` (loan. at 4 1-2 and 5~per cent. Easy, terms of re-pa ment. Lennox. Cow.- ain _& *B r~own. olioitors. Barristers, e c.{ 1~z.ox.Mo.ow.AN. &_ mzowm. BAIL` """.`.! _`A1'.'__-`~-" 3 504:`... _ ,. -.. --;.\.r.LVp .Lhl.V`]..Q '1. loan on Real Estate at lowest rates. F_a1-niers notes discounted. Collec- tmns" made in an? art of the _e un . Real esta ught and sold. veyancing in all nts bran- ches. Marriage Licenses issued. Of- s -13 ac]: stioe. _R_os . Dunlap street, LBarr1e, \ rice. _ R-c -- *IF'.l+A'l|, .f_'|.Iuu.`. 11uuI.rI..l:WI1:Il6. UOIIVQ anoera. `Offices over the -Bank of o_ronto.* Barrie. Money.` tin`:-`sums ot 2 02.000. ` and ugvards. t'o""loan at%5 'per] cent`. . `H. Strathy. K. 0.. G. H. soon. et'c.. L._VlB. C. _B.. Edin.. L. R. ' . P,*.'Lo'l1ilon.t Ofoea and m ht residence. Brown's Block. Dun op street. Barrie.---. Telephone. 77. )B. J. F. PALLING. GRADUATE OF rrihitf -Universit - Toronto. Fel- low a Trinity fedical College. Clgietmber of the College of _Phy'si- o_1a;ns and Surgeons of,0ntar1o. Of- fice anclresidenoe. 18 Owen street. 5.35%} RESIST BZI.'Ge}Z.'rT`&I Z 8900181,.-'8.tt0ntiu0n in drawing and, '~`p!'IIb'e.t1ng wills. obtaining letters of ' -administration and -- uardianship. `nolleotlug accounts. e o. Offices, 1:.*I5os;::!b&ook~.; fBar'_rie.~ Money to loan. 1-e'1"s'. V-8`ol;eit';1";-of the Supreme` ,Oourt of_ _.Ju_dieatu_re. of `Ontario. Pmctors. Notaries. .Com-eyancers. - eto;._ ey -to loan: Office; Ross -.'IBlokf . arrie. O. E.Hewson , K.C.`.` `A; E. `B. Oresw-ioke. -_8g1ijo:itors ip .`;31fq:e.f: Notar1es".Bubiio. Canve anoers. ';l! on-rnr Flu: 12.... -ml an-Andra. __--: -`--wav--v.-, _--__-_ _.v -_-_v. :"A.:t`orney, V Solicitor in Cianoery, '0onveyance`r.eto. Office. first door, Owen street. -over Bank of Com- qjxerce, Barrie. A 'e?&. iii o?.E8- 1; A uildmg. arrie. Money |n`,v`1__.JD. QUANTITY or MONE_Y % v 7 MA..NUI3`AO'1`UR`ER8.~ 7. `A5 nose. PHYSICIAN. sun- ! ham 6... - MONEY {J30 LOATVT %4r~cmEcm SPHYBIOIANS. SURVEYORS`.T FINANCIAL. $1.! 0.1.! _ olncztor B (BIC 1Q_ Raw!-In .T [AHANBALE ms FOR SALE CAPITAL SUBSCRIBED. - $500,000 CAPITAL CALLED `SP, - 8150.000 Government Depoait $53,000. Operated - under Dominion License. Thia Canadian Company has representa- tivea in the rincipal town: throughout the Dominion. glean its riaka and gives an `advantage in rates to such favorable in lo- cation, physical and moral hazard. Tnos. Cnawroxn. M.P.P., President. 0. C. VANNOBMAN. Vice President. ` W. Gnmmwoon Bnowx, General Manager. J. H. BENNETT. Avent at Barrie. Rnrnsni-r 1-as Fouowmo Fm: Ixwuxc ANIIS: Thglhqigcnte. of Ontario. and The Lon of Livnrnnnl "a:.s.`1..`".,..n- *.,.n:m:::.3:=: The Whterloo Mutual. of Waterloo. On .'1'he Economical Mutual. of Berlin. Ont '1'he_Stsuda.rd Mutual, of Markham, On Also Lloyd : Plate Glass Insurance Com pony, or New York. Oice Ban-iIOnt. ' 1'H_os. SMITH ' ' FLORIST AND SEEDSMAN. Tcleplione 15. ` ` 255 Dunlop-St..Barri tori. nleorto rent._ 8 i_c articles. etc ,n_p.ust_.he wxth the cash, d wili msegtion 2 cents per word _each._anba,eguent.inaertion 1 cent per word nnmesmddressel and gures