Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 18 May 1905, p. 6

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ai _%`mter 7E3}em7? ; Itandoam 9 L fired 0 t that t; -m, 2 95.} L brouf lgh wing}-; se*;`:3w.:1***- 2 E1'i`3 rs"ff' 1,1 ; V1c`.Tfi -`<\*:is} ' zmw. and" t;uvL9 UL -Luuau1'uu.hA `growth have :sprung up `axgzd obl1teraedJ pe,,,m9,m . , .r .atrh;e1nf::*f;'org{ghg;p3;.x:m 1:...-;:;:%~'. Ii ' I ~ , 5...? .abl6.. its $%%gt' Hga%hi;$ -. , 1$l`c:3;[)enE3iib1d" 1 %_ `o&He`F 1han `Tu J V` W3: 91" "M; = * B humble life the ;a_dv_er,tisemevnts for` {missing heirs, which _ app.eur regular-Q . 7'1? seems _t'11at`i :fix-_'1`1-'<;zf1;;_:'_1.)e;;~)'le ho ly in _certain Londoh neyvspapersif are read with the utmost.'eager_ness.i ',` and it is a common" belief -umongi people of that elass ,tha.t.;'they_ may"; .7. one day hear of sv_am'ethipg to their: advantage -in {>pnpec'tion with-' some V long-lost reII'u`t'i`ve', ',who may'?_`; have made his pile, anVdA_reu,1`e n_1b`er-` .7 ed the old folks at home. In `h_ig}_hea`.-37 ; class society it is noted z;1sy t'O"1ose one's relatvives. They have a habiti .7 of keeping in toubh with their uhelexs Q and aunts from whom they h.:_1ve`_ex-e'. `is xaetations. But aixiozr the 001` it. T 7 E5 P is no uncommon `thing fer ti _farhiiyi to be scattered ever the wholeA_\`vorld`. r\ ..-.n.\' -..r -vv --vu...-.v-v-- vvv- uaaw vvpvbv vv \q;A\-no ' ably over 100,000`adve3rt'isemer_1ts tori unknown next-of-ki n legatees. hgirsi During the last `_200'yea'r__s`cons_id_er-? and others have been _i$su,_ed. ' Amt mgf tge curious clainis tq `_z1`1_opqy.`or pro- perty. the followingfmay lq_u.oteg1 for its strangendss: " .;," f\`..... .4? (`V L. `.....-..-.1.l.`-`.`.._ ____ _ -` '_`-_'I.I'9__' `and sisters in E:jgl_nd'.: iiyihjogvseeingi an advertisement for_thje;'n;-_ .got'.`, .to-; LUL u.a ac.La1xg_5c11ca:; 2;. I. r_ i . One of G. s `anc stdrs was 3," Soldier` under Gen. Wolzf . *xAfter _ the":bi xi,va- _ sion of Canada he `s`ett1ed_'_in"Quebec=f and took to himself'"`a ccio1jed'_ W_ife." He became an extensive: pl;zi:-i1t'et"`:tindcf died without issuef ,His'or"tu i1_e svasf left to a -large_f'a1_miIy `o_f_br_others; gether sufficient mQx`1fey_tc ,p'ay[__their.": passage to Quebec to"p%if_ove't"'t_1ieir title. They. hgweve t'`jlbs't heq rt;:;on` seeing the sei1"'zit' ]f.ivf{r13_c_>ol;' :;1'ii`_1ly- stayed there I su ff'iciept1y:,`.l_6xi;g 1 {to spend their passa`,*,*t9."_;ix}"ci':Le59., ,.'>'.'_t_'_te_r which they were . c&qtiitj_tc_ fvs_c_;_;lk hdmeand forego t1``z`-tui;',e." ,"'"'_T ;x____ __A, ...'..ubi-'.`J'3 '... ..v...-- v---\- ----vuv vuv sun-_uVu;m _ _ , One man wroteft f "'1', i( )xIl't&"_jL:nio'.. anything about laivzi/1 z5.`_t_\`,e,"z*s_,"a.\_st Ijve been buried in Tthe_f:p1l':fpitAs", dter since I was nine. `1i`I`3)__xVii',`ft1:1_iAs` will know that m,Y_kn:b`\}s(;I'!e`dg_"Qf.'