Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 15 Jun 1905, p. 4

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JJKIA A LVI % jMr."am1 Mrs.` Ellidtt called on` Miss "A. Richardson` ongsunday. ? s'pe2t' Sunday "at his home here. The Methodist choir was greatly Miss Bella Jacobs has returned, after visit_:'in~g ftiemds in Minesing. Mr. . Geofge; L"con jo1` M`ne- vsing .vi`s .ted" at Mr. .John Gil`- oh'rist s'on -Sunday, - _g-. Mr. Go1*d6n Jaciobs of Mines`:-ng improved -on Samday }:y the hejp of three Lgentlameun who .\have lately i arrived v from England. ` v Last Thu_rs(.layvMr. Wm. Bootli left `for Lorain, `Ohio. where he. in- tends to reside. `He will` be greatly misscd.- ` b V ` ` `} T Mr. Frank Hclnikay spent art of] last week -out at the T-arm" where _they are shingling the roof of the house. ` _ . \ V_W_"g,r ad Dr. Gilchrist of 0ri_l1ia called you M1. Arthur` Craig, C.-T._ ,on Sum".-day. The `illness of Mrs. R. 1\Iihty has assumed a[ serious phase within. the past iew_ days, making her recovery doubtful. ` Mr. and Mrs. Samuel B1ackmore- were among the excursionists to_ Peterboxjo from this vicinity. Hurrah tor Sandy Cove}. Pains-T wick Public sch;ol inte..d's to .h H its annual picnic on Friday, the 16th inst`. ` Miss Grace Morrison `of Barrie wasvisiting her father and mother [here over Saturday and Sunday. A party o_fB.. R. surveyors are camped `in this: village. and are said to,be going over the work of former surveying pant_ies.e A _Mr. A. T. Cooper of .Elmva1eand several other friends called on Mr. Arthur Craig, C. T., Sunday. Mr.` Craig s setious illness _ is causing much alarm among his ma.-nv friends. -"Mr. U. Snider and wife` of T_'ny. cAal1e_don friends here last weck. There appears tofu-e otv ma.-xvy oi` the military portion of the village residents attending camp at Ni- gara. Those V who rreported are Messrs. Geo. Hodgson and L. 'W. .Kiel. . The marriage of Mr. Robert Johnson, G.T.R. trainma_n',_ Allan- dale, and [Miss Louisa Goddsar-d, dawghter of the `late John Goddard, of Toronto, took place here om Wednesday of last week. The bride and groom were -born and brought _up within the limits of this village`. and are held in the highest esteem by the whole community of Craig- hrurst. The ceremony was performed ed` at St. John's Church, the inter- ior being (beautifully decorated for the occasion. Rev.-J. H. Kiddicon- ducted the marriage ceremony. The bride looked charming. being attired in` :1 very pretty costume of cream lustre and carrying a fbouquet of bridal roses. She was attended by her sister. Bernice Goddard. who wore`a skirt of grey serge and waist of white silk. carrying a -bouquet of. pink oarnations. The travellin-gv costume. of the bride _ was blue lus- -tre with hat to ma.tch.. Mr; James Johnson of Pittsburg, Pa. brother of the_:groom, performed-the duties of -best man. Mr. John Gaston and Master Lloyd Johnson I acted as -ushers. Miss M. Swan playedthe Wedding Mar_ch,'- After the mere- mony s..the'yV!b;1'idal pa`x_'ty-,1 drove - to ` the residence f of, ,Mr;; Samuel .:[ohrison. tyyhe-='_wed ding eb'rea-ks;sti`.