DR. J; 0. SMITH. L. c. P.A s.. 0N'l`.. 11`; a.` 'l'\-us `Hannah. )9. G-...:lI-u fl-II, .=;l3_H0_Mf_;A8`KE1TNE15Y.& co.. AncxfI:* t` n**ri-i319r 3'i`V3.- `DR; W-. A. Boss. PHYSICIAN. sun- U-nun:-n 1312. J. F. PALLING.'GRADUATE on` "biz. J. ARTHUR ROSS. L. R. c. P. `& S...Edin!burg-11; M. F. P. &. 8.. Glasgow. member of the British Opthalmological Society. Special- t_V.-DiseasesA of . the'~'Eye. Ear, i Throat and Nose. 0ffice',.. 78 Dunlop street. Saunders` Block. Barrie. op- 9 os1t_e Post-Office, and Railway ' tatxon. `Phone 54; P.O. Box 96. O. H, LYON. PRIVATE FIUNDS TO [Imam luau Dan` `4`_L_L_ -1 ` -- UNWIN. MUIRPHIE & ESTEN. 0N-1 tari-o_ Land Su'rv'e ors. _Engineers.1 etc. Established 18 2. Office. Medi- 1 , _ ml Building. SE.` oorner {Richmond \ 31;ne?`iias3 1`.%%? 1n``33?.;nsTi l?E with Btrathy &. Eaten. Solicitors. `(Bank of Toronto Building. Barrie. will be nromntlv nffn-nzlocl A- 370.000 FOR INVESTMENT ON GOOD i fv-nnlmnltl .-......:.L.-. -1. 1---- - `ANY .QUANTITY'0F MONEY TQi nnn and A 1 0 .....1 2 _--4 11.15 a.m. For Stayner, wood and Meafor-d". V 3.40 pm. For Stayner. ` {Wood and Meafor-d. 7.45 pm.- E01` Penetang. 8.00'>p.m. For? Stayner, '- |..`-. ...J -..A 'Ifn..__2 HOMOEZf-)PATHAIST. W. `J. PATTERSON. M. D.. C. M.. Physician. Surgeon, Homoeopath- ~-ist. Office Hours-11 a.m. to 1 p.m..v 7 `to 8 p.m. Cor. Poyntz ai1glADpnlop Sts.. Barrie. Phone "lo `EIJIJLQ YIQXLULUIQLJ-Chi. uav--v-- - _.-. xPnoqtor. Notary. Canveyancer, eto. 8peo1al.attention in drawing and pnabaig-ing_wi']ls. obtaining letters of "ad1in1;s`traItTo5n iiiid` `uardianship. collecting accounts. e c. Offices. _B~oss block. -Barrie. Money to loan. l.l.`JLVJ.VUJLp UV vv 34.: on .....v vv -., ._---- risters. Solicitors for obtaining pndb_a1;e of yvjlls. guardianshi qn ' adm1mstratxon.~ and general 11ci - stors, Notaries. Oonveyancers. etc. Offices. Hinds -Block._ Barrie. No. 6. Dunlap street. nBarrne. Money to loan at` 4 1-2 and 5 per cen*t.A Branch offices at Creemore and Al- lnsbon. Haughtan Lennox. Alex.1 Oowan. G. E. J. Brown. L.L.B. | V `URL! 51.5` `J `J sci-ra-u --~-_-v-v---v -- -- - `Attorney. 'So1-icitor in `Chancery, Oonveyanoer. etc. Office. first door, Owen street. over Bank of Com- merce. Barrie. ' V l.l`J VVluJ\lJ.V $1 \I5UQ1guavv-g--' -___-__ l ters, Solicitors of the Supreme Court of -Judicature. of Ontario. Ppoctors. Notaries. Convpyancera. etc. Money to loan. Office. Ross Block. Barrie. C. E`. Hewson. K.C., A. E. H. Creswicke. rL.|.u:xa.a..u..n. uv .14-u.......`, -..----_.._._--_, Solicitors in-High Court of Jun- tice. Notaries Public. Conveyancers. ` Offices over the Bank of Toronto.` Barrie. Money in sums of $2,000 and upwards. to: loan at 5 per cent. H. H. Strathy. K. 0.. G. H. x'I7aI>n1-L . V. muxn JAMLQDULV, JJ:sI\nJ:I..|D_L1ul.\; Solicitor. Notary-. Public. Private funds to loan at lowest` rates. Of-. fioes: Bank of Toronto Building. frelephone 184. ` ' VJ-J1 VV BAIL QB Laban vv guano. .ters. Solicitors. Notaries Public, and Conveyancers. Money to loan- in any sums at 5 percent. Office 13 Owen street. -Barrie. H. D. Stew- art. L. L. D.. D. M. Stewart. DUEL. I Eaten. "in- 1L7.'vv7-e11*s Block, Alla1'1dale. 03` the premises at night-. avqluvp uav-uvavuo I-on-a V7.55 Aa.m. For Newmavol;-ot . A 'Doronto. V gas -a.m. [F-or Alvlandale. % . ;. '12.21 `p.m. For Newmarket, Au- rora and Toronto. 