-ANY QUANTITY OF MONEY TO loan at 4 1-2 `and 5 per cent. Easy terms of re-pa ment. Lennox. Cow- altg &. Brown. olicitors. Barristers. e o. !STRATHY EESTEN. BARRISTERS. EDR. J. F. PALLING. VGRADUATE OF o. H. LYON. `PRIVATE FUNDS T0` `Ia-unwu guru Do...` 'V..L-J._ -1 1 ' EHOMAS KENNEDY & 00.. ARCHI- rilo '.B 3..1' 1'i_-Q , i V :1.-m. J; ARTHUR ROSS. L. R c. P. |_$7o,ooo FOR INVESTMENT. ON GOOD frnnhnlpl -...`....!L- -L ` ' UNWIN. MURPHY fa; ESTEN. ON-; `tarbo {Land Survegvors. Engineers. ` etc. Eqtaplished .18 2; Office. Medi- . cal Bnxldnng. oorner {Richmond ._ and B streets. Toronto. Tele- _ phone. ain, 1336. "Instructions left with Strathy & Esten. Solicitors . Bank of Toronto Building. Barrie. will- be promptly attended. to. }THE. BALL PLANING MILL COM- ? pany. Carpentering. l building. and manufacturing of doors. sash, blinds. mouldings. etc. Planin of all d.0n8 -`nI`lIY'I'|'n+]Ir` and an :--`n-- HoMoEoi>A'r_HIs'r. W. J_.' PATTERSON. M. 1).. c. 1.--n:A:.~..- Q----~- - - 7" `D I -I.l_IJ,J-j 'JJ5l&'J.I>`-IQ-I-03:, ~v-_-___ _ ._ rProe_to1`. Notar . Conveyancer, ete: .Spec1al attenti-o in drawing and pndbating wills.Vobtaining letters of` administratf and guardianship. oollecting accounts, etc. Offices. `Races eblock. Barrie; Money to loan. and II `Act; Us naapga vs `aging ~ "' \ ters. Solicitors. -Notaries Public, ` and `Conveyancers._ Money -to loan`! in any sums at 5 per cent. Office 4 `.13 Owen street. Barrie. H. D.` Stew- 4 art. L. -L. 1).. D. M. Stewart. .I.I\o d1`1I.1IBD\J.LVg ..l31.l.1o.l.`\ul.D.l.l`JI`|:g o .l!l.U Solicitor. Notary Public. Private funds to I-oanat lowest rates. Of- fices: Bank of Toronto Building. Telephone 184. ` l.I'JJ.VJ.V\lJ3y \I\J V7 535` UV Q-Fn.C`r- v- -...._- ris-tars. Sal-icitors `for obtaining pr-dbate of wills. guardianshi and ad-ministra,tion'.~.and general. lini- borg. Notaries. Conveyancerst etc. Offnces, Hinds Block. Barrie. `No. 6. `Dunlap street, IBarrie. Money to loan `at` 4 1-2 and 45 per cent. IBranch offices at Creemore and Al-' lisbon. Haughton Lennox. Alex. Oowan. G. E. J. Brown, L.L.B. A-A-ga nagvoov -w---, _-______ ` "'At.t:orney, Solicitor in ch;i{eryL, Oonveyancer. etc. Office. first door. ` Owen street. over.Ban'k of `Com- merce. Barrie. e a.v5a.-.n...n. `Ir `an: so-Aw _'--w--_-._:_--- ` Solicitors in H?gh `Court of Jus-'i -tice. Notaries Public, Conveyancers. 1 Offices over the Bank of Toronto, 1 Barrie. Money in sums of $2.000 andvuggvards. to loan at _5 per: `cent. . H. Strathy. K. 0., G. 11.1 Halon "an" 'E7vV?n7; i5ioZ12.'Lu"1Z.a'a1.`BE the premises at night. Illu U. U: D$lI..l.I.Il. 11- Us In Do.` U111 (late of Drs. Harvie & Smith". `0ril- lia). Office and residence. corner of Owen and Collier streets, Bar- 5:; vv I-l\ILV Us \Isv.ngunr o\a..:, ..-.__.._..-v~- I ters. Solicitors? of the Supreme. Court `of Judicature. of .0ntario. Ppoctors. Notaries. Conveyancers. etc. Money to loan. Office. Ross` Block. Barrie. 0. E. Hewson. K.C., `A. E. H. Creswicke. Easier}? Ba n`.;1aA ;t`}`?` `1`i.ti+`;-`g %`3_g$1`8 54 `allie. suc.cesso.rs to Go. 4 uuub. I Eaten, -......ua. muuuungs. etc. rlamn of all kinds done promptly` and Sa isfac-. tvorily. Hot blast drying kiln. Dis-' "triot Agency _fsor grained lumber. Faotory.&`Bgyf1old- street. Barrie. Q in, annnaaaun-a in. n- as oox--gu `pl \-LULDJJ 1/ a 51.; Trinity University. Toronto. Fel- `low of Trinity Medical `College. Member of the College of Physi- cians and Surgeons of'Ontario. Of- fice and residence, 18 Owen street. .Lv&Q\JLU l.II\lIul I I \JO J. I Edinburgh; NE. & S.. Glasgow. -member of the British Opthalmological Society. Special- tly.-Diseaescs of the Eye. Ear, hroat and Nose. Office. 78 Dunlop street. Saunders Block, Barrie. op- osite Post-Office. and Railway tation. Phone 54: P.O. Box 96. M. 'C..'L. C. P. 8.. 