- in .readmesa;`_" The ;-bride re`ceiv.6dimgny 0 `99W`u .1,_u1 83_ 395 ""_. 1'3`?Pfv" we " V i3PFeNV:ghE." CRAIGHURST. PAINSWICK. Lu! 5. Lin vvvuuo Miss Maggie Redlcrn spent Sun? day in Painswick. ` T -r--, ~u-,_;_-_... -0. n......:.. 3. .,::',;,,..,.\ `SCI. All A Iaunnw vv -vgpu Miss Masters oi Barrie is visiting Miss Emma Fennell. ' The annual school picnic is `to be held on Friday. June` 23rd. _ 117 '_| ,, -.." T)....u'Al (Too late :01` iast week) Mrs. Wilson of Stroud `is vLsi_ting Mrs. R. Webb. u-._.1~t--__. _..-...L. Q... .lJ\a4\l VA: .5 AA\I|AJ' v---iv --- ._-. - - ` Mr. and -Mrs, Woolman of Barr.e| were. guests at `Mr. 'R.. Tribble s on Simday. -. 'u 1 41 , ,L l`I---_J. -3 DJ IDA-\Ol&J u Master Lloyd and Grant Guest of Barrie spent Sunday at .Mr. J. Soules . V A very quiet wedding took place` at the residence of Mr. John Ban- ting an W'ednesday, 31stVMay',when his only daughter, Amy Edith; was united in marriage to Mr. Joseph McLenna.n of this place. Owing to the illness qt the :bride s father none but the immediate relatives. were present"? The-bride entered the pa'r- loreon the arm of her father, and looked very pretty in a oostume of white silk with chiffon trimmings. She wore a `bridal veil with orange blossoms and was attended by Miss Emma Jennett. attired in a dress of green silk. Mr.,J. H. Davis. cou- sin.of the bride, supportedthe groom. The groom s -gift to_ thebridewas a}- gold ring set "with emeralds and_ pearls. and -to the bridesmaida `gold broocgh. The happy couple drove to Allandale where they? took the train for Hamilton. "Toronto" and other places. On their: 'retu1.`_i'1"'s they will reside in _-'t_he_v_il{1a_g e..V' t . e ' Mr. Herman Armstrbdngof Toronto who is visiting his `cousin, _Mr. H. Axjmstrong, is `V4.-,ry ill. . Horse thieves visifed Mr." Frank{ VArnold s stable on_Thursda'y last and stole a horsegbut when daylight came and they got a. lookgat the a.n_ima'l,A they into a nei`gh~b-or`s sfablehand went` on. . E Christ, Church wasrthe scene of a very pretty wedding on Thursday last when Miss Emma '_ Jennett `was united_ in marriage `to r.` Thus. "H. _ Banting. The ceremony was per- formed by Rev; Rural Dean Dreyer, assisted by Re:Vv`..VW.% F. `Ca`rpe_n'te'r.; The,-bride entered the church` to th` strains ,` of Mende_lBo_h-n s W'ed_d:i_n~g_%r} March... 1)! ay4o5 -Miss _`IV."\1i{lVe" f1_]?`l.e'=tE_-T * . r-Shei .`l.o`ok.e.d..:? -Ii1ftt_`.in'.1?'_.` V V L ` ' .c- ` .- (Too late for last week.) BIG BAY POINT. IVY. {many the `-bridal party proceeded to [the home of Mr. W. J. Lennox, brother-in-Law of the bride, where a sumptuous -breakfast was served. The `groom's gift to the bride was a gold watch and chain and to the bridesmaid `a ring set with happhires and pearls. After tthe wedding,break- fast and the usual ers of 1ice'au1d the go'od wishes of all their friends, the happy coupze drove to Allandale where they took the train ;for` Hamilton and Na- gara. ....... .,.