1.51 -p.m. .Eo_r Newinarket. Au- ` xora - and Tomato. IIUo Us \l- EJILLI-I1; 1J0 `J: In DI. \JLV1og (late of Drs. Harvie & Smith. 0ril- lia). . Office and residence. corner of Owen and Collier streets. Bar- ___.__ _...,... ...un.4.1u.V\:I' mxuu DUM- pany. Oarpenterin. building. and manufacturing . `o doors. sash. blinds. mouldings. etc: Planing of all kings done and satisfac- bo_nly. Hot - last drying kiln`. Dis- tnotj oy ..tor: gramed lu-mfber. Factory. Bayfield . street. Barrie. Game. sudceuors_~`q*Geo.' 7-}oki.' ego:-L. iifcf s.. Emu; L. R. C. P.. London. Offices' and night residence. Brown's Block. Dunlop street. Barrlie.` Telephone. 77. --------- `as. no-av--...r mv go.-.-a vs "a':'~r;;Ji,J `University. Toronto. Fel- 'low, of Trinity Medical College, Member of the College of Physi- cians and Surgeons of Ontario. Of- fice and residence. 18`Owen street. -M: 3.. `l'ate"r'es`i(ier: . [Physician and Surgeon of Toron- to General Hospital. with special attention to Diseases of Women. and Nose and Throat ~Work. also for some time surgeon in charge of _Emer ency Hospital, Toronto. Office a nigh residence. upstairs -in McCarthy--B k. 21 Dunlop St..- Barrie. second door east of Dou- gall Bros. furniture warerooms. near Five Points. `Phone 105. a... -`V1.51; LAULVILLJII IEWJJNIJQ loan on Real -Estate at lowest rates. Farmers notes discounted. Collec- tions -made m art of the Count . Real esta e ught and sold. veyancing in all Its bran- ches. Marriage Licenses issued. Of- goe. Ross B ook. Dunlop street, Q 11:3 LIUB . lBarr;e. ca;.V LL; 1. U1! JHUNFJ 1 1'0 :1-: 4 1-2 and 5 per cent. Eas} terms of re-pa ment. Lennox. Cow- ` 9.11 & -Bnown. icitors. Barristers, e_ o` . uaaux ox. xoronto Building. Bar: be], promptly attended to. .v,vvv n. \l&U 4;` V JJLILJILJHL` cl ; freehold seougity at lowest rrateof -interest. tN.o princi al money re-' uired until end 0 the term. H. . Strathy, Solicitor. etc.. Barrie. - `L55 am. For Orillia. North Bay" and 600.. ` _ ~ 11.45 -a.m. For -Orillia. Gnzene burst and North Bay. . I 1,00 p.m. For Muskoka AWha'rf. 1.33 pm. For Parry Sound. -4.03 p.m. ,F'0I' Orillia. North Bay and pnoints West. _ = p J ALL PLANING Minn `up I.n._-._L-_I__ . MANUFACTURERS. MON ITO LOAN. PHYSICIANS. A;[RcHI1fEc1\s. BURVEYORS. FINANCIAL.` I190. UI- st regt, |The_ %Nqrlhin% Advant ~`l hE`l'ntter fact demonstrates the `its patrons. It you have any advertisx VANCE la proven to have the '.I.'.HU All largest circulation of any paper in the Count Town. 7 It has far the largest Subscription qllllahty of nlnn H . withtha naner that ran:-Mn: 1l....g._t0 I 5.20 p.m. For Newmarket. Toron- sbo.~Momtreal and points East. ' . ll IIH .. _. `R... \`l'_........ - ..I_-L A .- '1'}:-fiwlhtter demonstrates quahty advertismg to do -not afraid to pity the price. place it withothe paper that reaches the people Avnrtinomnnfn urn nhnrana ........_.a- -I106 Dlrlllu ID pay um price. - Advgrtiaemqnts are charged ac rd` ` _spo.ce-18 lines agate measurg make ((3310 ilggh * } Iacal Notices, Auction Sales, Am etc.