0.. late resident Physician and Surgeon of Toron- -to General Hospital. with special attention to Diseases of Women. andvN-ose and Throat Work. also for some time surgeon in charge of Emer ency Hospital, Toronto. Office an night residence. upstairs in McCarthy Block. 21 Dunlop St., Barrie. second door east of Dou- gall Bros. furniture Warerooms. near `Five Points. `Phone 105. . .... --.;s.a.u. ;.:.v.I.v:I.1..l.`1 IDULVJJD IVU loan on Real Estate at-lowest rates. Farmers notes discounted. `Collec- tions made in` any art of the Oount. Real estate - ught and sold. onveyancmg in all its bran- ches. arrna e Licenses issued. Of- fice. - s R mu. 'n....|.... ..a...--L Ul.|U5o L < fie, ; ~`Barr1e. _ ..-- -..a..v-u\a`\. 1-?h'y`s`cian, ist. nm,_ '7 PA Surgeon, Office Hours-11 a.m. Qnw. .A.I.n. o 1.1., u. Homoeop (`am 15.\.....L_ .-,v._.v .. vs: s4.` 1 .l26.J.I.$Il..I2lJ.V 1- U1.` UUUU freehold security at lowest rate of interest. No principal money re- %uired until end`of the term. H. Strathy. Solicitor. etc.. Barrie. J. FRANK JACKSON V Maker of Portraits. ' Ugggggggggggggggggggnggg ll-'00 v.:.|.1 11UU.lE"l1 H.-H1. to 1 p.m., 7_to 8 p.m. Cor. Poyntz a1t%lDunlop Sts.. _BarrZe. Phone _ TAUL1`. '-BA1zRfIis'rER. SOLICITOR, r-A---__ ..L- MANUFACTURJERS. MONEY zro LOAN. PHYSICIANS. :BCHITEC'IB; SURVEYORS. FINANCIALT fv JJLUOUQUB ISSUE. U!- 00 k. Dunlap; street. |The_`Nqnhin Advam coe. in plac-e of having as at `present. iten officials; each with a m-ere-.-pi`t- tance -`by way `of -salary. would be fbetterzpoliced with one or at -moslt two. If the whole money distributed uamonvgst the lot _were givenito one soverseerp equipped with ~ Tad launch, `who could devote his entire time to the work of inspection_- by pxoaecutk -ing a daily patrolef the .waters it .wo1il_d meke for greater efficiency. H-Adfxuate remuneration would ` mean -increased reeponsibility `and -there `would not `be the same `tendency to wink at wrong-doing. Make the jo-`.5 `worth a. madn?s while. - and he will " execute i-t in ii vaetly dilfferent manner. l.Whethei" the - de-partmeuit -sees; {it to institiixtex this change` or -' `not it is. `as suggesitedeiin A a pro ` vijous article. advisafole to have` a `petrol `officer. Jt would unify `the f`1ak8_ System of inspection and keep'_.' -;matters in_ close touch. _ _ ,.i.~ Another thing that den;1an*d*s:4'ic i -f`rec`tioh is the increase in 1ia;ke:.Sim- \ t 0! the number of fish c;_`,_`l:,'i._\e_`.-: Variet? `such as carp. ._dtcg- Av _,!`1.sh.4 etc.. whic~h'>- e veeuf"des_t_1"V'\;1o-1 7 Qitite ,'offthe' spawn o'.,t1he-t'.o'et3t.er .cla,Ves"'7 V fish". and with in to {.t..h_e_i 1fE:`ex" -_A gtefihihetionl the depiartuieinitv e sewrvisei, the 4n ` " .`ite'?#Vek`r,9 masiet a $3 - THB Anvnwg is proven to hav th largest circulation of any paper in the Ce 8 . Town. ounty 4. .V.It,.m.a,g,, -by far the largest Subscription _reoei tsiamr fact demonstrates the _ quallty of V tu-.n,_ 1 If you have any advertxsmg to do . it with-the paper that reaches P15 th rice the people. .nbt-ufraidmpay ep ' Ad nts are charged according to -., - " kc one inch . - V. 3 nes agate easure ma , _.--..-v- v-vvu\- nvu; Cuts for advertisement: must In every case: In mounted on Iolld metal blluo-I. - ' Legal Ndtices. Auction Sales; etc,--First msertnon 10 cents er line on uentinsex-t}on5cents per ne. ' T `Re int: notices. 10 cents nor um. ._T , uenunseruon 5 cents r line. ' ` Igming notices, 10 centspeper line for (1 inpertion : 5 cents per line for each sub mt insertion.of the same matter. All items und Mines, of this character, charged 335 H 91` Obituarv Poetry 5c per line. 53 . vvr avg-`V Iuaani au v 53131 Anl:..unu.