counted as words); 7 us 15 reduction 01! one oent_per word will be made when the number at msertions of same `matter exceed tour ~ . can for udvoruunonu nun In every can In mounted on solid metal bun. fTHO ;;;"d.:.s1?;;s`." V _VEGETABLES- ( '.fnnA ~ (`an `-L-- - `v_nunu;nLu5- Celery, Crisp and Tender : Lettuce,` Cabbage, Parsnips, Beetg, Carrots. tc. SBEGDS--Flowr Seeds, Vegetable Seeds,Plants ' and bull. WM. TAYLOR cur FLOWERS--R`osea, Carnations, Violets. 0&4.` fresh eva dav. Bouqnets,-Buttr.n- hole. Hgndor 1133:. Funeral Tokens in any demma. The Equy __u_Ig:_?_nrgsunaucs comm , ' _..___v_ vs-us CON`I'RAC'l` CHANG E8. I . Advertisers will please bear in mind notice otintention to cha.%e advertise mu'stbe'h.a.ndofd into theo ha 'sa.t.1_n.-day at 10 o'clock and the co y for augh ._ cjnange mustbein THE ADVANC olce not lute: than 12 o'clock noon on Monday in Week ' btllerwise the advertiser's announcemmi may x 1ot be made p`nbhc until the week :ouI$. in . fz changes of Advertisements allowed per ~ are uired. 't' 0 nlorc roq compost xon rates own;-egnlnrb ness. Sbodth d . trs.nsient_xfataes will be charged foreysucfefio verusements. sEED ""roRE ot I `, . . V. M -ADVANCE is provgn to ha llgrgealg circulation of any paper in '0 th. I 41; has also, by hr the largest .. `.'i ism r t d _ r ac emonstrates the `its _ It you have any &dVe!'tig ah 0 %`."-;'"`&"` :`;:"t:3e;n`:_s reaches tazewdo AH. n. uiiheritn "um nImu..-.: _- per ~ te`m0G"' `puke . - --1J!!95" _ppa&?:' accord! onei reache8t3`~um _ 390.15. Wu .__. hents .ar6 38 m not ' ` Ndtices, Auction Sail , New,-_-_- l`irnt.`insextion 10 cent? "`L (:11 M, uen_t.ib_naox,-lon5centsper ine. ' ch * ingfn_oticea. 10 cents per line to, insertion :i5conta per-line for each sub '1'" :.*.-'1:.;.=:.%.'-,a=*..+% :::."::."*.:r-1, A" `~ o . c "Obit_narv;_Poet'y bevel-1ine.c urged as cqmamcnn -coxnuor RAT:-:3 pram`. ma. to loan uqggs collected. &c. on int mortgages. 2, West Baldwin Esme. :J;)b'I Terrace . (Suca`s'soIt ro scnoccn & Sm-rn.) : CWDINB ADYERTIBEHEN T8. `annual nuna-o........_4.. ._ n -"'1`he manufacturing industries of. Canada. while primarily depenndeu,ta jipom the .!;m_sio industries of tl:e.fic;ld `mud-' the forest,,kes and the"? mikes; hzve tgonged ahoad at suclxaj `rapid rate that they have -already. -*.outiisVbano_ed all `their oompemm; 4..-"at least-in so -far as the value at [.9"7tliir`output is oonderned. '1`he`to- vEal,p1foduotion' ot__the 14.650 cauadgqg lg: 1901 .wm'iva1n'ed? at $j;df' "rho to%g1 _ qoz`x1Ia:i:jel_A,VilI;:'i1 {t*h In sm-ance Agent Conveyancgr, /6 c. BIENT ADVERTISING. GO TO THE NEVV . _Y _ --AND-| -Celefy, risp and Tender: urn. Parnninc, Rn-on Canntn. QTIAJLVY 13, 1935. IN ONE BLOCK or 1 Two zujicnns In a recent nuvmfoer. `lndustrialv Canada draws A. attention ` E to 53 this` industrial fe"xpan,sioor 1J in the 61- ilowing terms: ` ' V ' P But there is a counter side rto the pipture. _Important as is the tarm- hoiisie in ' 'Oa.nadiai1 eco_nomi'6s. its -~ domain has gradually `men Veznoro'ach- dad upon my `the `workshop and_ tag- tory until the honors may now be said to be pretty fairly divided}. with. the advantage, if favor of `the? atter. . T T i ` fr. 3Vf2f5.