_the world is very l`i`'1`i t edi"i"I, znV"ttiisi my gzjeat g1'andfath:1"`_ :-v_sf'::1"_, "E `ii ;' "Very wealthy planter. pink! `lel;'_t:'_`:"h'i,f:'.~1je1a- `tives a :lot,of mon!`5,y`,.bt'1;t.`r)eVi'_`11'~g,`_".i)'_`1t- men. they wevetteet;fr`t%`>9; to the West Indies `n.nd`_`lop_k`3f'ater it. and not one "6?"'It 1;ni_",ce,ii1d3":1`ehd or write." . _! .. ",`I.`,`_ ,'.,}`".`,:..,:. T Another ma\n."!3.'=;'\r 1" in his ideas. Wrote: "'Beli'eiri1j*_' entitled to sozdne`, or property.-* 'inh_1'`i`tedi ; -grojj` `sfdpxe near or distant rel'a ti'i'ie'f_ i't"_i.fdziiffbr abroad. I .'h;av'e a pi`1"ti"Ea"i-;i:`(i`i`_>;if1t`t" r't1'j;a,t thexfeiis a. legacy aWai't'ii1' 8ome`s0ure'99 , - ..r`i3'_'..-U `i:;...h ,,."l -'1` wm.wmmmmawmwwmwagwm Outsiders. said Aalr'_17 ggeznti yc_sterf day, can hardly ;ima-'gi_n__.t1;e: _ro mantic stories whzch O,"`.n\k.j3beore,_'_me:; the '-extraordinary claims, t_h:_1;t ;'a!`B: put forward. and._, t1;c".'c;1;rions people? who have `great Megppectat-ions;'A" . 1 .TL' _--,,_ LI 1 _ ,__ I- -l\IIJ-l\l IJVGI. UV: Another agent told""idtifg,-A"iIitt5i`t- ing stories, of 'iii_'"5_c.:'l'i'3f1t.A`_'One man came `to me," i'1ie ,3"j"`i*3:iiif,__Wifitf; a sfory th"h;t -' he .cs-`*- tlib "theif1:' *`1`:ii`Ejf;he r title and estates of" a:`x`t*ain{b&;l-T Arman. U`.-. ..1....--_.._I ._'; .`v.'~-r-.-'~- ..... v. u. uqxoqnu cutl- Tle si1owed i"5;'1E1:'aI``"qd- dressed` to 'his motIiie`1`3 fr't)_1'1i"t`h'e;' ';'r_rl. -and I,,was a1ble tdi=iai'a314' =o_uu9- ehae way were actunllv in t1i_#'!;.`\;ti5i.:rfr;it:ig:1.4;;_ -of that nobleman. ` ~'ll51i;_ii1&T` "go`izi"f " ihto the case further, .h`oNvevBr;"I*3fo1ind` that IIIV nlian+ urns: fhn ulna` 1;` LL.` LLIU U530 l.ul`LllUI'. -~n0~WeVBl`. that my nlientw }a8._t__11__g3 son of the eari. ibut deb'`rre ffom iqhefitaznge. , 1; many cases` 09;`, 99 ._,e-. W 0 otsma aaougms -` !':I1_':`o{zsI`3 do1()3ui`h1xi`ts 1? `eV/;11Qh~:nJQ)";.`r1).liI1d':'gi:hab::Jh.opas ; t , ,1, .1_", 1&7, 3.? ;%%ne`!`3i;9~%af}ef&n:?g1m`` :33: iliasd wrhb zeal: !?idh e[` rrbisme: tcrtxldd `-9Lthe" land. .\ Qfn"-0l)1l'l`.Se--ithnv. (kn run run I...-...-I E 1'8` '~i{l`~F5l`'~'. at) ` ' ' rbdibqnfsziwhl JD I I135`. WIIIU laa: 99::.avra93f;x;:havA--.n9; 0 on?-an e s `or e8f9:f?f`; names Of. an ol`gnl:k1E:iI-.v sl:u:.m. tuuuonet` :?Mme.'!.*h`I-Ida ~9ilh6` B552?-3I0h!.'5` {flint y\r~vuuuqAvLn vs. IrA.l\ll.I. uvnnvv 13v: on the other h'it1:i1d.f' i`_si`aqvast ` amount of property in`eha;ic_ery which no one hasjh i't`h`e`rt9 ib en.",abl{:' establish a 1ea.'t'- c1a ijz'_n, ja'n'd` "-thig; condition of affairs }i'4,aisi_ .1;rtS1;fgh;tI in?- to existence ra n'uzzi,ber_"'of T'.;1'gi=;_ntsg, who make a` busi"nes `(if fe,ndea} *oring' to bring the hein: Vahd th'e pr'op'er t5 together. ` '7 ' V 3 `$199. .-.)_H8`!'E.'.".1V!1l.`UJ wants glyrye-Lqe % "n&i; Peers of -mushronms. 'g1jqvv_t_11 cnruisnp Ian ......I -.1.I2A.-_;,. uuu W {U l.0n8Cl'Il6SS,* "W'nil`G -mushro'nm..:.. - rowth- D mnd I`\|1\';"n'I'ogQ-Intl 6-Ln} `it uh Of` l in 999999999999 (5 E?RE.F-EAR %F'OR/-it 9 ~, ~ 1'9`;-:1_ 2;; '.