-.......... u; ucuuun. `:6; number f_rom here attended the exeursion to Peterboro - last week, but on account of the rain "many, who intended to go stayed at home. 2 4"4~+'I'I44'4'*4'4i;+!'!'!-4" I -5--Pi-4'4`-i-!`44------~-~!~--3+-}+j 'U"I"U"3 U "U"3"I"O""'3"I` `T cneariigbut VTQTJLLIJI '5' '3"3"I"""I"3"I"3"3"8' EVERYTHING THIS MONTH:' '3""I"3"8"8"""&""|"' '3' .i- ` ' .' .h**------- -- -,. * .r . . ` . '5'!'!'!""!`!'3`. _ , g '! "3"3""3""!"!' 4""!""P4"3"'+`"'4'4"'"+-}++:. The death of Annie M. Beil, ` daughter of Mr. and `Mrs. A. A.` Bell of this plae took place on Mon- day5df last week. after a short 'i1ln._ess_? from` appendicitis. She was in her 11th year. `Theduneral on Wednes- da .to the Anglican cemetery, Crown Hill, under the .direction of Meaford Webb. Bar-rie. was largely-attended. R_e.v.__R'. A.._Spencer: conducting the ser-yioe at,-.the house. Manywheaut-S-_ ,`u1 _1jora.l .tribptes bore silent testi- Imdliy .to."`he" es'teem.- in Which the yfpugrigl }.g`Z1_'l ___w,_8 held`. among` .them `A very pie-.1san`t-aiterno0n was 8; enf at the` home of Mr.` W. E. .Lennox' on` Saturday last, being a celebra- tion of his" daughter Hazeris birth-. [day._ About thirty of the schonolchil-V Ydren weze _prese.nt and all enjoyed themseivevs ~immen'sel:_r. A sumptuous tea was provided by Mrs, Lennox. A -van`-ax]-gnu-. .._Q_. L-..- BARGAINS IN VINEGARS (Cider, White Wine and Malt) FRUIT JARS. CROCKS. SOAP. SALMON, BACON. HAMS AND LARD. A GOOD REFRIGERATOR. Also a rst class COMBINATION LOCK SAFE. WATER DMETER AND GAS LIGHTS. c. FEE-kins OR0 STATION. '!'i'-3+-3"!-I-'!-'1-l"1'l'-!"i"!-I-I-i~!-++++ u u I I I I - 3:5 , ' II. , - _" J` I I i""""""!3'*""".t Myers; . !'fr!~-ii}:-ii-i--:s++-1-4-4-+-1-+4-oz-4-~:-+-z--z-~:-+ ;0WingItq the success of our graduates. V _the midst commercial activity "3 :,'``. I In, utterly incapable of ' V edemande ade upon us for .. 9 8. To remed) , n,3he-FAALL demand. We % oonduot all our clnsse -- we are also those IS_ THE ONE SHOE} that perticnlsriy meets womsn s rdelire for footwear that combines b`ea_`uty'of outline and nish with eabeolnte foot comfort. The re- enlt in their aele has penned into the reelm of the phenomenal. Ifheir variety comprises every- thing," iron the stout, sturdy shoe for street wear. to the daint- ieet and I prettiest. of shoes for `indoor functions. All styles to Ielect from, _ 'C"I"I"3"S"3"! '5.%i.5`I_I1mer School The Fu;>u| Shoe for Women 5.00 and $3.75 IIWTV `and Mis; J. H. McDonald,` Oum~be'rla.nd street, are now settled -in their new Jesidence on Burton` Ave, ` `W-.'ii:.Whit'e and "1-ifevv. `Canon. ` Mmfphy will exchange. Vplulpits on.` Sunday morning, 1`8th inst. 111 u .5 --- _.-- .