--F`irat insertion 10 cents er lZ""2{, suguent insertion 5 cents per ne. 4 ; ins notices, 10 cents per line for x-at insertion : 5 cents per line for each subsequen gllleittiontoftgllile mime mttetttenh All items unde: s,o sca.racr,caed '- -Obituarv Poetrybcoer line. rg an 1" aa Preferred positlons for local advertise. ments in the paper W111 be sold at an advance of one-third on algove rates. and on no other laocount will specxal positions be glvcn. This . rule will be strictly carried out. CONTRACT CHANG E8. Advertisers will please bear in mind that notice of inhentlon to change advemsemcnta mustbe handed lnto the oioe not later than Saturday at 10 Qclock. and the go ' for such change must be 111 THE ADVAl\C ot_ce not later than 12 9 clock noon _on ,Monday m any week, otherwise the ad vertnser s announcement {gay not be made public until the week follow. 2. fl. `changes of Advergisements allowed pm- year.beI:hx:l(.Jgr:d.are requu-ed, composmon rates Advertisers will not be allowed to use their _space for advertising anythin outside their own regular business. Shoud th ' d .tra.nsient rates will be charged for-03am-l(u) .510 -uwu rcguxur uueguczsu. anoum mey do so be charged for such ad -vertisementa. V V v--~--.vw-.o -ow v nu.-n nnu..ul.i-.1 na. Condensed advertisements on first page such as wants of all kinds, los_t and fpund, property for sale-or to rent,_es(s1pec1_c amcles, etc.. etc,. must be accompan} xyxth the cash, and win he inserted-rst _msert_1on 2 cents per word eachsnbsequent msemon 1 cent per word (names,a.ddnes_ses and gures counted as words); but a. reducnon of one cent_per word will be madewhen the number of xnsemons of same I matter exceed four - ..-up-nu- v-vvvn- - can for ndve:Iuemenu must In every case be mounted on solid metal bun. }'rHos.sMrrH pew. -ow.-v- v-- --- rv----v- ----vvw ' '9.37 p.m. -'l's`or Newmarket, Au`- nora and Tomato. Rnnlsnnr run Fonwwma Fm: Insunuuc i Cnlnunmea ` \r\I-ruu|Du `ia. 3`;.5.9`xl .. 3.`2a.?. }2..E% %f?;,:i..T.l% L `L119 .II|Bl'(Zl1IillBg OI UDEBTIO. and TD8 LOD ` ' den 83 Lancaehire of Liverpool. i '1'he"Wa_ter1oo Mutua.l.o1' Waterloo. On ! The Economical Mutual. of Berlin. om The standard Mutual, of Markham. On Also Llovdle Plate Glass Insurance Com pany. of New York. Privite funds to loan on first mottgages. Ac c_ounts collected. &c. Dce over Hambly & Baker : Han-dware Store Bartic. Ont. THOS. SMITH FOR SALE. Lcnpmsneo OATS PL EWES 8 LANGMAN :22? ` carrrn. svnscnnnzn, - 3500.000 CAPITAL CALLED UP, - $l50.000 : Government Deposit $53,600 Operated i under Dominion License. 0 This Canadian Company has representa- ; tiveu in `the principal townnhroughouc the jDnminion. Selects its risks and gives an advantage in `rates to such favorable in 10- j cation, physical and-moral hazard Tnos. Cmwronn, M.P P ,~ President. ` C. C VAKNORMAN. Vice President. = W. GREENWOOD BROWN, General Manager. 5 ' J. H. BENNETT. Agent at Barrie. and earn why. FULL STOCK OF FLOUR AND FEED ON HAND. CHOPPING ' EVERY DAY. ' 5125 _p.vm. `.For 'CaLrdwell Jumtian. Georgetown" and Hamilton. ~ T '11. ? :9_..-!.9.9_it.y Tm: ADVANOI: is proven t h meat any naner ix? thnal`;.e~... VCIVJT FLOWERS-Roau. Carnations, Violets. etc.