`:.:'r`-.5 112*-" I ' ' 5 4 ' O O O O ,. . v. 1 g `.s oboooojououuoooouooobz llNk'\J CHIS EJ. ILLIWLDUI -LII\t U\l -u we... SUV ;' .. ._ :: -. . " 5;. - . ;Orde 3-5}) s_Te b or otherwxse tom 1 jatied ed to. =3 {`\-L .7`-' ` ' -` W e*::" 5: -1- 1; . .1 I - fl 5: IV ' -r-'I\l\ r `V. 11..-; .._-.A"V n.....+..,: aex`jijpJy;z3_'1?el otherwlse promply;/atpena ea to. . 43- :*:";%`;I{ % s 7 ,, .1;-DOLMZGE, Mwnagegf; sag-ougz. -2- ., -2. . " 1. --. :-_ ' . ~ V n :1 `L. { . .. . . II I 2 ' 7 `T2 '1 A -, -_ I - , p. _`_ Ft`: glfrii v ,1 ! 1.:-"':.* 1- av` . A. Barrie. Ieanin g OUSBCF .`. , 53.3: , em .,;.`\>+++1~|--I-+4-4!-+4-+-3-++++-!-E-!-it-+-i%+ R \ Mv-uu. 2->.m~ .~..'\e\\' . ..sC\:x m \'.1|>~ u.v.x:a...m.on:mnur~. u...z n .1.-nu vA'o'.'. ha. 1 Bombs` were found in a `box in a \ :'3`aety`A deposit vault in Moscow; g 1"rv".sxJ` .i>osevelt_ . has. )re..a9hed. r.._)-. ashmmqqgafter his holiday trigp.` W Tlxqigqi R. drop ` r_e'por't" snows` egbndigons sign the ~\vestr to -be =e1`x.:- ,;}mrem{I3*'5?u_3r;jrable. _ , A , V , . - _ gflt ;;`ay.\ij",}r1ed.rstood `that the Grande r;, _.runl_';I; ic will "bui'ld . 1 ' briuich _t.{i,`b Paw!`-=-A.-r`Haur. o -A - : gixsig Two...subter.ranea.n.._.. g.aa.....exp.loaion.s, I! \'ccurre_d in Paris, :\gd :1 nu1n.qerrfo, J eople were injured. `~` '"" ` it-_`9} Stampo du_.ti'es- .ixnposedgby_ Austrigv :I'.i8w .si.%w9. '"ox9is. AW: =1 sur,a.:-i,99e= i Wmepan-`nee ' bet`-` or chm: =tre'~t . ` 3 3 ~ -2:`.-f The Jewish Chronicle, ore`;-Igosrdba, :; A iiiltwatea....'.th,;..,d9..9i9.%$1.u...2; .. .y,rant. full freedom to the Jews. .i-;_';;The Presbyterian Synod appointed A deputation to "urge. the Governi- !iient* 51ol:~ `3 tot? k;r%iht5"~li5t1,t1'16riI52-Iioeri-S 1.. `v , l(";} J > -'1 fl T: " ' .-; :..n . ;-:.a.\Im.I I Ii! " 1' -. _ Tgvsfaperiag iloii``:3'.l_>~`i"r -th~r\ish. 1 We make `a specialty of Medium Price 'vfP;` i `= 3.3` *1 3 1 g ,. A ,1 0f1;i!;(iS in t?o`ck%or mari rape anj;a,};lFuneral Regblxiaihte s furnished :mTt_Axr 1s...~._12os. :3 -'-=I;;u= ,. 1 . .. , . . H, . &++~l-+++++-if-I-l+-I~!--E--I-!~!--I-I-7l+'!:vljg_-_; Iuvuu '.uuu" Lu' Bsuu-u Is\tunvn' -nvvuuvu Now;-:_()j1tari;O ,.;;'{.~,,Navigati_on on`: -; ;1_1;_. Yglgqn? RLvgr: M111 reopen about mine 1,'an`d` all` 's"9i.$ l.asses"'0f" m'ai`l "'rn'a`tt`esr': can" `therefore ` Qfiiaraccepted on_and after May 24 at transmission. to Dawson and all ._,`4_);her'A`po1'nt s'. in. the- 1 ukQ_n'ft`rrit,Oryf, ; f,:f_ The, Railway Comz`1,1_issio_n has q_qm- `;"jg'1uniobatVed`-V`toL Lthe railwy_. companies 42;- __-_-_-_.-|" .1: `LL; `._...-LI;!...L` Ac`. We reuewa1 of . 3the}. :oo'mp1aint:.ot'% kippers of apples and other green ';gf \1it, as set forth in the petition Zfpjlking tha t" 'Y)'t`t"`x"" `fz`i'oiIit'I"S` :b'` by the railways. `'3 -'-?n{:` ;s;:ThE;` 9ii7`7 - *_`.:-`7 *"5"A. ;.%`.`<. I '.. . 1 ;s.r:f,?:Th- ?%r='vv't-. :. st;1;&!"r*mr=' .' -..