-' :;.m.` For` 'Ca1'-dwell Vsunotimi.` `tn4:% .%=W9~e I >.:,='.. 5.25 .`.p.m'a '- F03? " ,.G u-dfxveu rJ.u'n6tifUn. and `VB-amilton. ` That Cant-ada shows a marvelolts expansion `along `the line of indus- trial ac-tivity is a taort which those. `who take the troublel to do `a. little` investigating. can easily ve.riy."l`he dmmigra;tiom agent , has, in the" past. spared no -pains to demonstriutef th o.t'we are above all an. agrioulturai oouzntry-- a land adapted to the grow- ihgy of w.hsa,t and to other pastoral pursuits.` ` 'No new name will be aadedtbusub Iorlptiou List until the money` is paid.` . Subscribers now in l'6l!' for three months uld over will be charged $1.50 per annum. V bind: -- A Manufatun?inx :!.'?F!-..".`.`F.'\`."" -.`-`. '".`~ 1 -%"."',"' '--"*`- .' " _9.8.1~ p.m'a`,_l!.'_or `N`wifm'.rket'.` `Au- `boru"and."1'omn'to. 2 . ` ; _. I L TH: NOR"l'HERN A\DVAN .-vvw--- --- u------uv-.--- 3.40 p.m. For Btayner. ma am; Mearona. I 7.43 pang Ear Penetang,` " 8.00 p.m.- For Btayner, Mood -and Mqatotd. `v `Daily including Sunday. , ,w---v 1-ucv ---a- u --:- 7 Iv: juvoou : '11.45" mm. For 0r`.lli-;.' Grav'en Jiurst and North Bay. ` V 31.00 _p.ui Ear. uuakokw Wha'r:, V1.38 p'.m-.~ For Barry. Sound. I 04.03 p.m. Eor Orillia. Nbrth" my "nd points West. ; .T ., u 9.15 p.m.. For Orillia. I Q ,2` . ! I 11.10 a.m.- VForT_ P`onetang. V` 11.15 a.,m. For Staynr, mood -and Meat-or.d. l .,,, 154:9! s ~ : =nonwn.[- .`T 3` A` ,. 1.55 a'.llic" F01 Orillia; Norfh and Boo. ; - '-n 1:" _ ._ nu... 15-2112- re----.._ SHINE Ill K4113 UOIIIIDY U! DIIIIUOU vmoeot onuu-so. cuuda. e'v3-3 Thursday Morning. by wuuvacnzw. I-not-mrron?s 1'11) ' : ~ A % fsourn. fz: 'i4222_~a.m.- For 'N9!'wm'a'rket.' 'ro`-- E-oii1to ." Mo7ntr'ea1` `and: Tpointr East. i .n--- . , - - un___*'\v'._-....;.-`_I_4J.- A.-u ---as (1 par Ammm in ` Advance _"::. '.l,._'!_ai_11s\ leave` Barrio tor the nu? 'io!1'mcntioned places as fbllows: ` T An I Page 48 column lovupapor. I-uuuhodtr th in .123 Dim!` stmj Barrie. in t`1,::Oo`:1!(x tyc:t Bimooe. tog; Proo t.` Vince of Ontario. every Thurndnv Mnminc- lw haunt: RAILWAV cum: Tunas or Sunscnu-rxox , Nation. Co1lin-g- T Coiling- .couii:g-% The by-laws respecting the raising of money -by debe;avtu1'e4s.;for the `in- stalling of }th'8f mew: heating system in the) schools waeare read` for the Mr. Bmtwnlee at the` waterworks srtatioln stated that the) Ggtts was laying pipes across She water mains and asked that this snapped. v.-` oouuu -u\auu BGLIBLGU-Lllfyq -. find. Butrton wished to-knowtif am- Thing h'ad"5.3een` done about James Douga,ll s, complaint and was told that it had been O?,t1te|nded to.. I- Ald. Burton ..said. that the wwtemg. cart was not doing` its work properly on Bradtord street. - 1 _ `Aid. Lowe wished to ascert'ain,i`.f 0; by-law respecting the piling of goods on Dunlop street sidewalks wasyto be enforced. Aid. Stmnge said the offenders ought to be timed. 1 Thomas Br;>wn ask.ed permission to out down `trees in, lirc-n`t of his pro- perty. `j I 1;.