-uuv ---- `Myra. V(Rev.) Alfred Bedford re- turned T to Aurora on Saturdayq after a short visit at {he P.8.I'S0I1P-! ;._-' ` CIlVC$rCIIX$IIU9I a-s:1~:-s-:-+-s-+-:-:--:-:-+-:-++-:-:-+-:-:-+4e-:-o:-:-- The C. E; Society; of the Presby- ter_ian Church will have -an out- ing to Minnett s Pofnt on Monday evening. fritxingham ml bride were in ..j,_th_e.vi1lage on Sunday. ` .. V TL; 7 .3};-" Ah! .8 41.- Il..l..`.I:-L -I..._.L V S.tfGe%rgc sf`-A_pp;i-o%:_ichung% H ' T Q N\ipti%als-Chm?chV Nbfk-+Personal`.Items. '1` s . ' w;f-fB9_v. -0."O.'Jb`hnston of Wesley ;~:(3hfuj-ch. Toronto, ai1d'Mr. H. L. ..`_iI;`oy7e ring of Goldwater were Confer- guests at the Parsonage. . 52;- -n79_____ -1-. 1-z-_.x_I_ rn..--... `I 2....` V- v --.uuv-- T `Charles Rivers` Wilson passed Ithfpugh here on Wednesday of last .wek. travelling in `his private car._ `Fl-.. II? 71' `Ifl_*L'-. ,_..I `I1... II... __ ---- vvv --wu --- vw ~-~. .. w IND`.--D-U The ' Bradvford Lac1".o;s; Club in'- _' Vvitogd Mr. fAthol. Marshall _ to join 't_h_e' players on their international `ouruiwu 4' numbervof Presbyterian work-1 "era .will attend the International 8.__S. Convention in Toronto, June 23-27. -orvocn F-.T.i.8B Viola Cbllins has returhd `to. A'Va_.sey after attending the wedding- 01 5her -sister. C`! 1, "TI! ' , \ M12. W; s1$;E.:c.}iT " 7115; T Vjrecovexfed i train his recent illness and is now` able `to atttend to business again. V J ll\I_-"l'|_, Jl|,,I III 1 0 ,`;77.i'i`:"}iJn&}'. W. B. Awqbb, were in gfchurohill over Sunday. A `I II`..- ' - _- tu|__a- 5.-.. -L-.__-.A `L2- II? Ia\I `JILULPJJI .9!!!` V {_MV'ias Burrell of Caledon_ East is iviaiting at her sister's, Mr." James -30annon s. Gowan street. --_ -In ,~ _ --n _...-..-'l. U. \aIvvv (ha; uuavvvg 1-'_.Vev. I-I. D. Cameron will ppeach` `t_o`the B.` of E. and the B. of; L. 9F.` "on Sutiday morning. - An-_..1_i_ n -n nI__1_ 2.. ---a.` 1?... 5i... 1' O` YII EIIIIVIGJ IJJIIIJI ' -Allandale B. B. Cl1;;bi.s out for, the bhqmpionship of the town league.` 'II.. -__.'I `II ... A ..J.L..- T `Kg? luau` yiainlnljrlbilun-Ia; VA vuav vv vv - --= -vu `Mr. and `fires. Arthur J. `McLeod . Bra'L-dtord street, have moved --to fagnilton. ;-.'1n- 1 ,1 ,_`) ;_ Messrs.wC`.W. Poucher and M. {Brqwn are having "gas installed `in their new double store structure on Essa, street. - * 1ww!rv1'1'1"r1"r1"r1"I"l"I"I"3"P8'!!l` Correspondence.` .1..i..I..I..!..l..2..!..1.4..I...!..1..1..Q..Q..Q..Q. .g..g..o_ 4.A ,9, ,a .`.I'w-`vp.w-loo vv-vo V John Clax-l-:..i1:e:'chang ed his -.v.l'l411;,1'-A`to the fast express. ` 'n`:_'_ _; __,._.n_ 1.1.. ....-.L I9` I11: Iv tn-In vcynvwu : ;;es, who sent the past :fmd;xth at Mrs. W. Ca.nnon s,- has 1e- turned" to Guelph. ' Iiv.:_- n-____..n -2 n..|.._1.... -m....a. :. `The I-. 0. F. will parade to the` Methodist Church for divine service: Sunday morning`. Rev.