-J u Fixndurix Park for the Twelfth of wt . f`? ' '-I ' v A . .` r'_`l !, 1 1`: ' |"3';'.':f`;" s=~r-Ham'l`Lb.o`~ .0 !!an3 menkw-irII 11'v:!:;slx:: v6 ;'1.E116:~t='.Q"" `if-;.~:,f)'ff gm `. 5`-"; M7~:?`?:I'9y!".:; say"c1`a*e *1ui'en?5iii's`{"'s`sl:}`rz<*ii :" "t*h#e `-`1s""'-` 1')"6t"`?"{_$,`b1'f' W ".".` .-`T. - :'.`..""" v :1 . :2 Several cases oi ,1pgj,],p9,;; gt `a 0 1 '3"; "wt, H` `i 1..., ' I ' . I "J I` '.c I a nut`! .~5 l51?~3aF8."'1 9Pb!.t.$1' fi'om:` Dozwme Towvnshjp, near Stragford. _. .,._A .m.:....".. u....:+.1.._ ..:u.`.`'.......,s:'...;$-. .lUVVlI3u5# . llluul. DLl'u;l_.LU1`u. W _.",,_..!i' ~,;-'j;A_ldi_VSQp S_;1;i ,;fjSh}'03\;?SuP, -`.R)n`ti~=" E-ziu~-lB'z ky , -0nl?;'. ~` b let'r ra*t:ed"*a!i ls 107th bixjt.hda;y.,' _ . . ~ I 3 % .l\is>i1r1t~,$; ..::Dspa-Kmpt: O0i1't`!i1I")`l`if\`0 `t1ie " "o'pe${1'1'I i g `Of ` a trail-" 'tzjbz_r`1` 'W_innVi`peAg - to 'the>'west: `shore of'HudIoi1"s Bay; `So Fullerton: and Churchithwili }bQ-'{iepe{)`dnt ` upon ocean nayigvatiou`",[6tj"_"i1p1i,eg. A 'If4.*'F6i's";g:_i';;j11`_a 'f1fL_)'i}c');it`9 "'ai"t`.. M is at .W9rk]v i1:dn` -z1T-.x%6'rtfr$&it- 013+ Ilqn. V .11.-, . St;t,her.lz.i=:1d. -. Sneaker-'. i;Q.f~j} t.he..Hu us.e; oz. zoommons. r .-,=: g _ The Island ' `H nnnn -an.` `I.. The steamer \{at1_cp1;_vgsr_arriv`e'd~ `t'i`f:' Quu`bbi$' Ia`-e-kc w'ek4 -x'v"i*t1f "t'i1i3`SalvTLT;'n ,, Army i'mmig`x`:hitvs;'-`-`I1i~-'i3;400 it`-if tiers. were landed--.41-t ---that--~'-por-t-.~ ~ ~--- ` Y3__ .._ Dnnllnm 2... T....\..... {.g;;..gggggamggairimrxagg am --..- -----v--..-- ._.u.,., 5,`, . 0"" .5?! 7'37"" _re.parod by t'I'1e fapanese `for 3 "g- The APOITS Knwlu v as'ua @;3w:m%3i%:: um: I-e-`.......g ...... ..L..L:.......I ...._._ rn_, . . 5 _ ,, :. ,w . {m`.'.*. v3:~a:b.=:;I.;.;.:! .-3 .i! am 3.9 sibiaim ;s;:;[` 2. 3`1Ex`u'5 .-Ems .az>i:a"*s' 3' in .f3;s.n.; `.-';ii.m~:'N C? ':?)j31o-05} b;;'=z'.:x :'ria:iV Lev; :smE.*.- :-34:3 \3_:.\':::.rf A3E`i'a:.z`, .13.;`-iL.';Ivr; dam am `:10 ! ~':;_b:3-5:-1 is Because no remiums. D!` an or can as areever v . N . . _ v A 0.: vs a vs II\ , _!A.l--_ A- LL- 1..-_;-I._..Lr .% M i.%n'%.::`::%= .3 mtg? :<;A::`;;_::[ ---u--...~x.- % g V~.`:;. r" You d`otn t get a `1:rL ;n"ium wigh B V use e butterig Vvvh _ _?witl@~- ed Ros` ,,, ' ' ` ea is not` we if " Ehing. "'*" "7' )4 - J. u . ` If you aye :i?I ' ..z." W - , M m AwpJ`:i`ri owiea not premium is thrown in f;ee.,,._ __ 9. 91` w "'.'i."if~.`T.'?'l .. -1.. 1: Vzzriemz _n'w_ :_, `._ IIILIII I3 EIIIUVVII 0- .` 'I't1'lf.!`? ' ' ` I$"u " A . I .' I h iii` ' I. `L 5' ., `E99,! 3?!" "" .:, ..~::?.3. ,..4.. TI ..-.4 -..; J-..Lb`u` gang -4: annual. '1 0.' Qflvmos a "tTfe fyffm 53' vmosa has Voe ::\:'x:\n:|n fun 81 M _ 7 ' _ : 1v '9 -D ' .6 on `cuvgnuwoln-I 13:? Q 1 Tea, eithgt to the merchant, , u.g- -;.