-_..._. ` Aid. Oovwan asked it town derived any benefit from street cleanings. Aid. Povwe-ll replied t'h.a.t --there wits no revenue. L In future the Mayor. wen-t.s`.notice of enquiries to given at previous meetings. as under the present sys- tem too much time is taken up. COMMUNICATIONS. _ A letter was received tnom James Sharpe calling amt-ten-ti -on to the bad condition of sidewalks on V689. Victoria. and Ellen streets. and '8-`.81! ing that they be repaired.- ' --~- ~ --- -,--" `-""J --V.-In` `hoiea had been .lowered_ by Mr. Craig. The Chairman of .Se.we_1%-s said ` `theatm-`were six. and that the uovng: [tract had been satisfactory. `nlllnflivl Iniinl-an) A.- I---A - '3 "" comprised the major items. The regular meeting of thevtcougn-. cil took place on 'l`.~uesday `evening. July 5th..- Monday `beimga holiday. There were four vmcauti places. ' - _ "The Oommittee on Fimmoe and Ass se`ssmemt- -- recommended: * payment oi 'oills"aggretgatin5g $978.16, or which salaries. `$458.66 : sewers. $318, Several reports were brought ;i4l_I by the `Committee on Markets and Parks. One recommended that per-I mission The given `to '1`. Brown and G. Lane to -cut down trees inutront jot reaidences. Another report a.ske.d'_t'hat atitention be griven to the cutting 'of_ grass. etc.. in the parks." A1-third asked that more hose be supplied for watering places used as works. It also condemned the . lending of imple-menits such as the hsandrolle-.r. The last report stated that tenders of thirty dollars had been "received for c"ulsomin-ing_and painting in M sa.r-. ket House. . ' ENQUIRIES. % Ald. Strange wanted to . know. i-I any one was authorized to take gra- vel outof the tow.n_ gravel. pits. Ald. 1 Powell thought noone; was `taking it ` "amt Aid. Strange vsaid-_he .ha;ddervid-1 AT! ll [emu % %HounAv% AUG; 14] From the foregoing it will be eeenf that Canada`: workshops are death- ed to "'oeoon_1e e. oonetit1ie'n.*.*taroe in tneiwoxla-s oommeree..and`the.te gm h_er "splendid; fisheries.` he!`-v` ma'gn g 1; eerie forests. her T oapaoioue grain fields "and her wee;Ith of "minerals must be `added herpro'mieihg position in the realm of menu!-aetixree; '- i lair Vigorl ' -ins in-ev_ah;_e~ol;';y; more-tha;I.;/cne,`hun_f- ~ area mi~11.imoum 9I=-*%?i=.w:d- `*3. unite to Canada of her`manufctuii ngV Jegiance. the $113,283,146 paid these "With anfoutpet theretore` lue of the pxfot,lujctic1.I:_;`_ot_ ou_r cultural, .dairyin'g.: tmineral. , forest" and fisheries industries, the 4i__xQnp`ort- establishments is at once apparent, Other tigureswhich strengthen theiif claim ,to recognition are their 8520.- ooo.oo o of invested capital. the 344;- V 095 work people who owe "them ale people `in wages and salaries, and the $266,527.858 worth of raw ma terial consumed. nauotannoennensuansanents less "than ve hands in 19o1 would :33 `bringing the yaitue =-ot~ the products of all industrial estaag nsuments up: to $618,103,375. . grdv/.v completely ct;r:'s iii- .-dr'u. Add lulwayufesto 3 colorto gray hair, all in: rich; daft %`co1d1:%'ot_eqrly life. ~ > u.In_,u..'a_ ____ 4..