-,' fresh av dav. Bouquet:-,--Butt. n- hdle. Hand or rsage. Funeral Tokens in any design. IIKIICQ 113110 of `I` an - designs. V3? TABLES- I .nI>9.u-. I`-I-L- - Celery, Crisp and Tender: .3-Ezttuce, Cabbage, Parsnips, Beets, Carrots, e SlEDS-Flowcr Seeds, Vegetable Seeds,Plants ' and bulb. FLORIST AND SEEDSMAN. Telephone 15. ` :55 Dunlap-St.. Barri '$EEDm"'|`ORE'. -I'I}4 sunIrTcE1cB'i1}A~u7 flarketjiiiknllh} Mills -7.25 am. Foi Georgetown and 2, Want Bsldwin Street. Barrie, COHNhRCIAL CONACT RATES. (Svcczssox to Scnoccxn 8: Sm-ru.) coxbniesnn ADVERTISE)! ENTS. __...a ..1___;:.._`. ___L_ ,, :Ju;>b n Ten:-ace \ L is the best. feed for your horses ? CALL AT THE ` Insurance Agent Cnnveyancer, 8 c. TI-IE NOFRTHERN ADVANCE An 8. Page 48 Column Newspaper. ` Published from the omce. 123 Dunlop Street. Ban-ie..in the County of Simone, the Pro- vince of Ontario. Canada. every Thursday. Morning, by DO YOU. KNOW THAT TRANSIENT ADVERTISING. GO To nix NEW and why. R nw wtnnp -AN(DZ-l ` 29. 1905. avg. vs`: ' I IN om: BLOCK or Two . 24933 wvo-ugvvovco aaowv uuonva-o coca ooavaowg an `uncut Subscribers "now in arrears for three months`. and over will be eharged $1.50 per annum. ;uAL rie. Eln new 11; me will to added to the Sub Iorlption List until the money is paid. cu..|.--_.n.-... ..-._ :_ ______.. 1-.. 41.--- _.-_u_-' `There seems tionbea misappneheu- sion in the minds or some with re- gard'to the jurisdiction of overseers. of fisheries outside their own speci- fied district referred to in our ur- itiicle olt .le.'sit wieek. "'1`heore`tic-ally. _ the law. as cont-ainediin 62 Vict., c`._ `34, sec. 8., does; give the overwer jurisdiction beyond the bounds of_ his ass'gned '-territory. Nobody disputes that. But what is the practice? _ The otverz.-seers "are governed` by in- structiocns` fr`om the inepartmeiit iwhioh. we understaEnd._ `set ;hf6rth_"in precise `terms the sphere o't_thoir duties. The authority of eech'oireri `seer is within -his own limits.'__a,ud;,he may not. without `special, posmisjsioo siente him -by the Departmen ex,_-_-,.`. _ raise his powers outside the bounds fiot~aa.me.4 That is the point to which . -ma wish -to `direct atteution. wsspcvacaw. Pnriauc-roas L01 what use is a section 'of the` `Fisheries Act when the overseer gets` Napebisl orders not tp do such an-d such an pain of dismissal! We van-V ture to`say there is not anvotfioial . Lu`._k e'.8'rm`ode who `does not ,interpre1.j his jurisdiotiiorn as we have dened _it.f _` A aurely_ Ta; shabby che }t6rA the Town or Ba.r_rie __to . .1! the Department wishes the over- ieerlto` exercise the powers cozxfievr- `by the statute mentioned. -we xzwaquidm respectfully urge it to inoti-H `fthfem eooordingly. so that `there. fg_y.:`i'1:_1po1_-tent i matter. ?e.xi_i_ny.y` 'be no misunderstanding in this $1 pr`A_'1mum in Advamdo T 9.16 p.m. For Orilliia.-. T1110 a.m. For Benetang.` n,a*"'J:.;'$'M;;mf"' ` Daily including g Sunday. g Regrettabl/e lncide%n_t.% J. jrnmx JACKSON punt: RAILWAY auto: Qverseers of Fisheries. V'l`nnM's"on5 suxiscmrrxox, flake; 91 .I .o,rt.1`ait.I'. NORTH. V Cardwell Junction. Hamilton. _ ` ` calling"- Coiling- Coiling- ..1 ~ =il!tir :`f!`f1731!'$":?d.;` `lgungiy journey 3 :onwmg aV.a1_!a_1}du- ~ o1_1':fperi_od of ;oajmp_ drill." bit itely *wer'se to inform them before`. hand of 9. coming reception and then out them off at the egeevethth; -ho1_1r. A `How crops were Douled, _'i`he whole thing is dEsereditab'le`to- the Town. and will not `likely soon be forgotten. Weare not dvlsposeda `to attach blame. to Council.