-.v -91 mo ' an A L est 5 at Snyde r;_ '0kl a`hOu`11, "13 -nm\"_`~ expe qt- gm" ed t'b'exeeeld one hgiiidrd` persoxis. mt `E`igh`t'yA-three 2 b'o died e`~have*7 " _z1'l*re':1'd;`y -Leg. been `r*e e9ver`e d `and `a7 doze-ri*}ot5h'e`1*.s i-"t. ar'e'"sitiil'l` mis'si n`g."" Of? ti1efft>'r"_t_;5"-"')::1e* of 1: i'ii`j'11`red,M xeve`1 zi1<"ai` l1'l:e.1y" t6 tli .7*`5` ,_qf ` Nan Patterson ha`sA been released . .., ; wAi.thou't'.!bai'l.' " => .. F ;z-2 ' \ . g. 3,` The l'xs`tb of dee not ' :'sfc>i`'i{"f 1_;t'1"i"""_`t>ric`e` When"? reg, rgggzii m cggts some; : . .` ' ' ` , .. r` W ,4! t:., ' it.`='zv . . I` W ` _ ` u ` =.`r.I.;`. ails :3; ':=.u. m `-..4 L : `I3` " IVCIZOI-Q '7 KO `ya. Iv-vw V` - -*tM; 1$:1*itr%!:=1'r`? i;~3V1..=:s3'...:~:z.=*[..ta.W` ag reement. a rake war 13 threatemecd. 2 : QC.-nub: :9-f '5tl"`,- rT9-nt-Q-5`~ 119$: u.`}~%`i'd?.f;1`.f954 :.'i1..tI.%T3` "`"?" %Y".`.~.j?'.i"_.ti*'*'.%"'* 'recti`c`i'h' ?bf "'21 *:V j 1. ,v " `3B u9`y' 43 r`tT-`.'ri3 ctr -[A 11- A I __ l_-__. '.v ..f:;x,':i. ..-.'.!:`-'_s..?.,.: _`. `%""'[`T0`T."t"`" ' ::t`sir:a":v ret F5911"??? `?Mari$;`3i*1i%!61%`s><:i'1sa?e 0 ms: ;H.s%-M.'.a%=in'if9zi}:xE>#:ii"7-`f 0 $300,000 tofthe" Gifand Trulxilt P9.'ci'fic" .. .- ".1... 'n.H'!'I tn KR Tn%?l3Hii1i&EI2s.li3ig.% ""d; = , ., , .. . _ `_ _.`a .. \-, -ed" : 1 I -`- - v ` 1 I l 1 :--g " . i `A `x If:.` SYIVGU-H1 IVU-llVVi.l!p [Gil ULL LUV LLQIVB `N .| s were ih 1-`3.`f2:'3`135T -ix?`-ii 395 Y ~* .': ;? ?`E -'+`;`.i ?`?? *`iI I .5 vourre an' bbtfi t am it`- =:`?a`i` \%f%l3`-E3i'?3y 3i %.'si`>xi`# *= be deadv and one hundved injur- ' "3Vft`hd2"aWal"""`~0i"""'f"88 Verdi ` = N-I`-on ..---..v~ vr.>- r.-n~:<=--.~.'. m.-=:rP:!'s:'.~.`.~- 1. '.-:'u 1'1,`-.,'.1"'.1 !; :4`. 4 . `Lt; J. ` ,1-nmortcvt ;..a2.*~` .- 0:$9\m.. $..ha.t. . %-myna " t` 1iw1y2it" _tii1""`Au'gufj.` *' "' - :u..--.u ;. I.h ..- 4-3:`. '1 A._\.-__. --n L-._ . A LI. .. L! - `silaxi Gov'i`;im,tf't. i-.. -Mr. Baitonr; iii "'_frp1`ying t--oi] -a' :que"st.'zon. inxjthe ;Hou`sLe of`:fC0'mIn9_I1S. luqavun.q__ \q_uy. _. .s;1-id Athacprogress of -Russi;,to_;vv,a1fds I I5` 4 ` V_ . . the Afghan froi1t'i'r and `the icon- struction of strategic railways com- ,.pe11.ed.. the.L,..Gov.-exznment, ,....monside.r, .. \\'ith',:g;}gm seriousnessggyhat its. g,3;j;,gt Gz"`y,1tA.`: ? Bg!l,tai"_. '.`1;z;g;'rnzi. 'ced;`f{;ff`f1j_ 31` v , . +1: .5; .1, I22. v- at); Jet? xii` ` % '1o!1:-`1of'A=' % 1'3, I7 si? 7Ih that *1 "5`*\v'}iA `1>l1'% =1-"-`Rt:'1 i'a' 'v`=`nt rav Asian states had- been absorbed, and if Russia s strategic railways were -1.2 9-_. :1" ,39.?+'.*}-..'sr';;?. ;;.- -'.,r.m.9 .2; it 53 "f`i'(>'i1"'t r('E af""_B `Ff ' `\V'51'c'f `= -' i1`[ El`i'tT:`o1 sV" 1i:"`f:1`ci3:tf""W?i' t`l1"`=v?t`1 1e5t~3,rgr(:r:x1:-7-`-' :` est_u_1ilitaV,Y p!`_qb_1m ah}; ,ha eve r. _oonJ, rqntpd. Mr. Bal'f-oluryziiided 't'ha1_:. although the inasion_o,f 'Indi.:1._ -\ v a_s` much tVa.lke.d of" by} .B.p_ssian dff,i;qei`s.` "he did} not b"eliev'/ e Tthaf` it.`-fo'1`mcd= gtnypart pr the`-chg`~.mej os.`t1;e_"~R'u. 7-)2 r . . . . -.r..- _ - no_xVille_, , I\`I'lI ,_, `..f`iie.:;"..f.:a':`;,Iin. Tnw,a.i. x.