\ 1 B. Condensed advertisements on first page such as wants of all kinds, lost and found, propeny for sale or to rent, specific articles. etc.. etc., must be accompanied with the cash, and will be inserted-'-rst _insert_1on 2 cents per word each subsequent insertion 1 cent per word (names,addresses and gures counted as words); but a. reduction of one cent per word will be made when the number of insertions of same [matter exceed {our |THos.sWITfi-T Isa 1. H T-E'Preterred positions for local advertise. ments in the paper will be sold at an advance of one-thlrgi on above rqtes, and on no other account will sgecial pos_1tions be given. This rule will be strictly earned out. CONTRACT CHANG!-J8, Advertisers will "please bear in mind that notice of intention to change advertisements i mustbe halnded into the office not later than Saturday at`l0 o'clock, and the co y for such 'change muStbe in THE ADVANC office not later than 12 o clock noon _on `Monday in any Week. otherwise the ad_vert1s_er s announcement may not be made public until the week follow. ling. `kxnusnxr -rm Fouowm Fuu: lusmuxc Cour/mms: The Mercantile. of Ontario. and The Lon don & Lancashire nf T.ivm~nnn1 sun murcunbua, OI untano. and The Lon don as Lancsshire of Liverpool. The Wage:-loo Mutual. of Waterloo. on The Economical Mutual. of Berlin. On: The Standard Mutual, of Markham, On Also LIo?d's Plate Glass Insurance Com . puny, of New York. A'_-Trains` leave B-arrie `tor the un-_ ilermenti-qned places as follows;.. I I" . SOUTH. V 5 . $4.22 =a.m.~ . For Newmarket. A To- ronto. Montreal and points East. - 7.55~a.m. For Newmarket. Aurora ? nd 'Doronto. V : 9.35 =a.m. F-or Allandale. ` .`.12.21Vp.m. For Newmarket.. Au -!~o_ra and 'I`oron'to. 4 -1` '\Y`.------A-I._,\,_. `_. Private funds to loan on rs: mortgages. Ac counts collected. &c. ' 4 Occ ovet Hambly & Baker's Hardware Store Barrie. Ont. - THds. SMITH AllANALE LT FOR SALE. ;..,1..[. . .... _, __ . % wfi changes or Advertisements allowed per `;es;1r.beIgh1:Iogrgdore llsquired. composition rateg Tlf ho Q1`:-\1|-A1` 6,. u..- A` W111 Dc uuargeu.._ ` `Advertisers wall _not be allowed to use their space for advertlgmg anythin outside their _0Wl1 regular busmess. Shoud they do so transient rates ,will be charged for such ad vertisements. ` 1CAPI'l`AI4 SUBSCRIBED, - $500,000 ; CAPITAL CALLED UP, - 3150.000 Government Deposit 5353.000. Operated under Dominion License. _ This Canadian Company has representa- . tives in the principal towns throughout the `Dominion.. Selects its risks and gives an advantage in rates to such favorable in lo- cation, physical and moral hazard Tnos. Cn.awroru>. M.P P., President. C. C VANNORMAN, Vice President. W. GREENWOOD Bnowx, General Manager. J. H. BENNETT. Agent at Barrie. '11!) f?..._9_E!-i__'_Y u-nllllldllll `IIIIJIIIUJO Ullllli, 1 BARBIE, QNTARIO -1- -P +4-++-5-2-2--s-oz-3--a-`-:~+-z-4-s-1-++-2-:--s-~:~:~+ :'V1'.00`,T;p.zJu "F'~o`r 1.38_ p'.`in".::" l_?jo.r `. '4.03 . 11.11}. For -`and points -W_est._' gvnftsnnc 12A17r-3? nulc. nanu or U any designs. VEGETABLES-( ' ,QQOn1-A (`gluing .- Telephone 15. CUT .FLOWERS-'Roscs, Carnations, Violets. etc.. fresh on-nru Ann Rlsnnnnon ._Rnn n- UCSI I1 VE6u TABEE"S- Celry, Crisp and Tend: Lettuce, Cabbage, Parsnips. Beets, Carrots. etc. . SEEDS-F!owcr Seed:,Vegctable Seeds,Plants _and bun..- WM. TAYLOR Lg sEE:o'""roI=aE _r_IggI{4sunAuc cnMPAu'f '\I`\I _ 1.51 :.`m.I`4\`(;"1~.w'I~{;wmarket . Au- rora and Toronto. La UIUIILDS xn eacnyear. . Durin July and August we area-150 , repa to 've special courses to th , eslring iuc . A post card of enq1nr_v , ill meet with a prom pt reply. Address . Excelsiorusiness 0pllege. -3 A -I--w----- 4--- --` .iip!y:;t . ;_ 7f1Hl__A`p-'V4AN0E orncn, [and the great. commercial ac-tivit_v Wt 4` Owing to the success bf our graduates. are at resent utterly incapable of meetm t edemands made upon us for OEFIC ASSISTANTS. 