- "J. , Bed- ; lord will preach. T - _ 1 V \ i The _Allandale Tennis Club expects to hold a `tournament some time_ in` \ July. Players are requested to at?) tend strictly to practice. V ,,,, _,,.` The G.T.R. laid off fifteen shop-3 men on Friday. Whil<;.passen:ge'r traffic isggood, freight receipts am ajaid to 7be considerably below par. Tina IIIlI.l`A:`I\rD AK` `Rte... 11..--.. `rLLl_ .IJ&' LU? & O .7`; "A pretty houne wedding took lece van Tueedey,oJuue .18, at the reeidence o Mr. 22.:-Hughes. Feiniew Villa, Leftoy, when iieuonly-daughter, Ida Evelyn, was united .inr1neu"iege_t.o Rev. W.Wllbur McKee. B. A_., - _ t01`=_'0f the.- Firet Methodist." Church, muyler, Nebteeke. U.` S. The ceremony in: ~nAI'nwnInn1` kn Dan D AVA- 435-13 - W-Iv IIJ-III -I- $8 ~Nixon of -North Town Line `pqriously ill. Ii - __..I -It..- 'nr 11 1xr..'v..I.. ......... :.... %V Rv. Mr. `Vauzglg of Vitoria Har-` bor preached in "the Presbyterian Church on Sunday morning. and Rev. 1 B. Adams of Laurel in the eveninLg.i ,1-up -av \I\vn4IJAI\'O_IQI-IOJ |I\-411.! VV yaxg "'"51"he wedding of Miss Grace Lam and Mr. J. W. Scott is an4no_uncd_ to take place on Tuesday at the f-.-~-'8HAN'1'Y- BAY. A` .1` .1 . guuu,ywrg L1 lay: -wwlw d V: r unis I "l`InE',' I,-hI$' -h vuuuvxvu uvln vvu wulvu lung III I UUKUIIUID of on ` blouoms fastened -the bridal veil. Jjill A `no McKee, owned in white voile." Mtended tho bride. w `lo Mr. Harold Hughes the ,aroo1h.: McKee sud` his! jdo left _on1he owning thin fot~8ohnylor,': I 1!I!pI{r!.orpt<`i` *'k"*.;;*a...i{:% uZi2.,'5F_' 3i;Y yaw`, am by Rev. R.Be on.of Strand. "1`ho'f hrid; who is one of hitby Co11ogo s' hit gro.duotoI,..woro' a dsinty gown, oin- broidorod not over whife silk, and o corona: .3` nlonn-an Klnnnvnn In-g-s-A AL- I.-3.3-] --:l ' Corrup Id u will kuullv - `her not tooungllihenr loner: con'l..:|n l':. colic` nnothorwlu lc wu not carry Q10 - ` V! I _ f_! 1e strawberries got ripe. "."'1*h%*iT4diEo*tVs i thellethodilt church into have I strawberry festival am noon :- Iu nn vs I .. '.I U`: ' wm++M3 ii);I; t units the S.S.'rE;.~.Aux-aion to the Blu Monntniul on Friday of this week. .Ev'ery- (body is going. F0: pu-ticulu-I m bills. -u`n__ 11,.-. L__ 1-, . _____A. -3 11;- ..,~----=- - v-_ `--.v w-..--v vv- `flfl'rs. Pau_l hue been the nos:";;V-Ilia. Wmhml, while Rev. Mr. aul has been attending Conference ut'Bnu-ie. . `\_-__-__ YI..._,- .I IN ____ L- 2.. ..-.L;l_.. *&';; i;:g,.'a;;...,..g."*e`"1'a;.;.'. assembled 2. Sunday to hear Ra. Mr. Fish. a former `imltor. who preached afternoon and evening. f`*Evorv_body waa pleased lth the eervlcee. Hrs. Pllliuf E1mva!e,'aaeiated in the ng- .. Thevfuneral of the late Ira. James Hub- tnok lace berelaet Wedneaday. - She 1' a 1'1: d` an she 1 . new-` '9 It 09* .53. "`ge_e(l_gdghbw and afkipd (ea? P9! o _reaident.ol Shantv Bay, hut bad Iftwlth` Mr. Clea. of Barrie, during- L."'l;;o_t':s:o; Hume. ofF.-'I"oz-ontia, via, zoning `moi cottage well advanced. ngbtorlsl together for hit new Hummer resi- dence. Mr. Woods. of Barrie, has his sum- %;?fg:,xr'Ata1~z1n_A;.1:: Vc`cn`Nnns;% LEFROY. The Guild of St. 