%. ;M.A.. 1 ..h as. .he.n.. ap.p.ointed_g;3;gpggeedg I:)yjT.m\ZVhitney as ` principal. 6'3` ***B~`Shb'zis`t 7 ` 1t~l`->39. L921- -,_-__;!Il_ l\--.. \ lA`~`o(rI1 ;`s!w!eApI~t;;. M993 ; 7 `last week. ;.'..P,.he. ..t9,wix.sS;3yd9r, :`.'*. %..S . "[iz1"rt`i`21I ly" d`s t11oy`e_`d.""'atrd: ram~"~-Ah*uh-.~` ~ dregi ypeopl; 1.` fblfved . " i 0:; FISQVE b99. k,.d-. V . ":'*v u v . ` .'x \_ ,.,.m,`,, 3 - riegl l_by}_ a` vote 'q_f"7'77 to.55.. F, .~ 1 ' `T-11j"`R'eV. 1`.'-'_Mc1`\I5i?.s`2}!1f*<)v*f- Cd'1`nVi'E$i1 l`.= % !1% .m:*3 Gaeli 'a9tni>lae:tz.~}:is:ss1mi`de; :: .n., 2.. A -1. ;.1,.,.;. _-____L.. _. .t\.L.1.....3n LU! Ivy '-1M"1uax= `WY 'H.r4."-.'.Y :3 W1!` 'iN`-" "TN 1'! l_by_\`_ ail vote at 777 _o.55.. ; ,.,...... ab. 7: at `VI -I o-' ,. ..A gpaasensex-:_`it-`%1i!3:_~4031;. t'h9:, :,1. 9nn3 ' sv_l_vz1__n'x2'1:_`R:aiVlV_v__:1}".\ rfaix "pf `the "track 1 T..a:';;..L.'."'m :'..`-s..`.`.`~a.`.`;'.'~.'-a``.. a:=:".*.1-2% i '2- h.'.`.`-n""n..`~". 1 2A mimge` was eheemzat Rochasten betivehn :~.t-w elv' e~ `and: = one.:. :o ;o1ook.-` 1011 Thursday : ~ in ;. -. `.|:;he.- 3 Oxanadjazn almoene of.the`l'aIke.:; .orost;s.; Saandhills. towns -=0i,.t..i9S " :an.d~.~ ..=b0t1!ts_.~. .\.~=s>';1:e ~ 411,1 .a .17-. .-`~.,.'.`= `._,;' -3 Th? :..ia_us U`.-. ..-$1. Ci?! -. .f..a'-.l`1"9F9 Eiilal;-. ..t.ndns the, An.n1nis:i*L>s!-1 I}. fmw 9hiSe W mr%r%ie~d ~x~;m99 W%3-.-..t.h1f0`Y.i! (.10-. f].nn~R:fnnin:~nn-I (.`.t:|v'v\1Y::."f-,)`d` nl 9ll.1="'e- w IeI,m'nv..u .-.v~;uAW.*.*- V-V~"'~H`v'"Y9 .Lt"I1e ' Legislciture.` out bM1e9z:z.mV:`t;tw>:[ "YTIh9 ;Qw>b ~I:e3isla~t?@..m`i'l; ixi:.> 5* '%5I,g'I,; J?_S`9'j;1?n7 Ma2z g.,:. 1:. .; .k;Th9. 3:312-952$. ..Z*il.1.%ms. .,}addA9;%s '!!;8.;; biz; .9fi9e:%s.. ativr; xm rsvmv y at t r`.b`F8a .s:.a3 .a%i.os:-or; ; t.1mZe.'r: ung. that the Russian deeo;_t.;:;a:_t Mnkd..6_n. : could 559. sexplaimda son-lxmby I119 .13.9.rx . sthatw; ..t:1.w._ ;&i1`I1lY. .-ahqd come enervated 'by.-.d; .and t. `.`. ...-; :4 .:u1._` 9?"-. _ J am7a?.a;;m4 *5 * :M_.'. g ; " ..`:\-.-r-. ..":`:-+=~ "V '* T ef:eE...'ihV;f. Va:.V-::`.f`z: tv~J1;e.t`"'{1ad`_":pq,rpoip< "" le` _.t " t`i`;`e `1"`2t't'1`e' 6zie"s"` ,u }`hr`e t #3 - `wvoumnbecomes-rm-~pwey-=-or~xvo1vesjgg `q? _as to :be rLd of the trouble of _ca:`h'% orthem. `but thereis no evidqgijei f ` .` `J 1. .":I;. I ]\/f.-1'.`(`r 5'r.zalr'I_"~l.5:" l!{V1.1ii'{far .nf' in-_-- v m w - . . . The .ifaste.r.~ 4'., s 1 a'ti' V the pursuing ` axuifi`1s proached him."-'Whe_hT[l:he;' "forem_7' ..on.e....w.aaV..c.los9n ..;upn.n .Ma.9 dog ,. J ngswned sharply ar.ound.~,_. 35 .0 "d-irgcggg a is `I a {it $13: -deadw %(gI.p,w` H 9,);1er ]_ V ,.; ` 1 .1.-I` - ... -. ` : F 0.2 L":-1Ii`~;u::< .`f 3.. .5 '. ..m% mzzdttzt V .aa" Haactmaaatie '3bBAi`ii%i!i13~|!~';$m ;;;: c ' 9.%lBti3>3l.i :.i:I-i.'if*-Itiltlgon gtf I` nnnnn __n_L -_ , I-Ln;..-:uuaIp`\4n-.m a `A g::% 1iL:-I:%i-3"vE1e777Ie:; went '4 :5 .