'l`o remedy thus and meet the FALL demand. we have decided to conduct. all our classes 12 months in eachyear. Durimr Jnlv nd Anovnat um urn nlen I1 .1` LUWBKS--Roscs, Carnations, Violets. Coo clh evety dav. Bouquets,-Butt. n- 'h'0le. Hgnd or Corsage. Funeral Tokens in anv desurnn. ' ~lIOooo'o 3 column column 1 column Barrie, (succxsson fro Scnoccm & Sxmm.) coummour. CONTRACT nuns. FLORIST AND SEEDSMAN. : J u;>b u Tegrsoe . .1` _' 5.20 -p`.m.~ For Newmarket. Toron- ito. Muntreafand points East. V A IV `9.87 pm.' For .Newmarket. `Au- raora `and Toronto. " - ` - dbxnnxszn ADVERTISEMENTS. .........l ...3....._a.:._-__ __4_ , Welt Baldwin Stfeet. Insurance Agent Conveyancer, 6 c. Summer School u7nANsmx'r ADVERTISIKG. GO TO THE NEVV l 1Wk'l --o1r.__ 11.15-`_a .x_n. For :5 wood -and , `Meaford. -ANDL-I ` };=1%I:LY' 6th.. 1905. 1557 Barri o.i3 Mo.l6 Mo.;: IN ONE BLOCK OF `TWO ACRES _ "l;2'5` a.m.~ For ardwell J.unction.V .Geor'get`own and Hami,l,t0In. - _ i 5.25` p.m_,- For. Cardwell Junption. Gepxggtown. any} Ilgmilttim, ` ` `!1".!i)5 Ego1j_ (.)1'.illi a, North Bay and .5091 - '- ' 9 I .23 I -.a..rm.~ F.<.>r~.192[11.sl`:1okzi vh-a'r.f.;` 11.45; ~a.m. Fq1"f '_0rillia, Graven- hurst am; 1Io_rt h .Bay; . . 5.10 mp'.i:."FBr St9a1yr'xer, `nvood `and Meat-prd. I` 7.45 p.m.- F-or_Pejntang. '. 8.00 'p.m. . For` Sfayner. `hmoocl and Meaford. ' ' THE NORTHERN ADVANCE An 8 Page 48 Column Newopapor. I ' Daily , inc1ud,ing Sunday. CUIJRVIUIJ IJJUU llllllll Uwllv BIIVIIVJ 5|) WOVOI Subscribers now in(a1-rears for three months and over will be charged $1.50 per annuzn. BNO new name will be added to the Sub acription List until the money is uid. DuLnn-3Lnnn -`nun: 1' nunnnnnn `nu iinnnn V'nAI|I wzsuzvacnw, PROPHIETOHS Following up our discussion of thei duties` and jurisdiction of `owrseers. we wish to point `out that Lake Sim- $1 per Ammm in Advance Published from the office. 123 Dunlap Street, Barrie. in the Oounty of Simcoe, the Pro- vince of Ontario. Canada, every Thursday Morning, by ' 9.1`p.n'. for 6ri11sa_. '11.1o, a.ni; For Penetang. ";I"A`nI`IIt7 a`;m.w`m dub: Lake Simcoe Fisheries Tnnws or Sunscnumox. A 'NdRIH, _ T J. E:o1j_0rillia>, North Bay Sta_yner,' -,D_,_,'I Mxiskoka. `Wharf. Parry`; Sound. Qrillia, No1jt_h Bay Coiling- Calling- Coiling- cogntinniiig -ihhiil n `i;n':id<`111a: at veuber. , pl .9" H. L There is _a good deal of specula- tion"among Liberals as to4,Sir Wil- frid .La.urier s real attyitudeivpf mind on the Autonomy `bills. They refuse to believe that helis -sincerei9n`his eulogy of Separate -schools`. and they nd it impossible to -accept his ac- tion as the expression of his own convictions on the `question of Pro- vincial autonomy. He is a fairly good lawyer. He has been a close student of the Constitutional Act, and knows it -as well a any man. Moreover, . he has studied the political history Canada, and understands as clearly as one can the principles for whichhis party has always contended. That his present action is party's record nobody can see more distinctly than he. Viewed from the higher level of statesmanship. he must see that his course is indete.ns- . i;`ole. _Or if he regards it from the lower plane of political expediency it is quite impossible that he can honestly think it `to Foe` `wise or ne- cessary. ' A_.J __..L 1.... 1...`: `.1-nan-unn.J' kin narfu an ~ albsolute -stultification /of his own .'\and- his _P9pl0; arp 5ecming5 "mime is; the piotection` of out tisheris;ija:id:"' if the agitation is kept up qthego` ernment wil1.lno doubt, miet_:_the situationhy -making such" change `in _.; the lay and -the mod of axdministerk 1 ing same as will prove beneficial and advantageous to all interests con-` oerned. ` ` BBG~lJo ` .' And yet he has dragged -his party- with its fine traditions, through priestly intrigues into a position of- suhserviency to the Roman, Catholic Church that is worse than anything that stands against the Tony parity. He. has compelled Mr. - Fielding to puialiicly `swallow his own `convictions and his own words; Sir W-.illiam Mu- lock has followed so clumsily that his: real feelings are apparent. Mr. Sift-on has gone with the rest. But why enumerate the leaders who have unwillingly followed the Premier? Outside id! Quebec there was .not a Minister in his Cabinet-except R. W. Scott-who wanted to go with him. Indeed, they were not consult.