'Ge'orgefs Ghurohi will hold `an `(At ._Home' tq-day j (Thursday) from 4 to 9 o'clock p.m. at the residenceof Mr. G.'H., Eaten.` Carley`s boat leaves Barrfe'at 4 -and I l6.30, returning at 4.15 and 6.45. % Rev. `Canon Murphy and Messrs. E. A. Little, M.P.P.,' Chas. Pulling and Geo. Wilson are in Torontours week attending the meeting of the Synod. M T e "Mr. J. C. Morrison is at present in the hospital. but is not progress- /ing as favorably as his friends wo}_1l'd wish. Mrs, Morrison` has _taken a house _near Iollendal for a `few months. ' On Wednesday bf last" week Miss Louisa Goddard was united in max- riage `to.Mr. `R0b8l`t Johnson at Cxaidghurt. by Rev. :J. K. `Kidd. Mxyand Mrs. Johnson intend resId'ng here. ' ' V ' vfilled on Sunday by Rev. J. E; Wil- son. East Toronto. in the morning. and Rev. W. R. Barker, Umbridge, in the evening. Thereqwas a, S. `rally in the `afternoon. w_hen interesting addressrs were given 'by_' Revs. W. Burton `Ave. Methodist pulpit was Booth and L. W. Hill, Toro_nto. '% At St George's Church, on `Wed.- nesday afternoon. June 7th,, Miss Helena Collins, `second daughter of tMr. `-and Mrs. W. J.` Collins, Cum- berland street,.was united in mar- riage to Mr. _L. R. Trevelyen. Rev. _Canon Murphy performed the cere- mony in the presence of `the imme-' diate relatives of the t_wo `families! The brideiwas attired in her_ travels ' ling suit of blue - broadcloth," with hat to match, and carried w.hite iroses. Miss Viola Collins. '.gowhed in green silk with white picture hat-, `was bridesmaid. She carried piznk . carnations. Mr. Albert ` Riddell as-- lsi-sted the -groom. Following the `ceremony, at reception tookjeplace at the-house, and after partaking. of a recherche` wedding , breakfast. the bridal couple leitfor `Buffalo, Cleve- land and other American cities. On their return they will reside in Al- Iandale. The groom's gift to the bride was a-handsome piano, /to the bridesmaid a `gold bracelet, to." the organist, Miss Emma `Wilson, `at pearl crescent, to the groomsman a pair of gold`, cuff links, and to the__ usher. Mr. George'Wilson, a'pea,rlc pin. The church was prettily decor- ated for -the occasion with `palms . ferns and white lilacs. ' _ `Mr. "R. Thompdn is .movi ng"to the Queen "City with This" family. He: will run a mail train -out` of Toronto`. Mr, -Wm. Little taking his place here. Mr. and M 5. Wm. I-Iuen_t were visiting ish VTororn`t'o last week. Mr. Hunt. went on to Chatham to see his `brother, Mrs. H. retur-ninhg a.loi;. n-- 1-s----s.-..;9.....`....... IJJI-I wsifuaavsg annowu --~_ ----_-_-.. ,_._-.. V Ex-Alderman Geo. POuche1?`snaxh:: is being freely talked` or in connec-- tion with vacancy in Ward Six.- ' ' thmgot Mr. E.`A. Little, M.P.1>.`| . .... 1'9 '-r1>_.__.L ___-..- Miss Eade of'Jack s Lake Spent Sunday wi'th Miss A. Rainey. MFR MATAAA n.