` which yoted `ad snip towards `the entertain- ment of the soldiers. but it isnot flattering 't`o:Vth_e reception "com- mittee to see the way the _matter was allowed to peter out ; and` where. oh l where was `the pu-blieo heart and spirit of the ladies who.'it was`ge;n- erally'supposed'. wouldlead `the van? The citizens. we believe. strongly favored the idea of -a `luncheon. but the method of bungling on the part ot those who attempted. or` were re- -lied upon. to carry it out left no opportunity for others to take it up -in fact the people to the last minute had the impression that the reception was going ahead. What a pity_0ounoil` had notes- suined sole charge of the undertaking instead dof depending on the value- tary effort ofethose whose apathy appeared more in evidence than their good works. . Experiments carried out recently in England demonstrate what -lilberal fertilizing may do with naturally. poor clay `land. In one case a man-` gold field was divided into five plats. one of which was left .un_manurepl_ or comparison. while the others`re- ceived 448 -pounds per acre 01 super- phosphate. wit.h and without nitro- genous manure. `The. unmanured plat gave twelve and three-fquartezr tons of roots per acre- 8upe.rphos- -phate alone raised this yield to `twenty and a quarter tons: -upe.r-- phosphates and two hundred and twenty-`tour `pounds of nitrate or soda per acre raised -the yield to `twenty-seven and at quarter tons; superphosphate and a hundred and and "orty-eight pounds_. of nitrate raised it to thirty-four tons, and superph-osphate and` six? hundred and seventy-twmo pounds of nitrate raised it tothirty-niine -tons. The respective increases due't~o manur- .ing on the four fertilized Blats were, therefore. in round figures. 7. 14._ 21 and, 26 tons per acre. and. if the cost of fertilizers be taken into ac- count. "the average cost ofvthe in- crease was less than seventy-thnee cents per ton-considered .a very -cheap` price to pay 161`. mangolds in. a season not especially `favorable to` their growth. ' lI\I__ 11_`-__`I -3 A_-_I___I1,,_,- 4,;c ' Wash greasy dishes, pots `or pens with `Lever : Dry Soap a. powder. It will re- move the grease with the greatest ease. . 36 An experimental oat crop follow- ed a crop of roots. Without`ma- nure the yield was twenty-seven bushels of oats anda1.904 pounds of straw per atre. With 336 pmmds of superph-osphate per acres the yield` was `thirty-four. bu_shels.of oats and -2.350 "pounds of straw. and, with sru:perp.hIos.phaJte and `a hwndred and twelve `pounds of nitrate of soda per ao_re, forty-one bushels `of oats and. 2.688 pounds of straw; while super- `ph`osphat_e.e with two hundred and twenty-four pounds of'T:nitrate,`_ ap-. plied in` two dressings. gave forty- sevem {bushels of `oats and 3.136 pounds of straw. 'Inpeach ease the increase in grain and straw is taken all worth. roughly. twice the cost of the `fertilizers employed in pro- ducing .it. ' The Board of Agriculture esti- mates the mangwold crop of the coun- try ter 1904 at eighteen andthree-1 quarter bone ger acne. Thewyield of the best plat referred` to. thirty- nine tons perhacre, was therefore! double thejaverage. ' - -The Board -of Agriculture : esti- mates of a normal oat -qrop indicate that the yield of forty-seimnbushels per acre is at least ten, bushels he- yohd the average from ordinary soi1. vvuc gauge." 11;`! I'll!