-. ed. Editors were whipped into _line in the same way.` The Glo`oe`baulk- ed, !out` it had to come to time`. It was. the w'1olrk olf to-me man-the] Premier- He adopted a policy and} all Liioeralisam was Eragooned to? march in line. ` `ya. I II II 117-15 -1 LI4 vac nan oaaav Laurier, the resolute champion of Provincial irighitsl in 1896. is now Sir Wilfrid Laurier, an old ma-n afraid lV1ia.t is tlie Vexplanati-on Wfilfrid] to die without the consolation of his Church. and willing t-0 buy it by sacrificing the, peace of the nation. Th-at is_t h'e explanation given by men who ought to know.-Sentinel. if From every part of the older Pro- vince of Ontario there is a demand for farm labor and farm `tenants. Thirty years ago this did not exist._ Farm labor was then fairly plenti- tul. and tenants were looking for iarms rather than, as it is to-day. {arms looking for tenants. That this position` is going to :3ecome.intensi- - tied as the years roll h5'._.nnless something" is done "to solve this pro- blem. is only too evident. The re- medy. thereiore. for Ontario to en- deavor to retain its political supre- macy in the future, which isa most important consideration from the po- litical standpoint, and to maintain farm values, which is `equally im- portant -from an economic standpaiat. is obviously an increase in the rural population of this province. The q'uestion .na.t'uraily arises, how can this be done? This problem certainly ' cannot be solved by apathy on the part of those charged with the pub-V lic administration-of"_the interests of 'the`pr-ovincef. - .A solution must be losulide iii a ~sche me`. of a truly sta- tesmanlike character. _V ' T That an inc;reaise in the `rural po- pulaition of the pro-_vince- is desi*ra*.'ole goes without saying. Therefore. the "first conclusion t`o.be_iarrived' at is that something- must be done toen- sure this increase of population. For many years` Canadian statesmen have hoped for an influx of theclass. termed `-`British tenant _farmers to the` older provinces of Canada. This "'Vilil1-o'-theeWisp" : has been follow- with a [pe_rsistency._w,hich wou_ld'l"ong.A since have sec`ur ed resultsii the ob- jecthad been possible. Statesmenn` bi" . this "time `must .realize.V_`t`hat .it::th,Je_re is to `an increase i1i_;th`eJru_ra_l 'pulation_, .ofOn`tario . .thfe_ beginning _;,mue_tC at the `other-_end;= . It I is gyident an, increase in the I'Ml!`p.l.;- .pulati-on- cannot~ looked ._f.tbr..*from ' -tihep'iwell+;1;o-do ."'e;gritoulti1;'f:a.1:')._ clesig 'iT.W'!1t ~.tyea1*s` xpe;v.anwssta' T ...'hu.t. tact-..`:An$1..' fllie jsiperi " *:last' three `or. .4 ye What !Qoes\Sir Wilfrid ' "Think? . Ontario : Needs` `CAPITAL. 3A~a 5 2 $3,200,000 shortly afterwards with farm 0w*_ner- borers can be securedin considerable numbers, it needs but a glance -to convince everyone that the farm la- borer of to-day.'w.ill be the farm*ten- ~a:nt of etc-`marrow, `toe followj ship. Arguing. therefore,Vupon this` ground, it is `fair _to say that `sys_te- i matic` and well devised (projeclts ,re- ` sul'tin'g in-iani llin-ctrease in the `rural pojpulhrtioln ` of Ontario will bring about an enormous increase in the value of farm properties in this-pro- vincefsuch a question as` this should not Fae lightly set aside. nor. should it be allowedlto solve itself. It must `be managed upon abroad and `systematic and statesmanlike balsis. It is possible to bring into success- 'ful `operation `such a project as is here outlined. which will ensure not only the retention of farm values, built `it is swfe to say ta very large increase" in the value elf s1g rircu!l-t|nj'- ` :1! property, and, at the same `time. 1 bring about such a state of af- V ....