-..n....d. .. 1--.- 3---~ |--` Miss Annie Brown and: her brother, Gordon. are `visiting friends in Ivy and `Barrie this week. Quite a number from this vlcisnity Stock` in the football match between New. Lowell and Bethel: on Friday lvevening. - i - ---... uguu .o-4.1-In 41 Luaxuvy. ` ~`Mrs7 1!/:[cLeod spent a few days last % week with by -son inAColli_ngwood.' -V I 3` Rcv.zAlfred McFar]an_e. late of {Edinburgh Scotland, will preach `in Zion vchurch next_ Bunday after- "Il\l"| Mr. and Lbs. H. J. Schell _spevnt bver Sunday with Duntroon friends. Mr- 1-- -u-_-n-_ ~4- vv awn aauuxbxvvu L1 scuua. renewing acquaintances _in this vi- lcinity. ` `thin Jno. Nevilles of Toronto is Mr} and Mrs. Durniord of com- water are visiting her parents, Mr. iand Mrs. H. Gibson.` ' V - V 'Er1"{riKA of Creomore is the `guests of Miss Lizzie Gibson this week. . A ` V Messrs. Walter and William `Gar-` ruthers and R. McMurray have} their barns rhised ready `to .com -i mence `work an the stozie walls. 3 ..v. v- I-as vs--vv vsav VIII] IGPL VVUUQI Mr, an< i"1-34:8; Rdbert Wallace ha . gone to`Jersey[ City for theirV hon-" days. - - " -. V . ` The ladies of the F.LM. 8. met at thehome of Mrs- Jas. .Brown_ on Friday last _and?Iquilted their quilt for the"bale for "the N. W. T.` `take charge of? a. boat. Mrs. Beaty Moore of Mono i vi- iting friends here. 9 T __ g _ Capt. McKay has, mgome-zq1o_rth V to 'I'_'.r f\ lI|_,,,,:._, 1: n . 5. ' --..._ -----w gr. ur vvtlun T Mr, 0. _'.l`m-mbAly. moved into f bis: lovelyfnrick house one day last wgek. `II . .....I `ll-.. I'\-lI_-_.L 1Ir_n_ ,_ .5 Mrs.` Eden was ' the `guest A" of Z Mrs.-`John Nicholsoh of, Nantyr` on; Ba t_urd9.y. .` . ` _ .. L L . V Rev. J. " Aikenhead `bf: Etouffville was the guestaof Mr;-. Dimsdale `one Adayxlagtt fweek. % " - ' l _ `-3,;-_. q'yg', .` V . R. -_x TREVELYEN-COLLIINS. BELLE Emma. Rev. .-Chas`. E._Perry of Toronto, Deputy Grand Chaplain of "the L. [0, L. of_ British America, will preach at Ederivale Von_Sunday. June 23rd,. at" 2.30 p.m., under the auspices of -L. 0.` L. No. 731. A cordial invita- tiorrist extended to the brethren of the various lodges in the district to be present. Visiting ubrethren will kindly meet at half hour before scr- ` vice at`-the Temperance Hall. v--u. --g . ..- _ ; ' :.m.% W."-::<)]111'g'1)fV` uaaersana 2911- .ed; dnfriends here last -week. ' ` Barrie. -5M5. `_a{nd V Mrs.` An;gusj V Campbell are `*"a`ttending the ,Gou_1erenoe in` u up an vwlio :1 ,_I!_'l -, 'v-M2ss~Lillie Stundn was the guest of her sister, Miss Annie Stunden, o_n Sinday. ' .`-Hr; `G;` 7M{11`r-:;H1ed. Mrs. Vc. Bell ',on Sunday, ` * i---, A_A,L -_,_-_.:_ a-A.--._.`I.... -..j4i LJVII . VIC 3?:-IVAIRJJ Miss B_tewa.1'rt7spentV Sturdaj amd: S-xmday in'1Barrie. - ' `car up * n-'(1,,~J- I,4,J __1| Mr. Jamie: Wright has erected an up-to-date summer poultry. house.

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