` gm mow-ptoof, leak-"proof and re-proof. Youcnn do your own xfooxig, and 4theTjob.will int 1 1' etime without a last. TOUR _ REE BOOKLET `n`:ig4htyAeonvincin_ reason; why. C7! ' KC`? I Is`... Patenown Wise Edge mot. lug keeps burns and ~ont-bnild- in as brand `as the `I-8 Ajgf Qngn. J A- ...L ';`;no1;1 d -gr under "Wire Edge." It : nin- nnnnf- l!I(IC.lIDnn` `A-1o..nnnn` ' 0"! 2'.1!I!9!!t T `for , i The '1`imes`.'im a speciai crticle by` -William 0. Unwiin, F.B,S.. on the subjeczt -of the Niagarai water power, m_a.kes ca!cmma-ti-on_s- which indicate that this gene`ra'ti-an is zljkoly to see the water going over -the Fails re- duced tb` little` mere than half what it mi-ghiti Theptotal utilizaxtion of - power now i3rojected"an'1ou.n't-s to 650.000 h.!p. -V The Times correspan-. dent -says. "The whole of. ?che,`ma- Tchtirnery for this`. development may not the er_e,c:ted for` some `time. but that great confidence is` ten than it` w-ill `be reujwired may be inferred Atrum` `the fact that_ vex-y.costti;z;_%i.fl1~eia.d works.-wh'ee`l pits and tail nacs `are being c`ornstruUted for the `full pm- jected aimxmmt po.we.'r. In view` of `this prospect` Mr. Unwin m-a.k e`sM the Tolldwi-ng V calculations: `,T,hc ,4-. .1a_-- -:1---..___ .__g___ 3 mean Iflaw; of` the Niaga_r`a_:river is alb-curt 222,000 cubic feet .'per second. S'l1|pp10B6, `whalt_ is about .`true._ lthiat 150.000 'h.=p. a.re nso'w. daily utilized, that the mean `availalble .'fall is 160 Q`: v.....-_.....-_-._-- 'tt.." and thiatlthe efficiency of-the t-urlbines is 0.75. Then `the idaily -de- mand; for water is 11,017 cubic feet per` second. which is five per cent. of the mean flow. or 63-4 per cent. Jof the minimum flow.` But if 650.- 000 hp. are utilized the demand for twater will lbs` 47,740 cubic feet per second. or :211-2 per cent`. of the mean flioiw and 30 lperoenat. of. the minimum Obviously. if no` `altenat-ion of the alls is `at present perceptible. the `alteration is likely alble, especially as `the -depth . of TW;a4trT over the Amieric 7 .fall is very Sm;a.`lil.."' Bu-ti -thisas miot -all.` As is pbilnlted `cult an article on` the Destruction of Niagar-a Falls.-by Mr. A. .=D. Adams, in Cassie:-`s Maga- zine, the canals are also a source of _dep1iva;tisoIn for Niagara Falls. The Chicaglo drainage canal and the Wel- lsand canal draini away a large iqlulaidtity of water that would other- wise `ygio over the Falls. And other canals are projected. Mr. Adams ex- pec-ts the total diversion `of water to `reach before long 37,400 cubic feet perhsecond. and that win M 41 ` - AL- ___~I_.2...-_.__ .tl-_-- -1 ._ __ . -__:L in the *`f'll.Zt`1lI`~8`-`t0 be very OC"1Ili6l` f. 1 This was the highest point at- tained. and from that date onward there has been a gradual decline. in bath the number of pensioners and the amount. payable. In Aug- ust._` 1904. the number __was 20,438; and the monthly `payments 40,617`; ($203,085). This is the lowest point .reaehedi since the pension nystexn -has been in full operation, 4'1`he;f eyerage je !3h1;8l.T,1'?'il!` `'3 533, -_.- :_..-'v- -rd-avvuuu. VIIIIIV IIIVV l.\J'LUUo In Vitoz,;_i._ thg a_ysten_1_ is _`a>me_- ,,;.v,,vi,l1_.o`.1= <,!'9nt.. ,.