-._. I ! ltairs as will retaiuinthis province the political supremacy which it was i tho\ug. ht` in the` early days of Con- federation would -never lost.- Lc:x_idon Free Press." American Money in Canada. filo tell The .Buffalo Enquirer undertakes its l`3.dQI'S whyuit 1:. that Caznadigams make so muchuse. of American silver coins. This shows a worthy desire to spread. information on the part of `the Ewnqluire-r. which is the ;nore;comme;nda~`ole when we discover how exceedingly little in- formation cm the suibject it has to spare. It points out that Canada coins -5, 10,24 and 50 cent pieces. but has no silver dqllar -and no gol-d coinage. In consequence the meat- chants -there find it convenient to use the American `coins! Now, as a matter oi fact, comparatively ferw American silver dollars are in gene- ral circulation. the Ame`rican` quar- ter `being far more frequently to be met with. Canada has, of course, as many `'quarters of her own as she needs. and is'not_ driven -to euse the American coin by reason` of` any scarcity of the home product. VIII... T.`....--2_--- --__.L_!'..--J._.. .l3_-...LL_-_ Levers Y-Z (Wise Head) `Disinfectant Soap Powder dusted in the bath, soften: the water and disinfects. 38 I as follows: `Sam S `truth in this paragraph)-of chaff is ...v -v.-- The Enquirer contrihutesuvfurther ! iniiormation from its scanty store, l .It is understood that the Canadian Govern-ment will soon: open a mint-at Ottawa and will coin both gold and silver money. `This may be the direct outcome of `the an-ti-American coin crusade, 1'.)-u-t it will be .as long `time. undoubtedly`. be- fore the American money will be ta- ooocd. Indeed it will.be a remark- asble condition` when the. `average C-unad:a;n will so-orn one of Uncle pocket pieces. The grain of that Canada is a.;)-out. to_ establish 8. home mint; but that decision hardly the , direct. outome 02 :the anti-American coin crusade. rather the outcome of the circum- stance 'that Gaonada the -great g-old producing countries of the world. and is `also beginningto. feel, her oats as a nation. Hi- therto we have :had our coins truck off atgthe British mint. which `has been quite ready to turnout all of the article which we needs is It-. is l is now. one of 2 l l 1 The reason why American silver` coins are sofreely accepted in many ` parts of -Canada is that.-Canadians are a polite eople, We like to see` `our visitors tom the United States. and we like to make. travel in 0311-. ada easy for them. -It is not a pl-eas- l a.nt thing cr-~-a m-an away from; home on. a jaunt to be told that his money is no good".when-h,e knows that it is as good as" gold when he `is home. We Canadians know how unpleas-ant it is, for `that is preciser * ly the treatment we get as a rule in 1 American cities, Whe.: a travelling 'C`aznadi~aln has to dp-ay a dollar to an American railroa clerk to get one of his five-dollar -bills accepted as a'if_av.or he returns home `feeling a trifle sore; and it is a comfort to his sense of hospitality to know t.-hat - 0 American_ "visitor is likely to be x.posed to similar robbery 11'! `Can- . . ..\..;; But the agitation for the rejec-3 `tion. of American co-ins is a `reality `aural hnrn {n'IIe-i-In -(Inn-`kl-~ +1-gulf nnrnnu _Ll\III.. UL IILIJJVL IUGJI UKPIIID ID (I. 1`VKlll.