-x .,1i.4-l.n,lj,_i_;I1g._` ; ..Bu.fn'i r1`3`at7`iiihhs heuird t*1ifh = ibbi1,e`: `o-at"s1&i,'e*` ~ h` gi 1`1u t:?1 '*`l7t ` is ``1-=~ir%in:`sxhet1re!n.'>.-tie Nsbeasm.` `* W .L%en%t% verx : V iyouna; .~ T0.hi1.dP5i :i'i$ knoivii `to' `H6 e'x"ed'in g'ly" kcn. "t`drn+"or'1"t`l7i'`1if"'t'h``1Iv'" to we 1.. .1: 5150;) hgdi found ,tl1e_i;' own way ; Wt.` `*7or`i`l-y3"td -:i1!:a`~`-"'p"re$*` to .the[ wol" .{ Elle-`.',$f9P$';.';at.---`first _:Q1S1 WEISS; 120 ;' ` ..2.`a`...-L. .LL-4. LI..- 1-_LL;_. |., Qglneir prey. or whether the :3` -_ e` . ' ` `ii i1'&"a1"1 - `-~*ta3r:3i'l5'i :` `xetiK.'e1 I .`.onl1y!`-*;:few .Efd with La . ,., .3 -.'...<.?.lY.*.`:.~f`...,.WhiS2l1,....9ll.W9} 1.-..Qd .'7~ .-. 1.... -.....; I--..I-.\A .1.':..... .. - ..-a..-___."...| v - u;.v o.-uv "rimmn.=2 -% 5:2` we V -"`1.`f1)`i?i'11"`-"'t-`H6 "'W't'17'tf1~'_'t!'. '3l``_i"x'ii`i'1`1 ."?`"9i*'1:'iVliTf1" -`W33 L--..-I!_.. __,!L L -'- -'-' '.---- "'. f*u'7u7-7- " ; were s 5 _ `&w_v.p` 1 ;. e absence of o_ er 7 `033. w1`hunprecende~nted ferd '1,` .' V * of-. them. an saiw _"Sk_ -3; slaughtered. At_ mu- H; was noticed that even,-`@111. e -e usuwmohm-~were~--mu-y--grown. .1....`.. -L:.-._.:_-_| `H; .z-_.-__ -. `ow-J .-- .-was; v so -"...--.T.. .. ,,,_ ,.._ ,.vs.:9.Lm.....whis2h,. tacked-him as` hp .w-as ,return;ggE from a` hunt near Cape Ncrth.'f?:.! t', _wa_.s...grVowiz_1g dark ,a`t? the time, thss,- ms dotibt-."`9,:v5 H-qddagi9z_m`1 Q;.(-I; .i -. _- 1 , , __-3`!/;,; I Tht; t_;'he huz.19t_e1__-, . _,;:an ._y_ vvvv vv vuv uu--sh-U` navel--09 |-..Ii- 2 I , -,1 $3.`. . m=.; m.-`;~. _;n _ j'eox**~3t~ %"3 Ii3~i``$"r* cou Lomes the `tale of two Indian tjlit-V .,<!.r.s2s:..,..;.%.l;ax1.9.a*.,;u.kz9=e;1..r.u.ns1s.z,qmed gr wdlves. The mother_had died._,l' V ;- ing the `two little ones to the ` e of the father, a h__u;1ter, who, nzzag Eshdr-t'-~ af:1`66d,3 1';-aa"u'r`s_:c .._: _'A-_-, I I """` V ``' " \""""` V"`_CC-I-5'55, V7 `3I`I IaI ' .b.W-ling. Wi.t.h::sra8. "ans! a onse. .a.n.diT my h`n'E e"z"' "kind `?`}1r:a"t`L*t`izn'*-'1 ma; ....... L`......-l J .L2.. _._'_\4T a__n_,,'_ , wt . `-1: ~ .=.}`{9}.I5??.`f`1",..1:.'&" }% a9urd- `:3 i The trapprs and others xnhb ' "_ :`1`t'>'i"'E`li'"`ii 1`-"S' ' TF1-g '-':1o&,g_;hf33 Gient to orgaggzp as-iiiviti-`*'= "the `w`o1vg'.In `knew of their ggigi .,_1f;n.<::ra,a3a_,_;,.._g.nd ferocity o'flate it -'3th:5v'i' be simply Azmpossibl `j;=__t;) protect the `buffalo against "L. _ , ' Llim ` o clolq, ,.t e` fox; it ne@;s:'""' E'f`7"'? Y` the?` f`mainj4' barrel of his gun. .which`brou_`.; down the second wolf. though wifig ;-fL'L- H -'.'_!3.I!1l"l. J52]. :5!'L'. -5:`: .2 VII... -91'. 1- 1 l"!L`o'i.'.I'e`!T`IJ'.`.'I- 5..fY..3`*|T!" s'v'7li`..' !'f!"".."37"'_ ` _ A n 9. 9.9 ..~1I.!=<! .90 8 I $3.59: ?:`1_5"k?% h sueaaxubra .5d'3lri5t~3'i:P<*3M4i6ken V = .1 '~'~-=`!'ha=`wintar"ti1e`rewa3"m'9zrk.ed 15$ .1 Annnfnntlv Inur I-amnnrnhn-A nf nhu beastvwa ready _g__pring upon him." He had. sc`arcef' ._ fired ._his, third; ch`ar.g,_' add had` 1'10 dpf)brEi1'xiity to ?rel=6adf. '? `whenf two .othe'1=! 