-.., , - - Falling hair means wnak~ii;ii:iV Then strengthen your` hair ;-L feed it with th only hair `fond, Aye`:-J's Hair Vigor. It cnecks failing hair, makes ;the hair: Obwan asked. how .-'71?` i;T;l`;.?nafJl what; a layer 2 31 'e'm:t,h.*_9ai "inso esnzr more in depth, shown he , 310 g '- the- tap Qt` the goals. It -Ithq 9 Illlrlllfll- I\l` `-v\VW- Q - lhllullg: W Tlon ' H1 oen;9'nft.. in, the ivTp1fqpri:xisf;4ot _n_n6;.; war an 5`! v -~'l1-no srtr;!T-':l;h ft ,'t&1 ej\'coiier stone. especially -for` cu- erts `at greater `spam. any six or eight -feet. would be much incmeasesd` by the use of steel- bursur wire -nefttiing.` whic l_rs'hou-Id be 'ful`1y/`imbedded in oonorerte. `but as -`close: as pdssible to '1:heAbo`tt9m:ot.th9` .P"`3"`?`*"F - , % ' "5}la sanomd an every; a-se be tak- em to see that the side walls are car- ried to as nsowfficiaenrt d h to `a se- cure nmdation: ,=thre'e eet is suffi- cient for m.~`os't Tait-nations. espebially where a. -`layer of h1ard'irm"$;r'a- vIeJ{o:r rock. is oloaevto the` ssur'fa;ce'.V The =.g.rea.tecr "the span. the more- e'oIesa't' their. Ff . d` ' . :. golid flognda.t.inu.l ~01` a W or 9' IE1.` -..|__....-.-,'.1. ~.n'. ' an ' ca{use._ _ ., (Muznicipal World.) _ ` A ccrucw-'9 culvert. with a flat Lop. ; can be adapted to my location where swtone masonry walls with a ung-j stone tdp could be used -alnd is a1 parallel case, in .wh`ich |a:.rti-finial .,-:.tone or` concrete is used in place 01 natural , sttotne. ` In this `type of culvert the prin- cipal matter `to guard a.gains.t wlauld be a break in -the cloversatane. Theme is no difficulty. for short apatnsjup to at least" six feet. in prdpontisomimg: the _vth-ick,ncss of this: cover for any possible load to which `the: .crulve.rt would subjected. A possible cause o*f.a,_ilure would arise tram the dis-' p-lacemnenrt of `the side walls -by frost which ~_m"g1`t break the: .co`vearTa'to_cne, or by uneven settlement from any v~- ------v- V-gt . JAMES MILLS. Kidney troubles and rheumatiszne go together. Cure the kidneys first, or you cannot cure the rheumatism Bu-Ju, The Kidney Pill. i.s the lat- est .ach_ievement. -of modern science for the `cure of all derangements of the kidneys.-It acts gent! but surely. healing. toning an these important organs to a perfect condition. Then the olood is trerurt ~trom' excess of urid acid and other noisons. arzd rheumat sm and allied diseases vanish. If you cannot cic- tain Bu-Ju. The Kidney Pill, in your .|oc`ality,- a postcard addressed to the Olaflitn Chemical Company will ad- vise you as. to `how to "procure it. res oring ' ' Piciton, Ont., .M:1y 4th.. 1905. `The Claflin Chemical co., Ltd. v Windsor. Ont. Dear Bf:-s.-I have used Bu-Ju with great benefit to myself and cheer- fully. reoommend it ' to all who 1 think are suffering from kidnfqy tron-'.)le_s aqd rheumatism. I think rt is the -nest `remedy made. . Vnilr ni nnn~nlnV _Ho writes : e Mr. James Mills. of Picton. 0nt.. adds his testimony tothat of many others who have oeen benefited by Bu-Ju. The Kidney PA}. Hire: experi- ence with this,remarka9ie_ speci-Iic has -convinced him that'it is unex- celled for the relief. and cure of all kndney troubles and rheumatism.