|-J `and there is little `doubt` that some} measures will finally be taken to ada/* gust the balance. Canadians will not i : e oreever willing that all the polite- 1 non: should he ghnunn hv -thamn -nnr : :00 UUIVVOI \`V-1111115 LLIUIL dll l...l.lU pUll|.U' 1 ness should,_be shown by `them. Our t Governmeznt loses money whenever any considerable qruazntrty of Ame- rican ctoinage is used in Danada. 1 cmwding out for the time just that 1 much Canadian uoinaage. ~WeI do j.no-t 1 need the 'Ame*ca:n -coins to eke out our currex_1cy;_ . 4 uwe ..do need the t money whnch 15 `L9 be made by coi~n- t ing all-tvthe `mioney we-can use. CV hen e on `top-' ,of,_ this comes the "f ct thagt ; the Americans, persnsterntly ishsouor` Your money--event `our. Government 'ibi_lls,: .`WhI0h .are easxly shipped to} Gaznadsa--there, t,~is:.5_'vory strong pres Aunt-e,on, Ipeuplq-jto treat Ameri- I can ` money as "t-xe.at .ou1-5, 1: --jMonvtren1'-jsutaer. -f;= . V 1 --_..----...._.-. Mr. John `D; Rockefeller has ' ro- `mied 9. %i-ft] of one million do! are V.gV- to" :_Yale ~.'nive'rsit_y and `certain gra- dua.t.e[sof the hpxveraity have pledg- ed u_1qther 1011. _ . ,a,;9; !y macs tram ginn- v. \ . an-v..v:`.. n vet.-u-, `"2. Is.vHI*== Inwr -18:82-. 532" % h"W k`b?1'3' m3rmd' gramen ;,vv' . ' M t -` "-dr. w&ar`5*a1`one. ru1aes?&jt3;jh3g i ='~"*`ni1ili`.aidui" iinhalaeanan -; . ` Lug. gvgugtus` ug-uuu. 15" auefg I j>o1zhtj:9n `hildehg . `%TH`E NOR 1`:IIERN ADVANCE Six Nova. Sootian aailoi have ;a'r- rived in. New York} after. having . spent six months prison n Um`-`T Historic Argnies {and _Battle;s I Compared. U1. an 1`a.u.KI5. The --"battle of Lia`o-Yang saw 460.- jooo in the fighting lines; the `battle -of Shaho. 580,000, and the Tb-attl_e_-of Mukdezn 850,000. - Mo.nr_fIAn-. `Ila.-.-.-'l_.. .1!) ... .1. .-V 4.v.Iu.uc;u OUU,UUU. A VMajor-Gen; Mag-aoka did not ex- plain the processes of his calculation. `out inasmuch as the Russians at Mukden are not - supposed to have mustered more than 380,000. it "Would- appear from the statement of the eminent authority that the Japan-` ese armies aggregated 470.000. Anothernoteworthdy point is the duration of present- ay combats.- It used to predicted by mili- tary experts that arms of precision and other deaadly instruments. `fur- nished rby modern science must have the effect of shortening fights. RQQYHH fl ! |-`I0 noun l Concerning the roatue of Mukden. Major-General M-agaoka, assistant {chief of the headquarters staf in Tokio. has .made some interesting statements -in a speech made `before the Oriental association. The :nn .-a..e.:...... ..........._:;.-.1- -4: 4.1.- Luv Ulfcll -L-E11 _.B.BlHJlllEl0!_l. The mcreas-mg magmtude of the forces that face each other .was I ointed out by him.`Thus,'. in the` i ran-co -Austrian war of 1809. the armies on `both sides totalled 238,000. in 2YY\~n2i0?n 191`) flnnv-n `urn;-A a.11._u1cB'U.u uuL_u B1088 tocaueu Zi16,UU_U. m the ca.m~pang'n of 1812 there were '250,000 engaged. and in 1866 Prus-. sia and Austria marshalled 430;000 of all ranks. - Thu ."...+4.I... -1: 'r:..'- 1r-.._ .4--~ Ann Luv cu.uuL U1 snorcenmg ngnts. The opposite seems to be the case. Thus the fight at VVagrvam in 1809 lasted fourteen hours: that! of 1812 at Borodino. twelve and .a half hours -that .of 1813 at Leipsic. three days , and that on the Lisaine :three days. But the f'_ t'n at Liao-Yan went on for igghtl zigavn: that M. '+'h suuxucu Lur I01lI't8l!l days. - Ever thing is orn_a scale of in- creade magnitude. At Lian-Ya-ng the Japanese had more than . 140 'miles of telephone and telegraph in operation. ' V - Tn +1-no nu... ---:L1_v r\1_,-_- - "Iu*E"EAh`" :i;m`.`;i` '$; 3 .a`E:.`;g eight ys; that on `the Sha.ho for five days;.ang1'_th/at ab Mukden for fourteen days. EVeI`Vthin? is rm 9 angle: nf 3-- y up-:4 auuu. _ ` 0. . In the war wnth Ghma, :3. few years.a.g=o. the number of letters- sent home from troops. in the field throughout the whole war was 12,- 000,000, whereas in the single mont-h of December last ;the men dis- patched 15-.284.000 letters to Japan and received 14,567,000. Antn url-any-one LI..