=,::.'1 h9- gt. vexfagg ._ V- `w-,`'. `~ ' 5;? at;f;f;c`i;e:u:`In'i;t;1;m"'.ov;*: 0}" the Niaggra river. ' ` Old age Pensions in_ In New South Wales the old-age pension scheme. as sanctioned by the 9 `State Parliament. `specifies a pen- sion of 26 (130) a year. diminished` `by 1 for every 1 of income above 26 a year. and by `1 for every 15 of property that the pensioner possesses. `Where a` husband and a `wife are each entitled to a pension, the am-out is tixedat 19 10s a year "each. unless they are living apart under` a decree `01f the court or a deed `of separation. when the full sum "of "26 will be allowed. Per`-. sons uznder `sixty-five" years of age. but over sixty years. are entitled to pensions it. they are incapacitated by sickness or injury from earning their own livelihood, but klebility due } merely to age is not considered as an ' incapacitatimg Csickpness. _ `Tbs pension system came into force on August 1. 1901.` at which date 18.937 ponsiohs were granted. in- ivplving a. monthly payment of 28. 037 ($140,185). The pension `list `gradually 'inoras9d, as persons en- titled" to claim made `good their rights. and an July .1.t_he number ot `pensioners was 22.252. the month- ly pension `bill being 44,362 ($221.-N 310). y ' L V The system of old-age pensions at present confined to New South Wales ` and Victoria. must be regardept somewhat in the )ig.ht pf an ex-* periment. and its adoption by the Commonwealth Government will de- pend largely an the success 02 the working details and the means of dbtaining the necessary funds. the latter `involving some form of -ad- ditional taxation. probably through the federal customs. ' . Reduction of Niagata. THE NORTHERN "ADVANCE 0 35950 nnsnnvs, $3;L2O0.%00O% Australia. s x months immediately preceding the '8'l'8n|t of a pension` must not have amounted to 83 per week `(in "New South Wales the sum allowed is 1 per w.e:ek);he -must also have `made reasonable -efforts to provide for himself. which` is not necessary `in New South Wales, where the pen-p sion is granted in consideration of` old age. and a `citizen may enjoy his pensionon attpinmg theage of sixty-five. whether he islaible to `work or not. indeed. the law allows him to supplement his -income to the extent of .10s"per week. in the ease of New South `Wales; the total in- come enjoyed by the pensioner may. therefore.'in`that state amount to 20s per week. I Luau is dihmished `by 6d .per vsnvs-ave`, q..-.------- .- -r------.__ every 10 of savings aco_umulat:eI1 by "the claimant, -or by the value of the board and lodging which he may receive, such value [being taken at 58 per -vw PIA V1 Irvin . When a LcI1a.ima.nt. -a-ltheugh he has; attained the -stuatut-ory age" of sixty- tive years, `appears to !be .physically ca`pa-bleot earning or partlyeanning. his living. a pension :may_ be re.tuse`d `or fixed at a -`lower sum than 83. \ The statutory maximum of pensions _-_1,-x .1___ 1!) _,-._ _--.--1- _- The Irish way of `courting in the old dtayls and in quiet coun'try, places even to the present day was and is very different `from that style of thing which makes the `sxilbject pi many time-ly painted romances, ac- cording 'zto~ Donahue .s magazine`, There were no stolen `interviews. no tVw.il- i:gl_1rt walks", no thoughts of k'ss- ing or: even `hand clasps--in short. _no -lovemaking (whatever. `But if .-they`w,ere a.