1 :-wotvel spraing ":a.`tr.-.hi;m.~,.v.-- ' ` V V 10`! n`..` - U PM: .1 3!."W"'*"`~`5'r*H``"'%~` `. . _"I; ,:%;4.Ioh.%nM-;49aIi.i;4~;: .:s>r 02% V'.'BI`Bt6I5'.' ` hila `air -`eX.6i'tin.g` exper2e'%_ :1}- .10-c.-i'1 - -. ~. P. n- -.~.I._r.._.a -. ~.-'|__ _ .9 L L A , J1 :_'*'-Just as he wa.s-,stxr`rking .r3ght and. left with his.:.m; un at.;the-.v:.S8.V8.8e` beasts. .xand:*,fea.1`.in'3 i..-that `fhiga :-last hour -had come; ass .s.tan.oe drnivgd -in the shape of :1, , n'eighbbr.- .w.ho .-shad heamd -' hi: i cri.ea.j. ~fo`r 1 I'hel'p;i an d 5 who hatpppeneds to.-'be=. . 2tak.iing ia; shbvt _-tout througli-. t he'.:w<`1o9_l.~a:t fo 3. .nei':gh.bo1'.ing parish. True to thei1:;:a-`cLoward'ly1'nag- .he.~Yvit?.`w - ,- 93' 3@,. `shed '69 -.I}.8:'a :99 t1.?'%` = s.>,rVA.,.%>L1>rut.s=. .l94k.%:aWar Te j..--.'. `.``+:-') 1. :-.'-a.-.:`:.:-. '53 IV L-II-VII VVVIV LILIIJ Val` 0 5}%F<?*`E.-=&%19$9rd mkn Frnniana f:I\A nlhnna |I_I J -tr vwv -Irr1Iv' Ivlmn-a` l""1W!3IJ`-1 VUVIVF ,and troops L_u'e statjozled near Ta ` . T ui. ; `:3. 9. I 5 2 Qamr::wn::.;A. L` xiral Rojest ` ` fleet .was . ' 'renoh waters ..cxa,utly twenty-fog ' A 915 . . . , J. ...,., 1*" g The?~f;1_.;iiz`h'"`aib" a'gi`vq1`t'isi&ig~,t < mm` "t`\ve'/v'it`y- t"wd~* su:5l:Bn*"vess -:5-i-E:' 1" .'!'.' ..:x`1 `L?! P ..`t ... `_.:`.r .`5`_~..a1: ':1:`..`a _: -4`5v_YIl'!~`. L: 3; g_; '_.=_: A` W3 1` RJS*V9&k.v= (8.. : .:sa4-_; A9 bf? "v3'.t``- :ra:9!.:i5: 49!-l?t` 2'?! st. 99 1.5 n.199k.iIa swish 9={`sp`.':a _i. 'hi.3'."a*5;':-.31- 3=1.`.'-L .11: "'.~:x';;; v1=2',- 9.-`:i.f.`,8: sb1 -;:.*`.-`3s?:.`V\.44%.*8f b,e!,l_e; e W29 xiifterem; thihza.-T :;T1iough `n?.l. thiy{qn(gig?-f.:;';&1u;';.;]Z' mutp 1 ;..5m% ;.:&a!%;:%:rb'rf l...ioLi`1T " amps `. .~..:`8i3':L1.'x'.~Vl3;.:bi!| ,U; Wnno --ovnnv-L V Ann` L. -2. -\`:1,~.r .. ` En`.*r" ':"~,ra--1aM`.;;_f.`!_""'; "`.J`-:|v;7"r_3F":`_:"f."iK- h ;3;:P9F...r99n: :b3 s9ga1;n.ted;.a,o.n. -, tn 1 .-3. 2: ;1_-yg)(j ` nn If 1\rnna- up Av-A I..- -....- `- Ar: -.;c~:V in _; % `E? 0." ii$`p*E`&a&: `v".!1?1t:.;ek'.th;-`?`gi`;a:r.~e`l`?`\sa %ixr` gsts,;rnxe`Ef:t 1 :m%*.- M.-s9t%s%aazsmi {M5 3 59d0I1l. bwg1,:. . ` ,. :-...Jud:rin `by. the .1m`1'f)-nxrr'a_l-i:w": .`: i`+'.."`_." zW~:22t- ._;A ` vuaa u. uuu.- 0011133 (l0W". .._;:3__)_, _._.,' ____` -W9-zis `lax; t%Oi".A.:l-1`!-.n.I!la-liaal".i'.d`I-hlz gtfa? iktiss` <=..=&;+wsia,I ;v.:.~:2i`11-.-+=h9r~.t1,s; A '1_x9v._ A _.9q9% ;Ii\!s=3nn! 0.1.1,-.~=.lz?-...~..?'t,9 V ?$3% s32i?W"?F`% ,`*"`-?=-i;?`~ %t" .` +=':;A%n t11iet\{gaod~i`p6i1ita.=aaoauL EHe=~=aa: ianese generals is. ~thg]: they .id`o%ho',`: ,g_ T ~,,dg;v ;; _. cizf . yd` -. __. I J` - j " U. V, . I Z%*:%@`:`.Z. I`_|:luIV|`.ll"4||.lII'H'.i\.-` '11`! 9132!!!` uf!:"IifV.` !'.`A%HOI'2S5 . V .' `'-.-r `. , L1 Scny-aps_:_'lx ,_l`xl_ o:soph}-.1 % 1`!'l'_ I'3"ir `II .' '. , 1"` $3` '15:` th T 78`1i`rs*-` ~u..n:.unu .. n.

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