- ...--..-- I-1- `I .-. .-. uu.u:u.V.n.I.~ on uU.. _ - _ `_ Toledo; Ohio. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney. for the.la.-st fifteen years, and | oelie'vehim perfectly hon- orable in all bus-iun-ess transactions and finan:cial1y,a1 o-le to carry out any so) li ion by his firm. 1 ALDINGL. KINNAN `& MARVIN. .WhIole.sa1e Druggists. `- Toledo. ~ Ohio. HoaJ.l s Oat-arrh Cureis taken i-nte`~,1v- rn~a.l~ly. acting dircitlyi u the `blood -and muco9u-s- surfaces i 0 the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75 cents per bottle. -Sold by all druggists. V Take I-Iall's Fam iIv Pm. nr .....-+:, uulxn uurulg [LIB (`_aH].DalgIl.s Of l 95.aggregated only 6.600.000 yen..$3,- ;000,000` thev totalled 20 million yen :or ten million dollars in the prbtv fsent war. un to the end of Decem- lwast. This war pnoves, in the` opinion of the J.apanese,at.aff, that whereas oontrivances of war were expected to {minimise the value of the soldier s physique,`the latter pos- sesses ia re-alitv .m.m-n. xmnm-mm-o To take the conceit out of ahorse thoroughly there Tisno better way than to throw. him. It certaia': re- quires pluck and determinati-on to throw a'horse sing'le-handed, -'.)vu~t if done your horse is virtually cor.tuer- ed for good and all. - 'l`.n an +1.:. ..... .. ....;.-.I un-I ucuu gvcr DIS S_D011l(1OI'. ' ` Make hvm ;put hzs head on the ground, and if he makes an attempt to get upypull his head up Jmmer d ately, which will prevent him from rising. This will give him thm'ou2h- .ly. to understand that you are mas4 ter. Once a horse realizes your power over -hvm he will do almost anything a horse can do.-Canadian Sportsman. Wb offer One Hundred Dollars Re- ward `hon any case of Ca.-tarrh "that oanmot roe cured by Hall's Oatarrh Oure. . F. J. CHENEY & 00.. .' ' ' "`nldi`n'- (\'I\3n anu recexvea 14,567,000. " Again, whereas the su-ms lodged jay the troops in the postal savings sank during the campaigns of 1894_- 95 acrszreaafed nnlu Annn nnn ...... .1--) u nun guuu a.ll(l au. j To do this, put agood strong with aring in it.` and `buckle iton the horse s.tore' leg below -the fet- lock joit; "take . to. rope -eight . feet `Long and tieeit .to.this stran: nlace a surcingle _round the horse s body,- take upyour positxom on the right side of the horse, `bring the rope over the ,hor.=le s back from the off s?de: take hold of the rope and pull halter on your horse, take a strap- [his foot 101 'hisZ1ndv- f-nlrn 9 4=:...... M The Way to Throw a Horse. ___c--. --.. ., ua yuv auxuxul 11118 `been throw take the rope that his underneath `im, bring it under -the surcingle and pass it thnough the ring of the halter and .".1ack- under `the -surcirggle again, and `thus :you have `the rope.inI- (pa-si:tion to bring his head over his shoulder. ' V `M-ill!!! h;'rn `n11+ his I-.1.--I '--~- 41-- pcl uuuuu. now way a.u druggists. ` Hall's Famlly Pills for consti- P0.- ci:on._ V " 1 V V ` ....- -.......-. .2 1.u.1_ya.|quc.' but: mu-er m reahty V more xmportance }than- ever. - How's This ? ~ fj; 9:: _ LEGAL. DONKLD R088. `L. L. 13.. BARRIE- ter._ `Solicitor, etc. Bank. of Toron- to Building. Barrie. Money to Loan. LENNOX. COWAN 3: BROWN. BAR-. -LL-2_...an STEWART & STEWART. BARRIE- J`. MUIR JAMIESON BARRISTER: Rn'l:-H-..... ups`-arr! Du-I. in. T. ARNALL. M. a) . -c. M.. OFFICE I l1nn hf PG brain Rr Ens-`:4-I-n" `l\v-II, `DR. J. 0. SMITH. L. C. P. s..\ 0NT., G. ` A4. RADENHURST; BAZI{ilZEtISTEt1. DR. W. A. Boss. PHYSICIAN, sun- ` geon. e-tc..-L. R. C. 8.. Edin.. L. R. C. P., London. Offices and night residence. Brown s Block. Dunlap street, Barrie. Telephone. 77. 'HEWSON' & GRESWICKE. MBARRIS,-_