- So`/Says a l;i;;owix_L-Iu of Bli- III. The Kidney Pill. `*4 an `dsl`ey`-'-`Watts;-`Thrt " the . pebple be warned .against taking gravel ant of-~Itiuwn - -pits. ` 94 Betrdsley--7Bu;'tona That standing `Committee on `Public `Works bore- quesxted `to consider` the mdvisabilitym ofucmwtruc-ting cement walks on west `side of Peel` ntreet. _ 2. where same. are in.'d4mgoi-ous oondi-2 tion. and that a.tte'1-.'!t11_e: money-ncirw -to.cr_edit "of .Wuard 2Vis*.~ex.hausteid; iialano be` c'ha rged td `next- appro- 'pria:tion made to said w-and to-r.loa-I imprrovements.--Lost V : nh;n;6 {lie ofL.(3-i-;ivo (V: 9:4 'Iuo\I:'.J.n-u ..rna C2..-) -_ "aa.'"1;,,`.;...,*" % second`. :5 Monday Best % Remedy Made. 8rtr_ange-Watt--T4hat the Boa:-dot Works_- oonsiderv o.dvi'sa ailirty of can- srtructing `of::munt' waJks. nd report gt ,. ne_x.t; -mel;ting. - L .Potwell-Lov!ering-Th'a.t. Fire and Police Oommitteei donsider. advisabil- ity of inoreasmg remuneration of the `police tom-ye . `A .x-._-- ._ I??? _u--_- '?"`V'j Mr. Edwards"che_q'ue to `Elizabeth street is to be reitumud as `thestireot is._now in good condition. ` - MOTIONS. `Beardsley -Lowe-That Fire Police` Committee consider advisabil-` ityi at receiving applications for posi- tion of ca:i_'etaker_ of Firo.Hal1.i v third". -time .'81I<.1" P59!`- 11-.. v 1'.~;--......1..n . -1..._..--.. Flat Concrete Culverts APolwell-Z-Cowam--That.' the Mayor mini: I-his 4In&n 4.-G (V!-'.!- L-I:u)-._ - * Es'rAnL1snEn ~| `BI: JUJILCIIJ lau, Yoursjincerely. T A "IE1 was six-.~fi"s3' ihe in - August. ` I-n- __, `_----V -,\-_ V #7 . - a r . _:- x % <~. ~%:an ~ 3 ..,.- . "f".'."\i;V '.' Z` ' "'4' 1 J ` _ `Q 't- x ' : ~ ; ` EA gnml %:.%.`.%busi`nss` t1'9?n.33t9d- ; re.ceived..... , ginterest ixllowedgthereon at; highestVfcnuen`'ra,ps. H. B. H-E_ M\AnAc.r':n. Ewe o-tier one `H-uvndred -Dollars Re- `or any 08:86 of ,Ga;ta_rrh vthat . oamcmdt be cured` by F ;Hall s'~ `Catarrh Oure. . I ' .A ` .T0l.Q(_io, Ohio. A .' We. the undezgsigned. have .know1i- -F. `J. 0he:ney_ T for jthe l.a;at_ stitteen yeazrs-. `and believe hun: pe_rfe`o-tly hon-, -unable in. all `business? tmnsaotipna i11_ano11aigy carry:-routmny .- S :_ 3 H` "` a \ `a . `I Bl_AN$HES:Aj' I `X Z.` aJ1vD cu; um uuuuuiiuu. Wanwin uaxiaua has not the YOWGT to do. such mean spirited -legi a ion is more `degrad- ing to the country that en.a.cts it than to those against it is directed. If it is thought necessary to take -some steps to, revenit C.a.in_nda- ism" railways from fa-I ingi Imder ithe ; domination of `foreign .c~apitali.s`t-s. it i would .'be `perfectly-_ legitimate tore`- qruire that their -principal Iofficsials should `be British subjects, .wiztli a view to ensuring as far as possible that `the management of these qruiasi-`* public. 00'I`p0l'&ti0ll1l8 shall have the interests of Canada` at heart, and will not be 'tryiing._~to exploit the re- sources at _!th_e. Dominion for the benefit pf_ friends in the United Sita- tegs.-Orillio. Packet. l