-t reaping or hay-_m'aki'ng Peter "cook his place. next to Rosie, .helped to bind her emeavea when ms. own were done and at noonldny tool: ' }. his shareof soda cake and -his draft Rela..tives_--if -the father. mother. brother. ;sister or child-- are -re- `quired -to assist in the maintenance of `the pcnsionetrg where their means are sufiieiemt to allow "them, to.do so, `otherwise they will. -have to prove their inability to aid in the cost of sui)por~ting their relative. 7 sun 1. uuxuxuaus uvu. Sold. by d1fu-'ggisl_:_s. (_{E 1_i;o 75c pai- ~h0tt1,8A- _ . _ ~i.; .l.`~11-;kt`9;H_f.4lV.lL _a_",f,'G ,`}_a,~ ' The granting of pensions depends on whether any money is available 5 to pay them. the -totalamount being `fixed by the State `Parliament at 150,000 ($750,000). per`a.n.nu.m. `The number; of persorns of.s';x.ty-five years -of age `a-nd'upwaard resident in the Oommonwealth onth'e 30th of June. 1904. was estimated at 50,300. but it is believed that the actual fig- ures are somewhat lower. ""r1i7i?a','"i tea: in u uauv xyuauu a.uu`Lno spite 4 or.ner.~ of all that is writ- ? B_e_ware "of Oilxfments for Ca- : tarrh that Contain:Me.r- li-7' hlllthbv-`IL D\r\lsln Iacngv KMIJIL A119 \L-l.lOLIu of milk from her hands. Then in the Qullelt evening,` when the work _was done and the evening meal was over. Petterr yvould rise and look out of the dqor and say to his father or sis:t'e-rs: " Tis a. fine night. ` I think I ll go for a. bit of a, stroll. And `the bit of a. stroll inevitably ended on the narrow. _path `through the wh-in busthes up to the dtile; over "which it was him three steps `into Alex. M$Crossan s haggard. and then across to where the .1`:-relight shone welcoming through the door. A....--_.l LL- .'_,- _._-...-5 Ivan` vsnahl I-LIV V010 e "Lanna the fire the family circle was widened to make room for. him. as a_ mafater pf course. `Maybe he took a. dr.aw'ot' the pipe, and n_1ay.be_ he didn't. Aznyhow -he would sit there quiiett and contented for -long enough, talking a_ll_the time to Me- ; Crossam 011 the neighbor men. but ; with -quiet ha. py eyes vwatohingl Rosie. the 10v and chosen one. as she sat in the flickering light or I moved "about the room.` And -there was 9. gleam inher as es and a smile `om her lips which vt (1 him he-was welcome and bade him stay` long and come again-soon,` and-in` his heart, was a farm resolve. as -soon` as ever be `m. hd `III 'I\ilIl9:U|4h A-J--L vv'a.u u. u1r.I_u resume. as he saw. me way Ibq marrymg. that he `wooruid have Rosue andmo other.- `r This. in suite In` all nun :. .....u Courting in Ireland. cAriTAL. 2 _. n,i..,'i HEWBON &. ORESWICKE. mums- .l_-__.. a_'|:-:A.-__ .G 4.1-... Run:-n-nan u `W. *0 Jan u-up -.---._-_... -. !ter;-i8olicitor. etc. -Bank of Toron- '. to__ui1ding.A Barrie. Money -to Loan. .W._ Aufm. BARRISTER. SBLICITOR. t\-_._-_.-_-.... Ad- _LENNox. COWAN &. BROWN. BAR-I ` -'-`I---L-__ 1-- .1.L..:..:..... G. A`. RADENHURST. ~_BA.RRIs'rER.} |(1'I_ -._ -.\--u 8'lfEWVABT & srmwmr. `BARRIS- ` T'I,,I_I! _ J; MUIRT JAMIESON BARRISTEB; I:..|:-:a..... x1..o...-.. 1).. H- `Du-ismlm s'r_nATHY & Esrni. BARRISTERS.: 7-- .. .11. '1'. ARNALL. M. D. c. M.. OFFICE Tzains leave Barrie for -the un- vdormentioned places as follows; ' SOUTH. j_ `$.22. r..m. For Newmarket. To- mnto. Montreal arld points Ea_at.' 3 Ir , \v'_____.. - ..I....L A ..-.._.4-